UMDK :: Volume #18

#1709: demon eyes games dragon blood

Punctures the shadow to go against, under blade not fresh, under the blade only dies......” to collect the accumulation to just like the light shuttle sharp sword of connection in 1 : 00 reverse scale shadow blade, along with the Dragon Blood Great Emperor powerful palm vigor, all impact on the body of Chu Hen. “刺影逆,刃下无生,刃下唯死……”一道道归拢聚集于一点的的逆鳞影刃犹如交汇的光梭利剑,伴随着龙血大帝的强大掌劲,尽数冲击在楚痕的身上。 Chu Hen......” Long Qingyang, Ye Yao and the others all have a big shock. 楚痕……”龙青阳,叶瑶等人皆是大惊失色。 swallow Fushu and the others are also the facial color changes, the brow sinks. 穆斐,燕扶书等人亦是面色一变,眉头一沉。 Hiss......” endless point night blade interweaves , the chest of Chu Hen explodes instantaneously, its body just like encountered the extremely terrifying destruction segmentation strength, looks like lotus flower that one group bloomed to explode, rapid putting, skeleton internal organs one and twisted smashing. “嘶……”无尽的锋芒夜刃交织而下,楚痕的胸膛瞬间爆裂,其身躯犹如遭遇了极度恐怖的毁灭切分力,就像是一团从中绽放爆开的莲花,迅速的盛放,骨骼内脏一并被绞的粉碎。 Conclusion......” on the Dragon Blood Great Emperor face is exposing gloomy and cold the smile, and disdaining. “结束……”龙血大帝脸上展露着阴冷且不屑的笑容。 Also however, in the next flash, reverse scale the shadow to puncture to twist the broken Chu Hen from top to bottom towering ascension more powerful purple monster flame. 然,也就在下一瞬间,被逆鳞影刺所绞碎的楚痕浑身上下突兀的升腾起更为强盛的紫色妖炎。 And on his face does not see the half a point painful and flurried meaning. 其脸上且不见半分痛苦和慌乱之意。 Also early!” The pondering happy expression that the Great Emperor...... selects lightly made the Dragon Blood Great Emperor pupil concentrate, latter corner of the eye one cold, the sinking sound, said, purple flame clone......” „!” “还早呢!大帝阁下……”轻挑的玩味笑意令龙血大帝瞳孔微凝,后者眼角一凛,沉声,道,“紫炎分身……”“嗵!” Together with the voice of falling, serious startled day fierce explosive broadminded in beast was saying the sky shakes. 连同着落下的话音,一记沉重惊天的剧烈爆响豁然于兽道界的上空震荡开来。 Sees only situated in the Dragon Blood Great Emperor front Chu Hen just like stars of blasting open, the dreadful purple storm also raises the day. 只见位于龙血大帝前方的“楚痕”犹如一颗炸裂的星辰,滔天的紫色风暴随之掀天而起。 The wild with rage purple flame sea of fire like burning the day nebula vortex, with grinding the potential of vault of heaven, sweeps across to grind toward Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 狂怒的紫焰火海就像焚天的星云漩涡,冠以碾碎苍穹之势,朝着龙血大帝席卷碾去。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor facial color slightly cold, „, how long depends on this to carve the insect small technique you to resist?” 龙血大帝面色微寒,“哼,就凭这等雕虫小技你又能抵挡多久?” Then, the Dragon Blood Great Emperor body air/Qi outside of nine dragons surges, the gorgeous aggressive dragon shadow surrounds outside the body, shields the purple flame storm that comes all outside. 说罢,龙血大帝身外的九龙之气涌动,绚丽霸气的龙影环绕在身外,尽数将那汹涌而来的紫炎风暴所屏蔽在外。 Cry......” may also on this time, that wreaking havoc highest heaven the sky of purple storm appear pair of mysterious huge purple demon eyes suddenly, demon eyes of evil charm like overlooking vault of heaven the eye of Fiendgod, then, the nine sunspots of demon eyes deep place pursue the rotation mutually, the world are startled the intermittent rhythm, the boundless situation of disseminating endures compared with the change rotation of stars. “唳……”可也就这时,那肆虐九霄的紫色风暴的上空豁然惊现一双神秘巨大的紫色妖瞳,邪魅的妖瞳如同俯瞰苍穹的神魔之眼,接着,妖瞳深处的九颗黑点相互追逐转动,天地惊起阵阵律动,弥散出来的磅礴大势堪比星辰的更替轮转。 Terrorist force fluctuation that as in the pupil folds, the space breakage under Dragon Blood Great Emperor body is suddenly hollow. 随着瞳孔之中叠起的恐怖力量波动,龙血大帝身下的空间陡然破裂凹陷。 At once, incomparably huge, flows the Fiendgod great hands of trillion purple flowing light light spins to appear in Dragon Blood Great Emperor below upper air. 旋即,一只无比庞大,流动着亿万紫色流光光旋的神魔巨手惊现于龙血大帝的下方高空。 The shocking strength, showing holds to grasp the galaxy invincible might. 惊世之力,彰显持握星河神威。 Is the Demon Eyes Great Emperor technique...... lord on that pale face secret palace exudes several to divert attention to be startled unexpectedly. “竟然是妖瞳大帝的术……”天机宫之主穆斐那苍白的脸上泛起几分心惊。 The rock Saint clan, the governing beast Saint clan, the people of storm Saint clan have surprisedly. 岩石圣族,御兽圣族,暴风圣族的众人也是有所惊疑。 ...... nine stars demon eyes, grasping of tribulation day!” ……“九星妖瞳,劫天之握!” Startling thunderclap that Chu Hen momentum hears. 楚痕的声势似入耳的惊雷。 Bang!” “轰隆!” ...... The aura of destruction gathers to go toward Dragon Blood Great Emperor suddenly, the hand of that purple Fiendgod like the claw of tearing void ancient times ominous beast. ……毁灭的气息急剧朝着龙血大帝聚拢而去,那道紫色神魔之手就像撕裂虚空的远古凶兽之爪。 Like barb five fingers rapid combining, the space that Dragon Blood Great Emperor is encountering the steamroll of endless great strength sharply instantly. 锋利如倒钩般的五指迅速的并合,龙血大帝所在的空间即刻遭遇着无尽巨力的碾压。 Feels the space to crack rapidly collapsing, came from to well up in the concentration of efforts in all directions, in the eye of Dragon Blood Great Emperor flashes through wipes cold glow. 感受着自身所处的空间正飞速崩裂坍塌,源自于四面八方的力量集中涌来,龙血大帝的眼中不禁闪过一抹冷芒。 Rumor is actually not false, you obtained the Demon Eyes Great Emperor strength really......, but, depends on these, but also insufficient...... said by far, Dragon Blood Great Emperor that pair of dark gold/metal luster pupil is glittering light luminary of standing erect. “传言倒是不假,你果真获得了妖瞳大帝的力量……不过,就凭这些,还远远不够……”说罢,龙血大帝那双暗金色泽的瞳孔闪烁着竖立的光曜。 The sleeves create a clamor, the adverse current soars to the heavens. 衣袖鼓噪,逆流冲天。 Roar......” in his throat sends out spirited aggressive highest heaven dragon cry, sees only an imposing manner shakes the day suddenly the ipomoea cairica illusory image from Dragon Blood Great Emperor behind gets angry to/clashes Tianhe. “吼……”其喉咙中发出一记激昂霸气的九霄龙吟,只见一尊气势撼天的五爪金龙幻影豁然从龙血大帝的身后怒冲天河。 Purple tribulation day great hand sudden grasps. 紫色的劫天巨手急剧的握来。 The ipomoea cairica plate day dances. 五爪金龙盘天而舞。 Bang......” gathers, inward the outward two different wild great strength dash to connect immediately together. “轰嗵……”一张一合,朝内朝外两股不同的蛮荒巨力顿时冲撞交汇在一起。 In an instant, the highest heaven several want to collapse to fall, purple light luminary and dark golden Saint glow overlapping in beast said mutually the sky divulges to bloom. 霎那间,九霄几欲坍塌垮陷,紫色的光曜和暗金色的圣芒相互交叉于兽道界的上空宣泄绽放。 The universe changes color, the wind and cloud roared. 乾坤变色,风云咆哮。 In many feel under vision with amazement, sees only that toward the purple great hand that Dragon Blood Great Emperor holds to shake to go to the fierce impact of that ipomoea cairica, rapid rupturing, the innumerable say/way golden light beams for example put on the spatial sharp sword, first is in the referring to seam of in Ju hand puts on, subsequently unceasing passes through his palm back of the hand. 于诸多倍感骇然的目光下,只见那朝着龙血大帝持握而去的紫色巨手在那五爪金龙的猛烈冲击中,迅速的爆裂,无数道金色的光束譬如穿空的利剑,先是于巨手的指缝中穿出,继而又不断的贯穿其手心手背。 The potential of ipomoea cairica, trembling highest heaven. 五爪金龙之势,震颤九霄。 The facial color of people changes again and again. 众人的面色一变再变。 In the Dragon Blood Great Emperor front, this super promising youth Emperor clear/pain, in the strength missed eventually planned. 龙血大帝的面前,这位超级后起之秀的“楚帝”,力量上终究还是差了一筹。 But, does not need the beast in people to make the further determination, in purple Demon God demon eyes that pair is overlooking the entire domain is startled again an incomparably intense space rhythm. 可是,不待兽道界内的众人作出进一步的判定,那双俯瞰着整个界域的紫色妖神妖瞳之中再次惊起一阵无比强烈的空间律动。 nine stars demon eyes, to seal/confer Yaosuo!” 九星妖瞳,封妖锁!” Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Rumble!” “隆隆!” ...... Follows, dozens just like astral dragon Kamito purple iron chain is actually fled in that confused monster flame sea of fire baseless. ……跟着,数十道犹如罡龙神藤般的紫色铁链却是凭空于那乱腾的妖炎火海中窜了出来。 Each iron chain glitters to drag colored glaze light luminary. 每一道铁链都闪烁摇曳着琉璃般的光曜。 The huge iron chain locks spatially, directly gives the trapped/sleepy lock Dragon Blood Great Emperor as well as that ipomoea cairica empty shadow in the center. 庞大的铁链锁空,直接是将龙血大帝以及那条五爪金龙虚影给困锁在中央。 The purple sealing monster iron chain like the tail thorn of poisonous scorpion, is erupting extremely strong penetrating power, it passes through ipomoea cairica that huge body one after another, forms the potential of seal. 紫色的封妖铁链就像毒蝎的尾刺,爆发着极强的穿透力,其接连穿过五爪金龙那庞大的身躯,形成封印之势。 Humming sound......” iron chain is erupting the strength of astonishing seal suppression, the ipomoea cairica vigorously struggles to roar. “嗡嗡……”铁链爆发着惊人的封印镇压之力,五爪金龙极力的挣扎咆哮。 But also however, does not need the ipomoea cairica to work loose from to seal/confer Yaosuo the imprisonment. 然,还不待五爪金龙从封妖锁的禁锢下挣脱出来。 The sky of higher region, is broadminded to be startled extremely scary black storm. 更高区域的上空,豁然间惊起一股极度骇人的黑色风暴。 That is......” swallow holds the book, and the others the brows raises. “那是……”燕扶书,穆斐等人的眉头一掀。 In an instant, incomparably bone-chilling cold wild terrifying aura rhythm is covering a beast sky, the continuous heavy explosive for example the wind and thunder coping, the space of wide scope collapses to fall, and sudden tearing disintegration. 霎那间,无比凛冽的狂暴恐怖气息律动笼罩着兽道界的上空,接连不断的沉重爆响譬如风雷盖顶,大范围的空间坍塌垮陷,且急剧的撕裂崩碎。 In this seems beast of end avalanche sky over, is interweaving unexpectedly the innumerable say/way black mark. 在这好似末日崩塌的兽道界上空,竟是交织着无数道黑色的“道纹”。 Each twinkle in the world mark just like proliferating mysterious ancient spell secret Lu of highest heaven, probably hanging static black lightning. 每一条闪烁于天地间的“道纹”宛如遍布九霄的神秘古老符咒秘箓,又好像悬空静止的黑色闪电。 It portrayed probably after the hand of ancient times Spiritual God. 其好像经过远古神灵之手刻画出来。 Distant looks, every inchs, each, imitates, if contains the overbearing destruction aura. 远远的望去,每一寸,每一段,都仿若蕴含着霸道至极的毁灭气息。 ...... Main road!” ……“大道经!” With holds the book double fist to grasp for a swallow of chaos clan lightly, character language heavy puts out several characters. 同为混沌一族的燕扶书双拳轻握,字语沉重的吐出几个字。 Then, scarier aura vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered eight sides. 接着,更为骇人的气息纵横八方。 The pupil of people micro. 众人的瞳孔微缩。 Sees only the Chu Hen ice arrogant expansive sky, in the foreheads shows the emperor imposing manner, it is overlooking below Dragon Blood Great Emperor with the stance of occupying a commanding position. 只见楚痕凌傲长空,眉宇间彰显帝王气势,其以居高临下的姿态俯视着下方的龙血大帝 But, in Chu Hen behind, a body high black shadow is thousand ten feets just like Fiendgod to be built on void above. 而,在楚痕的身后,一尊身达千丈之高的黑色影子犹如神魔般立于虚空中之上。 „......” In that black Fiendgod great shadow palm, the innumerable say/way glows mysterious dim light black „a mark to collect toward his hand. “咻咻咻……”在那黑色神魔巨影的掌心,无数道焕发着神秘幽光的黑色“道纹”朝着其手中汇集。 The strong bone-chilling cold black light spin just like stirs day of turbine wheel that moves the place. 强劲凛冽的黑色光旋犹如搅天动地的涡轮。 Suddenly, a flywheel of high-speed rotation derives in his palm. 眨眼间,一记高速转动的飞轮在其掌中衍生而成。 That is the edge has the black flywheels of four sharp campylodromous hook corners/horns, in revolving of extreme velocity, is releasing roaring of rapid swift and fierce wind. 那是边缘有着四个尖锐弧状钩角的黑色飞轮,在极速的旋转中,释放着急促凌厉的风之咆哮。 Chu Hen is overlooking under that ominous air/Qi dreadful ipomoea cairica empty shadow. 楚痕俯视着下方那尊凶气滔天的五爪金龙虚影。 The lip moves slightly, faint puts out several characters. 嘴唇微动,淡漠的吐出几个字。 Main road, cuts the star standing grain......” together with Chu Hen that tranquil sound, it the above Fiendgod great shadow raises the arm behind directly, then the black light in that hand spins the wheel to tow to entrain the destruction aura that cuts the broken galaxy flies to under by the domain that to seal/confer Yaosuo imprisons. “大道,斩星禾……”连同着楚痕那平静的声音,其身后上空的神魔巨影直接是扬起手臂,接着那手中的黑色光旋飞轮拖拽着斩碎星河的毁灭气息飞向下方被封妖锁禁锢的领域。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The black spiral tornado spin like the nebula vortex that sinks secretly, it drags to entrain an extremely long space crack in void. 黑色的螺旋风旋就像一记暗沉的星云漩涡,其于虚空中拖拽出一道极长的空间裂缝。 The destruction aura of dark cloud peer gathers under. 乌云伦比的毁灭气息聚拢而下。 The shadow blade wind optical activity blade takes the lead to attack on that huge ipomoea cairica. 影刃风旋光刃率先冲击在那那条庞大的五爪金龙身上。 Bang......” shocks to pinnacle picture in beast said the sky comprehensive eruption presents. “轰嗵……”震撼到极致的画面于兽道界的上空全面爆发呈现。 Presents the pupil of everyone to shrink arrives tightly. 在座每个人的瞳孔缩紧到一点。 This move. 这一招。 Chu Hen on had displayed at Saint clan congress. 楚痕曾经于“圣族大会”上施展过。 That defeats Yu Shenyin, takes one move of champion title. 那是挫败宇神隐,拿下冠军宝座的一招。 But this time, its might, was far from before can place on a par. 但这一次,其威力之强,远非之前所能够相提并论。 Just like the destruction nebula vortex black cyclone shadow blade solid impact on the body of ipomoea cairica, the latter that sacred and huge dragon body directly is neat of segmentation. 宛如毁灭星云漩涡般的黑色气旋影刃结结实实的冲击在五爪金龙的身上,后者那神圣且庞大的龙躯直接是从中切分的整整齐齐。 With one and was segmented the purple that cuts off to seal the monster iron chain, the space that Dragon Blood Great Emperor is segmented unceasingly cuts. 伴随着一并被切分斩断的紫色封妖铁链,龙血大帝所在的空间不断被切分划开。 The destructive black wind spin nebula covers, just like sickle that the god of death wields. 毁灭性的黑色风旋星云笼罩而下,犹如死神挥出的镰刀。 In the dark golden pupil that Dragon Blood Great Emperor that stands erect is flashing the ice-cold woods cold ray. 龙血大帝那竖立的暗金色瞳孔中闪动着冰冷森寒的光芒。 „......” “嗵……”
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