UMDK :: Volume #18

#1706: I may butcher you

In wind blade light spin that your excellency, your standing wrong team......” everywhere divulged, a Chu Hen purple class/flow shadow fights armor, to tear the potential of storm to flash before to the storm Saint clan head of the clan land Yu front. “阁下,你站错队了……”漫天宣泄的风刃光旋中,楚痕一身紫色流影战甲,以撕裂风暴之势闪现至风暴圣族族长陆禹的面前。 Latter's complexion suddenly changes. 后者的脸色骤然一变。 You......” „the present regretted, but also with enough time.” “你……”“现在后悔,还来得及。” The Chu Hen cold sound said. 楚痕凛声说道。 Snort, the idle talk little said that......” land Yu Danzhang holds up, the five fingers separate take bearing spatially Chu Hen instant that holds near the arm the azure wind spin encirclement to connect in the palm, instantly changes to a sharp peerless lance. “哼,废话少说……”陆禹单掌擎出,五指隔空探向楚痕的霎那,掌臂边青色风旋环绕交汇于手心,即刻化作一记锋利绝伦的长矛。 The lance puts on the spatial broken wind, the speed is extremely fast. 长矛穿空破风,速度极快。 The rapid air/Qi mark overflows under the lance body, has to execute the air/Qi of cutting down. 急促的气纹流溢在矛身上下,极具诛伐之气。 However, faces the Emperor Realm peak powerhouse so to strike, in the eye of Chu Hen has not seen the least bit to be flurried. 然,面对着帝境巅峰强者如此一击,楚痕的眼中未见半点慌乱。 Bang......” serious fierce dull thumping sound explodes in void blasts out, that azure wind spin condenses the lance that becomes impressively before the Chu Hen body is less than half meter position break disintegration. “砰……”沉重的剧烈闷响于虚空之中爆裂炸开,那杆青色风旋所凝聚而成的长矛赫然于楚痕身前不到半米的位置断裂崩碎。 Every large or small ice crystal detritus flutters about to dance in the breeze. 大大小小的冰晶碎屑纷飞飘舞。 land Yu the both eyes circle opens the eyes, startled. 陆禹的双目圆睁,愕然不已。 Sees only the Chu Hen body outer ring around swirling the purple halo, a pair deep and quiet such as the pupil of well is surging quietly monster different purple glow. 只见楚痕的身外环绕着水涡般的紫色光环,一双深幽如古井的瞳孔悄然涌动着妖异的紫芒 Sorry, depends on you, cannot block our......” situated in reason. “抱歉,就凭你们,是挡不住我们的……”介于穆斐的缘故。 Chu Hen puts out in a soft voice is sorry two characters. 楚痕轻声吐出“抱歉”二字。 land Yu both eyes micro, does not need it to respond, subsequently „......” a deafening startled day loud sound surging expansive sky. 陆禹双目微缩,不待其反应过来,继而“嗵……”的一声震耳欲聋的惊天巨响激荡长空。 Vigorous complementary waves just like the halo that stars blasting open raises. 一圈雄浑的余波宛如星辰炸裂掀起的光环。 The chaotic strength divulges the vault of heaven, sees only land Yu just like suffering the great strength impact, the whole person falls rapidly toward under. 混乱的力量宣泄苍穹,只见陆禹宛若遭遇万般巨力冲击,整个人飞速朝着下方坠去。 In the process of falling, land Yushi is standing firm the figure. 在下坠的过程中,陆禹试着稳住身形。 But Chu Hen has not given the opposite party any opportunity. 楚痕没有给予对方任何的机会。 Whiz......” air remnant shadow plunders. “嗖……”空气残影掠动。 If floats the glittering, Chu Hen instantaneous backward before land Yu's body sky over. 若浮光闪烁,楚痕瞬间追溯至陆禹的身前上空。 Latter facial color big change. 后者面色大变。 At this time, the sounds of two rapid putting on winds exploded in the Chu Hen both sides directions raid, but. 这时,两道急促的穿风之声于楚痕的两侧方向爆袭而至。 land Yu, we help you.” “陆禹,我们来助你。” Surnamed Chu, you left are too extremely arrogant.” “姓楚的,你别太狂妄了。” ...... A future person of whole body is surrounding the rich sepia halo, the powerful gravity domain takes the lead to cover to the Chu Hen surrounding space. ……来者一人浑身环绕着浓郁的棕褐色光环,强大的重力领域率先笼罩至楚痕的周围空间。 The huge vertical attraction made void to follow to sink hollowly. 巨大的纵向引力令虚空都跟着凹陷下沉。 But, another person of falcon that is controlling all over the body flash plunders. 而,另一人驾驭着一尊通体闪光的鹰隼掠来。 The speed of that falcon like the lightning, each feather is quickly glittering, sharp look such as the kings in myriad birds Monster Beast. 那鹰隼的速度快如闪电,每一根羽毛都金光闪闪,犀利的眼神如万千飞禽妖兽中的帝王。 Falcon silver above of that men's shining fights armor, in the hand holds to grasp three sharp steel forks, the imposing manner is also extremely strong. 鹰隼之上的那名男子一身流光溢彩的银色战甲,手中持握着三尖钢叉,气势亦是极强。 Is feeling this behind two extraordinary powerful aura, the Chu Hen look one cold, a pair of purple pupil different glow twinkle. 感受着这身后两道非凡的强大气息,楚痕眼神一凛,一双紫瞳异芒闪烁。 Works as......” in an instant, the Chu Hen double pupil erupts gorgeous purple luminary light/only. “哐当……”霎那间,楚痕双眸爆发出绚丽的紫色曜光。 Then, the world changes colors, mobile blood vessel image of innumerable say/way imposing manner peerless startled day purple power line pole in just like human body, extending eight sides is void. 接着,天地失色,无数道气势绝伦的惊天紫色电柱宛如人体之中流动的血管影像,延伸八方虚空。 With for example sky net wild racing thunder, expansion vault of heaven, beast sky immediately four shining, space simultaneous/uniform tremor. 伴随着譬如天网般的狂暴奔雷,扩展苍穹,兽道界的上空顿时雷芒四耀,空间齐颤。 „......” The next flash, the fierce monster flame storm blasts out in void. “嗵……”下一霎那,剧烈的妖炎风暴于虚空中炸开。 Together with the space slits of innumerable tearing, that approaches the Chu Hen three forms to be raised to fly directly. 连同无数撕裂的空间缝隙,那临近楚痕的三道身影直接被掀飞出去。 Storm Saint clan head of the clan land Yuzhi thinks that the body shakes, is sending out together thunder column solid dividing that executes a day of aura falls. 暴风圣族族长陆禹只觉身躯一震,一道散发着诛天气息的雷柱结结实实的劈落下去。 The opposite party such as were punished by the day punishes strikes. 对方如遭天罚惩击。 Tears the void purple thunder column forcefully land Yu rumbling into below Great Wall mountain range, just like the dragon ridge/spine mountain range to break instantly two sections. 撕裂虚空的紫色雷柱硬生生的将陆禹给轰入下方的长城山脉中,犹如龙脊般的山脉即刻从中断裂成两截。 The terrifying destruction strength delays, that situation boundless mountain range one after another by thunder mark complementary waves impact of blooming collapsing breaks down falls. 恐怖的毁灭力延展出去,那大势磅礴的山脉接连被绽放的雷纹余波冲击的震塌垮陷。 Head of the clan......” storm Saint clan people have a big shock. “族长……”暴风圣族众人大惊失色。 Another two were shaken in the eyes of person of drawing back by Chu Hen is also gushes out some with amazement. 另外两个被楚痕所震退之人的眼中也是涌出些许骇然。 You......” that controls the middle-aged man of gold/metal feather falcon not to stand firm the figure, the Chu Hen being sideways vision selects, the five fingers separate spatially raise. “你……”那驾驭着金羽鹰隼的中年男子还未稳住身形,楚痕侧身目光一挑,五指隔空一掀。 Storehouse!” “库哧!” In an instant, one bunch of purple light beams plunder in the Chu Hen palm extreme velocity. 霎那间,一束紫色的光柱于楚痕掌心极速掠出。 Hiss......” one string of dazzling blood splash spatially, that just like the birds gold/metal feather falcon imperially even unable to send out a pitiful yell, the purple light beam that the Chu Hen palm erupted passed through its head instantaneously. “嘶……”一串刺眼的鲜血溅空,那犹如飞禽帝王般的金羽鹰隼甚至都未能够发出一声惨叫,楚痕掌心所爆发出去的紫色光束瞬间贯穿了它的脑袋。 The liquid of red and white interaction boils up. 红白相间的液体迸出。 Chu Hen arm toward next pressure. 楚痕手臂朝下一压。 That purple electric flux just like the sharp light blade, is segmenting the beast body of gold/metal feather falcon rapidly. 那道紫色电束宛如锋利的光刃,迅速切分着金羽鹰隼的兽躯。 Situated in the above middle-aged man complexion drastic change. 位于上面的中年男子脸色剧变。 It flying leapt hastily. 其连忙飞身跃了出去。 Draws......” purple light beam almost to paste the foot of opposite party to delimit, the opposite party flashes almost same instantaneous, that threatening gold/metal feather falcon that draws back is chops to be divided into two halves directly. “哧拉……”紫色的光束几乎是贴着对方的脚边划过,对方闪退的几乎同一瞬间,那尊气势汹汹的金羽鹰隼直接是劈分成两半。 Narrow squeak! Almost! The middle-aged man back of that governing beast Saint clan sends coolly, was startled cold sweat. 好险!就差一点!那御兽圣族的中年男子脊背发凉,惊出了一身的冷汗。 Chu Hen flies high to stand, visual surrounding people. 楚痕凌空而立,目视周围众人。 Depends on you, feared that could not have blocked us.” “就凭你们,怕是还挡不住我们。” ...... Will frustrate the storm Saint clan shortly, governing beast Saint clan and besieging of rock Saint clan tripartite powerhouse, Chu Hen , if declaring to the people what for Emperor clear/pain the name. ……顷刻间挫败暴风圣族,御兽圣族和岩石圣族三方强者的围攻,楚痕如若向众人宣示着何为“楚帝”之名。 Meanwhile, lord under direction in secret palace, flowed cloud Juzhou the above turret lasing to have the death light beam one after another. 与此同时,在天机宫之主穆斐的指挥下,流云巨舟上面的炮塔激射出一道又一道的死亡光柱。 Shuttle expansive sky that the vigorous incomparable death light beam spread across. 雄浑无比的死亡光柱纵横交错的穿梭长空。 A giant beast of another fierce terrifying was penetrated the disintegrating slag. 一尊又一尊狰狞恐怖的巨兽被击穿成碎渣。 One after another hostility by direct fuse. 一位又一位敌对者被直接熔化掉。 Irresistible! True irresistible! Solemn expedition army headed by Fiji, rapid is seizing the winning side. 势不可挡!真正的势不可挡!穆斐为首的征战者大军,迅速的占领着上风。 Giant flowing cloud Jinzhou breaks in a beast deep place by the ice-breaking potential. 巨大的流云金舟以破冰之势冲入兽道界的深处。 ......, At this moment, is sky over flowing cloud Juzhou of head is unexpectedly broadminded covers the next filling the heavens chaotic place the dark cloud storm. ……蓦地,就在这时,为首的流云巨舟上空豁然间笼罩下一股弥天乱地的乌云风暴。 Hehe, palace lord, did not call you, should not be meddlesome?” “呵呵,穆斐宫主,不是叫你,不要多事吗?” Is together low and deep and Yin severe sneering sound has no in omen the ear of introduction. 一道低沉而阴厉的冷笑声没有任何预兆的传入穆斐的耳中。 The people heart on first boat is startled. 首舟上的众人心头一惊。 „Not good......” chaos clan swallow Fushu to call out in alarm instantly said, palace lord, careful......” works as!” “不好……”混沌一族燕扶书即刻惊呼道,“穆斐宫主,小心……”“哐当!” Finishes barely the words, highest heaven racing thunder tears the vault of heaven, what follows is incomparably huge golden dragon Zhaoguan falls together under. 话音未落,一记九霄奔雷撕裂苍穹,紧随其后的是一道无比庞大的金色龙爪贯落而下。 Rumble......” loud sound is ear-spitting. “隆隆……”巨响震耳。 The golden dragon claw just like grasping of extinguishing world in another a potential surface space finds out, its solid bang falls on flowing on cloud Juzhou. 金色龙爪犹如于另一个位面空间探出的灭世之握,其结结实实的轰落在流云巨舟上的穆斐身上。 In innumerable double is full of under the vision that shocks, that total length surpasses ten thousand meters flowing cloud Juzhou forcefully splits from the interrupt. 于无数双饶有震骇的目光下,那总长度超过万米的流云巨舟硬生生的从中断裂开来。 „!” “嗵!” The destruction storm of quarry stone throws off the highest heaven. 乱石的毁灭风暴掀翻九霄。 The wild impulse will make that Li Jushou flowing cloud Jinzhou blast open shortly. 狂暴的冲击力顷刻间令那李巨兽般的流云金舟为之炸裂。 Together with many turrets, on great boat many secret palace expert and expedition were given the smashing of bang by this claw immediately. 连同着诸多炮塔,巨舟上面的诸多天机宫高手和征战者顿时被这一爪给轰的粉碎。 Good fearful aura! swallow Yuan, Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, the East permanent and the others are shocked all. 好可怕的气息!燕鸢,龙青阳,叶瑶,东方恒之等人无不震惊不已。 Looks at that to break instantaneously destroyed flowing cloud Juzhou, swallow Fushu the double fist grips tightly, cold sound shouted, dragon blood, Great Emperor......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor! The Dragon Blood Sacred Clan main army is slaughtering in humanity with Nine Nether Sacred Clan expedition at this moment intensely. 望着那瞬间断裂被摧毁的流云巨舟,燕扶书双拳紧握,冷声喝道,“龙血,大帝……”龙血大帝龙血圣族的主力军此刻正与九幽圣族的征战者在“人道界”激烈厮杀。 Who can think, Dragon Blood Great Emperor, will appear unexpectedly here. 谁能想到,龙血大帝,竟然会出现在这里。 ...... astral's fierce strength is sudden, lord of secret palace is also spits the blood, and transfers the strength of rune/symbol writing to evacuate instantly. ……罡猛的力量突如其来,天机宫之主穆斐亦是口吐鲜血,并即刻调动符文之力撤离出去。 However, does not wait to defend, that say/way destroys the dragon claw of great boat to erupt a stronger offensive and speed suddenly. 然,不等穆斐进行防御,那道摧毁巨舟的龙爪豁然爆发出更强的攻势和速度。 Rumble......” endless wind and thunder flees in all directions, region rapid tarnish that is. “隆隆……”无尽的风雷流窜而下,穆斐的所在的区域迅速变暗。 Bang!” “哐轰!” Then, greatly extinguishes the mountain that Shilong claw just like drops, gives the suppression directly utmost. 接着,巨大的灭世龙爪犹如落下的大山,直接是将穆斐给镇压至大地之中。 Mountain range blasting open, the river flows backwards. 山脉炸裂,河川倒流。 Peaks and ridges cliffs were levelled immediately, the dragon claw the place of falling, the ground cracks a side canyon, in an instant did not have the original design. 一座座峰峦峭壁顿时被填平,龙爪所落之处,地面裂成一方峡谷,转眼就没了原样。 „......” In chaotic flying upwards dust quarry stone, mouth puts out the big mouth blood, its aura instantly changes waste weak. “哇……”混乱的飞扬尘土乱石中,穆斐嘴里吐出大口的鲜血,其气息即刻变的靡弱。 Palace main......” secret palace people flurriedly. “宫主……”天机宫众人慌乱不已。 Meanwhile, the storm roared, dragon recited for nine days. 同时,暴风咆哮,龙吟九天。 Made the person innermost soul feel the air/Qi of nine dragons trembled appeared in beast said the sky. 一股令人灵魂深处都感到颤栗的九龙之气惊现于兽道界的上空。 Under innumerable dragon shadow encirclement, together aggressive peerless emperor form Ling proud above chaotic battlefield. 于无数的龙影环绕下,一道霸气绝伦帝王身影凌傲于混乱的战场之上。 The brow tight wrinkle, in both eyes of some hyperemia full is dignified. 穆斐眉头紧皱,有些充血的双目之中满是凝重。 Snort......” Dragon Blood Great Emperor overlooks under with the stance of extremely teasing, did not understand the person who treasured the opportunity, did not match to live in this world......” words fell, Dragon Blood Great Emperor found out a palm toward below. “哼……”龙血大帝以极度戏谑的姿态俯视下方,“不懂得珍惜机会的人,是不配活在这个世上的……”话落,龙血大帝朝下探出一掌。 Buzz......” the space of tremor sinks immediately hollowly, huge being in charge presses immediately toward under. “嗡……”颤动的空间顿时凹陷下沉,一记巨大的掌印随即朝着下方压去。 The trace that is in charge is clearly discernible. 掌印的纹路清晰可见。 The seemingly slow speed, is actually very swift and violent, because in the motion process, is in charge also in the unceasing enlargement. 看似缓慢的速度,实际无比迅猛,因为在移动过程中,掌印还在不断的放大。 Just likes gets sucked into the dead end, has no place to hide. 穆斐犹如深陷死局,无处可躲。 „Not good......” swallow to hold the book to call out in alarm. “不好……”燕扶书惊呼不已。 Rapidness of too matter, even if he cannot respond. 事情发生的太快,纵然是他未能反应过来。 Especially the opposite party is of Dragon Blood Great Emperor ten side Great Emperor. 尤其对方还是十方大帝之一的龙血大帝 Looks the golden color that is enlarging unceasingly to be in charge, pupil unceasing tremor. 望着那不断放大的金色掌印,穆斐的瞳孔不断的颤动。 Hollow submersion that the peripheral mountains water vein continues, even nearby space extruded distortion cracks. 其周边的山川河脉持续的凹陷下沉,甚至连附近的空间都被挤压的变形崩裂。 Bang......” explodes a day of star enormous and powerful strength to divulge eight sides. “轰嗵……”地爆天星般的浩荡力量宣泄八方。 Under many vision with amazement, giant fault fissures walk randomly. 于诸多骇然的目光下,一道道巨大的断层裂缝游走出去。 A golden halo that sweeps away the world for example the scattered nebula tsunami, the great peak levelled instance, the Jiangchuan rivers of distant place burst a dike all, flood wide scope floods into this hollow canyon. 一圈圈横扫天地的金色光环譬如分散的星云海啸,巨峰被填平的瞬间,远处的江川河流尽数决堤,洪水大范围的涌入这凹陷的峡谷之中。 In the eye of Dragon Blood Great Emperor is exuding several moment severe cold light. 龙血大帝的眼中泛着几分阴厉的冷光。 Hey, but also is really in the chaotic light spin complementary waves that a weary young animal......” flees recklessly, under ruins of quarry stone blasting open, before facial color showing pale body sky over, together young form Ling proud in this. “嘿,还真是个惹人厌烦的小崽子……”肆意窜动的混乱光旋余波中,乱石炸裂的废墟下,面色彰显苍白的穆斐身前上空,一道年轻的身影凌傲于此。 The pair of purple pupil deep place appears slowly nine sunspots. 其一双紫瞳深处缓缓浮现出九颗黑点。 The intense strength rhythm causes the peripheral land to split again the faults of innumerable say/way. 强烈的力量律动引得周边的大地再次绽裂开无数道的断层。 This time your one person?” “这次就你一个人?” Chu Hen vision swiveleye opposite party. 楚痕目光斜视对方。 The Dragon Blood Great Emperor corners of the mouth shoulder wipe to sneer, how?” 龙血大帝嘴角挑起一抹冷笑,“如何?” I, may butcher, you......” “那我可能会,宰了,你……”
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