UMDK :: Volume #18

#1702: Invasion beast

The mountains and rivers pass through broken, the vault of heaven caves. 山河贯破,苍穹塌陷。 Bang......” tumultuous times thunder along with that tearing highest heaven, more than ten if still beyond the day giant beast flowing cloud Jinzhou directly in the vortex storm of that matter level flushed. “轰隆……”伴随着那撕裂九霄的乱世雷霆,十余艘犹若天外巨兽般的流云金舟直接是于那层层的漩涡风暴中冲了出来。 The terrifying huge oppression grinds the whole wide world land river. 恐怖的巨大压迫碾碎八荒大地河川。 Expedition army who each flows on cloud Juzhou the carrying/sustaining over 100,000 numbers. 每一艘流云巨舟上面都承载着超过十万之数的征战大军。 This time, six clan alliances turn out in full strength. 此次,六族联盟可谓是倾巢而出。 Facing samsara, great antiquity, dragon blood three clans, does not have any retention. 面对轮回,洪荒,龙血三族,没有任何的保留。 But, this team, their attack goals are six one, beast! Rumble......” strong winds howl, the wind and thunder is billowing. 而,这一支队伍,他们的进攻目标乃是六道界之一的,兽道界!“隆隆……”狂风呼啸,风雷滚滚。 Flows cloud Juzhou everywhere one visit, void was towed to entrain especially violent chaotic wind spin. 流云巨舟的所到之处,虚空中被拖拽出尤为猛烈的混乱风旋。 The air current between world was broken to separate, what end is the situation is boundless, the prestige shakes the day. 天地间的气流一路被破分开来,端的是大势磅礴,声威撼天。 Is above flowing cloud Juzhou of head. 为首的流云巨舟之上。 In forecastle that partly opens wide, lord of secret palace, Chu Hen, swallow Fushu, Li Wushang, the Long Qingyang and other numerous are the facial expression is all grave. 半敞开的前舱内,天机宫之主穆斐,楚痕,燕扶书,离无伤,龙青阳等众皆是神情庄重。 The look of everyone reveals the sharp sword to have the sheath point. 每个人的眼神都流露着利剑出鞘般的锋芒。 Again across the front that canyon, is beast the entrance......” swallow held the book cold sound to say. “再穿过前面那座峡谷,就是‘兽道界’的入口了……”燕扶书凛声说道。 It and a survivor of chaos clan monitored samsara Saint clan in secret many years, is also quite clear regarding six terrains. 其和混沌一族的幸存者暗中监视了“轮回圣族”多年,对于六道界的地形也较为清楚。 This time attacks and occupies beast, although takes and Chu Hen as the captain, the intelligence information that but swallow Fushu has is obviously more important. 此次攻占兽道界,虽是以穆斐和楚痕为指挥者,但燕扶书所掌握的情报信息显然更为重要。 Chu Hen, looked at each other one. 楚痕,穆斐对视了一眼。 The former asked that will have the space to tie?” 前者问道,“会有空间结界吧?” Has!” “有!” swallow Fushu replied, was the space of most outer layer ties, was very easy to eradicate, quite worry was, does not know that what ambush they set in beast......” several people of slight bows, in the foreheads exuded several points of profound meaning. 燕扶书回答道,“不过是最外层的空间结界,还是很容易破除的,较为担心的就是,不知道他们在兽道界设下了什么样的埋伏……”几人微微点头,眉宇间泛起几分深意。 Quick. 很快。 Several carried the thunder clouds storm to invade the beast surrounding region just like prehistoric giant beast flowing cloud Juzhou. 十几艘宛如史前巨兽般的流云巨舟就携带着万般雷云风暴侵入了兽道界的外围区域。 Then, the summit of front canyon, under the clouds, a hanging soaring to the clouds rooftop maps in the line of sight of people from far to near. 接着,前方的峡谷之巅,云端之下,一座悬空的凌霄天台由远至近的映入众人的视线内。 Distant looks, structure atmosphere that especially that soars to the clouds rooftop is broad. 远远的望去,那座凌霄天台的构造尤为的大气恢宏。 Leads to Nantianmen of immortal palace just like that legend. 宛若那传说中通往仙宫的南天门。 The imposing three heavy doors combine to make one row. 气势宏伟的三重门并成一列。 Roar......” made the person palpitation ominous thing roaring sound front surface transmit, distant looked, saw only the upper extreme of that magnificent incomparable tertiary fontanel, is twining a huge dragon shadow unexpectedly. “吼……”令人心悸的凶物咆哮声迎面传来,远远的望去,只见那壮观无比的三重天门的上端,竟是缠绕着一尊庞大的龙影。 That big dragon just like passes the deity python to entangle on the posts of three heavy doors, looks like guards in this peerless great ominous, making one to be awed at the sight. 那巨龙犹如通天神蟒般缠在三重门的门柱上,就像是镇守于此的绝世巨凶,叫人望而生畏。 But, under of that tertiary great gate, the dense tide of people armies has waited here. 而,在那三重巨门的下方,黑压压的人潮大军早已是在此等候。 Snort, the thing of acting recklessly, dares to excel at rushing to six, a wisp kills without the amnesty......” front, the battle drum strikes. “哼,不知死活的东西,胆敢擅闯六道界者,一缕杀无赦……”前方,战鼓擂动。 Looks at front these to guard in beast saying that enemy, situated in flowing on cloud Juzhou the people gets hold of the weapon in hand. 望着前方那些镇守于兽道界门外的敌军,位于流云巨舟上的众人不禁握紧手中的武器。 However, Chu Hen amicable actually looked at each other one, at once surface flood indifferent happy expression. 然,楚痕和穆斐却是对视了一眼,旋即面泛淡然的笑意。 Rushes to...... sinking sound to say directly. “直接闯过去……”穆斐沉声说道。 What? 什么? The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Rushes directly?” “直接闯?” Stands is somewhat surprised in following Long Qingyang, then exploratory looked at Chu Hen. 站在后面的龙青阳有些意外,然后又试探性的看了眼楚痕 Chu Hen also nods. 楚痕亦是点点头。 Depends on outside person, definitely does not need to pay attention, transmitted orders, picks up the speed, rushes...... „ to understand directly! ” “就凭外面的这点人,完全不必理会,传令下去,加快速度,直接闯过去……”“明白!” ...... „!” ……“呜!” The vigorous spirited attack bugle horn sound spreads over the world, looks like the giant beast to roar. 雄浑昂扬的进攻号角声传遍天地,就像是巨兽咆哮。 Each flows cloud Juzhou to be broadminded to erupt the especially strong enormous and powerful air/Qi to clash. 紧接着,每一艘流云巨舟豁然间爆发出尤为强劲浩荡的气冲。 Proliferates gorgeous rune/symbol Wenmi lu under boat body to shine all, then together, seems to surround together interweaves, distant looks, these flow cloud Juzhou both sides as if stretch/leisurely launched a pair of huge light wing. 遍布于舟身上下的绚丽符纹秘箓尽数亮起,一道接着一道,好似雷芒环绕交织,远远的望去,那些流云巨舟的两侧仿佛舒展开了一对庞大的光翼。 The speed that buzz......” faces forward to move rises dramatically doubled and re-doubled. “嗡……”朝前移动的速度成倍暴增。 The irresistible imposing manner endures compared with that crosses beyond the day of vault of heaven the meteorite. 不可抵挡的气势堪比那横贯苍穹的天外陨石。 Several imposing manner terrors, the speed swift and violent great boat hits directly toward front that tertiary fontanel. 十几艘气势恐怖,速度迅猛的巨舟径直朝着前方那座三重天门撞去。 Guards in soaring to the clouds the people in rooftop has a big shock. 镇守于凌霄天台上的众人大惊失色。 They carry has not thought of the future fierce so. 他们端的没想到来者如此的凶猛。 Overbearing of so invasion. 入侵的这般霸道。 The manifesto war that even battles against made not to issue to issue. 甚至连开战的宣言战令都没有发布下达。 Controlled to flow cloud Juzhou to clash directly. 直接是驾驭着流云巨舟冲了过来。 Withdraw......” panic guarding to transform the lineup hastily, but, flowing cloud Juzhou after acceleration looks like bangs into the huge monster in crowd. “撤……”惊慌失措的镇守者连忙变换阵形,可是,加速之后的流云巨舟就像是撞入人群中的庞大怪物。 For example the meteorite terrifying impulse threw off the first round of defense of opposite party instantaneously. 譬如陨石般的恐怖冲击力瞬间掀翻了对方的第一轮防御。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... Flows cloud Juzhou unable to resist one after another completely, guards in beast said outside meeting head-on like blasting out the beast group, washed out inconsistency. ……一艘接一艘流云巨舟完全抵挡不住,镇守于兽道界外的迎战者如同炸开的兽群,被冲散的七零八落。 Some large numbers of mediation, directly by being split up that huge strength impact hits, exploding forcefully becomes the bunch of blood fog of broken. 更有大批居中者,直接被那巨大的力量冲击撞的四分五裂,硬生生的爆碎成一团团的血雾。 In an instant, various chaotic wailing pitiful yell sound chaotic being heavily engaged. 霎那间,各种混乱的哀嚎惨叫声乱的不可开交。 Prosperous!” “隆!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... Irresistible flows cloud Juzhou to dash very much one after another, in that soars to the clouds in rooftop, the quarry stone blasts open, that imposing manner broad rooftop rapid rupturing notch big gaps. ……势不可挡的很流云巨舟接连冲撞在那凌霄天台上,乱石炸裂,那气势恢宏的天台迅速的爆裂开一道道豁大的缺口。 Humming sound......” at the same time, soars to the clouds the tertiary fontanel in rooftop to glitter a series of dazzling light luminary. “嗡嗡……”与此同时,凌霄天台上的三重天门闪烁着一系列刺眼的光曜。 Dragon shadow of that winding on post also makes the fierce wailing shape. 那缠绕在门柱上的龙影亦是作出狰狞的尖啸状。 Like is warning the intruder. 如同在警告入侵者。 The meaning that however, more than ten prehistoric giant beast has not stopped slightly, they break through the first round of defense line, throws off innumerable interception, arrives in the sky of that tertiary fontanel. 然,十余艘“史前巨兽”丝毫没有停下来的意思,它们一路冲破首轮的防线,掀翻无数拦截者,抵达那三重天门的上空。 Wind cloud angry, the thunder and lightning interlocks anxiously. 风急云怒,雷电交错。 Sees only the sky of that three heavy door appears impressively incomparably magnificently „a gate. 只见那三重门的上空赫然浮现出一座无比壮观的“阵门”。 Ancient secret Lu twinkle expansive sky, that ray radiant „a gate outlined an unpredictable light wheel design. 古老的秘箓闪烁长空,那光芒璀璨的“阵门”勾勒出一副变幻莫测的光轮图案。 In that light wheel the interior, the storm rotation, seems the eye of space opens. 在那“光轮”的内部,风暴转动,好似开辟的空间之眼。 Is ties!” “是结界!” swallow Fushu sinking sound said. 燕扶书沉声道。 Rushes to...... to stand firm the heart Shintoism of people directly again. “直接闯进去……”穆斐再次稳住众人的心神道。 If ordinary flowing cloud Jinzhou, cannot withstand the front that space ties the oppression mostly. 如果是普通的流云金舟,多半承受不住前方那“空间结界”的压迫。 But these flow cloud Juzhou, is six clan alliances consumes the super operational great boat that the huge commodity made completely. 但这些流云巨舟,全部都是六族联盟耗费了庞大的物资建造出来的超级作战巨舟。 And passes through secret palace many powerful mark technique masters to perform strength of increase rune/symbol writing. 且还经过天机宫诸多强大的纹术师加以符文之力增幅。 The firm degree, unusual. 其坚固程度,非同一般。 Immediately, Chu Hen, and the others first flowed cloud Juzhou to just like the lead goat to bang into that three heavy door above storm coronas. 当即,楚痕,穆斐等人的第一艘流云巨舟犹如领头羊般撞入了那三重门上空的风暴光轮之中。 Bang......”, once were connected, flowed cloud Juzhou immediately like alternating the interior of eye of storm, the enormous and powerful light screen swung, eight side vaults of heaven are rocking fiercely. “轰隆……”一经交汇,流云巨舟顿时就像穿插进了风暴之眼的内部,浩荡的光幕荡开,八方天穹都在剧烈晃动。 Although however, the highest heaven collapses, the hurricane gets up suddenly. 然,尽管九霄坍塌,飓风骤起。 But flows cloud Juzhou the vanguard offensive not to have the stagnation of least bit, the first great boat is welcoming the impact of endless thunder directly, in in Jiejie the front door crosses. 但流云巨舟的前行攻势没有半点的停滞,第一艘巨舟直接是迎着无尽雷霆的冲击,于结界大门中横穿而过。 Then, second, third, fourth...... flows cloud Juzhou one after another one after another by potential of invasion ominous beast tearing beast within. 接着,第二艘,第三艘,第四艘……一艘接着一艘流云巨舟相继以凶兽撕裂之势侵入“兽道界”之内。 ...... Merely is only several suddenly time, beast entrance one piece in confusion. ……仅仅只是个几个眨眼的时间,兽道界的入口处一片狼藉。 This first defense line of surrounding has not given Chu Hen this side to bring the hindrance of least bit completely. 外围的这第一道防线完全没有给予楚痕这一方带来半点的阻碍。 ...... Rumble!” ……“隆隆!” First even/including more than ten flowed cloud Juzhou to clash in the backdrop light wheel. 一连十余艘流云巨舟于天幕光轮中冲了出来。 Beast in! Presents in Chu Hen , what swallow Fushu and the others in eye is precipitous incomparable, steep magnificent canyon mountain ranges. 兽道界内!呈现于楚痕,穆斐,燕扶书等人眼中的是一座座险峻无比,陡峭壮观的峡谷山脉。 Dead ahead. 正前方。 Crosses in the east and west mountain ranges if still a giant Great Wall. 横贯于东西两地的山脉犹若一道巨大的长城。 Another end of mountain range, the towering flash flood raises the boundless soaring to the heavens situation. 山脉的另一端,突兀的山洪爆发般掀起磅礴的冲天大势。 Sees only that hills in the place bottom, the canyon deep place, is crawls one to meet a aura fierce terrifying ominous thing unexpectedly. 只见那群山的地底之中,峡谷深处,竟是爬出来一头接一头气息狰狞的恐怖凶物。 Every large or small ominous beast physique varies. 大大小小的凶兽形体不一。 Has the whole body to cover entirely the giant of rock armor. 有浑身布满岩石铠甲的巨人。 Has the Land Dragon of on the back grows bristles. 有背生棘刺的地龙。 Length the monsters of several heads. 还有长着数个脑袋的怪物。 ...... Beast! Just like its name is the same. ……兽道界!正如它的名字一样。 In this domain, is gathering lots of fierce ominous beast armies. 在这个界域中,聚集着大量的狰狞凶兽大军。 „!” “嗷!” Roar!” “吼!” ...... With sharp grating ominous thing roaring sound, a leader fearful ominous thing of rapid climbs up that the peak in Great Wall, eye of reveal evil ominous light. ……伴随着尖锐刺耳的凶物咆哮声,一头头可怕的凶物迅速的攀上那长城的顶端,目露邪恶的凶光。 Looks out these countless ominous thing beast of prey, in pupil exudes to wipe aggressively. 遥望那些数之不尽的凶物猛兽,穆斐眸中泛起一抹霸气。 Payload separation!” “开舱!” Humming sound......”, as order, all flowing cloud Juzhou peaks unexpectedly are slowly opens wide from the middle. “嗡嗡……”随着穆斐的一声令下,所有的流云巨舟的顶端竟然是缓缓的从中间敞开。 Just likes carapace that splits toward the both sides, flows cloud Juzhou the overall cabin, instantly comprehensive opening. 犹如朝着两侧裂开的甲壳,流云巨舟的整体船舱,即刻全面的打开。 The expedition army on great boat, all exposition outside. 巨舟上的征战大军,尽数暴露在外。 ......” bone-chilling cold rapid command to fight armor to create a clamor, long hair chaotic dance. “呼……”凛冽急骤的令战甲鼓噪,长发乱舞。 Chu Hen , swallow Fushu and other captains King generals, if rules the world, rapid close to that front Great Wall in front. 楚痕,穆斐,燕扶书等几位指挥者如若君临天下的王者将帅,迅速的临近那前方的“长城”面前。 Jie Jie......” innumerable fierce monster beast of prey exude the grating sound to howl. “桀桀……”无数狰狞的怪物猛兽发出刺耳的声啸。 Then, the numerous beasts jump, is rides the wind to fly the upper air unexpectedly, flows cloud Juzhou to flush away toward front that more than ten. 接着,众兽跃起,竟是乘风飞上高空,朝着前方那十余艘流云巨舟冲去。 The dense and numerous beast groups, blot out the sky. 密密麻麻的兽群,铺天盖地。 Crowded looks like the locust to be the same, filling the heavens chaotic dance. 密集的就像是蝗虫一样,弥天乱舞。 However, is actually unhurriedly. 然,穆斐却是不慌不忙。 It lifts the left hand saying that „, long crossbow!” 其抬起左手道,“起,长弩!” Crash-bang......” along with the sound that the mechanism/organization iron chain towing entrains, sees only in the rear flowing cloud Juzhou cabin deck is raises unexpectedly mechanical bow crossbows abreast in row. “哗啦……”伴随着机关铁链拖拽的声音,只见后方的流云巨舟的船舱甲板上竟是升起一座座并排的机械弓弩。 Length over hundred meters of each bow crossbow. 每一道弓弩的长度都超过百米。 But, builds on the bow crossbow is about more than 200 meters great arrows. 而,搭在弓弩上的都是一支支将近两百余米的巨箭。 And, the end of each great arrow, has the giant tail wings of two willow tree leaf-shapes. 且,每一支巨箭的尾部,都有着两片柳叶状的巨大尾翼。 Draws!” “开弓!” Director said. 穆斐指挥道。 Personally „......” dozens make an effort crossbow string rapid after draws fully, the giant arrow arrow is in abundance slanting is facing front sky over. “咔嚓……”几十个人用力的将弩弦迅速的朝后拉满,巨大的箭矢纷纷斜着朝向前方上空。 The swift and fierce point sharp qi disseminates. 凌厉至极的锋芒锐气弥散开来。 Puts the arrow!” “放箭!” Shouted to clear the way. 穆斐喝道。 „!” “咻!” Whiz!” “嗖!” ...... In an instant, giant arrow arrows erupt the potential of cloud penetration instantaneously, rips the wind-crack air/Qi, and draws arcs in void toward the front many beast group assaults. ……霎那间,一支支巨大的箭矢瞬间爆发出穿云之势,撕风裂气,并于虚空中划出一道道弧线朝着前方的诸多兽群袭去。 In motion process, great arrow rear willow tree leaf-shape tail wing sudden high-speed rotation. 在移动过程中,巨箭尾部的柳叶状尾翼急剧的高速转动。 Just likes the straw cutter fan blade of revolving. 犹如旋转的铡刀扇叶。 Is carrying the tail wing fan blade of rapid rotation, the great arrows of revolving being split up that meets an ominous beast to put to death. 携带着飞速转动的尾翼扇叶,一支支旋转的巨箭将一头接一头凶兽诛杀的四分五裂。 willow leaf the sharp blade that the end that revolves rapidly rapidly is similar to twists the meat the machinery. 尾部那急速飞转的柳叶利刃更是如同绞肉的机械。 Regional attack, once were swept by it the ominous thing beast of prey, was destroyed the bunch of blood fog of all...... 范围性的攻击,一旦被其扫中的凶物猛兽,尽数被打碎成一团团的血雾……
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