UMDK :: Volume #18

#1716: Decisive battle

The gale gets up! Permeates the cold current of marrow to just like the frost transit. 大风起兮!渗入骨髓的寒流犹如冰霜过境。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” ...... War command of Great Emperor, five army expedition are similar to divulges immediately, but the great antiquity beast of prey, the dense tide of people armies in break in the entre region of Heavenly Dao city in all directions. ……诸位大帝的战令一下,五军征战者顿时如同宣泄而出的洪荒猛兽,黑压压的人潮大军于四面八方冲入天道城的内部区域。 Snort, depends on your motley crew also to presumptuously think to trample flat Heavenly Dao? “哼,就凭你们这些乌合之众也妄想踏平天道界? Has a dream...... ” the great antiquity Great Emperor also to order. 做梦……”洪荒大帝亦是一声令下。 Kills without the amnesty!” “杀无赦!” Kills!” “杀!” ...... Bang!” ……“轰隆!” In an instant, the samsara, the great antiquity, dragon blood and ray, the dark, governing beast, the storm and other teams of mahatma clans also like the mountain torrent monstrous waves of eruption, welcomed the potential to plunge front alliance expedition. 霎那间,轮回,洪荒,龙血以及光芒,黑暗,御兽,风暴等各大圣族的队伍也就像爆发的山洪巨浪,迎势扑向前方的联盟征战者。 Tide of people connection of both sides, like enormous and powerful tsunami collision in the same place. 双方的人潮交汇,就像浩荡的海啸碰撞于一起。 Countless person's shadow like trillion locust groups. 数之不尽的人影如同亿万的蝗虫群。 Blots out the sky, is flooding the world high and low, inside and outside city. 铺天盖地,充斥着天地上下,城池内外。 Cold spear/gun bone-chilling cold. 寒枪凛冽。 Executes to select warm-blooded. 诛挑热血。 Sharp sword like glow. 利剑如芒。 Three chi (0.33 m) murder the body. 三尺弑身。 The war of Heavenly Dao, breaks out instantaneously. 天道界的大战,瞬间爆发。 Too many arguing, have not also had unnecessary angrily rebuking, both sides know, when they all appear here, this fight, has been unavoidable. 没有太多的争辩,亦没有多余的怒斥,双方都知道,当他们全部出现在这里的时候,这场战斗,已经在所难免。 Humming sound......” that side on secret palace flowing cloud Juzhou raises imposing manners to be broad, proliferates the mysterious rune/symbol Lu turret. “嗡嗡……”天机宫那边的流云巨舟上升起一座座气势恢宏,遍布神秘符箓的炮塔。 The peak of turret, dazzling energy balls are fermenting incomparably astonishing strong megacryst source. 炮塔的顶端,一颗颗璀璨夺目的能量球酝酿着无比惊人的强大晶源。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Instigates!” “唆!” ...... Then, that crystal source ball that just like the laser-like red light beam from that turret launches, the followed side strong terrifying through cutting strength, crowd great bird in many Heavenly Dao cities were evaporated to melt directly. ……接着,一道道犹如激光般的赤色光束从那炮塔的晶源球的中发射而出,伴随的极强的恐怖贯穿切割力,诸多天道城内的人群巨禽直接被蒸发消融。 But, the interior of Heavenly Dao city, arranges vast looking Tien Chien towers. 而,天道城的内部,亦是排列起一座座辽阔的望天箭塔。 Above arrow tower, giant crossbow car(riage)s upwards. 箭塔之上,一张张巨大的弩车朝天而起。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” ...... In an instant, arrows falling like the rain, tens of thousands of black arrow rain is erupting such as murderous aura of hemp. ……霎那间,箭如雨下,成千上万的黑色箭雨爆发着如麻的杀气。 Cloud penetration advantage arrows draw the bunch of optical fiber arcs in void, drags to entrain the rapid gorgeous light spin to raid to the alliance expedition army. 一支支穿云利箭于虚空中划出一束束光纤弧线,拖拽着急骤的绚丽光旋袭向联盟征战者大军。 „!” “哧!” Benefits the arrow through, blood splashing expansive sky. 利箭穿心,血溅长空。 Each arrow arrow under the meteor flying rain just like sprinkling, expedition was killed above the upper air in large numbers directly. 每一支箭矢都宛如洒下的流星飞雨,大批的征战者直接被射杀于高空之上。 ...... War! Is brutal! Is also frigid! The beacon-fire rises from all directions, ten thousand arrows fire. ……战争!是残酷的!亦是惨烈的!烽火四起,万箭齐发。 The interior of Heavenly Dao city, everywhere arrow rain and red light beam howl, people of both sides fell into the place of meteor collection. 天道城的内部,漫天的箭雨和赤色光柱呼啸而出,以致于双方的众人身陷于了流星汇集之地。 In addition, in the sky is also blasting open demolition meteorite bodies, one group meets one group of chaotic shock-waves to divulge the expansive sky, sweeps eight sides. 除此之外,天空中还炸裂着一颗颗爆破陨石体,一团接一团的混乱冲击波宣泄长空,扫荡八方。 Kills!” “杀!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... The war same place, is the dark day is it may be said that secret. ……大战一起,可谓是昏天暗地。 A six side and an alliance expedition side looks like two counter afloat, a series of powerful gorgeous martial learn/study fights the technique to spatter in all directions mutually, just like Fiendgod to fight randomly. 六道界一方和联盟征战者一方就像是两股逆顺流,一系列强大绚丽的武学斗技相互迸溅,犹如神魔乱斗。 The splendid tower over a city gate was trod broken. 富丽堂皇的城楼被踏破。 Mighty building collapsing. 气势恢宏的楼宇被震塌。 The people of fight in the edge of the abyss, over -bridge are launching intense fighting up and down. 战斗的众人于深渊边缘,天桥上下展开着激烈的争锋。 ...... !” ……“呼!” Rapid such as the cold wind of frost roared, Great Emperor was the facial expression is all grave. 急骤如霜的凛风咆哮,诸位大帝皆是神情庄重。 Looks that still sat on the emperor stage, the facial expression indifferent such as the samsara Great Emperor of water, the heart of people are surging faint trace cold intent. 看着那仍旧坐于帝王台上,神情淡然如水的轮回大帝,众人的心头都涌动着丝丝冷意。 Snort, is really the disgusting expression......” burns the day of Great Emperor unable to repress the innermost feelings war intent, it starts the full hatred to take the lead the ancient rite of making sacrifices emperor stage that charges into samsara Great Emperor and the others to be. “哼,真是令人厌恶的表情……”焚天大帝已然是按捺不住内心的战意,其掀起满腔的憎恨率先冲向轮回大帝等人所在的封禅帝王台。 Yu Shengu extremely, rolls to me......” whish!” “宇神孤极,给我滚下来……”“哗!” The crazy class/flow of burning hot for example the high-temperature hot blast of transit, burns the day of Great Emperor whole body bath fire, in a pair of scarlet pupil is the blowout substantive flame. 炙热的狂流譬如过境的高温热风,焚天大帝浑身浴火,一双赤瞳之中更是喷出实质的火焰。 Hey...... defeated!” “嘿……手下败将!” The great antiquity Great Emperor contemptuously smiles, it is actually the flying jumps, blocks directly to burning the day of Great Emperor. 洪荒大帝轻蔑一笑,其却是飞身跃起,径直拦向焚天大帝。 „If not previous time we puts your horse, now you may dying stand shout and wrangle here.” “如果不是上次我们放你一马,现在你可没命站在这里大呼小叫。” Burning the day of Great Emperor anger is more abundant, shuts your dog mouth, today I must burn this day city for the ashes surely, after that quells your great antiquity Saint clan again completely......” „, the idea is good, is somewhat naive.” 焚天大帝怒火更盛,“闭上你的狗嘴,今日我必定要将这天道城焚为灰烬,此后,再将你洪荒圣族全部荡平……”“哈哈哈哈,想法不错,就是有些天真。” Idle talk little said, suffers to death!” “废话少说,受死!” ...... The words fall, burning the day of Great Emperor is raises the boundless day to punish the fire attack of roaring flame directly to the great antiquity Great Emperor, the latter is unhurried, in the ice-cold pupil exudes for several points to sneer. ……话落,焚天大帝直接是掀起磅礴的天罚烈焰之火攻向洪荒大帝,后者丝毫不慌,冰冷的瞳中泛着几分冷笑。 Hey, come just right.” “嘿,来的正好。” ...... Looks battles together in burns day and the great antiquity, the stars Great Emperor, Nine Nether Great Emperor, and wild emperor three people will look at the samsara Great Emperor and Dragon Blood Great Emperor immediately. ……看着激战在一起的焚天和洪荒,星辰大帝,九幽大帝,以及荒帝三人随即将目光转向轮回大帝和龙血大帝 You cope with Longling......” the stars Great Emperor to be sideways to the wild emperor saying that immediately also said to Nine Nether Great Emperor, our two meet Yu Shengu...... Nine Nether Great Emperor to be full of prudent nod extremely. “你对付龙陵……”星辰大帝侧身对荒帝道,随即又对九幽大帝说道,“我们两个迎战宇神孤极……”九幽大帝饶有慎重的点点头。 Opinion that the wild emperor also has no. 荒帝也没有任何的意见。 It Great Desolate Sacred Body can compare restraint dragon blood sacred body, the strength of desolate can weaken the intensity of dragon scale armor effectively. 其“大荒圣体”可以比较克制“龙血圣体”,荒之力能够有效的削弱龙鳞铠甲的强度。 You careful...... Yu Shengu cultivation base extremely do not know that was what degree......” wild emperor slightly to have saying of worry. “你们小心……宇神孤极的修为不知道达到什么程度了……”荒帝略有担心的说道。 The stars Great Emperor sneers, „, even if he is strong, both of us add the same place, does not fear him.” 星辰大帝冷笑一声,“哼,就算他再强,我们两个人加一起,也绝不惧他。” Un, as soon as I attain the advantage, when helps immediately you......” words fall, the wild emperor double pupil deep place is flashing the rich grey glow, along with extremely strong serious famine aura, sky over the highest heaven dances in the breeze the foul air that immediately a piece is sinking secretly. “嗯,我一拿到优势,立马就去帮你们……”话落之际,荒帝双眸深处闪动着浓郁的灰芒,伴随着一股极强的大荒气息,九霄上空顿时飘舞着一片暗沉的浊气。 The wild emperor manner raises the day, grinds toward the position that Dragon Blood Great Emperor is at just like dark cloud. 荒帝气宇掀天,宛如一座乌云般朝着龙血大帝所在的位置碾去。 „The Longling young child, can you dare to fight with me?” “龙陵小儿,你可敢与我一战?” Dragon Blood Great Emperor reveals wipes cold and gloomy laughing. 龙血大帝露出一抹森冷的嗤笑。 Too self-satisfied......” do not say, dragon Xueyi is raises the shock and awe highest heaven vault of heaven dragon soul true essence, under it surrounds in nine dragons welcomes to the domain that the wild emperor creates. “别太得意了……”说完,龙血亦是掀起震慑九霄天穹的龙魂真元,其于九龙环绕之下迎向荒帝所创造出来的领域之中。 Seeming like you seemed like not good......” to feel Dragon Blood Great Emperor to send out the imposing manner to be obviously weaker than it peak planned, the wild emperor somewhat was unavoidably accidental. “貌似你看起来并不太好……”感受着龙血大帝散发出来气势比之巅峰时期明显弱了一筹,荒帝不免有些意外。 Wild emperor, you feared that has not known, this Dragon Blood Great Emperor has lost to our Emperor's clear/pain hand, if is not quick enough, almost even assigned/life explains...... the Demon Eyes Sacred Clan sirius health/guard Raofei small tinkling bell shouted in beast that he escapes loudly. “荒帝阁下,你怕是还不知道,这位龙血大帝已经败于我们楚帝之手,如果不是他逃的够快的话,差点连命都交待在兽道界了……”妖瞳圣族的天狼星卫饶飞銮高声呼道。 What? 什么? Such remarks, four are all startled. 此言一出,四下皆惊。 Stars, Nine Nether Great Emperor eye one bright. 星辰,九幽大帝眼睛不由的一亮。 Selects situated in Divine Eyes Sacred Clan that side Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil, among the delicate eyebrows exudes surprisedly some. 位于神眼圣族那边的白浅予美眸微挑,秀眉间泛起些许惊讶。 Hahahaha, so that's how it is, Longling you feared was lives the body of dog to go, cannot be victorious...... starting from today including a later generation, your Dragon Blood Great Emperor title, did not want!” “哈哈哈哈,原来如此,龙陵你怕是活到狗的身上去了,连一个后辈都打不过……今天开始,你这龙血大帝的称号,不要也罢!” The wild emperor four taunts said. 荒帝肆声嘲讽道。 The Dragon Blood Great Emperor complexion is pale, its anger raises dragon astral to hold the potential. 龙血大帝脸色铁青,其怒掀龙罡掌势。 Shut up!” “住口!” Bang......” both's palm vigor connection, the gray light spin and golden palm strength just like connect in the together fierce storm. “砰……”两者的掌劲交汇,灰色的光旋和金色的掌力犹如交汇在一起的剧烈风暴。 The enormous and powerful light mark complementary waves surge, the space splits, the air wave raises the day, under the covering blockade of strength of serious famine, the nine dragons illusory image outside Dragon Blood Great Emperor body looked like caught a low-spirited tissue. 浩荡的光纹余波激荡开来,空间绽裂,气浪掀天,在大荒之力的笼罩封锁下,龙血大帝身外的九龙幻影就像是染上了一层黯然的薄纱。 ...... Fierce combat between ten side Great Emperor break out one after another! The stars Great Emperor and Nine Nether Great Emperor looked at each other one mutually. ……十方大帝之间的激战接连爆发!星辰大帝和九幽大帝相互对视了一眼。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Then, during the campsis grandiflora emperor stage sky that the samsara Great Emperor is at fell into immediately sank secretly. 接着,轮回大帝所在的凌霄帝王台上空顿时陷入了暗沉之中。 Imitates if the day and night is completed to take turn, covers, but below curtain of night blocks the sky. 仿若昼夜完成交替,笼罩而下的夜幕遮天蔽日。 Buzz......” immediately, a bright crescent moon appears above the cloud layer. “嗡……”随即,一轮皎洁的弯月浮现于云层之上。 Moonlight everywhere one visit, is nine quiet domains. 月光所到之处,即为九幽领域。 Meanwhile, radiant is embellishing the sky like the diamond stars one after another quietly. 同时,一颗接着一颗璀璨如钻石般的繁星悄然点缀着上空。 The stars Great Emperor whole body Saint glow surrounds, the skin seems covering a dazzling star sunshine every inchs. 星辰大帝浑身圣芒环绕,每一寸皮肤都仿佛覆盖着一层耀眼的星晖。 Nine Nether Great Emperor forehead appears is wiping the spirit mark of crescent moon, just like places oneself in the exiling immortal of dream world. 九幽大帝的眉心处浮现着一抹弯月的灵纹,犹如置身于梦幻世界的谪仙。 Under...... compares, samsara Great Emperor Yu Shengu wants the tranquil fearfulness extremely, he leans to sit on the throne, handles gently holds the chin, the strength of not only having no fluctuates, even the eyelid has not lifted. ……相比较之下,轮回大帝宇神孤极就要平静的可怕,他侧坐于王座上,一手轻托着下巴,不仅没有任何的力量波动,甚至连眼皮都没有抬一下。 But his another handles gently is knocking on stone chair the edge, on this day in breaking out confusion and fierce combat, as if do not have the least bit to relate with him. 而他的另一只手轻叩着石椅的边缘,这天道界内的爆发混乱和激战,仿佛和他没有半点关系。 Even if blood incarnadine big piece region. 哪怕鲜血已经染红了大片的区域。 Yu Shengu extremely, you should display an attitude......” the stars Great Emperor eye of reveal frost to be cold. “宇神孤极,你该拿出点态度了……”星辰大帝目露霜寒。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” Then, the stars Great Emperor and Nine Nether Great Emperor riding the wind one on the left and other on the right moves, for example the aurora of shuttle in universe plunders toward the samsara Great Emperor. 说罢,星辰大帝和九幽大帝一左一右的乘风而动,譬如穿梭于宇宙中的极光朝着轮回大帝掠去。 But, will soon step the flash of campsis grandiflora emperor stage in two people, the samsara Great Emperor corners of the mouth select, it knocks on the finger of seat to lift lightly. 而,就在两人即将踏上凌霄帝王台的一霎那,轮回大帝嘴角微挑,其轻叩座椅的手指一抬。 Should come!” “该来了!” Twinkling that bang......” the opposite party voice drops, the highest heaven above is broadminded the cold current turbulent attack, along with the woods dark aura of filling the heavens chaotic place, huge black vortex storm towering stirring turns the vault of heaven. “轰隆……”对方声音落下的瞬息,九霄上空豁然间寒流汹涌来袭,伴随着弥天乱地的森暗气息,一座巨大的黑色漩涡风暴突兀的搅翻苍穹。 Humming sound......” nine quiet domains change is extremely unstable, that embellishment also changes in the void star glow is especially low-spirited. “嗡嗡……”九幽领域变的极度不稳定,那点缀于虚空的星芒也变的格外黯然。 Bang......” a heavy loud sound, the black vortex of dramatic expansion directly twisting the crack tears into shreds nine quiet domain spaces that Nine Nether Great Emperor creates. “砰……”的一声沉重的巨响,急剧扩张的黑色漩涡直接是将九幽大帝所创造出来的九幽领域空间给绞裂撕碎。 Is the strength of swallowing......” the Nine Nether Great Emperor facial color changes. “是吞噬之力……”九幽大帝面色一变。 With it great antiquity, the wild emperor who dragon blood fights, burning the day of Great Emperor is the heart is also startled. 正在与之洪荒,龙血大战的荒帝,焚天大帝亦是心头一惊。 This is?” “这个是?” With it Chu Hen stands lord of secret palace, swallow Fushu and the others in the eyes surges unbelievable many. 与之楚痕站在一起的天机宫之主穆斐,燕扶书等人的眼中涌动出诸多难以置信。 Is he......” rumble!” “是他……”“隆隆!” The storm collection, the strength of swallowing rips the day. 风暴汇集,吞噬之力撕天。 Is looking at that say/way in the great aggressive form that in the dark vortex gradually presents, the look of stars Great Emperor like the fog that covering one sank secretly. 望着那道在黑暗的漩涡中逐渐呈现出来的伟岸霸气身影,星辰大帝的眼神就像蒙上了一层暗沉的灰雾。 Swallows, Great Emperor......” “吞噬,大帝……”
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