UMDK :: Volume #16

#1502: Danger

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The land changes, continually fermentation. 中陆之变,持续发酵。 As after War God Palace was extinguished, the territories and under major region resources that its run also rapidly raised one to carve up the raging tide. 随着战神宫被灭之后,其所掌管的领地和麾下的各大区域资源也迅速的掀起了一股瓜分狂潮。 By Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley three big influences took over control of War God Palace most territories. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷三大势力接管了战神宫大部分领地。 horse city, the flying rain gate, Lucheng, the sea day fort, Cangzhou territory these five influence school also similar minutes took some considerable resources domains early. 夙马城,飞雨门,鹿城,海天堡,沧州域这五个势力门派也同样分取了非常可观的一部分资源领域。 Was being bullied several hundred years by the reaching the clouds sect. 在被凌云宗欺压了数百年之久。 Luo Song who this choice wrestles at risk of life, cold earthly branch and the others were not as everyone expected gambling is also right. 这次选择拼死一搏的罗送,寒酋等人也是出乎所有人的意料赌对了。 Also this time, making them move toward the comprehensive rise the beginning. 也正是这一次,令他们走向全面崛起的开端。 ...... …… In Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, after the spirit phoenix valley and other numerous sect gate carves up the War God Palace territory resources rapidly, soon also has the news to spread, three large amount of influences achieved the alliance unexpectedly. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷等一众宗门迅速瓜分掉战神宫的领地资源后,很快又有消息传出,三大宗门势力竟是达成了联盟。 This news, is not inferior in a heavy stone that in the deep water throws down, raises the startled big wave rough seas instantaneously. 这个消息一出,无亚于在深水中投下的一记重石,瞬间掀起惊涛大浪。 For serveral days other uneasy gate influences were to feel to come from Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the threat of spirit phoenix valley. 这些天本就惴惴不安的其他宗门势力更是感受到了源自于武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷的威胁。 The people in land land only think the strong presence that is unable to prevent is ready. 中陆大地的众人只觉一股无法阻挡的强大势力正在蓄势待发。 ...... …… Has not thought that three big influences wanted the alliance, was really frightening ambition!” “没想到三大势力要联盟了,真是让人恐惧的‘野心’呐!” Actually this is also very normal, War God Palace the destruction, his original under these influences will definitely have been made the place of chaos land. In order to avoid causing the land to be chaotic, that side Martial Sect will definitely force through the law to give to suppress them. Only person influence, could not it is estimated that have controlled the aspect. Therefore the best way is to achieve the alliance, replaces the War God Palace original position.” “其实这也很正常,战神宫已经覆灭,其原麾下的那些势力肯定会令中陆之地大乱。为了避免引起中陆混乱,武宗那边肯定会强办法将他们给镇压下来。单凭一个人势力,估计还控制不住局面。所以最好的办法就是达成联盟,取代战神宫原有的位置。” Should exceed beforehand War God Palace!” “应该会超越以前的战神宫!” Perhaps! If excludes the great antiquity Saint clan.” “也许吧!如果把洪荒圣族排除在外的话。” ...... …… As the news of Martial Sect alliance disappears without a trace, the pattern of land land also has the huge change. 随着武宗联盟的消息不胫而走,中陆大地的格局也随之发生巨大的变化。 The land situation starts to reshuffle. 中陆局势开始重新洗牌。 Just likes beforehand top list ranking to be the same, once again is affecting the hearts of countless person. 犹如之前的风云榜排名一样,又一次牵动着无数人的内心。 Once without a doubt, achieves the alliance truly, then that side Martial Sect will surpass original War God Palace without a doubt, and emperor great palace, once became the colossus of land land new promote. 毫无疑问,一旦真正达成联盟的话,那么武宗那边将会毫无疑问的超过原有的战神宫,以及帝弘殿,一度成为中陆大地新晋的庞然大物。 ...... …… Snort, the alliance...... owes coming out that they think, defeated War God Palace, but also really regarded itself the aristocrat?” “哼,联盟……亏他们想的出来,打败了战神宫,还真把自己当成贵族了?” In thunder Saint clan. 雷霆圣族内。 In luxurious style discussing official business main hall, on the face of people little gloomy and cold colors. 奢华气派的议事大殿中,众人的脸上都几许阴冷之色。 Relax, depends on their skills, but also cannot be joined to runs the land ambition. Solely one Demon Eyes Sacred Body, but also is far from the situation that goes not able to tidy up.” “放心,就凭他们的本事,还配不上掌管中陆的‘野心’。单单一个妖瞳圣体,还远没有达到无法收拾的地步。” It is estimated that they are also worried that the retaliation of great antiquity Saint clan does this! We watch changes quietly for the time being, has anything, when on lord went out then said.” “估计他们也是担心洪荒圣族的报复才这样做吧!我们暂且静观其变好了,有什么事情,等‘主上’出关了再说。” Mentioned on lord two characters, on the face of people still had the meaning of awe. 提到“主上”二字,众人的脸上都犹有敬畏之意。 Above the palace, the old man then said, when thunder Kun does come back?” 殿上方,那老者接着说道,“雷鲲什么时候回来?” „It is not clear, has sent people to look for him, has the news, passes on immediately.” “还不清楚,已经派人去找他了,一有消息,会立刻传回来的。” ...... …… ...... …… martial Meng? Was this name too also optional?” “武盟?这个名字也太随意了吧?” Saying that in a palace institute in War God Palace north city, a Qiao Xiaowan face shuts out. 战神宫北城的一座宫院之中,乔小婉一脸嫌弃的说道。 At least can also take ‚’ emperor great palace what to want the aggressive name War God Palace to be better than?” “最起码也要取个比‘战神宫’‘帝弘殿’什么要霸气的名字才行吧?” Good that small short leg said that I thought that for the first time you spoke very reasonable.” “小短腿说的不错,我第一次觉得你说话很有道理。” Mu Feng indicated that approves the person of same belief. 沐枫表示赞同道。 Hehe, the name, the simple point was OK...... the name too aggressive words, does not blow also in vain however.” Qiu Xingyi smiled saying with a smile. “呵呵,名字嘛,简单点就可以了……名字太霸气的话,镇不住也枉然。”邱星易笑了笑道。 Who is hegemon?” Ye Yao inquired. “盟主是谁呀?”叶瑶询问道。 That also with saying?” Mu Feng selected the brow, an understanding appearance. “那还用说嘛?”沐枫挑了挑眉头,一副心领神会的样子。 Qiu Xingyi also shakes the head with a smile. 邱星易也是笑着摇了摇头。 ...... …… This is, out of the door successively walks several forms. 这是,门外相继走进来几道身影。 „, Our hegemons comes......” a Mu Feng face to be inexpensive saying with a smile, at the same time walks to go forward, builds the shoulder of Chu Hen to say conveniently, how to say? Does the eldest child, give me a vice- hegemon ding-dong?” “呐,咱们的盟主来了……”沐枫一脸贱兮兮的笑道,一边走上前,随手搭着楚痕的肩膀道,“怎么说?老大,给我个副盟主当当呗?” I must work as the vice- hegemon......” Qiao Xiaowan also to echo to say hastily. “我也要当副盟主……”乔小婉也连忙附和道。 Chu Hen is speechless, it smiled saying with a smile, I am not a hegemon!” 楚痕无语,其笑了笑道,“我不是盟主啊!” Do not install, this you had said......” Mu Feng referred to Qiu Xingyi saying. “别装了,这位兄台都已经说了……”沐枫指了指邱星易道。 Chu Hen doubts looks to Qiu Xingyi. 楚痕疑惑的看向邱星易。 The latter station comes, Brother Chu Hen is not willing to work as this hegemon, therefore martial Meng by stretch/leisurely Yuan sovereign, Mei Zhanggu lord as well as our East sovereign three people temporarily is jointly in power......” 后者站上前来,“楚痕师弟并不愿当这个盟主,所以武盟暂时由舒元宗主,梅章谷主以及我们东方宗主三人联合掌权……” „, Insipid!” Mu Feng discontented beckoning with the hand. “切,没劲!”沐枫不满的摆了摆手。 In fact, Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei and Zhang has looked for Chu Hen multiple. 事实上,东方恒之,舒元,梅章三人已经找过楚痕多次了。 But the Chu Hen interest is not indeed big. 楚痕的兴趣的确不大。 In addition, martial pledge unites initially, has not started to take shape, many tedious big or small business need to manage, Chu Hen also this leisurely and carefree mood runs these things. 再加上,武盟初步联合,尚未开始成型,有很多繁琐的大小事务需要管理,楚痕也这个闲情逸致掌管这些事情。 Naturally, although does not have, when the lord of martial pledge, but the people are also well aware, Chu Hen has the absolute right to speak. 当然了,虽然没有当武盟之主,但众人也都心知肚明,楚痕有着绝对的话语权。 Does it sit this position, is completely his wish issue. 其坐不坐这个位置,完全就是他自己的意愿问题。 ...... …… Brother Chu Hen, we prepares to construct the martial pledge main city in the War God Palace original position.” 楚痕师弟,我们准备将武盟的主城建造在战神宫的原有位置上。” Qiu Xingyi said. 邱星易说道。 Chu Hen nods, „the War God Palace position is a good place, inside major main cities turned into the ruins, the late resilience should be big.” 楚痕点了点头,“战神宫的位置是个好地方,不过里面的各大主城都变成了废墟,后期的工程量应该会非常大。” Un, the War God Palace original appearance must certainly change the replace completely, it is estimated that following a long time, I and Wang Li, Wu Yan they will stay here. If you are not willing to treat here, first returns to Martial Sect?” “嗯,战神宫的原有样貌肯定是要全部更改替换的,估计接下来的很长一段时间,我和王黎,吴岩他们都会留在这里。你们若是不愿待在这里的话,就先回武宗吧?” ...... …… What Martial Sect goes to? Returns to the eastern territory!” Mu Feng said hastily. “去什么武宗?回东域啊!”沐枫连忙说道。 Right, I also want to mention.” Qiao Xiaowan also rushes to echo. “对对对,我也想说来着。”乔小婉也赶忙附和。 Han by the power, the mouse, Ye Yao several people also expressed the support. 韩以权,耗子,叶瑶几人也都表示赞同。 For a long time has not gone back, how does not know the Dongsheng state now the situation.” “这么长时间没回去,不知道东胜州现在情况如何。” ...... …… Looks at the opinion consistent people, in the eye of Chu Hen also appears little to hope. 看着意见一致的众人,楚痕的眼中也不禁浮现出几许期许。 The vision is taking a fast look around people, probably is seeking for somebody's form. 其目光扫视着身边的众人,像是在寻找某人的身影。 She returned to the spirit phoenix valley......” Long Xuanshuang to say in a soft voice. “她回灵凰谷了……”龙玄霜轻声说道。 „?” Chu Hen is startled. “哦?”楚痕一怔。 This morning goes back, just before leaving lets me for her to you saying goodbye, she said that now has not returned to the plans of hundred country states, later will find the opportunity to go back to have a look.” “今天早上回去的,临走时让我替她向你‘告辞’,她说现在还没有回百国州的打算,以后会找机会回去看看的。” ...... …… Thinks regarding the heart of Huangfu Qing in, Chu Hen does not feel the accident/surprise but actually. 对于皇甫情的心中所想,楚痕倒也并不觉得意外。 After all that once native land no longer belongs to Sacred Star Dynasty. 毕竟那片曾经的故土已经不再属于圣星王朝了。 ...... …… Along with her!” Chu Hen stretch/leisurely has the one breath to say gently. “随她吧!”楚痕轻轻舒出一口气道。 We when?” Qiao Xiaowan asked. “我们几时出发?”乔小婉问道。 Also can go to a day of hidden city to look for the westerly wind old man? Initially we came together.” Mu Feng proposed. “还得去天隐城找西风老头吧?当初我们可是一起来的。”沐枫提议道。 Must!” “必须的!” ...... …… Looks at the mood inspired people, Chu Hen helpless shaking the head, at once, it is said unexpectedly, you first go to the day hidden city I.” 看着情绪振奋的众人,楚痕无奈的摇了摇头,旋即,其竟是说道,“你们先去天隐城等我。” Several people are startled. 几人一怔。 What's wrong? You not with us together?” “怎么?你不和我们一起吗?” Chu Hen looks askance to look to outside of main hall, at once says, I first go to a place with her, after coming back, goes to the day hidden city to ask you to converge.” 楚痕侧目望向大殿的外面,旋即道,“我先同她去一个地方,回来之后就去天隐城找你们汇合。” The people follow vision subconscious looking of Chu Hen to out of the door. 众人跟随楚痕的目光下意识的望向门外。 Form that outside on the main hall right corridor, selects together slenderly high light by palace column, that pair of red gem eye pupil has several points of dreariness faintly. 大殿外边的右边长廊上,一道纤细高挑的身影轻靠在宫柱上,那双红色宝石般的眼眸隐隐有着几分阴郁。 How long can come back? elder brother Chu Hen......” Ye Yao asked. “多久能回来?楚痕哥哥……”叶瑶问道。 Will not be long, goes to one to come back.” Chu Hen rubbed the head of opposite party to say. “不会太久的,去一趟就回来。”楚痕揉了揉对方的脑袋道。 Although several people of a little bad interest, but thinks not eagerly for a while. 虽然几人有点坏兴致,但想想也不急于一时。 Ok! We first look for the westerly wind old man! Heard that he also accepted an apprentice, does not know that must bring the gift on first meeting.” “行吧!那我们就先去找西风老头吧!听说他还收了个徒弟,不知道要不要带见面礼。” Mu Feng feels the chin to consider to say. 沐枫摸着下巴考虑道。 Forget it! Do you have the thing that what takes acts?” The Qiao Xiaowan attack said. “得了吧!你有什么拿得出手的东西?”乔小婉打击道。 Listened to your such saying, I indeed poor......” then corner of the eye one slanting, shot a look at to nearby Qiu Xingyi, this little elder brother, we helped you carry the War God Palace old nest, won't the even/including select the reward not to have?” “听你这么一说,我的确蛮穷的……”接着眼角一斜,瞥向一旁的邱星易,“这位小哥,我们帮你们端了战神宫的老窝,不会连点报酬都没有吧?” Ha hahahaha......” Qiu Xingyi clear and resonant voice laughs, has, some...... you need anything, although opens the mouth is...... before the assignment, I can make you first take in secret......” “哈哈哈哈哈……”邱星易朗声大笑,“有的,有的……你们需要什么,尽管开口就是……在分配之前,我可以私底下让你们先拿……” Without a doubt, a War God Palace several thousand years of mastery accumulated very big wealth. 毋庸置疑,战神宫数千年的底蕴积累了非常大的财富。 The divine tool, the compounded drug, spirit stones, the military study ancient book...... wait/etc. various precious treasures have everything expected to find, because resources too many reasons, did not have to assign temporarily with enough time. 神器,丹药,灵石,武学典籍……等等各种珍贵的宝物应有尽有,正是因为资源太多的原因,暂时还没有来得及进行分配。 Otherwise the monster territory and an ancestor butterfly clan helped such big busy, the impossible feedback not to have. 不然妖域和祖蝶一族帮了这么大的忙,不可能一点反馈都没有的。 Brothers are refreshed!” Mu Feng is impolite, it is building Qiu Xingyi shoulder, walks, leading us to go to your valuable Gbekou to have a look.” “兄弟就是爽快!”沐枫也是一点不客气,其搭着邱星易的肩膀,“走走走,带我们去你们的宝贝库看看。” I must go!” “我也要去!” I!” “还有我!” Ye Yao, Qiao Xiaowan does not look on as an outsider. 叶瑶,乔小婉也都一点不见外。 Has.” Qiu Xingyi said with a smile slightly. “都有。”邱星易微微笑道。 ...... …… In a creating an uproar sound, the people gather round Qiu Xingyi to move toward outside. 在一片哄闹声中,众人围着邱星易走向外边。 Chu Hen has not led the way with several people, but arrives at the side that corridor left not lightly. 楚痕并未同几人前行,而是走到了门外长廊莫轻离的身边。 After all before had never had happening together. 毕竟以前从未有过交集。 Therefore light to is somewhat incompatible with others not. 所以莫轻离同其他人有些格格不入。 Her static depends on the luxurious palace column, the supple gorgeous sunlight is slanting is sprinkling on that snow equally fair flesh, has a light transparent feeling. 她静静的靠着奢华的宫柱,柔绚的阳光斜着洒在那雪一样白皙的肌肤上,有着一种淡淡的透明感。 The facial features who leave not lightly are very fine, the face is very small, in addition her unique makings, a fine ice sculpture feeling. 莫轻离的五官很精致,脸很小,加上她那独特的气质,给人一种精美冰雕般的感觉。 Walks!” Chu Hen sound modest saying. “走吧!”楚痕声音温和的说道。 Her small head lifts lightly, the red eye pupil is gazing at Chu Hen. 她螓首轻抬,红色的眼眸注视着楚痕 „Do you really want to go back with me?” “你真要和我回去?” What issue has?” Chu Hen asked that „before , when traced azure original, haven't I promised you?” “有什么问题吗?”楚痕反问道,“之前在青溯原的时候,我不是答应过你吗?” If......” not light, incomparably serious is staring at the eyes of opposite party, will have the danger?” “如果……”莫轻离顿了顿,无比郑重的盯着对方的眼睛,“会有危险呢?”
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