UMDK :: Volume #16

#1506: Fights magnificence warm

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Words of person, you die do not know how dead......” “一个人的话,你连死都不知道怎么死的……” The instance that the voice drops, the sharp air wave trembling cry folds. 话音落下的瞬间,尖锐的气浪颤鸣叠起。 Is interlocking together with myriad gorgeous, void above, manic incomparable momentum for example myriad capercailye tall Ming. 连同着万千绚丽的雷芒交错,虚空之上,狂躁无比的声势譬如万千雷鸟高鸣。 „......” “嗤嗤……” In the purple pupil of monster different evil charm cold glow glitters, if Chu Hen the phantom appears in Huawen behind, in the single-handed palm flees swift and fierce thunder and lightning light luminary, launches toward the magnificence warm latter pit of the stomach directly fatally punctures suddenly. 妖异邪魅的紫瞳之中冷芒闪烁,楚痕如若魅影般惊现于华温的身后,单手掌中窜动着一道道凌厉的雷电光曜,径直朝着华温的后心窝展开致命的突刺。 „!” “哐!” The upper air shakes, shining day. 高空震荡,雷芒耀天。 Myriad electric lights blast out, the Chu Hen corner of the eye shrinks, sees only one, if the eagle claw strong powerful palm intercepted the wrist/skill of Chu Hen directly. 万千电光炸开,楚痕眼角一缩,只见一只如若鹰爪般强劲有力的手掌直接是截住了楚痕的手腕。 power of thunder of sudden penetration offensive actually hits in the air. 急剧穿透攻势的雷霆之力却是打在空气之中。 Snort, wants to use this trick in my domain, you rather looked down on my magnificence warm......” “哼,想在我的领域之中耍这种伎俩,你未免太小瞧我华温了……” The magnificence warm corners of the mouth one, is exuding woods cold sneering. 华温嘴角一咧,泛着森寒的冷笑。 Won segment Cang, really thinks own unmatched in the world?” “赢了段苍,就真以为自己天下无敌了么?” Snort, before died the person in my hand, such as you generally are self-satisfied......” “哼,之前死在我手上的人,都如你一般得意……” The words fall, in the Chu Hen double pupil purple glow hold, blooms greatly again the light of another quiet green thunder and lightning with another arm. 话落,楚痕双眸之中紫芒大盛,跟着另外一只手臂再次绽放出另外一种幽绿色的雷电之光。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Different color is intertwined instantly in the same place, covers on the Chu Hen arm, changes to a sharp peerless swift and fierce palm blade. 不同颜色的雷芒即刻交缠在一起,覆盖于楚痕臂膀上,化作一柄锋利绝伦的凌厉掌刃。 !” “呼!” Together with the air current segmented rapid momentum, the thunder and lightning palm blade drags to entrain one string of arc light horizontally head that chops to the opposite party. 连同着气流被切分的急促声势,雷电掌刃拖拽出一串弧光横着劈向对方的脑袋。 Hey......” magnificent coldly warm smiles. “嘿……”华温冷冷一笑。 In that bunch of palm edges will soon touch its same twinkling, whiz......”, in the air dragged to wipe the remnant shadow, the opposite party vanishes in the original position impressively. 就在那束掌刃即将触碰到其身上的同一瞬息,“嗖……”的一声,空气中摇曳出一抹残影,对方赫然消失在了原处。 Good quick speed! 好快的速度! The Chu Hen facial color changes. 楚痕面色一变。 But, the next flash, a astral fierce rapid imposing manner just like the wind and rain to from sweeps across greatly behind, but. 而,下一霎那,一股罡猛急骤的气势宛如风雨大至般从身后席卷而至。 Naive person, often stupid laughable......” “天真的人,往往都愚蠢的可笑……” Chu Hen heart one startled, it turns head hastily. 楚痕心头一惊,其连忙回过头来。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A strength broken extremely heavy wild heavy blows birthplace falls , when Chu Hen is hasty, instantly intersects the both arms before the body confronts. 一记力破万钧的狂暴重拳贯落而下,楚痕仓促之际,即刻将双臂交叉在身前进行迎挡。 „!” “嗵!” The heavy dull thumping sound sound in in the air shakes unconstrainedly, an enormous and powerful red ray dopes the gorgeous thunder mark to bloom. 沉重的闷响声于空中跌宕震开,一圈浩荡的红色光芒掺杂着绚丽的雷纹绽放出去。 The powerful fist vigor contains the mountain great strength, Chu Hen is only thinking that a both arms hemp, the whole body shock, the whole person shakes to fly immediately toward under. 强大的拳劲蕴含着山岳巨力,楚痕只觉双臂一麻,浑身剧震,整个人顿时朝着下方震飞出去。 Was too weak!” “太弱了!” Warm magnificent disdains scoffs to say with a smile. 华温不屑的嗤笑道。 Then, it ascends from top to bottom vigorous overbearing blood-color vapors, imposing manner sharp increase that doubled and re-doubled sends out. 接着,其浑身上下升腾起一道道雄浑霸道的血色蒸气,散发出来的气势成倍的暴增。 The whole body flesh imitates every inchs, if contains is destroying day of great antiquity explosive force that extinguishes the place. 浑身每一寸血肉都仿若蕴含着毁天灭地的洪荒爆发力。 Looks Chu Hen that falls rapidly, magnificence warm the brow selects lightly, in the eye shows many contemptuously. 看着急速下坠的楚痕,华温眉头轻挑,眼中透出诸多轻蔑。 It's hard to believe, segment Cang will defeat on you such weak manpower unexpectedly......” “难以相信,段苍竟然会败在你这么弱的人手上……” Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Together with the voice of falling, the innumerable say/way are congealing the solid blood-color vapor sudden collection above the magnificence warm fist arm. 连同着落下的话音,无数道凝实的血色蒸气急剧的汇集于华温的拳臂之上。 Next second, magnificence warm entire arm, if has been contaminated in the center of the earth magma generally, is equally red just like the iron , peripheral space radical distortion centered on him is uncertain. 下一秒钟,华温的整条手臂如若在地心岩浆中浸染过一般,宛如烙铁一样通红,以其为中心,周边的空间都剧烈的扭曲不定。 Violent broken day class/flow!” “暴破天流!” magnificence warm Lengsheng drinks lightly. 华温冷声轻喝。 Follows a fist to rumble, buzz......”, the enormous and powerful air current between world was passed through instantaneously, for example the Milky Way great antiquity fist column slanting birthplace vault of heaven, curls up the unequalled wild destruction imposing manner together toward below Chu Hen backward bang under. 跟着一拳轰出,“嗡……”的一声,天地间的浩荡气流瞬间被贯穿,一道譬如天河般的洪荒拳柱斜贯苍穹而下,卷起无与伦比的狂暴毁灭气势朝着下方的楚痕追溯轰下。 This strikes the fist column, sufficiently puncture mountains and rivers land. 这一击拳柱,足以击穿山河大地。 Terrifying pressure everywhere one visit, space cuns (2.5 cm) tearing. 恐怖威压所到之处,空间寸寸撕裂。 ...... …… Next moves to the Chu Hen vision on the way to sink, faces that to lean the potential, but to boundless situation, the seven sunspot chase rotations of its both eyes deep place. 下移途中的楚痕目光一沉,面对着那倾势而至的磅礴大势,其双瞳深处的七颗黑点追逐转动。 „!” “噌!” Wipes the sharp air vibrato to fill the air, the invisible point shop disperses eight sides. 一抹尖锐的空气颤音弥漫开来,无形的锋芒铺散八方。 In an instant, in the midair transforms dozens exactly the same purple light shields unexpectedly. 霎那间,半空中竟然幻化出数十道一模一样的紫色光盾。 These light/only shield in rapid movement, rapid arrangement a giant triangle shadow blade. 这些光盾在飞速移动中,迅速的排列成一个巨大的三角形影刃。 The sharp acme grazes on, like a great eagle of slanting birthplace vault of heaven, pulls off the enormous and powerful cyclone, tears the space, welcomed to the great antiquity fist column that dropped. 锋利的尖端飞掠而上,如同一尊斜贯苍穹的巨鹰,拖出浩荡气旋,撕裂空间,迎向那落下的洪荒拳柱。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “哐!” ...... …… Purple triangle shadow blade with it red great antiquity fist column, once were connected, immediately the world shakes, if the fierce collisions of nine days of meteorite and aurora flying shuttle, comprehensive blasting open of chaotic shock-wave that throws off the land in midair. 紫色三角影刃与之红色洪荒拳柱一经交汇,顿时天地震荡,如若九天陨石和极光飞梭的剧烈碰撞,一股掀翻大地的混乱冲击波于半空中全面炸裂。 astral's fierce fist vigor and swift and fierce shadow blade interlock to tear mutually. 罡猛的拳劲和凌厉的影刃相互交错撕扯。 Light luminary fleeing day, the land collapses. 光曜窜天,大地崩坏。 Below land sudden crack splits open, the green jungle vegetation was twisted broken to become fragments all. 下方的大地急剧的龟裂绽开,葱郁的丛林植被尽数被绞碎成齑粉。 ...... …… „!” “哧!” Then this complementary waves impulse, Chu Hen moves sideways to fall to the ground rapidly, the figure faces forward to find out slightly, stands firm the balanced at the same time both feet to pull off more than ten meters trace in the ground. 接着这股余波冲击力,楚痕飞速闪身落地,身形微微朝前探出,稳住平衡的同时双脚于地面拖出十几米的痕迹。 Snort......” Chu Hen vision flood cold, demon eyes of pair of evil charm full is the discrete meaning. “哼……”楚痕目光泛寒,一双邪魅的妖瞳满是谨慎之意。 With for ten big most sacred body, in any event, will give the respect. 同为十大最圣体,无论如何,都将给予尊重。 Especially magnificence warm the strength is far from the section dark green can compare. 尤其是华温的实力远非段苍能比。 Bang!” “轰!” Is the next flash, upper air that confused incomparable strength complementary waves pass through a giant opening directly, the whole body twine the powerful form of blood-color vapor to raise the wild power and influence on bend down to rush. 仅仅是下一霎那,高空那乱腾无比的力量余波直接是从中贯穿出一个巨大的豁口,浑身缠绕着血色蒸气的强大身影掀起狂暴的威势俯身冲下。 The Chu Hen facial color changes. 楚痕面色微变。 It removes the body to flash hastily draws back. 其连忙撤身闪退。 Bang......” land landslide, the quarry stone explodes turns, the innumerable every large or small rocks were separated from the earth's attraction directly, seems myriad locust groups to flutter about to fold. “砰……”大地山崩,乱石炸翻,无数大大小小的岩石直接是脱离了地心引力,好似万千蝗虫群般纷飞叠起。 The enormous and powerful cyclone blots out the sky. 浩荡的气旋铺天盖地。 Flutters about such as in the quarry stone of rain, magnificence warm like a fierce cruel wild animal, is erupting the extremely fatal offensive and moves fast. 纷飞如雨的乱石之中,华温就像一头凶猛残暴的野兽,爆发着极为致命的攻势和移速。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The distance between both vanishes instantaneously, magnificence warm like flickering to move to flash before catches up with Chu Hen, seizes the life the offensive to take the opposite party strategic point. 两者间的距离瞬间消失,华温就像瞬移闪现般追上楚痕的跟前,夺命的攻势直取对方要害。 But, relies on ahead of time sentences in advance, Chu Hen that the power of demon eyes observation is obtaining also makes the guard continually. 而,凭借着妖瞳之力观测得出的提前预判,楚痕也是连番作出防范。 Two people collides to the bang, unceasing exploding turns the jungle land. 两人的对轰碰撞,不断的炸翻丛林大地。 ...... …… Meanwhile, light to is still attacking front knot from outside not unceasingly. 与此同时,莫轻离还在不断从外面攻击着前方的结界。 However, this „the technique of universe prohibiting actually unified two Great Saint King Realm powerhouse strengths jointly to arrange. 然,这座“乾坤封禁之术”却是结合了两位大圣王境强者力量联合布置的。 It every inchs light screen firm if still impenetrable fortress. 其每一寸光幕都坚固的犹若金汤。 Regardless of not light to what kind of attack, black square body space ban that this is covering dozens li (0.5 km) jungle range stable like a mountain, the agonic does not move. 不论莫轻离如何的攻击,这座笼罩着数十里丛林范围的黑色四方体空间禁制稳固的就像一座大山,不偏不移。 Anxious. 焦虑。 Covers entirely whole piece facial features that leaves not lightly. 布满莫轻离的整张面容。 Except that helplessly looks, seems to have no other alternative. 除了眼睁睁的看着,似乎别无它法。 But, the black square body banned that in another two people as if to light do not have to an interest temporarily not. 而,黑色四方体禁制内的另外两个人似乎暂时对莫轻离一点兴趣都没有。 Is maintaining „the technique of universe prohibiting knot, completely to not light to the meaning of making a move, their duties, do not give the opportunity that the Chu Hen least bit escapes absolutely. 只是维持着“乾坤封禁之术”的结界,完全没有要对莫轻离出手的意思,他们的任务,就是绝对不给楚痕半点逃跑的机会。 Obviously, the great antiquity Saint clan goal is only Chu Hen. 很显然,洪荒圣族此行的目的只为楚痕 So long as killed the opposite party to be enough. 只要杀了对方就足够了。 As for others, is almost the indifferent attitude. 至于其他人,差不多就是无所谓的态度。 ...... …… However, even if another two people have not begun directly, but three Great Saint King Realm pressures eventually are the swayed here. 不过,就算另外两个人没有正面动手,可三个大圣王境的压力终究是摆在这里。 The huge oppression of tertiary domain is unable to neglect. 三重领域的巨大压迫还是无法忽略的。 Great antiquity sacred body has in ten big most bloodline limit the strongest explosive force, in the front impact by strength, Chu Hen many somewhat suffers a loss only. 洪荒圣体拥有十大最血脉界限中最为强大的爆发力,单论力量上的正面碰撞,楚痕多少有些吃亏。 Even if demon eyes can sentence magnificence warm the attack point ahead of time in advance, but the disparity on boundary cultivation base, and is not enough to make Chu Hen disrupt the rhythm of opposite party. 即便妖瞳能够提前预判华温的进攻点,但境界修为上的差距,并不足以令楚痕打乱对方的节奏。 Under violent storm fiercely attacking, Chu Hen gradually appears several points of strenuousness. 一番狂风暴雨般的猛攻之下,楚痕逐渐显现出几分吃力。 ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The complementary waves that astral's fierce red fist vigor and swift and fierce purple palm strength solid front impact in together, shakes split immediately eight side land jungles. 罡猛的红色拳劲和凌厉的紫色掌力结结实实的正面碰撞在一起,一股震荡开来的余波顿时绽裂八方大地丛林。 With the purple electricity glow broken instance, the Chu Hen figure will back up again in the future. 伴随着紫色电芒被震碎的瞬间,楚痕的身形再次往后倒退出去。 „Couldn't this insist? That may really be very regrettable!” “这就坚持不住了么?那可真的是很遗憾呢!” The magnificence warm corners of the mouth cast aside sneer. 华温嘴角一撇冷笑。 Erupts the intense woods cold vicious tendencies with its, it raises the dreadful boundless situation behind, at once jumps to jump, endures compared with breaking through the great antiquity fierce class/flow of dike turbulently. 跟着其眼中爆发出强烈的森寒戾气,其身后掀起滔天的磅礴大势,旋即纵身跃起,堪比冲破堤坝的洪荒猛流汹涌而出。 Vanishes! Hehe......” “消失吧!嘿嘿……” The ice-cold laughter made one be afraid. 冰冷的笑声令人不寒而栗。 However, at this moment, bang......” a loud sound, together with the quarry stone that the splash is lifting, a purple Fiendgod big hand finds out from the ground directly fiercely. 然,就在这时,“轰……”的一声巨响,连同着飞溅掀开的乱石,一只紫色的神魔大手直接是从地面之中猛地探出。 The imposing manner of soaring to the heavens if the claw of great demon, the overhead covers to throw warm toward magnificent. 冲天的气势如若森罗巨魔之爪,当头朝着华温笼罩扑去。 The latter facial color changes. 后者面色微变。 Erupts the strength of great antiquity to meet the approaching enemy continually directly. 连番爆发出洪荒之力正面迎击。 „......” “嗵……” The confused shock-wave endures compared with the mighty current that sweeping explodes, the complementary waves connection winding that divulges recklessly, is grinding the entire knot internal jungle vegetation. 乱腾的冲击波堪比扫荡爆开的洪流,肆意宣泄的余波交汇缠绕,碾碎着整个结界内部的丛林植被。 The imposing manner peerless purple great claw grinds the offensive that magnificence warm releases like the absolute defense all. 气势绝伦的紫色巨爪就像绝对防御般将华温释放出来的攻势尽数碾碎。 „......” “哧……” magnificent will retreat warm in the future at the same time, the Demon God pupil of Chu Hen that pair of evil charm fills a strong space rhythm. 华温往后退去的同时,楚痕那双邪魅的妖神瞳孔弥漫出一股超强的空间律动。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” The land total under body splits open to blast out, the serious enormous and powerful huge imposing manner raises the day. 身下的大地全数迸裂炸开,沉重浩荡的庞大气势掀天而起。 Chu Hen behind, the innumerable say/way purple light spin rapid connection winding, covers entirely the heavy/thick armor with a whole body, just like the shocking Demon God giant soldier appears in Hua and Wen impressively nearby. 楚痕身后,无数道紫色光旋迅速的交汇缠绕,跟着一尊全身布满厚重铠甲,宛如惊世妖神般的巨人战士赫然惊现于华温三人的跟前。 The endless purple brilliance covers entirely in whole body, the world is overshadowed. 无尽的紫色光耀布满于全身上下,天地黯然失色。 The enormous and powerful air wave circles in flight in Chu Hen high and low. 浩荡的气浪飞旋于楚痕上下。 The cold and gloomy vision is staring at the opposite party like the sharp blade. 其森冷的目光如利刃般盯着对方。 seven stars demon eyes, dying out demon spirit......” 七星妖瞳,寂灭魔灵……”
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