UMDK :: Volume #16

#1515: Eight bird ancestor

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! My Chu Hen, since can win your one time, can press you for a lifetime......” “我楚痕既然能胜你一次,也就能压你一辈子……” Storehouse!” “库哧!” The gorgeous purple electric arc is intertwined quiet green rapid fleeing not to have sword blade high and low, bone-chilling cold killing intent of emperor blade together with the heavy rain washout of heavy rain under. 绚丽的紫色电弧交缠着幽绿色的雷芒迅速的窜上无相帝刃的剑身上下,凛冽的杀意连同着瓢泼的大雨冲刷而下。 In Chu Hen that ice-cold purple demon eyes completely contemptuous is staring at phoenix dark blue that showing fierce face. 楚痕那冰冷的紫色妖瞳之中满是轻蔑的盯着凰沧那彰显狰狞的面孔。 What now you must consider, can I let off you......” “现在你要考虑的是,我会不会放过你……” The phoenix dark blue both eyes circle opens the eyes, in eye frost cold hatred anger. 凰沧双目圆睁,眼中霜寒憎怒。 Must kill kills, the idle talk little said!” “要杀就杀,废话少说!” Snort, you think that I don't dare?” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select lightly wipe the satire. “哼,你以为我不敢么?”楚痕嘴角轻挑一抹讽刺。 But, was burnt the lonesome demon to isolate outside simultaneous/uniform Shou and the others spirit is the facial color big change. 而,被焚寂魔灵隔绝在场外的齐狩等人皆是面色大变。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Unexpectedly, at this moment, one sweeps across from the rear area of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group toward here just like a stars halo red loop suddenly. 蓦地,就在这时,一圈宛如星辰光环般的一座红色弧圈突然间从圣翼天炎雀族群的后方朝着这边席卷而来。 Together with strength of the huge wild steamroll. 连同着一股巨大的狂暴碾压之力。 „......” A heavy loud sound swings, Chu Hen that just like the giant war-god dying out demon behind spirit is given exploding of impact broken by the great power that this attack comes unexpectedly directly. “嗵……”的一声沉重的巨响荡开,楚痕身后那犹如巨人战神般的寂灭魔灵竟是直接被这股侵袭而来的强大力量给冲击的爆碎。 The next flash, that red light arc continues to howl, plunges Chu Hen above small tinkling bell palace rapidly. 下一瞬间,那圈红色光弧继续呼啸而下,飞速扑向銮殿之上的楚痕 „......” Chu Hen corner of the eye split vision one cold, in the monster different double pupil is surging wisp of black glow. “噌……”楚痕眼角余光一凛,妖异的双眸之中涌动着一缕黑芒。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The small tinkling bell palace under Chu Hen body cracks to explode again, then one for example the Fiendgod black huge shadow also breaks through the land, appears in Chu Hen behind. 楚痕身下的銮殿再次崩裂爆开,接着一尊譬如神魔般的黑色庞大影子亦是冲破大地,惊现于楚痕的身后。 „!” “嗵!” In an instant, the black shadow like protecting the body demon god intercepted that say/way to lean the red light halo shock-wave that the potential came. 霎那间,黑色影子就像护体魔神般截住了那道倾势而来的红色光圈冲击波。 The air wave surges, the rock splits. 气浪翻腾,岩石绽裂。 Enormous and powerful astral's fierce complementary waves like folding difficult situation, directly was collapsing the entire small tinkling bell palace. 浩荡罡猛的余波就像叠起的惊涛骇浪,直接是震塌了整个銮殿。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这又是?” The Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group people facial color changes again and again. 圣翼天炎雀族群众人面色一变再变。 One both floods vision with amazement to stare is appearing in Chu Hen behind that figure huge black shadow. 一双双充斥着骇然的目光皆是盯着惊现于楚痕身后的那道身形庞大的黑色影子。 The outline physique like clone of Chu Hen. 其轮廓形体如同楚痕的分身。 The aura that may lend actually dying out demon spirit also wants compared with it that strangely aggressive. 可散发出来的气息却是比之那“寂灭魔灵”还要诡异霸气。 ...... …… rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people, but also looks at your excellency to spare and not punish too severely!” “得饶人处且饶人,还望阁下高抬贵手!” Meanwhile, the old sound spreads to the ear of people together. 与此同时,一道苍老的声音传入众人的耳中。 simultaneous/uniform Shou and his party of all are the facial color changes. 齐狩等一行人皆是面色一变。 Sees only has changed to the ruins in that the sky of central main shrine, is reappearing impressively together the illusory indistinct form. 只见在那已经化作废墟的中央主殿的上空,赫然浮现着一道虚幻飘渺的身影。 The opposite party high and low distortion is all over the body uncertain, like covering in one group of flame. 对方通体上下扭曲不定,就像笼罩在一团火焰之中。 Although does not see clearly the concrete appearance, but can see that from the general outline is an old man. 虽然看不清楚具体的样貌,但从大概的轮廓上可以看出那是个年迈的老者。 Eight bird ancestors......” simultaneous/uniform Shou call out in alarm said. “八雀祖……”齐狩惊呼道。 Whish!” “哗!” At once, the entire Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group up and down is also one piece in an uproar. 旋即,整个圣翼天炎雀族群上下亦是哗然一片。 On the face of everyone is revealing the greatest lofty awe. 每个人的脸上都流露着莫大的崇高敬畏。 This respect, is veneration of the heart. 这种敬重,皆是发自内心的尊崇。 Does not bring a point to be forced by the pressure. 不带一点被威压所胁迫。 ...... …… Really is eight bird ancestors!” “真的是八雀祖!” Eight bird clans have over a thousand years not to make an appearance.” “八雀族已经有上千年没有露面过了。” I think that he has left this clan.” “我都以为他早已离开本族了。” ...... …… Looks that group covers the dream form in flame, a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan presents for the gods is common. 看着那团笼罩在火焰之中的梦幻身影,圣翼天炎雀一族都奉为神明一般。 Chu Hen also felt an especially huge aura oppression from the body of opposite party. 楚痕亦是从对方的身上感受到了一股尤为庞大的气息压迫。 However, on face and fearless intent of Chu Hen. 不过,楚痕的脸上并无惧意。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” Obsolete is did not ask human affairs looked the rain listens to the poet...... this matter indeed is our Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird is not right, but also asked your excellency to look in the obsolete thin surface, received the hand.” “老朽不过是个不问世事的看雨听风人……此事的确是我们圣翼天炎雀的不对,但还请阁下看在老朽的薄面上,就此收手。” The voice of old man is steady, cloud poor business conditions is light, observes calmly wind and rain the feeling of being aloof. 那老者的声音平稳温和,给人一种云淡风轻,静观风雨的超脱之感。 The Chu Hen facial color relaxes slightly obviously. 楚痕面色稍显缓和。 Then, his corner of the eye flashes the cold light, hiss......” one string of blood dances, sharp no emperor blade also pulled out from the phoenix dark blue chest. 接着,其眼角一闪凛光,“嘶……”一串鲜血飙舞,锋利的无相帝刃随之从凰沧的胸膛之中拔了出来。 The latter tiger body shakes, both hands of shivering get hold of the fist. 后者虎躯一震,颤抖的双手握紧成拳。 I forgive your life, does not look in any face countenance...... only because of you are her father, this is last time......” “我饶你一命,不看在任何的颜面上……只因你是她的父亲,这是最后一次……” Then, Chu Hen behind black Fiendgod shadow restraining slowly. 说完,楚痕身后的黑色神魔影子缓缓的收敛。 Simultaneously grasps the emperor blade slantingly, goes down that tattered and torn throne small tinkling bell palace slowly. 同时斜握帝刃,缓缓走下那千疮百孔的王座銮殿。 Hey......” at this time, the phoenix dark blue that full was sneering of taunt transmits from the rear area, received the words of hand, once I restored the strength, I will look your......” “嘿……”这时,凰沧那满是嘲讽的冷笑从后方传来,“就这么收手的话,一旦等我恢复实力,我可是会去找你的……” After all is the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan sovereign. 毕竟是圣翼天炎雀的族皇。 From beginning to end, the phoenix dark blue had not been blown by Chu Hen. 从始至终,凰沧都没有被楚痕所镇住。 Even if just now left death near like that. 即便方才离死亡那般之近。 Finishes speaking, Chu Hen lived in the figure. 话音刚落,楚痕顿住了身形。 Sees this situation, simultaneous/uniform Shou and others gathers at the phoenix dark blue periphery hastily, avoids the Chu Hen counter-attack. 一见这种情形,齐狩等众人连忙聚集在凰沧的周边,避免楚痕回击。 However, Chu Hen has not taken an action. 然,楚痕并未有所行动。 The vision slightly side, a pair of purple pupil surges the anxious strength to fluctuate. 其目光微侧,一双紫色的瞳孔涌动着不安的力量波动。 Has the skill to come! However I must remind you......” “有本事就来吧!不过我要提醒你……” Expression, erupts the endless woods to be cold suddenly. 语气一顿,豁然爆发着无尽的森寒冷厉。 „If not want to exterminate the clan!” “如果不想被灭族的话!” „......” “噌……” The resonant soaring air wave vibrato surges eight sides, Chu Hen sends out Ancient Demon God cold proud to be aggressive from top to bottom. 嘹亮高昂的气浪颤音激荡八方,楚痕浑身上下散发着远古妖神般的冷傲霸气。 But that ascension the black flame glow moves like the Fiendgod aura in its body external combustion. 那升腾而起的黑色焰芒就像神魔气息于其身外燃动。 Works as!” “哐当!” God thunder Suokong, such as claw of tearing vault of heaven big dragon. 神雷锁空,如巨龙之爪撕裂苍穹。 This time, phoenix dark blue mind trembles, it has an inexplicable palpitation unexpectedly. 这一次,凰沧的心神不由的一颤,其竟是有种莫名的心悸。 Everyone of entire ethnic group, is the complexion big change, just like has to plant to place oneself the trembling feeling of under storm vortex. 整个族群的所有人,亦是脸色大变,俨然有种置身于风暴漩涡之下的颤栗之感。 ...... …… Looks at Chu Hen that gradually to vanish the back in storm jade, that covers eight bird ancestors in red flame glow sends out a sigh. 望着楚痕那逐渐消失在暴风玉中的背影,那笼罩在红色焰芒中的八雀祖不禁发出一声叹息。 Never expected that my Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan will provoke the so ugly customer unexpectedly, later the maple tree wing day valley feared that was intolerable peaceful.” “没想到我圣翼天炎雀一族竟会招惹到如此可怕之人,以后枫翼天谷怕是要不得安宁了。” Snort!” Phoenix dark blue cold snort/hum, eight bird ancestors, you rather also too looked at him high, only pair of demon eyes, can extinguish my ethnic group?” “哼!”凰沧冷哼一声,“八雀祖,你未免也太高看他了,区区一双妖瞳,也能灭我族群?” „If only a pair of demon eyes that is easy to do, but...... his second bloodline limit, I felt that startled palpitates.” “如果只是一双妖瞳那还好办,但是……他的第二种血脉界限,就连我都感到惊悸。” What did you say? Second bloodline limit?” “你说什么?第二种血脉界限?” A phoenix dark blue brow wrinkle, it appears impressively just now that say/way aggressive strange black Fiendgod shadow. 凰沧眉头一皱,其赫然浮现出方才那道霸气诡异的黑色神魔影子。 Phoenix dark blue phoenix dark blue, I should, no matter in clan matter, if not for today the situation is critical, otherwise I will not act...... this time you to provoke should not the person annoying, in the future you will strive for fortunately!” “凰沧啊凰沧,我本该不管族内之事,今日若不是局势危急,否则我也不会出面……这次你招惹到了不该惹的人,往后你就自求多福吧!” ...... …… Then, if that group of dreams red empty shadow one group of burning through mist and dust, dissipation in the world. 说罢,那团梦幻的红色虚影如若一团燃尽的烟尘,随之消散于天地之间。 But, at this moment an entire Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan is flustered. 而,此刻整个圣翼天炎雀一族已然是人心惶惶。 Is pale, look at each other in blank dismay. 一个个脸色苍白,面面相觑。 Eight, eight bird ancestors is he frightens our?” “八,八雀祖他是吓唬我们的吧?” With eight bird ancestors' personalities, never likes saying things just to frighten people.” “可是以八雀祖的性格,从来就不喜欢危言耸听。” Actually is that person where sacred?” “那个人究竟是何方神圣?” ...... …… Anxious, in a terrified way spreads quietly. 不安,惶恐悄悄蔓延。 Including phoenix dark blue, hunts in together numerous clans the expert is the innermost feelings that is hard to still to move restlessly. 包括凰沧,齐狩在内的众多族内高手皆是难以平定躁动的内心。 Two bloodline limit. 两种血脉界限 One of them is demon eyes of ten big most sacred body. 其中之一还是十大最圣体妖瞳 Another type. 另外一种。 Lived the old monster eight bird ancestors of innumerable years to feel to dread. 就连活了无数岁月的老怪物八雀祖都感到畏惧。 This has to make one be shocked. 这不得不令人感到震惊。 ...... …… Has the skill to come! If not want to exterminate the clan.” “有本事就来吧!如果不想被灭族的话。” In these words unceasing in Huangcang mind reverberates. 这句话不断的于凰沧的脑海中回荡。 When the opposite party that the look, absorbs the soul just before leaving. 对方那临走之际的眼神,直摄灵魂。 ...... …… Since is the so giant disaster, why eight bird ancestors didn't strangle him a moment ago in the cradle?” “既然是如此巨大的祸患,为何刚才八雀祖不将他扼杀在摇篮里面?” In the crowd some people suspect to say. 人群中有人怀疑道。 „It is not eight bird ancestors does not act, but he does not even have 100% assurances to retain the opposite party. At least now also a little escape route, but once eight bird ancestors let slip to make its escaping continually, later we will really exterminate the clan.” “不是八雀祖不出手,而是连他都没有百分之百的把握留住对方。至少现在还有点退路,可一旦连八雀祖都失手令其逃掉的话,以后我们真的会被灭族的。” ...... …… The facial color of everyone is unattractive. 每个人的面色都不好看。 Especially simultaneous/uniform Shou, its facial expression especially complex. 尤其是齐狩,其神情更是尤为的复杂。 Unbelievable, with that young people who leaves not lightly, unexpectedly such is not affable. 难以置信,同莫轻离回来的那个年轻人,竟如此的不好惹。 Pitifully......” “可惜了……” simultaneous/uniform Shou thought aloud that muttered. 齐狩自言自语的喃喃道。 Makes today's this position, it incomparably regretted, should be the friend non- enemy. 闹得今天这种境地,其无比惋惜,本该是友非敌的。 Now, actually turned into the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird biggest unstable disaster. 如今,却变成了圣翼天炎雀最大的不稳定祸患。 How didn't know the princess?” “不知道公主殿下怎么样了?” simultaneous/uniform Shoushen feels helpless shaking the head, except for the sigh, has no other alternative. 齐狩甚感无奈的摇了摇头,除了叹息,别无他法。
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