UMDK :: Volume #16

#1512: Remnant butterfly

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Maple tree wing day valley! 枫翼天谷! Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group. 圣翼天炎雀族群。 For several days, an entire day flame bird clan immerses in the confusion. 一连数天,整个天炎雀一族都沉浸在混乱当中。 The old lord phoenix dark blue is in power, directly was conducted a comprehensive big clean to the remnants of faction that the ocean extinguished. 旧主凰沧重新掌权,直接是对溟灭的余党进行了一次全面的大清洗。 Not only to warn others against following a bad example. 不仅仅是为了以儆效尤。 Also to shock in clan everyone up and down. 也是为了震慑族内上下的所有人。 ...... …… Phoenix dark blue your majesty this time doing was too ruthless, not only infiltrated the ocean extermination of the clan sovereign the lowest level that cries loudly the abyss, was killed together with other partisans completely.” “凰沧陛下这次做的太狠了,不仅把溟灭族皇打入了嚎哭深渊的最底层,连同其他的党羽全部被杀了。” Yes! The great cedar elder was bundled on the sacrificial altar suffers the punishment of burning sun, the poison burnt down for three days and three nights, air/Qi that this morning breaks.” “是啊!弘杉长老被捆在祭台上遭受毒火之刑,毒火烧了三天三夜,今天早上才断的气。” „The trusted aides of several other ocean extermination of the clan sovereigns are out are also very pitiful.” “另外几个溟灭族皇的心腹下场也是非常凄惨。” Oh! Although the ocean extermination of the clan sovereign plots a rebellion to capture the throne, is for these years, he achieved many great accomplishments for the clan.” “唉!虽说溟灭族皇谋反夺得王位,可是这么多年来,他还是为族内做了不少大事的。” Ok, little said two! Now the phoenix dark blue clan sovereigns just recapture the throne, certainly must shock the popular sentiment. We left mention this matter again, if were heard, referred to erratically can by the calamity.” “行了,少说两句吧!现在凰沧族皇刚夺回王位,肯定是要震慑民心的。我们别再提这事了,万一被人听见,指不定会不会被祸及。” ...... …… After all is very special period. 毕竟是非常时期。 Situation some of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan are not quite stable. 圣翼天炎雀一族的局势还是有些不太稳定。 However, under the phoenix dark blue ruthless severe method, the ocean extinguishes with the great cedar and other numerous is executed completely, the phoenix dark blue is in power to seize the potential, is the matter of nothing suspense. 不过,在凰沧的狠厉手段下,溟灭和弘杉等余众全部被诛,凰沧重新掌权夺势,也是没有任何悬念的事情。 ...... …… Princess, how did you come?” “公主殿下,你怎么来了?” The mighty main shrine entrance, just came out from inside hunts together happen to bumps into to come leaves not lightly. 气势恢宏的主殿门口,刚从里面出来的齐狩正好撞见迎面而来的莫轻离。 Looks for your majesty?” “找陛下吗?” Un!” Leaves not lightly nods, father sovereign in inside?” “嗯!”莫轻离点点头,“父皇在里面吧?” In!” simultaneous/uniform Shou replied, then, it pats the shoulder that left not lightly gently, „did princess, how see your worried appearance for these days? Your majesty recaptures the throne, you should rejoice is right?” “在的!”齐狩回答,接着,其轻轻拍了拍莫轻离的肩膀,“公主殿下,这几天怎么看你心事重重的样子?陛下夺回王位,你应该高兴才对啊?” Not lightly to squeezing a smile. 莫轻离挤出一丝笑容。 I very happy...... big brother simultaneous/uniform Shou you go busily!” “我很高兴……齐狩大哥你去忙吧!” Good, goes in chats with your majesty!” “好,进去和陛下聊聊吧!” Then, simultaneous/uniform Shou being sideways makes the opposite party go. 说完,齐狩侧身让对方进去。 ...... …… The light and bright main hall, is still resplendent in gold and jade green, the style was still luxurious. 宽敞明亮的大殿,依旧金碧辉煌,仍然气派奢华。 Just, sits above the main hall at this time no longer is the ocean extinguishes, but changed into another manner to be uncommon, aggressive dignified middle-aged man. 只不过,此时坐在大殿上方的不再是溟灭,而是换成了另外一道气宇不凡,霸气威严的中年男子。 Phoenix at this moment dark blue is similar to is scrutinizing one pile of book chapters on front desktop imperially. 此刻的凰沧正如同帝王般审阅着前方桌面上的一堆册章。 The custom and plan of ethnic group that big or small thing when these are the ocean extinguishes is in power formulates. 这些都是溟灭掌权之时制定的规矩以及族群大小事物的规划。 Now the phoenix dark blue seizes power, naturally must 11 abolish the old gauge. 现在凰沧重新夺权,自然也要将旧规一一废除。 ...... …… Father sovereign!” At this time, light to walked from outside not. “父皇!”这时,莫轻离从外面走了进来。 Phoenix dark blue at present one bright, flatter left.” 凰沧眼前一亮,“阿离来了。” Can see, regarding this only daughter, the phoenix dark blue quite regards as important. 看得出,对于这唯一的女儿,凰沧还是颇为看重的。 He puts down the books that in the hand scrutinizes, looks to leaves not lightly. 他放下手中审阅的卷册,望向莫轻离。 Can recapture the throne for the father, was lucky you...... have saying that this that you bring only demon eyes indeed powerful, achieved the seven stars rank unexpectedly. Although is unable to play its complete might, but also made my skill increase...... flatter to leave sufficiently, you did was very good, hahahaha......” “为父能够夺回王位,多亏了你……不得不说,你带来的这只‘妖瞳’的确强大,竟然达到了七星级别。虽然无法发挥其全部的威力,但也足以令我功力大增……阿离,你做的很好,哈哈哈哈……” Phoenix dark blue rousing especially. 凰沧尤为的振奋。 However, these of opposite party award the word of praise are actually the innermost feelings to just like the sharp sword stabbing pain not lightly leaving. 然,对方的这些褒奖夸赞之言却是犹如利剑般刺痛着莫轻离的内心。 Father sovereign, since you have recaptured the position of clan sovereign, then the adjuration father sovereign demon eyes will give back to me......” “父皇,既然您已经夺回了族皇之位,那么恳请父皇将‘妖瞳’还给我……” Such remarks, the smile on phoenix dark blue face gradually restrains. 此言一出,凰沧脸上的笑容逐渐收敛。 flatter leaves, can you know this world to achieve seven stars preciously actually demon eyes of rank?” “阿离,你可知这世间能够达到‘七星’级别的妖瞳究竟有多珍贵?” I know that......” not light to especially firm reply, no one is clearer than he received many for this reason the misery me. Because you are the father sovereign, I have to help you. However, this only demon eyes is not your, flatter leaves asks you, gives me it.” “我知道……”莫轻离尤为坚决的回答,“没有人比我更清楚他为此受了多少的苦难。因为你是父皇,我不得不帮你。但是,这只妖瞳不是你的,阿离求你,把它交给我。” Then, light kneels to the knees not, incomparably firm is staring at the phoenix above main hall dark blue. 说完,莫轻离双膝跪地,无比坚决的盯着大殿之上的凰沧。 Decidedly! 决然! Has never had decidedly! 从未有过的决然! In the phoenix dark blue impression, light speaks to always does not dare not like this. 在凰沧的印象中,莫轻离从来都不敢这样和自己说话。 Regardless at any time, her is always follows. 不论在任何时候,她都是对其言听计从。 Similarly, light to so has also never asked him not. 同样的,莫轻离也从未这般求过他。 flatter left......” phoenix dark blue tone cold, its, if the king is ignoring the official, only human, was worthwhile you to ask me here?” “阿离……”凰沧的语气已然冷了下来,其如若君王漠视着臣子,“区区一个人类,犯得着你在这里求我?” He is not an average person, to me, he is a very important person......, but I actually disappointed his trust......” “他不是普通人,对我而言,他是个很重要的人……但我却辜负了他的信任……” Lightly is not dim to the look, thinks situation of that day, in her eye is covering entirely the thick sadness. 莫轻离神色黯淡,一想到那天的情形,她的眼中都布满着浓浓的哀伤。 Then, its voice firm say/way, adjuration father sovereign, returns demon eyes again!” 接着,其语态再次坚定道,“恳请父皇,归还妖瞳!” „......” Phoenix dark blue sneers, flatter leaves, when I you are muddled for a while, the matter of today, did not investigate for the father. This demon eyes not only can make me continue to hold on to the position of clan sovereign, but can also make my cultivation base restore the peak as soon as possible. When my skill restored, you come to mention this matter to me again.” “呵……”凰沧冷笑,“阿离,我且当你一时糊涂,今日之事,为父不予追究。这妖瞳不仅可以令我继续坐稳族皇之位,还能让我修为尽快恢复巅峰。待我功力恢复了,你再来向我提及这事。” I and others was so long!” To does not regress not lightly. “我等不了那么久!”莫轻离毫不退步。 That pair of red gem pupil, full is the ray that renounces. 那双红色宝石般的眸子,满是决绝的光芒。 I know that the manner of father sovereign, you do not give my words now, later will not return.” “我知道父皇的为人,你现在不给我的话,以后更不会归还。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Bang......” phoenix dark blue palm shakes front table, its complexion gloomy, „does your big courage, dare to speak with me like this?” “砰……”凰沧一掌震断面前的桌子,其脸色已然阴沉了下来,“你好大的胆子,竟敢这样和我说话?” Meanwhile, defends hears the sound outside simultaneous/uniform Shou, flushed hastily. 与此同时,守在外面的齐狩听到动静,连忙冲了进来。 What happened?” “发生什么事了?” Looks kneels on the ground not light to the phoenix that and appearance is angry dark blue, simultaneous/uniform Shou as if guessed correctly anything, immediately consoles saying that your majesty appeases anger, the princess is muddled for a while, but also looks at your majesty to blame not!” 看着跪在地上的莫轻离以及容颜大怒的凰沧,齐狩似乎猜到了什么,立刻劝解道,“陛下息怒,公主殿下一时糊涂,还望陛下莫要责怪!” Get lost to me!” The phoenix dark blue to light berated to cold sound not. “给我滚出去!”凰沧对莫轻离冷声喝斥道。 However, light to is entirely still not as before. 然,莫轻离依旧纹丝不动。 She is staring at the angry phoenix dark blue, a character language, incomparably said decidedly, father sovereign, I am willing to use my eye, received exchange the eye of Chu Hen......” 她盯着愤怒的凰沧,一字一语,无比决然道,“父皇,我愿意用我的眼睛,换回楚痕的眼睛……” The instance that the voice drops, light turns to the jade palm not, wisp of light beam glitters from its finger/refers of seams. 话音落下的瞬间,莫轻离玉掌一翻,一缕光束从其指缝间闪烁而出。 Princess, cannot......” simultaneous/uniform Shou have a big shock. “公主殿下,不可……”齐狩大惊失色。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Is piercing the flesh the momentum to be startled together with the sharp sharp weapon, the left hand that leaves not lightly pastes directly above her left eye. 连同着尖锐利器刺穿血肉的声势惊起,莫轻离的左手直接是贴在她的左眼之上。 The bright warm blood, covers entirely instantaneously lightly not to that exquisite fine half face, and flows following its finger/refers of seam. 鲜艳温热的血液,瞬间布满莫轻离那小巧精致的半张面庞,且顺着其指缝中流淌而出。 Princess......” simultaneous/uniform Shou a face shocks, shivers. “公主殿下……”齐狩一脸震骇,颤抖不已。 The phoenix dark blue is also the both eyes circle opens the eyes, in the eye several desires spout the fire. 凰沧亦是双目圆睁,眼中几欲喷出火来。 Putting down that the left hand that leaves not lightly shivers, in her left eye braves the bloody water unceasingly, following the cheek, falling one after another on the floor tile, a point flower petal that such as blooms. 莫轻离的左手颤抖的放下,她的左眼之中不断冒着血水,顺着面颊,一滴一滴的滑落在地砖上,如绽放开来的点点花瓣。 You......” straight trembling of phoenix dark blue air/Qi. “你……”凰沧气的直发抖。 He looks lightly not to referring to that wisp of sharp light beam between seams, that light beam is all over the body glittering and translucent carving, like a colored sending hairpin. 他看着莫轻离指缝间的那一缕尖锐的光束,那道光束通体晶莹剔透,就像一支彩色的发簪。 Ices holds breath cold air that the soul needle......” simultaneous/uniform Shou cannot bear. “冰魂针……”齐狩忍不住的倒吸一口凉气。 He looks that leaves not lightly, does not endure completely. 他看着莫轻离,满是不忍。 Princess, why bother is your?” “公主殿下,你这又是何苦呢?” It is well known, after cultivation base is the Great Saint King Realm level, limbs restoration that can the command be damaged slowly. 众所周知,修为达到大圣王境的层次之后,是可以慢慢的令受损的肢体复原的。 However, this world has some divine tools or the rare treasures can create the permanent injury. 但是,这世间却是有一些神器或者异宝能够造成永久性的伤势。 By severe wound that these divine tools create, is unable the torsion recovery. 被那些神器所造成的重伤,是无法扭转恢复的。 But, light in that ice soul needle to hand is having the strength of this severe wound not. 而,莫轻离手中的那支“冰魂针”正有着这种重伤之力。 In other words, light punctures the blind that eye to oneself not, forever steadily. 也就是说,莫轻离自己刺瞎的那只眼睛,永远都长不出来了。 ...... …… The blood lies down to fill her beautiful cheek. 鲜血躺满她那美丽的面颊。 Before then, she has a pair of very attractive pupil. 在这之前,她有着一双非常漂亮的眸子。 Like the red gem, making the innumerable young women in clan envy. 就像红色的宝石一样,令族内的无数年轻女性都非常羡慕。 ...... …… Now, not light to personally beautiful destroying that this heaven gives. 现在,莫轻离亲手将这份上天赋予的美丽摧毁。 Vacillation that she has no as before. 她依旧没有任何的动摇。 Father sovereign, my eye...... is used to receive in exchange Chu Hen demon eyes, if you did not think that satisfied, this eye also one and gives you......” “父皇,我的这只眼睛……用来换回楚痕妖瞳,倘若你觉得不满意的话,这只眼睛也一并给你……” Then, light to lifts that ice soul needle in hand not again. 说完,莫轻离再次抬起手中的那支冰魂针。 ...... …… Stop!” Phoenix dark blue that swings because of the sound biography that angry shivers, his pair of fist gets hold, loosens again, on the face is exuding ice-cold laughing, is very good, very good...... starting today, I do not want to see you again......” “住手!”凰沧那因愤怒而颤抖的声音传荡开来,其双拳握紧,再松开,脸上泛着冰冷的嗤笑,“很好,很好……从今天开始,我不想再见到你……” Then, the phoenix dark blue palm concentrates, the complicated light mark goes toward its left eye collection. 说罢,凰沧掌心一凝,千丝万缕的光纹朝着其左眼汇集而去。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Under one group of red rays, the phoenix dark blue left eye was separated from his eye socket immediately. 在一团红色的光芒下,凰沧的左眼随即脱离了他的眼眶。 Then, in the phoenix dark blue that empty eye socket appears again one group of soft lights, another eye also grows. 接着,凰沧那空洞的眼窝之中再次浮现出一团柔光,另外一只眼睛又随之生长出来。 But, is separated from that eye of phoenix dark blue eye socket glows monster different purple glow unexpectedly. 而,脱离凰沧眼眶的那只眼睛竟是焕发出一阵妖异的紫芒 That jet black pupil is dragging the light of evil charm. 那漆黑的瞳孔摇曳着邪魅之光。 At once, the phoenix dark blue raises hand to wield, the eye that group of purple rays cover also flies to the main hall leaves not lightly. 旋即,凰沧扬手一挥,那团紫色光芒笼罩的眼睛随之飞向大殿下方的莫轻离。 The latter stretches out by the blood-stained small hand, cautious its income transparent crystal bottle. 后者伸出被鲜血染红的小手,小心翼翼的将其收入一个透明的水晶瓶中。 On his face exudes is wiping the gratified smile. 其脸上泛着一抹欣慰的笑容。 This smile, is hunting together looks like, made one to feel incomparable loving dearly simply. 这份笑容,在齐狩看来,简直叫人感到无比的心疼。 Brings back the eye of Chu Hen, she smiled. 拿回楚痕的眼睛,她笑了。 The first wisp of smile that for serveral days showed. 这些天露出的第一缕微笑。 Actually is such crabbedness. 却是那样的艰涩。 Such heartrending does not endure. 那样的令人心碎不忍。 Multi- Mr. Xie sovereign......” not light to swaying standing up. “多谢父皇……”莫轻离摇摇晃晃的站起身来。 Go away!” The phoenix dark blue shouted sternly. “滚!”凰沧厉声喝道。 Not lightly to turning around to walk toward the main hall outside, limps in the remnant butterfly like the wind. 莫轻离转身朝着大殿外面走去,步履蹒跚的就像风中残蝶。 Princess......” “公主殿下……” simultaneous/uniform Shou wants to pursue, but dark blue was drunk directly by the phoenix. 齐狩想要追出去,但直接被凰沧喝住。 Leave alone she!” “别管她!” ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” At this moment, the outside startling thunderclap interlocks, the cold wind gets up suddenly. 就在这时,外面惊雷交错,凛风骤起。 Thunder and lightning shuttle back and forth in the dark cloud. 一道道雷电在乌云中穿梭。 With rapid cold wind, rain cats and dogs under. 伴随着急骤的凛风,大雨倾盆而下。 Not lightly to that lonely form disappearance slowly in the curtain of rain, like by the breaking wing butterfly that the wind and rain swallows. 莫轻离那孤单的身影慢慢的消失在雨幕中,就像被风雨吞噬的断翼蝴蝶。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ( Day elder brother who thanks like reading ten thousand bestows, today also has renewal!!!) (感谢“爱看书的天哥”万赏,今天还有更新!!!)
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