UMDK :: Volume #17

#1699: Goes on an expedition six

Ten clan combat generals, nine blustery. 十族战将至,九风起云涌。 Is the major patriarchal clan school influences all stands in line in secret quietly. 是各大宗族门派势力皆是暗中悄悄站队。 star also or is Guanshan closes door. 星亦或者是关山闭门。 ! The whole person clan domain world, will as if welcome a giant catastrophe. !整个人族领域世界,仿佛将迎来一场巨大的浩劫。 With the unceasing outflow of time, stern , and village that the innermost feelings of various clan personnel also unceasingly change lord. 个随着时间的不断流失,各族人员的内心也不断变的严峻且庄主起来。 Is fighting to be about to begin. 正大战在即。 This is one type urgent anxious. 们这是一种急迫中紧张。 . On the day of the hope can arrive earlier. 既是希望那一天能早点到来。 On the day of which hopes, never come. 哪又希望那一天,永远不要来。 Territory Stars Sacred Clan, Great Desolate Sacred Clan, Nine Nether Sacred Clan expedition from various clans, collects in Baidicheng respectively. 星辰圣族,大荒圣族,九幽圣族的征战者各自从各族出发,于白帝城汇集。 Mark in addition, the ordinary Saint clan that also several are on good terms with it chooses joined expedition six in the team. 痕除此之外,也有几个与之交好的普通圣族选择加入了征战“六道界”的队伍之中。 In such as the crecent moon Saint clan, as well as is passing through one to think deeply ripe later Five Elements Sacred Clan. 在如新月圣族,以及在经过一番深思熟之后的五行圣族 The Saint clan war that south human gets, like giant vortex storm, extends in the unceasing expansion. 南人类领的圣族大战,如同一个巨大的漩涡风暴,在不断的扩张延伸。 Position its range unceasing increasing. 位其范围不断的变大。 Considers many influences seems like involved in water lifeform. 告诸多势力就像是被卷入其中水中生物。 When however two storm vortex collide, is the universe inverts absolutely, the world blasts open. 然当两股风暴漩涡碰撞,绝对是乾坤颠倒,天地炸裂。 ...... Besides relates various influences that is on good terms to stand in line the support with the six clans, in land that side state Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley after the war made the number of issue, called sect Mennei all expedition to arrive in Baidicheng. ……除了与之六族关系交好的各门势力纷纷站队支援外,中陆内州那边的武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷在战令发布的数之后,召集了宗门内的所有征战者抵达了白帝城。 Six win state that Kun keeps the mountain, Everlasting Sect, the ram space of Nine Flowers Hall, Qiao Yong, Xing Yiwei first expedition team also does not have the hesitation of least bit. 六胜州那,坤留山,万世宗,九华殿的公羊宇,乔庸,邢毅为首征战队伍亦是没半点的犹豫。 Machine in fact. 机事实上。 Holds when they come, Chu Hen first is to reject. 扶当他们来的时候,楚痕第一时间是拒绝的。 The Saint reason is very simple, the trip goes on an expedition six, the bad risk incomparably follows innumerable bleeding and sacrifices surely, Chu Hen does not look Kun keeps the mountain, Martial Sect and other sect gate places oneself in the strategic place. 圣原因很简单,此行征战六道界,凶险无比必定伴随着无数的流血和牺牲,楚痕并不望将坤留山,武宗等宗门置身于险地。 Outside after all this is among internal fight ten side Shengzu, they can stay out. 外毕竟这是十方圣族之间的内斗,他们是可以置身事外的。 Lacked this being said. 缺可话又说回来了。 Under the knowledge takes seriously the tumultuous times storm will soon cover the time, can several people look on truly. 知当真正的乱世风暴即将笼罩下的时候,又真正能有几个人在旁观。 However flatter left the princess to come back.” 然“阿离公主回来了。” Onlywhat? 只“什么? Did princess Sir come back? 公主大人回来了? Where is she at? ” 她在哪?” In leads me to pass.” 于“带我过去。” After the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group, along with a noisy clamoring stir, commands simultaneous/uniform Shou to lead person hand/subordinate to go to greet hastily. 圣翼天炎雀族群,伴随着一阵嘈杂的喧哗轰动,统领齐狩连忙带着手下之人前去迎接。 Attacks in seeing not when light, on simultaneous/uniform Shou the face full is excited joyful, then somewhat is also astonished. 攻在看到回来的莫轻离之时,齐狩的脸上满是激动喜悦,接着又有些惊愕。 Princess, your eye? “公主殿下,你的眼睛? Ponders its clear remembering, initially left not, for must return to Chu Hen that demon eyes, but the choice forces the clan sovereign phoenix dark blue compromise her eye. 虑其清楚的记得,当初莫离为了要回楚痕的那妖瞳,而选择将她自己的眼睛逼迫族皇凰沧妥协。 . Cured lightly......” not to smiling nod, said in a soft voice. “治好了……”莫轻离微笑着点点头,轻声说道。 Oh, is... the clan sovereigns...... hunts in the temple quickly said hastily, „my gets you to look for him.” 快“噢,是…族皇在圣殿……”狩连忙说道,“我这就领你去找他。” Good!” “好!” Clan sovereign Sir, the princess palace she came back especially.” 尤“族皇大人,公主殿她回来了。” Also walks into the main hall, simultaneous/uniform Shou is the impatient noise shouts. 还步入大殿,齐狩就已经是迫不及待的喧声喊道。 Expects an sovereign of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan, the phoenix dark blue just like the world to sit above the main hall imperially. 圣翼天炎雀一族的皇,凰沧犹如人间帝王般坐于大殿上方。 . The father and daughter meetatmosphere indifferently unexpectedly especially. 父女二人相见“氛围竟是格外的冷漠。 Fiji „did you also say?” 斐“你还道回来?” The phoenix coldly ignores below leaves not lightly, in the foreheads has the meaning of teasing. 凰冷冷的漠视下方的莫轻离,眉宇间多有戏谑之意。 Ancestors father sovereign......” light handles gently to the jade not grasps, immediately loosening slowly, then spits to say in a soft voice, requested your forgiving. ” 宗“父皇……”莫轻离玉手轻握,随即又缓缓的松开,然后轻声吐道,请求您的原谅。” Has gratified nod in nearby simultaneous/uniform Shoulve. 在一旁的齐狩略有欣慰的点了点头。 In this is he desired. 于这是他所希望看到的。 East hey......” phoenix disdains sneers, „ previous time walks, isn't very unyielding? 东“嘿……”凰不屑的冷笑一声,“上次走的时候,不是很硬气吗? What's wrong? 怎么? Now runs to admit mistakes? ” 现在跑来认错?” Point clan sovereigns are big, the princess she is muddled for a while, you blamed two even, must toward go not at heart.” 点“族皇大,公主殿下她一时糊涂,您责备两句就算了,莫要往心里去。” simultaneous/uniform Shou rushes to mediate. 齐狩赶忙圆场。 Returns to snort/hum......” phoenix dark blue cold Shengheng saying that „ for a while is muddled? 回“哼……”凰沧冷声哼道,“一时糊涂? If not this idiot, this sovereign face countenance completely will not lose. 如果不是这蠢货,本皇也不会颜面尽失。 Thing of serving the interest of outsiders, but also has a face. ” 吃里爬外的东西,还有脸回来。” The people facing phoenix dark blue reprimanding, in the pupil that leaves not lightly flash through desolate. 人面对凰沧的斥责,莫轻离的眸中闪过一丝落寞。 My she crabbed smiling. 我她略带艰涩的笑了笑。 But simultaneous/uniform Shou is startled. 而齐狩一怔。 The emperor phoenix dark blue also gawked. 帝凰沧亦是愣了一下。 Princess, are you?” 才“公主殿下,你这是?” Fights inten side Shengzu, and is willing they to rush to six along with Chu Hen, if the result is good, can still have to settle the result, if the mourning, the female also not turns over to...... this time to come, only for sees the father sovereign finally one side. 于“十方圣族大战将至,且愿随楚痕他们奔赴六道界,结局若好,尚能有安结局若丧,女亦无归……此次前来,只为来见父皇最后一面。 If the female not turns over , when said good-bye before leaving...... ” saying that the light knees knelt down not. 倘若女无归,且当辞行……”已说罢,莫轻双膝跪下。 ... Knocks on, the graciousness of father sovereign raising.” …“一叩,父皇养育之恩。” Hunts knocks on, that day offending crime.” 狩“叩,那日冒犯之罪。” ...... First even/including dark blue knocked three heads toward the phoenix, leaves setting out slowly not lightly, on fair forehead slightly a little flood red. ……一连朝着凰沧磕了三个头,莫轻离缓缓的起身,白皙的额头上微微有点泛红。 Namely phoenix dark blue both hands grip tightly the fist, it shouted sternly, if you must walk, never come back again. ” 即凰沧双手紧握成拳,其厉声喝道,你若是要走,就永远不要再回来了。” Has princess, the matters of that ten clan, have nothing to do with you, do not go to......” simultaneous/uniform Shou also to urge hastily. 有“公主殿下,那十族之事,与你无关,别去了……”齐狩也连忙劝道。 . , Light to is only shows a faint smile not, especially tranquil is looking at the phoenix dark blue that Yin severe face. ,莫轻离只是微微一笑,尤为平静的望着凰沧那阴厉的面孔。 . Spoke these words, lightly to feeling relieved general, is duty-bound not to turn back turns around to leave the main hall. 说完这句话,轻离如释重负一般,然后义无反顾的转身离开大殿。 Duplicate princess......” shouts together behind unceasingly. 复“公主殿下……”齐身后不断呼喊。 , But light to actually does not give to turn head not. ,但莫轻离却是不予回头。 Chen phoenix dark blue stands above the main hall, looks lightly not to that slender back, is out of sorts. 辰凰沧站在大殿上方,看着莫轻离那纤细的背影,不禁些失神。 Means that the life and death is difficult. 意味着生死难。 Also means that leaves or not. ”也意味着离别与否。 Sometimes, leaves not just the etiquette, but fills the losing regret. 有的时候,别并非只是礼仪,而是填补一下失的遗憾。 Perhaps. 或许。 In the life the biggest disappointment, is not departure of important person, but cannot leave to that person say/way one of the well. 人生中最大的缺憾,并非是重要之人的离开,而是没能够向那个人好好的道一声别。 Walked is too hurried, left handles to guard, will cast to regret. 走的太匆忙,离开的措不及防,会铸就遗憾。 Returned must start to try farewell?” 回“要开始试着‘告别’了么?” On mighty Zhaixinglou stage, stars, serious famine, nine quiet, burns the day four Great Emperor as well as Chu Hen, swallow Fushu and others the innermost feelings all are somewhat mixed. 气势恢宏的摘星楼台上,星辰,大荒,九幽,焚天四位大帝以及楚痕,燕扶书等的内心皆是有些杂。 Baidicheng had gathered in every way the Saint clan influence. “白帝城早已是聚了多方圣族势力。 Territory with the day of war , the heart of everyone in while accumulating of fighting intent, starts to the important farewell. 域随着大战之日将至,每个人的心中在积累着战意的同时,也都开始向重要的告别。 Because no one knows after stepping six, what happened. 得因为谁都不知道踏上六道界之后,会发生什么事。 Also actually many people will come back. 又究竟会有多少人回来。 ? Reported Great Emperor, the lord of secret palace, led heavenly palace odd/surplus Zhongjia!” “禀告诸位大帝,天机宫之主,穆斐率天宫余众驾到!” What has? 有什么? Secret palace? ” 天机宫了?” . Good.” “太好了。” Next had joining of secret palace, our overall strengths increase surely.” 下“有了天机宫的加入,我们的整体实力必定大增。” . ... Divides in a stir sound, Great Emperor also goes to Baidicheng the stage of antecourt to meet personally. …分一片轰动声中,诸位大帝也都是亲自前往白帝城的前殿之台接。 Does not have air/Qi the imposing, the front surface the strong atmospheric scene that but, it sends out is actually has no time to let to Great Emperor much. 没穆斐气轩昂,迎面而,其散发出来的强大气场面对诸位大帝却是不遑多让。 . Sees clan Great Emperor......” welcoming palace main to be not overly courteous, you can come, made us steadfast many.” “穆斐见过诸位族大帝……”迎“穆斐宫主莫要多礼,你能前来,顿让我们踏实了不少。” Emperor Chen both hands holds the fist in the other hand to return a courtesy said. 辰帝双手抱拳回礼道。 The collection wild emperor is also nod of approval originally we also worried, now sees you here, we had thought that has victory in the hand.” 集荒帝亦是赞同的点了点头“本来我们还有所担心,现在看到你在这里,我们已觉得胜券在握。” Actually shakes the head, thought highly , the secret palace is not willing to see the plunging the people into disaster of person of clan domain under the control of samsara Saint clan.” 的穆斐却是摇头,“诸位太看得起穆斐了,天机宫只是不愿看到人族领域在轮回圣族的掌控下生灵涂炭而已。” , „The palace main generous principle of righteousness, I and others admired!” ,“穆斐宫主慷慨大义,我等佩服!” star Great Emperor said. 星大帝道。 ... Did not acknowledge. …不不承认。 Joining of Greek secret palace, made the people like swallowing a reassuring medicine immediately. 希天机宫的加入,顿时令众人如同吞下了一颗定心丸。 The state stands behind old Yin monkey Han Yu is also quietly selected the brow to Chu Hen, in the small look brings several points of self-satisfaction. 州而站穆斐身后的老阴猴韩瑜也是悄悄的冲楚痕挑了挑眉头,小眼神中带着几分得意。 It seems like can comply to help six clan alliances, has part of old Yin monkey surely merit. 看来穆斐之所以能够答应助六族联盟,必定有老阴猴的一部分“功劳”。 Not „, since palace lord, we can start to discuss went on an expedition six made concrete......” the stars Great Emperor to say. 不“既然穆斐宫主来了,那我们可以开始商讨征战六道界的具体了……”星辰大帝说道。 Other person several Great Emperor also nod. 人其余几位大帝亦是点了点头。 It burns the day of Great Emperor, in its flames of war burn, obviously is most impatient one. 或其是焚天大帝,其眼中战火燃动,显然是最为迫不及待的一位。 A gate guard guards in the stern main hall. 一座门卫镇守森严的大殿之内。 Four Great Emperor, the lord of secret palace, clear/pain, Bai Qianyu swallow Shu as well as a few high-level personnel gather in this. 四位大帝,天机宫之主,楚,白浅予燕书以及少数几高层人员聚集于此。 Comes in the middle of people are a virtual battlefield topography. 来在众人的中间是一座虚拟的战场地势。 The day virtual small-scale battlefield looks like say/way reduction plate, the mountains, the water vein, the canyon, spirit table and other local Coordinate, were outlined completely. 天虚拟的小型战场就像是“道”的缩小板块,山川,河脉,峡谷,神台等地区坐标,完全被勾勒出来。 The Saint stars Great Emperor analyzes to say. 圣星辰大帝析道。 The people corner of the eye narrows the eyes. 众人眼角微眯。 Should attack from where?” “那们该从何处起攻击?” swallow Fushu asked. 燕扶书问道。 Palace lord said very to......, therefore I and Nine Nether Great Emperor discussed that we are divided into five teams, seizes five of surrounding directly, five different directions, kill simultaneously to Heavenly Dao.” “穆斐宫主说的很对……所以我和九幽大帝商量了一下,我们分成五队,直接抢占外围的五个界,五个不同的方向,同时杀向‘天道界’。” one star Chen Great Emperor loud and clear saying. 一星辰大帝掷地有声的说道。 Sends to be divided into five teams? 发分成五队? The heart of my people are startled. 我众人的心头微惊。 Same, if the samsara Saint clan chooses the defense, then another four groups, can destroy Yellow Dragon, pricks in Heavenly Dao. 界同样的如果轮回圣族选择防守一路,那么另四路,也能够直捣黄龙,刺入天道界之中。 The friends nine quiet say greatly. 友九幽大开口说道。 , This indeed is the best plan, but the personnel dispose, how should assign......” swallow to hold the book to ask. ,“这的确是最佳的方案,但人员配置上,该如何分配……”燕扶书问道。 My stars clan, the main attack ghost said that......” the stars Great Emperor said. “我星辰族,主攻鬼道界……”星辰大帝说道。 Great Desolate Sacred Clan, main attack Asura said that......” wild emperor said. 大荒圣族,主攻修罗道界……”荒帝说道。 Nine Nether Sacred Clan, the main attack, humanity......” the quiet Great Emperor said greatly. 大“九幽圣族,主攻,人道界……”幽大帝道。 ... The people look to burning the God. …众人看向焚天帝。 Nowadays, Burning Heaven Sacred Clan is only left over is less than 100 people, from is unable to hold the post of the main heavy responsibility. 之现如今,焚天圣族仅剩下不到一百人,自无法担任主一路的重任。 , However, Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, does not have team leader Great Emperor. ,然,神眼圣族这边,却没有大帝领队。 Comes therefore, both can complete supplementarily. 来故而,两者可以完成互补。 „„ Burns the day of Great Emperor to lead the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan main attack, hell......” Nine Nether Great Emperor respectively to burning the day of Great Emperor and Bai Qianyu said. ““焚天大帝率领神眼圣族主攻,地狱道界……”九幽大帝分别对焚天大帝和白浅予说道。 , Good!” ,“好!” Burns the Great Emperor not to choose, immediately complies. 焚大帝也没有选择,当即答应下来。 When the vision of people looks immediately to Chu Hen amicable. 时众人的目光随即看向楚痕和穆斐。 After one is the super up-and-coming generation Emperor clear/pain. 经一位是超级后起之的楚帝。 The territory one is the immortal symbol territory overlord of head of land. 域一是陆之首的仙符域霸主。 Greatly without a doubt. 大毫无疑问。 The combinations of these two people, will not compare absolutely any must miss. 边这两个人的组合,绝对不会比任何一路要差。 Chu Hen looks at each other one amicably, the spin nods. 楚痕和穆对视一,旋点点头。 Good, beast gave me the amicable Fijian palace to advocate......” “好,兽道界就交给我和穆斐宫主了……”
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