UMDK :: Volume #16

#1503: Maple tree wing day valley

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „......” “咻……” High mountain ridge, peak Gao Tian kuo. 崇山峻岭,峰高天阔。 Chu Hen at this moment and light had left the War God Palace sphere of influence on two people not, almost crossed in most the place of land, and leads the way toward the west. 此刻的楚痕和莫轻离两人早已是离开了战神宫的势力范围,几乎横穿了大半个中陆之地,并一路朝着西面前行。 Two people rapid moves in the mountain forest, according to planning the good route heads west. 两人迅速的于山林之中移动,按照规划好的路线西行。 However, light to seems full of the concern all the way not the appearance. 然,一路上莫轻离似乎饶有心事的样子。 She falls in Chu Hen slightly behind, looks at opposite party that slender firm and resolute back, light sips to the red lip not lightly, in the pupil reveals some indescribable complex. 她微微落于楚痕的身后,看着对方那修长坚毅的背影,莫轻离红唇轻抿,眸中流露出些许难以言喻的复杂。 ...... …… „Do you really want to go back with me?” Before this is, in War God Palace not light to asking words, in her mind appeared that time picture. “你真要和我回去?”这是之前在战神宫莫轻离问出的话,她脑海中不禁浮现出那时的画面。 What issue has? Before traced azure original, haven't I promised you?” “有什么问题吗?之前在青溯原的时候,我不是答应过你吗?” If...... will have the danger?” “如果……会有危险呢?” I know!” The reply of Chu Hen is very tranquil, is very relaxed. “我知道啊!”楚痕的回答很平静,也很轻松。 How can you?” “你怎么会?” If can easily go back, you do not need to turn green again trace original......” “如果能够轻易回去的话,你也就不必再回青溯原了……” Although light to has never disclosed her status and details not, but two people are together, was not one day two days. 虽然莫轻离从未透露过她的身份和底细,但两人相处下来,也不是一天两天了。 Sensation that Chu Hen can be clear about to the opposite party mood in that does not wipe stably. 楚痕能够清楚的感知到对方情绪中的那一抹不稳定。 Let alone, most starts, opposite party by that remote unmanned Monster Beast mountain range of seal in Baiguo state. 更何况,最开始的时候,对方是被封印于百国州的那个偏僻无人的妖兽山脉之中。 If normal departure ethnic group, absolutely impossible by seal there. 如若是正常的离开族群的话,绝对不可能被封印在那里。 Since knows to have the danger, you also do dare to go back with me?” “既然知道有危险,你还敢跟我回去?” Has anything not to dare, I go back with you, emboldens...... I to run away to you at the worst and that's the end.” “有什么不敢的,我同你回去,就是给你壮壮胆子……大不了我撒腿就跑就是了。” You being clear, if there is a danger, you ran a bit faster, leave alone I.” “那你记清楚了,如果有危险的话,你跑快点,别管我了。” Un, good suggestion.” “嗯,不错的建议。” ...... …… The coolness that outside cold style the front surface strokes, looks in that say/way young form of own front, the facial expression that leaves not lightly is actually somewhat absent-minded. 迎面拂来的凛风格外的凉爽,看着走在自己前方的那道年轻身影,莫轻离的神情却是有些恍惚。 „Before seemingly drew near...... that is you, said maple tree wing day valley?” “貌似快到了……那是你之前说的‘枫翼天谷’吗?” The Chu Hen moderate sound conveys from the front. 楚痕温和的声音从前方传来。 For those startled not lightly, the train of thought interrupt, the red pupil looks to the front. 莫轻离一怔,思绪中断,红色的眸子望向前方。 If the Blue Dragon mountain range deep place, a maple tree mountain forest looks like that to praise the endless red sea broadly. 如若苍龙般的山脉深处,一片枫树山林就像是那广褒无疆的红色海洋。 Is more different than the common maple tree, distant looks, grows big there maplewood trees especially grandiose. The highest trees were 200-300 meters unexpectedly, especially magnificent. 比之寻常的枫树不同,远远的望去,生长在那里的枫林树木格外的高大壮硕。最高的树木竟是达到了200-300米,尤为的壮观。 The lush leaf blots out the sky, like innumerable opening the gamp, is covering the sky. 茂盛的树叶铺天盖地,就像无数把撑开的大伞,遮挡着天空。 Un!” Leaves not lightly nods, among the delicate eyebrows still has the serious color. “嗯!”莫轻离点了点头,秀眉间犹有郑重之色。 The maple tree wing day valley area is vast, it edge situated in land, almost situated in the common border position of land and western region. 枫翼天谷面积非常辽阔,其位于中陆的边缘,差不多处于中陆和西域的交界位置。 The four sides is the precipitous lofty remote mountain deep pool valleys. 其四面都是险峻崇高的深山渊谷。 Few steps in this. 几乎没有人涉足于此。 But, solely does not have the trace of human, even survives large-scale Monster Beast here is very few. 而,不单单是没有人类的痕迹,甚至连生存在这里的大型妖兽都是少之又少。 The reason is very simple, because here is surviving one of the world most powerful Demon Race, a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan. 原因很简单,因为这里生存着这个世间最为强大的妖族之一,圣翼天炎雀一族。 The Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird ethnic group is powerful, it even shares the honor with a it azure mound Hu clan, but, a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan was separated from the monster territory long before, being self-contained, therefore the outside world is very rare they to appear. 圣翼天炎雀族群非常强大,其甚至与之青丘狐一族齐名,只不过,圣翼天炎雀一族很早以前就脱离了妖域,自成一体,所以外界很少见他们出现过。 Walks below! The aerial target was too obvious lightly......” not to saying. “走下面吧!空中目标太明显了……”莫轻离说道。 The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, really cannot natural going home!” 楚痕俊眉轻挑,“果然是不能大大方方的回家呢!” Words that you go back now, but also with enough time.” “你现在回去的话,还来得及。” Again look! Now has not wanted to escape.” “再看吧!现在还不太想逃跑。” Then, two people figure moves, one on the left and other on the right changes to two bunches of rapid remnant shades to plunder into that fiery-red maple tree boundless forest. 说罢,两人身形一动,一左一右的化作两束急促的残影掠入那火红色的枫树林海之中。 ...... …… ...... …… The cold and gloomy lonesome and quiet main hall, is filling the air the dignity of making the person palpitation. 森冷幽静的大殿,弥漫着令人心悸的威严。 Received the news, the goal had left in the land ten days ago the state!” “接到消息,目标已在十天前离开了中陆内州!” „? Where went to?” “哦?去了哪里?” Maple tree wing day valley!” “枫翼天谷!” Maple tree wing day valley...... seemingly is ‚a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan territory.” “枫翼天谷……貌似是‘圣翼天炎雀一族’的领地。” Right, but as far as I know, this Demon Race many years ago, has erupted very serious civil war. The present clan kings overthrew the past old sovereign.” “没错,不过据我所知,这个妖族在多年之前,爆发过非常严重的内战。现在的族王推翻了当年的旧皇。” „, So that's how it is, continuation makes one stare at the tight goal......, since he dares in so bold departure in the land the state, we let us not disappoint his good intention to be good.” “呵,原来如此,继续让人盯紧目标……既然他敢如此大胆的离开中陆内州,我们可别辜负了他的这番‘好意’才行。” Yes!” “是!” Ahem!” “哼哼!” The ice-cold laughter reverberates, under dim ray, pair of a look that is glittering the chill in the air if sharp blade point. 冰冷的笑声回荡开来,昏暗的光线下,一双闪烁着寒意的眼神如若利刃锋芒。 ...... …… ...... …… Red sea of fire Fengshulin blocks the sky. 红色火海般的枫树林遮天蔽日。 Unceasing thorough in which that as Chu Hen and leaves not lightly, peripheral environment also even more secluded and lonely. 随着楚痕和莫轻离的不断深入其中,周边的环境也是愈发的幽寂。 Rhythm that two people gradually slow down to lead the way. 两人逐渐的放缓前行的节奏。 Whiz......” “嗖……” With not light to taking the lead to fall on together the solid pole, stopped the step. 跟着,莫轻离率先落于一道结实的枝杆上,停止了步伐。 Chu Hen also stops falls on the side of opposite party. 楚痕也随之停落在对方的身边。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Cannot proceed again, has knot......” “不能再往前走了,有结界……” „?” “哦?” The Chu Hen heart is startled, it is feeling the rhythm of peripheral air, where has not actually detected unusually. 楚痕心头一怔,其感受着周边空气的律动,却并未察觉到哪里异常。 The next flash, the Chu Hen mind concentrates, both eyes close gently, immediately the eyelid raises, buzz......” is touching together with the strange space, the profound jet black pupil changes to the monster different purple instantly. 下一瞬间,楚痕心神一凝,双目轻轻闭上,随即眼皮一掀,“嗡……”连同着奇异的空间触动,深邃漆黑的瞳孔即刻化作妖异的紫色。 Front space picture also all-around presents the dream shape, sees only about hundred meters position, pale such as the dark light screen of tissue like a giant screen, the blockade of wide scope jungle deep place. 紧接着,前方的空间画面随之全方位的呈现出梦幻状,只见百米左右的位置,一座淡如薄纱的暗色光幕就像一座巨大的屏风,大范围的封锁着丛林的深处。 Good secret knot......” “好隐秘的结界……” Chu Hen secret heart startled, on the surface, cannot detect the fluctuation of least bit strength, if oneself do not have pair of demon eyes, the absolute discovery does not settle existence. 楚痕暗暗心惊,从表面上,根本察觉不到半点力量的波动,倘若自己不是有一双妖瞳的话,绝对发现不了结界的存在。 Un! This is in our clan the ban of maximum level, except for internal clansman, the outsider fundamental sensation does not arrive......” “嗯!这是我们族内最高层次的禁制,除了内部的族人,外来人根本感知不到……” You know that opens ties method?” Chu Hen asked. “你知道打开结界的方法吧?”楚痕问道。 Knows knows, but I very long have not come back...... the method, if opening has changed, will alarm inside person directly.” “知是知道,但我已经很久没有回来过了……若是打开的方法已经变更的话,直接就会惊动里面的人。” The tone that leaves not lightly is somewhat dignified. 莫轻离的语气有些凝重。 The Chu Hen vision narrows the eyes lightly, at once says, what to do should that? Otherwise I by adventurer the status rushes to...... you to hide into my true essence purple mansion accidentally as before, I lead you to go in......” 楚痕目光轻眯,旋即说道,“那该怎么办?不然我以‘冒险者’的身份无意中闯进去……你和以前一样藏入我的真元紫府内,我带你进去……” „, Was not risky!” To overrules not lightly immediately. “不可以,太冒险了!”莫轻离立刻否决。 „Do you have other means?” “那你还有其他的办法?” Un!” “嗯!” Leaves not lightly nods, but in the eye is also obviously disclosing several points of hesitation. 莫轻离点点头,但眼中又明显透露着几分犹豫。 Slightly scruple, she jumps to flash falls to the ground, then the body overflows several red cyclones. 稍稍迟疑,她纵身闪落至地面,然后身上溢出几道赤色的气旋。 In Chu Hen is full of the surprise under the vision, the cyclone rotates before his foot slowly, small-scale rune/symbol array who subsequently changes to a two meters diameter. 楚痕饶有诧异的目光下,气旋在其脚边缓缓转动,继而化作一座两米直径的小型符阵。 „Are you?” Chu Hen also falls the ground, looks at the opposite party puzzled. “你这是?”楚痕也落到地面,不解的看着对方。 Hope can also be useful!” “希望还能有用!” Not lightly to saying, the white arms is lifting, „......” the air/Qi mark exudes, a plain red beautiful jade appears, in she holds. 莫轻离说着,皓腕一抬,“噌……”的气纹泛开,一枚古朴的红色美玉出现在她掌中。 Then, light moves to the red lip not lightly, in the mouth mumbled. 接着,莫轻离红唇轻动,口中念念有词。 Buzz......” sees only that red beautiful jade drags the light soft light unexpectedly, ripple that if the water surface exudes, outward proliferation. “嗡……”只见那红色美玉竟是摇曳出淡淡的柔光,如若水面泛起的波纹,一圈圈的朝外扩散。 By this simultaneously, rune/symbol Zhenyi of his under foot glows the intermittent light mark, and raises an illusory light wall by the edge of circle. 以此同时,其脚下的符阵亦是焕发出阵阵光纹,并以阵圈的边缘升起一座虚幻的光壁。 Strength fluctuation that sends out from that red beautiful jade, once were touched that light/only wall, was shielded directly. 从那红色美玉中散发出来的力量波动一经触碰到那光壁,直接被屏蔽回去。 ...... …… Looks at this, in the Chu Hen foreheads gushes out many seriously. 看着这一幕,楚痕眉宇间不禁涌出诸多郑重。 Too discrete. 太谨慎了。 Actually is what reason? Will make not light to so cautious, even if a strength fluctuates not to dare to transmit. 究竟是什么原因?才会令莫轻离如此的小心翼翼,哪怕是一点力量波动都不敢传达出去。 ...... …… However, at this moment, the rear area of jungle is startled a slight air current sound. 然,就在这时,丛林的后方惊起一阵轻微的气流声响。 Chu Hen heart one startled, it looks askance to look, through the survey of demon eyes, sees only the rapid form rapid to tie the light screen across that together. 楚痕心头一惊,其侧目回望,通过妖瞳的探测,只见一道急促的身影飞速穿过那座结界光幕而来。 Some people came......” “有人来了……” Meanwhile, light grasps to the white hands not, that red beautiful jade income palm. 同时,莫轻离玉手一握,将那枚红色美玉收入掌中。 Un!” “嗯!” Looks to too the facial expression of change, Chu Hen has not understood lightly not, the opposite party seems like not an enemy, the intention moves, purple glow rapid restraining in both eyes diverges. 看着莫轻离并未太多变化的神情,楚痕心领神会,对方看来并非敌人,心意一动,双瞳之中的紫芒迅速收敛散去。 Quick, nearby that person has arrived. 很快,那人已经到达跟前。 The opposite party wear flowing light radiant silver light armor, about 30 -year-old contour appearance, has in the foreheads of martial-looking air/Qi to fill prudently. 对方身着流光璀璨的银色轻甲,三十岁左右的外形样貌,颇具英武之气的眉宇间又充满着慎重。 When it looks lightly arrives side Chu Hen not, step that it quickens to come. 当其看到站在楚痕身边的莫轻离之时,其不禁加快前来的步伐。 With under the vision of Chu Hen surprise, that person of facial expression still has the front that excited arriving leaves not lightly, and knees down. 跟着,在楚痕诧异的目光下,那人神情犹有激动的走到莫轻离的面前,并单膝跪地。 Subordinate hunts together...... sees the princess!” “属下齐狩……参见公主殿下!” ...... …… ...... …… ( Today two!!) (今天两更!!)
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