UMDK :: Volume #18

#1705: Your excellency, your standing wrong team

The war cuts down, six change! In Chu Hen, this Fang Qiang shi enters beast at the same time, another four border areas are also erupting the intense tangled warfare like a raging fire. 战伐起,六道变!就在楚痕,穆斐这一方强势杀入兽道界的同时,另外四个界域也爆发着如火如荼的激烈混战。 Stars Sacred Clan that is led by the stars Great Emperor just like the sharp sword to enter ghost to say. 由星辰大帝率领的星辰圣族犹如利剑般直入“鬼道界”。 Greets their is the main army of samsara Saint clan. 迎接他们的是轮回圣族的主力军。 The dazzling stars Saint glow forms unequalled violent dashing with it samsara sacred body bloodline limit. 耀眼的星辰圣芒与之轮回圣体血脉界限形成无与伦比的猛烈冲撞。 The world is hollow. 天地凹陷。 The mountains and rivers are stave. 山河破碎。 Just like end of avalanche. 宛若崩塌的末日。 Has thought is sinks secretly gloomily ghost said in stars luminary light/only under interweaves recklessly, bright, if daytime. 一直以为都是暗沉阴暗的“鬼道界”于星辰曜光的肆意交织下,亮若白昼。 ...... The Great Desolate Sacred Clan wild emperor also said in Asura in controls the chaotic situation. ……大荒圣族的荒帝亦是于“修罗道界”内掌控乱局。 What battles with it Great Desolate Sacred Clan is the main army of great antiquity Saint clan. 与之大荒圣族交战的是洪荒圣族的主力军。 Although is both includes desolate the Saint clan of character, but the strength attribute is actually completely different. 虽然是两个都含有“荒”字的圣族,但力量属性却是完全不同。 One is possible be called in ten side Shengzu the strongest instantaneous explosive force. 一个是堪称十方圣族中最为强大的瞬间爆发力。 One is the strength of most overbearing corroded weakening. 一个是最为霸道的侵蚀削弱之力。 Both's confrontation, if contending of lance and shield. 两者的交锋,如若矛与盾的抗衡。 Asura said that the yellow dust filled the air, if still the yellow sand danced in the air, the myriad things in world under the corrosion of strength of serious famine, were vapid. 修罗道界,黄尘弥漫,犹若黄沙飞舞,世间的万物在大荒之力的侵蚀下,毫无生气。 War of both sides looks like the ancient dry crack river bed situated in sky over. 双方的大战就像是位于古老干涸的龟裂河床上空进行。 ...... In humanity! Beacon-fire rocket. ……人道界内!烽火狼烟。 Nine Nether Sacred Clan that Nine Nether Great Emperor leads what meets head-on is the Dragon Blood Sacred Clan principal force. 九幽大帝率领的九幽圣族迎战的是龙血圣族的主力部队。 Above vault of heaven, blue sky dragon. 苍穹之上,青天化龙。 Brune scales, are conducting chaotic battle just like the ancient times great ominous fierce thing with it Nine Nether Sacred Clan expedition. 一尊尊遍布龙鳞,宛若远古巨凶般的狰狞之物与之九幽圣族的征战者进行着混乱的厮杀。 ...... Divine Eyes Sacred Clan expedition but who, hell, by burning the day of Great Emperor and Bai Qianyu is led faces is the obstruction of ray Saint clan and dark Saint clan meets the approaching enemy unexpectedly. ……而,地狱道界内,由焚天大帝和白浅予率领的神眼圣族征战者面对的竟是光芒圣族和黑暗圣族的阻截迎击。 A hell topography is especially special. 地狱道界的地势尤为特殊。 The interior is dividing many small region. 其内部更是划分着多个“小区域”。 Has the roaring flame sea of fire region. 有烈焰火海的区域。 Has Ruoshui such as the region of black ink. 有弱水如墨的区域。 Has region that proliferates the thorn great thorn. 有遍布荆棘巨刺的区域。 Yellow dust everywhere region. 还有黄尘漫天的区域。 ...... The Divine Eyes Sacred Clan army controls giant beast flowing cloud Juzhou to intrude this multiple in hell directly. ……神眼圣族的大军直接是驾驭着巨兽般的流云巨舟闯入这多重“地狱之中”。 Saint light shield!” “圣光盾!” Buzz......” a series of dazzling light luminary passes through the broken clouds vault of heaven, innumerable say/way neat to become Pai light shield just like a giant backdrop. “嗡……”一系列的刺眼的光曜贯破云霄苍穹,无数道整齐成排的光盾宛若一座巨大的天幕。 Then, the everywhere staggered light beam changes to sweeping across that trillion sword shadow spear/gun glow blot out the sky. 接着,漫天交错的光束化作亿万的剑影枪芒铺天盖地的席卷而来。 The powerful aurora god glow is creating the giant resistance to the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan army instantly. 强盛的极光神芒即刻对着神眼圣族的大军造成了巨大的阻力。 Snort......” at this time, burnt the day of Great Emperor look one cold, his cold snort/hum, flies from the cabin of first boat at once, gave this emperor to draw back the instance that...... words fell completely, burnt the day of Great Emperor double palm to gather inward, both hands palm is condensing one group of blazing flame ball spins suddenly. “哼……”这时,焚天大帝眼神一凛,其冷哼一声,旋即飞离首舟的船舱,“全部给本帝退下……”话落的瞬间,焚天大帝双掌朝内一合,双手掌心急剧凝聚着一团炽热的火焰球旋。 Then, the double palm faces forward to push. 接着,双掌朝前一推。 Buzz......” a rapid air wave vibrato, that group of fireballs explode to raid instantly, welcomes golden light luminary who that potential such as the rain is getting down to plunder rapidly to the light shield center of front that neat arrangement. “嗡……”的一声急促的气浪颤音,那团火球即刻爆袭出去,迎着那势如雨下的金色光曜急速掠向前方那整齐排列的光盾中央。 Completely does not have any stagnant stay, moves in the process, the volume of that group of fireballs inflates unceasingly increases. 完全没有任何的停滞逗留,移动过程中,那团火球的体积不断膨胀变大。 When it arrives in many light shield center has changed to the hundred zhang (333 m) diameter. 其抵达诸多光盾中央之际已然化作百丈直径。 Subsequently „......” a serious ear-spitting startled day explosive, that group pounds into the innumerable light shield central fireball to rupture impressively blasts out. 继而“嗵……”的一声沉重震耳的惊天爆响,那团砸入无数光盾中央的火球赫然爆裂炸开。 In an instant, a hell sky the raging fire burns the day immediately. 霎那间,地狱道界的上空顿时烈火焚天。 For example flame stars blasting open. 譬如火焰星辰炸裂。 The enormous and powerful wave of terrifying red light halo sweeping vault of heaven, sweeps across eight sides. 浩荡如潮的恐怖赤色光圈扫荡天穹,席卷八方。 Many experts of ray Saint clan threw off instantaneously. 光芒圣族的诸多高手瞬间被掀翻出去。 The previous second of also impregnable Saint shield backdrop is rumbled instantly a huge opening hole. 前一秒还固若金汤般的圣盾天幕即刻被轰出一个庞大的豁口窟窿。 „The anger of preparation carrying/sustaining emperor!” “准备承载本帝的怒火吧!” Burns in the day of Great Emperor double pupil the flames of war to surge. 焚天大帝双眸之中战火涌动。 Other from all walks of life, several big Imperial Capital commands the director, controls the situation. 其他各界,几位大帝都是统领指挥,掌控局势。 Burns in the intrusion enemy ranks that the day of Great Emperor pushes to the front only. 唯独焚天大帝一马当先的闯入敌阵之中。 Meanwhile, other Burning Heaven Sacred Clan experts also accompany to burn the day of Great Emperor to take the lead to intrude enemy abdomen- deep place. 同时,其他焚天圣族的高手也都随同焚天大帝率先闯入敌腹-深处。 ...... Burnt the day of Great Emperor somewhat to worry, has not seen clearly the situation of enemy side.” ……“焚天大帝有些着急了,都还没看清楚敌方的局势。” A god eyes elder said to Bai Qianyu. 神眼一名长老对白浅予说道。 Bai Qianyu willow eyebrows slightly pressed, slight nod. 白浅予柳眉微蹙,微微点头。 Regarding burning the day of Great Emperor impulsive, she can also understand. 对于焚天大帝的“冲动”,她也能够理解。 After all the samsara Saint clan they almost extinguished entire Burning Heaven Sacred Clan. 毕竟轮回圣族他们几乎灭了整个焚天圣族 Regarding burning the day of Great Emperor, this enmity is absolutely irreconcilable. 对于焚天大帝而言,此仇不共戴天。 It wants to do can rush to hell directly, arrives in Heavenly Dao, fought to the death with it samsara Great Emperor et al . 其想做的就是能够直接闯过地狱道界,抵达天道界中,与之轮回大帝等人决一死战。 Adapts to changing circumstances!” “随机应变吧!” Bai Qianyu but is actually not the special worry, after all this time is five army besieges Heavenly Dao. 白浅予倒也并不是特别的担心,毕竟这次是五军围攻天道界。 The samsara, the great antiquity, dragon blood and other strengths of clans were also dispersed comprehensively. 轮回,洪荒,龙血等各族的力量也被全面分散了。 Even now a hell situation is not clear, the opposite party will not have too many subsequent hand support. 就算现在地狱道界的局势并不明朗,对方也不会有太多的后手支援。 Understood!” “明白!” That elder nods assent. 那名长老点头应允。 Then, he raises hand to wield, issues the order saying that kills!” 接着,他扬手一挥,下达命令道,“杀!” Kills......” words to fall, the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan expedition army just like wells up the school of fish of great boat, and raises the dreadful great anger to fight intent to plunge front hostility. “杀……”话落,神眼圣族的征战大军犹如涌下巨舟的鱼群,且掀起滔天的盛怒战意扑向前方的敌对者。 Clash/To!” “冲!” Attacks Heavenly Dao!” “攻上天道界!” ...... War, resorts to arms. ……金戈铁马,兵戎相见。 Cold spear/gun bloodstained dance expansive sky. 寒枪染血舞长空。 bluish green sword washes the frost to murder the world. 碧剑洗霜弑天下。 Hell! The war of hell! The Bai Qianyu peerless grace and talent, the arrogance completely reveals. 地狱道界!地狱之战!白浅予风华绝代,傲气尽显。 You and other......” she a slender beautiful form that wants to enter the war said to the side suddenly. “你等一下……”她突然对身边欲要参战的一道纤细的美丽身影道。 The latter gawked staring, a pair such as the red colored glaze pupil has doubts is looking at the opposite party. 后者愣了愣,一双如红色琉璃般的眸子略带疑惑的望着对方。 Leaves not lightly. 莫轻离。 She should go to beast with Chu Hen. 她本该和楚痕前往兽道界的。 However, in Baidicheng, she was actually requested to come hell by Bai Qianyu. 不过,在白帝城的时候,她却被白浅予要求前来地狱道界。 Bai Qianyu looks askance to look is leaving not lightly, you keep side me.” 白浅予侧目望着莫轻离,“你留在我身边。” In the pupil that leaves not lightly flashes through wipes the surprise, but she had not asked that slightly nodded. 莫轻离的眸中闪过一抹诧异,但她并未多问,微微点了点头。 At this moment, even if female as Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan sovereign light to also thought not the Bai Qianyu air/Qi field is powerful. 此刻,纵然是身为圣翼天炎雀族皇之女的莫轻离也不禁觉得白浅予的气场过于强大。 Burns the day of Great Emperor compared with it, Bai Qianyu is more like this time attacks and occupies a hell leader. 比之焚天大帝,白浅予更像是此次攻占地狱道界的主导者。 ...... Beast! Bang!” ……兽道界!“轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... Fights the vault of heaven randomly, pale blue aurora. ……乱斗天穹,月白极光。 The cold wind roared, wind blade chaotic dance highest heaven expansive sky, war of both sides unceasing was stretched. 凛风咆哮,风刃乱舞的九霄长空,双方的战局不断的被拉伸出去。 Rock Saint clan, governing beast Saint clan, storm Saint clan......, although is not the tyrants influence, but Chu Hen this side also merely only then the secret palace can be called is the complete system. 岩石圣族,御兽圣族,暴风圣族……尽管并不是豪强势力,可楚痕这一方也仅仅只有天机宫称得上是完全的体系。 Demon Eyes Sacred Clan be at remnant blood condition. 妖瞳圣族处于“残血”状态。 A chaos clan not to mention. 混沌一族就更不用说了。 As for martial Meng, Kun keeps the mountain and other influence alliances, more also merely is only the advantage in population. 至于武盟,坤留山等诸多势力联盟,更多的也仅仅只是人数上的优势。 Fierce combat eruption of both sides, in a short time, has not appeared favors the lopsided situation. 双方的激战爆发,就在短时间内,并未出现倾向一面倒的局势。 Naturally. 当然了。 This merely is only in situation that in Chu Hen has not entered the war. 这仅仅只是在楚痕还未参战的情况下。 ...... Wind falls extremely the anger!” ……“风极陨怒!” Storm Saint clan head of the clan land Yu foot treads the bone-chilling cold wind spin, carries the azure wind wing, everywhere one visit, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, the imposing manner not keeps off. 风暴圣族族长陆禹脚踏凛冽风旋,身背青色风翼,所到之处,血肉横飞,气势无挡。 Chu Hen vision slightly cold, it is sideways to say to, palace lord, the director...... foreheads was slightly serious from you on the junction, „!” 楚痕目光微凛,其侧身对身边的穆斐道,“穆斐宫主,指挥就交由你了……”穆斐眉宇间略显郑重,“嗯!” Then, momentum spirited say/way, turret!” 说罢,穆斐声势昂扬道,“起炮塔!” Yes!” “是!” Situated in many flow above cloud Juzhou secret palace people to respond with one voice. 位于诸多流云巨舟之上的天机宫众人齐声回应。 Interweaves the twinkle along with myriad dazzling symbol secretary lu in Juzhou decks, with, the central region of deck is opens hollowly. 伴随着万千绚丽夺目的符文秘箓于巨舟的甲板上交织闪烁,跟着,甲板的中央区域皆是凹陷打开。 Also each flows above cloud Juzhou, all raises slowly more than ten imposing manner broad tall tower. 随之每艘流云巨舟之上,皆是缓缓升起十几座气势恢宏的高塔。 Each high tower over hundred meters. 每一座高塔都超过百米。 tall tower the crown has a brilliant energy crystal spheroid. 高塔的顶部有着一颗光彩夺目的能源水晶球体。 Endless rune/symbol mark secret Lu surrounds in the high tower peripheral sparkle, the Saint mark masters in many secret palaces inject the strength of rune/symbol writing toward the turret in abundance. 无尽的符纹秘箓环绕在高塔周边闪耀,诸多天机宫的圣纹师纷纷朝着炮塔之中注入符文之力。 Buzz......” space shivers, the energy gathers the strength. “嗡……”空间颤抖,能源蓄力。 The crystal spheroid of each high tower peak all releases the strength of powerful energy. 每一颗高塔顶端的水晶球体皆是释放出强大的能源之力。 Attacks......” Director to say. “攻……”穆斐指挥道。 Instant that the words fall, the peak of each turret erupts a terrifying beam light beam that simultaneously goes through vertically the world. 话落的霎那,每一座炮塔的顶端同时爆发出一记纵贯天地的恐怖射线光柱。 The light beam is the scarlet luster, secretly sinks just like magma class/flow column. 光柱为赤红色泽,暗沉的宛若岩浆流柱。 Bang!” “砰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... All death light beams of launch, once were attacked, one after another sky hunting and killing of governing beast Saint clan blink with the smashing that the beast was extinguished kills. ……所有发射的死亡光柱一经冲击而出,一道接一道御兽圣族的天空猎杀者眨眼连人带兽被灭杀的粉碎。 Melts instantaneously. 瞬间熔化。 True was melted to vanish instantaneously. 真正的瞬间被熔化消失掉。 Good fearful strength! The people look the color of shocking all. 好可怕的力量!众人无不面露震骇之色。 Chu Hen is also the heart startled. 就连楚痕亦是心惊不已。 Secret palace! Worthily secret two characters. 天机宫!不愧“天机”二字。 When...... heart startled, Chu Hen delimits to wipe the rapid purple lightning to plunder in void immediately to storm Saint clan head of the clan land Yu. ……心惊之余,楚痕随即于虚空中划出一抹急促的紫色闪电掠向暴风圣族族长陆禹。 Feels is coming from the powerful aura pressure that on Chu Hen sends out, land Yu the facial color obviously changed. 感受着源自于楚痕身上散发出来的强大气息威压,陆禹的面色明显变了一下。 When hasty. 仓促之际。 land Yu the palm gathers, then pulls open rapidly outward. 陆禹掌心一合,接着迅速朝外拉开。 One bunch of swift and fierce spiral tornado edges take shape instantaneously. 一束凌厉的螺旋风刃瞬间成型。 Murders to fall, cuts!” “弑陨,斩!” land Yuan drinks one, it lifts in the spiral tornado blade of hand to fling palm to Chu Hen. 陆禹暗喝一声,其抬手将掌中的螺旋风刃甩向楚痕 ......” hurricane to roar, the cyclone stirred spatially. “呼咻……”飓风咆哮,气旋搅空。 The spiral tornado blade sudden expansion, the ring-like wind blade azure shadow looks like the outer ring of typhoon transit to flow cloud Guangxuan one after another. 螺旋风刃急剧的扩大,一圈接着一圈环状的风刃青影就像是台风过境的外圈流云光旋。 The dazzling aurora seems the white hole twinkle. 耀眼的极光好似白洞闪烁。 The terrifying destruction strength covers , the spaces of eight sides were torn long and narrow fissures. 恐怖的毁灭力笼罩而下,八方的空间都被撕裂开一道道狭长的裂痕。 Comes from the Emperor Realm peak powerhouse must kill strikes. 源自于帝境巅峰强者的必杀一击。 What end is earth-shaking. 端的是惊天动地。 The path that however, that bunch of purple lightning light luminary even move unexpectedly has not changed. 然,那一束紫色的闪电光曜竟是连移动的轨迹都没有改变一下。 Works as......” azure ring-like wind blade with instant of it purple flash connection, huge hurricane cutting force solid and thunder collision surges. “哐当……”青色环形风刃与之紫色闪光交汇的霎那,巨大的飓风切割力结结实实的和雷霆碰撞激荡。 The space sudden distortion is hollow, the fresh breeze roaring highest heaven, under the vision that the innumerable double feelings shock, that group has the wild spiral tornado blade of destruction strength to blast open unexpectedly directly. 空间急剧的扭曲凹陷,劲风咆哮九霄,于无数双倍感震骇的目光下,那团极具毁灭力的狂暴螺旋风刃竟是直接从中炸裂开来。 The world shivers all over! Countless wind blade light spin dance expansive sky, carelessly splash. 天地乱颤!数之不尽的风刃光旋飙舞长空,胡乱飞溅。 People all around were raised to fly all. 周遭的众人尽数被掀飞出去。 land Yu deeply frowns, in the eye still has cold intent. 陆禹眉头紧锁,眼中犹有冷意。 Snort, even if existence of Great Emperor rank, facing my move of time, must avoid the point......” words to fall, land Yu the pupil shrinks immediately faintly. “哼,纵然是大帝级别的存在,面对我这招的时候,也要避开锋芒……”话落未落,陆禹瞳孔顿时隐隐一缩。 Sees only in wind blade vortex that trillion interweave, the whole body overflows the young form of purple light shadow such as the war-god to descend to earth together under the ice arrogant vault of heaven. 只见那亿万交织的风刃漩涡中,一道浑身流溢着紫色光影的年轻身影如战神下凡般凌傲苍穹之下。 Your excellency, your standing wrong team......” “阁下,你站错队了……”
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