UMDK :: Volume #18

#1711: dragon angry

Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... The endless storm cage day of tearing vault of heaven covers, was divided „the nine dragons domain space to degenerate into a stretch of death forbidden area by nine huge Tienchu big dragon sculpture impressively. ……撕裂苍穹的无尽风暴笼天盖地,由九尊庞大的天柱巨龙雕塑所分割的“九龙领域”空间赫然沦为了一片死亡禁区。 The strength of main road. 大道之力。 Chaos bloodlines. 混沌血脉。 A beast sky as if blasted open wild galaxy hurricane, void was segmented layer upon layer, one after another long and narrow space crack just like the dark thunder lightning of interweaving world. 兽道界的上空仿佛炸裂了一股狂暴的星系飓风,虚空层层被切分开来,一道接一道狭长的空间裂缝宛若交织天地的幽暗雷霆闪电。 Feels destruction imposing manner that Chu Hen a series of chain blows are erupting, the storm, the rock, governing beast Saint clan side people all facial colors secretly change. 感受着楚痕一系列连击所爆发出来的毁灭气势,风暴,岩石,御兽圣族这一方众人无不面色暗变。 Advocation of secret palace, swallow Fushu and the others narrowed the corner of the eye. 就连天机宫之主穆斐,燕扶书等人都不由的眯起了眼角。 „ Is this then «Main road that once chaos god clan God created after»? “这便是曾经的混沌神族天帝所创造出来的《大道经》么? The strength really unusual...... ” sighed in a soft voice. 力量果然超凡……”穆斐轻声叹道。 Nearby swallow holds the book slight nod, in the pupil gushes out some hopes. 一旁的燕扶书微微点头,眸中涌出些许希冀。 In the past dyed the day once «after lends me to glance through Main road», what a pity, I am unable to refer to « Main road after " deep meaning.” “当年染天曾将《大道经》借予我翻阅过,可惜,我始终都无法参阅《大道经》的奥义。” „? “哦? By your talent, suddenly couldn't refer to «Main road after»? ” 以你天赋,竟然参阅不了《大道经》?” Is somewhat accidental. 穆斐有些意外。 swallow Fushu and Chu Ran day initially by the world called it a chaos clan twin stars, two people it can be said that shared the honor. 要知道,燕扶书和楚染天当初被世人称之为混沌一族的“双子星”,两人可以说是齐名。 swallow Fushu actually shakes the head. 燕扶书却是摇了摇头。 Only by the words of talent, I indeed with dyeing a day of impartiality, but the bloodline limit intensity, missed really much. “单论天赋的话,我的确和染天持平,但血脉界限的强度,着实差了不少。 But «Main road after» must by very intensive chaos bloodline power stimulation of movement, this be I am not able to cultivate «Main road after» one of the reasons. ” 而《大道经》必须要以高强度的混沌血脉之力催动,这也是我无法修炼《大道经》的原因之一。” Nods , indicating to understand. 穆斐点了点头,表示理解。 Then, it also asked that Chu Ran day bloodline limit compared with the past God how?” 接着,其又问道,“楚染天的血脉界限比之当年的天帝如何?” Dyes day and God disparity many, I am not clear, but, bloodline limit of mark dyed the day...... also to miss some...... swallow to hold the book compared with it to reply. “染天和天帝差距多少,我并不清楚,不过,痕儿的血脉界限比之染天……还差了一些……”燕扶书回答道。 The brow slightly wrinkle, on the face exudes surprised. 穆斐眉头微皱,脸上泛起一丝惊讶。 Roar......”, but, at this moment, a spirited dragon who resounds through the highest heaven recited causes beast inside and outside to tremble. “吼……”而,就在这时,一声响彻九霄的激昂龙吟引得兽道界内外为之一颤。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 „......” The fierce explosive that passes through the ear, sees only that nine dragons domain central zone to surge again powerful bone-chilling cold storm. “嗵……”的一记贯耳的剧烈爆响,只见那九龙领域的中心地带再次激荡开一股强盛的凛冽风暴。 With the air/Qi of nine dragons rushes enormously and powerful, black nebula vortex all-around raising flies to rupture. 伴随着浩荡澎湃的九龙之气,黑色的星云漩涡全方位的掀飞爆裂。 In many are flooding in vision with amazement, Dragon Blood Great Emperor impressively holy blood dragon. 在诸多充斥着骇然的目光之中,龙血大帝赫然间圣血化龙。 Under chaotic shadow blade light spin that everywhere surrounds, is lending the peerless ominous offense aura, the golden big dragon of fierce terrifying maps the view of everyone by the potential of storm collection. 漫天环绕的混乱影刃光旋下,一尊散发着绝世凶戾气息,狰狞恐怖的金色巨龙以风暴汇集之势映入每个人的眼帘内部。 The ominous prestige shakes the day! The true ominous prestige shakes the day! Big beast anxious rocking. 凶威撼天!真正的凶威撼天!偌大的兽道界都在不安的晃动。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor under the big dragon exceptionally aggressive fearsome, dark golden scale, is flowing the gorgeous incomparable light mark line. 龙血大帝所化的巨龙异常的霸气可怖,暗金色的鳞片之下,流动着绚丽无比的光纹线条。 A pair of dragon wing presents the huge talons shape. 一对龙翼呈现出巨大的钩爪状。 Distant looks, it as if lives six dragon claw. 远远的望去,其仿佛生有六只龙爪。 „ Does this want to win me? “这就想赢我? The difference far...... ” the Dragon Blood Great Emperor momentum heard just like the startling thunderclap. 差远了……”龙血大帝的声势宛如惊雷入耳。 The golden color of the ice-cold ominous offense sets upright the pupil to look angrily at front above Chu Hen. 其冰冷凶戾的金色竖瞳怒视前方上空的楚痕 Can compel this degree this emperor, you also sufficiently proud......” bang!” “能将本帝逼到这种程度,你也足以自傲了……”“轰!” Instance that the words fall, that for example the ancient times big dragon obstructed a day of ominous thing to open the big mouth, along with the blazing rich dragon breath, the huge class/flow column brilliance of slanting birthplace highest heaven spurted together directly toward Chu Hen. 话落的瞬间,那譬如远古巨龙般的遮天凶物张开血盆大口,伴随着炽热浓郁的龙息,一道斜贯九霄的庞大流柱光焰径直朝着楚痕喷去。 !” “呼!” Whish!” “哗!” ...... The enormous and powerful power and influence sweeps across the expansive sky, the world trembles with fear, the vault of heaven changes colors. ……浩浩荡荡的威势席卷长空,天地惊颤,苍穹失色。 Chu Hen pupil micro, when is hasty, the single palm faces forward to find out, a series of manic purple winds spin thunder Hu to collect before the body instantly form a light shield of round campylodromous. 楚痕瞳孔微缩,仓促之际,单掌朝前探出,一系列狂躁的紫色风旋雷弧即刻汇集于身前形成一座圆弧状的光盾。 The terrifying great strength birthplace raids, but, „......”, gorgeous golden light source complementary waves swing eight sides to be void before the body of Chu Hen. 恐怖的巨力贯袭而至,“嗵……”的一声,一座绚丽的金色光源余波于楚痕的身前荡开八方虚空。 Together with the domain space of shatter distortion, Chu Hen is suddenly feeling an arm hemp, the purple before its protects the shield disruption at the same time, the whole person was also given solid hit by that wild class/flow column brilliance. 连同着破碎扭曲的领域空间,楚痕顿觉手臂一麻,其身前的紫色护盾碎裂的同时,整个人也被那狂暴至极的流柱光焰给结结实实的击中。 The confused golden flame glow raises the day to surge. 乱腾的金色焰芒掀天涌动。 Chu Hen figure rapid retreats toward the rear area. 楚痕身形迅速的朝着后方退去。 However, Dragon Blood Great Emperor may slightly do not breathe heavily to Chu Hen- the opportunity of breath. 然,龙血大帝可丝毫没有要给楚痕喘-息的机会。 The just like the talons dragon wing to flash, to rip a day of strength to throw toward Chu Hen. 其犹如钩爪般的龙翼闪动,以撕天之力朝着楚痕扑去。 This emperor must grind your each bone......” „, you feared want.” “本帝要碾碎你的每一根骨头……”“哼,你怕是想多了。” Chu Hen look one cold. 楚痕眼神一寒。 Bang......” sees only an embrittlement the explosive sound to fold in the left hand arm of Chu Hen. “砰……”只见一声脆裂的爆响声于楚痕的左手臂叠起。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Also is dragon cry! The beast in people suddenly feel the heartstrings to tremble, this dragon cry, as if contains palpitation of direct impact soul. 又是一声龙吟!兽道界内的众人顿觉心弦一颤,这一声龙吟,仿佛蕴含着直冲灵魂的悸动。 The powerful purple flame and black air/Qi glow ascend unexpectedly in the left hand arm of Chu Hen. 强盛的紫色火焰和黑色气芒竟于楚痕的左手臂升腾开来。 Then, wipes especially strange dragon shape design secret lu to reappear. 接着,一抹尤为奇异的龙形图案秘箓浮现而出。 The lifelike dragon shadow lingers in the arm of Chu Hen hovers up and down. 栩栩如生的龙影萦绕在楚痕的手臂上下游动。 It looks like totem tattoo that appears quietly. 就像是悄然浮现的图腾刺青。 „......” Together with is showing the ominous prestige to be aggressive, makes the shocking dignity that one trembles. “嗷……”连同着彰显凶威霸气,令人颤栗的惊世威严。 In dreadful black light beams pierce in the vault of heaven, a whole body proliferates the black dense scale, and sends out the powerful lifeform of endless dark aura to be broadminded to break through the shackles to prohibit the front surface to throw toward Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 在一片滔天的黑色光束刺穿天穹中,一尊浑身遍布黑色密鳞,且散发着无尽幽暗气息的强悍生物豁然间冲破桎梏封禁迎面朝着龙血大帝扑去。 The perfect figure, is ancient and aggressive, a pair of standing erect great pupil shows the peerless dignity of looking disdainfully common people. 完美的身形,古老且霸气,一双竖立的巨瞳更是彰显睥睨苍生的绝世威严。 Black Dragon......” the complexion of people changes again and again. “黑龙……”众人的脸色一变再变。 To many, this is the first time that not witnessed this ominous thing. 对于不少人而言,这已经不是第一次目睹到这尊凶物了。 Their clear remembering. 他们清楚的记得。 At that time at the Saint clan congress, this wild Black Dragon tore dead beast easily empty Yu Shenyin the chest. 在圣族大会上,当时这条狂暴至极的黑龙轻而易举的撕裂了“死兽化虚”的宇神隐的胸膛。 ...... When Dragon Blood Great Emperor looks at that to make threatening gestures, when plunges own Black Dragon, in that bimetal color pupil is the anger soars to the heavens. ……当龙血大帝望着那条张牙舞爪,扑向自己的黑龙之时,那双金属色的瞳孔中更是怒火冲天。 It roared sternly, you dared to cope with me...... you to be possible with it to know, this was my Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast......” heart beast! Is flooding the great anger angry roaring acoustic shock the innumerable person vitality surges. 其厉声咆哮道,“你胆敢用它来对付我……你可知道,这是我龙血圣族的‘心兽’……”心兽!充斥着盛怒的怒吼声震得无数人气血翻腾。 Everyone opened the circle the eye. 每个人都睁圆了眼睛。 That, that Black Dragon is Dragon Blood Sacred Clanheart beast? ” “那,那条黑龙是龙血圣族的“心兽”?” How can?” “怎么会?” ...... „!” ……“嗷!” Roar!” “吼!” ...... The incarnation ancient times Dragon Blood Great Emperor of big dragon raised the dreadful anger to prey with it Black Dragon together. ……化身远古巨龙的龙血大帝掀起滔天的怒火与之黑龙搏杀在一起。 Two big dragon lackeys quarrel, crazy preying tear and bite. 两尊巨龙爪牙相向,疯狂的搏杀撕咬。 The barb sharp claws insert in the dragon scale of opposite party respectively, burning hot boiling hot dragon breath like flame to spurting in the same place. 倒钩般的利爪各自嵌入对方的龙鳞之中,炙热滚烫的龙息如同火焰般对喷在一起。 In sky. 天空中。 Appears the picture of unrivalled great ominous mutually preying. 惊现旷世巨凶互相搏杀的画面。 ...... The especially magnificent scene gives the people have the greatest visual impact at the same time, in the heart of everyone is also the rough seas surges. ……尤为壮观的场景给予众人造成莫大视觉冲击的同时,每个人的心中也是大浪翻腾。 Is a face unbelievable stares at swallow to hold the book. 就连穆斐都是一脸难以置信的盯着身边的燕扶书。 „Is that the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast?” “那是龙血圣族的心兽?” It is well known. 世人皆知。 In the past the God still tumultuous times, wielded the person of clan domain, at that time had many Saint clan heart to refuse to accept. 当年天帝平定乱世,执掌人族领域,那时是有很多圣族心有不服的。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor is one of them. 龙血大帝就是其中之一。 However, the God directly is various forcing clans, even also cuts massacred Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast, shocks the four directions by this, forcing Nine Provinces. 然而,天帝直接是力压各族,甚至还斩杀掉了龙血圣族的“心兽”,以此来震慑四方,力压九州。 Therefore , Dragon Blood Sacred Clan does not only have heart beast strongest Saint clan. 所以说,龙血圣族是唯一没有“心兽”的最强圣族。 ...... swallow Fushu slightly was silent, at once replies, should be!” ……燕扶书稍稍沉默了一下,旋即回答道,“应该是!” Should?” “应该?” Closely examines. 穆斐追问。 „ After the past the God cut killed heart beast, Dragon Blood Sacred Clan its corpse belt/bring has not gone back. “当年天帝斩杀了‘心兽’之后,龙血圣族并没有把其的尸体带回去。 As for heart beast the corpse did what processed, rarely had the person to know. 至于‘心兽’的尸体作何处理了,鲜有人知晓。 Afterward, according to the elder recollection in clan, the God discovered that Black Dragon the beast souls still had not extinguished, therefore sent the elders in clan to say in some...... ” swallow Fushu its seal, simultaneously in his eye also some surprise. 后来,据族内的长者回忆,天帝发现黑龙尚有一丝兽魂未灭,于是派族内的长老将其封印在了某地……”燕扶书说着,同时他眼中也有些诧异。 It has not thought, after such a long time, the remnant soul of Black Dragon attached on Chu Hen unexpectedly. 其没想到,时隔这么长时间,黑龙的残魂竟然依附在了楚痕身上。 Nods. 穆斐点了点头。 Originally is this, wants to come that the remnant soul of Black Dragon to think absorbs the strength parasitic of Chu Hen, now had been tamed no longer to follow the summon of Dragon Blood Great Emperor...... to by Chu Hen say, the present scene is somewhat funny. “原来是这样,想来那黑龙的残魂一直以为吸收楚痕的力量寄生,如今已被楚痕驯服而不再遵循龙血大帝的召唤……”不得不说,眼前的场景有些滑稽。 Chu Hen by Dragon Blood Sacred Clan heart beast copes with Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 楚痕龙血圣族的“心兽”来对付龙血大帝 So many years passed by, relation between Dragon Blood Great Emperor and Black Dragon had shut off, the summon contract lost the function. 这么多年过去了,龙血大帝和黑龙之间的联系早已被切断,召唤契约更是失去了作用。 If Dragon Blood Great Emperor wants to recapture, must first do massacres Chu Hen, Black Dragon thorough releases from the imprisonment. 如若龙血大帝想要夺回,首先要做的就是杀掉楚痕,将黑龙彻底的从禁锢中释放出来。 ...... ……
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