UMDK :: Volume #16

#1514: Comes from the fear of this eye

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „Who I am...... you should very clearly to......” “我是什么人……你应该很清楚才对……” Bang!” “轰隆!” The thunder and lightning locks spatially, rainstorm pouring. 雷电锁空,暴雨倾盆。 Under the gorgeous thunder and lightning ray shines, if one pair the purple pupil of Demon God evil charm is the glance that coldly that is being located in the phoenix above main hall directly dark blue. 绚丽的雷电光芒照耀下,一双如若妖神般邪魅的紫色瞳孔直接是冷冷的扫视着那位于大殿之上的凰沧。 Is you......” phoenix dark blue look surges the thick woods to be cold, is feeling that familiar strong pupil strength, the phoenix dark blue double fist that sets out suddenly grasps, your big courage, demon eyes has given back to you, you dare to rush to here unexpectedly come......” “是你……”凰沧眼神涌动着浓浓的森寒,感受着那熟悉的强大瞳力,豁然起身的凰沧双拳一握,“你好大的胆子,妖瞳已经还给了你,你竟然敢闯到这里来……” Snort!” Chu Hen exudes is wiping frivolous sneering, I was only some words want to say with you face to face...... while convenient, made you know again, depended on your different kind, could not control the demon eyes strength......” “哼!”楚痕泛着一抹轻浮的冷笑,“我只是有些话想要和你当面说罢了……顺便,再让你知道,就凭你这种异类,是掌控不了妖瞳力量的……” Bang!” “轰!” Instance that the words fall, Chu Hen behind ground is rupturing blasts out directly. 话落的瞬间,楚痕身后的地面直接是爆裂炸开。 Together with suddenly splitting disintegration palace floor tile , if the Fiendgod purple great hand passes through broken the bottom directly, to raiding. 连同着急剧绽裂崩碎的宫殿地砖,一只如若神魔般的紫色巨手直接是贯破地底,冲袭而出。 Profound dark giant crack slits toward spread in all directions, the dreadful purple light beam pierces the land, just like destruction storm that surges. 紧接着,一道道深邃幽暗的巨大龟裂缝隙朝着四面八方蔓延出去,滔天的紫色光柱刺穿大地,犹如激荡开来的毁灭风暴。 ...... …… Rumble!” “隆隆!” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” ...... …… A Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan was all alarmed by the sudden stir. 圣翼天炎雀一族皆是被突如其来的轰动所惊扰。 One both are full of the shocking vision is sweeping as if by prior agreement to that resplendent in gold and jade green luxurious palace. 一双双充满震惊的目光皆是不约而同的扫向那座金碧辉煌的奢华宫殿。 „!” “嗵!” The spider web crack proliferates in the inside and outside of palace instantaneously, the next flash, a piece of main hall entrance direction collapses directly loudly. 蜘蛛网般的裂缝瞬间遍布于宫殿的内外,下一瞬间,大殿门口方向的一片直接轰然坍塌。 For example under burns day of roaring flame purple glow to cover, a figure is huge, the whole body covers entirely the purple sex fiend of heavy/thick armor to appear in the storm spirit impressively. 譬如焚天烈焰般的紫芒笼罩下,一尊身形庞大,浑身布满着厚重铠甲的紫色魔灵赫然惊现于暴风雨之中。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” simultaneous/uniform Shou who are catching up in a hurry and other numerous ethnic group guard is also the facial color changes. 正匆匆赶来的齐狩等一众族群守卫亦是面色一变。 Very powerful big aura!” “好强大的气息!” „Does the war soul demon that this can it be that in the legend seven stars demon eyes can summon spirit?” “这莫不是,传说中七星妖瞳才能召唤出来的战魂魔灵?” ...... …… An entire Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan is all startled and trembles. 整个圣翼天炎雀一族皆是又惊又颤。 Works as!” “哐当!” Sees only that to erupt myriad power line pole just like the Ancient Demon God purple sex fiend spirit from top to bottom. 紧接着,只见那宛如远古妖神般的紫色魔灵浑身上下爆发出万千雷芒电柱。 The purple thunder snake, the green electricity python connection winding, places oneself in the storm, wields to extinguish world day punishing terrifying witch spirit like that. 紫色雷蛇,绿色电蟒交汇缠绕,置身于暴风雨中,就像那执掌灭世天罚的恐怖巫灵。 Distant looks, innumerable say/way wild fearsome power of thunder all before its collects. 远远的望去,无数道狂暴可怖的雷霆之力尽数朝着其身前汇集。 In the air is also filling the Yin-Yang two air/Qi, the strength, seven stars light luminary and other powerful attribute strengths. 其空气中还弥漫着阴阳二气,森罗之力,七星光曜等诸多强大的属性力量。 Under many unbelievable vision gazes, that demon spirit unexpectedly forcefully should the strength of repelling one another knead together these in the same place. 在诸多难以置信的目光注视下,那尊魔灵竟然硬生生的将这些本该相互排斥的力量揉合在一起。 „When clan sovereign Sir......” shock, simultaneous/uniform Shou responded hastily. “族皇大人……”震惊之际,齐狩连忙反应过来。 „!” “咻!” Then, simultaneous/uniform Shou and other expert in numerous area grazes to go toward the front hastily. 说罢,齐狩等一众区内的高手连忙朝着前方飞掠而去。 ...... …… „The sword of big slaughter demon!” “大屠魔之剑!” Domain, beginning of the universe extremely!” “领域,混元化极!” ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Bang bang!” “轰砰!” ...... …… Does not need simultaneous/uniform Shou and the others close to that side, a fierce rebellion that raises the day blasts out in that palace instantaneously comprehensively. 不待齐狩等人靠近那边,一股掀天的剧烈暴动瞬间于那宫殿之中全面炸开。 Together scarlet red slaughter demon great sword with it one group of dazzling thunder light luminary solid shells in together, together with destruction day of glow light beam that myriad are blooming, that big palace will disintegrate shortly, the every large or small rock palace column explodes the broken breakage all. 一道赤红色的屠魔巨剑与之一团璀璨夺目的雷霆光曜结结实实的轰击在一起,连同着万千绽放的毁灭天芒光柱,那偌大的宫殿在顷刻间解体,大大小小的岩石宫柱尽数爆碎破裂。 Been able to suppress complementary waves like breaking through the mighty current of dike. 抑制不住的余波就像冲破堤坝的洪流。 Land sudden toward is in all directions hollow. 大地急剧的朝着四面八方凹陷下去。 The crushed stone of blotting out the sky like the locust group that everywhere dances in the air, the drifting heavy rain in sky one and was swept. 铺天盖地的碎石就像漫天飞舞的蝗虫群,天空中的漂泊大雨一并被扫荡开来。 ...... …… simultaneous/uniform Shou and other many experts were all shaken to fly. 齐狩等众多高手皆是被震飞出去。 Many people hit falls to the ground, within the body vitality turns wells up, the mouth spits the blood. 还有不少人更是被撞的栽倒在地,体内气血翻涌,口吐鲜血。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The next flash, in that dazzling purple storm erupts a boundless astral's fierce black light beam unexpectedly. 下一瞬间,那璀璨夺目的紫色风暴之中竟是又爆发出一股磅礴罡猛的黑色光柱。 Comes from the palace above position powerful spooky got down by the steamroll impressively. 紧接着,源自于宫殿上方位置的强盛妖气赫然被碾压下去。 At once, the wild with rage incomparable purple air wave initiates pounces upon suddenly, is attacking inside and outside the entire palace. 旋即,狂怒无比的紫色气浪发起猛扑,侵袭着整个宫殿内外。 ...... …… Your majesty?” “陛下?” Uneven hunting facial color big change. 齐狩面色大变。 It stands firm the figure hastily, then charges into the front. 其连忙稳住身形,然后冲向前方。 ...... …… The one who maps the simultaneous/uniform hunting view is stretch of ruins. 映入齐狩眼帘的是一片废墟。 That imposing manner broad central palace thorough vanishes does not see. 那座气势恢宏的中央宫殿彻底的消失不见。 ...... …… The rapid chaotic cyclone surges recklessly. 急骤混乱的气旋肆意激荡。 Small tinkling bell palace sores all over the eye that in the ruins, only remains, everywhere fissure. 废墟之中,仅剩的銮殿满目疮痍,遍地裂痕。 At this moment, covers entirely on the crack small tinkling bell palace throne, the phoenix dark blue face shocks, both eyes anger opens the eyes, the facial features of distortion are showing a fierceness. 此刻,布满裂纹的銮殿王座上,凰沧一脸震骇,双目怒睁,扭曲的五官彰显着一丝狰狞。 In his pupil of trembling with fear is producing an inverted image a faint and pretty ice-cold face. 其惊颤的瞳孔之中倒映着一张淡漠而俊秀的冰冷面孔。 Two people are close. 两人近在咫尺。 The phoenix dark blue sits on the throne, a dragged the black long sword of sharp electric arc to pass through the chest of opposite party directly. 凰沧坐在王座上,一柄摇曳着锋利电弧的黑色长剑直接是贯穿了对方的胸膛。 Moistens the sword blade of blood to spend in the back of opposite party, and nail put on it behind stone chair. 沾血的剑刃于对方的后背破出,并钉穿了其身后的石椅。 In its front, the Chu Hen right palm grasps the sword backhandedly, the left hand palm resists the bottom of sword hilt. 在其面前,楚痕右掌反手握剑,左手掌心抵住剑柄的底部。 Swift and fierce no emperor blade by the body of way deep piercing opposite party directly suddenly puncturing. 凌厉的无相帝刃以正面突刺的方式深深的刺穿对方的身躯。 ...... …… The fight, will end shortly. 战斗,顷刻间结束。 Chu Hen that monster different purple pupil coldly is staring at the phoenix dark blue look, if sending out the infinite dignified god of death vision. 楚痕那妖异的紫瞳冷冷的盯着凰沧的眼神,如若散发着无限威严的死神目光。 Asked you, feels fear that this eye brought?” “试问你,感受到了这双眼睛带来的恐惧么?” The phoenix dark blue body trembles lightly, imitates, if the soul exposes under the sharp blade of opposite party. 凰沧身躯轻颤,仿若灵魂都暴露在对方的利刃之下。 ...... …… Your majesty?” “陛下?” simultaneous/uniform Shou who catch up with hurriedly and other expert see this, is the startled anger happened simultaneously. 匆忙赶来的齐狩等一众高手见此,皆是惊怒交加。 Stop!” “住手!” Lets loose him!” “放开他!” ...... …… Several people are all erupting the bone-chilling cold chill in the air, raises the weapon in abundance, flushes away toward the front. 十几人皆是爆发着凛冽的寒意,纷纷扬起武器,朝着前方冲去。 The next flash, Chu Hen turns head fiercely, ice-cold purple pupil one cold. 下一霎那,楚痕猛地一回头,冰冷的紫瞳一凛。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Is rocking together with an intense space, behind the dying out demon situated in main hall spirit raises the great claw directly, wields toward the people. 连同着一阵强烈的空间晃动,位于大殿后方的寂灭魔灵直接是扬起巨爪,朝着众人挥去。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Comes from terrifying thunder light luminary who the dying out demon spirit palm arms erupts, the people all by thunder and lightning striking to fly. 源自于寂灭魔灵掌臂间爆发出来的恐怖雷霆光曜,众人皆是被一道道雷电给击飞出去。 When simultaneous/uniform Shou sees clearly that pair of purple demon eyes on person as well as his face, the heart feels shocks. 当齐狩看清楚来人以及其脸上的那双紫色妖瞳之时,心头倍感震骇。 Chu Hen little brother......” 楚痕小兄弟……” The Chu Hen corner of the eye glance, cold severe the look turns to simultaneous/uniform Shou. 楚痕眼角一瞥,冷厉的眼神即转向齐狩。 The instance of two people vision connection, simultaneous/uniform Shouzhi thinks that the soul is feeling thick trembling and startled palpitates. 两人目光交汇的瞬间,齐狩只觉灵魂都感受着了一股浓浓的颤栗和惊悸。 You......” simultaneous/uniform Shou are startled and doubt. “你……”齐狩又惊又疑。 Rolls the distant point.” Saying that Chu Hen coldly. “滚远点。”楚痕冷冷的说道。 Stop, the Chu Hen little brother...... he is princess's father sovereign......” “住手,楚痕小兄弟……他是公主殿下的父皇……” I called you to roll, hasn't heard?” “我叫你滚,没听见么?” The Chu Hen sound woods are cold, if ice cone. 楚痕声音森寒刺骨,如若冰锥。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Enormous and powerful vigorous purple light luminary sweeps across, land cuns (2.5 cm) crack, the unequalled boundless situation grinds directly to simultaneous/uniform Shou et al . 浩荡雄浑的紫色光曜席卷开来,大地寸寸崩裂,无与伦比的磅礴大势直接碾向齐狩等人。 Latter complexion drastic change. 后者脸色剧变。 Has not responded, a wild impulse made it raise to fly again. 还未反应过来,一股狂暴的冲击力再次令其掀飞出去。 ...... …… Then, the Chu Hen vision returns to above the phoenix dark blue that gloomy pale face again. 接着,楚痕的目光再次回到凰沧那阴沉铁青的面庞之上。 You still angry? The clan sovereign Sir......” the Chu Hen sound is low and deep and indifferent. “你仍旧只有愤怒呢?族皇大人……”楚痕声音低沉而冷漠。 The phoenix dark blue corners of the mouth one, shows the woods cold happy expression. 凰沧嘴角一咧,露出森寒的笑意。 Hey, you think that you did kill me?” “嘿,你以为你杀得了我吗?” „Did you say? By the appearance of your present, has with the qualifications that I talked?” “你说呢?以你现在的这幅样子,有和我对话的资格?” Hahahaha......” phoenix dark blue smiled, somewhat demented sneering, such as, if not for my cultivation base damages greatly, there is a you here wild skill?” “哈哈哈哈……”凰沧笑了,有些癫狂的冷笑不已,“如若不是我修为大损的话,也有你在这里猖狂的本事?” „!” Chu Hen is also the corners of the mouth selects, exudes the curve that disdains. “呵!”楚痕亦是嘴角一挑,泛起不屑的弧度。 My Chu Hen, since can win your one time, can press you for a lifetime...... now, but you need to consider, can I forgive you......” “我楚痕既然能胜你一次,也就能压你一辈子……但你现在需要考虑的是,我会不会饶过你……” Storehouse!” “库哧!” In swift and fierce purple glow in Yan flashes through, the silk threads electric arc flees not to have the sword blade of emperor blade like the thunder snake rapidly high and low. 凌厉的紫芒于眼中闪过,丝丝缕缕的电弧就像雷蛇般迅速窜上无相帝刃的剑身上下。 Brutal killing intent, fills eight sides. 无情的杀意,弥漫八方。 Drifts the heavy rain, sways the sky. 漂泊大雨,挥洒天空。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Thanks small dolphin 60901674 brothers' ten thousand bestows, hitting of brothers enjoyed for serveral days was a little flagitious, I asked for leave embarrassed. No matter how said, many thanks everyone's support, I will refuel well!!) (感谢“小海豚60901674”兄弟的万赏,这些天兄弟们的打赏有点凶残了,我都不好意思请假了。不管怎么说,多谢大家的支持,我会好好加油的!!)
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