UMDK :: Volume #18

#1704: The gale gets up, the dream flies upwards

Fights, wind and cloud anger! Beast, fierce combat, on all fronts eruption! After passing through several rounds offenses and defenses, by, the expedition army irresistible invasion beast sky of Chu Hen leads. 大战起,风云怒!兽道界内,激战,全线爆发!在经过几轮的攻守之后,由穆斐,楚痕带领的征战大军势不可挡的侵入兽道界的上空。 Also in the beacon-fire extends below mountain range recklessly, sky hunting and killing of governing beast Saint clan with the enormous and powerful hostile army meet the approaching enemy, but. 也就在烽火于下方的山脉肆意延伸之际,御兽圣族的天空猎杀者与之浩浩荡荡的敌对大军迎击而至。 Rock Saint clan. 岩石圣族。 Govern beast Saint clan. 御兽圣族。 These two Saint clans are the corps in the samsara, the great antiquity, Dragon Blood Sacred Clan here Saint clan influence. 这两个圣族都是战队于轮回,洪荒,龙血圣族这边的圣族势力。 Although its strengths of these two clans are not specially powerful. 虽说这两族的本身实力并不是特别的强大。 However, here is beast! But the governing beast Saint clan has inborn with the numerous beast intimate abilities. 不过,这里是兽道界!而御兽圣族天生就拥有与之众兽亲近的能力。 Was equivalent had the absolute main location advantage advantage. 相当于占据了绝对的主场地利优势。 Cry!” “唳!” Jie!” “桀!” The birds army who...... the governing beast Saint clan controls blots out the sky to come, the strong incomparable hurricane causes the highest heaven thunder clouds to tumble. ……御兽圣族驾驭的飞禽大军铺天盖地呼啸而来,强劲无比的飓风引得九霄雷云翻滚。 Kills!” “杀!” War!” “战!” ...... Chu Hen, many expedition in solemn Fijian side are also the outstanding heroes rises together simultaneously, holds to grasp the sheath sharp sword to launch to meet head-on. ……楚痕,穆斐这一方的众多征战者亦是群雄并起,执握出鞘利剑展开迎战。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... The flames of war erupt! The dense two human tides look like the locust moth group in the world connecting. ……战火爆发!黑压压的两股人潮就像是于天地间交汇的蝗虫飞蛾群。 The incomparably magnificent scene made the mountains and rivers low-spirited, the world changed colors. 无比壮观的场面令山河黯然,天地失色。 Executes day of a murdering sound that extinguishes the place folds. 诛天灭地的杀伐声叠起。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Is controlling sky hunting and killing of birds beast of prey if still has delimited the vault of heaven lightning, the lance in hand is dragging dazzling light luminary, along with flesh passed through sharp momentum, a chest of expedition is the lance pierces directly. 驾驭着飞禽猛兽的天空猎杀者犹若划过天穹的闪电,手中的长矛摇曳着刺眼的光曜,伴随着血肉被贯穿的尖锐声势,一名征战者的胸膛直接是长矛刺穿。 Cry!” “唳!” Immediately the sharp claws of birds Monster Beast delimit to fall, instantly rips the fragment the opposite party. 随即飞禽妖兽的利爪划落而下,即刻将对方撕成碎片。 ...... Looks at the everywhere chaotic dance, combative, if still hunts for life group demon hostility, above Long Qingyang situated in first boat, Ye Yao, Li Wushang and the others is the vision one cold. ……看着漫天乱舞,杀气腾腾,犹若猎命群魔般的敌对者,位于首舟之上的龙青阳,叶瑶,离无伤等人皆是目光一凛。 Snort, trivial governing beast Saint clan, dares to block us......” Li Wushang to drink one coldly, said, its flying jumps, a pair of profound double pupil erupts monster different purple glow instantly. “哼,区区御兽圣族,也胆敢阻我们……”离无伤冷喝一声,说罢,其飞身跃起,一双深邃的双眸即刻爆发出妖异的紫芒 Monster flame storm!” “妖炎风暴!” Instant that „......” the Li Wushang voice drops, the sky that front that birds cover entirely starts dreadful purple flame storm immediately. “嗵……”离无伤话音落下的霎那,前方那飞禽布满的天空顿时掀起一股滔天的紫焰风暴。 For example blasting open vault of heaven purple dragon volume hurricane, enormously and powerful like tsunami destructive spirited eight sides of shock-wave in void. 譬如炸裂天穹的紫色龙卷飓风,浩荡如海啸般的毁灭性冲击波于虚空中激昂八方。 Ominous beast and governing beast Saint clan hunting and killing in groups was embezzled by the purple monster flame storm. 成群的凶兽和御兽圣族猎杀者被紫色妖炎风暴所吞没。 The air wave of filling the heavens chaotic place throws off the expansive sky. 弥天乱地的气浪掀翻长空。 However, more than ten imposing manner bone-chilling cold governing beast hunting and killing control a leader whole body to cover entirely the black scale directly, carries the lizard dragon of raw meat wing to break through that hysterical/frenzy the purple storm, raises the light spin long spear/gun in hand to raid to Li Wushang. 然,十几道气势凛冽的御兽猎杀者直接是驾驭着一头头浑身布满黑鳞,背生肉翼的蜥龙冲破那狂乱的紫色风暴,扬起手中的光旋长枪袭向离无伤 Snort, had declined Demon Eyes Sacred Clan, do not look to have the feeling here, depends on you also to want with the samsara Saint clan to fight, simply is the wishful thinking......” is the person of domineering head like the dragon, the cold glow first, the innumerable say/way flowing light cyclone interweaves above the lance point immediately. “哼,已经没落了的妖瞳圣族,就别在这里找存在感了,就凭你们还想和轮回圣族斗,简直是痴心妄想……”为首之人强势如龙,一点寒芒先到,随即无数道流光气旋交织于枪尖之上。 It seems the long dragon-like light luminary spear/gun glow to cut together the space crack in void, subsequently thorn to the Li Wushang throat strategic point. 好似长龙般的光曜枪芒于虚空中划破一道空间裂缝,继而刺向离无伤的咽喉要害。 The Li Wushang facial color changes, a pair of purple pupil shrinks slightly tightly, the eight sunspots of pupil deep place rotate immediately. 离无伤面色微变,一双紫瞳微微缩紧,瞳孔深处的八颗黑点随即转动。 Eight star demon eyes, the dying out demon spirits!” “八星妖瞳,寂灭魔灵!” Bang!” “轰隆!” In an instant, the endless purple light spin storm encircles in void is transferring the Li Wushang connection winding. 霎那间,无尽的紫色光旋风暴于虚空中围转着离无伤交汇缠绕。 The complicated class/flow mark covers outside the body of Li Wushang, forms a transparent illusory purple empty shadow. 千丝万缕的流纹笼罩在离无伤的身外,形成一尊透明虚幻的紫色虚影。 Cry......” sharp air wave vibrato howls spatially, in Li Wushang foreheads aggressive dreadful. “唳……”尖锐的气浪颤音啸空,离无伤眉宇间霸气滔天。 Demon spirits, melts empty!” “魔灵,化虚!” Whish......” just like the mountain invincible might startled day, the Li Wushang incarnation is a body thousand-ten feet dying out demon spirits impressively. “哗……”犹如山岳般的神威惊天,离无伤赫然化身为一尊身达千丈的寂灭魔灵。 Just like the ancient giant war-god, his pair of palm grasps a to operate a day of great sword, the sword blade high and low, purple mark lingers, the point is unparalleled. 宛若古老的巨人战神,其双掌手持一柄开天巨剑,剑身上下,紫纹萦绕,锋芒盖世。 Bang......” that charges into Li Wushang governing beast hunting and killing a little to handle to guard, in the hand the long spear/gun has not touched the opposite party, forcefully by dreadful great potential that Li Wushang divulges shaking backs up. “砰……”那冲向离无伤的御兽猎杀者有点措不及防,手中长枪还未触及对方,硬生生的被离无伤所宣泄出来的滔天巨势给震的倒退出去。 But, but also does not need it to stand firm the figure, Li Wushang raises the great sword in hand suddenly, to cut the potential of emptying to divide. 而,还不待其稳住身形,离无伤豁然扬起手中的巨剑,以斩空之势劈出。 Buzz......” develops the day sword glow to seem a vertical light luminary, chops to cut the front that person of body directly. “嗡……”辟地开天的剑芒好似一记纵向的光曜,径直劈斩前方那人的身上。 That person of complexion drastic change. 那人脸色剧变。 „......” Flurried and rapid screams, in addition card in throat, the body of opposite party together with its under giant beast forcefully was fought two halves. “啊……”慌乱且急促的惊呼声尚且卡在嗓子眼,对方的身躯连同着其身下的巨兽硬生生的被战成两半。 „!” “哧!” The blood splashes spatially, the internal organs fly horizontally. 鲜血溅空,内脏横飞。 Li Wushang dying out demon spirit both eyes purple glow flows, it wields Ling heaven a sword again crosswise. 离无伤所化的寂灭魔灵双瞳紫芒流动,其再次横向挥出凌天一剑。 Vertical my Demon Eyes Sacred Clan declines again, extinguishes you, foot!” “纵我妖瞳圣族再没落,灭你们,也足矣!” Extinguishes you, foot! Bang......” potential, if racing thunder, point shining day. 灭你们,也足矣!“轰隆……”势若奔雷,锋芒耀天。 The crosswise purple sword glow just like loop shock-wave to howl, as long as hit governing beast hunting and killing, actually one and explodes the blood fog all round with the beast. 横向的紫色剑芒犹如一层弧圈冲击波呼啸出去,但凡被击中的御兽猎杀者,却是连人带兽一并爆裂成团团的血雾。 ...... Unexpectedly is the demon spiritualisation empty?” ……“竟然是魔灵化虚?” Above the first boat, the sirius health/guard Raofei small tinkling bell has the institute startled. 首舟之上,天狼星卫饶飞銮不免有所愕然。 But immediately also felt relaxed, muttered in a low voice, Li Wushang, you led me eventually, as soon as planned...... such being the case, that compared the enemy who who killed many to be better.” 但随即也就释然了,低声喃喃道,“离无伤,你终究又领先我一筹……既然如此,那就比一下谁杀的敌人更多好了。” Then, rich/forgive Feiluan also treads to empty, is divulging powerful power of demon eyes, joins in the war. 说罢,饶飞銮也踏空而起,宣泄着强盛的妖瞳之力,投身于大战之中。 ...... Bang!” ……“轰隆!” Meanwhile, flowing cloud Juzhou of both sides alternates to connect in void. 与此同时,双方的流云巨舟于虚空中穿插交汇。 Chaotic scene unceasing extending expansion. 混乱的场面不断的延伸扩展。 Below Great Wall mountain range inside and outside land unceasing breaking down fall collapsing, collapses along with peaks and ridges canyons loudly, whole bodies cover entirely the colossus of lava armor to run out of the bottom. 下方的长城山脉内外的大地不断的垮陷坍塌,伴随着一座座峰峦峡谷轰然倒塌,一尊尊浑身布满熔岩铠甲的庞然大物冲出地底。 Like breaking through ancient seal great ominous. 如同冲破古老封印的巨凶。 In various biological rapid joining wars that beast in has. 兽道界内所存在的各种生物迅速的加入战局之中。 Besides the sky hunt-killer team of governing beast Saint clan, many powerhouse experts of rock Saint clan also join the war. 除了御兽圣族的天空猎杀队之外,岩石圣族的众多强者高手也加入战局。 The cold spear/gun is swift and fierce, sword light like shadow. 寒枪凌厉,剑光如影。 The blood splashing expansive sky, murderous aura to fill the air. 血溅长空,杀气弥漫。 Although the governing beast Saint clan and rock Saint clan has benefitted the advantage, but under lies in the secret palace and Demon Eyes Sacred Clan brunts powerful, the lineup is actually somewhat chaotic. 尽管御兽圣族和岩石圣族占据了“地利”的优势,但在于天机宫和妖瞳圣族这边强大冲势下,阵形却是有些混乱。 But, at this moment, the hurricane gets up suddenly, then the world is chaotic, sees only the square sky wind volume to entangle to say. 而,就在这时,飓风骤起,接着天地混乱,只见四方上空风卷缠云。 Under rushes to the thunder to howl, first even/including more than ten giant tornado suddenly/violently Youruo swallowed ancient times Divine Dragon sweeping of vault of heaven, but. 奔雷呼啸下,一连十几座巨大的龙卷风暴犹若吞噬苍穹的远古神龙般扫荡而至。 „Is this?” “这是?” The Chu Hen corner of the eye narrows the eyes. 楚痕眼角微眯。 „The strength of so powerful wind, surely yes, the storm Saint clan......” swallow holds the book sinking sound to say. “如此强大的风之力量,必定是,暴风圣族……”燕扶书沉声说道。 Snort, ’ they collaborates...... in eyes to gush out with it samsara Saint clan including storm Saint clan unexpectedlysome regrets the meaning. “哼,竟然连‘暴风圣族’都与之轮回圣族他们同流合污……”穆斐的眼中涌出些许惋惜之意。 The sweeping speed of tornado violent is extremely fast, everywhere one visit, the world is dim, the mountains and rivers are stave. 龙卷风暴的扫荡速度极快,所到之处,天地昏暗,山河破碎。 River waterfalls all are the reversal flow backwards. 一座座河川瀑布皆是逆转倒流。 Bang......”, more than ten angry sea crazy dragon -like tornado storms directly from two wing impacts, in Chu Hen this side flows above cloud Juzhou numerously. “轰隆……”紧接着,十几座怒海狂龙般的龙卷风暴直接是从两翼冲击在楚痕这一方的众多流云巨舟之上。 Calm flowing cloud Juzhou like getting sucked in marine typhoon, jolts to sway, is not suddenly steady. 沉稳的流云巨舟就像深陷于海上的台风之内,颠簸摇晃,急剧不稳。 What is more astonishing, in endless storm that blocks the sky, is doping the countless ring-like wind blade. 更为惊人的是,在那遮天蔽日的无尽风暴之中,掺杂着数之不尽的环状风刃。 Hiss!” “嘶!” „!” “哧!” ...... Has ring-like wind blade unceasing cutting of cutting force to fall, on in Liuyun the great boat leaves behind the crowded scratch at the same time, chops the flesh that cuts to split open recruiting of many alliances, limbs separation. ……极具切割力的环状风刃不断的斩落而下,于流云巨舟上留下密集划痕的同时,也将诸多联盟的征召者劈斩的血肉绽开,肢体分离。 Storm sacred body! Having the speed is extremely quick, and destructive power extremely strong bloodline limit strength. 暴风圣体!拥有着速度极快,且杀伤力极强的血脉界限力量。 Encounters this to raiding the alliance recruited the army, the lineup is also flushed instantly much chaotically. 遭遇这等冲袭下的联盟征召大军,阵形也即刻被冲乱了不少。 in the cold wind that......” howled, large numbers of storm Saint clan experts rode the wind, but, and with the rock Saint clan, the potential of governing beast Saint clan to become Wei killing joined the war. “呼……”呼啸的凛风之中,大批的暴风圣族高手乘风而至,且同岩石圣族,御兽圣族成围杀之势加入战局。 Land head of the clan Yu, even do you also choose to collaborate?” “陆禹族长,连你也选择同流合污吗?” Is built on the brow light wrinkle above first boat, a pair is looking out the middle-aged form under that innumerable wind spin encirclement like the torch look. 立于首舟之上的穆斐眉头轻皱,一双如火炬般的眼神遥望着那无数风旋环绕之下的一道中年身影。 That person of figure tall and strong, has the manner. 那人身形魁梧,颇具气宇。 The azure wind spin covers like the shadow wing in it behind, forms a pair of azure wind wing. 青色的风旋就像影翼般笼罩在其身后,形成一对青色的风翼。 Is called land Yu the middle-aged man is not others, is the head of the clan of storm Saint clan, is one has is close to powerful existence of Great Emperor cultivation base infinitely. 被称作“陆禹”的中年男子不是别人,正是暴风圣族的族长,亦是一位有着无限接近大帝修为的强大存在。 Palace lord, meets under this situation with you, really I am not willing......” land Yu Chensheng to say. “穆斐宫主,和您在这种局势下见面,实在非我所愿……”陆禹沉声说道。 You why so?” “那你为何如此?” Samsara Saint clan, the destiny turns over, should wield the God command by them, can secure Xiangren the clan peaceful......” land Yu reply. “轮回圣族,天命所归,本该就由他们执掌天帝令,方能安享人族太平……”陆禹回答道。 Sighed lightly, „, but the samsara Saint clan was unkind, was only a oneself selfish desire then cruelly harms other Saint clans, was controlled the God command by them, how to have different from the tyrant?” 穆斐轻叹,“可是轮回圣族不仁,只为一己私欲便残害其他圣族,由他们掌控天帝令,岂同暴君有异?” land Yu actually shakes the head, one is by the tens of thousands dry the merit bone, no one can be more suitable than to lead the person of clan domain the samsara Saint clan.” 陆禹却是摇头,“正所谓一将功成万骨枯,没有谁能够比轮回圣族更适合带领人族领域了。” !” “罢了,罢了!” Is full of helpless sighing, said uselessly, the wars of ten clan, being unavoidable, who is wrong to whom, is unimportant......” who is wrong to whom, as if already no longer important. 穆斐饶有无奈的叹了口气,“多说无益,十族之战,在所难免,谁对谁错,已经不重要了……”谁对谁错,似乎已经不再重要。 These words are say, rather than land Yu of storm Saint clan. 这句话是穆斐说出来的,而非暴风圣族的陆禹。 Because of war, never to wrong! Samsara Saint clan, to rule person of clan domain. 因为战争,从来就没有对错!轮回圣族这边,是为了统治人族领域。 But, them, for is living merely. 而,他们这边,仅仅只是为了“活着”。 Living, unqualified to wrong. 活着,无分对错。 Above battlefield , there is nothing to wrong, various is his lord, palace lord does not need to show mercy, similarly, we will not serve with benevolently......” land Yu Lengsheng to say. “战场之上,无有对错,各为其主,穆斐宫主无需手下留情,同样的,我们也不会施以仁慈……”陆禹冷声说道。 Deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath. 穆斐深深的舒出一口气。 Kills!” “杀!” ...... Kills! Above the battlefield, various is his lord! Kills command, entire beast gradual is annexed a stretch of Asura battlefield. ……杀!战场之上,各为其主!一声“杀令”下,整个兽道界逐渐的沦亡一片修罗战场。 Long Qingyang, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Eastern permanent it, the old Yin monkey and others of the alliances also hold a sword, participates to subjugate in a beast war. 龙青阳,龙玄霜,叶瑶,东方恒之,老阴猴等所有联盟之人也纷纷仗剑而起,参与征讨兽道界的大战之中。 The storm Saint clan, the governing beast Saint clan, the rock Saint clan tripartite Saint clan unites an innumerable beast ominous beast army to initiate crazily meets the approaching enemy to encircle. 暴风圣族,御兽圣族,岩石圣族三方圣族联合着无数兽道界的凶兽大军疯狂的发起迎击围剿。 True gloom. 真正的天昏地暗。 Distant looks, big beast, degenerated into the chaotic incomparable destruction battlefield thoroughly. 远远的望去,偌大的兽道界,彻底沦为了混乱无比的毁灭战场。 Sky. 天空。 Land. 大地。 Dense and numerous person's shadows, beast shadow. 密密麻麻的人影,兽影。 Is riding sky hunting and killing of birds giant beast, if shuttles back and forth in the crowd like lightning, everywhere wind spin segments the stump residual limb to break the arm recklessly. 骑着飞禽巨兽的天空猎杀者如若闪电般穿梭于人群中,漫天的风旋肆意切分着残肢断臂。 ...... By this simultaneously, the wars of several other border areas, fully erupts. ……以此同时,另外几个界域的战争,也全面爆发。 Six. 六道界。 The war cuts down. 战伐起。 The day startled changes. 天惊变。
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