UMDK :: Volume #17

#1700: When the wind gets up, combat general to

When the wind gets up! In the evening to! The sunset glow of west bank horizon like burnt down by the prairie fire. 风起时!傍晚将至!西岸天际的晚霞如同被野火焚烧。 The red sunset glow cloud combines various all sorts of strange and unusual, majestic rosy cloud design. 红色的晚霞云组合成各种千奇百怪,大气磅礴的云霞图案。 Baidicheng! The influence gets together in every way. 白帝城!多方势力齐聚。 Stars Sacred Clan, Nine Nether Sacred Clan, Great Desolate Sacred Clan, Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, the secret palace and other expedition all are listed under Baidicheng. 星辰圣族,九幽圣族,大荒圣族,神眼圣族,天机宫等诸多征战者皆是列于白帝城下。 What dense Saint clan army end is magnificent incomparable. 黑压压的圣族大军端的是壮观无比。 Everyone is wearing neat war armor, grasps the sharp weapon of point twinkle. 每个人都身披着整齐的战甲,手持锋芒闪烁的利器。 One both shines through the frost cold look to look like the beast of prey of intention hatred anger. 一双双透射霜寒的眼神就像是心怀憎怒的猛兽。 cold solemn! Dreary! Cold wind bone-chilling cold! Above the tower on a city wall, four Great Emperor, the lord of secret palace, Chu Hen, swallow Fushu and other went on an expedition the sponsor to just like the king to be built on this arrogantly. 冷肃!萧瑟!寒风凛冽!城台之上,四位大帝,天机宫之主,楚痕,燕扶书等诸多征战发起者犹如君王般傲立于此。 „ The Heavenly Dao is unkind, I and others finally the acoustic shock world. “天道不仁,我等终将声震人间。 The samsara non- righteousness, I and others lit the lightning surely...... ” the stars Great Emperor momentum like the thunder, his Ang sound shouted, „, war flag!” 轮回不义,我等必定点燃闪电……”星辰大帝声势如雷,其昂声喝道,“起,战旗!” War flag! Bang......” Baidicheng sky thunder passes through spatially, wind anxiously cloud angry, vault of heaven look changes. 战旗!“轰隆……”白帝城上空雷霆贯空,风急云怒,苍穹色变。 Then, the innumerable say/way dazzling mysterious rune/symbol Lumi mark interweaves to flee in all directions in the ground. 接着,无数道绚丽夺目的神秘符箓秘纹于地面交织流窜。 With a share of soaring to the heavens radiant light luminary, rune/symbol array who crosses the hundred zhang (333 m) appears the twinkle above the tower on a city wall. 伴随着一股冲天的璀璨光曜,一座横贯百丈的符阵于城台之上浮现闪烁。 Ka......” is spreading together with the friction collision sound of rock, a square stone platform raises in the ground slowly. “哧咔……”连同着岩石的摩擦碰撞声传开,一座四方的石台缓缓于地面升起。 When that stone platform climbs to more than one meter high, whish......” an air current trembling sound, the soft light calls instant that sends, the war flag that side has an imposing appearance appears in the midair. 当那石台升至一米多高的时候,“哗……”的一声气流颤响,柔光唤发的霎那,一面气宇轩昂的战旗惊现于半空之中。 How the wind gets up! The war flag flutters. 风咋起!战旗飘扬。 Sees only on the war flag to describe respectively is representing „the stars nine quiet serious famine to burn day god eyes demon eyes secret palace as well as chaos and other design embroideries of clans. 只见战旗上分别描绘着代表着“星辰”“九幽”“大荒”“焚天”“神眼”“妖瞳”“天机宫”以及“混沌”等各族的图案刺绣。 Looks flag that is launching against the wind. 望着那迎风展开的旗帜。 The mind of people present is one cold. 在座众人的心神皆是一凛。 Gathered various war flag showing of mahatma clan design embroidery to be inexhaustible, particularly a golden pupil and a purple demon eyes design, was for example the ancient times demon spirit with the union of Demon God, had the point. 集合了各大圣族图案刺绣的战旗彰显无尽霸气,尤其是一只金色瞳孔和一只紫色妖瞳的图案,更是譬如远古魔灵和妖神的结合,极具锋芒。 ...... Fluttering of war flag. ……战旗的飘扬。 Was brings directly in moral battle intent that presented everyone. 直接是带起了在座每个人的内心战意。 Several Great Emperor looks at each other one mutually, nod of understanding. 几位大帝相互对视一眼,心领神会的点了点头。 At once, four Great Emperor, the lord of secret palace, and Chu Hen six people, face forward to take a step simultaneously. 旋即,四位大帝,天机宫之主,以及楚痕六个人,同时朝前迈步。 Six people jointly grasp the flag. 六个人联合握旗。 Whish......” in an instant, a peerless air/Qi field that shocks Nine Provinces blasts open inside and outside Baidicheng immediately. “哗……”霎那间,一股震慑九州的绝世气场顿时炸裂白帝城内外。 War flag, has not turned head, does not cut the Heavenly Dao, does not give up!” “战旗已起,不回头,不斩天道,不罢休!” Six people shouted with one voice. 六人齐声喝道。 The fervent vigorous momentum instantaneous point explodes the battle drum. 慷慨激昂的雄浑声势瞬间点爆战鼓。 The strong winds get up suddenly, are choked up with emotions. 狂风骤起,心潮澎湃。 Inside and outside the entire cloud boundary/world Baidicheng, the call is shocking immediately. 整个云界白帝城内外,顿时呼声震天。 War flag has not turned head!” “战旗已起不回头!” Does not cut the Heavenly Dao not to give up!” “不斩天道不罢休!” War flag has not turned head!” “战旗已起不回头!” Does not cut the Heavenly Dao not to give up!” “不斩天道不罢休!” ...... At this moment, soaring war intent just like the west bank red cloud to burn completely the highest heaven mountains and rivers. ……这一刻,高昂的战意犹如西岸的火烧云焚尽九霄山河。 Various clan armies, unity is strength, powerful. 各族大军,众志成城,气势如虹。 Then, six people loosen in the hand the war flag. 接着,六人松开手中战旗。 The stars Great Emperor arm lifts, the war flag flies directly to the highest place of tower on a city wall, and steady standing there. 星辰大帝扬臂一抬,战旗直接是飞向城台的最高处,并稳稳的立在那里。 „, Tomorrow I and others with it samsara, dragon blood, a great antiquity Saint clan war, is point of no return, has to send...... is indebted everyone to be willing to follow, I and others is all deeply grateful......” saying that the stars Great Emperor was bows to bend the waist unexpectedly, under various clan armies toward front tower deeply bowed the next bow. “诸位,明日我等与之轮回,龙血,洪荒圣族一战,已是箭在弦上,不得不发……承蒙各位愿意追随,我等皆是感激不尽……”说罢,星辰大帝竟是躬身弯腰,朝着前方楼台之下的各族大军深深鞠下一躬。 Nine Nether Great Emperor, burns the day of Great Emperor, the wild emperor, Chu Hen, and the others are also so. 九幽大帝,焚天大帝,荒帝,楚痕,穆斐等人亦是如此。 Various clan armies are the vision are all imposing, with one voice compliance. 各族大军皆是目光凛然,齐声应允。 War flag, has not turned head!” “战旗已起,不回头!” Does not cut the Heavenly Dao, does not give up!” “不斩天道,不罢休!” The momentum that...... moves mountains disperses eight sides just like the tsunami shop. ……排山倒海的声势宛如海啸般铺散八方。 In the eyes of several Great Emperor is somewhat moved. 几位大帝的眼中不禁有所触动。 I had soon forgotten that this one's blood bubbles up to the brim feeling......” wild emperor had sighed saying of wan. “我都已经快要忘记这种热血沸腾的感觉了……”荒帝有所叹惋的说道。 Yes! The peaceful day passes is too long, sharp qi rubs was similar.” “是啊!安乐的日子过的太久,身上的锐气都磨的差不多了。” The stars Great Emperor replied. 星辰大帝回答道。 Then, Nine Nether Great Emperor walks to go forward one step, she aims at Baidicheng east side. 接着,九幽大帝走上前一步,她指向白帝城东侧方向。 Sees only has liquor mountain that” an innumerable every large or small wine pot stack becomes there. 只见在那里有着一座无数大大小小酒坛堆积而成的“酒山”。 Tonight I and others drank to one's heart's content, tomorrow will kill six days shoulder to shoulder......” nine quiet empresses, the peerless grace and talent. “今夜我等开怀畅饮,明日并肩杀上六道天……”九幽女帝,风华绝代。 In pupil arrogance, such as star like Chen. 眸中傲气,如星如辰。 Good that Nine Nether Great Emperor said that everyone only strove for being drunk tonight, tomorrow we parallel will kill samsara six......” wild emperor are also echo to say. 九幽大帝说的不错,今夜大家只求一醉,明日我们并行杀上轮回六道界……”荒帝亦是附和道。 Drinks! A altar/jar leaves remaining.” “喝酒!一坛都别剩下。” When...... today's liquor one cup, clear(ly) the battlefield is drunk. ……今日酒一杯,明时沙场醉。 The setting sun sheds gradually. 夕阳渐褪。 Since night! The moon/month also gets up! Inside and outside big Baidicheng, hiked up the rich mellow wine. 夜起!月亦起!偌大的白帝城内外,飘起了浓郁醇厚的酒香。 Various expedition of mahatma clan sect gate influence, some are handing over the cup to trade, some from drinking think. 各大圣族宗门势力的征战者,有的在交杯换盏,也有的在自饮自酌。 Very will be in the future difficult to have such scene to present...... in tower on a city wall again today, several big Imperial Capital have deeply looks in Baidicheng that immersion in like to be drunk the atmosphere that. “往后很难再有今天这样的场景出现了……”城台上,几位大帝都是有所深沉的望着白帝城中那沉浸于似醉非醉的氛围。 Perhaps!” “也许吧!” „If not the samsara Saint clan, we cannot gather the same place today.” “如果不是轮回圣族的话,我们今日也聚不到一起。” Previous we fight side-by-side time, resists Devil Race that meeting!” “上一次我们并肩作战的时候,还是对抗魔族那会吧!” Yes! Very long, the long time to me unclear that is the matter when has, I only remember, at that time, God also.” “是啊!已经很久了,久到我已经记不清那是什么时候发生的事情,我只记得,那时候,天帝还在。” Pitifully, if God also , the world, when enjoys the peace.” “可惜了,如若天帝还在的话,世人当享有太平。” Mountain variable potential, the water variable shape, does not need to talk too much tonight, we only need in Heavenly Dao, five army converge.” “山无常势,水无常形,今夜无须多言,我们只需于天道界内,五军汇合。” Good that ha, said that in Heavenly Dao, five army converge.” “哈哈哈哈哈,说的不错,天道界内,五军汇合。” ...... War. ……大战将至。 The world are sigh with emotion. 世人多感慨。 Regarding person who the side is familiar with, will multiply an unusual feeling. 对于身边所熟悉的人,也会滋生出一种奇特的感觉。 It looks like farewell. 就像是相互之间的告别。 ...... elder brother Chu Hen came.” ……“楚痕哥哥来了。” Kun keeps that side the mountain. 坤留山那边。 Ye Yao, Long Qingyang, the ram space, Long Xuanshuang grasps in the cup including Long Zhan and the others the liquor, looks the happy expression looks to come here Chu Hen and Luo Mengshang. 叶瑶,龙青阳,公羊宇,龙玄霜包括龙战等人都手持杯中酒,面露笑意的看着走到这边的楚痕洛梦裳 Regarding the side these most familiar person. 对于身边这些最为熟悉的人。 Chu Hen does not need to talk too much, merely is only a connection of look, everyone can understand that in the heart of opposite party thinks. 楚痕无需多言,仅仅只是一个眼神的交汇,大家都能懂得对方的心中所想。 But situated in today at this time, Chu Hen actually started to speak but hesitated. 但介于今天这种时候,楚痕却是欲言又止。 What wants to say?” “想说什么?” Long Qingyang asked that „, to urge us to keep here words tomorrow, that do not open the mouth.” 龙青阳问道,“如果是想劝我们明天留在这里话,那就不要开口了。” Mark, when we decided must come, will not turn head again. “痕儿,当我们决定要来的时候,就不会再回头了。 Fights uncle's strength, although is bad, but only wants to accompany side you. ” 战伯的实力虽然不济,但只想陪伴在你们身边。” Long Zhan said in a soft voice. 龙战轻声说道。 This unyielding warm-blooded man, regarding own child, actually also even more gentle. 这个铁骨铮铮的热血男人,对于自己的孩子,却也是越发的温柔。 Said right, elder brother Chu Hen, we only want to fight side-by-side with you.” “说的没错,楚痕哥哥,我们只想和你并肩作战而已。” Ye Yao also especially firm saying. 叶瑶也尤为坚决的说道。 Chu Hen smiled. 楚痕笑了。 Feels relaxed and fearless smile is even more relaxed. 释然且无畏的笑容愈发轻松。 He holds up the wine glass in hand. 他举起手中的酒杯。 Good, and tomorrow one and goes on an expedition six...... „ to come along with me, even the samsara Saint clan, we must rush. ” “那好,明日且随我一并征战六道界……”“来,就算是轮回圣族,我们也要去闯一闯。” ...... The people lift the hand, in the liquor the cup tosses down. ……众人抬手,将杯中酒一饮而尽。 Nearby Luo Mengshang just about to raises glass, first was actually seized the quilt by Chu Hen. 一旁的洛梦裳刚要举杯的时候,却是被楚痕把被子抢先夺了过去。 Un?” “嗯?” Luo Mengshang is startled. 洛梦裳一怔。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth shoulder wipe the happy expression, your liquor borrows me.” 楚痕嘴角挑起一抹笑意,“你的酒借我。” Luo Mengshang smiled ill-humoredly, good!” 洛梦裳没好气的笑了下,“好吧!” Immediately, Chu Hen moves toward Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, that side spirit phoenix valley. 随即,楚痕走向武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷那边。 Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei and Zhang are also the vision lift lightly, show a faint smile. 东方恒之,舒元,梅章三人亦是目光轻抬,微微一笑。 Really must thank you, if not for you, our cannot contact this level for a lifetime the Saint clan war.” “真是要谢谢你了,若不是你的话,我们这一辈子都接触不到这种层次的圣族大战。” The East permanent takes the lead to say. 东方恒之率先开口说道。 Chu Hen is startled. 楚痕一怔。 Also smiled unconsciously. 不觉也是笑了。 Do not feel guilty, is not you draws us to launch, but was we comes...... spirit phoenix valley Guzhu section Pai voluntarily the shoulder that patted Chu Hen said. “不要觉得是愧疚,并非是你拉我们下水,而是我们自愿前来……”灵凰谷谷主梅章拍了拍楚痕的肩膀道。 Right, we and mountain ridge of great antiquity Saint clan have had, even if we do not initiated an attack, later the great antiquity Saint clan will not let off us. “没错,我们和洪荒圣族的梁子早就结下,就算我们不主动出击,以后洪荒圣族也不会放过我们。 Since evades not to be possible to evade, touched the bottom simply well...... ” Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuanyi is saying decidedly. 既然避无可避,索性就一触到底好了……”翰云宗宗主舒元亦是决然的说道。 War God Palace that before the people the destruction fell, was the great antiquity Saint clan sets up in land foothold. 之前众人所覆灭掉的战神宫,就是洪荒圣族设立于中陆的据点。 With the handling matters attitude of great antiquity Saint clan, will vent anger in the future surely. 以洪荒圣族的处事作风,日后必定加以迁怒。 A person of ship. 既是一条船的人。 martial pledge also has good reason to join to Chu Hen here alliance. 武盟这边也有充分的理由加入到楚痕这边的联盟之中。 Chu Hen deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath. 楚痕深深的舒出一口气。 Chu Hen were not many said that I respected one cup......” saying that Chu Hen held up snatched from Luo Mengshang there one glass of liquor, tossed down. 楚痕不多说了,我敬诸位一杯……”说罢,楚痕举起从洛梦裳那里“抢来”的一杯酒,一饮而尽。 Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section as well as Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan and other Chu Hen beforehand fellow apprentices also the liquor in the cup drink into the throat. 东方恒之,舒元,梅章以及邱星易,王黎,吴岩等楚痕以前的师兄弟亦是将杯中酒饮入喉中。 Several people of behind not far away, with it Huangfu Hao stand Huangfu Qing also shows a faint smile to Chu Hen. 几人的身后不远处,与之皇甫昊站在一起的皇甫情亦是冲楚痕微微一笑。 Two people vision connection, Chu Hen cannot help smiling laugh in spite of trying not. 两人目光交汇,楚痕不觉莞尔失笑。 But two people no one has started talking. 但两人谁都没有开口说话。 They undergo after many time leaving and reunions. 他们历经过很多次的离别和重逢。 ...... On the Zhaixinglou stage of west side. ……西侧的一处摘星楼台上。 I can think before frequently in so environment, has a friendly chat over a cup of wine with you, altogether enjoys the stars......, if can also be few person, that was perfect.” “我以前经常会想着在这般环境下,和你把酒言欢,共赏繁星……如果还能再少一个人的话,那就完美了。” The Stars Sacred Clan talent Chen Jing Fluence sound said. 星辰圣族的天才辰璟风朗声说道。 I also thought so, might as well you do get out of the way?” “我也这么觉得,不妨你走开一点?” The flame cold feather of Burning Heaven Sacred Clan is full of saying that disdains. 焚天圣族的炎寒羽饶有不屑的说道。 Stands shakes the head in two people middle Bai Qianyu with a smile. 站在两人中间的白浅予笑着摇了摇头。 But, at this moment, hears together the frank laughter. 而,就在这时,身后传来一道爽朗的笑声。 Embarrassed two, she is my......” three people are sideways to turn head, sees only Chu Hen to grasp the emergence of wine glass above the tower. “不好意思两位,她是我的……”三人侧身回头,只见楚痕手持酒杯的出现于楼台之上。 The Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil circulation, arrives at the Chu Hen side, is full of affectionate is pulling the arm of opposite party. 白浅予美眸流转,随之走到楚痕的身边,饶有亲昵的挽着对方的手臂。 Was really embarrassed, Jing wind big brother, the cold feather big brother...... I indeed am his......” Chen Jing wind and flame cold feather look at each other one. “真的不好意思了,璟风大哥,寒羽大哥……我的确是他的……”辰璟风和炎寒羽对视一眼。 Can hit?” “能打过吗?” Is a little difficult, after all is Emperor clear/pain.” “有点困难,毕竟是‘楚帝’。” That considers as finished!” “那算了吧!” ...... Two people asked mutually answer mutually, was actually not angry, did not have the past jealousy. ……两人互问互答,却也并不生气,也没有以往的醋意。 In fact, after the Saint clan congress, two people also felt relaxed. 实际上,在圣族大会之后,两人也就释然了。 After all the discerning people can look, in the eye of Bai Qianyu only has Chu Hen. 毕竟明眼人都看得出来,白浅予的眼里只有楚痕 one cup?” “喝一杯吧?” Chu Hen lifts in the cup the liquor, said to two people. 楚痕抬起杯中酒,对两人说道。 Oh! Liquor that the love rivals respect, although does not want to drink, but the demeanor must maintain is not......” „!” “唉!情敌敬的酒,虽然不是很想喝,但风度还是要保持一下的不是……”“是吧!” Chen Jing wind and flame cold feather also hold up the wine glass, bumps with it Chu Hen gently, immediately raises head to drink. 辰璟风和炎寒羽亦是举起酒杯,与之楚痕轻轻一碰,随即仰头饮下。 Treats her well! Our two were your threat was still.” “好好待她吧!我们两个仍旧是你的‘威胁’所在。” The flame cold feather said. 炎寒羽说道。 Meeting!” “会的!” Chu Hen shows a faint smile, looks at each other one with it Bai Qianyu, in the pupil softens intent to exude. 楚痕微微一笑,又与之白浅予对视一眼,眸中柔意泛动。 ...... The night is deep gradually! The liquor is drunk gradually! Slightly drunk people, in the gentle night breeze sways rests on the ground. ……夜渐深!酒渐醉!微醺的众人,在柔和的晚风吹拂中席地而睡。 Although tomorrow war, but in big Baidicheng, is actually auspicious. 尽管明日大战将至,但偌大的白帝城中,却是一片祥和。 Stands erect flutters in the alliance war flag of summit of tower over a city gate against the wind. 竖立于城楼之巅的联盟战旗迎风飘扬。 ...... „Can you tomorrow with my main attack beast?” ……“你明天要不要和我主攻兽道界?” In peaceful pavilion. 安静的亭台之中。 Chu Hen said to Bai Qianyu. 楚痕白浅予道。 Is thinks, but mother makes me go to burn the day of Great Emperor...... Bai Qianyu to reply auxiliary. “原本是想的,但是娘让我去辅助焚天大帝……”白浅予回答道。 Chu Hen slight nod. 楚痕微微点头。 He naturally knows the meaning of Nine Nether Great Emperor. 他自然知道九幽大帝的意思。 Burning the day of Great Emperor is the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan army forms. 焚天大帝是和神眼圣族的大军组建的。 The former after all is not the hierarch in Baidicheng, if by burning day of Great Emperor direct command Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, will be difficult to hold the person to have the repel. 前者毕竟不是白帝城的掌权者,如果由焚天大帝直接指挥神眼圣族的话,难保有人会心生排斥。 But Bai Qianyu was different. 白浅予就不同了。 She is Emperor's white daughter. 她是白帝之女。 It can be said that instruction that the highest captain in Baidicheng, she issues, with Emperor white not different. 可以说是白帝城的最高指挥者,她下达的指令,同白帝无异。 ...... That you must protect itself good.” ……“那你一定要保护好自己。” Chu Hen character language modest saying. 楚痕字语温和的说道。 You are also.” “你也是。” If Bai Qianyu pupil autumn waters, pretty. 白浅予眸若秋水,楚楚动人。 Chu Hen both hands embrace opposite party that slender waist, the corners of the mouth have exuded to wipe badly the bad happy expression. 楚痕双手揽过对方那纤细的腰肢,嘴角泛起一抹坏坏的笑意。 Before you said, I cannot be victorious you, therefore could not do misdemeanor, you must try to be able now to run away......” the Bai Qianyu two cheeks slightly red, the corners of the mouth selected to say lightly, words that I must walk, couldn't you still block me......” „?” “之前你说,我打不过你,所以做不了‘坏事’,那你现在要不要试下能不能逃走……”白浅予两颊微红,嘴角轻挑道,“我要走的话,你仍旧拦不住我……”“是吗?” Right! But I, do not want to run away.” “对啊!但我,并不想逃走。” You cannot escape......” said that Chu Hen gently pastes on Bai Qianyu mildly that such as the red lip of jade. “你逃不掉的……”说罢,楚痕轻轻的贴上白浅予那温润如玉的红唇。 Night slightly warm! The wind is not cool! Bright such as under the moonlight of frost, Bai Qianyu and Chu Hen support to stand, the lunar shadow outlined two people profile outline, did not have the flaw beautifully, edges and corners were distinct. 夜微暖!风未凉!皎洁如霜的月色下,白浅予楚痕相拥而立,月影勾勒出两人的侧脸轮廓,一个美丽无瑕,一个棱角分明。 Light Ai intent, making the moonlight especially intoxicant. 淡淡暧意,令月色格外的醉人。 ...... A night passes. ……一夜流逝。 Daybreak to! The spirited resonant bugle horn sound biography swings to each corner of Baidicheng. 黎明将至!激昂嘹亮的号角声传荡至白帝城的各个角落。 Under the city, recruiting of various clans have been ready and waiting, neat formation, war armor of shining, sharp weapon of point twinkle. 城下,各族的征召者早已是整装待发,整齐的队列,流光溢彩的战甲,锋芒闪烁的利器。 Although drinks wine for night, feeling of being drunk that but the body of everyone expedition actually and has no. 尽管饮酒一夜,但每个人征战者的身上却并无任何的醉意。 On everyone sends out only has that just like emerging fierce tiger bone-chilling cold. 每个人身上散发出来的唯有那宛如出笼猛虎般的凛冽。 In tower on a city wall. 城台上。 Several Great Emperor also wears the emperor battle dress, if from top to bottom is still occupying the potential of dragon tiger. 几位大帝亦是身披帝王战袍,浑身上下犹若盘踞着龙虎之势。 On this day! Must come eventually! 这一天!终究要来了!
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