UMDK :: Volume #16

#1509: Sacred and monster different

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… The dying out demon spirits, buries the lonesome day to extinguish. 寂灭魔灵,葬寂天灭。 Ruinous storm first even/including of tearing world is destroying more than several hundred li (0.5 km) mountain range jungles. 撕裂天地的毁灭性风暴一连摧毁着数百余里的山脉丛林。 Chu Hen fights with it magnificence warm, what end is earth-shaking. 楚痕与之华温一战,端的是天翻地覆。 Great antiquity Saint clan. 洪荒圣族。 Sends out this grade of lineup to intercept Chu Hen. 派出这等阵容截杀楚痕 Should probably die the bureau. 本该是必死之局。 Who once thinks, Chu Hen completes to reverse at the final moment, completes instead kills certainly. 谁曾想到,楚痕在最后时刻完成扭转,完成绝地反杀。 Chu Hen......” has been isolated outside the combat zone not light to anxious, she rushes toward the front hastily. 楚痕……”一直被隔绝在战斗区域之外的莫轻离焦急不已,她连忙朝着前方奔去。 At this moment, the front battlefield has discussed for stretch of ruins. 此时此刻,前方的战场已然论为了一片废墟。 Originally green jungle all destroyed does not remain. 原本葱郁的丛林尽数被摧毁的一株不剩。 In ruins of rock avalanche, already sensation less than least bit magnificence warm aura. 岩石崩塌的废墟之中,早已感知不到半点华温的气息。 Just now that wild terrifying explosive force, is actually the dregs that the opposite party destroys does not remain directly. 方才的那股狂暴至极的恐怖爆炸力,却是直接将对方摧毁的连渣都不剩。 But, Chu Hen at this moment is also scarred, standing of its aura dispirited in quarry stone, is the whole body is the blood, the facial color especially is also pale. 而,此刻的楚痕也是伤痕累累,其气息萎靡的站在乱石之中,亦是浑身是血,面色尤为苍白。 You how?” Said to the anxious inquiry not lightly. “你怎么样?”莫轻离焦急的询问道。 The opposite party finish barely the words, a Chu Hen figure paralysis, weak in the future but actually will go. 对方话音未落,楚痕身形一瘫,无力的往后倒去。 To the Chu Hen access bosom, holds the shoulder of opposite party not lightly hastily, making his head depend on own crook of the elbow. 莫轻离连忙将楚痕接入怀中,扶着对方的肩膀,令其脑袋靠着自己的臂弯。 Quite tired......” “好累啊……” Chu Hen sound incomparably weak saying. 楚痕声音无比虚弱的说道。 Leaves not lightly aerobic and funny, but the eye socket is actually slightly flood red. 莫轻离又好气又好笑,但眼眶却是微微泛红。 Also was not you courts disaster...... this to know everywhere tired......” “还不是你到处惹祸……这会知道累了……” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth exude to wipe the smile, is very sleepy, do not get out of the way, I rest meet......” 楚痕嘴角泛起一抹笑容,“很困,你别走开,我就睡一会……” The low and deep weak sound just like the mosquito black fly, the greatest exhausted feeling of weariness wells up, the consciousness of Chu Hen also sinks to the stupor. 低沉微弱的声音犹如蚊蚋,莫大的疲惫倦意涌来,楚痕的意识随之沉入昏迷之中。 The intense war, has exhausted Chu Hen, therefore physical strength. 刚才的激烈大战,已然耗尽了楚痕的所以体力。 Especially finally magnificence warm erupts strikes at risk of life, its impulse, made Chu Hen encounter a big wound sufficiently. 尤其是最后华温爆发出来的拼死一击,其冲击力之强,也足以令楚痕遭遇不小的创伤。 ...... …… Looks by, in own cherished lethargic sleep past Chu Hen, light to had not being able to say complex not. 看着靠在自己怀中昏睡过去的楚痕,莫轻离却是有种说不出来的复杂。 She witnesses this young man to grow with own eyes step by step gradually. 她是亲眼见证这个年轻的男人一步一步逐步成长起来的。 From the eastern territory border that small hundred country states, again to today's land land. 从东域边境那个小小的百国州,再到今天的中陆大地。 From past obscure, until now famous. 从以往的默默无闻,再到如今的名扬天下。 She witnessed Chu Hen in each footprint that on a martial arts way treads. 她目睹了楚痕在武道一途上所踏出的每一步脚印。 ...... …… You are very extraordinary!” “你真的很了不起呢!” To said not lightly in a soft voice. 莫轻离轻声说道。 Meanwhile, drop of clear teardrops actually fall quietly, drop gently in the space between eyebrows of Chu Hen. 同时,一滴晶莹的泪珠却是悄然滑落,轻轻的滴在楚痕的眉间。 Facial expression incomparable complex that leaves not lightly. 莫轻离的神情无比的复杂。 In her eyes, filled greatest struggling. 在她的眼中,充满了莫大的挣扎。 She looks at the Chu Hen close face, the finger pinches mutually in the same place, the nail deep stalemate palm. 她看着楚痕近在咫尺的面庞,手指相互掐在一起,指甲都深深的陷入掌心。 Scruple! 迟疑! Indecisive! 犹豫不决! Anxious struggling! 一种揪心的挣扎! Why do you want to fall asleep? Why at this time?” “为什么你要睡着?为什么偏偏是在这个时候?” The innermost feelings of not lightly leaving just like getting sucked in vortex. 莫轻离的内心宛如深陷于漩涡之中。 In the mind also appeared last night in crying loudly the abyss with the father sovereign phoenix dark blue talk. 其脑海中随之浮现出昨夜在嚎哭深渊中与之父皇凰沧的谈话。 ...... …… ...... …… By cultivation base that hunts together, even if he left behind the seal gap to you, you are unable safe and sound flees?” “以齐狩的修为,就算他给你留下了封印缺口,你也无法安然无恙的逃离出来吧?” Father sovereign really predicts with great accuracy...... after breaking through the seal, I ran into a person.” “父皇果然料事如神……在冲破封印之后,我遇到了一个人。” What person?” “什么人?” „A person who has Demon Eyes Sacred Body bloodline limit, with his help, my cultivation base not only re-entered the peak, but can also break through Great Saint King Realm.” “一个身怀妖瞳圣体血脉界限的人,在他的帮助下,我修为不仅重回了巅峰,还得以突破了大圣王境。” So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Listens to leave to say not lightly, phoenix dark blue look slightly cold. 听着莫轻离所言,凰沧不禁眼神微凛。 Means that father sovereign, you thinks of? What can I make?” To serious asking, the urgent matter, she must rescue the opposite party not lightly cries loudly the abyss. “父皇,你想到出去的办法没有?我能做什么?”莫轻离郑重的问道,当务之急,她要将对方救出嚎哭深渊。 Has!” The phoenix dark blue returns said. “有!”凰沧回道。 What means?” Leaves a pupil not lightly brightly one. “什么办法?”莫轻离眼眸一亮。 A few words that however, the phoenix dark blue then spoke, made to leave immediately not lightly helplessly. 然,凰沧接下来所说的一句话,顿时令莫轻离不知所措。 flatter leaves...... me to want you to go to one of the belt/bring that person demon eyes to come back......” “阿离……我要你去带那个人的一只‘妖瞳’回来……” Works as!” “哐当!” If passes through the startling thunderclap of whole body together. 如若一道贯穿全身的惊雷。 Leaves a face to be unbelievable not lightly. 莫轻离一脸难以置信。 Father sovereign, you......” “父皇,你……” Even if I left here, must recapture the position of clan sovereign......, but, depends on my present condition, is not opponent who the ocean extinguishes. The ocean extinguishes is imaginary technique that’ most excels, but, demon eyes is the difficult adversary of imaginary technique...... you comes back one that person of demon eyes belt/bring exactly to me, I can defeat the ocean to extinguish, wields the ethnic group......” “就算我离开了这里,也必须要夺回族皇之位……不过,就凭我现在的状态,并非溟灭的对手。溟灭最为擅长的就是‘幻术’,而,妖瞳恰好就是幻术的克星……你将那人的妖瞳带回来一只给我,我就能打败溟灭,重新执掌族群……” Listens to the phoenix dark blue saying that leaves a mind confusion not lightly. 听着凰沧所言,莫轻离心神一片混乱。 Father sovereign, I cannot be...... him to help you like this recapture the throne, he has this ability......” “父皇,我不能这样做……他可以帮你夺回皇位的,他有这个能力……” Snort, my phoenix dark blue is the king of Saint bird, how also to make the person clan meddle internal fight of this clan...... let alone, if I did not kill that ocean to extinguish the young child personally, how could in the clan odd/surplus numerous did take me?” “哼,我凰沧乃是圣雀之王,又岂会让人族插手本族的内斗……更何况,我若不亲手杀了那溟灭小儿,族内余众又岂能服我?” The phoenix dark blue cold sound said. 凰沧凛声说道。 Father sovereign......” light to also wants to urge not again. “父皇……”莫轻离还欲再劝。 But, the phoenix dark blue hits to block the way directly, flatter leaves, how long had been stranded for the father here, you clearest...... I have been waiting for an opportunity, now the opportunity has come. So long as you help bring demon eyes for the father, all that we lose, come back asking for of both capital and interest.” 而,凰沧直接打断道,“阿离,为父已经在这里被困了多久,你最清楚……我一直在等一个机会,现在机会已经来了。只要你帮为父带回来一只妖瞳,我们所失去的一切,都将连本带利的讨回来。” To does not know not lightly can also say anything. 莫轻离已经不知道还能说什么了。 From infancy to maturity, she can not listen to any words, but is unable only the disobedient phoenix dark blue. 从小到大,她可以不听任何的话,但唯独无法忤逆凰沧。 flatter leaves, waits for you for the father here!” “阿离,为父在这里等你!” ...... …… ...... …… Why at this time? 为什么偏偏是在这个时候? Looks is getting sucked into the stupor, aura waste weak Chu Hen, light to like struggles in the mire not. 望着深陷昏迷之中,气息靡弱的楚痕,莫轻离就像在泥潭中挣扎一样。 Then, her deep closed the eyes, opens again slowly. 接着,她深深的闭上了双眼,再缓缓睁开。 Looks down Chu Hen in bosom, saying of incomparably guilty ashamed apology, sorry, I cannot make my father sovereign keep that not to have the daylight place forever forever......” 低头看着怀中的楚痕,无比内疚愧歉的说道,“对不起,我不能让我父皇永远留在那个永无天日的地方……” Saying, not lightly to the finger that lifting to shiver slowly reached the left cheek of Chu Hen. 说着,莫轻离抬起颤抖的手指缓缓的伸向楚痕的左边面颊。 ...... …… ...... …… The green green mountain range deep place fog winds around. 苍翠葱郁的山脉深处云雾缭绕。 For example the Tienchu great peak enters the clouds. 一座座譬如天柱般的巨峰直入云霄。 The summit of steep cliff cliff. 陡峭的断崖峭壁之巅。 Together beautiful imaginary peerless young form static looks at the river Xiu scenery of distant place. 一道美幻绝伦的年轻身影静静的看着远处的河川秀景。 Cry......” “唳……” Unexpectedly, a eagle towering grazes from the horizon of distant place. 蓦地,一只飞鹰突兀的从远处的天际飞掠而来。 This is an eagle that has the imposing manner, from top to bottom the feather is completely the holy noble golden color, without other least bit varicolored. 这是一只极具气势的雄鹰,浑身上下羽毛全部都是圣洁高贵的金色,没有半点其他的杂色。 A pair of sharp look sends out the King of looking disdainfully myriad things to be aggressive. 一双犀利的眼神散发着睥睨万物的王者霸气。 ...... …… The golden eagle circled in the sky of that year light female, and sent out the low and deep long and loud cry. 金色雄鹰在那年轻女子的上空盘旋,且发出低沉的长啸。 Afterward, in the peerless facial features of female that causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman is appears unexpectedly several points of startled color. 随后,女子那倾国倾城的绝世面容上竟是浮现出几分惊色。 He where?” “他在哪里?” Cry!” “唳!” The golden eagle cried loud and long, then turned around passes away, changes to a beam flux light to penetrate the highest heaven vault of heaven. 金色雄鹰长啸一声,接着掉转过身,化作一束流光穿入九霄天穹。 ...... …… The quarry stone cracks, the jungle destroys. 乱石崩裂,丛林摧毁。 The land like turned over was the same, the surrounding area the mountains and rivers within several hundred li (0.5 km) are all stave, the big river waterfall reversal flows backwards. 大地如同被翻转了一样,方圆数百里以内的山河尽数破碎,大川瀑布逆转倒流。 However, in that ruins battlefields, is lying down at this moment together the cut and bruised young form. 然,在那废墟般的战场中间,此刻正躺着一道遍体鳞伤的年轻身影。 Alone lying down there. 孤零零的躺在那里。 It seems like especially lonely. 看上去尤为的孤独。 Already dry blood incarnadine his clothing, but the left corner of the eye place that he shut tightly, dripped faintly the light red liquid. 早已干涸的鲜血染红了他的衣衫,而,他紧闭的左边眼角处,隐隐淌出淡淡的红色液体。 Cry......” “唳……” The golden eagle circles the long and loud cry, before was built on near the cliff beautiful female also to march into this place. 金色雄鹰盘空长啸,之前立于悬崖边上的美丽女子也随之步入此地。 When she noticed that say/way lies down when the form in ruins pile, the tall and slender beautiful woman is pressed light, that pair of bright and beautiful moving sexy look shows the little complex colors faintly. 当她看到那道躺在废墟堆中的身影之时,细长的娥眉不禁轻蹙,那双明秀动人的桃花眼隐隐透出几许复杂之色。 ...... …… ...... …… Change of the seasons, bright moon in the sky. 斗转星移,皓月当空。 The small bridge over the flowing stream murmur unceasingly, the night falls, the firefly of twinkle star pursues to play near the stream mutually. 小桥流水潺潺不绝,夜幕降临,星星点点的萤火虫在溪边相互追逐嬉戏。 Bai Qianyu sits in the mountain stream pavilion, depends on the parapet of bench slantingly. 白浅予坐在溪水边的凉亭内,斜靠着长椅的栏杆。 The front of pavilion, has a waterwheel of rotation, with each revolving of waterwheel, the mountain stream will be scooped up part. 凉亭的前方,有着一座转动的水车,随着水车的每一次旋转,溪水就会被舀出一部分。 The rear area of pavilion, is a bamboo room. 凉亭的后方,是一间竹屋。 The build of bamboo room unusual is exquisite, its float in the midair, under is flows, but clear spring. 竹屋的搭建的非常精巧,其悬浮在半空中,底下是流淌而过的清泉。 If in the hot summer, lies down in the cool bamboo room, is hearing the spring water mobile sound, has not being able to say satisfaction. 倘若是在炎炎的夏日,躺在清凉的竹屋内,听着泉水流动的声音,却是有种说不出来的惬意。 ...... …… This place, when Bai Qianyu records previous time not clearly comes to here is. 这个地方,白浅予记不清楚上一次来这里是什么时候。 Today, besides her, in this small bamboo room, came another guest. 今天,除了她之外,这座小竹屋内,来了另外一个“客人”。 If the gentle dim light of night the snow frost sprinkles in the Bai Qianyu that only beautiful facial features. 柔和的夜色如若雪霜般洒在白浅予那唯美的面容上。 Has a beauty of dream. 有着一种梦幻的美丽。 I thought you......” “我想你了……” The neutral tone that Bai Qianyu thought aloud muttered, such as the autumn waters clear pupil surged many missing state of mind. 白浅予自言自语的轻声喃喃道,如秋水般的清眸涌动诸多思念心绪。 I do this, can be wrong? Father......” “我这样做,会不会错了?爹……” It seems like a sleepless night. 似乎是个不眠之夜。 Bai Qianyu depending on nearby pillar gently, her beautiful pupil rotates, looks to behind that bamboo room. 白浅予轻轻的靠着旁边的柱子,她美眸轮转,望向身后的那间竹屋。 Calmness and steadiness that person in room rests now? 屋内的那个人现在又是否睡的安稳? ...... …… Livelihood rotation. 日月轮转。 Dawn daybreak. 晨曦破晓。 The gentle gorgeous sunlight sprinkles into the pavilion, Bai Qianyu that fair busy facial features are almost somewhat transparent, sleep soundly she excessively beautifully, as if the dream to the person of missing, the corners of the mouth was selecting a happy expression lightly. 柔和绚丽的阳光洒入凉亭之中,白浅予那白皙无暇的面容几乎有些透明,熟睡中的她过份的美丽,仿佛梦到了思念的人,嘴角轻挑着一丝开心的笑意。 Bang......” “砰……” At this moment, the sound that in the bamboo room the thing destroys awakens from the dream Bai Qianyu directly. 就在这时,身后竹屋内东西打碎的声音直接是将白浅予从梦中惊醒。 She first gawked, then immediately sets out, slightly runs toward the bamboo room. 她先是愣了一下,然后立即起身,朝着竹屋内小跑过去。 Squeak ka......” “吱咔……” The door of bamboo room shoves open, Bai Qianyu walks instantly. 竹屋的房门推开,白浅予即刻走了进去。 Near window, together edges and corners distinct young form as if somewhat vacant standing there. 窗口边,一道棱角分明的年轻身影似乎有些茫然的站在那里。 You awoke......” Bai Qianyu to call in a soft voice said. “你醒了……”白浅予轻声唤道。 Opposite party turning around of slowly, in the sound was disclosing the faint trace is quiet. 对方缓缓的转过身来,声音中透露着丝丝幽冷。 I think that you can explain?” “我想你能解释一下吗?” Buzz......” “嗡……” The invisible space rhythm sweeps across, sees only opposite party that palely, but actually on pretty face, appears impressively a strange eye. 无形的空间律动席卷开来,只见对方那张苍白但却俊秀的脸上,赫然浮现出一双奇异的眼睛。 Purple demon eyes that , he is familiar with. 其中一只,正是他所熟悉的紫色妖瞳 But, another, is actually glowing the emperor dignified golden color pupil. 而,另外一只,却是焕发着帝王威严的金色瞳孔。 The different color pupils, coldly is staring Bai Qianyu that stands in the entrance, sacred and monster different coexists, has the strangeness of not being able to say. 不同颜色的瞳孔,冷冷的盯着站在门口的白浅予,神圣和妖异并存,有着说不出来的诡异。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Four offer, does not write easily, hopes that everyone generous support one chases the wave genuine. (四更奉上,写作不易,希望大家多多支持一下逐浪正版。 Moreover, the interested friend can add the military extremely god king Shuyou QQ exchange group: 149825000, everyone good night!!!) 另外,有兴趣的朋友可以加一下武极神王书友QQ交流群:149825000,大家晚安!!!)
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