UMDK :: Volume #16

#1510: Eyes of Emperor white

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Maple tree wing day valley! 枫翼天谷! In Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group. 圣翼天炎雀族群之中。 What mighty main hall interior end is resplendent in gold and jade green, the floor tile that the black precious jade spreads steps on above has a not being able to say sense of reality. 气势恢宏的大殿内部端的是金碧辉煌,黑色珍贵玉石铺成的地砖踩在上面有种说不出来的质感。 At this time, outside the main hall heard steady sound of footsteps. 这时,大殿之外传来一阵平稳的脚步声。 Has the heroic spirit together, the young man who wears silver Saint armor also steps into the palace. 一道颇具英气,身披银色圣甲的年轻男子随之踏入殿中。 Subordinate simultaneous/uniform Shou, see clan sovereign Sir......” “属下齐狩,参见族皇大人……” The men march into the main hall center, is full of respectfully the person is saluting to pay respect to the palace. 男子步入大殿中央,饶有恭敬的对着殿上之人行礼参拜。 Above the main hall, sits a middle-aged man who wears the emperor long gown. 正殿上方,坐着一个身着帝王长袍的中年男人。 This human eye corner/horn is long and narrow, the frown with it beard and hair is the scarlet color, this person is not others, is the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird current clan sovereign, the ocean extinguishes. 此人眼角狭长,双眉与之须发皆是赤红之色,这人不是别人,正是圣翼天炎雀现任的族皇,溟灭。 In, the both sides of main hall, is standing a high-level personnel of numerous day flame bird population. 在,大殿的两侧,站着一众天炎雀族群的高层人员。 Looks at simultaneous/uniform Shou, the people all are the corner of the eye narrow the eyes lightly, on the face is exuding some meanings of teasing faintly. 看着走进来的齐狩,众人皆是眼角轻眯,脸上隐隐泛着些许戏谑之意。 ...... …… simultaneous/uniform Shou commands the dispense with ceremony!” The ocean extinguishes light saying. “齐狩统帅免礼!”溟灭淡淡的说道。 Many thanks clan sovereign!” simultaneous/uniform Shou lifts the head slightly, at once asks, does not know that under the clan sovereign Sir did summon comes to have what instruction?” “多谢族皇!”齐狩微微抬首,旋即问道,“不知族皇大人召唤属下前来有何吩咐?” The ocean extinguishes had not replied, but asked that simultaneous/uniform Shou commanded, how did this sovereign treat you?” 溟灭并未回答,而是反问道,“齐狩统帅,本皇待你如何?” The simultaneous/uniform hunting vision concentrates, at once replies, clan sovereigns treat me very well......” 齐狩目光微凝,旋即回答,“族皇待我很好……” Hehe.” The ocean extinguishes says with a smile, simultaneous/uniform Shou, this sovereign has thought highly of you, although you are the phoenix dark blue personal bodyguard, but I still recognized you...... may you......” “呵呵。”溟灭笑道,“齐狩,本皇一直都非常器重你,虽然你是凰沧的贴身护卫,但我仍旧对你非常赏识……可你……” The ocean extinguishes sound, a look cold say/way, why can betray in me?” 溟灭声音一顿,眼神一凛道,“为何要背叛于我?” Betrayal! 背叛! Is listening to these two characters, the numerous ethnic group high level above main hall all looks the cold glow, aura that is sending out cold solemn. 听着这两个字,大殿之上的众多族群高层皆是面露寒芒,一个个散发着冷肃的气息。 But, simultaneous/uniform Shou is calm standing on the spot. 而,齐狩却是一脸平静的站在原地。 Seemingly does not have the half a point flurried meaning. 看上去没有半分慌乱之意。 Clan sovereign Sir what this word? Subordinates puzzled......” “族皇大人何出此言?属下不解……” Snort, simultaneous/uniform does Shou, you also act in a play here?” A figure thin and tall old man stands to come, points at simultaneous/uniform Shou to shout, several days ago, did you go to cry loudly abyss at the back of us ‚’?” “哼,齐狩,你还在这里演戏?”一个身形瘦高的老者站上前来,指着齐狩喝道,“几天前,你是不是背着我们去了‘嚎哭深渊’?” Yes!” simultaneous/uniform Shou replied calmly. “是!”齐狩镇定的回答。 You do not know that cries loudly abyss is the restricted area of clan? Anybody does not have the instruction of clan sovereign Sir on the intruder, is the big crime!” “你难道不知道‘嚎哭深渊’是本族的禁地?任何人没有族皇大人的指示就闯入者,都是大罪!” I know.” “我知道。” Therefore? What do you go to there to make?” “所以呢?你去那里做什么?” Sees phoenix dark blue your majesty, wants to draw out " Big Slaughter Demon Record » whereabouts from his mouth...... the gift clan sovereign Sir......” simultaneous/uniform Shou is still calm. “见凰沧陛下,想从他的口中套出《大屠魔录》的下落……赠予族皇大人……”齐狩仍旧是一脸平静。 One hear of this words, the corner of the eye of people all shrinks faintly. 一听此言,众人的眼角皆是隐隐一缩。 The ocean extinguishes the figure slightly leans forward, looks the color of pondering. 溟灭身形微微前倾,面露玩味之色。 „, Was an sovereign wrongly accuses you?” “如此说来,是本皇错怪你了?” Subordinate does not dare!” “属下不敢!” «Big Slaughter Demon Record» that you said?” “那,你说的《大屠魔录》呢?” Had not found!” “没有找到!” ...... …… Snort, simply utter nonsense.” That thin and tall old man big hand wields, points at simultaneous/uniform Shouma saying that „your boy rested here to act in a play, but also really worked as three -year-old young child us?” “哼,简直一派胡言。”那瘦高的老者大手一挥,指着齐狩骂道,“你这厮休得才这里演戏了,还真把我们当三岁小儿了么?” Is believed by you, simultaneous/uniform Shou is speechless!” “信不信由你们,齐狩无话可说!” Hehe, simultaneous/uniform did Shou hunt...... you really is also serious oneself together?” The old man sneers, turns around in the ocean to palace to extinguish at once said, clan sovereign, this simultaneous/uniform Shou harbors the disloyalty, remaining absolutely is being a disaster, for clan in calm and steady, after the subordinate requested earnestly the clan sovereigns to kill him quick, warned others against following a bad example......” “呵呵,齐狩啊齐狩……你还真把自己当回事了吗?”那老者冷笑不已,旋即转身对殿上的溟灭道,“族皇,这齐狩怀有异心,留着绝对是个祸患,为了族内安稳,属下恳请族皇将其杀之后快,以儆效尤……” Great cedar elder said is extremely.” “弘杉长老所言极是。” Good that said that I support the approach of great cedar elder.” “说的不错,我支持弘杉长老的做法。” Uneven hunting wild ambition, its crime, when executes.” “齐狩狼子野心,其罪当诛。” ...... …… The main hall high and low voice is neat. 大殿上下的声音整齐一致。 All approves of the behavior of that thin and tall old man. 皆是赞同那瘦高老者的行为。 ...... …… The ocean extinguishes does not worry actually, its looks at simultaneous/uniform Shou indifferently. 溟灭倒是并不着急,其淡然的看着齐狩。 What you also had to say?” “你还有什么想说的吗?” The simultaneous/uniform hunting physique is stiff, extinguishes that sharp incomparable look facing the ocean, not half a point scared look. 齐狩身姿挺直,面对溟灭那犀利无比的眼神,并无半分惧色。 simultaneous/uniform Shou is speechless......” “齐狩无话可说……” Very good!” The ocean extinguishes the look to flash the cold light, comes the person, simultaneous/uniform Shoubang in offering a sacrifice to Temple of Heaven, imposes the punishment of burning sun......” “很好!”溟灭眼神一闪寒光,“来人,将齐狩绑在祭天坛上,处以毒火之刑……” Yes!” “是!” Out of the door walks several guards immediately. 门外顿时走进来几个守卫。 But, hears „the punishment of burning sun these four characters, simultaneous/uniform Shou the complexion has also changed faintly. 而,一听到“毒火之刑”这四个字,齐狩的脸色也隐隐有所变化。 The punishment of burning sun, is one of the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan highest penalties. 毒火之刑,乃是圣翼天炎雀一族最高刑罚之一。 This penalty will not make one be killed violently instantaneously. 这种刑罚不会让人在瞬间毙命。 The burning sun will be nibbling the body of receiving punishment slowly, when like bit by ten thousand ant bites, in the process is extremely painful, living to might as well die. 毒火会慢慢的蚕食着受刑者的躯体,介时就像被被万蚁蚀咬,过程中极度痛苦,生不如死。 Looks by several people of detains in custody simultaneous/uniform Shou, great cedar and the others on the faces shows the mean smile. 看着被几人押住的齐狩,弘杉等人的脸上都不禁露出阴狠的笑容。 ...... …… Unexpectedly, at this moment, a full huge imposing manner just like rapid storm comes outside the main hall. 蓦地,就在这时,一股铺天盖地的庞大气势犹如急骤暴风雨般的于大殿之外汹涌而来。 Works as!” “哐当!” Outside the main hall, the wind and thunder rolls. 大殿之外,风雷滚动。 The boundless dark cloud covers above the vault of heaven instantly, outside the palace becomes the night in the daytime instantaneously. 磅礴的乌云即刻笼罩于天穹之上,殿外瞬间于白昼变为黑夜。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? The people are all startled. 众人皆是一惊。 In the enormous and powerful terrifying imposing manner penetration main hall, bang bang bang......” sees is only detaining simultaneous/uniform Shou several guards, was shaken directly flies to throw off in the place. 紧接着,浩荡的恐怖气势贯入大殿之中,“砰砰砰……”只见押着齐狩的几个守卫,直接被震飞掀翻在地。 I looked that today who dares to kill him......” “我看今天谁敢杀他……” Has the emperor aggressive momentum shake to the entire palace inside and outside. 极具帝王霸气的声势震荡至整个宫殿内外。 Is hearing this sound, great cedar and the others the complexions immediately change. 听着这声音,弘杉等人的脸色顿时一变。 Sits above in Luandian ocean to extinguish the look one cold, cold sound shouted, phoenix, dark blue......” 坐于銮殿之上的溟灭眼神一凛,冷声喝道,“凰,沧……” Whish!” “哗!” The powerful aura of surging audience like the mountain oppression on the people, then in tandem two forms rides the wind to step into the palace. 激荡全场的强大气息就像山岳般压迫在众人身上,接着一前一后两道身影乘风踏入殿中。 Is the person of head, the figure is tall and strong. 为首之人,身形魁梧高大。 Has the frown of martial-looking air/Qi to enter the temple, although in the temples is doping the little white hair, but does not see the half a point senile from top to bottom. 极具英武之气的双眉入鬓,虽然鬓间掺杂着几许白发,但浑身上下不见半分老态。 Subordinate simultaneous/uniform Shou, kneels to welcome the clan sovereigns and princess......” “属下齐狩,跪迎族皇陛下和公主殿下……” simultaneous/uniform Shou knees down, looks the color of respect. 齐狩单膝跪地,面露尊敬之色。 This is veneration and awe of the heart. 这是发自内心的尊崇和敬畏。 simultaneous/uniform Shou, your big courage...... the clan sovereign Sir...... that great cedar shouted here sternly. “齐狩,你好大的胆子……族皇大人在这里……”那弘杉厉声喝道。 Snort!” simultaneous/uniform Shou sets out, looks askance to sweep to the great cedar, in the foreheads completely obviously proudly, in my simultaneous/uniform Shou eyes, this clan forever only then a clan sovereign, as for you, but is the counter- feudal official who the following defies superiors......” “哼!”齐狩起身,侧目扫向弘杉,眉宇间尽显傲然,“在我齐狩的眼里,本族永远只有一个族皇,至于你们,不过是以下犯上的反臣……” You......” “你……” The great cedar is at a loss for words for a while, does not know how to refute. 弘杉一时语塞,不知如何反驳。 Meanwhile, two invisible powerful imposing manner pressure connect in together, if the tide folds, causes the main hall space to shiver intermittently. 与此同时,两股无形的强大气势威压交汇在一起,如若浪潮叠起,引得大殿内部的空间阵阵颤抖。 The ocean extinguishes is sideways to sit on the throne as before, the indifferent vision is full is staring at the phoenix dark blue two people that ponders. 溟灭依旧是侧身坐在王座上,冷漠的目光饶有玩味的盯着凰沧二人。 Your father and daughter, have the confidence actually very much......” “你们父女二人,倒是很有信心……” Regarding the phoenix dark blue condition, the ocean extinguishes clearly. 对于凰沧的状态,溟灭最为清楚。 After the opposite party escape cries loudly the abyss, without the earliest possible time choice runs away, but came to here, many accidents/surprises. 对方逃出嚎哭深渊之后,没有第一时间选择逃走,而是来了这里,多少还是有些意外的。 You cannot put down, your throne?” The ocean extinguishes frivolous saying with a smile. “你就这么放不下,你的王位么?”溟灭轻浮的笑道。 Snort.” The phoenix dark blue surface flood one wipes to sneer, it points at the ocean to extinguish said, sits in this position you, with clumsy mischief-doer not different...... today, I must recapture here all......” “哼。”凰沧面泛一抹冷笑,其指着溟灭道,“坐在这个位置上的你,同跳梁小丑没什么两样……今日,我就要夺回这里的一切……” Depends on you?” The ocean extinguishes a face to disdain. “就凭你?”溟灭一脸不屑。 Even if my present condition is unsatisfactory, but must kill your ocean to extinguish the young child, has more than enough to spare......” “纵然我现在状态不佳,但要杀你溟灭小儿,还是绰绰有余……” Very good, since your father and daughter two deliver today, this sovereign one and solved you......” “很好,既然你们父女两个今天送上门来了,本皇就将你们一并解决了……” Then, the ocean extinguishes jumps to leap, raises the difficult situation boundless situation to take away as many things as possible toward the main hall under. 说罢,溟灭纵身一跃,掀起惊涛骇浪般的磅礴大势朝着大殿下方席卷而去。 Come just right......” in phoenix dark blue eye was disclosing little swift and fierce, it is also rides the wind to move, within the body erupts the vigorous red brilliance. “来的正好……”凰沧眼中透露着几许凌厉,其亦是乘风而动,体内爆发出雄浑的赤色光焰。 Bang......” “砰……” Two people are facing to raise a palm. 两人正面对掀一掌。 astral's fierce tide complementary waves sweep directly in the main hall, entire palace that the air wave of surging forward shakes fierce rocks anxiously. 一股罡猛的浪潮余波直接是于大殿之中扫荡开来,汹涌澎湃的气浪震的整个宫殿都剧烈的晃动不安。 Then, two people bodies raise imposing manner startled days respectively the class/flow glow light beams. 接着,两人的身上各自掀起一道道气势惊天的流芒光柱。 „!” “嗵!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… Two people change to together the light shadow direct impact simultaneously on, the peak palace passes through two openings directly. 两人同时化作一道光影直冲而上,直接是将宫殿的顶端贯穿两个豁口。 Leaves not lightly, simultaneous/uniform Shou, great the cedar and other main hall in the people leaves the palace instantly, rapid arrival outside. 莫轻离,齐狩,弘杉等大殿内的众人即刻离开宫殿,迅速的到达外面。 ...... …… At this moment, an entire Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan all went haywire. 此刻,整个圣翼天炎雀一族全部陷入了混乱之中。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What having was?” “发生什么是了?” Phoenix dark blue clan sovereigns from crying loudly the abyss escaped.” “凰沧族皇从嚎哭深渊逃出来了。” What?” “什么?” ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Gloomy, blustery. 天昏地暗,风起云涌。 Sweeps across the entire vault of heaven the dark cloud storm to be frightening near the world like the end. 席卷整个天穹的乌云风暴就像末日临世般令人心惊胆颤。 ...... …… The ocean extinguishes, the phoenix dark blue is built on east and west of the main hall sky respectively, if the powerful imposing manner two fierce tigers confront to fight. 溟灭,凰沧各自立于大殿东西两侧的上空,强大的气势如若两尊猛虎对峙争锋。 Phoenix dark blue, you have defeated in my hand previous time, this time you are make same mistakes over again saying that......” ocean extinguishes coldly. “凰沧,你已经败在我手上一次了,这次你不过是重蹈覆辙罢了……”溟灭冷冷的说道。 Snort, previous time you are unprepared while me, this time I can asking for of both capital and interest come back.” “哼,上次你不过是趁我不备,这次我会连本带利的讨回来。” Indulges in fantasy......” “异想天开……” The ocean extinguishes in the pupil to divulge the cold and gloomy chill in the air. 溟灭眸中宣泄出森冷的寒意。 Then, it appears behind suddenly a huge Saint bird empty shadow. 接着,其身后豁然浮现出一尊庞大的圣雀虚影。 Cry......” “唳……” The resonant soaring Saint bird long and loud cry startled day, the pair of wings stretches, drags to entrain the dreadful gray cool flame dark blue to throw toward the phoenix. 嘹亮高昂的圣雀长啸惊天,双翼舒展,拖拽着滔天的灰色冷焰朝着凰沧扑去。 How before you lost, today in the same old way so......” “以前你怎么输的,今天照样如此……” Imaginary bird god day!” “幻雀神天!” The instance that the words fall, full powerful imposing manner in Mingmie within the body divulges eight sides. 话落的瞬间,铺天盖地的强大气势于溟灭的体内宣泄八方。 In an instant, below countless people cover entirely under the panic-stricken vision, sky over the highest heaven presents the distortion of dream shape impressively. 霎那间,在下方无数人布满惊骇的目光下,九霄上空赫然呈现出梦幻状的扭曲。 That whole body drags Saint bird empty shadow everywhere one visit of gray cool flame, the world is sinking to the thick darkness...... the night to fall suddenly, the evil big hand that if the nightmare extends, swallows the space range that the phoenix dark blue is at rapidly. 那座浑身摇曳着灰色冷焰的圣雀虚影所到之处,天地急剧沉入浓浓的黑暗之中……夜幕降临,如若梦魇伸出的邪恶大手,迅速吞噬着凰沧所在的空间范围。 The endless darkness, just like must dark blue entrain the bottom of abyss into will never stand up from failure the phoenix. 无尽的黑暗,宛如要将凰沧拽入永不翻身的深渊之底。 ...... …… Looks at this. 看着这一幕。 On the face of people are still has startled palpitates and dreads. 众人的脸上都是犹有惊悸和畏惧。 „The imaginary technique of ocean extermination of the clan sovereign unmanned solvable.” “溟灭族皇的幻术无人可解。” Yes! Previous phoenix dark blue your majesty is not because this loses?” “是啊!上次凰沧陛下不就是因为这样才输的吗?” ...... …… One is the new sovereign, one is the old lord. 一个是新皇,一个是旧主。 Regarding a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan, this situation is not willing to see. 对于圣翼天炎雀一族而言,这种情况并不愿意太想见到。 But, a mountain does not accommodate two tigers 可,一山不容二虎 Becoming the king, the defeated invader! 成者王,败者寇! Although many people dark blue were sorry about the past old lord phoenix, but was helpless. 虽然不少人都对昔日的旧主凰沧感到惋惜,可却无能为力。 ...... …… „!” “噌!” However, in that endless darkness is blocking the sky, a bone-chilling cold incomparable peerless point towering tearing vault of heaven, passes through the broken illusion. 然,就在那无尽的黑暗封锁着上空之时,一记凛冽无比的绝世锋芒突兀的撕裂天穹,贯破幻境而出。 „The sword of big slaughter demon!” “大屠魔之剑!” „......” A serious incomparable startled day explosive, vault of heaven entirely tremor, the highest heaven sways, together with the fission shatter dark curtain of night, one bunch of huge red day glow sword shades was passing through that Pang Dasheng bird empty shadow body like the god rainbow directly. “嗵……”的一声沉重无比的惊天爆响,天穹俱颤,九霄晃荡,连同着分裂破碎的黑暗夜幕,一束巨大的红色天芒剑影直接是如同神虹般贯穿了那尊庞大圣雀虚影的身躯。 „Is this?” “这是?” People entirely Jing of audience. 全场的众人俱惊。 „Was imaginary technique decoded?” “幻术被破解掉了?” ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” An enormous and powerful red light mark follows to swing in that Pang Dasheng bird empty shadow center, along with as innumerable was twisted the broken dark space as light luminary all, that illusory bird shadow is also the disintegration becomes myriad light shadow cyclones. 一圈浩荡的赤色光纹跟着在那庞大圣雀虚影的中央荡开,伴随着被无数到光曜尽数绞碎的黑暗空间,那尊虚幻的雀影亦是崩碎成万千的光影气旋。 But, in confused cyclone that in that howls recklessly, falls the distressed form of blood to crash from the upper air together directly under. 而,在那肆意呼啸的乱腾气旋之中,一道倾洒着鲜血的狼狈身影直接是从高空中坠落而下。 Is the ocean extermination of the clan sovereign!” “是溟灭族皇!” My God?” “我的天?” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” In innumerable double is flooding under the unbelievable vision, the ocean extinguishes is pounds to fall above the square in palace front directly. 在无数双充斥着难以置信的目光下,溟灭直接是砸落在宫殿前方的广场之上。 Meanwhile, void on all illusion empty shades disintegrate completely shatter. 与此同时,虚空上的所有幻象虚影全部瓦解破碎。 Innumerable say/way gorgeous colored light luminary falls , the phoenix dark blue flies high to stand, the King who if returns is overlooking below people. 无数道绚丽的彩色光曜倾洒而下,凰沧凌空而立,如若归来的王者般俯视着下方众人。 Snort, the ocean extinguishes, is this you depending on for the arrogant imaginary technique? Collapses at the first blow simply......” “哼,溟灭,这就是你赖以为傲的幻术么?简直不堪一击……” Whish!” “哗!” The powerful dignity attacks the audience. 强大的威严侵袭全场。 In an instant, headed by the ocean extinguishes the great cedar and other in numerous clan the high level look ashen all, frightens startled, if cicada. 霎那间,以溟灭为首的弘杉等一众族内高层无不面如土色,吓得惊若寒蝉。 ...... …… The ocean extinguishes one to cover the blood stream chest incessantly, swayed crawled from the ground, is face the meaning of shocking. 溟灭一手捂着血流不止的胸膛,摇摇晃晃的从地上爬了起来,更是一脸的震骇之意。 Unbelievable to the extreme. 难以置信到了极点。 How can?” It looks at Ling proud in the above phoenix dark blue, the pupil that the next flash, the ocean extinguishes closely shrinks, innermost feelings panic-stricken arrived at the degree of being hard duplicate/restores in addition directly. “怎么会?”其看着凌傲于上空的凰沧,下一瞬间,溟灭的瞳孔紧紧一缩,内心的惊骇直接是到达了难以复加的程度。 Sees only, the phoenix dark blue left eye, is glittering unexpectedly monster different purple glow. 只见,凰沧的左眼,竟然闪烁着一股妖异的紫芒 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Not is only the ocean extinguishes, everyone present is also the shock. 不仅仅是溟灭,在座的所有人也是震惊不已。 simultaneous/uniform Shouyi is the both eyes circle opens the eyes, a face is astonished. 齐狩亦是双目圆睁,一脸惊愕。 This, difficult, is rumor one of ten big most bloodline limit demon eyes?” “这,难,难道是传言中的十大最血脉界限之一‘妖瞳’?” Bang!” “轰隆!” An audience confusion. 全场一片混乱。 demon eyes , definitely was demon eyes...... only has demon eyes mistakenly, can see through all imaginary techniques.” 妖瞳,错不了,绝对是妖瞳……唯有妖瞳,可以看穿一切幻术。” Shock! 震惊! Accidental/Surprised! 意外! The people are startled and doubt. 众人又惊又疑。 In the eye that the ocean extinguishes trembles with fear with completely anxiously, this world, only has demon eyes to see through all imaginary techniques...... at this moment, in phoenix dark blue front, regardless of his imaginary technique what kind of peak makes extremely, unpredictable, exists in name only. 溟灭的眼中满是惊颤和不安,这世间,唯有妖瞳能够看穿一切幻术……此刻,在凰沧的面前,不论他的幻术如何的巅峰造极,变幻莫测,都形同虚设。 This is the inherent strength suppresses. 这是与生俱来的力量压制。 Does not have the means! 根本毫无办法! ...... …… I and others, welcomed your majesty to return!” “我等,恭迎陛下回归!” Numerous phoenix dark blue former subordinates focusing on simultaneous/uniform Shouwei are the knees kneel directly, shouts with one voice. 以齐狩为主的一众凰沧的旧部直接是双膝跪地,齐声呼喊。 Other clansmen present are also kneel welcome. 紧接着,在座的其他族人亦是跪地相迎。 Welcomed your majesty to return!” “恭迎陛下回归!” Your majesty invincible might, no one can!” “陛下神威,无人能及!” ...... …… Including great cedar and the others , the scared out of one's wits, kneels on the ground completely trembles. 包括弘杉等人,也全部都吓破胆,跪在地上直哆嗦。 On the face that the ocean extinguishes has covered entirely desperately. 溟灭的脸上已然布满绝望。 It is also weak kneels down. 其也是无力的跪倒在地。 I lost...... the crime feudal official ocean to extinguish, pleading your majesty to forgive!” “我输了……罪臣溟灭,恳求陛下饶命!” ...... …… Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈哈哈。” Looks submits to completely in the front ethnic group people, phoenix dark blue especially self-satisfied having a good laugh. 看着全部臣服在面前族群众人,凰沧尤为得意的仰天大笑。 ...... …… Welcomed your majesty!” “恭迎陛下!” Your majesty invincible might, no one can!” “陛下神威,无人能及!” ...... …… The neat loud and clear momentum single layer single layer, this once ruler, was then in power in a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan again. 整齐洪亮的声势一重接着一重,这个曾经的统治者,再次掌权于圣翼天炎雀一族。 Looks at the high-spirited, aggressive peerless phoenix dark blue, the innermost feelings of not lightly leaving are actually the five senses mixed become. 看着意气风发,霸气绝伦的凰沧,莫轻离的内心却是五味杂成。 She has not imagined like that happy. 她并没有想象中的那般高兴。 A pair of red pupil, has the dimness and desolate of not being able to say. 一双红色的眸子,却是有着说不出来的黯淡和落寞。 ...... …… ...... …… Mountain stream murmur, waterwheel rotation. 溪水潺潺,水车转动。 Near the mountain stream of beautiful scenery, a bamboo room accompanies. 山明水秀的溪涧边,一座竹屋相伴。 I think that you can explain?” “我想你能解释一下吗?” In the room, that say/way looks pale weak young form turning around of slowly, in the sound was disclosing the faint trace is quiet. 房间之中,那道面色苍白虚弱的年轻身影缓缓的转过身来,声音中透露着丝丝幽冷。 „!” “噌!” The strange space rhythm is startled, Chu Hen that does not see on the half a point blood-color pretty face, appears impressively a strange eye. 奇异的空间律动惊起,楚痕那不见半分血色的俊秀面庞上,赫然浮现出一双奇异的眼睛。 Purple demon eyes that , he is familiar with. 其中一只,正是他所熟悉的紫色妖瞳 But, another, is actually glowing the emperor dignified golden color pupil. 而,另外一只,却是焕发着帝王威严的金色瞳孔。 The different color pupils, coldly is staring Bai Qianyu that stands in the entrance, sacred and monster different coexists, has the strangeness of not being able to say. 不同颜色的瞳孔,冷冷的盯着站在门口的白浅予,神圣和妖异并存,有着说不出来的诡异。 The Bai Qianyu red lip sips, a pair of bright and beautiful sexy look exudes the faint trace to be complex. 白浅予红唇微抿,一双明秀的桃花眼泛着丝丝复杂。 That is...... the eyes of Emperor white......” “那是……白帝的眼睛……”
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