UMDK :: Volume #18

#1714: Xuanyuan arrow

„It is not good, the strength of space is unable to touch to tie the interior......” many Divine Eyes Sacred Clan powerhouse complexions is changes. “不好,空间之力无法触及结界内部……”诸多神眼圣族的强者脸色皆是不由的一变。 Unites the strength of their god eyes sacred body bloodline limit, the desire is imprisoned in twin prohibits to burn the day of Great Emperor to release, but is accidental/surprised, has distortion space the strength of god eye is actually not able to permeate that knot to lean. 联合他们的神眼圣体血脉界限之力,欲将被禁锢于“双生封禁”中的焚天大帝释放出来,可令人意外的是,拥有着扭曲空间的神眼之力却是无法渗入到那结界的里侧。 Hey, regarding the space force of Divine Eyes Sacred Clan control, we have the protection early.” “嘿,对于神眼圣族掌控的空间力量,我们早有防备。” The dark Saint clan head of the clan sneer to say. 黑暗圣族族长冷笑道。 „The Great Emperor, most deep place of deep say/way, you decided that ha hahahaha......” buzz!” “大帝阁下,冥道界的最深处,你去定了,哈哈哈哈哈……”“嗡!” The complicated light source just like the mighty waves turbulently, giant crack that the land splits open like leading to the boundary gap of hell. 千丝万缕的光源犹如波涛般汹涌而出,大地绽开的巨型裂缝就像通往地狱的边界缺口。 That half are dark, half bright „the stars spheroid flows dream shape secret Luguang to spin all over the body. 那一半黑暗,一半光明的“星辰球体”通体流动着梦幻状的秘箓光旋。 Under the vision of many startled anger, it imprisons is burning the day of Great Emperor, looks like sinks to the mysterious heavenly body in universe abyss slowly. 在诸多惊怒的目光下,它禁锢着焚天大帝,就像是缓缓沉入宇宙深渊中的神秘天体。 „The Great Emperor......” Burning Heaven Sacred Clan one line of startled anger happened simultaneously, anxious. “大帝……”焚天圣族一行人惊怒交加,焦急不已。 The Divine Eyes Sacred Clan people are also the facial expression feel dignified. 神眼圣族众人亦是神情倍感凝重。 Humming sound......” unexpectedly, at this moment, a powerful strength fluctuation actually locates to transmit at the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan rear director. “嗡嗡……”蓦地,就在这时,一阵强盛至极的力量波动却是于神眼圣族的后方指挥处传达开来。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Subconscious looking askance glance in the past. 下意识的侧目扫视过去。 Sees only flows cloud Juzhou the sky in that a pair of holy incomparable golden pupil just like the backdrop to reappear under the highest heaven vault of heaven. 只见在那流云巨舟的上空,一双圣洁无比的金色瞳孔犹如天幕般浮现于九霄苍穹之下。 nine stars god eyes?” 九星神眼?” ...... nine stars god eyes, if still the eye of deity, overlooks the myriad things common people, shows the potential of emperor. ……九星神眼,犹若天神之目,俯瞰万物苍生,彰显帝王之势。 Under that god eyes, the beautiful form side of peerless grace and talent sets up the expansive sky together, her double pupil deep place, Saint glow twinkle, only beautiful, and is sacred. 在那神眼之下,一道风华绝代的美丽身影侧立长空,她的双眸深处,圣芒闪烁,唯美且神圣。 But, at this moment, in the hand of Bai Qianyu is holds to grasp an bow and arrow that unexpectedly is dragging the golden spirit mark. 而,此刻,白浅予的手中竟是持握着一张摇曳着金色灵纹的弓箭。 The bowstring has appeared the full moon shape. 弓弦已呈满月状。 Swift and fierce arrow Yakami traces to carve design rune/symbol writing of pair of god eyes. 凌厉的箭矢上描刻着一双神眼的图案符文。 Silk threads light luminary surrounds under the arrow body, dazzling. 丝丝缕缕的光曜环绕于箭身上下,璀璨夺目。 „Is that?” “那是?” Xuanyuan arrow, is the weapon of Emperor white.” “轩辕箭,是白帝的武器。” Also is in the divine tool list the peerless divine tool ranked the fourth.” “也是神器榜上排名第四的绝世神器。” ...... The arrow of Xuanyuan, list fourth. ……轩辕之箭,榜单第四。 The strength, but wearing out world all seals! Looks Xuanyuan god arrow that in the Bai Qianyu hand that full bow is opening, the people in deep say/way shrink at present immediately. 其力量之强,可穿破世间一切封印!望着白浅予手中那满弓拉开的轩辕神箭,冥道界内的众人眼前顿时为之一缩。 The sound that „......” bowstring trembles lightly is provoking the soul of everyone. “噌……”弓弦轻颤的声音撩拨着每个人的灵魂。 The Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil like Chen, the beautiful facial features does not see hesitation of half a point. 白浅予美眸如辰,绝美的面容不见半分的迟疑。 During her referring to loosens that instant of bowstring, „......” a rapid putting on wind momentum, one bunch of golden aurora just like delimiting the night meteor have plundered. 当她的指间松开弓弦的那一霎,“咻……”的一声急骤的穿风声势,一束金色的极光宛如划过黑夜的流星掠出。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Air current sudden was put on to divide. 气流急剧的被穿分。 Void draws a long optical fiber buttcock line, wisp of god glow that the golden arrow arrow such as beyond the day flies, arrives under the vision of innumerable double contraction instantaneously is imprisoning burns the day of Great Emperor stars spheroid front. 虚空中划出一道长长的光纤尾线,金色箭矢如天外飞来的一缕神芒,于无数双收缩的目光下瞬间抵达禁锢着焚天大帝的“星辰球体”面前。 It looks like the ten thousand time shuttle of backward stars. 就像是追溯日月星辰的万年光梭。 This arrow. 这一箭。 Shocking world myriad things. 惊艳了世间万物。 This arrow. 这一箭。 Comes from Emperor's white daughter Bai Qianyu. 来自于白帝之女白浅予 Buzz......” an enormous and powerful ripple halo in in the air swings, Xuanyuan arrow arrow directly in „the stars spheroid side the darkness passes through. “嗡……”一圈浩荡的波纹光环于空中荡开,轩辕箭矢直接是于“星辰球体”的黑暗侧面贯穿进去。 Instance that the vigorous halo exudes, if a broad bill swordfish of shuttle entering the sea. 雄浑的光环泛起的瞬间,如若一条穿梭入海的箭鱼。 Broken is dividing dark region the strength of seal, toward situated in center burns the day of Great Emperor to fly. 一路破分着黑暗区域的封印之力,朝着位于中心的焚天大帝飞去。 ...... The speed is quite fast! The strength of nine stars god eyes, is above this arrow. ……速度好快!九星神眼之力,系于这一箭之上。 The heart of both people followed to raise. 双方众人的心都跟着提了起来。 Actually Bai Qianyu this arrow, whether can rescue to burn the day of Great Emperor? 究竟白浅予这一箭,是否能够解救出焚天大帝? ...... The gorgeous golden light beam shuttles back and forth to row in the dark region rapidly, lingers the arrow arrow of spirit mark to burn the distance of day of Great Emperor with it suddenly pulled closer. ……绚丽的金色光束急速于黑暗区域中穿梭划行,萦绕着灵纹的箭矢与之焚天大帝的距离急剧的被拉近。 Seals the ray in stamped certificate, the head of the clan of dark Saint clan regarding this are actually unhurried, surface flood frivolous sneering. 封印结界内的光芒,黑暗圣族的族长对此却是丝毫不慌,面泛轻浮的冷笑。 Hehe, worthily is Xuanyuan arrow, what a pity, we have also expected this......” with the laughter that selects to tease lightly, that prohibits ties the interior to be startled instantly a powerful space rhythm. “呵呵,不愧是‘轩辕箭’,可惜,我们也早已料到这一手……”随着轻挑戏谑的笑声,那封禁结界的内部即刻惊起一阵强大的空间律动。 Then, places oneself all releases an astonishing imposing manner in both sides dark Saint clan head of the clan and ray Saint clan head of the clan. 接着,置身于两端的黑暗圣族族长和光芒圣族族长皆是释放出一股惊人的气势。 The invisible strength just like the undercurrent that in the deep sea gushes out. 无形的力量犹如深海中涌出的暗流。 Sees only the hemisphere range internal flow of dark region to jump out the innumerable say/way white lightning shape the illusory image. 只见黑暗区域的半球范围内流窜出无数道白色闪电状的幻影。 Each illusory image just like the sharp claws that extends. 每一道幻影都犹如延伸出去的利爪。 The radiant ray that the Xuanyuan arrow arrow sends out was compressed rapidly. 轩辕箭矢散发出来的璀璨光芒迅速被压缩。 Although its traveling speed as before quick astonishment, but range length rapid reduction sharp decline. 尽管其移动速度依旧快的惊人,可范围长度飞速的缩小锐减。 Matches bright that hiss......” such as in the night gradually extinguishes, the aurora of that bunch of arrow arrows, when the distance burns the position merely 20-30 meters of day of Great Emperor vanishes to vanish. “嘶……”如黑夜中逐渐熄灭的火柴亮光,那一束箭矢的极光在距离焚天大帝的位置仅仅20-30米的时候幻灭消失。 In an instant. 霎那间。 Divine Eyes Sacred Clan and heart of Burning Heaven Sacred Clan people sank the valley. 神眼圣族焚天圣族众人的心都沉到了谷底。 The dark Saint clan and ray Saint clan that side, is actually four laughs. 黑暗圣族和光芒圣族那一方,却是肆声大笑。 Hahahaha, was sorry, Great Emperor.” “哈哈哈哈,抱歉了,大帝阁下。” Forever sinking deep say/way deepest bottom!” “永远的沉入‘冥道界’的最深底部吧!” ...... Huge „the stars spheroid crashes into the land crack at the gentle speed, the light source in abyss rapid covers the package it. ……巨大的“星辰球体”以平缓的速度坠入大地裂缝中,深渊中的光源迅速的将其笼罩包裹在内。 The countless light beam seems supports the day the great network, is swallowing that unceasingly „the stars spheroid. 数之不尽的光束好似撑天的巨网,不断吞噬着那颗“星辰球体”。 However, in this is at a crucial moment, Bai Qianyu that pair bright and beautiful moving, and in the sacred incomparable beautiful pupil exudes to wipe the strange rhythm again. 然,就在这千钧一发之际,白浅予那双明秀动人,且神圣无比的美眸中再次泛起一抹奇异的律动。 The nine luminous spot chase rotations of the pupil deep place. 其瞳孔深处的九颗光点追逐转动。 „......” An invisible air wave vibrato spreads in the world. “噌……”一圈无形的气浪颤音于天地间传开。 The next flash, that only remains to wipe the light beam the Xuanyuan arrow arrow to be broadminded to bloom a piece of gorgeous light luminary. 下一瞬间,那仅剩一抹光束的轩辕箭矢豁然间绽放出一片绚丽的光曜。 What?” “什么?” The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Strength has vanished. “力量已经消失了。 „...... „ Cry!” “……“唳!” Has not given the people any opportunity of enough time response, sound of the resonant incomparable bird cry towering from that stars spheroid internal biography swings. 没有给予众人任何来得及反应的机会,一声嘹亮无比的雀鸣之声突兀的从那“星辰球体”的内部传荡而出。 The dark Saint clan, the ray Saint clan head of the clan all are the complexion change. 黑暗圣族,光芒圣族族长皆是脸色一变。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Damn!” “该死!” ...... „!” ……“嗵!” Instant that two logical expression fall, along with soaring to the heavens blazing scarlet glow, the flame glow that just like ten thousand years of volcanic eruption gets angry to lift unexpectedly from its interior. 两人话落的霎那,伴随着冲天的炽热赤芒,一股犹如万年火山爆发的焰芒竟是从其内部怒掀开来。 The seven colors multi-colored sunlight fold. 七色的霞光叠起。 Overbearing scarlet glow shop day. 霸道的赤芒铺天。 Sees only in that approaches burns in the dark region of day of Great Emperor, wears the colored light wing, seems nine days of phoenix Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird sudden direct impact vaults of heaven. 只见在那临近焚天大帝的黑暗区域中,一尊身披彩色光翼,好似九天神鸟般的圣翼天炎雀突然直冲天穹。 How can......” everyone startle greatly. “怎么会……”所有人都大骇。 Everyone is shocked. 每个人都震惊不已。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? How does Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird light to enter not inside? 圣翼天炎雀莫轻离是如何进到里边的? However, Ling proud Bai Qianyu corners of the mouth above the void selects at this moment, in the beautiful facial features exudes a light happy expression. 然,此刻那凌傲于虚空之上的白浅予嘴角微挑,绝美的面容上泛起一丝淡淡的笑意。 Father's that eyes applied at this time!” “老爹的那只眼睛在这个时候派上用场了呢!” ...... Bang!” ……“轰!” The huge turbulence cannot suppress completely, the boiling hot scarlet glow is swallowing the seal range of strength of darkness rapidly. 巨大的动荡完全抑制不住,滚热的赤芒迅速吞食着黑暗之力的封印范围。 Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird at this moment the phoenix that lives like the bath fire, the colored god glow that erupts passes through knot in all directions. 圣翼天炎雀此刻就像浴火而生的凤凰,爆发出来的彩色神芒一路贯穿四面八方的结界内部。 Meanwhile, burns the central area space that the day of Great Emperor is at is also changes is quite chaotic. 与此同时,焚天大帝所在的中心区域空间亦是变的极为混乱。 Dark, among ray both balanced was broken directly. 黑暗,光芒两者间的均衡直接被打破。 Is suppressing the strength of burning the day of Great Emperor was disrupted quietly, in the pupil of ice-cold and Yin severe ray in Fentian Great Emperor flashes, subsequently changes the roaring flame that makes to burn, the ascension. 镇压着焚天大帝的力量悄然被扰乱,冰冷且阴厉的光芒于焚天大帝的眸中闪动,继而变作燃动的烈焰,升腾而起。 Burns the day, anger......” „!” “焚天,之怒……”“嗵!” Is falling together with the ice-cold voice, the great anger roaring flame like fermenting the innumerable year of terrifying magma, broke through all imprisonments instantaneously. 连同着冰冷的话音落下,盛怒的烈焰就像酝酿了无数年的恐怖岩浆,瞬间冲破所有的禁锢。 Bang!” “轰!” All-around blasting open. 全方位的炸裂。 The overbearing wild flame for example the anger howls to astral Longhai of eight sides, explodes in „the stars spheroid. 霸道狂暴的火焰譬如怒冲八方的罡龙海啸,于“星辰球体”中爆开。 Merely only almost. 仅仅只差一点。 The day star explodes, true heavenly body blasting open, huge chaotic terrifying nebula flame storm pastes surface layer the deep say/way ground to split to explode to swing. 天星地爆,真正的“天体”炸裂,一股庞大混乱的恐怖星云火焰风暴贴着冥道界的地面表层绽爆荡开。 Mountains and rivers land. 山河大地。 Sudden hollow collapsing. 急剧的凹陷坍塌。 The smashing of complementary waves steamroll rocks one after another, the soil, the glacier, the sea of fire...... was divulged all. 一层接着一层的岩石,土壤,冰川,火海……尽数被宣泄出来的余波碾压的粉碎。 The vault of heaven changes colors. 苍穹失色。 Entire deep say/way like welcoming the explosion of Sun, temperature raising unendurable situation. 整个冥道界就像迎来了太阳的爆炸,温度升高到了令人难以忍受的地步。 Burns the day of Great Emperor, if breaks through the fire god of shackles, sends out from top to bottom is making the anger that one shocks. 焚天大帝如冲破枷锁的火神,浑身上下都散发着令人震骇的怒气。 Should be one's turn me......” to kill intent! Inundates the place filling the heavens killing intent! When the words fall, the aura flashes before like the Fiendgod form to the front of dark Saint clan head of the clan together directly, the latter complexion drastic change, in the eye is covering entirely the thick fear. “该轮到我了……”杀意!弥天漫地的杀意!话落之际,一道气息如神魔般的身影直接闪现至黑暗圣族族长的面前,后者脸色剧变,眼中布满着浓浓的恐惧。 Not......” bang!” “不……”“砰!” Opposite party words saying that one group of wild red roaring flame surge to blast out before the body of dark Saint clan directly. 对方话为说完,一团狂暴的赤色烈焰径直于黑暗圣族的身前激荡炸开。 Under innumerable double shivering vision, chest rupturing of forcefully dark Saint clan head of the clan. 于无数双颤抖的目光下,黑暗圣族族长的胸膛硬生生的从中爆裂。 The overbearing extinguishing world day punishes the meridians skeleton of every inchs flame roaming Cuanzhi opposite party, his facial features fall into the distortion shape, immediately in the seven orifices spouts the roaring flame. 霸道的灭世天罚焰游窜至对方的每一寸经脉骨骼,他的五官陷入扭曲状,随即七窍之中都喷出烈焰。 „......” Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound made person scalp tingles. “啊……”凄厉的惨叫声令人头皮发麻。 The dark Saint clan head of the clan were wrapped by the scarlet flame in an instant, subsequently burns pile of ashes. 黑暗圣族族长转眼间就被赤焰所包裹,继而燃成一堆灰烬。 ...... In a blaze of passion burns the day of Great Emperor, does not have any keeps the hand. ……盛怒之下的焚天大帝,没有任何的留手。 Does not have the slight softheartedness. 更没有丝毫的心慈手软。 The dark Saint clan head of the clan, is killed violently at the scene!...... The fear, spreads as for the dark Saint clan and heart of ray Saint clan everyone instantly. 黑暗圣族族长,毙命当场!……恐惧,即刻蔓延至于黑暗圣族和光芒圣族每个人的心头。 Especially the ray Saint clan head of the clan, frightens loses color. 尤其是光芒圣族族长,吓得面无血色。 Draws back......” does not have the hesitation of least bit. “退……”没有半点的犹豫。 It turns around to escape. 其转身就逃。 The ray, the lineup of dark Saint clan is complete, where also has the thought that the least bit resists meets head-on, puts down the war flag, turns around to escape. 光芒,黑暗圣族的阵形全乱,哪里还有半点抵御迎战的念头,纷纷撂下战旗,转身即逃。 Walks!” “走!” Returning Heavenly Dao.” “回‘天道界’。” Withdraw quickly!” “快撤!” ...... Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, the Burning Heaven Sacred Clan expedition army morale inspires greatly, domineering advancement. ……神眼圣族,焚天圣族的征战大军士气大振,强势推进。 Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲!” ...... Deep say/way rapid was attacked and occupied the collapse. ……冥道界迅速的被攻占塌陷。 If the enormous and powerful expedition army breaks through the tide of dike to rush to the front, flowed cloud Juzhou to intrude like the ancient times ominous beast. 浩浩荡荡的征战大军如冲破堤坝的潮水涌向前方,一艘艘流云巨舟更是如同远古凶兽闯入其中。 ............ At the same time. …………于此同时。 Humanity. 人道界。 Directly entire humanity turning nine quiet domains Nine Nether Sacred Clan went on an expedition the army also gradually to break through the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan main army's interception. 直接将整个“人道界”变成“九幽领域”的九幽圣族征战大军也逐渐的冲破了龙血圣族主力军的拦截。 Such that just like expected before. 正如之前所预料的那样。 Five army go on an expedition. 五军征战。 Besieges Heavenly Dao from five border areas respectively. 分别从五个界域围攻天道界。 So long as there are two teams to get the winning side, can break six entire line defenses. 只要有两支队伍占据了上风,就能够打破六道界的全线防御。 ...... The ghost said! Looks at the front that samsara Saint clan main army to evacuate rapidly retreats, Stars Sacred Clan this side relaxes slightly. ……鬼道界!望着前方那轮回圣族主力军迅速的撤离退去,星辰圣族这一方稍稍松了口气。 Other it seems like several groups attained the advantage......” a Stars Sacred Clan powerhouse to say to the stars Great Emperor. “看来其他几路都拿到了优势……”一名星辰圣族的强者对星辰大帝道。 Stars Great Emperor slight nod. 星辰大帝微微点头。 In the double pupil is surging profoundly some. 双眸之中涌动着些许深邃。 Final decisive battle, must come!” “最终的决战,要来了!” ...... Final decisive battle! Six peripheral border areas one broken, five army gather Heavenly Dao become inevitable. ……最终的决战!六道界的外围界域一破,五军汇聚天道界成为必然。 Situated in Asura said Great Desolate Sacred Clan that side, started to accelerate. 位于修罗道界的大荒圣族那边,也开始加速推进。 Enormous and powerful teams, march toward Heavenly Dao by the easily accomplished potential. 一支支浩浩荡荡的队伍,以摧枯拉朽之势朝着天道界进军。 The wild emperor, the stars Great Emperor, Nine Nether Great Emperor, burns the day of Great Emperor, Emperor clear/pain...... leads respective expedition to kill respectively to the den of samsara Saint clan. 荒帝,星辰大帝,九幽大帝,焚天大帝,以及,楚帝……各自率领各自的征战者杀向轮回圣族的老巢。 The wars of ten clan! Also who can laugh last! 十族之战!又谁能笑到最后!
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