UMDK :: Volume #18

#1717: The ninth emperor

Swallows, the Great Emperor......” stars Great Emperor brow deep wrinkle in the same place, on the face full is thick unbelievable. “吞噬,大帝……”星辰大帝眉头深深的皱在一起,脸上满是浓浓的难以置信。 Several other Great Emperor are also shocking as well as puzzled of face. 其他几位大帝亦是一脸的震惊以及不解。 How can?” “怎么会?” Swallows the Great Emperor he?” “吞噬大帝他?” ...... Trembles with fear! Doubts! And is hard to conceal appears on the face of alliance expedition this side people anxiously. ……惊颤!疑惑!以及难以掩饰的不安浮现于联盟征战者这一方众人的脸上。 But, the great antiquity Great Emperor, Dragon Blood Great Emperor had shown the smile of teasing. 而,洪荒大帝,龙血大帝已然是露出了戏谑的笑容。 Rumble......” strength of tearing vault of heaven swallowing. “隆隆……”吞噬之力撕裂苍穹。 Just likes in the black grinding pan swallowing vortex, is sending out the sky of abyss overlord aura powerful form ice arrogant campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices emperor stage together. 犹如黑色磨盘般的吞噬漩涡之中,一道散发着深渊霸主气息般的强大身影凌傲凌霄封禅帝王台的上空。 Is looking at that familiar face and form, the stars Great Emperor double fist pinches giggle makes noise. 望着那张熟悉的面庞和身影,星辰大帝双拳都捏的咯咯作响。 Also is really the letting person feels saying that accidental/surprised......” Nine Nether Great Emperor taunted, it looked askance to look at the stars Great Emperor, you misread the person!” “还真是的让人倍感意外……”九幽大帝略带嘲讽的说道,其侧目看着星辰大帝,“你看错人了!” The stars Great Emperor brow wrinkled was being deeper, it is looking at void on that form, unbelievable saying, even were you also bought?” 星辰大帝眉头皱着更深了,其望着虚空上的那道身影,难以置信的说道,“连你也被收买了吗?” Swallows the facial expression of Great Emperor to be somewhat complex. 吞噬大帝的神情有些复杂。 He, said, does not have, moreover am I most am not willing to stand at this moment here with the person who you confront......” why that?” 他顿了顿,道,“没有,而且我是最不愿意此刻站在这里和你们对峙的人……”“那为什么?” For person clan domain!” “为了人族领域!” Swallows the Great Emperor to reply. 吞噬大帝回答。 Stands behind you that person, is actually the chief criminal who causes the person of clan domain war......” the stars Great Emperor gets angry the sound to shout. “可是站在你后面的那个人,却是导致人族领域大战的罪魁祸首……”星辰大帝怒声喝道。 Swallows in the Great Emperor pupil to flash through wipes the different light, its vision takes a fast look around that to intensify unceasingly, even more intense Heavenly Dao city chaotic war. 吞噬大帝眸中闪过一抹异光,其目光扫视着那不断激化,愈发激烈的天道城乱战。 Sword light illusory image, blood dance expansive sky. 剑光幻影,血舞长空。 Inside and outside rocket beacon-fire rapid spread Heavenly Dao. 狼烟烽火迅速的蔓延天道界内外。 Has to acknowledge, instigator samsara that creates at this moment the Saint clan tangled warfare, great antiquity, dragon blood three clans. 不得不承认,造成此时此刻圣族混战的始作俑者正是轮回,洪荒,龙血三族。 However, swallowing the Great Emperor is actually shakes the head sighed lightly, „ the whole person clan domain, no one was again more suitable than to take over control of God command the samsara Great Emperor ‚’. 然,吞噬大帝却是摇头轻叹道,“整个人族领域,再没有谁比轮回大帝更适合接管‘天帝令’了。 Creates today this aspect primary cause, is the person of clan domain lacks one to lead the hierarch truly......, if said, I stand that side you today, even defeated the samsara Saint clan, before long, the contradictions of various clans, will also present...... ” this as before are your reasons?” 造成今天这种局面的主要原因,是人族领域缺少一个真正的引领掌权者……倘若说,我今日站在你们那一边,即便战胜了轮回圣族这边,过不了多久,各族的矛盾,依旧还会出现……”“这是你的理由吗?” The stars Great Emperor grasps the fist to say. 星辰大帝握着拳头道。 Yes!” “是!” You really think that kills Demon Eyes Great Emperor and person of Emperor white with the dirty trick, has the qualifications to substitute the God the position?” “你真的认为用卑鄙手段杀死妖瞳大帝和白帝的人,有资格替代天帝的位置吗?” The stars Great Emperor closely examines. 星辰大帝追问。 I do not think that he can substitute the God......” why that you?” “我不认为他能替代天帝……”“那你为何?” But he has the qualifications alternative God compared with our anyone.” “但他却比我们任何一个人都有资格替代天帝。” This swallows the reason of Great Emperor. 这是吞噬大帝的理由。 The today presents the reason here. 其今天出现在这里的理由。 Although the samsara Great Emperor is the chief criminal of whole thing, but regarding his ability, no one gives the denial. 尽管轮回大帝是整件事情的罪魁祸首,但对于他的能力,无人给予否定。 Just like swallows the Great Emperor to say. 正如吞噬大帝所言。 Perhaps the samsara Great Emperor is unable to become the second God. 轮回大帝或许无法成为第二个天帝。 But he is actually most hopeful that. 但他却是最有希望的那个。 In swallowing the Great Emperor looks like, the gratitude and grudges contradictions among various clans , the person the clan domain lack person of being in power in the true sense forever. 在吞噬大帝看来,各族之间的恩怨矛盾,永远都在,人族领域缺乏一个真正意义上的掌权之人。 Just like once God, is suppressing the ambitions and desires of various clans- looks. 如同曾经的天帝一样,镇压着各族的野心和欲-望。 ...... You too looked at him high, depended on this and other shameless people, is unable to become the person of clan domain hierarch forever.” ……“你太高看他了,就凭这等无耻之人,是永远无法成为人族领域掌权者的。” The stars Great Emperor shakes the head gently, in the eye completely loses obviously, its before vowed solemnly has said that swallows the Great Emperor, even if not participate, will not stand the samsara Saint clan absolutely. 星辰大帝轻轻摇头,眼中尽显失落,其之前可是信誓旦旦的说过,吞噬大帝即便不参与进来,也绝对不会站在轮回圣族这边。 Not only then hit the face that simply. 这下不仅被打脸那么简单。 Was gives the alliance expedition this side morale to deliver a big attack. 更是给予联盟征战者这一方士气带来了不小的打击。 The most serious point. 最为严重的一点。 Great Emperor number of both sides, arrived at four pairs directly four. 双方的大帝数量,直接来到了四对四。 Advantage. 优势。 Developing rapidly after a sudden turn. 急转直下。 Swallows the Great Emperor to shake the head slightly, what reason, regardless of I by appear today here, but I am not willing with you for the enemy, to be really sorry „ the words that very much......” is sorry, keep you to regret said again! ” 吞噬大帝微微摇头,“不论我今天是以什么样的原因出现在这里,但我并不愿意和你们为敌,真的很抱歉……”“抱歉的话,留着等你后悔的时候再说吧!” The Nine Nether Great Emperor beautiful pupil has surged the rich frost to be cold, she looked askance to sweep stars Great Emperor one eyes, said that „, since you are not willing to fight with him, came by me.” 九幽大帝美眸早已是涌动着浓郁的霜寒,她侧目扫了星辰大帝一眼,道,“既然你不愿和他交手,就由我来。” Then, Nine Nether Great Emperor is changes to the illusory remnant shadow to plunder to swallowing the Great Emperor directly together. 说罢,九幽大帝直接是化作一道虚幻的残影掠向吞噬大帝。 Since you are determined to help an evildoer do evil, receives your ill-flavored attitude, you have you to present the excuse here, we have reason that has to fight.” “既然你执意要为虎作伥,就收起你那令人反感的态度,你有你出现在这里的借口,我们也有不得不战的理由。” The air/Qi of powerful nine quiet fills the air. 强盛的九幽森罗之气弥漫开来。 The Nine Nether Great Emperor forehead crescent moon shape mark is glowing the holy gentle dream white light. 九幽大帝眉心处的弯月状印记焕发着圣洁的柔媚梦幻白光。 Her five fingers turn baseless, a glitters the ruler sword of ancient rune/symbol Lumi mark to fall into its. 她五指凭空一翻,一柄闪烁着古老符箓秘纹的尺剑落入其手。 When intrudes strongly swallows around the Great Emperor dark vortex interior, Nine Nether Great Emperor again erupts radiant colorful glow. 在强势闯入吞噬大帝周围的黑暗漩涡内部之际,九幽大帝再次爆发出一片璀璨的艳芒。 Together with the strange strength rhythm, is swallowing Great Emperor all around space to present the dream distortion shape. 连同着奇异力量律动,吞噬大帝四周的空间呈现出梦幻扭曲状。 Subsequently clone of more than ten Nine Nether Great Emperor with stances of different brandishing a sword toward swallowing the Great Emperor assault. 继而十几道九幽大帝的分身以不同舞剑的姿态朝着吞噬大帝袭去。 Each clone to send out extremely strong sword potential. 每一道分身都散发着极强的剑势。 The love affair dances, sword potential startled clouds. 风月起舞,剑势惊霄。 Swallows the Great Emperor brow slightly wrinkle, on the face exudes to wipe seriously, then is also raises boundless swallows a day of situation to launch to meet the approaching enemy. 吞噬大帝眉头微皱,脸上泛起一抹郑重,接着亦是掀起磅礴的吞天大势展开迎击。 Come!” “来吧!” The strength of swallowing rushes vigorously just like a dark star of rapid revolving. 雄浑澎湃的吞噬之力犹如一颗飞速旋转的黑暗星球。 Nine Nether Great Emperor clone drags to entrain the unusual bone-chilling cold sword glow to puncture the advancement comprehensively suddenly, the sharp sword blade drags the transparent light beam to segment that huge swallowing spheroid, each say/way clone to be similar to the aurora to raid by the ice-breaking potential to swallowing the Great Emperor. 九幽大帝所化的分身拖拽着超凡凛冽的剑芒全面突刺推进,锋利的剑刃摇曳着透明的光束切分着那颗庞大的吞噬球体,每道分身都如同极光般以破冰之势袭向吞噬大帝。 But, before the swift and fierce sword blade arrives in the body is less than ten meters distance, swallows the Great Emperor imposing manner to rise steeply, his both arms raise suddenly outward. 而,在凌厉的剑刃抵达身前不到十米距离的时候,吞噬大帝气势陡起,其双臂豁然朝外一掀。 Broken......” in an instant, huge dark spheroid blast forcefully. “破……”霎那间,庞大的黑暗球体硬生生的从中炸开。 Surging forward the strength of dark swallowing like the light halo nebula of spirited eight side, the space was ground immediately, astral fierce overbearing black ring-like shock-wave supports the crack to bloom, sees only Nine Nether Great Emperor all clone to be broken the windblown dust all. 汹涌澎湃的黑暗吞噬之力就像激昂八方的光圈星云,空间顿时被碾碎,罡猛霸道的黑色环状冲击波撑裂绽放,只见九幽大帝所有的分身尽数被震碎成尘烟。 Only is left over the main body the Nine Nether Great Emperor offensive to increase suddenly, in the hand the sharp sword points to swallows the throat of Great Emperor. 只剩下本体的九幽大帝攻势陡增,手中利剑直指吞噬大帝的喉咙。 When the latter is sideways to avoid, lifts the palm to welcome. 后者侧身避开之际,举掌相迎。 Lingers the palm vigor of strength of powerful swallowing to fall in sword to conduct the back, in hand of Nine Nether Great Emperor ruler sword, not only had not been shaken, instead is firmly was absorbed , in palm that swallows the Great Emperor. 萦绕着强大吞噬之力的掌劲落于剑背上,九幽大帝的手中尺剑非但没有被震开,反而是牢牢的被吸附在了吞噬大帝的掌心之中。 Snort......” Nine Nether Great Emperor cold snort/hum, the crescent moon mark of forehead flashes the Saint glow, a wrist/skill revolution, the ruler sword is also erupting the intense sword air/Qi, will immediately swallow the palm of Great Emperor to shake. “哼……”九幽大帝冷哼一声,眉心的弯月印记一闪圣芒,手腕随之一转,尺剑爆发着强烈的剑气,随即将吞噬大帝的手掌震开。 ...... Is looking and swallows the Great Emperor fierce struggle in together Nine Nether Great Emperor, lord of secret palace in the eyes is surging indescribable complex. ……望着和吞噬大帝激斗在一起的九幽大帝,天机宫之主穆斐的眼中涌动着难以言表的复杂。 Then. 如此一来。 Ten big strongest Saint clans, were in attendance completely. 十大最强圣族,全部都到齐了。 The samsara, dragon blood, the great antiquity, swallows. 轮回,龙血,洪荒,吞噬。 Stars, nine quiet, the serious famine, burns the day, the god eyes, as well as demon eyes. 星辰,九幽,大荒,焚天,神眼,以及妖瞳 The person clan domain, has most sacred body bloodline limit ethnic group, in this- in war, no one has absented. 人族领域,拥有着最圣体血脉界限的族群,在这场内-战中,谁都没有缺席。 ...... Ten side Shengzu! Eight Great Emperor! The stars Great Emperor all alone at this moment is built on the front of samsara Great Emperor. ……十方圣族!八位大帝!此刻的星辰大帝孤身一人立于轮回大帝的面前。 Hehe......” at this time, the samsara Great Emperor corners of the mouth shouldered wipe the indifferent happy expression, he incomparably tranquil saying, you, may have to face up to instant that my courage......” voice dropped, samsara Great Emperor both eyes raised, an invisible boundless situation just like the mountain suppression under. “呵呵……”这时,轮回大帝嘴角挑起一抹淡然的笑意,他无比平静的说道,“你,可有正视我的勇气……”话音落下的霎那,轮回大帝双目一掀,一股无形的磅礴大势犹如山岳般的镇压而下。 The stars Great Emperor facial color changes, is contacting the samsara Great Emperor vision that second, its innermost feelings are to derive a not being able to say anxiety unexpectedly. 星辰大帝面色微变,在接触到轮回大帝目光的那一秒,其内心竟是衍生起一种说不出来的不安。 Monarch, confrontation between feudal officials. 如,君,臣之间的对峙。 „Did you......” feel?” “你……”“感受到了?” Samsara Great Emperor light saying, this is fear aura......” frightened aura! Is only a look! The stars Great Emperor complexion changes again and again, his both hands grip tightly the fist, the sinking sound said, Yu Shengu extremely, you, could not replace that man...... to say forever, the stars Great Emperor whole body is blooming the mobile star glow light halo, his pair of pupil like Chen, the whole person plundered like the meteor. 轮回大帝淡淡的说道,“这是‘恐惧’的气息……”恐惧的气息!仅仅只是一个眼神!星辰大帝脸色一变再变,其双手紧握成拳,沉声说道,“宇神孤极,你,永远都替代不了那个男人……”说罢,星辰大帝浑身绽放着流动型的星芒光圈,其双眸如辰,整个人如流星般的掠出。 Instantly steps the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage, the distance between both pulled closer suddenly. 即刻踏上凌霄封禅台,两者间的距离急剧被拉近。 Returning that the samsara Great Emperor ponders said, does not need to substitute!” 轮回大帝略带玩味的回道,“无需替代呢!” Instance that buzz......” words fall, just like the deep sea undercurrent powerful imposing manner to divulge toward eight sides. “嗡……”话落的瞬间,犹如深海暗流般的强大气势朝着八方宣泄出去。 Ghost said that......” along with enormous and powerful cold and gloomy air/Qi, a nether world bone palm of being dried up broadminded searched from the floor, contains the bleached bone giant palm front surface of strength of powerful destroying to pat toward the stars Great Emperor. “鬼道……”伴随着浩荡的森冷之气,一只干枯的幽冥骨掌豁然从台面上探了出来,蕴含着强大摧毁之力的枯骨巨掌迎面朝着星辰大帝拍下。 Bang......” heavy fierce explosive blasts open the campsis grandiflora emperor floor immediately, together with floor that recklessly the gorgeous light mark of splash as well as splits suddenly, the best energy bodies of raindrop shapes penetrated the bleached bone giant palm directly. “轰隆……”沉重的剧烈爆响顿时炸裂凌霄帝王台面,连同着肆意飞溅的绚丽光纹以及急剧绽裂的台面,一颗颗雨滴状的精萃能量体直接是击穿了枯骨巨掌。 The rapid air current was segmented passes through. 急骤的气流一路被切分贯穿。 The luminous spot of raindrop shape like crossing the vault of heaven meteor, drags to entrain the samsara Great Emperor who the sparkle eye-catching ray is raiding the rearward. 雨滴状的光点就像横贯天穹的流星,拖拽着闪耀夺目的光线袭向后方的轮回大帝。 ...... Worthily is the stars Great Emperor, very powerful strength!” ……“不愧是星辰大帝,好强的力量!” The swallow of distant place holds the book, Li Wushang and the others exclaimed. 远处的燕扶书,离无伤等人惊叹道。 The flowing light of raindrop shape plunders spatially, brings peerless invincible might that penetrates the meteorite. 雨滴状的流光掠空,带着击穿陨石的绝世神威。 However, when these lasers will soon attack on the samsara Great Emperor, transparent light screen of ripple shape actually appears in the front of opposite party. 然,就在这些激光即将冲击到轮回大帝身上的时候,一圈水纹状的透明光幕却是浮现于对方的面前。 Bang bang bang......” a series of water-drop strength body attacks all on that ripple light screen, like pounding the diamond diamond in impregnable bastion, is erupting the depressed heavy sound at the same time, blasts open the countless crystal scraps/condescend fragment completely. “砰砰砰……”一系列的水滴力量体尽数冲击在那水纹光幕上,如同砸在铜墙铁壁上的金刚钻石,爆发着沉闷重响的同时,全部炸裂成数之不尽的晶屑碎片。 The light spin complementary waves one after another surge dispersing in the front of samsara Great Emperor. 一层接一层的光旋余波于轮回大帝的面前激荡散开。 But the transparent light screen of that matter ripple shape is actually only slight rocking, sits the samsara Great Emperor on throne is injured completely and tiny bit. 但那层水纹状的透明光幕却只是轻微的晃动,坐在王座上的轮回大帝完全没有被伤及一丝一毫。 „!” “咻!” But also in the next second, in the air the remnant shadow plunders, the stars Great Emperor flashes before like the phantom to the front of samsara Great Emperor suddenly. 可也就在下一秒钟,空气中残影掠动,星辰大帝如魅影般豁然闪现至轮回大帝的面前。 Then, his right hand grips tightly the fist, the innumerable say/way stars class/flow shadow collects in the fist arm rolling, his entire arm looks like in the Saint sunshine god glow has been contaminated generally, glittering and translucent carving, contains the bang to explode the unsurpassed invincible might of meteorite. 接着,其右手紧握成拳,无数道星辰流影汇集在拳臂上下流动,其整条手臂就像是在圣晖神芒中浸染过一般,晶莹剔透,蕴含着轰爆陨石的无上神威。 „......” Huge stir disperses blasting open in the floor again. “嗵……”巨大的轰动再次于台面上分散炸裂。 Stars Great Emperor this fist birthplace falls, is divulging the puncture galaxy terrifying great strength, raises the day above the light screen direct impact vault of heaven, samsara Great Emperor front ripple shape transparent light screen of splits directly demolishes broken. 星辰大帝这一拳贯落而出,宣泄着击穿星河的恐怖巨力,掀天的光幕直冲苍穹之上,轮回大帝面前的水纹状透明光幕直接绽爆破碎。 The turbulent wave of star glow like the monstrous waves of rushing, wells up along the both sides of samsara Great Emperor. 汹涌如潮的星芒如同澎湃的巨浪,沿着轮回大帝的两侧涌下。 But this explodes puts on the stars violent of the world to strike the offensive not to reduce , to continue the bang to the opposite party. 而这炸穿天地的星辰暴击攻势不减,继续轰向对方。 Don't forget, I was also one of the ten big most sacred body.” “别忘了,我也是十大最圣体之一。” The stars Great Emperor gets angry exclaims. 星辰大帝怒吼道。 Sits the samsara Great Emperor facial expression on throne to be slightly invariable as before, his eyelid selects lightly, „?” 依旧坐于王座上的轮回大帝神情丝毫不变,其眼皮轻挑,“是么?” Bang......” a fierce deafening sound swings inside and outside the floor, the samsara Great Emperor peripheral space of collapses the fragmentation directly. “轰……”的一声剧烈的震响于台面内外荡开,轮回大帝周边的空间径直崩裂成碎片。 Together with the floor and void of hollow collapsing, a astral fierce fearsome repulsion force actually sweeps across in within the body of samsara Great Emperor. 连同着凹陷坍塌的台面和虚空,一股罡猛可怖的反斥力却是于轮回大帝的体内席卷而出。 A bright and beautiful star link ray is slanting to proliferate, under the innumerable double unbelievable vision, the stars Great Emperor was shaken unexpectedly backs up. 一座亮丽的星环光芒斜着扩散出去,于无数双难以置信的目光下,星辰大帝竟是被震得一路倒退。 However, the stars Great Emperor just stood firm the figure, its peripheral space is startled the intermittent rhythm. 然,星辰大帝刚稳住身形,其周边的空间惊起阵阵律动。 The ground of his under foot appears quietly mysterious rune/symbol array. 其脚下的地面悄然浮现出一座神秘的符阵。 rune/symbol array each secret mark presents blood bright red. 符阵的每一道秘纹都呈现出血液般的鲜红色。 Interweaves vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, such as blood-color spirit vine alternation. 纵横交织,如血色灵藤穿插。 The center of heart has a design of sword-shaped impressively. 阵心的中央赫然有着一柄剑形的图案。 Asura said that the blade of dying!” “修罗道,绝命之刃!” Buzz......” eight side spatial warping, rapid cold wind chaotic dance vault of heaven. “嗡……”八方空间扭曲,急骤的凛风乱舞苍穹。 The red remnant shadow that sinks secretly seems the dust to scatter, in an instant, eight sharp such as the dark-red great blade of glow to return to the potential of gathering together to cut toward the symbol central stars Great Emperor. 暗沉的红色残影好似尘埃飘散,霎那间,八道锋利如芒的暗红色巨刃以回拢之势朝着符阵中央的星辰大帝斩去。 Each sharp blade is sending out the strength of ruined all Asura. 每一道利刃都散发着破败一切的修罗之力。 In stars Great Emperor situated in symbol, like by note in target of mark. 位于符阵之中的星辰大帝,就像被注上了标记的靶子。 The facial color has not changed, the look sinks, said, „, depends on this, but could also not kill me......” words to fall, stars Great Emperor double palm outward, his under foot erupted the unequalled radiant star glow. 其面色未变,眼神一沉,道,“哼,就凭这个,还杀不了我……”话落,星辰大帝双掌朝外,其脚下爆发出无与伦比的璀璨星芒。 Star aegis!” “星神盾!” „Under buzz......” endless stars luminary light/only covers, outside the body of stars Great Emperor is appears unexpectedly a dozens meters high illusory person's shadow. “嗡……”无尽的星辰曜光笼罩之下,星辰大帝的身外竟是浮现出一尊数十米高的虚幻人影。 That person's shadow wears war armor of shining, subsequently the both arms lift up high, thump place of effort. 那人影身披流光溢彩的战甲,继而双臂高举,用力的捶地。 „......” A bright and beautiful sphere light source protects the shield suddenly to expand toward eight sides. “嗵……”一圈亮丽的球形光源护盾豁然朝着八方扩张出去。 The circular light shield of sudden proliferation is flooding extremely strong impulse, along with the cuns (2.5 cm) steamroll to become Fen floor, raids to stars Great Emperor of that eight dark-red Asura the shadow blade all hit smashing. 急剧扩散的圆形光盾且充斥着极强的冲击力,伴随着寸寸碾压成粉的台面,袭向星辰大帝的那八道暗红色修罗影刃尽数被撞击的粉碎。 ...... Saint clan alliance's here people relax slightly. ……圣族联盟这边的众人稍稍松了口气。 Luckily!” “幸好!” swallow Fushu the sinking sound said, has the star aegis fortunately, otherwise by Asura by blade of hit dying words, consequence inconceivable......” lord of brow deep wrinkle nearby secret palace stares at the stars Great Emperor that not to vanish mysterious blood-color rune/symbol array. 燕扶书沉声道,“还好有星神盾,不然被‘修罗阵’被绝命之刃命中的话,后果不堪设想……”一旁的天机宫之主穆斐眉头深皱的盯着星辰大帝脚下那还未消失的神秘血色符阵。 With both eyes raise fiercely. 跟着,穆斐的双目猛地一掀。 „It is not good, a sword......” what?” “不好,还有一剑……”“什么?” ...... Here finishes barely the words, the blade of ninth Asura dying has no appearing of omen to the top of the head of stars Great Emperor above. ……这边话音未落,第九道修罗绝命之刃没有任何预兆的惊现至星辰大帝的头顶上方。 The scarlet red sword glow goes through vertically the vault of heaven, is carrying the potential of thunder cutting killing. 赤红色的剑芒纵贯苍穹,携带着雷霆般的斩杀之势。 This sword, such as the day falls the divine punishment! Buzz!” 这一剑,如天降神罚!“嗡!” People complexion big change. 众人脸色大变。 The stars Great Emperor is the heart is also startled. 星辰大帝亦是心头一惊。 General idea/Careless! Is facing the samsara Great Emperor, even if the tiny bit general idea/careless, will be fatal. 大意了!在面对轮回大帝,哪怕是一丝一毫的大意,都将会是致命的。 The terrifying sword potential sudden birthplace of ninth dying blade falls, that say/way illusory person's shadow outside stars Great Emperor body was divided being split up that cuts instantaneously. 第九道绝命之刃的恐怖剑势急剧的贯落而下,星辰大帝身外的那道虚幻人影瞬间被劈斩的四分五裂。 Stars Great Emperor pupil sudden shrinking becomes the needle-tip size. 星辰大帝瞳孔急剧的缩成针尖大小。 Except for small and weak, you do not have a thing in the world really......” the samsara Great Emperor that tranquil and faint voice invade- enters in the ear of opposite party. “除了弱小,你果真是一无所有……”轮回大帝那平静且淡漠的声音侵-入对方的耳中。 Works as......” however, at this moment, earth-shaking purple thunder storm sweeps suddenly on the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage. “哐当……”然,就在这时,一股惊天动地的紫色雷霆风暴突然于凌霄封禅台上扫荡开来。 The world changes color, the universe shivers. 天地变色,乾坤颤抖。 The samsara Great Emperor corner of the eye selects lightly, reveals several points of surprised. 轮回大帝眼角轻挑,露出几分惊讶。 Bang......” under raising day purple storm steamroll, the ninth dying blade in sky less than several meters away time destroyed torn to pieces of stars Great Emperor. “砰……”在掀天的紫色风暴碾压下,第九道绝命之刃于星辰大帝的上空不到数米远的时候被摧毁的支离破碎。 Is looking at this, the heartstrings of countless person tie tight. 望着这一幕,无数人的心弦紧绷。 Sees only that to soar to the clouds above stage, had/left the third form impressively. 只见那凌霄台之上,赫然多出了第三道身影。 This form, wants young many compared with it any big Imperial Capital. 这道身影,比之任何一位大帝都要年轻的多。 Ten side Shengzu. 十方圣族。 Beside eight Great Emperor, the ninth emperor! Chu Hen! 八位大帝之外的,第九帝!楚痕
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