UMDK :: Volume #18

#1715: Five army together to Heavenly Dao

Six! A confusion. 六道界!一片混乱。 Serious famine, stars, nine quiet, burns the day, as well as Emperor clear/pain, five army simultaneous/uniform, respectively from five groups toward the Heavenly Dao domineering advancement. 大荒,星辰,九幽,焚天,以及楚帝,五军齐下,分别从五路朝着天道界强势推进。 Enormous and powerful expedition team. 浩浩荡荡的征战队伍。 Just liked prehistoric giant beast flowing cloud Jinzhou. 犹如史前巨兽般的流云金舟。 Treads the broken mountains and rivers, hits the collapsing vault of heaven, advances on the samsara six days. 一路踏破山河,撞塌天穹,进击轮回六道天。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... Mountains and rivers collapsing, gloom, murderous aura to fill the air. ……一路的山河坍塌,一路的天昏地暗,且,一路的杀气弥漫。 War unceasing expansion along the way. 沿途的战局不断的扩张。 Front unceasing was elongated. 战线不断的被拉长。 Above the sky, Monster Beast plunders the spatial, ominous bird wailing, the potential of murdering, for example numerous storms of collection, rapid is seizing the Heavenly Dao peripheral region. 天空之上,妖兽掠空,凶禽尖啸,杀伐之势,譬如汇集的重重风暴,迅速的占领着天道界的外围区域。 ...... Heavenly Dao! The den of samsara Saint clan. ……天道界!轮回圣族的老巢。 Heavenly Dao city! Distant looks, was actually called day city is also not overrated. 天道城!远远的望去,却是被称之为“天城”亦不为过。 The magnificent Miyag level progresses. 华丽的宫城层次递进。 Also there is a shop to construct the mausoleum chamber in canyon mountain range, there are to stand erect the Zhaixinglou space of summit of in Jufeng, cross sky both banks hangs a day of corridor...... the both sides of corridor, has to connect the peaks and ridges above Tianmen square, like the offering sacrifice to heaven Zen stage of king transmitting orders world. 既有铺建于峡谷山脉之中的地宫,也有矗立于巨峰之巅的摘星楼宇,更有一座座横贯天空两岸的悬天长廊……长廊的两侧,有连接着峰峦上空的天门广场,亦有如君王传令天下的祭天禅台。 Magnificent! Mysterious! And made one have the meaning of exclamation. 壮观!神秘!且令人心生惊叹之意。 ...... „ That is in the legend Heavenly Dao city? ……“那便是传说中的‘天道城’么? Really is similar to the fairyland general! ” 果真是如同仙境一般!” The rear area of expedition army comes by a beast advancement, lord of secret palace slightly has serious muttering. 由兽道界推进而来的征战大军的后方,天机宫之主穆斐略有郑重的喃喃道。 In its side, the pupil of Chu Hen is also flashes through wipes the light fluctuation. 在其身边,楚痕的眸中亦是闪过一抹淡淡的波动。 Has saying that the Heavenly Dao city made the degree that one praised to the heavens, can actually be as good as ten Baidicheng. 不得不说,天道城令人叹为观止的程度,却是抵得上十个白帝城了。 If not for personally sees, is inconceivable, the society really also has this and other splendid day city sacred place. 如若不是亲眼所见,难以想象,人世间竟然还有这等富丽堂皇的天城圣地。 swallow Fushu, said, place is good, is the institute of sheltering evil people and countenancing evil practices.” 燕扶书,道,“地方再好,也是藏污纳垢之所。” Somewhat helpless shaking the head. 穆斐有些无奈的摇了摇头。 His pupil flashes through wipes decidedly, says to Chu Hen at once, other four groups of armies should arrive in Heavenly Dao the surrounding, we attacked a city directly!” 其眸子闪过一抹决然,旋即对楚痕道,“其他的四路大军应该抵达‘天道界’的外围了,我们直接攻城吧!” In the Chu Hen foreheads has the King dignity. 楚痕眉宇间有着王者般的威严。 Cry......” wipes the slight air wave vibrato in its pupil deep place to fold, double pupil wisp of purple glow flashes through, enters the city......” the command of attack to hand down. “唳……”一抹轻微的气浪颤音于其瞳孔深处叠起,双眸一缕紫芒闪过,“入城……”进攻之令传下。 Battle drum like thunder! In the world the biography is swinging the fervent battle song. 战鼓如雷!天地间传荡着慷慨激昂的战歌。 In an instant, the expedition army who comes by beast looks like a mighty current that breaks through the dike rushes to the Heavenly Dao city. 霎那间,由兽道界而来的征战大军就像是一股冲破堤坝的洪流涌向天道城之中。 Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲!” Tramples flat Heavenly Dao!” “踏平天道界!” ...... The beacon-fire flutters, the ominous bird rip the day. ……烽火飘扬,凶禽撕天。 Meanwhile, several other domain fringing fields that the Heavenly Dao city connects are also erupting the extremely chaotic shake and rebellion one after another. 与此同时,天道城所连接的另外几个界域边缘区域也相继爆发着极为混乱的震荡和暴动。 Is encircling to kill in every way, the guards in Heavenly Dao city with various clan armies, compress directly toward the inner city. 在多方围杀下,天道城的守卫和各族大军,直接朝着内城压缩回去。 ...... Six inside and outside. ……六道界内外。 Had fallen into an unprecedented confusion. 早已是陷入了一片前所未有的混乱之中。 Beacon-fire rocket. 一路的烽火狼烟。 Rivers of blood. 一路的血流成河。 Corpse is piled up. 一路的尸体堆积成山。 ...... At this moment, in the residual battlefield of beast rear area. ……此刻,兽道界的后方的残留战场上。 The figure is together thin and small, the little girl who the facial features show sends is stepping in the vast corpse pile, all her alone, accompanies her only has a little monkey of golden fur/superficial knowledge merely. 一道身形瘦小,五官秀致的小女孩正涉足于遍野的尸堆之内,她孤身一人,陪伴她的仅仅只有一只金色皮毛的小猴子。 Little ape clever squatting on her shoulder, the glance that brown eyes of round have doubts in all directions that everywhere in confusion. 小猴子乖巧的蹲在她的肩膀上,一双圆溜溜的褐色眼睛略带疑惑的扫视着四面八方那满地的狼藉。 Under compares, that thin and small little girl instead seems especially tranquil. 相比较之下,那个纤瘦的小女孩反而显得尤为平静。 Facing just like Asura battlefield bloody location at present, in her eye is completely not completely in line with it age calm calm. 面对眼前犹如修罗战场般的血腥场地,她眼中尽是与之年龄完全不相符的从容镇定。 „......” Unexpectedly, a wall cliff place towering transmitting together low and deep beast roar of break. “呜……”蓦地,一处断裂的壁崖处突兀的传来一道低沉的兽吼声。 Then the shadow flees to the front of little girl together as quick as a flash directly. 接着一道快如闪电般的黑影径直窜到小女孩的面前。 That is advantage tooth that an ominous beast that is similar to the strange lizard, appears externally cold and gloomy, pupil of standing erect stubbornly is staring at the opposite party. 那是一头类似于怪蜥的凶兽,森冷外露的利齿,竖立的瞳孔死死的盯着对方。 Jie Jie......” immediately, in several other corpse piles also flees one after several other imposing manner gloomy and cold beast of prey monsters. “桀桀……”随即,另外几处尸堆中也相继窜出来几头气势阴冷的猛兽怪物。 Numerous fierce monsters encircle the little girl in the middle, just like hunger for a long time wicked wolf to stare at the fresh and tender lamb. 众多凶猛的怪物将小女孩围在中间,犹如饥饿许久的恶狼盯着鲜嫩的小羊。 However, on the face of little girl does not have fearing intent of least bit as before. 然,小女孩的脸上依旧没有半点的惧意。 Even the brow has not wrinkled. 甚至连眉头都没有皱一下。 Jie!” “桀!” „!” “呜!” ...... With a series of sharp grating howls, numerous ominous beast monsters erupts the fierce craftiness to smile, in plunges that little girl in all directions. ……伴随着一系列尖锐刺耳的啸声,众多凶兽怪物爆发着狰狞的诡笑,于四面八方扑向那名小女孩。 The sharp claw sends out the cold light in the air. 锋利的爪子在空气中发出冷光。 Quick such as the shadow of lightning, sickle shadow blade that such as the god of death brandishes. 一道道快如闪电的黑影,如死神挥舞的镰刀影刃。 But, at this moment, squatted in little girl golden hair small monkey broadminded clashes. 而,也就在这时,蹲在小女孩身上的金毛小猴豁然间冲了出去。 Next flash, an incomparably boundless startled day spooky in within the body eruption of golden hair small monkey. 下一瞬间,一股无比磅礴的惊天妖气于金毛小猴的体内爆发而出。 Roar......” explodes the mountains and rivers, the wind and cloud roars. “吼……”地爆山河,风云咆哮。 Together with destructive thunder clouds storm that one is splitting suddenly, a body is thousand ten feets, just like ancient times the ominous demon shocking giant ape to appear with this. 连同着一圈急剧绽裂的毁灭性雷云风暴,一尊身达千丈,犹如远古凶魔般的惊世巨猿惊现与此。 A giant ape fist that ominous air/Qi soars to the heavens rumbles, directly an ominous beast pounding smashing. 那凶气冲天的巨猿一拳轰出,直接将其中一头凶兽给砸的粉碎。 Numerous beasts in great surprise. 众兽大惊不已。 They have not actually thought, these two little things unexpectedly are not so at present affable. 它们却是没想到,眼前这两个小东西竟然如此不好惹。 The when golden hair small monkey of incarnation giant ape is wild, fiercely attacks consecutive several times, will surround their numerous ominous beasts to grind the disintegrating slag all. 化身巨猿的金毛小猴狂暴之际,连续几次的猛攻,将包围他们的一众凶兽尽数碾成碎渣。 In it behind little girl very still looks at the present bloody picture. 在其身后的小女孩还是非常平定的看着眼前的血腥画面。 Until the giant ape annihilates all ominous beasts, she also steps the light steady step to continue toward a beast deep place to walk. 直到巨猿消灭掉所有的凶兽,她也只是迈着轻稳的步伐继续朝着兽道界深处走去。 ............ At this moment. …………此时此刻。 In some place of another domain. 在另外一处界域的某地。 Figure slender man facial expression indifferent walking in corpse pile. 一个身形修长的男人正神情冷漠的走在尸堆之中。 He stretches across the battlefield, the look deep place imitates , if hiding ten thousand meters deep well darkness. 他横跨战场,眼神深处仿若藏匿着万米深井般的幽暗。 Is surrounding several iron chains on his body. 在他的身上环绕着几根铁链。 Although he has the semblance and physique of human, aura that but lends actually exceptionally ice-cold. 尽管他有着人类的外表和形体,可是散发出来的气息却异常的冰冷。 Ominous evil breath! The air/Qi of demon ghost! This is the aura that disclosed from him. 凶邪之息!魔煞之气!这是从他身上透露出来的气息。 Also person! Also demon! ............ Heavenly Dao city! Blustery, universe look changes. 亦人!亦魔!…………天道城!风起云涌,乾坤色变。 This is a society does not have the second day city certainly. 这是一座人世间绝无第二的天城。 The layout in Heavenly Dao city, made one praise to the heavens especially. 天道城内的布局,格外的令人叹为观止。 In the city has the abyss basin, has the palace myriad. 城中有深渊流域,亦有宫殿万千。 Also there is a birthplace river great bridge, campsis grandiflora fortress. 既有贯河巨桥,还有凌霄堡垒。 Samsara Saint clan! As the heads of recognized ten big strongest Saint clans, through the ages, rarely has the external person to dare to step in this. 轮回圣族!作为公认的十大最强圣族之首,古往今来,鲜有外来之人敢涉足于此。 This time, five army tread the broken city gate to flood into the city. 今时今日,五军纷纷踏破城门涌入城中。 Human domain the war of Saint clan , to continue to rise, intensifies unceasingly. 人类领域的圣族之战,持续走高,不断加剧。 Heavenly Dao city the place of center. 天道城的中心之地。 Just like the emperor stage of monarchy ancient rite of making sacrifices on. 一座宛如君主封禅的帝王台上。 Stands erect Tienchu under vault of heaven to show the unsurpassed dignity to be aggressive. 矗立于苍穹之下的天柱彰显着无上的威严霸气。 Tienchu peripheral, seems golden dragon Mang to surround. 天柱周边,似有金色龙蟒环绕。 Above the highest heaven, the great bird hold up the day, the falcon plunders spatially. 九霄上方,巨禽擎天,鹰隼掠空。 But, above that campsis grandiflora emperor stage, is setting up three thrones. 而,在那凌霄帝王台之上,设立着三道王座。 Samsara Great Emperor, Yu Shengu extremely, impressively situated in middle that throne. 轮回大帝,宇神孤极,赫然位于正中间的那道王座。 One such as, since self-poise. 一如既然的镇定自若。 Cannot feel the least bit the mood to fluctuate completely. 完全感受不到半点的情绪波动。 It looks like the water of ten thousand years of invariable deep well, even if the little ripple, has not touched. 就像是万年不变的深井之水,哪怕是一点点的波纹,都没有触动。 ...... Left great antiquity Great Emperor vision slightly slanting, actually sweeps toward right the side position. ……左侧洪荒大帝目光微斜,却是扫向右边的位置。 Injured?” “受伤了呢?” Sits the Dragon Blood Great Emperor facial color on right throne sinks immediately. 坐在右边王座上的龙血大帝面色顿时一沉。 His vision Yin severe first looked at samsara Great Emperor one eyes, at once the cold sound returns said that somewhat negligent......” „?” 他目光略带阴厉的先是看了轮回大帝一眼,旋即冷声回道,“有些大意了……”“哦?” The great antiquity Great Emperor brow selects lightly, „does the Chu Ran day son, have to replace your strength?” 洪荒大帝眉头轻挑,“楚染天的儿子,已经拥有取代你的实力了么?” Impossible......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor to stand up from the position impressively, the whole piece face exudes the frost to be cold. “不可能……”龙血大帝赫然从位置上站起身来,整张脸泛着霜寒。 I am negligent for a while, is meeting the say/way of that brat, after today, and you I tear to shreds...... the great antiquity Great Emperor to smile it, has not said anything. “我只是一时大意,才会着了那竖子的道,今日之后,你且等我将其碎尸万段……”洪荒大帝笑了笑,并没有多说什么。 Immediately, its look slightly cold, the sound obviously is much low and deep. 随即,其眼神微凛,声音明显低沉不少。 Came!” “来了!” ...... Bang!” ……“轰嗵!” Finishes speaking, Heavenly Dao city tower over a city gate rate/lead of southeastern direction by a smashing of great antiquity blast shock-wave bang. 话音刚落,天道城的东南方向的城楼率被一股洪荒巨流般的冲击波轰的粉碎。 With goes on an expedition the army to swarm to enter enormously and powerful wave, huge flowing cloud Juzhou break through the clouds by the ice-breaking potential, the arrival to the sky of Heavenly Dao city. 伴随着浩荡如潮的征战大军蜂拥而入,一艘艘庞大的流云巨舟以破冰之势冲破云霄,驾临至天道城的上空。 Stars Sacred Clan, in this!” 星辰圣族,在此!” The stars Great Emperor that just like in the startling thunderclap momentum penetration city people's ear, shakes countless person scalp tingles. 星辰大帝那犹如惊雷般的声势贯入城中众人之耳,震得无数人头皮发麻。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ......, Several other directions are also the tower over a city gate bang collapse, the palace breaks down falls, grand building layer upon layer under the impact of great strength torn to pieces. ……紧接着,另外几个方向亦是城楼轰塌,宫殿垮陷,层层的雄伟建筑物在巨力的冲击下支离破碎。 Great Desolate Sacred Clan, in this!” 大荒圣族,在此!” Nine Nether Sacred Clan, in this!” 九幽圣族,在此!” ...... Burning Heaven Sacred Clan, in this!” ……“焚天圣族,在此!” Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, in this!” 神眼圣族,在此!” ...... Situation like tide, surging forward. ……大势如潮,汹涌澎湃。 Works as!” “哐当!” Subsequently, fiercest heavy loud sound sound in beast said the direction divulges, but. 继而,最为剧烈的沉重巨响声于兽道界的方向宣泄而至。 Ground cuns (2.5 cm) crack, an incomparably magnificent day gully gap from far to near direct invades- enters in the Heavenly Dao city, the powerful imposing manner advancement for example a enters the startled day divine sword of enemy throat. 地面寸寸崩裂,一座无比壮观的天壑鸿沟由远至近的直接侵-入天道城内,强大的气势推进譬如一柄直入敌方咽喉的惊天神剑。 Demon Eyes Sacred Clan, in this!” 妖瞳圣族,在此!” Secret palace, in this!” “天机宫,在此!” „A chaos clan, in this!” “混沌一族,在此!” ...... Various clan simultaneous/uniform arrive, five army collect. ……各族齐至,五军汇集。 The Heavenly Dao is unkind, I and others finally the acoustic shock world. 天道不仁,我等终将声震人间。 The samsara non- righteousness, I and others lit the lightning surely. 轮回不义,我等必定点燃闪电。 Fights the command not to turn head! Does not cut the Heavenly Dao not to give up!...... army drum, bugle. 战令已起不回头!不斩天道不罢休!……军鼓,号角。 Spirited eight sides. 激昂八方。 Melodious battle song. 悠扬的战歌。 Deafening sound to shake. 喧天震地。 ...... Stars, nine quiet, the serious famine, burns the day, Chu Hen , Bai Qianyu and other direction leaders of army remote looks at each other. ……星辰,九幽,大荒,焚天,楚痕,穆斐,白浅予等五军的指挥引领者遥相对视。 Five army collect Heavenly Dao! This is they hopes. 五军汇集天道界!这是他们所期盼到的。 A clan has not lacked! Five army all arrive. 一族未缺!五军全部抵达。 ...... But, the interior of Heavenly Dao city, samsara, dragon blood, great antiquity as well as ray, dark, the storm, the governing beast and other teams of clans also gather in the city. ……而,天道城的内部,轮回,龙血,洪荒以及光芒,黑暗,暴风,御兽等其他各族的队伍也都聚集于城中。 This is the final decisive battle! Six can defend this last defense line? 这将会是最后的决战!六道界能否守住这最后一道防线? Can the Saint clan alliance win this last war? 圣族联盟又是否能够赢下这最后一战? Concerns the whole person clan domain destiny!...... Soaring to the clouds emperor seat stand! Dragon Blood Great Emperor and great antiquity big Imperial Capital has stood up. 关乎到整个人族领域的命运!……凌霄帝座台!龙血大帝和洪荒大帝都已经是站起身来。 Hey, came...... the latter to say with a smile actually craftily. “嘿,倒是都来了……”后者诡笑道。 Yu Shengu extremely, rolls...... to burn the day of Great Emperor to me to exclaim directly sternly. “宇神孤极,给我滚下来……”焚天大帝直接是厉声吼道。 The personal enemy meets, particularly eyes are red. 正所谓,仇人见面,分外眼红。 Burning Heaven Sacred Clan nearly exterminates the clan, hatred of both sides has arrived did not die the continuous degree. 焚天圣族近乎灭族,双方的仇恨已然走到了不死不休的程度。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Sneering that the great antiquity Great Emperor jeered lightly said, at that time kept your life, from, when felt grateful is right.” 洪荒大帝轻嘲的冷笑道,“当时留你一命,自当感激才对。” Shuts your dog mouth!” “闭上你的狗嘴!” Burns the day of Great Emperor to shout angrily, it puts out a hand to aim on the campsis grandiflora ancient rite of making sacrifices stage three humanity, your wild ambition, shameless, I must burn these six for the ashes today surely......” „, if you have that skill, although came.” 焚天大帝怒喝,其伸手指向凌霄封禅台上三人道,“你们狼子野心,无耻至极,今日我定要将这六道界焚为灰烬……”“哈哈哈哈,你们若有那个本事,尽管来好了。” Dragon Blood Great Emperor four said with a smile. 龙血大帝肆声笑道。 ...... Burns in the day of Great Emperor pupil to burn the roaring flame. ……焚天大帝眸中燃动烈焰。 Nine quiet, the stars, the looks of serious famine three Great Emperor actually surge the frost to be cold. 九幽,星辰,大荒三位大帝的眼神却是涌动着霜寒。 Five army press. 五军压进。 In soldier Lincheng. 兵临城内。 But they do not have the least bit relaxed and idles. 但他们没有半点的轻松和懈怠。 ...... At this time, the samsara Great Emperor that tranquil such as the sound of water spread gently. ……这时,轮回大帝那平静如水的声音轻轻传开。 Welcome to arrive my Heavenly Dao, if there is the place of neglecting, but also looks to excuse me...... after all, this was last time.” “欢迎诸位驾临我天道界,若有怠慢之处,还望见谅……毕竟,这是最后一次了。” Very steady! Very indifferent! Is makes one unable to completely understand the depth as before. 很平稳!很淡然!依旧是令人看不透深浅。 The invisible pressure, like ripples one after another, permeates the innermost feelings of people. 无形的压力,就像一圈接着一圈的水纹,渗入众人的内心。 Yu Shengu extremely, our clans reaches today's situation so, is...... the stars Great Emperor stern voice that you create single-handedly said. “宇神孤极,我们各族走到今日的这般地步,全是你一手造成的……”星辰大帝严声说道。 The samsara Great Emperor eyelid lifts lightly, „are you problem my crime?” 轮回大帝眼皮轻抬,“你是想定我的罪么?” „Don't you have the crime?” “难道你没有罪吗?” „Is this then you today my Heavenly Dao reason?” “这便是你们今日来我天道界的理由?” Ten clans turn into today this aspect, solid we do not hope, but your actions, simply are the person god altogether indignant, don't you feel ashamed?” “十族变成今天这种局面,实非我们所愿,但你们的所作所为,简直是人神共愤,你们就一点不觉得惭愧吗?” Regarding the interrogation of stars Great Emperor, the facial expression of samsara Great Emperor does not have the half a point to change, Dragon Blood Great Emperor and great antiquity Great Emperor all snorts contemptuously. 对于星辰大帝的质问,轮回大帝的神情没有半分变化,龙血大帝和洪荒大帝皆是嗤之以鼻。 Ashamed?” “惭愧?” The great antiquity Great Emperor sneers, live is too long, you feared was muddled, world only has the powerhouse to determine guilt to the weak one, what comes the weak one to interrogate that the powerhouse is whether guilty...... regarding your inquiry, I tell you now, when you step into starting from six that moment, has committed the capital crime......” capital crime! The great antiquity Great Emperor momentum is filling thick disdaining. 洪荒大帝冷笑,“活的太久,你怕是过的糊涂了,世间唯有强者对弱者定罪,何来弱者质问强者是否有罪……对于你的提问,我现在告诉你,当你们踏入六道界的那一刻开始,就已经犯了死罪……”死罪!洪荒大帝声势充满着浓浓的不屑。 The facial color of Great Emperor sinks all. 诸位大帝的面色无不一沉。 The stars Great Emperor got hold of the double fist, the knuckle makes giggle the sound. 星辰大帝更是握紧了双拳,指关节发出“咯咯”的声响。 Rubbish with them? “和他们废什么话? Let us trample flat a city...... ” to burn the day of Great Emperor unable to repress the innermost feelings directly on this day the anger. 让我们直接踏平这天道城……”焚天大帝早已是按捺不住内心的怒火。 The present only wants to divulge his full hatred anger and hate. 其现在只想宣泄出他那满腔的憎怒和怨恨。 The stars Great Emperor, the wild emperor, Nine Nether Great Emperor , Bai Qianyu several people looks at each other one mutually. 星辰大帝,荒帝,九幽大帝,穆斐,白浅予几人相互对视一眼。 At once, the leaders of various clans lifted the palm. 旋即,各族的引领者纷纷抬起了手掌。 The gale gets up! cold solemn the cold current inundates the place filling the heavens wreaks havoc eight sides. 大风起兮!冷肃的寒流弥天漫地的肆虐八方。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” ...... ……
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