UMDK :: Volume #18

#1701: Heavenly Dao, sees

Fights the bugle call to get up, daybreak to! Under Baidicheng various clan armies show the potential of fierce tiger. 战号声起,黎明将至!白帝城下各族大军彰显猛虎之势。 The gale gets up, if potential mountain. 大风起兮,势若山岳。 Above the tower on a city wall, Great Emperor is all throwing over the King battle dress, both eyes bone-chilling cold like sword. 城台之上,诸位大帝皆是披着王者战袍,一个个双目凛冽如剑。 „, Heavenly Dao, sees......” the stars Great Emperor to have an imposing appearance, if sound still startling thunderclap said to several other Great Emperor as well as secret palace lord of et al . “诸位,天道界,见……”星辰大帝气宇轩昂,声音犹若惊雷般的对另外几位大帝以及天机宫之主穆斐等人说道。 When five army collect Heavenly Dao, decides destruction its samsara six days......” wild emperor to shout loudly. “待五军汇集天道界,定覆灭其轮回六界天……”荒帝高声喝道。 To shed the blood the day hotly, decides into the Heavenly Dao!” “以热血洒天,定入天道!” Burns the day of Great Emperor whole body to burn the blazing flame glow flames of war. 焚天大帝浑身燃动着炽热的焰芒战火。 Heavenly Dao, sees!” “天道界,见!” Heavenly Dao, sees!” “天道界,见!” Nine Nether Great Emperor amicable is also resolutely should with saying. 九幽大帝和穆斐亦是毅然决然的应和道。 ...... Works as!” ……“哐当!” Sky over Baidicheng, changing suddenly, the vault of heaven is suddenly dark. 白帝城上空,风云突变,苍穹骤暗。 With billowing thunder storm, innumerable say/way dazzling golden color light luminary twinkle expansive sky. 伴随着滚滚雷霆风暴,无数道绚丽夺目的金色光曜闪烁长空。 Buzz......” then, giant flowing cloud Jinzhou appears in the sky one after another immediately. “嗡……”接着,一艘接着一艘巨大的流云金舟随即惊现于上空之中。 The length over ten thousand meters of each great boat, block the sky, is built on the sky of Baidicheng dangerous, looked like the aggressive magnificent prehistoric giant beasts. 每一艘巨舟的长度都超过万米,遮天蔽日,悬立于白帝城的上空,就像是一尊尊霸气壮观的史前巨兽。 Stars Sacred Clan expedition obeys orders, and along with this emperor goes to ghost to say.” 星辰圣族征战者听令,且随本帝前往‘鬼道界’。” The stars Great Emperor shouted loudly. 星辰大帝大声喝道。 Stars Sacred Clan receives an order!” 星辰圣族领命!” Under the city the momentum is shocking. 城下声势震天。 Boards the boat!” “登舟!” Then, the Stars Sacred Clan people all are tread to empty, star glow Saint armor of shining puts the god glow greatly, the magnificent picture just like bunch of meteor flying rain that have delimited the expansive sky. 说罢,星辰圣族的众人皆是踏空而起,流光溢彩的星芒圣甲大放神芒,壮观的画面犹如一束束划过长空的流星飞雨。 Great Desolate Sacred Clan expedition obeys orders, and along with this emperor kills to Asura says.” 大荒圣族征战者听令,且随本帝杀向‘修罗道界’。” Wild emperor that heavy/thick momentum sweeps across eight sides like the tide. 荒帝那厚重的声势就像浪潮般席卷八方。 Great Desolate Sacred Clan receives an order!” 大荒圣族领命!” Boards the boat!” “登舟!” ...... Nine Nether Sacred Clan obeys orders, and attacks humanity with this emperor ‚’.” ……“九幽圣族听令,且与本帝攻上‘人道界’。” Nine Nether Sacred Clan receives an order!” 九幽圣族领命!” ...... Divine Eyes Sacred Clan obeys orders, I and others, and accompanied to burn the day of Great Emperor altogether to rush to hell.” ……“神眼圣族听令,我等且随同焚天大帝共闯‘地狱道界’。” Divine Eyes Sacred Clan receives an order!” 神眼圣族领命!” ...... The enormous and powerful expedition team just like the Fiendgod army who blots out the sky, steps that to be built on flowing cloud Juzhou above upper air in abundance dangerous. ……浩浩荡荡的征战队伍犹如铺天盖地的神魔大军,纷纷踏上那悬立于高空之上的流云巨舟。 We must embark the position that......” lord of backsight Chu Hen secret palace was. “我们也要出发了……”天机宫之主穆斐回视楚痕所在的位置。 With it Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang and the others stood Chu Hen nods, then turns round to look to present Luo Mengshang. 与之龙青阳,叶瑶,龙玄霜等人站在一起的楚痕点了点头,接着回身看向眼前的洛梦裳 What Luo Mengshang gently is Chu Hen reorganizes god armor. 洛梦裳轻轻的为楚痕整理身上的神甲。 Purple war armor, high and low is fleeing in all directions all over the body the spirit vine electric arc. 紫色的战甲,通体上下流窜着灵藤般的电弧。 The waist of Chu Hen is hanging sheathing no emperor blade, if the double pupil the stars, the distinctive outline just like the blade to truncate generally, aggression that in the Chu Hen foreheads reveals, is not weak in that several Great Emperor. 楚痕的腰间悬挂着入鞘的无相帝刃,双眸若星辰,棱角分明的轮廓犹如刀削过一般,楚痕眉宇间所流露出来的霸气,丝毫不弱于那几位大帝。 Us!” “我们出发吧!” The Luo Mengshang sweet faint smile said. 洛梦裳嫣然浅笑道。 Chu Hen also smiled, it grips the white hands of Luo Mengshang saying that you do stay here......” what?” 楚痕亦是笑了,其握住洛梦裳的玉手道,“你留在这里……”“什么?” Luo Mengshang delicate eyebrows one pressed, „, I with you together.” 洛梦裳秀眉一蹙,“不可以,我要和你们一起。” clear/pain, cloud clothes......” Chu Hen said in a soft voice. “楚,云衣……”楚痕轻声说道。 Un?” “嗯?” clear/pain Yunyi......” Chu Hen repeated one, in the foreheads completely obviously gentle, „, because does not know that is the boy or the girl, therefore, this name can have mark with...... cloud passed/lived ‚’, weaves the clothes for clothes, our children, called, clear/pain Yunyi......” Luo Mengshang tender qu trembled, in the pupil is exuding the ripples. “楚云衣……”楚痕又重复了一句,眉宇间尽显温柔,“因为不知道是男孩还是女孩,所以,这个名字都可以用……云过有‘痕’,织衣为‘裳’,我们的孩子,叫,楚云衣……”洛梦裳娇qu微颤,眸中泛着浅浅的涟漪。 You, you know......” she a little inconceivable is looking at Chu Hen, she has never mentioned this matter in his front. “你,你都知道了……”她有点不可思议的望着楚痕,她从未在他的面前提及过这件事。 And these days, Luo Mengshang has been throwing over the loose clothes robe, person too will not pay attention to her lower abdomen change. 且这段时间,洛梦裳一直披着宽松的衣袍,身边的人根本不会太注意她的小腹变化。 Nearby Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang and the others are also surprised. 一旁的龙青阳,叶瑶,龙玄霜等人亦都是惊愕不已。 What? “什么? Was the dream clothes elder sister pregnant? ” 梦裳姐姐怀孕了?” My God, this also too?” “我的天,这也太?” ...... Pleasantly surprised! Also is stunned! Actually is not the time! The people looked that somewhat is complex deep to the Chu Hen look, why can at this time? ……既是惊喜!又是愕然!却又不是时候!众人看向楚痕的眼神不禁有些深沉复杂,为什么会是在这个时候? However, Chu Hen is actually feeling relaxed especially. 然,楚痕却是格外的释然。 Even still has the happy smile on his face. 甚至在他的脸上犹有幸福的笑容。 I will certainly come back, you kept here I......” saying that the Chu Hen vision shifted with it Long Qingyang stands permits possessed forbearance. “我一定会回来的,你留在这里等我……”说着,楚痕目光转向与之龙青阳站在一起的许有容。 Sister-in-law, you stay here to help me look after the dream clothes......” permits to possess forbearance are startled, actually looks to Long Qingyang. “大嫂,你留在这里帮我照顾一下梦裳……”许有容一怔,却是看向身边的龙青阳 Long Qingyang naturally nods assent. 龙青阳自然是点头应允。 To be honest, even if Chu Hen does not open the mouth, he will still urge permits to possess forbearance stays behind, because Long Qingyang is also like Chu Hen, will soon become a father. 说实话,即便楚痕不开口,他也会劝许有容留下的,因为龙青阳也和楚痕一样,亦都即将成为一名父亲。 Luo Mengshang a little feels helpless. 洛梦裳有点不知所措。 At this moment, has not ascended Nine Nether Great Emperor and Bai Qianyu of boat also walks toward here. 此刻,还未登舟的九幽大帝白浅予也朝着这边走来。 Listens to Chu Hen, you leave behind......” Nine Nether Great Emperor to say in a soft voice. “听楚痕的,你留下……”九幽大帝轻声说道。 Luo Mengshang unconsciously eye socket flood red. 洛梦裳不觉眼眶泛红。 Her white hands tight is grasping Chu Hen that generous palm. 她玉手紧紧的握着楚痕那宽厚的手掌。 Chu Hen was still smiling, his figure leans forward, is kissing the Luo Mengshang forehead lightly. 楚痕仍旧只是笑着,他身形前倾,轻吻着洛梦裳的眉心。 We came back......” words to finish, Chu Hen gently loosens the white hands of Luo Mengshang, just like the expedition imperially turns around resolutely, the cape cloak such as the war flag raises. “等我们回来……”话毕,楚痕轻轻的松开洛梦裳的玉手,犹如征战的帝王般毅然转身,身后的斗篷披风如战旗扬起。 It raises the arm to wield. 其扬臂一挥。 Along with my Chu Hen expedition beast, boards the boat......” to board the boat! Sets sail!” “随我楚痕征战‘兽道界’者,登舟……”登舟!“起航!” Then, expedition headed by secret palace jumps onto the sky to flow above cloud Juzhou in abundance. 说罢,以天机宫为首的征战者纷纷跃上上空流云巨舟之上。 Demon Eyes Sacred Clan, a chaos clan, Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley, Kun keeps the mountain, Everlasting Sect, Nine Flowers Hall and other influence sect Menyi is follows. 妖瞳圣族,混沌一族,武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷,坤留山,万世宗,九华殿等诸多势力宗门亦是紧随其后。 Enormous and powerful crowd rapid floods into the great boat. 浩浩荡荡的人群迅速的涌入巨舟之内。 Several Great Emperor looks at each other one mutually. 几位大帝相互对视一眼。 Heavenly Dao, sees!” “天道界,见!” Good, Heavenly Dao, sees!” “好,天道界,见!” Is certain!” “一定到!” ...... Then, several Great Emperor also flashes into the respective expedition team one after another. ……接着,几位大帝亦是相继闪入各自的征战队伍之中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Lights the lightning, the blasting open vault of heaven. 点燃闪电,炸裂苍穹。 Giant vortex storm just like stirring a day of grinding pan covers in the sky of entire cloud boundary/world Baidicheng, the interior of vortex, the space splits. 一座巨大的漩涡风暴宛如搅天磨盘笼罩于整个云界白帝城的上空,漩涡的内部,空间裂开。 „, Heavenly Dao, five army converge...... to start!” “诸位,天道界,五军汇合……启程!” Starts!” “启程!” Humming sound......” the universe trembles with fear, highest heaven rhythm. “嗡嗡……”乾坤惊颤,九霄律动。 Imposing flowing cloud Juzhou drives into that storm vortex internal space tunnel like the giant beast one after another. 一艘接着一艘气势巍峨的流云巨舟如同巨兽般驶入那风暴漩涡内部的空间隧道之内。 racing Leiguan the ear wants to put on, what incomparably grand picture end is the end avalanche. 奔雷贯耳欲穿,无比壮阔的画面端的是末日崩塌。 Chu Hen distant and Bai Qianyu looked at each other one, two people smile, to plunder to approach oneself expedition team respectively. 楚痕远远的和白浅予对视了一眼,两人相视一笑,各自掠向自己的征战队伍。 Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, leaves not lightly, the ram space, the East permanent and the others are also the backward, is involved. 龙青阳,叶瑶,龙玄霜,莫轻离,公羊宇,东方恒之等人亦是追溯而起,参与其中。 In the inward flux cloud Jinzhou previous quarter, Chu Hen turns round to look out is being built on Luo Mengshang above tower on a city wall. 在进入流云金舟的前一刻,楚痕回身遥望着立于城台之上的洛梦裳 „When flower has opens again, the person has the day of reunion, when I return, with you and cloud clothes, altogether enjoys in Mo the flower......” in the Chu Hen heart to mutter whispers. “花有再开之时,人有重逢之日,待我归来,同你和云衣,共赏陌上花……”楚痕心中喃喃低语道。 Then, leaping forward that Chu Hen is duty-bound not to turn back flows in cloud Juzhou. 接着,楚痕义无反顾的跃入流云巨舟之内。 Rumble......” under then the thunder impact, the huge great boat vanishes in the sky of Baidicheng together one after another. “隆隆……”在一道接着一道雷霆冲击下,一艘接着一艘庞大的巨舟消失于白帝城的上空。 Quick. 很快。 Was also gathering in Baidicheng of various clan armies, instantaneously changes empty. 原本还聚集着各族大军的白帝城,瞬间变的空荡荡的。 Sees mother, Elder sister, the beloved person steps one after another goes to six battlefields, the Luo Mengshang innermost feelings has the type not say lonely desolate. 看着母亲,姐姐,还有心爱之人相继踏上前往六道界的战场,洛梦裳的内心有种说不出来的寂寥落寞。 But she has not cried. 但她并没有哭。 I can wait for you to come back, with cloud clothes same place.” “我会等你们回来的,和‘云衣’一起。” ............ The Nine Provinces wind and cloud drastic change, ten side Shengzu fights. …………九州风云剧变,十方圣族大战。 When fermenting to be many storm, fully erupted finally. 酝酿了多时的风暴,终于全面爆发了。 This is also in the person of clan domain the war of largest Saint clan. 这亦是人族领域中规模最大的一次圣族之战。 Five armies headed by six clan alliance, kill from five different directions respectively to six. 以六族联盟为首的五支大军,分别从五个不同的方向杀向“六道界”。 On this day. 这一日。 Goes down in history surely! On this day. 必定载入史册!这一日。 Is the clan domain giant accident. 为人族领域的巨大变故。 On this day. 这一日。 Also is the person of clan domain fearful catastrophe. 亦是人族领域的可怕浩劫。 ...... Swallows the Saint clan! „The Great Emperor, six clan alliances had made war officially...... in empty main hall to six, an old man bows to sit facing each other news that the swallowing Great Emperor in main hall informs obtains most newly. ……吞噬圣族!“大帝,六族联盟已经向六道界正式开战了……”空荡荡的大殿内,一名年迈的老者躬身对坐于大殿上的吞噬大帝告知最新得到的消息。 Swallows in the eyes of Great Emperor to flash through wipes to touch. 吞噬大帝的眼中闪过一抹触动。 The holds the forehead, imitates, if being lost in thought. 其手托着额头,仿若陷入了沉思中。 Suddenly felt lonely?” “突然感到‘孤独’了吗?” Old man exploratory asking of your highness, speaks the truth, the Saint clan war swallows the Saint clan regarding us is not the advantage......” has not swallowed the Great Emperor not to answer. 殿下的老者试探性的问道,“说实话,圣族大战对于我们吞噬圣族倒也不是一点好处没有……”吞噬大帝没有作答。 Half sound, slowly puts out one. 半响,才缓缓的吐出一句。 Along with, them goes!” “随,他们去吧!” ...... Day gully mountain range! Monster territory! Compared with the terror of it person clan domain, the monster territory loves obviously. ……天壑山脉内部!妖域!比之人族领域的惶恐不安,妖域这边显然是喜闻乐见。 Hehe, the human biggest enemy is really they.” “嘿嘿,人类最大的敌人果然都是他们自己。” Ten side Shengzu internal fight, was too interesting.” “十方圣族内斗,太有意思了。” That several Great Emperor of person clan is we biggest threat, this time they are nasty at home, if can fall from the sky several Great Emperor, that it would be the best, hahahaha.” “人族的那几位大帝一直是我们最大的威胁,这次他们窝里横,要是能陨落几位大帝,那就最好不过了,哈哈哈哈。” ...... Near secluded spring water. ……一处僻静的泉水边。 Small mouse, how did you arrive at this to come? “小耗子,你怎么到这来了? I look for you everywhere! ” 我到处找你呢!” Princess 77 several small broken steps of purple gold mouse clan jump over to sit side the mouse of riverside. 紫金鼠一族的公主七七几个小碎步蹦到坐在河边的耗子身边。 Heard your named Chu Hen the brothers must they make war with the samsara Saint clan, are you worried very much?” “听说你那个叫‘楚痕’的兄弟要和轮回圣族他们开战了,你是不是很担心啊?” In mouse that small eye flashes through wipes sharp luminous. 耗子那小眼睛中闪过一抹锐利的光亮。 Is worried about uselessly......” that you in?” “担心无用……”“那你这是在?” Et al.......” the tone of mouse have usually not some points. “等人……”耗子的语气有着平时不曾有的锋芒。 Waits for the person? 等人? 771 are startled. 七七一怔。 Who? “等谁啊? Is...... ” rumble!” 难道是……”“隆隆!” Unexpectedly, at this moment, the deep place of day gully mountain range is broadminded the storm gathering. 蓦地,就在这时,天壑山脉的深处豁然间风暴汇聚。 Shakes along with the mountains and rivers, the city palace vibrates, suddenly, inside and outside the entire monster territory big Little Demon Beast beast crawls unexpectedly in the place, bows the head to roar. 伴随着山河摇颤,城殿抖动,一时间,整个妖域内外的大小妖兽竟是匍匐在地,俯首咆哮。 Endless spooky inundates expression of place filling the heavens. 无尽的妖气弥天漫地的宣泄而出。 For example the sharp blade light luminary wearing out land, seems the god glow penetration vault of heaven. 一道道譬如利刃般的光曜穿破大地,好似神芒般的贯入天穹。 But, in that intense light luminary, tall and slender, and releases the crafty shadow of swift and fierce aura to imitate peerless monster soul that if unseals in the darkness. 而,在那强烈的光曜之内,一尊细长且释放着凌厉气息的诡影仿若于黑暗中解封的绝世妖魂。 This aura is......” in aura dark ancient great palace, ignorant Kang Yaodi opens the eyes on the king bedstone chair suddenly, the deep cold double pupil such as the cat pupil of contraction, is astonished and accidental/surprised. “这气息是……”气息幽暗的古老巨殿之中,蚩康妖帝豁然于王座石椅上睁开双眼,深寒的双眸如收缩的猫瞳,惊愕且意外。
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