UMDK :: Volume #16

#1504: Cries loudly the abyss

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Subordinate simultaneous/uniform Shou, see princess!” “属下齐狩,参见公主殿下!” Princess? 公主殿下? Heard the future regarding the name that left not lightly, Chu Hen obviously was startled. 听到来者对于莫轻离的称呼,楚痕明显怔了一下。 His some surprise looks at opposite party that fine attractive facial features. 他有些诧异的看着对方那精致漂亮的面容。 Said, leaves not lightly is a daughter of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan clan sovereign? 这么说,莫轻离是圣翼天炎雀一族族皇的女儿? Although Chu Hen had guessed correctly that light to will not lower in a position of day flame bird clan not, but has not thought that will so venerate noblly. 尽管楚痕早就猜到莫轻离在天炎雀一族的地位不会低,但也没想到会如此的尊崇高贵。 Brother Qi please get up, does not need line of this big rituals!” “齐大哥请起,无需行此大礼!” To goes forward to support the opposite party not lightly hastily. 莫轻离连忙上前扶住对方。 simultaneous/uniform Shou also sets out, in the eye still has the feeling to touch. 齐狩随之起身,眼中犹有感慨触动。 Princess, you came back finally......” “公主殿下,你总算是回来了……” This also wants many thanks Brother Qi you, if not for initially you my seal in the eastern territory, I only feared that has suffered the violent treachery.” “这还要多谢齐大哥你,当初若不是你将我封印在东域的话,我只怕已经惨遭毒手。” Oh!” simultaneous/uniform Shou sighed, in the past I did not have the means that can offer this bad plan, but also looked at the princess to forgive.” “唉!”齐狩叹了口气,“当年我也是没有办法,才会出此下策,还望公主殿下恕罪。” I know that Brother Qi's original intention is helping me, otherwise you will not leave behind the gap in the seal, to opportunity that I escape.” “我知道齐大哥的本意是在帮我,不然你也不会在封印内留下缺口,给我逃出来的机会。” There are several points to feel grateful to the tone in not lightly. 莫轻离语气中带着几分感激。 simultaneous/uniform Shou was still shook the head sighs lightly, it looks at once to nearby Chu Hen, said, has not consulted this little brother......” 齐狩仍旧是摇头轻叹,其旋即看向一旁的楚痕,道,“还未请教这位小兄弟……” Younger generation Chu Hen, is she...... is your princess's friends.” Chu Hen returns said. “晚辈楚痕,是她……是你们公主殿下的朋友。”楚痕回道。 simultaneous/uniform Shou nods, „below simultaneous/uniform Shou, is a strategist of day of flame bird clan commands......” 齐狩点了点头,“在下齐狩,是天炎雀一族的策士统帅……” Simple introduction, simultaneous/uniform Shou excessively has not inquired the Chu Hen status origin. 简单的介绍一下,齐狩并未过多询问楚痕的身份来历。 He is very clear, since light to comes to here the Chu Hen belt/bring not, that absolutely is the percentage hundred trustworthy people. 他很清楚,既然莫轻离将楚痕带到这里来,那绝对是百分百信得过的人。 My father sovereign where?” Bites the red lip to the silver tooth not lightly lightly, as if somewhat anxious asking. “我父皇在哪里?”莫轻离银牙轻咬红唇,似乎有些紧张的问道。 Your highness worried not, the clan sovereigns are also living......” “殿下莫担心,族皇还活着……” One hear of this saying, light to can relax not immediately. 一听这话,莫轻离顿时得以放松。 „Is he where?” “那他身在何处?” The simultaneous/uniform hunting vision lifts lightly, the sinking sound said, after ocean extinguished in the past plotted a rebellion to usurp the throne, has not killed the clan sovereign Sir, but in cried loudly abyss its pass/test ‚’.” 齐狩目光轻抬,沉声道,“溟灭当年谋反篡位之后,并未杀害族皇大人,而是将其关在‘嚎哭深渊’。” Cries loudly the abyss......” lightly to exude the chill in the air to the pupil in not, his white hands grip tightly the fist, this damn scoundrel, dares so to treat the father sovereign......” “嚎哭深渊……”莫轻离眸中泛着寒意,其玉手紧握成拳,“这该死的混账,竟敢如此对待父皇……” simultaneous/uniform Shouyi sighed in a soft voice. 齐狩亦是轻声叹气。 Ocean extinguishes the wild ambition, in the past was unprepared while the clan sovereign Sir, its severely wounded seal...... otherwise, the entire ethnic group will not fall into during this male servant's control.” “溟灭狼子野心,当年趁族皇大人不备,将其重伤封印……不然的话,整个族群也不会落入这厮的掌控之中。” Listens to two people's dialogues, the doubts in Chu Hen heart also to be understood and combs. 听着两个人的对话,楚痕心中的疑惑也得到了解开和梳理。 Father sovereign who originally a hierarch of present Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan not leaves not lightly. 原来现在的圣翼天炎雀一族的掌权者并非莫轻离的父皇。 Today's hierarch overthrew the previous clan sovereign, but also shut in the latter the prison. 今日的掌权者推翻了上一任的族皇,还将后者关进了大牢之中。 The civil war that because in the past clan erupted, caused not to being forced to flee the maple tree wing day valley lightly. 正是因为当年族内爆发的内战,导致莫轻离被迫逃离了枫翼天谷。 But, at present this strategist commander named simultaneous/uniform Shou is ordered to chase down in her. 而,眼前这位名叫齐狩的策士统帅奉命追杀于她。 In the simultaneous/uniform hunting surface surrenders in Xinwang the ocean to extinguish, in fact is loyal to the old lord. 齐狩表面上归降于新王溟灭,实际上还是忠于旧主。 In order to saves the life that leaves not lightly, he has not issued the killer to it, but its seal in far away from place of land the hundred country state positions of eastern territory edge. 为了能够保住莫轻离的性命,他并未对其下达杀手,而是将其封印于远离中陆之地的东域边缘的百国州境地。 Relies on seal gap that is hunting together leaves behind intentionally, light to found the opportunity to escape not finally. 凭借着齐狩故意留下的封印缺口,莫轻离最终找机会逃了出来。 Met Chu Hen on that day by chance. 恰巧那一天遇到了楚痕 ...... …… Has had the confusion in heart, finally obtained clearing out. 一直存在于心中的困惑,终于得到了疏解。 Has not thought the destiny that leaves not lightly so will also be rough. 没想到莫轻离的命运也会这般坎坷。 Also the opposite parties do not dare to return to here no wonder rashly. 也难怪对方都不敢贸然回到这里。 ...... …… „Can I see the father sovereign?” “我能见见父皇吗?” To said not lightly suddenly. 莫轻离突然说道。 Chu Hen is startled, some surprise looks at the opposite party. 楚痕一怔,有些诧异的看着对方。 If this situation, wants to come her to decide in however difficult. 如果是这种情形的话,想来她在里面定然寸步难行。 However, simultaneous/uniform Shoushao does to hesitate, is actually serious nod. 然,齐狩稍作迟疑,却是郑重的点了点头。 You only go by my status......” “你只以我的身份进去……” Un!” “嗯!” Leaves the compliance not lightly. 莫轻离应允。 Then, in Chu Hen still has under the surprised vision, light to will draw back not slightly in the future two steps, at once the beautiful eye concentrates, buzz......” a gorgeous colored cyclone light mark overflows from his body. 接着,在楚痕犹有惊疑的目光下,莫轻离稍稍往后退了两步,旋即美目一凝,“嗡……”一圈绚丽的彩色气旋光纹从其身上溢出。 If the light spin the swirling encirclement of dream, then covers her. 光旋如若梦幻的水涡环绕,然后将她笼罩在内。 Whish!” “哗!” Following close on, a sloppy radiance is swinging, front the Chu Hen heart stares, sees is only standing impressively two almost exactly the same simultaneous/uniform Shou. 紧跟着,一圈散漫的光华荡开,楚痕心头一愣,只见面前赫然站着两个几乎一模一样的齐狩。 You?” “你?” My father sovereign teaches me to change the body technique!” After the change not light to sending out replied with simultaneous/uniform Shou the same voice. “我父皇教给我的变身术!”变化之后的莫轻离发出同齐狩一样的声音回答道。 Nearby simultaneous/uniform Shou is also the nod commends, worthily is a princess, the aura does not have the least bit to distinguish.” 一旁的齐狩也是点头赞许,“不愧是公主殿下,就连气息都没有半点区别。” Enters ties the method?” “进入结界的方法?” Also...... simultaneous/uniform Shou replied as before. “还和以前一样……”齐狩回答。 Snort, it seems like that the ocean extinguishes is actually very self-confident, was not worried that I will come back......” “哼,看来溟灭倒是很自信,根本就不担心我会回来……” Ties, although has not changed, but cries loudly abyss to guard sternly, you need to go in my token......” “结界虽然没变,不过‘嚎哭深渊’守卫森严,你需要用我的令牌才能进去……” Saying, hunts to take out a palm of the hand size together the golden token. 说着,齐狩取出一枚巴掌大小的金色令牌。 The token is dragging the gorgeous flowing light, above mark is carving the design of fine pattern as well as Saint bird. 令牌摇曳着绚丽的流光,上面纹刻着精美的花纹以及一只圣雀的图案。 Looked is symbolizing the lofty status faith token. 一看就是象征着崇高身份的信物。 To meets not lightly the token, is sideways to look to Chu Hen, said that you and Brother Qi here I, if before tomorrow early morning, I did not have, you leave here.” 莫轻离将令牌接到手中,然后侧身望向楚痕,道,“你和齐大哥在这里等我,如果明天清晨之前,我还没有回来的话,你就离开这里。” The Chu Hen slight nod, you were careful!” 楚痕微微点头,“你自己小心!” Un!” “嗯!” Then, when light goes to also the direction from simultaneous/uniform Shoulai not. 说罢,莫轻离随之从齐狩来时的方向而去。 After tying position, she stopped slightly, then ten fingers of first even/including calculated that several seal arts, along with a light light mark that in the air appears faintly, the opposite party like flashes into across a water curtain. 在经过结界位置的时候,她稍稍停顿了一下,然后十指一连推算出几道印决,伴随着空气中隐隐浮现出的一层薄薄的光纹,对方如同穿过一座水幕般闪入其中。 But, at this moment, the weather has sunk secretly. 而,此时此刻,天色已经暗沉下来。 The dim curtain of night looks like extends in world each corner hand of nightmare. 昏暗的夜幕就像是延伸世间各个角落里的梦魇之手。 Looks at the opposite party to vanish in the back of jungle deep place, in the eye of Chu Hen shows indistinctly deeply some. 看着对方消失在丛林深处的背影,楚痕的眼中隐约透出些许深沉。 Will be discovered?” Chu Hen asked in a low voice. “会被发现吗?”楚痕低声问道。 simultaneous/uniform Shou shows a faint smile, princess, when is very small, changes body techniqueto pretend that with this frequently ‚ the clan sovereign Sir teases, when under...... just started, but can also distinguish the truth, but to behind, me could not even see the flaw...... by princess's wisdom, so long as does not meet the ocean to extinguish, will not be discovered absolutely.” 齐狩微微一笑,“公主殿下在很小的时候,就经常用这‘变身术’假装族皇大人来逗在下……刚开始的时候,还能分辨出真伪,但到了后面,连我都看不出破绽……以公主殿下的智慧,只要不遇到溟灭,绝对不会被发现的。” Listened to a it such saying, Chu Hen to relax slightly. 听其这样一说,楚痕稍稍有所放松。 ...... …… ...... …… „!” “呜!” The cold wind like the note, roared like the ghost. 凛风如注,像鬼怪咆哮。 Relies on is changing body technique is easy to allow to transform, as well as in familiar of environment with clan, not light to opening access arrived in a broad giant ravine. 凭借着“变身术”的易容幻化,以及对于族内环境的熟悉,莫轻离畅通无阻的抵达了一座广阔巨大的溪谷之中。 Around the ravine, the cliff grows thickly, the precipice is precipitous. 溪谷周围,断崖丛生,绝壁险峻。 In that ravine deep place, has a jet black passing road junction. 在那溪谷深处,有着一个漆黑的通道口。 Just like big mouth that the abyss giant beast opens, passes bottom of the road junction deep place, has the strange sad and shrill sharp roaring sound to spread faintly. 宛如深渊巨兽张开的大嘴,通道口深处底部,隐隐有着诡异凄厉的尖锐咆哮声传出。 ...... …… Who dares to excel at breaking into the restricted area?” “何人胆敢擅闯禁地?” At this time, cold severe the berating sound transmitted from the entrance of that ravine together. 这时,一道冷厉的喝斥声从那溪谷的入口处传来。 Sees only 78 to grasp the bone-chilling cold long spear/gun, wore power and prestige heavy A form to block directly came the person. 只见七八道手持凛冽长枪,身披威风重甲的身影直接是挡住了来人。 Originally is Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou......” is one a middle-aged man who wears the black to fight armor at present one bright, goes forward hastily, looks the smile of flattering. “原来是齐狩大人……”为首一位身披黑色战甲的中年男子眼前一亮,连忙上前,面露谄媚的笑容。 What matter doesn't know Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou late at night here behavior?” “不知齐狩大人深夜来这里所为何事?” Hunts cold Meiqing to lift together, light returning said, this commander must get down.” “齐狩”冷眉轻抬,淡淡的回道,“本统帅要下去一趟。” „? Does Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou also cry loudly the abyss?” “哦?齐狩大人也去嚎哭深渊?” What's wrong? Has the issue?” “怎么?有问题?” Reply Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou, crying loudly the abyss is the clan forbidden area, as long as must going, need the agreement of clan sovereign Sir.” “回禀齐狩大人,嚎哭深渊乃是本族禁区,但凡要进去者,都需要族皇大人的同意。” Snort, you felt me for the petty minor matter does disturb the clan sovereign Sir?” “哼,你觉得我会为了点鸡毛蒜皮的小事就去打搅族皇大人吗?” This......” “这……” That guard looks the color of feeling embarrassed. 那守卫面露为难之色。 Does slightly hesitant, he continues to ask, does not know that what matter Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou does get down so-called?” 稍作犹豫,他继续问道,“不知齐狩大人下去所谓何事?” Told you also to might as well, I must look for phoenix dark blue to ask that took " Big Slaughter Demon Record » whereabouts, good to present it to the clan the sovereign Sir......” “告诉你们也无妨,我要找‘凰沧’问取《大屠魔录》的下落,好将其奉给族皇大人……” Hears «Big Slaughter Demon Record» several characters, the numerous guard at present is one bright. 一听到《大屠魔录》几个字,众守卫的眼前皆是一亮。 Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou knows where is at this clan to tall Shendian?” “齐狩大人知道本族至高神典在哪?” I have checked traces, I planned that dark bluemouth draws out words fromphoenix. If can find «Big Slaughter Demon Record», regarding you, is regarding me, is great merit one. Therefore, before then, I cannot make the clan sovereign Sir know temporarily , to its pleasant surprise.” “我已经查到点蛛丝马迹了,我打算从‘凰沧’嘴里套出一点话。若能够找到《大屠魔录》,不论是对于你们,还是对于我,都是大功一件。所以,在这之前,我暂时不能让族皇大人知晓,介时,给其一个惊喜。” So that's how it is, worthily is Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou, you had a mind.” “原来如此,不愧是齐狩大人,还是您有心了。” Now can make me get down?” “现在能让我下去了吧?” Naturally......, but, if Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou can find «Big Slaughter Demon Record», the hope can before the clan sovereign Sir for our brothers several fine talk several.” “当然……不过,若是齐狩大人能够找到《大屠魔录》,希望能在族皇大人面前替我们兄弟几个美言几句。” Must! If can succeed, certainly must have your merit.” “必须的!若能成功,一定少不了你们的一份功劳。” Many thanks Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou!” “多谢齐狩大人!” Then, that guard beams with joy, the face color on flattering was stronger. 说罢,那守卫眉开眼笑,脸上的谄媚之色更浓了。 Hurries to make way, escorts Sir simultaneous/uniform Shou to get down......” “赶紧让开,护送齐狩大人下去……” Does not need, I alone to go on the line, you are defending here, makes any bystander come in not by any means.” “不必了,我一个人进去就行,你们在这里守着,切莫让任何一个外人进来。” Understood!” “明白!” ...... …… At once, hunts figure to move together, flashes into the ravine. 旋即,“齐狩”身形一动,随之闪入溪谷之中。 Whiz!” “嗖!” No hesitation, it across the ravine deep place, arrives in the bottom passing road junction directly, is greeting that woods cold piercing cold wind, leaps forward the abyss directly. 没有任何的迟疑,其穿过溪谷深处,直接抵达底部的通道口,迎接着那森寒刺骨的凛风,径直跃入深渊内部。 ...... …… Dark, is flooding each corner of abyss. 黑暗,充斥着深渊的各个角落。 The bottom of abyss like connecting the hell in legend is the same, in the air transmits is just liking the malicious ghost sob sound, listens to call people scalp tingles. 深渊之底如同连接着传说中的地狱一样,空气中传达着犹如恶鬼般的哭泣声响,听着叫人头皮发麻。 Here suffers injustice. 这里不见天日。 The gloom is extremely heavy. 阴气极重。 Regarding likes the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan of ray and heat source inborn, here waits for one minute one second to feel uncomfortable. 对于天生喜欢光芒和热源的圣翼天炎雀一族而言,在这里多待一分一秒都感到难受。 ...... …… At this time, under is dragging the weak low and deep halo indistinctly. 这时,下方隐约摇曳着微弱低沉的光晕。 Sees only on that steep both sides abyss dikes horizontally more than ten giant iron chains. 只见那陡峭的两侧深渊岩壁上横着十几道巨大的铁链。 For example boom. 譬如横江铁索。 A that iron chain continually then central hanging circuit intendant. 那铁链连接着中央的一座悬空道台。 Above that circuit intendant, has a side about hundred meters wide shackles impressively. 在那道台之上,赫然有着一方近百米宽的牢笼。 Distant looks, that shackles burns a gray cool flame up and down, is plundering the thermal energy in air. 远远的望去,那牢笼上下燃动着一层灰色的冷焰,掠夺着空气中的热能。 „......” “咻……” Hunts to jump to leap together, dodging gently falls to that circuit intendant above. “齐狩”纵身跃下,轻轻的闪落至那道台之上。 Looks at the peripheral environment, in its full is crabbed. 看着周边的环境,其眼中满是艰涩。 But , together low and deep, but the vigorous form also transmits. 而,紧接着,一道低沉但雄浑的身影随之传来。 Was flatter leaves?” “是阿离回来了吗?”
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