UMDK :: Volume #18

#1712: demon eyes heart beast, evil star nine wing hou

Roar!” “吼!” „!” “嗷!” ...... Fights the world randomly, the air wave complementary waves that divulges recklessly if still the nebula collides. ……乱斗天地,肆意宣泄的气浪余波犹若星云碰撞。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor the ancient times big dragon summoned Black Dragon that ancient looks like two tearing vaults of heaven with it Chu Hen great ominous, twined is erupting intense preying together. 龙血大帝所化的远古巨龙与之楚痕所召唤出来的黑龙就像是两尊撕裂苍穹的古老巨凶,缠绕在一起爆发着激烈的搏杀。 Bang!” “砰!” Sharp claws of Black Dragon sharp like the pincers barb, its lackey just like the steel knife to delimit drippings with blood in Dragon Blood Great Emperor that huge body the wound. 黑龙的利爪锋利的就像铁钳倒钩,它的爪牙犹如钢刀般于龙血大帝那庞大的身躯上划出一道道鲜血淋漓的伤口。 But, the claw wing of Dragon Blood Great Emperor is also incomparable swift and fierce. 而,龙血大帝的爪翼亦是无比的凌厉。 Each claw gets down, causes the space to burst, Heilong's scale spatters in all directions dances in the air. 每一爪下去,引得空间破裂,黑龙身上的鳞片迸溅飞舞。 Black Dragon! Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast. 黑龙!龙血圣族的心兽。 The present picture scene, making one to shock the feeling to be startled to palpitate. 眼前的画面场景,叫人震撼又甚感惊悸。 In the past, Dragon Blood Great Emperor summoned Black Dragon to disobey to contend with the God. 当年,龙血大帝召唤黑龙违逆抗衡天帝。 Today, he is actually in sharp opposition with it oneself heart beast. 今天,他却是与之自己的心兽针锋相对。 Although however, Black Dragon is the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast, but its condition is actually far less than the peak, it that only saves the remnant soul, unceasing the reply with the assistance of Chu Hen rose many strengths freely, before may compare, was still remnant blood condition. 然,虽然黑龙是龙血圣族的心兽,但它的状态却远不如巅峰时期,仅存残魂的它,尽管在楚痕的协助下不断的回复上升了不少的力量,可相比较以前,仍旧属于“残血”的状态。 Quick, Black Dragon that dreadful ominous air/Qi was suppressed by Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 很快,黑龙那滔天的凶气就被龙血大帝所压制。 Dragon heaven elementary wave......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor the ancient times big dragon exuded a heavenshaking calling out sound. “龙皇天元波……”龙血大帝所化的远古巨龙发出一声震天的暴喝声。 Then, wind anxiously cloud angry, cold wind like note. 接着,风急云怒,凛风如注。 In the world flowed the innumerable say/way powerful dark golden color spirit mark to converge ancient times in the mouth of big dragon. 天地间流动着无数道强盛的暗金色灵纹汇入远古巨龙的口中。 Humming sound......” vault of heaven shivers, stars that if light luminary blooms. “嗡嗡……”苍穹颤抖,光曜如绽放的星辰。 Ancient times the big dragon held up the head to lift, in its erupts one group of sun god glow huge light waves instantly. 远古巨龙昂首一抬,其口中即刻爆发出一团太阳神芒般的庞大光波。 „......” Contains the ball jade light wave solid impact of endless destruction aura on Black Dragon, in an instant, the world changes color suddenly, a fierce dark golden light spin just like the storm of expansion to divulge in both. “嗵……”蕴含着无尽毁灭气息的球玉光波结结实实的冲击在黑龙的身上,霎那间,天地豁然变色,一股剧烈的暗金色光旋犹如扩张的风暴于两者之间宣泄开来。 The astral fierce incomparable strength seems the stars of blasting open. 罡猛无比的力量好似炸裂的星辰。 Pounds all on Black Dragon. 尽数砸在黑龙的身上。 On the latter dense scale splash expansive sky, the blood dance, the huge body looked like the mountain to fly, then numerous flinging fell fall under. 后者身上的密鳞飞溅长空,鲜血飙舞,庞大的身躯就像是大山般飞了出去,然后重重的甩落坠于下方。 Bang......” mountain ridge breaks by smashing with stone, Black Dragon first even/including hit to collapse several peaks and ridges mountain ranges to stop. “轰……”山脊砸断,黑龙一连撞塌了数座峰峦山脉才得以停住。 Every large or small rock simultaneous/uniform flying, the ground scraped off thick one directly. 大大小小的岩石齐飞,地面直接被刮掉厚厚的一层。 Witnessed that this people facial color all changes. 目睹这一幕的众人面色皆变。 The strength of Black Dragon differed compared with the past too. 黑龙的力量比以往相差太多了。 Roar......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor the ancient times big dragon offense sound roared, sent out the great anger aggressive momentum to make moving restlessly that the blood in human body changed. “吼……”龙血大帝所化的远古巨龙戾声咆哮,散发着盛怒霸气的声势令人体内的血液都变的躁动不已。 The invisible sound wave impact spreads. 无形的音波冲击扩散出去。 Beast in countless people suddenly feel not to stand steadily. 兽道界的内无数人顿觉站立不稳。 swallow Fushu, Long Qingyang and the others looked that unconsciously were for many several points to worry dignifiedly to the Chu Hen look. 穆斐,燕扶书,龙青阳等人看向楚痕的眼神不觉多了几分担忧凝重。 Of Dragon Blood Great Emperor ten side Great Emperor, were really strong. 十方大帝之一的龙血大帝,真的是太强了。 That thunder Great Emperor even is inferior to 1/10 of opposite party. 那雷霆大帝甚至不如对方的十分之一。 Copes with me with the heart beast of this clan, you may be the heinous crime...... in Dragon Blood Great Emperor gigantic both eyes were disclosing seriously the endless woods murderous aura coldly. “用本族的心兽来对付我,你可当真是罪该万死……”龙血大帝硕大的双目中透露着无尽的森寒杀气。 Then, it is exposing ice-cold laughing. 接着,其又展露着冰冷的嗤笑。 But you indulged in fantasy, even the heart beast of this clan, could not kill me......, this emperor this killed you, welcomed the instance that Black Dragon...... words fell again, ancient times the big dragon claw wing shop day, raised endless wind blade cloud Xuan. “可你太异想天开了,就算是本族的心兽,也杀不了我……哼,本帝这就杀了你,再迎回黑龙……”话落的瞬间,远古巨龙爪翼铺天而起,掀起无尽的风刃云漩。 Incomparably huge body potential such as ten thousand racing Leiban throws toward Chu Hen. 无比庞大的身躯势如万道奔雷般朝着楚痕扑去。 Chu Hen in the front of opposite party, the figure or the imposing manner, appear insignificant, tiny if still ants. 楚痕在对方的面前,不论是身形还是气势,都显得微不足道,渺小的犹若蝼蚁。 However, faces that to raise the ancient times big dragon that the hurricane howls, Ling proud Chu Hen above void is actually the agonic does not move, a firm and resolute probably sculpture. 然,面对着那掀起飓风呼啸的远古巨龙,凌傲于虚空之上的楚痕却是不偏不移,坚毅的好像一尊雕塑。 Since a heart beast of your clan could not win you, that...... this?” “既然你们一族的心兽赢不了你,那……这个呢?” Instant that the Chu Hen voice drops, an sharp air wave vibrato broadminded folds in his both eyes, cry......” presents the heartstrings of everyone for it one tight, Chu Hen that pair of profound purple pupil erupts a piece of evil charm again, but monster different ray. 楚痕话音落下的霎那,一记尖锐的气浪颤音豁然于他的双瞳中叠起,“唳……”在座每个人的心弦不由的为之一紧,楚痕那双深邃的紫瞳再次爆发出一片邪魅而妖异的光芒。 Stirs day of purple hurricane that moves the place sky over the highest heaven unconstrainedly. 搅天动地的紫色飓风于九霄上空跌宕而起。 Wild purple flowing into direct impact vaults of heaven. 一道道狂暴至极的紫色流注直冲天穹。 The land sinks secretly, the dark cloud obstructs the day. 大地暗沉,乌云遮天。 During along with falls into one piece to sink rapidly secretly beast sky over. 伴随着迅速陷入一片暗沉之中的兽道界上空。 The storm collects suddenly, one bunch of then one bunch of purple light luminary wear out the thick dark cloud to sprinkle the expansive sky. 风暴急剧汇集,一束接着一束紫色的光曜穿破浓厚的乌云洒落长空。 But directly shoots below purple light beam when certain angle, refracts in another direction. 直射而下的紫色光束在一定的角度之时,又朝着另一个方向折射出去。 Gorgeous light beam that everywhere interweaves, perturbed, about shuttles back and forth, in mutually mysterious constellation design of involvement like vast universe, magnificent incomparable. 漫天交织的绚丽光束,七上八下,左右穿梭,如同浩瀚的宇宙中相互勾连的神秘星座图案,壮观无比。 „Is this?” “这是?” Beast in people entirely Jing. 兽道界内的众人俱惊。 Cross-eyed that swallow Fushu cannot bear, is reads in the opposite party eyes that thick amazed. 穆斐,燕扶书都忍不住的对视一眼,皆是读到对方眼中那浓浓的惊诧。 Buzz......” incomparably intense space rhythm floods a beast sky. “嗡……”无比强烈的空间律动充斥兽道界的上空。 In one in pairs full is under the surprised vision, the center that is blocking the beast above radiant constellation design divulges the terrifying power rhythm that startled is palpitating. 在一双双满是惊疑的目光下,那座封锁着兽道界上方的璀璨星座图案的中央宣泄着令人惊悸的恐怖力量律动。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The heavy explosive that the ear-spitting desire puts on several want to penetrate the eardrum of everyone. 震耳欲穿的沉重爆响几欲击穿每个人的耳膜。 That constellation design internal space collapses suddenly, then a huge vortex bites the hole opening to be torn directly forcefully by some overbearing strength. 那星座图案内部的空间急剧坍塌,接着一道巨大的漩涡噬洞豁口直接被某股霸道的力量强行撕裂开。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” Like connecting the abyss potential surface crack sudden expansion of another side universe, is imitating, if came from in the darkness, the huge empty shadow of bottom of abyss underground river enters immediately- is invading in the line of sight of everyone. 就像连接着另一侧宇宙的深渊位面裂缝急剧的扩张,一尊仿若来自于黑暗之中,深渊暗河之底的庞大虚影随即入-侵着每个人的视线之中。 That aura, scared, calling the will of the people to tremble. 那气息,令人胆寒,叫人心颤。 ...... This. ……这一幕。 Before has appeared at the Saint clan congress. 之前在圣族大会上出现过。 But that time seems to be different from it. 可似乎又与之那次有所不同。 ...... Roar!” ……“吼!” Unexpectedly, the world rocks, the will of the people trembles. 蓦地,天地晃动,人心颤栗。 In the innumerable pairs several want to stare under the vision of crack, trillion purple light luminary flow the shadow to interweave, just like the mighty current unrivalled ominous air/Qi to gallop, but. 在无数双几欲瞪裂的目光下,亿万紫色光曜流影交织中,一股犹如洪流般的旷世凶气奔腾而至。 Under the tearing vault of heaven, overflows all over the body the colossus of purple light spin spans that potential surface knot directly, appears in beast said sky. 撕裂的苍穹下,一头通体流溢着紫色光旋的庞然大物直接是跨越那位面的结界,惊现于兽道界的上空。 ...... My God?” ……“我的天?” „Is this?” “这是?” ...... No one is not startled. ……无人不惊。 No one does not startle. 无人不骇。 Especially Demon Eyes Sacred Clan Li Wushang, rich/forgive Feiluan, to Kun and the others, only thinks that the heart must stagnate. 尤其是妖瞳圣族离无伤,饶飞銮,离坤等人,只觉心脏都要陷入停滞。 Heart beast......” the Li Wushang sound shivers to say. “心兽……”离无伤声音颤抖道。 Is the Demon Eyes Sacred Clan heart beast?” “是妖瞳圣族的心兽?” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” ...... Heart beast! Before difference at Saint clan congress. ……心兽!与之前在圣族大会上的不同。 That time, merely is only a black outline shadow. 那次,仅仅只是一个黑色的轮廓影子。 This time, the people are clear, clear sensation, and saw its existence. 这次,众人真真切切,清清楚楚的感知到,且看到了它的存在。 ...... Roar!” ……“吼!” Roared, making the person innermost soul feel that startled palpitated. 一声咆哮,令人灵魂深处都感到惊悸。 Alliance expedition this side, guards a beast that side, the pupil of everyone anxious tremor. 不论是联盟征战者这一方,还是镇守兽道界那一方,每个人的瞳孔都在不安的颤动。 The secret palace palace lord, lip moves slightly, shivers puts out several characters. 天机宫宫主,穆斐嘴唇微动,略带颤抖的吐出几个字。 Evil star nine wing hou......” evil star nine wing hou! Demon Eyes Sacred Clan heart beast! Before then, only has Demon Eyes Great Emperor to summon peerless great ominous. “凶星九翼犼……”凶星九翼犼!妖瞳圣族的心兽!在这之前,唯有妖瞳大帝能够召唤出来的绝世巨凶。 Huge of the figure, just like another hanging flowing cloud Juzhou. 其身形之庞大,宛如另一艘悬空的流云巨舟。 Its camel, the neck snake, the first claw like the eagle, the latter claw tiger, is covering all over the body like the iron armor purple scale, in its back, there are four pairs of flowing light wings like lightning. 它头似驼,颈似蛇,前爪如鹰,后爪似虎,通体覆盖着如铁甲般的紫色鳞片,在它的后背,共有四对流光闪电般的羽翼。 But, its end, has a wing. 而,它的尾部,亦有一翼。 The rear that wing, the both sides are sharp, if flings the blade. 尾部的那一翼,两侧锋利,如若甩刃。 ...... The heart beast near the world, nine days changes colors. ……心兽临世,九天失色。 The storm howls the transit to place oneself Chu Hen under evil star nine wing hou, was surrounded by the purple storm. 万般风暴呼啸过境置身于凶星九翼犼之下的楚痕,亦被紫色的风暴所环绕。 The just like wields the unparalleled king in this stretch of the world, is ignoring that incarnation ancient times Dragon Blood Great Emperor of big dragon. 其犹如执掌这片天地的盖世君王,漠视着那化身远古巨龙的龙血大帝 Nine wing hou reappear, vertical you for the Great Emperor, how could also to fight?” “九翼犼重现,纵你为大帝,又岂能争锋?” Feels is coming from the dreadful ominous prestige that on evil star nine wing hou sends out, in Dragon Blood Great Emperor that pair of ice-cold pupil full is infinite killing intent. 感受着源自于凶星九翼犼身上散发出来的滔天凶威,龙血大帝那双冰冷的瞳孔中满是无限的杀意。 In some time ago, is together the shadow that Chu Hen summoned. 就在不久前,楚痕召唤出来的不过是一道影子。 Nowadays, it duplicated the Demon Eyes Great Emperor method directly. 现如今,其直接是复制了妖瞳大帝的手段。 Kill! Dragon Blood Great Emperor does not have timid of half a point, „ heart beast how? 杀!龙血大帝没有半分的畏怯,“心兽又如何? Even if was the God came, this emperor must tear to shreds you today...... ” „!” 纵然是天帝来了,本帝今天亦要将你碎尸万段……”“嗷!” Roar!” “吼!” When the words fall, stands erect in that nine big dragon sculpture of square world is to all erupt together the radiant light beam of direct impact clouds. 话落之际,矗立于四方天地的那九尊巨龙雕塑皆是爆发出一道直冲云霄的璀璨光柱。 Then, that breaks in the vault of heaven in the light beam to run out of the innumerable say/way golden color dragon shadow with overpowering momentum to go toward the Dragon Blood Great Emperor collection instantly. 接着,那冲入天穹的光柱中即刻冲出无数道气势磅礴的金色龙影朝着龙血大帝汇集而去。 In the motion process, before everywhere the air/Qi of dragon soul swamps into the body of Dragon Blood Great Emperor . 在移动过程中,漫天的龙魂之气涌入龙血大帝的身前。 Endless strength sudden collection in, derives one group of huge energy ball jade. 无尽的力量急剧的汇集其中,衍生出一团庞大的能量球玉。 Enlarges outside the energy ball jade that collides the nine dragons illusory image to linger unceasingly. 不断放大碰撞的能量球玉外九龙幻影萦绕。 The heavenly thunder is billowing, the strong winds roared. 天雷滚滚,狂风咆哮。 The incarnation ancient times Dragon Blood Great Emperor dragon head of big dragon raised, in the big mouth spouts one group of burning hots the dragon breath. 化身远古巨龙的龙血大帝龙首昂起,大口之中喷出一团炙热的龙息。 The strong propelling force that dragon breath erupts rushes to the energy ball jade that group nine dragons lingers. 龙息爆发出来的强大推动力涌向那团九龙萦绕的能量球玉。 Dragon sovereign nine soul jade!” “龙皇九魂玉!” Buzz......” along with the space that twists hollowly, the imposing manner terrifying nine soul ball jade like a destruction meteorite that crosses the vault of heaven, curls up the puncture galaxy the aura front surface bang to the position that Chu Hen is. “嗡……”伴随着一路凹陷扭曲的空间,气势恐怖至极的九魂球玉就像一颗横贯苍穹的毁灭陨石,卷起击穿星河的气息迎面轰向楚痕所在的位置。 Vanishes thoroughly!” “彻底消失吧!” ...... The wild strong air current hurricane front surface extrudes the space every inchs, in the eye pupil of Chu Hen still has the imposing manner. ……狂暴强劲的气流飓风迎面挤压着每一寸的空间,楚痕的眼眸之中犹有王者风范。 It above heart beast evil star nine wing hou also erupts ancient and mysterious aura behind. 其身后上空的心兽凶星九翼犼亦是爆发出一股古老且神秘的气息。 Meanwhile, innumerable say/way purple light luminary for example extinguishes world thunder Jiejiao to flee under. 同时,无数道紫色的光曜譬如灭世雷劫交窜而下。 The highest heaven is void, like covering a three-dimensional light net that obstructs the day. 九霄虚空,如同笼罩着一张遮天的立体光网。 Then, evil star nine wing hou are also the opens the mouth blowout together power and influence startled day purple light source glow columns. 接着,凶星九翼犼亦是张口喷出一道威势惊天的紫色光源芒柱。 „, when......” seems passes through the spatial peerless thunder, but the slanting birthplace the below day glow great column pierces the cloud layer to be void, and changes to purple glow to flow into the giant sharp thorn that on the way of that the domineering birthplace falls together the encirclement interweaves. “哐当……”好似贯空的绝世雷霆,斜贯而下的天芒巨柱一路刺穿云层虚空,并于强势贯落的途中化作一道紫芒流注环绕交织的巨型尖刺。 Endures compared with the strength of divine punishment. 堪比神罚之力。 Still if executes day a sword. 犹若诛天一剑。 Bang......” in beast said that in several hundred thousand, over a million pairs are covering entirely under vision with amazement, the terrifying power solid front impacts of two sufficiently destruction ten thousand li (0.5 km) vaults of heaven together. “轰隆……”于兽道界内几十万,上百万双布满着骇然的目光下,两股足以覆灭万里苍穹的恐怖力量结结实实的正面碰撞在一起。 For example meteorite gold/metal chromosphere jade nine dragons encirclement. 譬如陨石般的金色球玉九龙环绕。 Endures punctures to be intertwined compared with the divine punishment purple sharp tube shape greatly. 堪比神罚般的紫色尖筒状巨刺雷芒交缠。 „......” Both, once were connected, an entire beast sky collapses to crack immediately. “嗵……”两者一经交汇,整个兽道界的天空都顿时坍塌崩裂。 The different color enormous and powerful shock-waves divulge, seems the storm nebula of scrap, one after another, terrifying like tide. 不同颜色的浩荡冲击波一路宣泄,好似炸碎的风暴星云,一层接着一层,恐怖如潮。 Calamity. 天塌地陷。 The mountain range river was levelled all. 山脉河川尽数被填平。 The nine dragons domain that Dragon Blood Great Emperor creates was supported the crack instantaneously, that will stand erect also to be shaken trillion broken lamellar crystal scraps/condescend in all around nine big dragon sculpture shortly...... 龙血大帝所创造出来的九龙领域瞬间被撑裂,那矗立于四周的九座巨龙雕塑也是在顷刻间被震成亿万碎片晶屑……
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