UMDK :: Volume #16

#1511: Having a guilty conscience

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! That is, eyes of Emperor white......” “那是,白帝的眼睛……” The Bai Qianyu red lip sips lightly, in a pair of clear pupil is exuding the ripple mark. 白浅予红唇轻抿,一双清眸之中泛着点点涟纹。 Chu Hen brow light wrinkle, double pupil evil charm and sacredness. 楚痕眉头轻皱,双眸邪魅而又神圣。 A purple gold/metal, if strength of coexistence god monster. 一紫一金,如若神妖之力共存。 Why?” The sinking sound asked. “为什么?”其沉声问道。 The Bai Qianyu jade handles gently grasps, shakes the head to say slightly, temporarily does not know replaces with anything, therefore......” 白浅予玉手轻握,微微摇头道,“只是暂时不知道用什么代替,所以就……” The Bai Qianyu facial expression is slightly complex. 白浅予的神情略显复杂。 Any matter has nothing to do with her obviously. 明明什么事情都与她无关。 May stand in the Chu Hen front, as if somewhat indescribable is not comfortable. 可站在楚痕的面前,似乎有些难以言喻的不自在。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Together with a strange rhythm, the Chu Hen weak figure is trembling slightly, monster different purple glow and gorgeous Jin Hui in double pupil also restrain. 连同着一阵奇异的律动,楚痕虚弱的身形微微一颤,双眸之中的妖异紫芒和绚丽金晖也随之收敛下去。 Bai Qianyu heart slightly startled, she goes forward several steps, wants to support the opposite party, but is actually cannot help but stopped the footsteps. 白浅予心头微惊,她上前几步,欲扶住对方,但却是不由自主的又停住了脚步。 Chu Hen has not spoken again. 楚痕没有再说话。 It is supporting by the arm nearby chair, returns by the window. 其搀扶着旁边的椅子,重新回到窗户旁边。 ...... …… Long peace. 漫长的安静。 Two people keep mouth shut. 两人默默无言。 Chu Hen stands in the window, static is staring at out of the window, does not know that is thinking anything. 楚痕只是站在窗口,静静的盯着窗外,不知道在想着什么。 Bai Qianyu stands in his behind, is looking at the back of opposite party, in the heart is also the train of thought a great deal. 白浅予就站在他的身后,望着对方的背影,心中亦是思绪良多。 ...... …… You rest well, I went back!” “你好好休息,我回去了!” Half sound, Bai Qianyu saying a few words gently, turn around to walk toward out of the door at once. 半响,白浅予轻轻的说出一句话,旋即转身朝着门外走去。 Did not say, doesn't see?” “不是说,再也不见么?” The faint tranquil sound conveyed from the rear area, arrives at entrance Bai Qianyu to live in the figure. 淡漠平静的声音从后方传来,走到门口的白浅予顿住了身形。 She is sideways to look. 她侧身回望。 Chu Hen has also turned around. 楚痕也已经是转过身来。 Two people vision connection, has the complex mood that one type is unable to explain. 两人目光交汇,有着一种无法言喻的复杂情绪。 Yes! Has reached an agreement no longer met......” “是啊!都已经说好了不再见面的……” Bai Qianyu stretch/leisurely gently has the one breath, then does intentionally with ease shifts to elsewhere the beautiful pupil. 白浅予轻轻的舒出一口气,然后故作轻松的将美眸转向别处。 This time seemed like me to break the rules!” “这次好像是我犯规了呢!” Why can go back on word?” Chu Hen looks the peerless appearance that the opposite party that brings disaster on the nation and people sufficiently, the tone light brings a deepness, why...... can help me?” “为什么要食言?”楚痕看着对方那足以祸国殃民的绝世容颜,语气平淡中带着一丝深沉,“为什么……要帮我?” The Chu Hen look, is tranquil and profound. 楚痕的眼神,平静而又深邃。 As if one does not pay attention, will fall into. 仿佛一不注意,就会陷入其中。 Receives Chu Hen vision at this moment, that aloof before Bai Qianyu and faint is actually hard to show again. 接收到楚痕此刻的目光,白浅予之前的那番高冷和淡漠却是难以再展现出来。 Before was she says obviously. 之前明明是她自己说的。 That is last day. 那是最后一天。 Later even if Chu Hen sees her, do not pursue again. 以后就算楚痕见到她,都不要再追上去。 Has reached an agreement, does not see! 都已经说好了,再也不见! At this moment, two people another close. 此时此刻,两人又一次的近在咫尺。 ...... …… The Bai Qianyu beautiful eye lifts lightly, the pretty sexy look pupil imitates , if there is stars to move. 白浅予美目轻抬,楚楚动人的桃花眼眸仿若有着星辰在动。 She is facing up to Chu Hen. 她正视着楚痕 The gentle voice said that „before me thinks, you are only a passer-by......, but afterward, I know, you are a tribulation that I am destined. I should feel, after I can tribulation rebirth, but, sees you again, my inexorable fate is eventually difficult to escape......” 柔声说道,“我之前以为,你只是一个过路人……但后来,我才知道,你是我命中注定的一个劫。我本该觉得,我会劫后重生,可是,再见到你,我终究还是劫数难逃……” The Bai Qianyu sound is very light. 白浅予的声音很轻。 But the look so has never affirmed. 但眼神从未这般肯定过。 She grows a both feet to attract the sexy look of common people. 她长着一双足以魅惑苍生的桃花眼。 Also just like that inevitable peach blossom tribulation. 也正如那一场不可避免的桃花劫。 He is her tribulation. 他是她的劫。 Also is her life. 亦是她的命。 Comes from the place of eastern territory. 一个从东域之地而来。 Since childhood in Divine Eyes Sacred Clan. 一个自幼就在神眼圣族 Has a liking for as if should does not have any happening together two points, as if touches under the round wheel of destiny in the same place. 看上起似乎本该没有任何交集的两个点,仿佛在命运的圆轮下触碰在一起。 ...... …… Looks at the Bai Qianyu that flood red water pupil, Chu Hen is not saying a word slightly. 望着白浅予那微微泛红的水眸,楚痕却是一言不发。 Afterward, Bai Qianyu smiles, is sideways erases the corner of the eye to wipe the sparkling stone light conveniently. 随后,白浅予笑了笑,侧身随手抹掉眼角的一抹莹光。 When I talked nonsense, this time was I first goes back on word, after you had a clear conscience well......, I will really not say goodbye you.” “就当我胡说八道好了,这次是我先食言的,你问心无愧就好了……以后我真不会再见你了。” Then, Bai Qianyu is sideways to be about to leave again. 说完,白浅予再次侧身准备离开。 But , the Chu Hen sound also conveys. 而,紧接着,楚痕的声音随之传来。 If I do have a guilty conscience?” “若我问心有愧呢?” The Bai Qianyu tender body trembles, her backsight Chu Hen that pale pretty face, the flood red eye socket, was rotating the clear tears. 白浅予娇躯微颤,她回视楚痕那苍白的俊秀面庞,本就泛红的眼眶,不禁转动着清泪。 I have a guilty conscience......” the Chu Hen lip to touch gently, he is looking at Bai Qianyu, I should continue to pretend that does not know to......” “我问心有愧……”楚痕嘴唇轻轻触动,他望着白浅予,“我本该继续假装不知道才对……” Disguises? 假装? A Bai Qianyu white hands tight seizing women's clothing corner/horn, the pretty facial features full are surprised. 白浅予玉手紧紧的掐住衣裙一角,俏丽的面容满是惊疑。 You?” “你?” Can deceive you, but I do not have the means to deceive itself......” Chu Hen to say in a soft voice, „, therefore, I have had a guilty conscience.” “可以骗过你,但我没办法骗自己……”楚痕轻声说道,“所以,我一直问心有愧。” ...... …… This world, what is sharpest is not a blade. 这个世间,最为锋利的并不是刀刃。 But is the talk between lovers of person of caring. 而是在意之人的情话。 The blade can offend somebody. 刀刃可以伤人。 But, the talk between lovers can actually puncture the heart. 但,情话却能刺心。 ...... …… Is facing Chu Hen this sudden words, Bai Qianyu seems helpless. 面对着楚痕这突如其来的一番话,白浅予显得不知所措。 Afterward, her small mouth selects, the sound leads to sob, what your is? I had thought that lost face very much, you added that anything has a guilty conscience...... is really a bastard, initially in should make you fascinated die considered as finished......” 随后,她小嘴微挑,声音带着一丝哽咽道,“你这算是什么?我已经觉得很丢脸了,你还说什么问心有愧……真是个混蛋,当初在就应该让你‘入魔’死了算了……” Then, Bai Qianyu turns around to run instantly in the room. 说完,白浅予即刻转身跑出了屋内。 ...... …… Yes!” Chu Hen sighed one lightly, initially should make me die considering as finished.” “是啊!”楚痕轻叹一声,“当初就应该让我死了算了。” At once, Chu Hen arrives at the bedside, sitting down slowly. 旋即,楚痕走到床边,缓缓的坐下。 It puts out a hand touching gently to own left eye position. 其伸手轻轻的摸到自己的左眼位置。 „!” “噌!” Wipes the intense space law to be turbulent, in that quiet cold profound pupil is flashing a wisp of sacred golden ray. 一抹强烈的空间律动荡起,那幽冷深邃的瞳孔之中闪动着一缕神圣的金色光芒。 ...... …… In an instant. 转眼间。 Three days of time passes quietly. 三天时间悄然而逝。 An environment quiet and beautiful puddle edge, Chu Hen sits well on a Tan rock. 一处环境清幽的水潭边缘,楚痕端坐于谭边的一块岩石上。 His both eyes shut lightly, each breath expiration and inspiration causes the peripheral space one and for it rhythm time. 其双目轻闭,每一次的呼吸吐纳都引得周边的空间一并为之律动。 „......” “噌……” Unexpectedly, Chu Hen both eyes lift, in both eyes erupts together monster different purple glow and holy Jin Hui impressively. 蓦地,楚痕双目掀开,双瞳之中赫然爆发出一道妖异的紫芒和圣洁的金晖。 Two different color pupils are all having especially powerful space rhythm. 两种不同颜色的瞳孔皆是产生着尤为强大的空间律动。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The front that puddle unexpectedly is hollow getting down slowly, the Chu Hen corner of the eye one cold, the next flash, in the deep pool the water was actually separated from the earth's attraction one after another, rises the upper air with the steady stance. 紧接着,前方的那座水潭竟是缓缓的凹陷下去,楚痕眼角一凛,下一瞬间,潭中之水却是接连脱离了地心引力,以平稳的姿态升上高空。 The suddenly time, the spring water in entire deep deep pool all passed over gently and swiftly. 眨眼的功夫,整个深潭之中的泉水全部都掠过一空。 Sky over the Chu Hen top of the head is also collecting a giant water ball. 楚痕的头顶上空随之汇集着一颗巨大的水球。 In the interior of water ball, in seeing that can be clear about has the fish, the turtle, the crab and other lifeform is hovering back and forth. 在水球的内部,可以清楚的看见里面有鱼,龟,蟹等一些生物在来回游动。 ...... …… Then, the Chu Hen intention moves, in the left eye flashes the cold glow. 接着,楚痕心意一动,左眼之中一闪寒芒。 Bang whish!” “轰哗!” That group giant water ball is falls in directly Huitan, one and falls together with the water in fish and shrimp. 那团巨大的水球直接是坠回潭中,连同着水中的鱼虾一并落下。 ...... …… Water moist surges, spray splash. 水潮翻腾,浪花飞溅。 Chu Hen vision still looks at present this. 楚痕目光平定的看着眼前这一幕。 Has to plant is not pleased by external gains, being saddened by personal losses calm calm. 有种不以物喜,不以己悲的淡定从容。 ...... …… What's wrong? Did the god eyes present the repel?” “怎么了?神眼出现排斥了吗?” At this time, the Bai Qianyu sound conveyed from the rear area. 这时,白浅予的声音从后方传来。 Chu Hen turns round to look is standing that say/way simple and beautiful refined bright and beautiful beautiful figure near waterwheel, then shakes the head. 楚痕回身望着站在水车边的那道清丽脱俗的明秀倩影,然后摇了摇头。 Two strengths are very harmonious......” “两种力量很融洽……” Really?” “真的?” Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil one bright, then the figure moves, flashes plunders to the Chu Hen side. 白浅予美眸一亮,接着身形一动,闪掠至楚痕的身边。 Chu Hen nods. 楚痕点点头。 Somewhat mysterious!” Bai Qianyu somewhat seems to be accidental/surprised, „before me, was worried that can present the repel, never expected that you really can adapt to this eye......” “有些神奇呢!”白浅予似乎有些意外,“我之前还担心会出现排斥,没想到你真的能适应这只眼睛……” Chu Hen shows a faint smile. 楚痕微微一笑。 The sensation that the can be clear about to the great power in this god eyes containing. 其能够清楚的感知到这只神眼之中所蕴含的强大力量。 However, Chu Hen facial color quickly cold, in the pupil has cold intent to surge faintly. 不过,楚痕面色很快就冷了下来,眸中隐隐有着冷意涌动。 My condition has restored similar......” “我状态已经恢复的差不多了……” Bai Qianyu is startled. 白浅予一怔。 She naturally knows meaning that the opposite party these words contain. 她自然知道对方这句话所蕴藏的意思。 „Do you want to go to the maple tree wing day valley?” “你要去枫翼天谷?” Chu Hen stands up, is sending out the cold cream chill in the air from top to bottom. 楚痕站起身来,浑身上下散发着冷霜般寒意。 I must bring back my thing......” “我要拿回我的东西……”
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