UMDK :: Volume #18

#1713: Emperor dragon has defeated, when Emperor clear/pain stands

nine dragons domain, dragon Hungui Yuan. 九龙领域,龙魂归元。 The heart beast near the world, the evil star obstructs the day. 心兽临世,凶星遮天。 Works as......” at this moment, entire beast is earth-shaking immediately, nebula blasting open. “哐当……”此时此刻,整个兽道界顿时天翻地覆,星云炸裂。 In the major ethnic group major influences innumerable double are flooding under the panic-stricken vision, the nine dragons domain was exploded by the strength shock-wave brace of that hysterical/frenzy instantaneously. 在各大族群各大势力无数双充斥着惊骇的目光下,九龙领域瞬间被那狂乱的力量冲击波撑爆。 The sky caves , the highest heaven vault of heaven ran out of a giant opening directly. 天空塌陷,九霄苍穹直接被冲出一个巨大的豁口。 The galaxy light that the light spin complementary waves that sweeping divulges recklessly for example that surges unceasingly spreads out, the beast mountains and rivers land, such as was swept across by the divine punishment. 肆意扫荡宣泄的光旋余波譬如那不断激荡的星系光衍,兽道界的山河大地,如遭神罚席卷。 The great Yi Sichuan one after another was evaporated to melt. 一座接一座的巨峰山川被蒸发熔化。 Eight side land that throws off, looks like tsunami tide that folds, single layer then single layer, the sudden expansion rushes to the rear area. 那掀翻的八方大地,就像是叠起的海啸浪潮,一重接着一重,急剧的扩张涌向后方。 ...... Was shaken the mouth to spit the blood close to various clan experts of nine dragons domain all. ……临近九龙领域的各族高手无不被震得口吐鲜血。 The innumerable beast in ominous beast evil spirit changes to the fragment one after another. 无数兽道界内的凶兽妖物相继化作碎片。 Tremble with fear! Is flooding the heart of presenting everyone. 惊颤!充斥着在座每个人的心头。 The storm Saint clan, the rock Saint clan, the powerhouse of governing beast Saint clan feels to tremble heartfeltly. 就连暴风圣族,岩石圣族,御兽圣族的一众强者都由衷的感到颤栗。 ...... True world avalanche. ……真正的天地崩塌。 Looks at that almost to sweep across an entire beast terrifying storm, the facial expressions of countless person somewhat are absent-minded. 望着那几乎席卷整个兽道界的恐怖风暴,无数人的神情都有些恍惚。 The powerful visual impact even made one feel that was not quite real. 强大的视觉冲击甚至令人感觉都不太真实。 Especially that flash that evil star nine wing hou present, the people cannot believe that is exists. 尤其是凶星九翼犼出现的那一瞬间,众人都不太敢相信那是真实存在的。 This is the strength of heart beast......” lord of secret palace on the face still has the meaning of shock. “这便是心兽的力量么……”天机宫之主穆斐的脸上犹有震惊之意。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... More chaotic storm in beast said the sky blasts open. ……更为混乱的风暴于兽道界的上空炸裂开来。 Dazzling purple light luminary and rich golden dragon shadow, if splits two that explodes to obstruct a day of tsunami. 刺眼的紫色光曜和浓郁的金色龙影如若从中绽爆的两股遮天海啸。 In that several want under cover heaven enormous and powerful complementary waves sweeping, Dragon Blood Great Emperor the ancient times big dragon and Demon Eyes Sacred Clan heart beast evil star nine wing hou all fell into that startled day raging tide aftershock in the space of distortion. 在那几欲盖天的浩荡余波扫荡下,龙血大帝所化的远古巨龙和妖瞳圣族的心兽凶星九翼犼皆是在那惊天的狂澜余震中身陷于扭曲的空间之内。 Roar!” “吼!” Ancient times the big dragon squawk cried loud and long, high and low dragon body are shivering all over the body every inchs fiercely, then launched to sway to the claw wing outward. 远古巨龙尖声长啸,通体上下每一寸龙躯都在剧烈颤抖,那对爪翼更是朝外展开摇晃。 Even heart beast again? “就算是‘心兽’又如何? Depending on you, but also does not win my Dragon Blood Great Emperor...... ” hurricane like the note, inundates filling the heavens. 就凭你们,还赢不我龙血大帝……”飓风如注,弥天漫地。 Ancient times the big dragon showed the emperor dragon peerless invincible might, with the god beast in storm, the potential passed through the vault of heaven as if. 远古巨龙彰显帝龙绝世神威,其如同暴风之中的神兽,势贯苍穹。 Also however, while the Dragon Blood Great Emperor words fall, sharp length howl that invades the people innermost soul towering trembles with fear. 然,也就在龙血大帝话落的同时,一记侵入众人灵魂深处的尖锐长啸声突兀的惊颤开来。 Sees only Ling proud in void Chu Hen pair of monster different a purple pupil under evil star nine wing hou to glow the extremely intense strength rhythm. 只见凌傲于凶星九翼犼下方虚空中的楚痕一双妖异的紫瞳之内焕发着极度强烈的力量律动。 Cry......” in both eyes, nine stars rotates. “唳……”双瞳之内,九星轮转。 The rapid and swift and fierce air wave long and loud cry stabbing pain the eardrum of people, such as the light is spreading out the encirclement rotation. 急骤而凌厉的气浪长啸刺痛着众人的耳膜,如光衍环绕转动。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” ...... The next flash, two purple flowing light arrow arrow is broadminded the illness/quick in Chu Hen demon eyes to shoot. ……下一霎那,两道紫色的流光箭矢豁然间于楚痕妖瞳中疾射而出。 Two bunches of purple flowing light arrow arrows linger mutually, just like two broad bill swordfish that pursues roaming Cuan. 两束紫色流光箭矢相互萦绕,犹如两条追逐游窜的箭鱼。 Then, Chu Hen look one cold, the nine stars sunspot velocity of whirl of pupil deep place speeds up suddenly. 接着,楚痕的眼神一凛,瞳孔深处的九星黑点旋转速度突然加快。 Together with the invisible attraction rhythm, the circular velocity of that two streams light/only arrow arrows is also being sharp increase doubled and re-doubled, in pursues in flowing mutually, „......” a series of strange trembling sounds, at once, that two arrow arrows are such as the illusory image distribute nine advantage arrows unexpectedly. 连同着无形的引力律动,那两道流光箭矢的环绕速度亦是成倍的暴增,在相互追逐流动中,“噌……”的一系列奇异的颤响,旋即,那两支箭矢竟是如幻影般分成九支利箭。 „......” Nine branch light advantage arrows are erupting the potential of extremely strong putting on emptying, the rapid light spin air/Qi mark connects under the arrow body rapid flowing. “咻咻咻……”九支流光利箭爆发着极强的穿空之势,急骤的光旋气纹交汇在箭身上下飞速流动。 But, strength that in the motion process, collects in nine arrow arrows beside cyclone unceasingly changes. 而,在移动过程中,汇集在九支箭矢的之外的气旋不断变的壮大。 nine stars demon eyes, puts on the arrow of the world......” nine arrows! Nine aurora! The tearing storm, for example that has delimited the night star glow flying shuttle. 九星妖瞳,穿世之矢……”九支箭!九道极光!撕裂风暴,譬如那划过黑夜的星芒飞梭。 The pupil of everyone shrinks faintly tightly. 每个人的瞳孔隐隐缩紧。 Changed into ancient times the Dragon Blood Great Emperor that pair of vertical pupil of big dragon also presented the contraction shape. 化为远古巨龙的龙血大帝那双竖瞳亦是呈现出收缩状。 This is......” the ancient times big dragon puts out a burning hot the dragon breath brilliance to meet the approaching enemy instantly. “这是……”远古巨龙即刻吐出一股炙热的龙息光焰迎击。 However, merely only then the front two aurora arrow arrows were shaken. 然,仅仅只有前面两支极光箭矢被震开。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The sharp weapon pierces the flesh the sound to be rapid and clear, under innumerable double unbelievable vision, remaining seven aurora arrow arrows by ice-breaking potential wearing out dragon breath brilliance, five chests that penetrated the ancient times big dragon, passed through his thigh, penetrated the claw wing. 利器刺穿血肉的声音急促且清晰,于无数双难以置信的目光下,剩下的七道极光箭矢以破冰之势穿破龙息光焰,其中共有五支击穿了远古巨龙的胸膛,一支贯穿了其腿部,一支穿透了爪翼。 Seven light beams. 七道光束。 The instance of slanting birthplace vault of heaven, one and penetrated the Dragon Blood Great Emperor body. 斜贯苍穹的瞬间,一并穿透了龙血大帝的身躯。 Space. 空间。 World. 世间。 As if changes is slow. 仿佛变的缓慢下来。 Presents the both eyes circle of everyone to open the eyes, on faces full is thick unbelievable. 在座每一个人的双目圆睁,一个个脸上满是浓浓的难以置信。 Roar......” in the mouth of ancient times big dragon exuded the low and deep roar, then it erupted a dazzling gold/metal scale ray from top to bottom. “吼……”远古巨龙的口中发出低沉的吼声,接着其浑身上下爆发出一片刺眼的金鳞光芒。 At once, the figure of opposite party sudden changes is small. 旋即,对方的身形急剧的变小。 The quick slightly distressed form maps the view of people together. 很快一道略显狼狈的身影映入众人的眼帘。 The Dragon Blood Great Emperor complexion is gloomy, hole that body clearly discernible several drip the blood. 龙血大帝脸色阴沉至极,身上清晰可见几个淌出鲜血的窟窿。 His face with amazement looks at that to place oneself Chu Hen above void. 其一脸骇然的望着那置身于虚空之上的楚痕 You......” „the Great Emperor, by ‚’ the injury that nine stars demon eyes creates, is...... the Chu Hen corners of the mouth that the meeting is unable to heal selects, the powerful air/Qi field just like the tsunami raging tide that raises, has covered of instantaneously Dragon Blood Great Emperor ten side Great Emperor. “你……”“大帝阁下,被‘九星妖瞳’所造成的伤势,也是会无法愈合的……”楚痕嘴角一挑,强大的气场犹如掀起的海啸狂澜,瞬间盖过了十方大帝之一的龙血大帝 Presents the heart of everyone to tremble with fear in the extreme. 在座每个人的心头惊颤到无以复加。 Especially the Demon Eyes Sacred Clan people, are looking up to that evil star nine wing hou, the world at this moment as if saw the Demon Eyes Great Emperor shadow in the body of Chu Hen. 尤其是妖瞳圣族众人,仰望着那尊凶星九翼犼,世人此刻的仿佛于楚痕的身上看到了妖瞳大帝的影子。 ...... „, I will not let off your.” ……“哼,我不会放过你们的。” In the Dragon Blood Great Emperor eye full is the endless hatred, then, its single-handed a stroke in void, the space was segmented together the opening immediately. 龙血大帝眼中满是无尽的憎恨,接着,其单手于虚空中一划,空间随即被切分开一道豁口。 If you are courageous, came Heavenly Dao as soon as possible ‚’ ok, I there you.” “如若你们有胆量,尽快来‘天道界’好了,我在那里等你。” Then, Dragon Blood Great Emperor changes to one bunch of rays to drill into that space opening directly. 说罢,龙血大帝直接化作一束光芒钻入那道空间豁口中。 ...... Looks at Dragon Blood Great Emperor that is repulsed to flee , swallow Fushu and the others was a little a pity unconsciously. ……望着败退逃离的龙血大帝,穆斐,燕扶书等人不觉有点可惜。 If killed the opposite party while this opportunity, six that side, the strength falls short surely greatly. 若是趁这个机会杀了对方的话,六道界那边,实力必定大打折扣。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor knew that in this state is unable to cross evil star nine wing hou to defeat Chu Hen, extremely safe fleeing in advance. 龙血大帝自知在这种状态下无法越过凶星九翼犼击败楚痕,也极为稳妥的先行逃离。 After all is ten side Great Emperor one. 毕竟是十方大帝之一。 Although Chu Hen can defeat the opposite party, may in these six, Dragon Blood Great Emperor probably walk, does not have too many means to detain. 楚痕虽能战胜对方,可在这六道界中,龙血大帝要走,也没有太多的办法进行强留。 If there is not been injured, perhaps can also block the opposite party. 如果说穆斐没有受伤,或许还能拦住对方。 However, a Dragon Blood Great Emperor defeat, a beast here defense line also announced the total collapse directly. 不过,龙血大帝一败,兽道界这边的防线也直接宣告全面崩溃。 The storm Saint clan, the rock Saint clan, the lineup of governing beast Saint clan blasts open completely. 暴风圣族,岩石圣族,御兽圣族的阵形全部炸裂。 Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲!” ...... The secret palace, Demon Eyes Sacred Clan, a chaos clan, martial Meng, Kun city and other experts of influences just like wantonly the beast of prey group of advancement. ……天机宫,妖瞳圣族,混沌一族,武盟,坤城等诸多势力的高手犹如大肆推进的猛兽群。 Quickly is seizing the beast city place. 迅速占领着兽道界的城地。 Various clan defense lines of comprehensive blasting open are utterly routed completely. 全面炸裂的各族防线完全是溃不成军。 No matter what no one has thought that Dragon Blood Great Emperor losses! Comes from the pressure that Chu Hen sends out, the cage day covers, is controlling entire beast. 任谁都没想到,龙血大帝了!源自于楚痕散发出来的威压,笼天盖地,掌控着整个兽道界。 Emperor dragon has defeated, when Emperor clear/pain stands. 龙帝已败,楚帝当立。 The Chu Hen ice arrogant expansive sky, the young form actually shows peerless aggressive. 楚痕凌傲长空,年轻的身影却彰显绝世霸气。 Beast has broken, does not enter the Heavenly Dao, then......” does not kill!” “兽界已破,不入天道,不回头……”“杀!” Rumble......” enormous and powerful expedition army like the pouring duplicate below black tide, flows cloud Juzhou to be irresistible, treads a broken beast sky, kills to Heavenly Dao. “隆隆……”浩浩荡荡的征战大军就像倾盆覆下的黑色潮水,一艘艘流云巨舟势不可挡,踏破兽道界的天空,杀向天道界。 ............ Hell! „!” …………地狱道界!“嗵!” The divulged light loop glow just like the galaxy light mark that swings, many want to go forward to rescue to burn the expert of day of Great Emperor to be shaken to fly. 宣泄的光弧圈芒犹如荡开的星系光纹,诸多欲要上前营救焚天大帝的高手皆是被震飞出去。 Twin prohibits! Half of light! Half of darkness! The ray Saint clan head of the clan and dark Saint clan head of the clan look like two mysterious twin stars. 双生封禁!一半光明!一半黑暗!光芒圣族族长和黑暗圣族族长就像是两颗神秘的双子星。 The huge stars spheroid ties, burns the day of Great Emperor like getting sucked in the darkness and ray common border center, was stranded by the seal lock in comprehensively its. 庞大的星辰球体结界中,焚天大帝如同深陷于黑暗和光芒交界中心,全面被封印锁困于其内部。 The land splits an abyss gap that crosses the east and west. 大地绽裂开一道横贯东西两地的深渊缺口。 The endless light source flees to gush out in the land abyss middle reaches, connects that to imprison twin ball jade that burns the day of Great Emperor. 无尽的光源于大地深渊中游窜涌出,连接着那颗禁锢着焚天大帝的双生球玉。 Hey, do not waste the time, if can let knot that you break easily, how could also to close is occupied by a Great Emperor......” the dark Great Emperor happily to sneer to say. “嘿,都别白费功夫了,若能让你们这么容易就打破的结界,又岂能关的住一位大帝……”黑暗大帝得意的冷笑道。 You two mean and shameless things......” burn the day of Great Emperor at this moment especially aggrievedly, it like binding the hands and feet, had powerful cultivation base unable to display spatially. “你们两个卑鄙无耻的东西……”焚天大帝此刻尤为的憋屈,其就像束缚住了手脚,空有一身强大的修为而施展不出。 Meanwhile, situated in flowing on cloud Juzhou the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan numerous high-level powerhouse is also the flying jumps, flushes away toward the front. 与此同时,位于流云巨舟上的神眼圣族众高层强者亦是飞身跃起,朝着前方冲去。 „...... A captain said with the strength of space. “用空间之力……”一名指挥者道。 Understood!” “明白!” When the words fall, in the powerhouse double pupils of more than ten Divine Eyes Sacred Clan is to all erupt a series of powerful and sacred golden rays. 话落之际,十几位神眼圣族的强者双眸之中皆是爆发出一系列强盛而神圣的金色光芒。 Cry!” “唳!” Buzz!” “嗡!” ...... Many astonishing strength rhythm connection fold, sees only that to prohibit burns the day of Great Emperor stars spheroid the surrounding space was in a state of distortion impressively. ……诸多惊人的力量律动交汇叠起,只见那封禁着焚天大帝的“星辰球体”的周围空间赫然陷入了扭曲状态。 However, that stars spheroid the surface layer is actually exudes ripple shapes the ripples light spin, but internal central area, actually stable just like the brass casting. 然,那“星辰球体”的表层却是泛起一圈圈水纹状的涟漪光旋,而内部的中心区域,却稳固的犹如铜铸。 „It is not good, the strength of space is unable to touch to tie.” “不好,空间之力无法触及结界内部。” What?” “什么?” ...... ……
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