UMDK :: Volume #16

#1507: The universe prohibits, great demon seal

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! seven stars demon eyes, the dying out demon spirits! 七星妖瞳,寂灭魔灵! Bang......” “轰隆……” Big block faulting, cuns (2.5 cm) blasting open. 大地断层,寸寸炸裂。 The purple light spin that soars to the heavens raises the day, the boundless terrifying imposing manner sweeps across, the huge demon spirit that a depth of the hundred zhang (333 m) appears the war-god just like the day in Chu Hen behind. 冲天的紫色光旋掀天而起,磅礴的恐怖气势席卷开来,一尊深达百丈的巨大魔灵宛如天将战神般惊现于楚痕的身后。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The powerful aura is earth-shaking, the cold wind gets up suddenly, dying out demon spirit, the entire knot internal space immediately changes trembles with fear anxiously. 强大的气息撼天动地,凛风骤起,寂灭魔灵一出,整个结界内部的空间顿时都变的惊颤不安。 Was prevented in tying beside not light to is also the facial color changes. 被阻挡在结界之外的莫轻离亦是面色一变。 Chu Hen was compelled this move unexpectedly quickly. 楚痕竟然这么快就被逼出这一招。 magnificence warm the strength is so powerful. 那华温的实力如此强大。 ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” The enormous and powerful air wave blots out the sky, divulges toward all around. 浩荡的气浪铺天盖地,朝着四周宣泄出去。 Looks that Chu Hen that sends out the huge demon of endless destruction aura spirit behind, on magnificence warm the face is exuding frivolous sneering. 看着楚痕身后那散发着无尽毁灭气息的庞大魔灵,华温的脸上泛着轻浮的冷笑。 Snort, waited is your......” “哼,等的就是你这一手……” The instance that the words fall, magnificence Wenshuang holds gathers, its whole body appears impressively strange black secret Lu. 话落的瞬间,华温双掌一合,其全身上下赫然浮现出一道道诡异的黑色秘箓。 Together with is raising the day, but the strength of great antiquity, bang......” landslide cracks in the earth, the innumerable say/way wild magma flow into to pass through the broken wearing out land, the direct impact vault of heaven. 连同着掀天而起的洪荒之力,“轰隆……”山崩地裂,无数道狂暴岩浆流注贯破穿破大地,直冲天穹。 If rock pillar storm the blood-color light beam covers in the Chu Hen surroundings. 如若岩柱风暴的般的血色光束笼罩在楚痕的周围。 Then, being centered on the dying out demon spirits, the ground under its glitters mysterious rune/symbol array who impressively is crossing to exceed a kilometer diameter. 接着,以寂灭魔灵为中心,其身下的地面赫然闪烁着一座横贯超过千米直径的神秘符阵。 Black mark like unfolding an irregular big net. 黑色的阵纹就像铺开的一张不规则的大网。 Proliferates in the crevice dike of surface. 遍布地表的石缝岩壁之中。 ...... …… Chu Hen heart one startled, it has to plant not the wonderful feeling impressively. 楚痕心头一惊,其赫然有种不妙的感觉。 „The technique of universe prohibiting double...... great demon seal!” “乾坤封禁之术第二重……巨魔封印!” Seals!” “封!” along with magnificence warm one voice coldly, its pair of palm also racket to front ground. 伴随着华温的一声冷喝,其双掌随之拍向前方地面。 Buzz......” “嗡……” An astonishing space rhythm howls, sees only that kilometer wide black rune/symbol writing big net under dying out demon spirit body unexpectedly is rapid tightening. 一股惊人的空间律动呼啸开来,只见寂灭魔灵身下的那座千米之宽的黑色符文大网竟是迅速的收紧。 Myriad tedious complex symbol secretary lu rapid tours to dying out demon spirit that huge body. 万千繁琐复杂的符文秘箓迅速的游向寂灭魔灵那庞大的身躯。 Outside ancient mysterious dark iron chains like shuttle in its body. 就像穿梭于其身外的一条条古老神秘的幽暗铁链。 Purple light Yao's sudden restraining that the dying out demon sends out spirit gets down dimly. 寂灭魔灵散发出来的紫色光曜急剧的收敛黯淡下去。 ...... …… The Chu Hen facial color changes, it responded impressively, the knot space of this black square body, solely to not prevent oneself escaped. 楚痕面色一变,其赫然反应过来,这座黑色四方体的结界空间,不单单是为了防止自己逃跑。 For seal dying out demon spirit strength. 还是为了封印寂灭魔灵的力量。 „......” “噌……” No makes the time and opportunity of dealing with enough time, innumerable say/way black light mark secret Lu entangles the dying out demon spirit shoulders directly. 没有任何来得及做出应对的时间和机会,无数道黑色光纹秘箓直接是缠到了寂灭魔灵的双肩。 „!” “呜!” By this simultaneously, the sound of sharp demon howling transmits from the sky together, sees only illusory dim red specters to support the both arms, finds out the sharp great claw, from blocked the dying out demon spirit shoulder behind. 以此同时,一道尖锐的魔啸之声从上空传来,只见一尊虚幻朦胧的红色魔影拥开双臂,探出锋利的巨爪,从身后扼住了寂灭魔灵的肩膀。 The barb claw, directly is in the deep inserting demon spirit body. 倒钩般的爪子,直接是深深的嵌入魔灵的躯体之中。 Buzz......” “嗡……” In an instant, dreadful arrogance that the dying out demon sends out spirit sudden was suppressed in the valley. 霎那间,寂灭魔灵散发出来的滔天气焰急剧的被压制于谷底。 Like a trapped/sleepy beast that gets sucked into the prison, cannot move. 如同一座深陷囚牢的困兽,动弹不得。 ...... …… Good method!” “好手段!” Chu Hen cold sound shouted, in the foreheads full was the dignified meaning. 楚痕冷声喝道,眉宇间满是凝重之意。 Hey......” on magnificence warm the face is exuding self-satisfied grinning fiendishly, after all is Demon Eyes Sacred Body of seven stars rank...... I am willing to give you proper respect......” “嘿……”华温的脸上泛着得意的狞笑,“毕竟是七星级别的妖瞳圣体……我愿意给你应有的尊重……” Tremble with fear! 惊颤! The method of great antiquity Saint clan, directly is made Chu Hen and beside knot not light to feeling one trembles with fear. 洪荒圣族的手段,直接是令楚痕和结界之外的莫轻离感到一阵惊颤。 Although time from the beginning, magnificence warm has displayed to disdain regarding Chu Hen all sorts. 尽管从一开始的时候,华温就一直表现出对于楚痕的种种不屑。 But in fact, the opposite party has not underestimated the Chu Hen strength from beginning to end. 可实际上,对方从始至终就没有低估过楚痕的实力。 The technique of universe seal! 乾坤封印之术! Two Great Saint King Realm powerhouses do not even pay attention leave not lightly, but collaborates under the arrange/cloth this powerful knot, in the surface to prevent Chu Hen runs away, in fact is coordinating magnificent to release „the universe prohibits second warm instantaneously. 两位大圣王境强者甚至都不予理会莫轻离,而联手布下这座强大的结界,表面上是为了防止楚痕逃走,实际上是在配合华温瞬间释放出“乾坤封禁”的第二层。 Chu Hen has not erupted the powerful strength by the dying out demon god who seven stars power of demon eyes summoned, was imprisoned directly. 楚痕七星妖瞳之力召唤出来的寂灭魔神还都没有爆发出强大的力量,就直接被禁锢其中。 On the same day defeated segment Cang the ultimate to kill to incur, no function that one changed. 当日力挫段苍的终极杀招,一下就变的毫无作用。 ...... …… Why ten big strongest Saint clans were called strongly. 十大最强圣族为何被称之为最强。 Not only because of its inherent super bloodline limit, is its perfect layout of being watertight. 不仅仅是因为其与生俱来的超级血脉界限,还有就是其滴水不漏的完美布局。 In order to guarantee absolutely safe strikes to massacre Chu Hen, magnificence warm calculates each step of opposite party. 为了确保万无一失的击杀掉楚痕,华温可谓是算准了对方的每一步。 ...... …… Hehe, your present expression, I desired...... lost power of demon eyes, you have what skill to block the strength of my great antiquity......” “嘿嘿,你现在的表情,正是我所希望看到的……失去了妖瞳之力,你还有何本事挡得住我的洪荒之力……” In magnificence warm Yan, Chu Hen is a corpse. 在华温眼中,楚痕已然就是一具尸体。 Absolutely does not have the opportunity that the least bit reverses. 完全没有半点逆转的机会可言。 Chu Hen cold eye one cold, outside the body purple glow drags. 楚痕冷眸一寒,身外紫芒摇曳。 Don't happy too early......” “别高兴的太早了……” Yes?” The magnificence warm corners of the mouth select, single Zhangge spatial taking bearing opposite party, following, you should tell the last words......, but, the time will not be much.” “是么?”华温嘴角一挑,单掌隔空探向对方,“接下来,你该讲述遗言了……不过,时间可不会太多。” The rapid air current wreaks havoc eight sides, magnificence warm momentum, then the five fingers concentrate. 急骤的气流肆虐八方,华温声势一顿,接着五指一凝。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… The next second, Chu Hen is hollow instantly in the space of position, together with jungle land that the avalanche is blasting open, the innumerable say/way murderous aura the bone-chilling cold terrifying spear/gun glow to pass through the broken ground, explodes toward Chu Hen just like that sharp incomparable wooden stake raids to go. 下一秒钟,楚痕所在位置的空间即刻凹陷下去,连同着崩塌炸裂的丛林大地,无数道杀气凛冽的恐怖枪芒贯破地面而出,宛若那锋利无比的木桩朝着楚痕爆袭而去。 Limitless spear/gun broken!” “无极枪破!” Endless destruction imposing manner just like squally shower. 无尽的毁灭气势宛如狂风骤雨。 If hemp the air/Qi of tearing space of bang killing. 如麻的轰杀之气撕裂空间。 Same style. 相同的招式。 May display from the magnificence warm hand, actually compared with it that segment Cangqiang incessantly little. 可从华温手中施展出来,却是比之那段苍强的不止一点点。 ...... …… All -around crowded spear/gun shadow erupts the bang to put on all strangling to death strength. 全方位的密集枪影爆发着轰穿一切的绞杀力。 Each spear/gun glow for example the glow, is dragging the rapid spiral air wave extremely. 每一道枪芒都譬如极芒,摇曳着急骤的螺旋气浪。 ...... …… Is looking at this, ties beside light is not pale to the facial features, can only the anxious ceaselessness shell front light screen. 望着这一幕,结界之外的莫轻离面容苍白,只能急的不断轰击着面前光幕。 In front of facing the powerhouses of great antiquity Saint clan, is at wit's end completely. 在面对洪荒圣族的强者面前,完全是无计可施。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Startled explodes the heavy loud sound of the world to interlock just like the thunder. 惊爆天地的沉重巨响宛如雷霆交错。 One after another death spear/gun glow solid impact of bone-chilling cold terrifying in Chu Hen in all directions, swings to raise the day the chaotic shock-wave. 一道接一道凛冽恐怖的死亡枪芒结结实实的冲击在楚痕的四面八方,荡起掀天的混乱冲击波。 The white hands that leaves not lightly grasp. 莫轻离的玉手一握。 The control ties another two people are also the corner of the eye one cold. 掌控结界的另外两个人亦是眼角一凛。 Sees only in the collection place of that confused storm, a purple cube space protects the shield is comprehensive covers Chu Hen unexpectedly is one of them. 只见在那乱腾风暴的汇集地,一座紫色的立方体空间护盾竟是全面将楚痕笼罩在其中。 The cube protects each surface of shield to glitter the design of evil charm purple eye. 立方体护盾的每一个面都闪烁着邪魅紫色眼睛的图案。 The monster is different, dazzling. 妖异绚丽,璀璨夺目。 Crowded such as the bone-chilling cold spear/gun glow impact of rain on that light/only shield, splits the confused halo that explodes to proliferate unceasingly, shield surface fierce rocking, actually as before impregnable. 密集如雨的凛冽枪芒冲击在那光盾上,不断绽爆的乱腾光环扩散出去,盾面剧烈的晃动,却依旧固若金汤。 ...... …… „, Interesting! Does the shield of punishment wound have such a move?” “呵,有意思!刑伤之盾还有这么一招?” magnificent is exuding the smile of teasing warm. 华温泛着戏谑的笑容。 Twinkling that but, the voice drops, magnificence warm pulls off a series of remnant shades in the air, the aurora flashes before to Chu Hen as if nearby. 可,话音落下的瞬息,华温于空气中拖出一系列的残影,其如极光般闪现至楚痕的跟前。 Bang......” “砰……” Passes through the ear to want the deaf fierce explosive sound to be startled, Chu Hen front purple light shield blasts open instantaneously. 贯耳欲聋的剧烈爆响声惊起,楚痕面前的紫色光盾瞬间炸裂。 Ice crystal detritus recklessly dance that myriad crack. 万千崩裂的冰晶碎屑肆意飙舞。 The Chu Hen pupil shrinks suddenly. 楚痕瞳孔急剧一缩。 In the double pupil of monster different evil charm, reflects magnificent to heat that ice-cold smile suddenly. 妖异邪魅的双眸之中,急剧倒映着华温那冰冷的笑容。 Without dying out demon spirit you, why to put up a last-ditch struggle......” “没有寂灭魔灵的你,何必垂死挣扎……” Rumble!” “隆隆!” The wind and thunder howls, the universe fights the revolutions. 风雷呼啸,乾坤斗转。 magnificence warm right palm bracelet around rich vigorous red cyclones. 华温右手掌臂环绕着一道道浓郁雄浑的红色气旋。 For example the magma flows into the light beam sudden connection in his palm, condenses one group of red energy bodies...... like hiding accumulated impressively the stars collection wild destruction strength, magnificent lifts in the palm warm the energy body, directly bang to the Chu Hen chest center. 譬如岩浆流注般的光束急剧的交汇于其掌心,赫然凝聚成一团红色的能源体……就像藏蕴着星辰汇集般的狂暴毁灭力,华温抬起掌中能源体,径直轰向楚痕的胸膛中央。 Smashing! I said......” “粉碎吧!我说的……” Great antiquity Tianyuan breaks!” “洪荒天元破!” If the red energy body a palm culmination Mercury body of rapid revolution, the endless destruction death aura covered Chu Hen is one of them. 红色的能源体如若一颗飞速运转的掌中天辰星体,无尽的毁灭死亡气息尽数将楚痕笼罩在其中。 The space between both also tears. 两者之间的空间随之撕裂。 Chu Hen......” looks at this, not light to having a big shock. 楚痕……”看着这一幕,莫轻离大惊失色。 „!” “嗵!” In an instant, a destruction blasting power that made the mountains and rivers land disintegrate instantly instantaneously all-around sweeping in both. 霎那间,一股令山河大地即刻解体的毁灭爆破力瞬间于两者之间全方位的扫荡开来。 Bang!” “轰!” The ground is impressively hollow, ground cuns (2.5 cm) tearing that the infinite extension opens, the vegetation vegetation, changes to the fragment powder all. 地面赫然凹陷下去,无限扩张撑开的地面寸寸撕裂,草木植被,尽数化作齑粉。 The overlapping red complementary waves attack ties in all around above the light screen unceasingly, long and narrow sharp fissures proliferate inside and outside in Jiejie. 层层叠叠的红色余波不断冲击在四周结界的光幕之上,一道道狭长锋利的裂痕遍布于结界内外。 Raises the day the red light beam junction to flee. 掀天的红色光柱交窜而起。 The storm that the strength of great antiquity such as wreaks havoc, is flooding the entire knot space. 洪荒之力如肆虐的风暴,充斥着整个结界空间。 ...... …… In the eye that leaves not lightly is disclosing many sadly. 莫轻离的眼中透露着诸多哀伤。 The other two of great antiquity Saint clan had shown the self-satisfied gloomy and cold smile. 洪荒圣族的另外两人已然是露出了得意的阴冷笑容。 But, at this moment, the faint quiet cold sound spreads together. 而,就在这时,一道淡漠幽冷的声音从中传出。 I do not make you do not cheer too soon...... Sir magnificence warm......” “我不是让你不要高兴的太早么……华温大人……” In an instant, the two smile of great antiquity Saint clan is stiff instantly on the face. 霎那间,洪荒圣族的那两人笑容即刻僵在脸上。
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