UMDK :: Volume #18

#1710: Twin prohibits

Six! Fights the world randomly, vault of heaven entirely tremor. 六道界!乱斗天地,苍穹俱颤。 The expedition armies of Saint clan alliance in five directions, launch the attack from five domain entrances. 圣族联盟的征战大军于五个方向,从五个界域入口发起进攻。 How the conditions in five border areas, did not understand. 五个界域的境况如何,相互间都不了解。 But what without a doubt is, each domain at this moment is erupting especially intense battle war. 但毫无疑问的是,此刻的每个界域都爆发着尤为激烈的厮杀大战。 Hell! Also was called deep say/way. 地狱道界!又被称之为“冥道界”。 Here, the expedition army who becomes by Divine Eyes Sacred Clan and Burning Heaven Sacred Clan combination and other main army of Saint clans raises the dreadful beacon-fire with it dark Saint clan and ray Saint clan. 在这里,由神眼圣族焚天圣族组合而成的征战大军正与之黑暗圣族和光芒圣族等几个圣族的主力军掀起滔天的烽火。 Moves the fierce combat of day of chaotic place to detonate big hell. 动天乱地的激战引爆偌大的地狱道界。 Roaring flame hell of sea of fire combustion. 火海燃烧的烈焰地狱。 Snow-covered cold ice hell. 冰雪覆盖的寒冰地狱。 Desert hell that the dust and fog flies upwards...... wait/etc., what many in deep say/way hell domain end is the blood rain sprinkles spatially, corpse horizontally everywhere. 尘雾飞扬的沙漠地狱……等等,冥道界内的诸多“地狱领域”端的是血雨洒空,尸横遍地。 If according to the qualifications, this time hastily expedition this side surely by burning the day of Great Emperor is led the direction. 如果是按照资历的话,此次连忙征战者这一方必定是由焚天大帝主导指挥。 However, situated in Burning Heaven Sacred Clan and gratitude and grudges intensification of samsara Saint clan side, burns the day of Great Emperor directly is the insistent thorough enemy center, raises by the easily accomplished potential endless withers to slaughter. 不过,介于焚天圣族和轮回圣族这一方的恩怨激化,以致于焚天大帝直接是一马当先的深入敌人腹地,以摧枯拉朽之势掀起无尽的肃杀屠戮。 Keeping off me dies......” burns the day of Great Emperor is kills to get angry. “挡我者死……”焚天大帝可谓是杀红了眼。 For serveral days accumulated the hatred and anger in heart unceasing divulged, at present these people all are it for the object of giving vent to indignation. 这些天累积在心中的憎恨和怒火不断的宣泄出来,眼前这些人皆是其用于泄愤的对象。 With Yu Shengu extremely collaboration, death!” “和宇神孤极同流合污者,死!” Bang......” overbearing and wild red extinguishes the world divine punishment flame just like sweeps across the red cloud of vault of heaven, everywhere one visit, looks like sweeps eight sides the galaxy halo, as long as by hit, was all burnt as the ashes instantaneously. “轰嗵……”霸道且狂暴的赤色灭世神罚焰犹如席卷苍穹的火烧云,所到之处,就像是扫荡八方的星系光环,但凡被击中者,皆是在瞬间被燃为灰烬。 Anger! True anger! No matter what who can feel from the hatred anger and hate that in Fentian the Great Emperor sends out. 怒!真正的怒!任谁都能够感受到源自于焚天大帝散发出来的憎怒和怨恨。 The if god of the flame, burns completely the deep say/way world. 其如若一尊火焰之神,焚尽着冥道界的天地。 ...... Burns the strength of day of Great Emperor to be really terrorist, according to so the offensive, we should be able to be first entering Heavenly Dao team.” ……“焚天大帝的力量着实恐怖,按照这般攻势,我们应该会是第一个杀入‘天道界’的队伍。” Is above flowing cloud Juzhou of head. 为首的流云巨舟之上。 The Divine Eyes Sacred Clan captains are paying close attention to the current situation. 神眼圣族的指挥者们密切关注着当前的局势。 Burns day of Great Emperor no one to keep off, in this Great Emperor rank powerhouse acts as under the situation of vanguard, Divine Eyes Sacred Clan army unceasing presses in deep say/way the deep place. 焚天大帝无人可挡,在这位大帝级别强者充当先锋的情形下,神眼圣族的大军不断的压进冥道界的深处内部。 Although the main army of ray Saint clan and dark Saint clan exhaust ability resist. 尽管光芒圣族和黑暗圣族的主力军竭尽所能的抵抗。 But was killed retreats in defeat again and again. 但还是被杀得节节败退。 Huge magnificent flowing cloud Juzhou, if occupies- the prehistoric ominous beast of lead(er) ancient territory. 一艘艘庞大壮观的流云巨舟,如若占-领古老领地的史前凶兽。 Does not know how several other border areas......” stood side Bai Qianyu light lifts to the beautiful eye not, such as the red gem pupil exudes seriously some. “不知道其他几个界域怎么样了……”站在白浅予身旁的莫轻离美目微抬,如红色宝石般的眸子泛起些许郑重。 The Bai Qianyu eye pupil slightly side, said, does not need to be worried, so long as five go on an expedition the army to have any to enter to Heavenly Dao, can make the samsara Saint clan they be attacked front and rear, disrupts their internal lineups.” 白浅予眼眸微侧,道,“不必担心,只要五支征战大军有任何一支进入到‘天道界’,都能令轮回圣族他们腹背受敌,打乱他们的内部阵形。” Heavenly Dao takes six central bases. 天道界作为六道界的中心基地。 Also is the main city of samsara Saint clan is. 亦是轮回圣族的主城所在。 Five army press near. 五军压近。 The side broke through the defense of main city, then distributed the main army in several other border areas must return to base surely. 有一方冲破了主城的防御,那么分布在其他几个界域的主力军必定要回防。 When can reduce several other resistance of going on an expedition the army. 介时,就能够减轻另外几个征战大军的阻力。 When the time comes, they only need to conduct to pull the war in the Heavenly Dao peripheral region, when five army converge, one and captures Heavenly Dao then. 到时候,他们只需要在天道界的外围区域进行拉扯战,等到五军汇合,一并攻入天道界即可。 ...... Bang!” ……“轰隆!” Unexpectedly, at this moment, is murdering burns the day of Great Emperor peripheral space that in the enemy group towering to be startled an extremely strong strength to fluctuate wantonly. 蓦地,就在这时,正在敌群中大肆杀伐的焚天大帝周边空间突兀的惊起一股极强的力量波动。 Was in a state of distortion rocking along with the both sides spaces, towering, burns the left of day of Great Emperor to erupt solar stars dazzling Saint glow. 伴随着两侧的空间陷入了扭曲晃动状态,突兀的,焚天大帝的左边爆发出一片太阳星辰般的刺眼圣芒。 But , burns the right side of day of Great Emperor, does not have any omen starts black destruction storm. 而,紧接着,焚天大帝的右侧,没有任何预兆的掀起一股黑色的毁灭风暴。 „Is that?” “那是?” Situated in flowing on cloud Juzhou Divine Eyes Sacred Clan one line of hearts is startled. 位于流云巨舟上的神眼圣族一行人心头不由的一惊。 Ray! Dark! Two entirely different, and clearly opposite great power covers suddenly is burning the left and right of day of Great Emperor. 光芒!黑暗!两种截然不同,且截然相反的强大力量豁然笼罩在焚天大帝的左右两侧。 The ray, is especially dazzling. 光芒,尤为刺眼。 Dark, if still abyss. 黑暗,犹若深渊。 The strengths of two different aura like the universe nebula wormhole of collection, will burn the day of Great Emperor to surround to be one of them. 两股不同气息的力量就像汇集的宇宙星云虫洞,将焚天大帝包围在其中。 In an instant, burns the day of Great Emperor like getting sucked in darkness and light intersection point, half in bright, half are dark. 霎那间,焚天大帝如同深陷于“黑暗”和“光明”的交界处,一半在明,一半在暗。 Humming sound......” the strength of incomparably powerful seal to is burning the day of Great Emperor to complete the imprisonment in the both sides. “嗡嗡……”无比强大的封印之力于两侧对着焚天大帝完成禁锢。 Then, in many are flooding under vision with amazement, a diameter exceeds ten thousand meters hugeness of „the stars spheroid to appear in Ming said the sky. 接着,在诸多充斥着骇然的目光下,一颗直径超过万米的巨大“星辰球体”惊现于冥道界的上空。 This „the stars spheroid half are the white, half are the black. 这颗“星辰球体”一半为白色,一半为黑色。 Burns the day of Great Emperor to place oneself in that black and white boundary connection dead center position. 焚天大帝置身于那黑白界限交汇的正中心位置。 Dark cloud peer obstructs a day of aura to flood entire hell. 乌云伦比的遮天气息充斥着整个地狱道界。 Strong bone-chilling cold light mark wind spin regarding in that stars spheroid the surface layer, looks like the universe storm that curls up, making one feel the enormous oppression. 强劲凛冽的光纹风旋围绕在那“星辰球体”的表层,就像是卷起的宇宙风暴,令人感到极大的压迫。 Divine Eyes Sacred Clan and in the eyes of Burning Heaven Sacred Clan people all gushes out some surprised colors. 神眼圣族焚天圣族众人的眼中皆是涌出些许惊疑之色。 Really has to fall......” a Divine Eyes Sacred Clan high level sinking sound said. “果然有陷进……”一神眼圣族的高层沉声道。 Before they were worried burnt the day of Great Emperor to clash too before , fell into the snare of place. 之前他们就担心焚天大帝会冲的太前而落入地方的圈套。 But situated in powerful cultivation base of opposite party Great Emperor rank, has not actually prevented. 但介于对方大帝级别的强悍修为,却也没有阻止。 ...... „, Is you two son of a bitch.” ……“哼,是你们两个狗东西。” Situated in dark bright common border region burns in the day of Great Emperor pupil the flame to burn. 处于黑暗光明交界区域的焚天大帝眸中火焰燃动。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The words fall, its left and right ray and in dark region are to all reappear to wipe the luminous spot. 话落,其左右两侧的光芒和黑暗区域之中皆是浮现出一抹光点。 That two luminous spots present two person's shadows. 那两个光点呈现出两道人影。 Distant looks, just like in Li Minghe at night two alternate twin stars. 远远的望去,犹如于黎明和黑夜两界交替的双子星。 Is the head of the clan of ray Saint clan and dark Saint clan......” is built on flows on cloud Juzhou Divine Eyes Sacred Clan high-level sinking sound said. “是光芒圣族和黑暗圣族的族长……”立于流云巨舟上的神眼圣族高层沉声道。 What do they want to make?” “他们想做什么?” ...... The heart some not good premonition of people, and will look at Bai Qianyu in abundance. ……众人的心头有些不好的预感,且纷纷将目光转向白浅予 Inquired whether the opposite party must make a move to rescue. 询问对方是否要出手营救。 However, the Bai Qianyu facial expression is quite actually calm, a pair of bright and beautiful moving peach blossom beautiful pupil static observation front situation. 然,白浅予的神情倒是颇为镇定,一双明秀动人的桃花美眸静静的观测着前方的情形。 ...... You extremely impulsed, burns the day of Great Emperor.” ……“你太过冲动了,焚天大帝。” The dark side, that belt/bring several points of facetious sound is spreading burns in the ear of day of Great Emperor. 黑暗一方,那带着几分戏谑的声音传入焚天大帝的耳中。 Snort!” “哼!” The latter sneers, depends on you two, does the delusion defeat this emperor to be inadequate?” 后者冷笑,“就凭你们两个,就妄想战胜本帝不成?” „The Great Emperor you favored us, depended on both of us, how can be your opponent......” dark Saint clan head of the clan exudes to wipe smiles craftily, then in his pupil gushed out the faint trace to be self-satisfied, „, but, we, although could not kill you, but Ok, you, what entrained into a ghostdom most deep place......”? “大帝您抬举我们了,就凭我们二人,岂会是您的对手……”黑暗圣族族长泛起一抹诡笑,接着其瞳孔中涌出丝丝得意,“不过,我们虽然杀不了你,但可以,将你,拽入冥界道的最深处……”什么? Ghostdom most deep place? 冥界道的最深处? Divine Eyes Sacred Clan and Burning Heaven Sacred Clan people in great surprise. 神眼圣族焚天圣族的众人大惊。 Finishes speaking, the fault/chasm of below land river splits. 话音刚落,下方的大地河川的断层裂开。 With the broken minute of splitting open mountain range long slope, the abyss crack that extends together infinitely rapid presents. 伴随着从中破分绽开的山脉长坡,一道无限延伸的深渊裂缝迅速的呈现出来。 The innumerable say/way dazzling mysterious photo sources gush out in that land fissure, if tens of thousands of ancient rune/symbol Wenmi lu the spirit vine is found in the ground. 无数道绚丽夺目的神秘光源于那大地裂痕内部涌出,成千上万的古老符纹秘箓如若灵藤遍布地面。 Looks giant opening that ground breaks open, people all mind entirely tremor in deep say/way. 看着那地面破开的巨大豁口,冥道界内的众人无不心神俱颤。 The gloomy woods cold wind spin flows into to pass through turbulently in that huge abyss gap. 阴暗森寒的风旋流注于那庞大的深渊缺口中汹涌贯出。 Then, that float in void, half are bright, half dark stars spheroid slowly falls toward the ground. 接着,那颗悬浮于虚空中,一半光明,一半黑暗的“星辰球体”缓缓的朝着地面坠去。 In the motion process, came from innumerable light source spirit vine rapid entangling that „the stars spheroid in land abyss the surface layer. 在移动过程中,源自于大地深渊中的无数光源灵藤迅速的缠上那“星辰球体”的表层。 If mysterious light chains are stranded that black half half white „the stars, then draw in it the abyss. 如若一道道神秘的光链锁困着那颗半黑半白的“星辰”,然后将其拖入深渊之内。 ...... „ Hehe, the Great Emperor, this is both of us personally for the imprisoned technique that eventually you prepare. ……“呵呵,大帝阁下,这可是我们二人亲自为你准备的终究禁锢术。 We think is not your opponent, may treat you sink to deep say/way the deepest bottom, where, myriad things nihility, even if your cultivation base is strong , can only always suffer injustice, ha. ” 我们自认为远不是你的对手,可待你沉入‘冥道界’的最深底,在哪里,万物虚无,纵然你修为再强,也只能永世不见天日,哈哈哈哈哈。” Head of the clan four of ray Saint clan laugh to say. 光芒圣族的族长肆声大笑道。 Gave up any idea of that......” burns the day of Great Emperor facial color gloomy like the frost, it tries the strong true essence strength of reassignment within the body to break through the imprisonment, may actually discover that own strength seemed compressed to an extremely small and narrow space range, felt that seemed like bound the hands and feet, own strength released not to let out radically. “休想……”焚天大帝面色阴沉如霜,其试着调动体内的强大真元力冲破禁锢,可却发现自己的力量仿佛被压缩至在一个极为窄小的空间范围,感觉就像是被束缚住了手脚般,自身的力量根本释放不出去。 Do not do senselessly struggled, this technique specially for...... the strength of ray you customize, is responsible for the seal your purple mansion true essence, the strength of darkness, for suppressing your bloodline limit...... this technique named, twin prohibits......” dark Saint clan head of the clan complacent saying with a smile. “别做无谓的挣扎了,这个术可是专门为你量身定做的……光芒之力,负责封印你的紫府真元,黑暗之力,用于压制你的血脉界限……此术名为,‘双生封禁’……”黑暗圣族族长洋洋得意的笑道。 Moreover, do not look down on us...... the strengths of our two clans, but not weak......” is not weak! The heartstrings of people present trembles. “另外,别小瞧我们了……我们两族的力量,可一点不弱……”一点不弱!在座众人的心弦不由的一颤。 Indeed! The dark Saint clan and ray Saint clan is never the small and weak ethnic group. 的确!黑暗圣族和光芒圣族从来就不是弱小的族群。 Even said, their two clans are also next to ten big strongest Saint clans. 甚至说,他们两族也仅次于十大最强圣族而已。 But, as two clans the head of the clan of strongest hierarch, the strength is naturally a cinch. 而,作为两族的最强掌权者的族长,实力自然不在话下。 Has to acknowledge. 不得不承认。 Burns the day of Great Emperor, this time obviously has a low opinion of the enemy. 焚天大帝,此次明显过于轻敌。 ...... Humming sound!” ……“嗡嗡!” The abyss crack that splits open in the ground looks like the huge mouth that the land opens, fused the rays and dark two big seal strength of „the stars spheroid pulls closer unceasingly with the distance of it ground. 于地面绽开的深渊裂缝就像是大地张开的巨口,融合了光芒和黑暗两大封印之力的“星辰球体”不断拉近与之地面的距离。 A Burning Heaven Sacred Clan expert how could to so. 焚天圣族的一众高手岂能任由如此。 „The Great Emperor, we help you.” “大帝,我们来助你。” Sees only dozens imposing forms to plunder to that half to be dark in the different angles in all directions, half bright stars spheroid. 只见数十道气势不凡的身影于四面八方不同的角度掠向那颗一半黑暗,一半光明的“星辰球体”。 But, the people were just close to that stars spheroid merely, fierce nebula storm sweeps across. 可是,众人仅仅只是刚一接近那颗星辰球体,一股剧烈的星云风暴席卷开来。 A vigorous halo of black and white interaction breaks the later loop shock-wave just like the stars, was swept the Burning Heaven Sacred Clan people who hit to be raised to fly all, the mouth spouts the big mouth blood. 一圈黑白相间的雄浑光环宛如星辰破碎之后的弧圈冲击波,被扫荡击中的焚天圣族众人尽数被掀飞出去,嘴里喷出大口的鲜血。 ............ At the same time! Beast! Main road, cuts the star standing grain!” …………于此同时!兽道界!“大道,斩星禾!” The black light spin shadow blade just like the galaxy of slanting birthplace vault of heaven to segment two halves that five claw big dragons, subsequently the offensive has not reduced the half a point, cuts toward below Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 黑色的光旋影刃犹如斜贯苍穹的星系般将那五爪巨龙切分成两半,继而攻势未减半分,朝着下方的龙血大帝斩去。 Sharp peerless, the imposing manner executes the day! The offensive that Chu Hen erupts just like the god of death to brandish, but below sickle. 锋利绝伦,气势诛天!楚痕爆发出来的攻势犹如死神挥舞而下的镰刀。 „......” Serious incomparable startled day explosive in beast said the sky shakes, gloomy, just like the star meteor to split explodes. “嗵……”的一声沉重无比的惊天爆响于兽道界的上空震开,天昏地暗,犹如星陨绽爆。 Tears void strong storm class/flow column roaming Cuan everywhere is. 撕裂虚空的强劲风暴流柱游窜的到处都是。 Everywhere light wheel shadow blade spatters in all directions the expansive sky carelessly. 漫天的光轮影刃胡乱迸溅长空。 The place of wild black wind spin covering expands unceasingly, tears the space the black undercurrent column to swallow to be one of them Dragon Blood Great Emperor instantaneously, in an instant, entire nine dragons domain the ranged space degenerates into a stretch of death forbidden area instantly. 狂暴的黑色风旋笼罩之地不断扩张,撕裂空间的黑暗流柱瞬间将龙血大帝吞噬在其中,霎那间,整个“九龙领域”的范围空间即刻沦为了一片死亡禁区。
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