UMDK :: Volume #16

#1508: Collapsing at the first blow

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I did not call you do not cheer too soon...... Sir magnificence warm......” “我不是叫你不要高兴的太早么……华温大人……” In the quiet cold faint sound has several points to ponder. 幽冷淡漠的声音中带着几分玩味。 In an instant, not lightly leaves at present for it one bright. 霎那间,莫轻离的眼前不禁为之一亮。 But, great antiquity Saint clan the smiling faces of another two Great Saint King Realm powerhouses stiffen instantly. 而,洪荒圣族的另外两位大圣王境强者的笑容即刻僵住了。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Hasn't the opposite party this died? 对方这都没死? Whish......” “哗……” Sweeps eight sides the chaotic cyclones to sweep across, then, an extremely incredible picture also appears in the view of people. 扫荡八方的混乱气旋席卷开来,接着,一副极度令人难以置信的画面随之惊现于众人的眼帘之中。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The space of distortion, proliferates tall and slender cracks. 扭曲的空间,遍布一道道细长的裂缝。 Should by rumbling broken to become fragments Chu Hen, at this moment was standing that the agonic did not move to is still in-situ. 本该被轰碎成齑粉的楚痕,此刻仍旧是不偏不移的站在原地。 His corners of the mouth have the blood to overflow, however his pair of demon eyes is sending out cold proud the aggression as before. 其嘴角有着鲜血溢出,但是他的那双妖瞳依旧散发着冷傲的霸气。 But, at this moment, before the body of Chu Hen, has together the black shadow unexpectedly. 而,此刻,在楚痕的身前,竟是还有着一道黑色的影子。 The outline physique of that shadow is exactly the same as it Chu Hen. 那道影子的轮廓形体与之楚痕如出一辙。 Is ordinary just like Fiendgod, keeps off in the Chu Hen front. 宛如神魔一般,挡在楚痕的面前。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Several people present look the astonished color all. 在座的几人无不面露惊愕之色。 Especially magnificence warm, its whole body is surging the strength of vigorous great antiquity, that implication destroys palm arm solid hitting of all strengths on the body of that black shadow, actually cannot explode its bang breaks. 尤其是华温,其浑身涌动着雄浑洪荒之力,那蕴含毁灭一切力量的掌臂结结实实的打在那黑色影子的身上,却未能将其轰爆震碎。 How possibly? 怎么可能? The magnificence warm brow tight wrinkle, in the eye still has surprisedly. 华温眉头紧皱,眼中犹有惊疑。 A moment ago own explosive force, even if Chu Hen that was imprisoned the seal behind dying out demon spirit cannot withstand absolutely. 就刚才自己的这股爆发力,就算是楚痕身后那被禁锢封印的“寂灭魔灵”都绝对承受不住。 But, at present this strange mysterious black shadow can shoulder this to destroy suddenly/violently to strike unexpectedly. 而,眼前这个诡异神秘的黑色影子竟能扛下这毁灭暴击。 Is the strength of this black shadow stronger than it seven stars demon eyes? 难道这个黑色影子的力量比之七星妖瞳还要强大? ...... …… Actually are you who?” magnificence warm eye of time severe saying. “你究竟是什么人?”华温目光阴厉的说道。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, the throat touches gently, delivers the person who you see the yama......” 楚痕嘴角一挑,喉咙轻轻触动,“送你去见阎王的人……” The instance that the voice drops, erupts an extremely dangerous strength to fluctuate situated in two people middle black shadows impressively. 话音落下的瞬间,位于两人中间的黑色影子赫然间爆发出一股极度危险的力量波动。 The magnificence warm heart is startled. 华温心头一惊。 The subconscious withdrawing palm potential, wants to retreat in the future. 其下意识的撤回掌势,欲往后退去。 However, what made its unbelievable was, his arm unexpectedly by invisible attraction attracting firmly on the body of black shadow. 然,令其难以置信的是,其手臂竟是被一股无形的引力牢牢的吸在黑色影子的身上。 How can? 怎么会? Does not need magnificence warm to work loose forcefully, made one feel matter that shocked happened. 不待华温强行挣脱开来,更加令人感到震骇的事情发生了。 „......” “咔嚓……” Sees only the space before black shadow body to rupture unexpectedly directly, in the space of distortion, light Yao's dazzling darkness bites the hole to appear in both impressively. 只见黑色影子身前的空间竟然直接爆裂开来,扭曲的空间之中,一座光曜刺眼的黑暗噬洞赫然惊现于两者之间。 What? 什么? magnificence warm complexion drastic change. 华温脸色剧变。 Before had never appeared flurried covers entirely his whole piece face instantly. 之前从未出现过的慌乱即刻布满其整张面孔。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The space of dramatic expansion bites the hole to swallow all fearful monsters like that internal recklessly staggered light luminary for example the innumerable swift and fierce flying shuttle shadow blade. 急剧扩张的空间噬洞就像那吞食一切的可怕怪物,内部肆意交错的光曜譬如无数凌厉至极的飞梭影刃。 In an instant, magnificence warm the entire arm directly was involved. 霎那间,华温的整条手臂直接被卷入其中。 Hiss......” “嘶……” The warm blood splash dance, magnificence warm the pupil shrinks suddenly tightens to the needle-tip size, under the incomparably panic-stricken vision, his entire right hand arm instantaneously twisted smashing. 温热的鲜血飞溅飙舞,华温的瞳孔急剧缩紧到针尖大小,在其无比惊骇的目光下,他的整条右手臂瞬间被绞的粉碎。 Sir magnificence warm......” the other two of great antiquity Saint clan has a big shock. “华温大人……”洪荒圣族的另外两人大惊失色。 Although regarding the powerhouse of day step Great Saint King Realm, the limbs was destroyed is not the irreversible matter. 尽管对于天阶大圣王境界的强者而言,肢体被毁并不是什么不可逆转的事情。 magnificence warm but who was twisted the broken arm is still not able to work loose that terrifying to bite swallowing of hole. 可是被绞碎手臂的华温仍旧是无法挣脱那恐怖噬洞的吞食。 The strong swallowing attraction like the invisible big hand, dragging firmly is entraining magnificence warm the body, if draws in it the big mouth of that abyss giant beast. 强大的吞噬引力就像无形的大手,牢牢的拖拽着华温的身躯,如若将其拖入那深渊巨兽的血盆大口之中。 „......” “啊……” In the sad and shrill and angry roar in Huawen throat the biography swings. 凄厉而愤怒的吼声于华温的喉咙中传荡而出。 The darkness that expands unceasingly bites the hole like a storm vortex of rapid revolution, after twisting the arm of broken opposite party , to continue to bite to nip the opposite party shoulder and half body. 不断扩张的黑暗噬洞就像一座飞速运转的风暴漩涡,在绞碎对方的手臂之后,继续噬咬着对方肩膀和半边身躯。 Hehe......” is away from the middle black shadow, Chu Hen is exuding satanically the ice-cold laughter, stopped, Sir magnificence warm......, even if no demon eyes, I kill you in the same old way......” “嘿嘿……”隔着中间的黑色影子,楚痕泛着恶魔般冰冷的笑声,“到此为止了,华温大人……纵然没有妖瞳,我照样杀你……” Be furious! 震怒! Has never had being furious! 从未有过的震怒! Even if has magnificence Wenzhi of lofty position to think in the great antiquity Saint clan faced with the great shame. 纵然在洪荒圣族都有着崇高地位的华温只觉面临着奇耻大辱。 „To kill me......” its two blood red, the blue vein blows out from top to bottom, you must pay the deeply grieved price......” “想杀我……”其两眼血红,浑身上下青筋爆出,“你也要付出惨痛的代价……” Then, magnificence warm another arm raises high, the strength of dreadful wild great antiquity collects in his palm all. 说罢,华温的另外一条手臂高抬而起,滔天的狂暴洪荒之力尽数汇集于其掌心之中。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” In an instant, one group also wanted the red energy body of vigorous several times to condense the formation compared with it a moment ago impressively. 霎那间,一团比之刚才还要雄浑数倍的红色能量体赫然凝聚成型。 The destructive strength fluctuation inundates filling the heavens, in all directions, intermittent tremor. 毁灭性的力量波动弥天漫地,四面八方,阵阵颤动。 ...... …… Stop!” “住手!” Lets loose him!” “放开他!” ...... …… Meanwhile, another two Great Saint King Realm powerhouses rush to go toward the front at the maximum speed. 与此同时,另外两位大圣王境的强者以最快的速度朝着前方奔赴而去。 But, magnificence warm at this moment the great anger to the extreme, the wild energy body that his palm condensed had promoted directly, the front surface went toward the black shadow behind Chu Hen bang. 而,此刻的华温已然盛怒到了极点,其掌心凝聚的狂暴能量体直接推出,迎面朝着黑色影子身后的楚痕轰去。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” The magnificence incomparably fierce anger exclaimed warm. 华温无比狰狞的怒吼道。 The next flash, that group gathered the red spheroid sudden inflation expansion of incomparably huge great antiquity strength, if one group supports the fireball stars that the crack splits open. 下一瞬间,那团聚集了无比庞大洪荒力量的红色球体急剧的膨胀扩张,如若一团撑裂绽开的火球星辰。 The same time, Chu Hen both eyes raise, his right hand palm also erupts one group of blue light halos. 同时间,楚痕双目一掀,其右手掌心亦是爆发出一团蓝色的光圈。 ...... …… Great antiquity Tianyuan!” “洪荒天元!” Good fortune is immeasurable!” “造化无量!” ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The next flash, a wild red spheroid and a dazzling blue light halo are the connection attack directly together. 下一霎那,一股狂暴至极的红色球体和一座绚丽夺目的蓝色光圈直接是交汇冲击在一起。 Magnificently to extreme terrifying power two meeting by chance stars heavenly bodies. 壮观到极点的恐怖力量就连两座不期而遇的星辰天体。 Together with was throwing off the land forest of blasting open instantaneously, the energy storms of two sweeping highest heaven eight sides split to explode instantly comprehensively. 连同着瞬间被掀翻炸裂的大地森林,两股扫荡九霄八方的能源风暴即刻全面绽裂爆开。 Bang!” “砰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… The earth-shattering, the universe changes colors. 天崩地裂,乾坤失色。 Two the destruction storm that blends to tear wreaks havoc, attack. 两股交融撕扯的毁灭风暴肆虐开来,侵袭而出。 Covers the battlefield black square body to tie the giant light screen to crack directly comprehensively, if the flood tsunami remaining prestige sweeps, grinds the seal, sweeps away the big piece the jungle mountain stream. 笼罩着战场的黑色四方体结界巨型光幕直接是全面崩裂,如若洪水海啸般的余威一路扫荡出去,碾碎封印,横扫大片的丛林山涧。 ...... …… Sir magnificence warm?” “华温大人?” The powerhouses of another two great antiquity Saint clans have a big shock. 另外两位洪荒圣族的强者大惊失色。 The wild complementary waves like the hurricane tsunami that the front surface throws, is involved in which two people. 狂暴的余波就像迎面扑来的飓风海啸,将两人卷入其中。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Meanwhile, that imprisons the dying out demon spirit great demon seal unexpectedly is being cuns (2.5 cm) collapse destroys. 与此同时,那座禁锢着寂灭魔灵的巨魔封印竟是寸寸崩毁。 The suppression is bewitched the spirit great demon empty shadow is explodes directly blasts out broken. 镇压着魔灵的巨魔虚影直接是爆碎炸开。 One and was broken the innumerable light shadow together with the winding in its myriad symbol secretary lu, goes through vertically the Milky Way just like the peerless Demon God destruction aura, the cage covers eight sides. 连同着缠绕在其身上的万千符文秘箓一并被震碎成无数光影,一股宛如绝世妖神般的毁灭气息纵贯天河,笼盖八方。 ...... …… „It is not good!” “不好!” Great antiquity clans of that another two Great Saint King Realm come the person facial color white one. 那另外两个大圣王境界的洪荒一族来人面色一白。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Finishes barely the words, sky over two people top of the head chaotic strength storm complementary waves were passed through directly break open. 话音未落,两人头顶上空的混乱力量风暴余波直接被贯穿破开。 Then, shadow capping, two purple Fiendgod great hands one on the left and other on the right depresses toward two people. 接着,黑影压顶,两道紫色的神魔巨手一左一右的朝着两人压下。 The mountain oppression leans the potential attack. 山岳般的压迫倾势来袭。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Moves in the process, manic such as dragon Mangban strength of rapid collection thunder and lightning in that giant palm center. 移动过程中,狂躁如龙蟒般的雷电之力迅速的汇集在那巨掌中心。 The next twinkling, the palm of that two Fiendgod superhuman hands is all condensing together the sharp peerless thunder great thorn. 下一瞬息,那两道神魔巨掌的手心皆是凝聚着一道锋利绝伦的雷霆巨刺。 If the electricity holds up to strike spatially. 如若电擎击空。 Shocking world. 惊艳天地。 The other two people complexions are covering entirely the thick fear instantaneously. 余下两人的脸色瞬间布满着浓浓的恐惧。 „......” “哧……” The aurora is illuminating their faces no use, thunder and lightning great thorn slanting birthplace expansive sky that two pass through the tumultuous times, directly is the impact under. 极光照亮着两人那无助的面孔,两记贯穿乱世的雷电巨刺斜贯长空,直接是冲击而下。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Storehouse!” “库!” ...... …… Without the ability of least bit resistance, came from seven stars power of demon eyes, the thunder light beam that in the dying out demon spirit palm erupted penetrated two people body forcefully. 没有半点抵抗的能力,源自于七星妖瞳之力,寂灭魔灵掌中爆发出来的雷霆光柱硬生生击穿了两人的身躯。 Like must die the person who the god of death nail fastens. 就像被死神指甲所钉住的必死之人。 No use. 无助。 Frightened. 恐惧。 And thick unbelievable well ups completely. 以及浓浓难以置信全部涌上心头。 ...... …… How can?” “怎么会?” Two people look at each other one mutually, is sees in the opposite party eyes that wipes desperately. 两人相互对视一眼,皆是看到对方眼中的那一抹绝望。 Two every step Great Saint King Realm add on day step Great Saint King Realm...... to be killed by mistreatment this by every step Great Saint King Realm Chu Hen unexpectedly. 两个凡阶大圣王境加上一个天阶大圣王境……竟然被一个凡阶大圣王境楚痕虐杀成这样。 From beginning to end, they do not have negligently. 从始至终,他们都没有大意过。 The technique of universe prohibiting. 乾坤封禁之术。 Came up to limit the opposite party seven stars demon eyes strength completely. 一上来就完全限制了对方七星妖瞳的力量。 Should be must die bureau, but lost. 本该是一场“必死之局”,但还是输了。 ...... …… They calculated Chu Hen each step. 他们算准了楚痕的每一步。 Indeed suppressed the demon eyes strength of opposite party. 的的确确将对方的妖瞳力量压制住了。 But, the person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, has not expected absolutely, Chu Hen really also has second bloodline limit. 但,人算不如天算,万万不曾料到,楚痕竟然还有第二种血脉界限 Even that day in the powerful card in hand that War God Palace has not shown. 连那日在战神宫都未曾展现出来的强大底牌。 ...... …… A move goes astray, loses 100 percent. 一招走错,满盘皆输。 Two people innermost feelings despair. 两人的内心只有绝望。 Bang!” “砰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Together with the heavy explosive that overlaps in the same place, passes through the thunder of his whole body to put the god glow greatly, then two people are the scrap become two groups of blood fog directly. 连同着重叠在一起的沉重爆响,贯穿其全身的雷霆大放神芒,接着二人直接是炸碎成两团血雾。 Flesh simultaneous/uniform flying, bone dirty disruption. 血肉齐飞,骨脏碎裂。 In the dying out demon spirit front, every step Great Saint King Realm powerhouse, unexpectedly is such collapsing at the first blow. 在寂灭魔灵的面前,凡阶大圣王境的强者,竟是如此的不堪一击。 ...... …… ...... ……
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