UMDK :: Volume #16

#1505: Clan sovereign phoenix dark blue

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Was flatter leaves?” “是阿离回来了吗?” If the low and deep vigorous sound the shop disperses the invisible tide in abyss, has a not being able to say broad potential. 低沉雄浑的声音如若铺散于深渊之中的无形浪潮,有着一种说不出来的恢宏之势。 Is built on beside the shackles hunts body to tremble together. 立于牢笼之外的“齐狩”身躯一颤。 It takes a step to reach front stair hastily, hurried walks toward the circuit intendant central that shackles. 其连忙迈步登上面前的台阶,匆匆忙忙的朝着道台中央的那座牢笼走去。 Father sovereign......” “父皇……” Really is flatter leaves!” “真是阿离啊!” In the gentle intonation has an inherent emperor dignity, the great aggressive man sits well in the shackles together. 温和的语调之中带着一股与生俱来的帝王威严,一道伟岸霸气的男子端坐于牢笼之内。 The male seemingly about siwushi-year-old physique, the frown enters the temple, in the temples is doping some white silk. 男子看上去大约四五十岁的形体,双眉入鬓,鬓间掺杂着些许白丝。 For all that but the opposite party does not have the half a point senile. 虽然如此,但对方没有半分老态。 His both hands and both feets are all shrinking the dark ice-cold iron chain. 其双手和双脚皆缩着黝黑冰冷的铁链。 Although is a condition of captive, but that invisible King aggressively was still exposed without doubt. 虽然是一副阶下囚的状态,可那无形的王者霸气仍旧是展露无疑。 Father sovereign......” “父皇……” Calls to the startled sound not lightly said, simultaneously the shape also changes its main body appearance. 莫轻离惊声唤道,同时形态随之变回其本体样貌。 My this saves you to come out!” “我这就救你出来!” Then, not light to wanting to rush goes. 说罢,莫轻离欲冲上前去。 Has not waited for her close to the shackles, buzz......”, that attaches to the gray cool flame on shackles parapet immediately changes incomparable powerful. 可尚未等她靠近牢笼,“嗡……”的一声,那依附在牢笼栏杆上的灰色冷焰顿时变的无比强盛。 Ice-cold cool flame ascension, if the spirit guard prevents in the front that leaves not lightly. 冰冷的冷焰升腾,如若幽灵守卫般阻挡在莫轻离的面前。 Do not come...... by your cultivation base, but also cannot untie ‚’ the seal that ocean extinguishes to suppose personally......” “别过来……以你的修为,还解不开‘溟灭’亲自设下的封印……” Damn ocean extinguishes.” “该死的溟灭。” Bites to the silver tooth not lightly lightly, the white hands grip tightly the fist, the knuckle pinch faint flood white. 莫轻离银牙轻咬,玉手紧握成拳,指关节都捏的隐隐泛白。 Looks clan sovereign who the past is keeping aloof, now reduces for the captive, light to does not see the eye socket not flood red, the pupil contains the clear tears. 望着昔日高高在上的族皇,如今沦落为阶下囚,莫轻离不见眼眶泛红,眸含清泪。 Father sovereign, you suffered hardships!” “父皇,您受苦了!” Also can see you again, I very happy...... I had listened to simultaneous/uniform Shou saying that you...... were left to say in eastern territory the place of border by the seal not lightly. “还能再见到你,我已经很开心了……我听齐狩说,你被封印在东域的边境之地……”莫轻离回道。 By cultivation base that hunts together, even if he left behind the seal gap to you, you are unable safe and sound flees?” “以齐狩的修为,就算他给你留下了封印缺口,你也无法安然无恙的逃离出来吧?” Father sovereign really predicts with great accuracy lightly......” to the slight nod, the red gem pupil exudes not faintly some gently, after breaking through seal, I ran into a person.” “父皇果然料事如神……”莫轻离微微点头,红色宝石般的眸子隐隐泛起些许温婉,“在冲破封印之后,我遇到了一个人。” ...... …… ...... …… The weather warms gradually, the dawn soft light sprinkles across the thick cloud layer to the land. 天色渐暖,晨曦的柔光穿过厚厚的云层洒向大地。 Sprinkles following the tree top with the gorgeous ray in the maplewood, is pursuing the coldness and dim in forest. 和绚的光线顺着枝梢洒在枫林之中,驱逐着林内的寒冷和昏暗。 Dawn!” “天亮了!” In the jungle, Chu Hen muttered in a low voice, the vision looked immediately lightly to not to the direction that yesterday left. 丛林内,楚痕低声喃喃道,目光随即望向莫轻离昨天离开的方向。 According to the opposite party said that if before dawn, she did not have, does not need to wait again. 按照对方所言,如果天亮之前,她还没有回来的话,就无需再等了。 Meaning that but Chu Hen do not leave. 楚痕并没有要离开的意思。 ...... …… It seems like very important person!” Hunts together says suddenly. “看来是很重要的人呢!”齐狩突然开口说道。 Un?” Chu Hen is startled. “嗯?”楚痕一怔。 The opposite party smile, you are the person who our princess regards as important very much...... I understand her very much, I am also visit her to grow up......” 对方笑了笑,“你是我们公主殿下很看重的人……我很了解她,我也是看着她长大的……” Chu Hen a little does not know how to reply. 楚痕有点不知如何回答。 „Are our princess's temperament not quite good?” “我们公主殿下的脾气不太好吧?” Hunted to be a bit like the elder brother chatting with Chu Hen together. 齐狩有点像兄长般同楚痕聊了起来。 Chu Hen does to deliberately consider slightly, then shakes the head, fortunately, where also without feeling is not good.” 楚痕稍作寻思,然后摇了摇头,“还好,也没觉得哪里不好的。” What's wrong?” simultaneous/uniform Shou smiles, hasn't displayed before you? Princess's personality is gruff, except for is occupied by her who phoenix dark blue your majesty can manage, who takes her not to have the means......, but her heart is very good, if later she made the mistake anything, is not her original intention, hopes that the little brother you can take on her much......” “怎么?”齐狩爽朗一笑,“没有在你面前表现出来吗?公主殿下的性格非常倔的,除了凰沧陛下能管的住她,谁都拿她没办法……但是她心地很善良,倘若以后她做错了什么事,绝非她的本意,希望小兄弟你能多多担待一下她……” Listens to the words of opposite party, Chu Hen to have a strange feeling. 听着对方的话,楚痕不免有种奇怪的感觉。 A little to be how strange. 怎么有点怪怪的。 Like elder admonishment. 就像长辈在规劝一样。 Looks at the Chu Hen a little embarrassed facial expression, simultaneous/uniform Shou is smiling. 看着楚痕有点窘迫的神情,齐狩只是笑着。 She came back......” simultaneous/uniform Shou also to say. “她回来了……”齐狩随之说道。 The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects, looks askance to look, sees only jungle deep place that the mist lingers, another hunts together toward here. 楚痕俊眉一挑,侧目望去,只见薄雾萦绕的丛林深处,另一个“齐狩”正朝着这边而来。 Your highness......” simultaneous/uniform Shou moves forward to meet somebody hastily. “殿下……”齐狩连忙迎了上去。 Chu Hen is also takes a step to go forward, how? Sees your father?” 楚痕亦是迈步上前,“怎么样?见到你父亲没有?” The opposite party nod, but the facial color is unattractive. 对方点了点头,但面色却并不好看。 What did clan sovereigns say to you?” simultaneous/uniform Shou inquired. “族皇跟你说了什么?”齐狩询问道。 The opposite party had not replied, but looks at Chu Hen, is nipping the jaw tightly, one full is the gloomy facial expression. 对方没有回答,只是看着楚痕,紧咬着牙关,一副满是阴郁的神情。 Actually how? Has the means to save him to come out?” Chu Hen asked again. “究竟怎么了?有办法救他出来吗?”楚痕再次问道。 We walk!” “我们走吧!” Walks?” Chu Hen stares. “走?”楚痕一愣。 Nearby simultaneous/uniform Shou is frowning lightly, just now the relaxed meaning on face vanishes instantly does not see, displacing is many dignified. 一旁的齐狩不禁轻皱着眉头,方才脸上的轻松之意即刻消失不见,取而代之是诸多凝重。 Un! Goes back!” The opposite party give affirmative nod, is sideways to aline hunts saying that Brother Qi, that side the father sovereign gave you, I later will contact with you again.” “嗯!回去吧!”对方给予肯定的点点头,然后侧身对齐狩道,“齐大哥,父皇那边就交给你了,我以后会再和你联系的。” simultaneous/uniform Shou consented seriously, you feel relieved! So long as the ocean extinguishes for day not to obtain «Big Slaughter Demon Record», his one day will not kill the clan sovereign.” 齐狩郑重的应允,“你放心吧!只要溟灭一天没有得到《大屠魔录》,他就一天不会害死族皇。” You are also careful.” “你自己也小心点。” I have the discretion......” simultaneous/uniform Shou to look at once to Chu Hen, little brother, the princess asked you to look.” “我有分寸……”齐狩旋即看向楚痕,“小兄弟,公主殿下就拜托你照顾了。” Chu Hen both hands hold the fist in the other hand, meeting.” 楚痕双手抱拳,“会的。” simultaneous/uniform Shou looks the applause and gratitude color. 齐狩面露赞许和感激之色。 While guarding has not come out to go on patrol, you hurry to leave!” “趁守卫还没有出来巡逻,你们赶紧离开!” Said goodbye!” “告辞!” ...... …… Beside maple tree wing day valley. 枫翼天谷之外。 Has changed the main body light to did not say a word not from beginning to end, a worried appearance. 已经变回本体的莫轻离从始至终都是一言不发,一副心事重重的样子。 As if after seeing right in front of one his father sovereign, the innermost feelings do not have the least bit to feel relaxed extraordinarily, instead gloomy arduous. 似乎在面见其父皇之后,内心非凡没有半点释然,反而更加的阴郁繁重。 Actually how?” Chu Hen keeps off in the front of opposite party directly, the sinking sound asks. “究竟怎么了?”楚痕直接是挡在对方的面前,沉声问道。 No.” “没什么。” Your this makes me uncomfortable very much......, if you want to rescue your father sovereign, I can help......, even if cannot accomplish depending on both of us, can still look for the East sovereign and stretch/leisurely Yuan sovereign they come to assist......” “你这样很让我不舒服……如果你想解救你父皇的话,我可以帮忙的……就算凭我们两个人办不到,也能找东方宗主和舒元宗主他们前来相助……” Chu Hen is looking at the eyes of opposite party, answered. 楚痕正视着对方的眼睛,向其解释道。 However, regarding the Chu Hen vision, light to is the choice avoids not directly. 然,对于楚痕的目光,莫轻离直接是选择避开。 Useless, matter not like you thought...... your leave alone I.” “没用的,事情不像你想的那样……你别管我了。” Then, not light to leaning side, selfish faces forward to walk. 说罢,莫轻离侧过身边的身旁,自顾自的朝前走去。 Chu Hen is puzzled. 楚痕不解。 The opposite party as if have anything not to tell itself. 对方似乎有什么事情不愿告诉自己。 „Does determination need to go back like this?” “确定要这样回去吗?” Said this matter did not need you to manage lightly......” not to turning away from Chu Hen, it, continued saying that father sovereign there, I can try to find the solution, at your meeting in land state! Do not go to the eastern territory?” “说了这件事不用你管了……”莫轻离背对着楚痕,其顿了顿,继续说道,“父皇那里,我会自己想办法的,你会中陆内州吧!不是还要去东域吗?” Then, the opposite party wants to leave. 说完,对方就欲自行离开。 A Chu Hen helplessness. 楚痕不禁一阵无奈。 I said......” “我说……” The words have not said, the Chu Hen suddenly facial color changes, careful......” 话未说完,楚痕陡然间面色一变,“小心……” Bang!” “轰嗵!” Does not need Chu Hen to catch up with the opposite party, the towering land cracks, breaks stack-up, is raising the day together with a mountain torrent wild terrifying power, ground instantaneous cuns (2.5 cm) between both blast out. 不待楚痕追上对方,突兀的大地崩裂,断层叠荡,连同着一股山洪般的狂暴恐怖力量掀天而起,两者之间的地面瞬间寸寸炸开。 Prosperous!” “隆!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… The red light beams of direct impact Milky Way like the center of the earth magma that the place bottom jumps out, everywhere one visit, throws off eight side spaces, grinds the mountains and rivers jungle. 一道道直冲天河的红色光柱就像地底窜出的地心岩浆,所到之处,掀翻八方空间,碾碎山河丛林。 Chu Hen, leaves not lightly is the heart in great surprise. 楚痕,莫轻离皆是心头大惊。 Enormous and powerful astral's fierce shock-wave directly two people south-north shakes to fly toward the rear area. 浩荡罡猛的冲击波直接是将两人一南一北的朝着后方震飞出去。 ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” A huge pressure covers, and along with strength of the especially vigorous domain. 紧接着,一股庞大的威压笼罩而下,且伴随着一层尤为浑厚的领域之力。 Day step Great Saint King Realm......” “天阶大圣王境……” The Chu Hen facial color sinks. 楚痕面色一沉。 Hey, meets the sound of light jeering......” exuded is teasing thickly to transmit under. “嘿,又见面了……”泛着浓浓戏谑的轻嘲之声传达而下。 The next second, in the sky appears three imposing gloomy and cold forms impressively. 下一秒钟,上空之中赫然惊现出三道气势不凡的阴冷身影。 Especially is the person of head, the aura especially powerful. 尤其是为首之人,气息格外的强大。 ...... …… Is you!” The Chu Hen pupil shrinks faintly, is staring at the leader who coldly. “是你!”楚痕瞳孔隐隐一缩,冷冷的盯着为首者。 The opposite party are not others, is the great antiquity Saint clan, magnificence warm! 对方不是别人,正是洪荒圣族,华温! The storm collection, the cyclone howls. 风暴汇集,气旋呼啸。 If the air wave between world a huge vortex starts to corrode is sweeping all around jungle. 天地间的气浪如若一座庞大的漩涡般开始侵蚀扫荡着四周的丛林。 Three people headed by magnificence warm ignore below Chu Hen exhaltedly, the curve that the corners of the mouth exude are being full of the meaning of teasing. 以华温为首的三人居高临下的漠视着下方的楚痕,嘴角泛起的弧度饶有戏谑之意。 Before I had reminded you, the mountain does not change, the green water long class/flow, latter meets limited......! It seems like you have not cared my words......” “之前我已经提醒了你,青山不改,绿水长流,后会……有期呢!看来你没将我的话放在心上啊……” Chu Hen corner of the eye flood cold, „, the great antiquity clan of original ten big strongest Saint clans also with that War God Palace birds of a feather, likes doing this mean and shameless matter.” 楚痕眼角泛寒,“哼,原来十大最强圣族的洪荒一族也和那战神宫一路货色,都喜欢做这种卑鄙无耻的事。” Can scold several again, at the point of death the first anger is bigger, is desperately accidental bigger.” “可以再多骂几句,临死前的愤怒越大,也就意外着绝望越大。” ...... …… Feels the powerful oppression that is sweeping across to come all-around, in the Chu Hen eye is dragging faint trace cold glow. 感受着那全方位席卷而来的强大压迫,楚痕眼中摇曳着丝丝冷芒。 The corner of the eye split vision glance, sinking sound to another side leaves not lightly said, you first walk!” 其眼角余光一瞥,沉声对另外一侧的莫轻离道,“你先走!” Not lightly changes to the elegant face, the white hands grasp the Fist Dao, not!” 莫轻离俏脸一变,玉手握拳道,“不!” Their goals are I, you first walked right......” “他们的目标是我,你先走就对了……” In the Chu Hen sound brings the unquestionable firmness. 楚痕声音中带着不容置疑的坚决。 Hehe, said is very right!” The magnificence warm both arms surround before the body, teasing on face, our goals indeed are you......, but, this small Saint bird must run is a bit faster good, after waiting to solve you,...... I also...... am the meeting, killed her! Ha hahahaha......” “呵呵,说的很对呢!”华温双臂环抱在身前,脸上的戏谑更甚,“我们的目标的确是你……不过,这位小圣雀还是要跑快点才行,等解决掉你之后……我也……是会,杀了她的哦!哈哈哈哈哈……” Four laugh, just like regards the cageling. 肆声大笑,犹如看待笼中之鸟。 ...... …… Walks!” Chu Hen to light to is shouting to clear the way not loudly, then its figure moves, erupts the powerful speed toward to plunder directly with the opposite direction. “走!”楚痕对着莫轻离大声喝道,接着其身形一动,直接是爆发着强大的速度朝着与之相反的方向掠出。 magnificent coldly warm smiles. 华温冷冷一笑。 This, if can also be escaped by you, the given name of my great antiquity Saint clan writes...... blocks him!” “这要是还能被你逃掉,我洪荒圣族的名号就倒着写……拦住他!” Yes!” “是!” Instance that the words fall, it behind other two jump to leap the ground instantaneously. 话落的瞬间,其身后的另外两人瞬间纵身跃下地面。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Is dispersing in the land jungle middle berth together with a vigorous air wave, the two respectively are located in east one by a west, then double palm simultaneously racket to ground. 连同着一股雄浑的气浪于大地丛林中铺散开来,那两人分别位于一东一西两侧,接着双掌同时拍向地面。 „The technique of universe prohibiting!” “乾坤封禁之术!” Bang!” “砰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… In an instant, the first even/including four giant black light screens run out of the ground directly, was blocked in the forest within surrounding area nearly dozens li (0.5 km) completely. 霎那间,一连四座巨大的黑色光幕直接是冲出地面,于方圆近数十里以内的森林全部被封锁在内。 Concentrates the solid light screen directly to form a side magnificent incomparable black cube in the world. 凝实的光幕直接于天地间形成一方壮观无比的黑色正方体。 But, this powerful knot seal unexpectedly intentionally not light to for isolating outside. 而,这座强大的结界封印竟然故意将莫轻离给隔绝在了外面。 Hehe, tests your friendship time arrived at...... you are visits him dead, oneself first ran...... decides as you like......” “呵呵,考验你们情义的时候到了……你是看着他死,还是自己先跑……随你决定……” magnificent plays the mouse general like the cat warm, enjoys this type to play with during the feeling in applauses very much. 华温就像猫耍耗子一般,很是享受这种将人玩弄于鼓掌间的感觉。 Leaves not lightly startled and anxious. 莫轻离又惊又急。 She erupts the powerful strength bang continually to front black light screen, impulse that but releases like clay ox entering the sea, can only make the light screen be startled for several points to shiver, is unable its puncture. 她连番爆发出强盛的力量轰向面前的黑色光幕,但释放出去的冲击力就像泥牛入海一样,只能令光幕惊起几分颤动,根本无法将其击穿。 Province strength! Gives you day of time unable to break it......” “省点力气吧!给你一天时间也打不破它……” magnificence warm light saying with a smile. 华温淡淡的笑道。 But, places oneself is dragging silk threads manic in the Chu Hen whole body. 而,置身于其中的楚痕全身摇曳着丝丝缕缕的狂躁雷芒。 Two people with tying surround me, it seems like you are planned that a person and I hits......” “两个人用结界困住我,看来你是打算一个人和我打……” The Chu Hen look that is gradually tranquil reveals several points of profoundness. 逐步平静下来的楚痕眼神流露出几分深邃。 Therefore?” The magnificence warm brow selects to say lightly. “所以呢?”华温眉头轻挑道。 Therefore, words of person...... you die do not know how dead......” “所以,一个人的话……你连死都不知道怎么死的……” „!” “噌!” The rapid air wave trembling cry surges eight side world, the instance that the voice drops, Chu Hen both eyes raises, the deep and quiet pupil erupts piece of monster different purple glow impressively. 急促的气浪颤鸣激荡八方天地,话音落下的瞬间,楚痕双目一掀,深幽的瞳孔赫然爆发出一片妖异的紫芒 In an instant, an invisible space rhythm sweeps across. 霎那间,一股无形的空间律动席卷开来。 The magnificence warm corner of the eye shrinks, suddenly feels the god to know one suddenly. 华温的眼角一缩,顿觉神识一恍。 „......” “嗤嗤……” The next flash, frost dust everywhere, interlocks, the time of merely flickering, Chu Hen vanished in impressively same place. 下一霎那,霜尘漫天,雷芒交错,仅仅只是一瞬的功夫,楚痕赫然消失在了原地。 With manic incomparable thunder momentum, upper air China warm behind had/left a swift and fierce form of owner Demon God both eyes directly. 伴随着狂躁无比的雷霆声势,高空中华温的身后直接多出了一道拥有者妖神双目的凌厉身影。 ...... …… ...... ……
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