UMDK :: Volume #18

#1703: Govern beast Saint clan, sky hunting and killing

Whiz!” “嗖!” „!” “咻!” ...... A supported joint a cloud penetration great arrow is erupting to exterminate all potentials of bone-chilling cold murdering. ……一支接着一支的穿云巨箭爆发出诛灭一切的凛冽杀伐之势。 The great arrow rear willow tree leaf-shape tail wing sudden rotation, just like the turbine wheel tornado of high-speed rotation, big regional sweeping directly is in the crowded beast group that breaks in the front that to blot out the sky. 巨箭尾部的柳叶状尾翼急剧的转动,犹如高速转动的涡轮旋风,大范围性的扫荡直接是冲入前方那铺天盖地的密集兽群中。 The endless point sharp qi twists the broken eight sides. 无尽的锋芒锐气绞碎八方。 Everywhere blood fog hashed meat simultaneous/uniform flying. 漫天的血雾碎肉齐飞。 As long as by great arrow rear revolving tail wing hit, was split up instantaneously. 但凡被巨箭尾部的旋转尾翼击中者,瞬间四分五裂。 „!” “呜!” „!” “哇!” ...... Beast, the group beast roared. ……兽道界,群兽咆哮。 Crowded such as the ominous beast of rain jumps from that high soaring to the clouds Great Wall directly, but, issues the order of attack continuously. 密集如雨的凶兽直接是从那高高的凌霄长城上跃起,而,穆斐连续下达进攻的命令。 Puts the arrow!” “放箭!” On more than ten huge flowing cloud Juzhou large-scale bow crossbows unceasingly full moon shape by drawing. 十几艘巨大的流云巨舟上的大型弓弩不断被拉成满月状。 With spirited vibrato that the bowstring sends out, whiz whiz whiz......” rapid swift and fierce putting on wind sounds fold, 200-300 meters giant arrow arrows drag to entrain the gorgeous class/flow shadow to delimit the vault of heaven, in the movement, willow leaf the tail wing of terminal under drive of air current, forms rapidly golden light spin that has the destruction strength. 伴随着弓弦发出的激昂颤音,“嗖嗖嗖……”的一道道急骤凌厉的穿风声响叠起,一支支200-300米长的巨大箭矢拖拽着绚丽的流影划过天穹,在急速移动中,末端的柳叶尾翼于气流的带动下,形成一圈圈极具毁坏力的金色光旋。 Bang bang bang......” under sweeping of tail wing light spin strokes, large quantities of ominous thing beast of prey made into the disintegrating slag. “砰砰砰……”在尾翼光旋的扫荡击打下,大批的凶物猛兽被打成碎渣。 That blots out the sky, such as the locust group ominous beast groups, were rumbled directly circular giant openings. 那铺天盖地,如蝗虫群般的凶兽群,直接是被轰出一个又一个圆形的巨大的豁口。 Good fierce......” is in the great boat cabin of head, Long Qingyang, Li Wushang, Ye Yao and the others all looks the color of exclamation. “好厉害……”为首的巨舟船舱上,龙青阳,离无伤,叶瑶等人皆是面露惊叹之色。 Worthily is secret palace, can develop so powerful long-distance bow crossbow instrument...... swallow to hold the book unexpectedly is also gives to acclaim. “不愧是‘天机宫’,竟能研制出如此强大的远程弓弩器械……”燕扶书也是给予赞叹。 Looks at that to be swept group after group twists the broken beast group, in the eye of Chu Hen also gushes out many startled intent. 望着那一批接着一批被扫荡绞碎的兽群,楚痕的眼中亦是涌出诸多惊意。 Several rounds of offensive get down, the lineup of opposite party directly in a complete mess. 几轮攻势下来,对方的阵形直接就一塌糊涂。 „!” “呜!” Jie!” “桀!” ...... Sweeps for several rounds great arrow vortex, many beast groups washed out directly. ……一连几轮的巨箭漩涡扫荡出去,诸多兽群直接被冲散。 The great boat armies of alliance are irresistible. 联盟的巨舟大军可谓是势不可挡。 Quick intruded into the sky of front that Great Wall mountain range. 很快就闯入了前方那长城山脉的上空。 Without a doubt, beast front two groups of attacks and defenses, do not have the stop ability of least bit regarding Chu Hen. 毫无疑问,兽道界前面的两拨攻防,对于楚痕这边没有半点的阻拦能力。 However, at this moment, on the rear high ground of Great Wall mountain range raised unexpectedly the broad fort one after another. 然,就在这时,长城山脉的后方一处高地上竟是升起了一方接一方的宽阔炮台。 But, above that fort, is actually laying aside especially large stone car(riage)s. 而,在那炮台之上,却是放置着一座座尤为大型的投石车。 That is......” the Long Qingyang vision sinks. “那是……”龙青阳目光微沉。 Chu Hen , swallow Fushu and the others facial expression also for cold. 楚痕,穆斐,燕扶书等人神情亦是为凛。 Then, sees only many giant stone car(riage)s on Great Wall mountain range rear area high ground rapid in the future under will press. 接着,只见长城山脉后方高地上的诸多巨型投石车迅速的往后下压。 When the pressure roller arrives at the bottom, throwing the plate is broadminded to shoot. 当压轮到达最低点的时候,投盘豁然间弹起。 In an instant, bulk rocks throw immediately to the front sky. 霎那间,一颗颗大块的岩石顿时抛向前方的上空。 While Chu Hen here people amazed in the attack scopes of these stone car(riage)s whether to achieve them in the altitude, sees only these to throw the rock of upper air actually erupts the extremely swift and violent speed. 正当楚痕这边的众人惊诧于那些投石车的攻击范围能否达到他们所在高度的时候,只见那些抛上高空的岩石却是爆发出极为迅猛的速度。 And, in the motion process, the giant stone that these fly appears all over the body innumerable say/way dark-red rune/symbol Wenmi lu. 且,在移动过程中,那些飞来的巨石通体浮现出无数道暗红色的符纹秘箓。 With it air friction, has the high-temperature thermal energy unexpectedly. 与之空气摩擦,竟然还产生出高温热能。 Is only several suddenly times, surface layer the giant stone that flies ignites the flame of burning hot instantly. 仅仅只是几个眨眼的功夫,飞来的巨石表层即刻燃起了炙热的火焰。 The scalding hot aura presses near, seems comet meteorite that flies. 灼热的气息压近,好似飞来的彗星陨石。 ...... Is rock Saint clan melt explodes the center of the earth rock strength.” ……“是‘岩石圣族’熔爆地心岩力。” swallow Fushu the sinking sound said. 燕扶书沉声说道。 What? 什么? Instance that the voice drops, that flies the giant flame rock that raids to come like days beyond the meteorite front surface hit, but. 话音落下的瞬间,那飞袭而来的巨大火焰岩石如同一颗颗天外陨石般迎面撞击而至。 Flows on cloud Juzhou people to raise the palm potential and fist vigor subconsciously conducts the resistance. 流云巨舟上的众人下意识的掀起掌势和拳劲进行抵御。 Under may be oppressed by the external force, all flame rocks like sparks/Mars of blasting open, in the periphery of in Liuyun great boat air burst open instantly. 可受到外力的压迫下,所有的火焰岩石如同炸裂的火星,即刻于流云巨舟的周边上空爆开。 „!” “嗵!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... One group of then one group of flame meteorites also explode the void, wild flame storm, if raises the day the terrifying tide. ……一团接着一团的火焰陨石随之爆裂虚空,狂暴的火焰风暴如若掀天的恐怖浪潮。 Surges sky over the highest heaven one after another. 一圈又一圈激荡于九霄上空。 The vigorous astral's fierce shock-wave attacks unceasingly inside and outside flowing cloud Juzhou, carrying/sustaining the great boat of expedition army fierce rocks anxiously. 雄浑罡猛的冲击波不断冲击在流云巨舟内外,承载着征战大军的巨舟剧烈的晃动不安。 The above people were also shaken somewhat uncomfortably. 上面的众人也都被震得有些难受。 Bang!” “砰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... The everywhere hot rain blooms, the boiling hot scarlet flame raises the day. ……漫天的火雨绽放,滚烫的赤焰掀天。 Also is a round of flame giant stone has flown the expansive sky, is erupting the potential of dreadful destruction destruction. 又是一轮火焰巨石飞过长空,爆发着滔天的毁灭破坏之势。 The red fireball of blotting out the sky presses rapidly near, each rock fireball, as if contains the destructive power of volcanic eruption. 铺天盖地的红色火球急速压近,每一颗岩石火球,都仿佛蕴藏着火山爆发的破坏力。 Under the consecutive two rounds of great strength hit demolition, that navigation in beast said that sky flowing cloud Juzhou as if encountered fierce storm that sweeps across the vault of heaven. 在连续两轮的巨力撞击爆破下,那航行于兽道界上空的流云巨舟仿佛遭遇了席卷天穹的剧烈风暴。 The flanks of several great boats were hit to put in the hundred zhang (333 m) wide opening hole. 更是有几艘巨舟的侧翼被撞穿了上百丈宽的豁口窟窿。 The great boat sways anxiously, the above expedition army stands steadily, does not have not , the vitality surges, the mouth spits the blood to continue. 巨舟摇晃不安,上面的征战大军站立不稳,更有不甚者,气血翻腾,口吐鲜血不止。 ...... „!” ……“咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” ...... Quick, is the new round offensive attack. ……很快,又是新一轮的攻势来袭。 This time, hundred and thousand of large-scale fireballs wrap the giant stone to fly behind the front Great Wall mountain range. 这一次,成百上千的大型火球包裹着巨石于前方的长城山脉后方飞来。 Incomparably magnificent picture end has the meteorite shower like the day. 无比壮观的画面端的如同天降陨石雨。 Situated in flowing on cloud Juzhou the people pupil all reflects that to press near everywhere fireball rain suddenly. 位于流云巨舟上的众人瞳孔之中皆是倒映着那急剧压近的漫天火球雨。 This offensive pounds carelessly, flows cloud Juzhou to be destroyed more than 50% at least. 这一通攻势胡乱砸下来,流云巨舟最起码要被摧毁一半以上。 However, lord of secret palace does not have the flurried color. 然,天机宫之主穆斐却是丝毫没有慌乱之色。 Day Luo array......” its cold sound said. “天罗阵……”其凛声说道。 Yes!” “是!” When the words fall, situated in flows a on cloud Juzhou secret palace Saint Grade mark technique master respectively one by one is erupts one to rush the vigorous spirit Yi strength. 话落之际,分别位于各个流云巨舟上的一众天机宫圣级纹术师皆是爆发出一股澎湃雄浑的灵奕力。 For example star glow spirit butterfly symbol secretary lu is reappearing the twinkle together with the innumerable say/way. 连同着无数道譬如星芒灵蝶般的符文秘箓浮现闪烁。 Many Saint Grade mark technique masters jointly catch up. 诸多圣级纹术师联合发力。 Buzz......” a spirited resonant air wave vibrato folds, sees only an incomparably magnificent golden campylodromous backdrop is appears unexpectedly the dead ahead of in Liuyun great boat corps. “嗡……”的一记激昂嘹亮的气浪颤音叠起,只见一座无比壮观的金色弧状天幕竟是浮现于流云巨舟战队的正前方。 The huge backdrop looks like the gauze curtain that the deity obstructs. 庞大的天幕就像是天神遮下的纱帘。 The giant rock fireball that all flies was cut off all in the flank. 所有飞来的巨大的岩石火球尽数被阻隔在外侧。 When this round of all rock fireball stay still, shouted again loudly, day Luo array, the say/way of that person......” the say/way of that person! The instance that voice drops, the Saint Grade mark technique masters in many secret palaces fluctuate simultaneously seal arts. 紧接着,当这一轮所有的岩石火球静止不动的时候,穆斐再次高声喝道,“天罗阵,其人之道……”其人之道!穆斐的话音落下的瞬间,诸多天机宫的圣级纹术师同时变幻印决 At once, that keeps off in the giant campylodromous backdrop of people front glows the dazzling spirit mark god glow instantly, along with strength of the huge reverberation, sees only all fireball rocks to rebound all. 旋即,那挡在众人前方的巨型弧状天幕即刻焕发出耀眼的灵纹神芒,伴随着一股巨大的回向之力,只见所有的火球岩石尽数反弹回去。 Rumble......” thunder Huoxian day, just like ignition lightning. “隆隆……”雷火掀天,宛如点燃闪电。 The meteorite flying rain of blotting out the sky returns along the old route directly, behind many forts toward Great Wall falls. 铺天盖地的陨石飞雨直接是沿着原路返回,朝着长城后方的诸多炮台落去。 „Not good......” situated in the Great Wall mountain range rear rock Saint clan people hearts in great surprise. “不好……”位于长城山脉后方的岩石圣族众人心头大惊。 In addition does not wait for them to defend, that crowded meteorite shower pounds to fall under. 尚且不等他们进行防御,那密集的陨石雨纷纷砸落而下。 „!” “嗵!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... Mountains and rivers blasting open, the land shakes. ……山河炸裂,大地震荡。 Each flame ball falls, hides throws off eight side grounds in the rock internal explosive force instantly. 每一颗火焰球落下,藏匿于岩石内部的爆炸力即刻掀翻八方地面。 One group of then one group of wild strength in beast said inside and outside the mountain range to surge, the high ground fort one after another was razed to the ground. 一团接着一团狂暴的力量于兽道界山脉内外激荡而起,一座又一座的高地炮台被夷为平地。 The above stone car(riage) together with the person of rock Saint clan, one and was destroyed rupturing. 上面的投石车连同着岩石圣族的人,一并被摧毁爆裂。 The flame tide spreads recklessly, is sweeping across the inside and outside of Great Wall mountain range by the prevailing situation. 火焰浪潮肆意蔓延,以燎原之势席卷着长城山脉的内外。 Under many beast group also exploded on strings jumps. 诸多兽群亦是被炸的上串下跳。 ...... Good day Luo array, to shoot unexpectedly completely.” ……“好一个‘天罗阵’,竟然全部都弹回去了。” The people exclaim regarding the secret palace amicable ability. 众人对于天机宫和穆斐的能力惊叹不已。 Rumble......”, but, at this moment, the front above wind and thunder rolls. “隆隆……”而,也就在这时,前方的上空风雷滚动。 With the chaotic storm of wreaking havoc highest heaven, in the dense dark cloud actually also drives huge flowing cloud Juzhou. 伴随着肆虐九霄的混乱风暴,黑压压的乌云中却也是驶来一艘艘声势浩荡的流云巨舟。 In that flows above cloud Juzhou, is gathering tens of thousands of sharp masters. 在那流云巨舟之上,亦是聚集着数以万计的锋锐之师。 And, the two wings of great boat about, around first place, is also surrounding a leader powerful birds ominous beast of unexpectedly. 且,巨舟的两翼左右,首位前后,竟是还环绕着一头头威风凛凛的飞禽凶兽。 Figure incomparable grandiose of each birds ominous beast, and traveling speed is extremely fast. 每一只飞禽凶兽的身形都无比的壮硕,且移动速度极快。 But, in conducting the back of these birds ominous beasts, all crouches in hiding is throwing over together is fighting armor helmet, grasps the soldier of lance sharp sword. 而,在那些飞禽凶兽的背上,皆是蹲伏着一道披着战甲头盔,手持长矛利剑的战士。 On their neat armor, the mark is carving a design of eagle head impressively. 在他们整齐的盔甲上,赫然纹刻着一颗鹰首的图案。 Is governing beast Saint clan sky hunting and killing......” the Li Wushang corner of the eye narrows the eyes to say lightly. “是‘御兽圣族’的天空猎杀者……”离无伤眼角轻眯道。 Govern beast Saint clan! This is an especially special ethnic group. 御兽圣族!这是一个尤为特殊的族群。 bloodline limit of this Saint clan is unusual, perhaps in the strength increase, is not specially outstanding, but their kind of bloodlines, have the extremely strong intimate and handling regarding Monster Beast inborn. 这个圣族的血脉界限非常奇特,或许在力量增幅上,并不是特别的出众,但他们这类血脉,天生对于妖兽有着极强的亲近和掌控能力。 The can with the Monster Beast nearly perfect coordination combat. 其能够和妖兽近乎完美的配合作战。 But this sky hunting and killing, is may be called one have super encircles the soldier of strength of killing. 而这“天空猎杀者”,更是堪称一支拥有超级围杀之力的战士。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” ...... Dense in the air hunting and killing looks like the ancient dragon knight, with the potential of lightning toward Chu Hen this side to raiding. ……黑压压的空中猎杀者就像是古老的龙骑士,冠以闪电之势朝着楚痕这一方冲袭而来。 Flowing cloud Juzhou of both sides like the prehistoric giant beast that two batch will soon connect. 双方的流云巨舟如同两批即将交汇的史前巨兽。 Kills!” “杀!” Offends six, death!” “触犯六道界者,死!” ...... A future side exclaimed sternly. ……来者一方厉声吼道。 Snort, one crowd of being in cahoots things.” “哼,一群狼狈为奸的东西。” Vision is exuding the chill in the air, at once is single-handed lifts, the sinking sound shouted. 穆斐目光泛着寒意,旋即单手一抬,沉声喝道。 Kills!” “杀!” ...... The war made! War, comprehensive eruption! Comes from flows on cloud Juzhou hostility to fight instant that the command issues in both sides, leaps the cabin in abundance, raises camp that dreadful killing intent charges into the opposite party. ……战令起!大战,全面爆发!源自于双方流云巨舟上的敌对者在战令下达的霎那,纷纷跃下船舱,掀起滔天的杀意冲向对方的阵营。 Most chaotic fierce combat time, quietly arrival! 最为混乱的激战时刻,悄然到来!
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