UMDK :: Volume #16

#1513: This thing of bringing back

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Works as!” “哐当!” Bang!” “轰隆!” ...... …… Rapid violent storm like space toward underground irrigation, that crosses the thunder and lightning of the world , if the sharp claws tearing vault of heaven of big dragon. 急骤的狂风暴雨就像天上往地下灌水一样,那横贯天地的雷电如若巨龙的利爪般撕裂天穹。 At this moment, together difficult vanguard of aura especially weak thin and small form in this rainstorm. 此刻,一道气息尤为虚弱的纤瘦身影在这暴雨中艰难的前行。 The red bloody water follows her left corner of the eye to delimit the cheek unceasingly, then rapid the dilution under the washout of rainwater becomes pale. 红色的血水不断顺着她的左边眼角划过面颊,然后在雨水的冲刷下迅速的稀释变淡。 The slender tender body, at this moment was smaller and weaker. 本就纤细的娇躯,此刻更加弱小。 The fierce ache spreads whole body in the left eye socket. 剧烈的疼痛于左边眼眶蔓延全身上下。 Lightly to is actually the headache wants to crack not. 莫轻离却是头痛欲裂。 That eye that remains alone even more fuzzy, under the impact of rainwater whips, even the front thing does not see clearly. 独剩的那只眼睛愈发的模糊,在雨水的冲击拍打下,连前方的事物都看不清楚。 Sways. 摇摇晃晃。 Like by the remnant butterfly of rain dripping wet wing. 就像被雨淋湿翅膀的残蝶。 Not lightly to staggering along is hard to start in the water puddle in forest. 莫轻离跌跌撞撞的在林中的水洼中举步维艰。 In her bosom, is holding a crystal bottle. 在她的怀中,抱着一个水晶瓶。 Both hands hug tight, looked like built up the treasure of her life. 双手抱的紧紧的,就像是集结了她生命的宝贝。 I...... my go back to look for you......” “等我……我这就回去找你……” Not lightly to thinking aloud muttering. 莫轻离自言自语的喃喃道。 This is her stubbornness! 这是她的倔强! Also is her mistake! 也是她的过错! Is her pain! 更是她的痛苦! ...... …… Some people, because by the important person was betrayed, but pain. 有的人,因为被重要的人背叛而痛苦。 Some people, because betrayed the important person, but pain. 有的人,则因为背叛了重要的人而痛苦。 In this world, everyone very diligently is living. 这个世上,每个人都在很努力的活着。 Especially without choosing, that laborious infinite was enlarged. 尤其是在没有选择的时候,那份辛苦就会无限的被放大。 Sorry, sorry......” “对不起,对不起……” Not lightly to running, is hugging her trades running of the strongly important thing by the dignity and own eye in the rain. 莫轻离奔跑着,抱着她以尊严和自己的眼睛换回来重要东西在雨中竭力的奔跑。 She cries, while is repeating sorry these three characters. 她一边哭,一边重复着“对不起”这三个字。 On that day she took down that person eyes time, actually to withstand the big compunction. 那天她取下那个人眼睛时候,究竟承受了多大的内疚。 Whenever she thinks that the later that person ice-cold look and indifferent expression, light to arrive not sadly in the extreme. 每当她想到以后那个人冰冷的眼神和冷漠的表情,莫轻离就悲伤到无以复加。 But, in any event, she only wants only to belong to the eyes of that person to give back to the opposite party this now. 但,不论如何,她现在只想把这只属于那个人的眼睛还给对方。 ...... …… Bang!” Condition extremely bad light to makes a false step not, the whole person flew. “砰!”状态极差的莫轻离一脚踩空,整个人都飞了出去。 Numerous pounding pour in the water puddle, the whole body soaks, the ice-cold chill in the air is never so piercing. 重重的砸倒在水洼中,全身湿透,冰冷的寒意从未这般刺骨过。 Lightly to is actually the earliest possible time examines the crystal bottle in hand not, but sees bottle of bodies is not damaged, relaxes. 莫轻离却是第一时间查看手中的水晶瓶,但见瓶身并未受损,才松了口气。 Then, crawls again from the ground, but the next flash, the fierce incomparable headache is to make it at present one black directly, weak falls to the ground. 接着,再次从地上爬起来,可下一瞬间,剧烈无比的头痛直接是令其眼前一黑,无力的栽倒在地。 ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Startling thunderclap bang day, rainstorm pouring. 惊雷轰天,暴雨倾盆。 At this time, a man and a woman two young forms from far to near walked in another side of jungle. 这时,一男一女两道年轻的身影由远至近的于丛林的另一侧走来。 A person is dragging the purple ray. 一人身上摇曳着紫色光芒。 Outside a person is glittering the golden Saint sunshine. 一人身外闪烁着金色圣晖。 Storm what kind of wreaking havoc, is actually not able to get wet two people clothing iotas. 暴风雨如何的肆虐,却始终无法沾湿两人的衣衫分毫。 ...... …… Two people in tandem move toward that to pour in the rain leaves not lightly. 两人一前一后的走向那倒在雨中的莫轻离。 The opposite party had fallen into the comatose condition completely, the abnormal breath is weak. 对方已经完全陷入了昏迷状态,气息异常微弱。 Chu Hen static looks at opposite party in an extremely difficult situation, particularly in seeing that enclasps the left eye socket of crystal bottle and covered with blood when bosom, in the pupil of Chu Hen flashes through inexplicable cold intent. 楚痕静静的看着狼狈不堪的对方,尤其是在看见那抱紧在怀中的水晶瓶和血肉模糊的左边眼眶之时,楚痕的眸中闪过一丝莫名的冷意。 It behind Bai Qianyu jade handles gently grasps, being somewhat moved looks to Chu Hen. 其身后的白浅予玉手轻握,有所触动的看向身边的楚痕 At once, Chu Hen kneels to squat in the side of opposite party. 旋即,楚痕跪蹲在对方的身边。 It takes the lead to put out a hand to take leaves the crystal bottle in hand not lightly. 其率先伸手去拿莫轻离手中的水晶瓶。 Although is in a comma, the opposite party holds the hand of crystal bottle actually to make an effort especially. 尽管处于昏迷状态,对方抱着水晶瓶的手却格外用力。 Father sovereign...... asked that to ask you......” “父皇……求,求求你……” The slurred dream spreads gently, is later quiet. 模糊不清的梦呐轻轻传出,随后又沉寂下去。 Chu Hen, then took the crystal bottle from his hand, the bottle mouth opens, since a slight rhythm folds, inside that purple demon eyes immediately float. 楚痕顿了顿,接着从其手中拿下水晶瓶,瓶口打开,一阵轻微的律动叠起,里边的那只紫色妖瞳随即悬浮而出。 Looks purple eye that this is only regaining. 望着这只失而复得的紫色眼睛。 Chu Hen lifts the hand in his access palm. 楚痕抬手将其接入掌中。 Then, Chu Hen takes bearing own left eye socket the palm. 接着,楚痕将手掌探向自己的左边眼眶。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A wisp of soft light overflows, his left eye was taken down immediately. 一缕柔光溢出,其左眼随即被取下。 The left eye that took also sends out sacred incomparable golden Saint glow. 被拿下来的左眼随之散发出一股神圣无比的金色圣芒。 Then, Chu Hen installs to return to the left eye socket own another demon eyes. 然后,楚痕将自己的另外一只妖瞳重新装回左边眼眶之中。 ...... …… Both eyes close gently, then opens suddenly, a purple pupil of pair of evil charm surges instantaneously a distortion space powerful imposing manner. 双目轻轻闭上,然后豁然睁开,一双邪魅的紫色瞳孔瞬间激荡出一股扭曲空间的强大气势。 This is the Chu Hen familiar strength. 这才是楚痕熟悉的力量。 demon eyes and a pair of difference, are extremely really significant. 一只妖瞳和一双的区别,实在太过明显。 Although Bai Qianyu substituted demon eyes by the god eyes, but the strength for new life grows at the same time, demon eyes strength also directly by large scale weakening. 虽说白浅予以神眼替代了一只妖瞳,可新生力量增长的同时,妖瞳的力量也直接被大幅度的削弱。 Regarding Chu Hen, pair of demon eyes, can display the bloodline limit strength truly. 对于楚痕而言,一双妖瞳,才真正能够展现血脉界限的力量。 ...... …… Monster different purple glow retreat. 妖异的紫芒退去。 Chu Hen faint such as the vision of frost looked to not light to that pale almost does not have a bloodstain face. 楚痕淡漠如霜的目光看向莫轻离那苍白的几乎没有一丝血迹的面庞。 Then, Chu Hen grasps the left cheek that the palm of golden god eyes is reaching leaves not lightly unexpectedly. 尔后,楚痕竟是将那握着金色神眼的手掌伸向莫轻离的左边面颊。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The gorgeous golden ray in the palm overflow of Chu Hen, the silk threads light mark connects the left eye socket that is leaving not lightly. 绚丽的金色光芒于楚痕的掌心溢出,丝丝缕缕的光纹连接着莫轻离的左边眼眶。 The blood stain that in his eye socket survives may the speed purification of eye reject by the meat, then, that group of golden rays in Chu Hen palm send toward the left eye that in leaves not lightly. 其眼眶之中残存的血污以肉可眼睛的速度净化剔除,接着,楚痕掌中的那团金色光芒朝着莫轻离的左眼之中汇去。 The Bai Qianyu jade handles gently grasps, she wants to open the mouth, but actually starts to speak but hesitates. 身后的白浅予玉手轻握,她想开口,但却欲言又止。 ...... …… Quick, the left eye wound of not lightly leaving can stop bleeding, simultaneously under that eyelid a golden god eyes integration in which that slowly is dragging the Saint sunshine. 很快,莫轻离的左眼伤口就得以止血,同时那眼皮底下一只摇曳着圣晖的金色神眼缓缓的融入其中。 Completes these, Chu Hen setting out slowly, turns round to look at Bai Qianyu. 完成这些,楚痕缓缓的起身,回身望着白浅予 Before finding appropriate substitute, first borrows me to use! Later I will give back your......” “在找到合适的替代物前,就先借我用一下吧!以后我会还给你的……” After all is the god eyes of Emperor white. 毕竟是白帝的神眼。 Regarding Bai Qianyu is as for Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, decides preciously however incomparable. 对于白浅予乃至于神眼圣族而言,定然珍贵无比。 In Chu Hen tone many apologies. 楚痕语气中多少有些歉意。 Bai Qianyu shows a faint smile, I have given you it, you have the right to be sent to frontier service the use......” 白浅予微微一笑,“我已经把它送给你了,你有权发配使用……” Thank you.” Chu Hen said in a soft voice, calculates I owe you......” “谢谢你。”楚痕轻声说道,“算我欠你的……” The Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil such as the azure wave circulation, her corners of the mouth select, somewhat smart-alecky saying with a smile, seems like you to owe me to be many, after thinking to be good, how also!” 白浅予美眸如青波流转,她嘴角一挑,有些俏皮的笑道,“貌似你欠我蛮多的,想好以后怎么还吧!” Chu Hen also smiles. 楚痕也是莞尔一笑。 Good, I will carefully think.” “好,我会认真想的。” , Chu Hen continued saying that you first bring to go back her!” 顿了顿,楚痕继续道,“你先把她带回去吧!” Bai Qianyu is puzzled, where do you want to go to?” 白浅予不解,“你要去哪里?” Since has brought back demon eyes, properly speaking has not gone to the maple tree wing day valley again the necessity. 既然已经拿回了妖瞳,按理说没有再去枫翼天谷的必要了。 The Chu Hen vision shifts to that red maple tree boundless forest deep place. 楚痕目光转向那红色枫树林海般的深处。 This is only this thing of bringing back!” “这只是该拿回的东西!” ...... …… ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Outside the main hall, the thunderstorm passes through the ear. 大殿之外,雷暴贯耳。 Inside and outside palace that who glitters unceasingly shines. 不断闪烁的雷芒照耀的宫殿内外。 Four nobody left. 四下空无一人。 The phoenix dark blue sits above the throne alone, complexion gloomy paleness. 凰沧独自坐在王座之上,脸色阴沉的铁青。 In his front, scatters scroll books of place. 在他的面前,是散落一地的卷轴书册。 But, the middle ground in main hall, a little bit also not completely dry bloodstain like flower petal of being in full bloom, especially dazzling. 而,大殿的中间地面,一滴滴还未完全干涸的血迹就像盛开的花瓣,格外的刺眼。 Was recalling that the phoenix dark blue was startled the anger to happen simultaneously a moment ago. 回想着刚才那一幕,凰沧就惊怒交加。 He really cannot think through, is never disobedient own daughter, will achieve this situation the matter unexpectedly. 他实在想不通,从未忤逆过自己的女儿,竟会把事情做到这种地步。 thing, lost simply completely my face!” “混账东西,简直把我的脸都丢尽了!” The phoenix that even more is angry dark blue suppressed a lot of fires. 愈发生气的凰沧可谓是憋了一肚子的火。 ...... …… It seems like only the vitality/angry?” “看来只是生气呢?” Unexpectedly, at this moment, the indifferent sound comes in the main hall entrance transmission together. 蓦地,就在这时,一道冷漠的声音于大殿门口传达而来。 What person?” The phoenix dark blue heart is startled. “什么人?”凰沧心头一惊。 Works as!” “哐当!” The silver thunder and lightning twinkle expansive sky, under shine of light of thunder and lightning, before seeing only the gate of main hall, is standing impressively together the aura quiet cold slender form. 银色的雷电闪烁长空,在雷电之光的映照下,只见大殿的门前赫然站着一道气息幽冷的修长身影。 Doesn't have to love dearly? Her daughter was entrapped such by you......” “难道没有心疼吗?自己的女儿被你坑害成那样……” The tranquil tone is actually the character character like the baroque pearl. 平静的语气却是字字如玑。 The phoenix dark blue sets out suddenly, the ice-cold chill in the air covers entirely the whole body. 凰沧豁然起身,冰冷的寒意布满全身。 Big courage, are actually you who? Dares the nonsense before this sovereign......” “好大的胆子,你究竟是什么人?胆敢在本皇面前胡言乱语……” Snort, who am I? You should very clearly to......” “哼,我是什么人?你应该很清楚才对……” „!” “噌!” The rapid intense strength rhythm folds, the invisible imposing manner oppression is to make in the entire palace the space twist directly intermittently. 急骤强烈的力量律动叠起,无形的气势压迫直接是令整个殿内空间阵阵扭曲。 The thunder and lightning locks spatially, passes through the world. 雷电锁空,贯穿天地。 Before dim big palace gate, a pair just like the gaze that the Demon God evil charm purple pupil coldly above the main hall phoenix dark blue. 昏暗的大殿门前,一双宛若妖神般的邪魅紫瞳冷冷的注视着大殿上方的凰沧。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ( Four offer, thank pigeon king brothers' ten thousand bestows!! Everyone good night!) (四更奉上,感谢“鸽子王”兄弟的万赏!!大家晚安!)
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