UMDK :: Volume #18

#1707: War, Dragon Blood Great Emperor

Dragon Blood Great Emperor! His sudden appears in beast makes shake that the chaotic scene changes immediately. 龙血大帝!他的突然出现在兽道界顿时令本就混乱的场面变的更为震荡。 Lord as the secret palace palace of main captain carries the heavy losses directly. 作为主要指挥者的天机宫宫主穆斐直接是身负重创。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor, annotated what for threat later meaning what he says. 龙血大帝,诠释了何为“威胁”之后的说话算数。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” ...... All around big block faulting is hollow, mountain range stream bank avalanche. ……四周的大地断层凹陷,山脉河堤崩塌。 With the submersion of topography, the peripheral waters mighty current comes in the washout immediately in all directions. 随着地势的下沉,周边的水域洪流顿时于四面八方冲溃汹涌而来。 Saddle trap of under enormous and powerful mighty current waters rapid submergence body to and Chu Hen. 浩浩荡荡的洪流水域迅速的淹没至穆斐和楚痕身下的凹谷陷坑。 Collapses the water current that leaps to howl to soak under the cage, Chu Hen, Dragon Blood Great Emperor two people of high separations confront spatially, two people are sending out the intense aura rhythm. 崩腾呼啸的水流浸笼下,楚痕,龙血大帝二人一高一下的隔空对峙,两人身上散发着强烈的气息律动。 This time your one person?” “这次就你一个人?” Chu Hen cold sound said. 楚痕冷声说道。 What's wrong?” “如何?” I , may butcher, you......” Chu Hen double pupil one cold, a purple pupil deep place of pair of evil charm erupts stars radiant light luminary suddenly. “那我,可能会,宰了,你……”楚痕双眸一凛,一双邪魅的紫瞳深处豁然爆发出星辰般的璀璨光曜。 Bang......” in an instant, incomparably magnificent purple light beams shuttle back and forth to graze below dike. “轰隆……”霎那间,一道道无比壮观的紫色光柱于下方的岩壁中穿梭飞掠而出。 The world changes colors instantaneously. 天地瞬间失色。 Below mighty current waters tide is startled, dreadful water splash for example mutually tsunami of hit. 下方的洪流水域浪潮惊起,滔天的水花譬如相互撞击的海啸。 The people present are all startled. 在座的众人皆惊。 Provocation! Especially sharp provocation! Even if facing of Dragon Blood Great Emperor ten side Great Emperor, Chu Hen air/Qi field, not only had not been suppressed, instead just like the powerful roaring flame, fighting intent is soaring. 挑衅!尤为锋锐的挑衅!纵然是面对十方大帝之一的龙血大帝,楚痕的气场非但没有被镇压下去,反而犹如强盛的烈焰,战意高昂。 Especially that „may butcher you, is to make the entire beast in people heartstrings tremble. 尤其是那句“可能会宰了你”,更是令整个兽道界内的众人心弦为之一颤。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor occupies a commanding position is overlooking below Chu Hen, a bimetal color pupil was disclosing thick Yin severe and disdains. 龙血大帝居高临下的俯视着下方的楚痕,一双金属色的瞳孔透露着浓浓的阴厉和不屑。 Except for ignorant, you may not have a thing in the world seriously...... on your faces, when must cover entirely the infinite fear......” words fall, Dragon Blood Great Emperor both hands outward concentrate, along with raising day the air/Qi of nine dragons ruler, his bimetal color pupil shines through dragon Shenban the cold glow. “除了愚昧,你们可当真是一无所有……你们的脸上,应当布满无限的恐惧……”话落之际,龙血大帝双手朝外一凝,伴随着掀天的九龙帝皇之气,其一双金属色的瞳孔透射出龙神般的寒芒。 The vault of heaven changes color, the land shivers. 苍穹变色,大地颤抖。 The billowing wind and thunder collects in a beast sky. 滚滚风雷汇集于兽道界的上空。 „The nine dragons domain......” deafening momentum just like the startling thunderclap that in void connects. “九龙领域……”震耳欲聋的声势宛若虚空中交汇的惊雷。 In an instant, under that is startled unexpectedly an intermittent fierce strength fluctuates by the place bottom that in the overflow flood river submerges. 霎那间,下方那被泛滥的洪水河川所淹没的地底之中竟是惊起一阵阵剧烈的力量波动。 Bang whish......” immediately, the monstrous waves raise the day, the raging tide anger gets up. “轰哗……”随即,巨浪掀天,狂澜怒起。 The first even/including nine incomparably magnificent thousand zhang (3.33 m) stone column rises the upper air in that rapid waters. 一连九道无比壮观的千丈石柱于那湍急的水域中升上高空。 Each stone column just like enters the clouds the peak column. 每一道石柱都宛如直入云霄的峰柱。 But, in the upper extreme of that stone column, is twining a lifelike big dragon statue respectively. 而,在那石柱的上端,分别缠绕着一条栩栩如生的巨龙石像。 The shape of big dragon statue varies, has threatening, has the grinning roarer, has a top to rip day...... nine giant peak columns to stand erect in Chu Hen respectively in the nine different directions of region. 巨龙石像的形态不一,有张牙舞爪者,有咧嘴咆哮者,亦有盘顶欲撕天者……九道巨大的峰柱分别矗立于楚痕所在区域的九个不同方向。 Distant looks, just like prohibits this domain space the antiquity to be ominous. 远远的望去,犹如封禁这片领域空间的上古凶灵。 Ominous air/Qi direct impact Milky Way. 凶气直冲天河。 Beast , a gloom. 兽道界内,一片天昏地暗。 Under the storm collection, the vicious tendencies gradually spread. 风暴汇集下,戾气逐渐蔓延。 Buzz......” the domain scopes of nine big dragon statue blockades are covering an incomparably powerful imposing manner pressure instantaneously. “嗡……”九尊巨龙石像封锁的领域范围瞬间笼罩着一股无比强大的气势威压。 Places oneself many tangled warfare in inside only thinks that the five main internal organs (entrails) is withstanding the enormous oppression and gravity. 置身于里边的众多混战者只觉五脏六腑承受着极大的压迫和重力。 Chu Hen, I help you......” chaos clan swallow Fushu dodge as for the Chu Hen side hastily, but the next flash, came from in the invisible oppression that comes in all directions makes its facial color slightly one white, felt that seemed like blocked the throat, extremely ill. 楚痕,我来助你……”混沌一族燕扶书连忙闪至于楚痕的身边,但下一瞬间,源自于四面八方而来的无形压迫令其面色微微一白,感觉就像是被人扼住了喉咙般,极度的不适。 Very powerful big domain space......” swallow holds the book to knit the brows to say. “好强大的领域空间……”燕扶书皱眉道。 Then, its within the body chaos bloodline power divulges, just like the black demon flame to surge outside the body recklessly. 说罢,其体内混沌血脉之力宣泄出来,犹如黑色的魔焰于身外肆意涌动。 However, Chu Hen said, Uncle Yan, you bring palace to advocate......” swallow to hold the book to be startled. 然,楚痕却是说道,“燕叔,你带穆斐宫主出去……”燕扶书一怔。 Under he is sideways to look embed in mountain wall crushed stone, the opposite party pale wan, aura also especially waste weak, obviously received a big injury. 他侧身回望下方“镶嵌”在一座山壁碎石中的穆斐,对方脸色苍白的毫无血色,气息也尤为的靡弱,显然是受了不小的伤势。 But......” he, giving me was good!” “可是……”“他,交给我就行了!” Saying of Chu Hen sound still. 楚痕声音平定的说道。 Looks that in Chu Hen that pair of demon eyes rotates nine sunspots slowly, swallow Fushu the mind has absent-minded of that twinkling unexpectedly. 看着楚痕那双妖瞳中缓缓转动九颗黑点,燕扶书的心神竟是有着那一瞬息的恍惚。 He calms down, then nods. 他定了定神,然后点了点头。 Good, you must be careful after......” said that swallow Fushu the figure moves, will be seriously battered to build on the shoulder, at once changes to one bunch of remnant shades rapid plunders „the nine dragons domain range. “好,你务必小心……”说完之后,燕扶书身形一动,将遭受重创的穆斐搭在肩上,旋即化作一束残影迅速的掠出“九龙领域”的范围。 Meanwhile, in others in domain is also similar to receives the invisible frightened recession to go out in abundance. 同时,处于领域中的其他人也如同受到无形的恐惧般纷纷退离出去。 Suddenly, in the big nine dragons domain space, was left over a Chu Hen and Chu Hen liangs person merely. 眨眼间,偌大的九龙领域空间内,仅仅剩下了楚痕个人。 Overflow the submergence below sinkhole canyon of mighty current wide scope. 泛滥的洪流大范围的淹没下方的天坑峡谷。 Nine huge statue sculpture like division battlefield boundary. 九座巨大的石像雕塑就像分割战场的分界线。 „......” Wild purple thunder dopes the monster different monster flame to ascend, in Chu Hen behind collects one group of dream shapes the fierce beast shadow. “嗤嗤……”狂暴的紫色雷霆掺杂着妖异的妖炎升腾,于楚痕的身后汇集成一团梦幻状的狰狞兽影。 But, feels on Chu Hen that powerful war intent, Dragon Blood Great Emperor behind sky is also being appears an aggressive peerless Gold Dragon empty shadow. 而,感受着楚痕身上那强大的战意,龙血大帝的身后上空亦是浮现出一尊霸气绝伦的金龙虚影。 „The roar......” one is the young super promising youth, Emperor clear/pain! One is the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan strongest hierarch, Dragon Blood Great Emperor! Imitates if the connection collision of struggle of century. “嗷吼……”一位是年纪轻轻的超级后起之秀,楚帝!一位是龙血圣族的最强掌权者,龙血大帝!仿若世纪之争的交汇碰撞。 The invisible point kills intent, starts to fill the air. 无形的锋芒杀意,开始弥漫开来。 Hahahaha......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor surface flood Yin severe sneering, depends on you, dares to provoke the dignity of this emperor, are actually you to yourself self-confident?” “哈哈哈哈……”龙血大帝面泛阴厉的冷笑,“就凭你,也胆敢挑衅本帝的威严,你究竟是对自己有多自信?” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth are also the happy expression of shouldering wipes to tease. 楚痕嘴角亦是挑起一抹戏谑的笑意。 If to several other, some of my actually also pressures, the person but who comes , is you......” dissolute!” “如若是对上另外几位,我倒是还有些压力,但来的人,偏偏,是你……”“放肆!” Dragon Blood Great Emperor is furious. 龙血大帝震怒。 Instance that the words fall, the dreadful nine dragons aura just like the transit typhoon to roar under. 话落的瞬间,滔天的九龙气息犹如过境台风咆哮而下。 „......” Potential of the rapid putting on wind, Dragon Blood Great Emperor vanished in suddenly same place. “咻……”的一声急促的穿风之势,龙血大帝豁然消失在了原地。 don't said is you, even father Chu Ran day, does not dare...... ice-cold momentum before this emperor to depress hurriedly instantly. “莫说是你,就算是尔父楚染天,也不敢在本帝面前造次……”冰冷的声势即刻压下。 Pupil of Chu Hen micro, sees only Dragon Blood Great Emperor to flash before to instantly its, then, a Dragon Blood Great Emperor astral fierce swift and fierce sweeping dragon leg directly toward the Chu Hen head detachment. 楚痕的瞳孔微缩,只见龙血大帝即刻闪现至其跟前,接着,龙血大帝一记罡猛凌厉的扫龙腿径直朝着楚痕的脑袋劈去。 Gust of wind bone-chilling cold, astral's fierce leg wind such as the sharp blade caresses the face. 疾风凛冽,罡猛的腿风如利刃扑面。 When hasty, Chu Hen intersects by the both arms before the body instantly. 仓促之际,楚痕即刻以双臂交叉于身前。 „......” A heavy leg solid impact of Dragon Blood Great Emperor near body above the both arms of Chu Hen confront, in the sky surges immediately an enormous and powerful golden halo and purple light halo. “嗵……”龙血大帝一记近身的重腿结结实实的冲击在楚痕的双臂迎挡之上,天空中顿时激荡开一圈浩荡的金色光环和紫色光圈。 Together with the heavy incomparable fierce explosive, the endless trillion great strength are divulging on Chu Hen. 连同着沉重无比的剧烈爆响,无尽的亿万巨力宣泄在楚痕身上。 Chu Hen pounds to fall in void instantly under. 楚痕即刻于虚空中砸落而下。 Chu Hen that crashes rapidly pulls closer the distance with it below water surface unceasingly. 急速坠落的楚痕与之下方的水面不断拉近距离。 The water surface that the intense imposing manner oppression made was hollow. 强烈的气势压迫令下的水面都凹陷下去。 But, when Chu Hen has not stood firm the figure completely, bang......” the explosive that trembles with fear eight sides folds, sees only below waters is divided to separate unexpectedly directly by dark golden giant arc light. 而,就在楚痕尚未完全稳住身形的时候,“轰……”的一声惊颤八方的爆响叠起,只见下方的水域竟是直接被一记暗金色的巨大弧光给从中劈分开来。 The dark golden arc light just like the ring-like giant sharp blade swiftly and fiercely. 凌厉至极的暗金色弧光犹如环状的巨型利刃。 Mighty current fault/chasm broken difference. 洪流从中断层破分。 The golden arc blade chops the minute of mighty current front surface to cut to Chu Hen. 金色弧刃一路劈分洪流迎面斩向楚痕 Dies......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor that to be full of the light angry the momentum to spread to the Chu Hen ear. “死……”龙血大帝那饶有轻怒的声势传入楚痕耳中。 Double pupil unceasing contraction of Chu Hen, while the Dragon Blood Great Emperor words fall, Chu Hen is right hand not slow not slow facing forward holds up unexpectedly. 楚痕的双眸不断的收缩,也就在龙血大帝话落的同时,楚痕竟是右手不缓不慢的朝前擎出。 „When storehouse......” right arm finds out, sharp purple lightning rapid fleeing arm high and low. “库哧……”右臂探出之际,一道道尖锐的紫色闪电迅速的窜上手臂上下。 The five fingers of Chu Hen gather, welcomes in the form that punctures directly suddenly to the golden arc blade that goes through vertically to come. 楚痕的五指并拢,以正面突刺的形式迎向那纵贯而来的金色弧刃。 Cry!” “唳!” Radiant purple light luminary connects outside the body of Chu Hen both sides, if mobile shadow wing god glow. 璀璨的紫色光曜交汇于楚痕的身外两侧,如若流动的影翼神芒。 Then, the five fingers front surface impact that Chu Hen that gathers in that ring-like arc blade middle one, gathers in the strength of fingertip just like a point extremely. 接着,楚痕那并拢的五指迎面冲击在那环状的弧刃中间一段,聚集于指尖的力量犹如化极的一点。 Bang......”, two color aurora connection collide, see only that say/way segmentation mighty current the giant ring-like arc blade to break unexpectedly directly two. “砰……”的一声,两种颜色的极光交汇碰撞,只见那道切分洪流的巨大环状弧刃竟是直接从中断裂成两段。 Chu Hen shuttle forcefully. 楚痕硬生生的从中穿梭而过。 Is fleeing in all directions finger even not curving of purple electricity glow. 流窜着紫色电芒的手指甚至都未曾弯曲一下。 This is......” the people outside nine dragons domain shocks. “这是……”九龙领域之外的众人震惊不已。 The Dragon Blood Great Emperor dual offensive cannot suppress Chu Hen unexpectedly offensive. 龙血大帝的双重攻势竟未能压制楚痕先手。 Main road domain......” fast rhythm, pulls open instantaneously. “大道领域……”快速的节奏,瞬间拉开。 When Chu Hen penetrates opposite party that swift and fierce offensive, strength of rapid expansion own domain. 楚痕击穿对方那凌厉的攻势之际,自身的领域之力迅速的展开。 In the domains of nine big dragon statue blockades, a light purple ray extends toward Dragon Blood Great Emperor. 九尊巨龙石像封锁的领域中,一圈淡紫色的光芒一路朝着龙血大帝延伸出去。 Disdaining that even more however, Dragon Blood Great Emperor smiles. 然,龙血大帝笑的愈发不屑。 Snort, trivial ‚the Emperor Realm domain also matches in me ‚the Great Emperor domain front launches, was laughable...... says simply, Dragon Blood Great Emperor welcomed the strength of domain Chu Hen is divulging to dive unexpectedly under. “哼,区区的‘帝境领域’也配在我‘大帝领域’面前展开,简直是可笑至极……”说罢,龙血大帝竟是迎着楚痕宣泄出去的领域之力俯冲而下。 Bang......” the potential of nine dragons, is irresistible. “轰隆……”九龙之势,不可抵挡。 Dragon Blood Great Emperor just like the ice-breaking sharp sword to divide the minute of wearing out purple light halo domain, and raises the easily accomplished boundless situation to charge into Chu Hen. 龙血大帝犹如破冰利剑般劈分穿破紫色的光圈领域,并掀起摧枯拉朽的磅礴大势冲向楚痕 The people think that Chu Hen will evade its point. 众人本以为楚痕会避其锋芒。 However, unexpectedly, outside the Chu Hen body ignites purple flame glow directly. 然,出人意料的是,楚痕身外直接是燃起一股紫色的焰芒。 „......” Chu Hen erupts the powerful speed and offensive meets the approaching enemy on, in the motion process, covers in this Chu Hen purple flame glow to flow slowly a series of strange black light spin. “咻……”楚痕爆发出强大的速度和攻势迎击而上,在移动过程中,笼罩这楚痕的紫色焰芒中冉冉流动着一系列奇异的黑色光旋。 Overbearing aura filling the heavens randomly. 霸道的气息弥天乱地。 The black light spin rapid flows in Chu Hen behind, instantly forms one with it outline exactly the same black shadow. 黑色光旋飞速于楚痕身后流动,即刻形成一道与之轮廓一模一样的黑色影子。 Great Emperor? “大帝阁下? Wish you and others also to smile! ” 愿你等会还能笑得出来!” Snort, hopes you and others also such as the present so self-confident!” “哼,也愿你等会也如现在这般自信!” ...... ……
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