UMDK :: Volume #18

#1708: Under the blade lives, under the blade dies

Humming sound......” overbearing incomparable aura filling the heavens randomly. “嗡嗡……”霸道无比的气息弥天乱地。 The Dragon Blood Great Emperor anger first potential of nine dragons, just like one to extinguish the world storm to cover toward Chu Hen under. 龙血大帝怒先九龙之势,犹如一股灭世风暴般朝着楚痕笼罩而下。 But, Chu Hen is also does not have to fear, it is fleeing in all directions from top to bottom the gorgeous purple flame glow, and black shadow wing surrounds, rapid condensation becomes just like the Fiendgod shadow together. 而,楚痕亦是毫无所惧,其浑身上下流窜着绚丽的紫色焰芒,且身后黑色影翼环绕,迅速的凝聚成一道犹如神魔般的影子。 „......” Day star splits explodes, wind-crack cloud howl. “嗵……”天星绽爆,风裂云啸。 Chu Hen and Dragon Blood Great Emperor two people look like two in the day Chen meteorite that in void meets by chance. 楚痕龙血大帝二人就像是两颗于虚空中不期而遇的天辰陨石。 Both once were collided, it may be said that was the space in earth-shaking, entire nine dragons domain was in a state of distortion rupture all. 两者一经碰撞,可谓是天翻地覆,整个九龙领域内的空间尽数陷入了扭曲破裂状态。 Enormous and powerful vigorous chaotic shock-wave sweeping in all directions. 浩荡雄浑的混乱冲击波扫荡四面八方。 Below waters rivers are suddenly hollow, astral's fierce complementary waves sweep across by the potential of steamroll, the crowd of peripheral tangled warfare was raised one after another flies to shake draws back. 下方的水域河流急剧凹陷,罡猛的余波以碾压之势席卷出去,周边的混战的人群接连被掀飞震退。 „Can this fellow shoulder the Dragon Blood Great Emperor offensive unexpectedly?” “这家伙竟能扛住龙血大帝的攻势?” The governing beast Saint clan, the rock Saint clan, storm Saint clan and the others all are still has with amazement. 御兽圣族,岩石圣族,暴风圣族等人皆是犹有骇然。 Although before then, the Chu Hen potential cuts the thunder Great Emperor, achievement Emperor clear/pain the name, is with a Dragon Blood Great Emperor comparison, the thunder Great Emperor obviously not in a level. 尽管在这之前,楚痕势斩雷霆大帝,成就“楚帝”之名,可是同龙血大帝一比较,雷霆大帝显然不在一个层面上。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor is built on unusual existence of this world peak. 龙血大帝乃是立于这世间巅峰的超凡存在。 The Chu Hen life value even is about hundred years. 楚痕的命值甚至都不过百载。 Is inconceivable, Chu Hen can so the attack of upfront hard anti- under Dragon Blood Great Emperor not drop the wind unexpectedly, really shockingly. 难以想象,楚痕竟能够这般正面硬抗下龙血大帝的进攻而未落下风,着实叫人震惊不已。 ...... Palace lord, you how?” ……“穆斐宫主,你怎么样?” Meanwhile, swallow Fushu lord secret palace brings to flow above cloud Juzhou to another. 于此同时,燕扶书将天机宫之主穆斐带到另外一艘流云巨舟之上。 Although is covering the chest single-handedly, complexion especially pale, but he is suppressing the injury in within the body sets out to look out „the nine dragons domain the sky. 尽管穆斐一手捂着胸口,脸色格外的苍白,但他还是强忍着体内的伤势起身遥望着“九龙领域”的上空。 Never expected that Longling will come to here, I was really negligent......” regretted helpless, and said. “没想到龙陵会来这里,我真的是太大意了……”穆斐后悔且无奈道。 swallow Fushu is also the vision sinks, he has not thought that Dragon Blood Great Emperor will guard beast. 燕扶书亦是目光微沉,就连他也没有想到龙血大帝会镇守兽道界。 Another four border areas, have the existence director of Great Emperor rank to lead. 要知道,另外四个界域,都有着大帝级别的存在指挥带领。 Properly speaking, the opposite party should go to that four border areas. 按理说,对方更应该前往那四个界域。 But Dragon Blood Great Emperor appeared here. 但偏偏龙血大帝出现在了这里。 Surprised people somewhat. 着实令人有些意外。 But, changes mind the words that thinks, this is also an opposite party smartness. 可是,转念一想的话,这也正是对方的“高明之处”。 Because in the attack beast expedition team does not have the Great Emperor to assume personal command, Dragon Blood Great Emperor can very relaxed on routing here invasion. 因为进攻兽道界的征战队伍中没有大帝坐镇,龙血大帝能够非常轻松的就击溃这边的入侵。 This is also the tactic of opposite party!...... Bang!” 这也是对方的战术!……“轰!” In the nine dragons domain space, incomparably chaotic true essence adverse current like the wind and rain that opens greatly. 九龙领域空间中,无比混乱的真元逆流就像大开的风雨。 Chu Hen and Dragon Blood Great Emperor two people, a purple flame burns, the shadow attachment, gold/metal covers, dragon shadow surrounds...... both to fight the world in the domain space randomly, the fist palm intersection. 楚痕龙血大帝两人,一个紫焰燃动,黑影依附,一个金芒笼罩,龙影环绕……两者于领域空间中乱斗天地,拳掌相交。 Bang!” “砰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... Two people attack especially vicious astral is fierce. ……两人的攻击都尤为的凶狠罡猛。 It may be said that is as sincere as the meat, holds the palm to the bone. 可谓是拳拳到肉,掌掌至骨。 The chaotic fist shadow and is in charge makes one find it hard to cope with, dazzling. 混乱的拳影和掌印令人应接不暇,眼花缭乱。 ...... Dragon blood sacred body. ……龙血圣体 In ten big strongest Saint clans, its explosive force is next to the great antiquity Saint clan. 在十大最强圣族中,其爆发力仅次于洪荒圣族。 But, while having powerful explosive force, has extremely strong defensive power. 而,在拥有强悍爆发力的同时,也有着极强的防御力。 Carries on short distance preying that contends in the by mortal body intensity, Dragon Blood Sacred Clan must exceed in Demon Eyes Sacred Clan absolutely. 在以肉身强度进行抗衡的近距离搏杀中,龙血圣族绝对是要胜过于妖瞳圣族的。 However, the Chu Hen not just single has Demon Eyes Sacred Body this bloodline limit, he also has had controlled ten side Shengzu chaos bloodline limit. 不过,楚痕却不单单只身怀妖瞳圣体这一血脉界限,他还有着曾经支配过十方圣族的混沌血脉界限 The mortal body intensity of once Primal Chaos Divine Body bloodlines, absolutely was unapproachable. 曾经的混沌神体血脉的肉身强度,绝对是无可匹敌的。 Both every contends one time endures collides compared with the stars, mountain connection sparks/Mars scatters. 两者的每一次抗衡都堪比星辰碰撞,山岳交汇般火星四溅。 ...... Do not be conceited, has abandoned bloodline limit, do not come out disgracefully.” ……“别太自视甚高,已经废弃了的血脉界限,就别出来丢人现眼了。” Dragon Blood Great Emperor shouted angrily, his arm wielded crosswise, just like the crack spatially like lightning grasped to the throat of Chu Hen. 龙血大帝怒喝一声,其手臂横向一挥,犹如裂空的闪电般抓向楚痕的喉咙。 When close to the Chu Hen throat, the arm of Dragon Blood Great Emperor changes to an sharp sharp dragon claw impressively. 临近楚痕喉咙之际,龙血大帝的手臂赫然化作一只尖锐锋利的龙爪。 The golden arc blade claw front has delimited in the air, several space openings are ripped open instantly. 金色的弧刃爪锋于空气中划过,几道空间裂口即刻被撕开。 The Chu Hen facial color changes, the figure one side, almost will paste the sharp claws of Dragon Blood Great Emperor to be completed to give way to traffic in the future. 楚痕面色微变,身形往后一侧,几乎是贴着龙血大帝的利爪完成避让。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor another arm facing forward front one wields. 紧接着,龙血大帝另外一只手臂朝前前方一挥。 „......” Several rapid crack wind momentum towering drills hear, sees only in the Dragon Blood Great Emperor palm sleeve to depart several golden daggers impressively. “咻咻咻……”几声急骤的裂风声势突兀的钻入耳中,只见龙血大帝的掌袖内赫然飞出几道的金色匕首。 Each dagger is surrounding the dark aura of withering. 每一道匕首都环绕着肃杀的黑暗气息。 The shape of dagger especially strange. 匕首的造形尤为奇异。 The sharp blade just like the dragon claw that opens, and on the dagger is proliferating the close dragon scale. 尖刃犹如张开的龙爪,且匕身上遍布着细密的龙鳞。 ...... Is reverse scale shadow thorn.” ……“是‘逆鳞影刺’。” swallow Fushu calls out in alarm said, Chu Hen careful...... that is with the nine dragons cauldron together divine tool.” 燕扶书惊呼道,“楚痕小心……那是和九龙鼎一起的神器。” Hiss!” “嘶!” The side that dagger shadow blade that several are lingering the dark aura in Chu Hen passed over gently and swiftly. 几道萦绕着黑暗气息的匕首影刃于楚痕的身边掠过。 Although the Chu Hen reaction speed was fast enough, but chest and back and other places, were all delimited several neat and profound wounds. 尽管楚痕的反应速度足够快了,但胸口和后背等处,皆是被划出几道整齐且深邃的伤口。 Each nerve of sharp aching feeling transmission within the body. 尖锐的疼痛感传达体内的每个神经。 Blood rapid drips. 鲜血迅速的淌出。 The Chu Hen facial color changes, wound healing not? 楚痕面色微变,伤口愈合不了? By Chu Hen present cultivation base, this injury can restore suddenly. 要知道,以楚痕现在的修为,这种伤势瞬息间就能够恢复。 What may make its amazed is, it obviously felt the wound cannot heal. 可令其惊诧的是,其明显感觉到伤口没能够进行愈合。 ...... Invited the wrath of the emperor shadow thorn the injured, in a short time is unable to restore the hematischesis.” ……“被‘逆鳞影刺’所伤者,短时间内是无法修复止血的。” Dragon Blood Great Emperor contemptuous scoffs to say with a smile, at once his five fingers one curved. 龙血大帝轻蔑的嗤笑道,旋即其五指一弯。 Dragon scale dagger that „......” that flies again along flying the path turns back. “咻咻……”那飞出去的龙鳞匕首再次沿着飞去出去的轨迹折返回来。 Chu Hen dodges continually, although avoided several main shades to puncture the attack, but the body had/left two bloodstains. 楚痕连番闪避,虽然躲开了几道主要的影刺攻击,但身上还是又多出了两道血痕。 ...... Chu Hen was too negligent.” ……“楚痕太大意了。” Is frowning, anxious saying. 穆斐皱着眉头,略带不安的说道。 swallow Fushu also looks the dignified color. 燕扶书也是面露凝重之色。 The opposite party face, but Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 对方面对的可是龙血大帝 Existence of summit of Ling proud in Renzun domain. 凌傲于人尊领域之巅的存在。 But that reverse scale punctures shadow is in the divine tool list with the thing of it nine dragons cauldron coexisting. 而那“逆鳞刺影”更是神器榜上与之九龙鼎并存之物。 Both are not only a body, can separate independently. 两者既是一体,又能够独立分开。 A lord attack, a leaning functionality. 一个主攻击,一个偏功能性。 Especially in the hand of Dragon Blood Great Emperor, this reverse scale punctures shadow to display extremely strong destructive power. 尤其是在龙血大帝的手中,这“逆鳞刺影”更能发挥极强的杀伤力 ...... Returns to the hand of Dragon Blood Great Emperor with several shadow daggers, the invisible point trembles with fear again eight sides. ……随着几道暗影匕首回到龙血大帝的手中,无形的锋芒再次惊颤八方。 Feels to come from Dragon Blood Great Emperor to disclose the endless cold glow sharp qi, Chu Hen that pair of purple demon eyes erupts a powerful strength to fluctuate instantly. 感受着源自于龙血大帝身上透露出来的无尽寒芒锐气,楚痕那双紫色的妖瞳即刻爆发出一股强大的力量波动。 nine stars rotates, blustery. 九星轮转,风起云涌。 Then, the innumerable say/way purple light beams just like stir day of a wind spin that moves the place collects outside the body of Chu Hen. 接着,无数道紫色的光柱犹如搅天动地的风旋汇集于楚痕的身外。 nine stars demon eyes, demon spiritualisation empty......” now demon spiritualisation empty, is late?” 九星妖瞳,魔灵化虚……”“现在才魔灵化虚,是不是太晚了点?” Dragon Blood Great Emperor shoulders wipes frivolous sneering. 龙血大帝挑起一抹轻浮的冷笑。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” Instant that...... the words fall, the Dragon Blood Great Emperor look wipes the cold light flash, sees only centered on him, about hundred reverse scale punctures the shadow toward to spread the powder to launch in all directions. ……话落的霎那,龙血大帝眼神一抹凛光闪过,只见以其为中心,近百道逆鳞刺影朝着四面八方铺散展开。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor just like places oneself under the endless shadow blade. 龙血大帝犹如置身于无尽的影刃之下。 Then, opposite party if still the phantom plunders, instantly flashes before to Chu Hen nearby. 接着,对方犹若魅影掠动,即刻闪现至楚痕的跟前。 Punctures the shadow to go against, under blade not fresh, under the blade only dies......” together with the momentum of falling, Dragon Blood Great Emperor is lifting a hand gently palm according to the dying out demon spirit central location that has not transformed completely. “刺影逆,刃下无生,刃下唯死……”连同着落下的声势,龙血大帝抬手轻轻一掌按在那尚未完全幻化出来的寂灭魔灵的中央位置。 Kills you, this palm foot!” “杀你,这一掌足矣!” Buzz......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor is seemingly gentle a lithe palm falls before the body of Chu Hen, along with passing through the peerless point vicious tendencies of the world, sees only that shop to disperse about hundred in void reverse scale the shadow blade towering strongly at 1 : 00 flies to raid, but. “嗡……”龙血大帝看似平缓轻盈的一掌落至楚痕的身前,伴随着贯穿天地的绝世锋芒戾气,只见那铺散于虚空中的近百道逆鳞影刃突兀的集中于一点飞袭而至。 The crowded shadow blade dagger is sending out the air/Qi of sharp withering. 密集的影刃匕首散发着尖锐的肃杀之气。 The shadow blade that strongly raids is segmenting purple light beam class/flow column that is flooding the vault of heaven. 集中袭来的影刃一路切分着充斥着天穹的紫色光束流柱。 „......” A depressed loud sound, collected in 1 : 00 reverse scale punctures the shadow to penetrate directly had not fluctuated completely the dying out demon spirit body of formation, and offensive did not reduce instead increases, and received toward the dying out demon spirit central internal Chu Hen accumulation. “嗵……”的一声沉闷的巨响,汇集于一点的逆鳞刺影直接是击穿了尚未完全变幻成型的寂灭魔灵的躯体,且攻势不减反增,并朝着寂灭魔灵中央内部的楚痕聚集收去。 The reverse scale shadow blade speed of centralized gathering is extremely fast. 集中汇聚的逆鳞影刃速度极快。 Like the streams light/only flying shuttle, connects in one together instantaneously. 就像一道道流光飞梭,瞬间交汇于一处。 If the falcon of counter- nest, sword blade that if returns to the sect. 如反巢的鹰隼,又如归宗的剑刃。 Hiss......” Chu Hen directly collected shadow blade hits, and Dragon Blood Great Emperor palm vigor also implements under. “嘶……”楚痕直接被汇集的影刃所击中,且龙血大帝的掌劲也贯彻而下。 At once, under innumerable double feeling vision with amazement, the chest of Chu Hen explodes unexpectedly. 旋即,于无数双倍感骇然的目光下,楚痕的胸膛竟是从中爆裂开来。 The skeleton internal organs reverse scale the smashing that the shadow blade twists rapidly. 骨骼内脏迅速被逆鳞影刃绞的粉碎。 In light of this conclusion......” “就此结束……”
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