UMDK :: Volume #16

#1501: The charm lives the dream is too chaotic

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I have doubts very much!” “我很疑惑!” Un?” “嗯?” That three mahatma clans will come unexpectedly......” “那三大圣族竟然会来……” Listens to the East to say permanently, nearby stretch/leisurely Yuan and Mei section also looks the serious color. 听着东方恒之所言,一旁的舒元和梅章也都面露郑重之色。 Why finds it strange?” Chu Hen asked. “为什么觉得奇怪?”楚痕反问道。 Three people look at each other one mutually, was actually the surprise. 三人互相对视一眼,却是更加诧异了。 It seems like you do not know.” “看来你也并不知道。” What knows?” Chu Hen a little by several people of words making, „the land made such big sound muddled, will they appear should not be?” “知道什么?”楚痕有点被几人的话给弄糊涂了,“中陆闹出这么大的动静,他们会出现不是应该的吗?” However, the East permanent shakes the head. 然,东方恒之则摇了摇头。 In fact, they will not manage this matter......” “事实上,他们并不会管这种事……” „?” “哦?” Stipulation that holy war recruits, is various large amount influence jointly formulations of land land...... ten big strongest Saint clans have not participated, they most are only responsible for the location that provides the holy war to recruit, pursues the competition for the participant. As for the gratitude and grudges of various factions, does not have with their relations.” “圣战征召的规定,是中陆大地的各大宗门势力联合制定的……十大最强圣族并没有参与进来,他们最多只负责提供圣战征召的场地,用于参与者追逐竞争。至于各门各派的恩怨,和他们一点关系都没有。” The Eastern permanent explanation said. 东方恒之讲解道。 Chu Hen brow slightly wrinkle. 楚痕眉头微皱。 stretch/leisurely Yuan also then said, War God Palace breaks the rule even again, still merely is only place of land the struggle of sect gate...... this battle, holy war after each time recruited to end, actually will happen. But never saw that they meddle to interfere. And......” 舒元也接着说道,“战神宫就算再破坏规矩,也仅仅只是中陆之地的宗门之争……这种争斗,每次的圣战征召结束后其实都会发生。但从未见到他们插手干涉过。而且……” stretch/leisurely Yuandun, in foreheads many also a little residual lingering fear. 舒元顿了顿,眉宇间多少还有点残留的余悸。 Moreover, War God Palace the great antiquity Saint clan...... I believes secretly, although we do not know the circumstances of the matter, but they definitely are know......” “而且,战神宫的幕后还是洪荒圣族……我相信,虽然我们不知情,但他们肯定是知道的……” War God Palace occupies in land land several thousand years, its position continuously firm calm. 战神宫盘踞于中陆大地数千年之久,其地位一直都坚固沉稳。 Other Saint clans must know that his back is standing another giant beast. 其他圣族不可能不知道他的背后站着另外一尊巨兽。 Since, Stars Sacred Clan, Burning Heaven Sacred Clan they turn a blind eye regarding the behavior of great antiquity Saint clan, the nature has been well aware. 既然,星辰圣族,焚天圣族他们对于洪荒圣族的这种行为睁一只眼闭一只眼,自然早就心知肚明。 Now, that three mahatma clans interfere with, but also the same great antiquity Saint clan stands in the position of opposition, was more unexpected. 如今,那三大圣族更是干涉其中,还同洪荒圣族站在对立的位置,就更是叫人意想不到了。 Stars Sacred Clan absolutely impossible because of this matter, offends the great antiquity Saint clan......” stretch/leisurely Yuan aggravated the affirmative tone. 星辰圣族绝对不可能因为这点事情,就得罪洪荒圣族的……”舒元加重了肯定的语气。 Three people after all are sect gate the highest hierarchs. 三人毕竟都是宗门的最高掌权者。 The thoughts are meticulous. 心思都非常缜密。 One saw clue. 一下就看出了其中的端倪。 And, they have no happening together connection with that three mahatma clans, naturally is not because their reasons meddle. 且,他们也都同那三大圣族没有任何的交集瓜葛,当然不是因为他们的原因才插手的。 Thinks it over, finally source, fell the body of Chu Hen. 思来想去,最终源头,还是落到了楚痕的身上。 ...... …… Listens to three people of explanations, Chu Hen to plant others to awake suddenly, for feeling that it is drunk alone. 听完三人的讲解,楚痕豁然有种他人皆醒,为其独醉的感觉。 Thinks carefully. 仔细一想。 Meng Xiulin and the others the arrivals, indeed cannot a little be justified. 孟修林等人的到来,的确有点说不过去。 After all for who several young sect gate offends similarly expensively is of great antiquity Saint clans ten big most sacred body. 毕竟谁会为了几个小小的宗门而得罪同样贵为十大最圣体之一的洪荒圣族。 Owed! 太亏了! Does not need completely! 完全没有必要! ...... …… Thinks of here, during Chu Hen is lost in thought. 想到这里,楚痕不禁陷入了沉思之中。 Yes?” “难道是?” The Chu Hen double fist grasps lightly, the vision narrows the eyes, in the foreheads has the complex color of not being able to say. 楚痕双拳轻握,目光微眯,眉宇间有着说不出来的复杂之色。 What's wrong? What did you think of?” Eastern permanent asking. “怎么?你想到了什么?”东方恒之问道。 No!” “没有!” Chu Hen categorically denies, at once turns around to leave the tower over a city gate, leaves behind the puzzled three people. 楚痕矢口否认,旋即转身离开城楼,留下一脸困惑的三人。 ...... …… Can be she? 会是她吗? Chu Hen goes down the tower over a city gate stair, inundates most unpurposed trend elsewhere. 楚痕走下城楼台阶,漫无目地的走向别处。 In the mind appears a pair of bright and beautiful moving peach blossom clear pupil. 其脑海中不禁浮现出一双明秀动人的桃花清眸。 The previous time when the chaotic demon domain, Bai Qianyu also appears there, this Meng Xiulin, Di Qiong , Liu Mian came, does not see the opposite party only. 上次在乱魔界域的时候,白浅予也是出现在那里的,这次孟修林,狄琼,刘冕都来了,唯独不见对方。 Is this reason? 是这个原因? Also has other? 还只是另有其他? ...... …… When Chu Hen deliberately considers, its corner of the eye split vision glance, sees only another side of tower over a city gate has the aloof arrogant slender form together unexpectedly. 正当楚痕寻思之际,其眼角余光一瞥,只见城楼的另外一侧竟是有着一道高冷孤傲的修长身影。 Monarch see the song! 君见歌! Chu Hen at present one bright. 楚痕眼前一亮。 It is wanting to go forward with the opposite party to greet, at this time has the simple and beautiful refined nimble and resourceful beautiful figure to take the lead to arrive at Monarch to see the song together the side. 其正欲上前与对方打招呼,这时却有着一道清丽脱俗的灵动倩影率先走到了君见歌的身旁。 ...... …… Monarch see the song Sir, does not know that you still do remember me?” “君见歌大人,不知您还记得我?” In Qing's graceful voice brings several points of cautious. 清婉的声音中带着几分小心翼翼。 Monarch see the song to look askance slightly, the long and narrow corner of the eye is delicate and pretty, but evil charm. 君见歌微微侧目,狭长的眼角俊美而邪魅。 Stands before him is not others, is Martial Sect the chief disciple in southern Lingfeng institute, the pond thousand hawks. 站在他面前的不是别人,正是武宗的南灵峰院的首席弟子,池千莺。 Looks at the fox of close azure mound, in the pond thousand hawk pupils is exuding the bright ray. 望着近在咫尺的青丘之狐,池千莺眸中泛着明亮的光芒。 However, monarch see the mood as if not too big fluctuation of song. 然,君见歌的情绪似乎并没有太大的波动。 A face indifferent stares at this makings to be elegantly simple at present, the facial features beautiful young woman. 一脸淡然的盯着眼前这个气质淡雅,五官秀丽的年轻女子。 Ten years ago, you have rescued my life......” “十年前,您救过我的命……” Sees Monarch to see the song not to speak, the pond thousand hawks said again. 见君见歌不说话,池千莺再次说道。 She is saying, while from takes out scroll paintings hastily behind. 她一边说着,一边连忙从身后取出一张画轴。 Spreading out scroll paintings that is a little thrown into confusion. 有点手忙脚乱的摊开画轴。 Marks, wears the purple fox fur coat coat, wears the white high collar, in the hand grasps a form of sharp sword to be built on the summit of dangerous wall. 画上,穿着紫色的狐裘大衣,围着白色高领,手中握着一柄利剑的身影立于悬壁之巅。 That person's shadow behind sky over, a azure fox shadow overlooks the vault of heaven. 那人影的身后上空,一头青色狐影俯瞰苍穹。 The fox shadow obstructs the day, the flower rain flutters about. 狐影遮天,花雨纷飞。 In the picture the person completely reveals the aloof arrogant aura. 画中之人尽显高冷孤傲的气息。 But, behind of arrogant form, but also has to curl and shrink a young little girl...... its side to lie down her family members as well as more than ten pours the black-clothed person in pool of blood. 而,孤傲身影的后面,还有着卷缩着一个十几岁的小女孩……其身边躺着她的家人以及十几个倒在血泊中的黑衣人。 ...... …… Swept eye front scroll paintings, monarch saw the song still not to have too many expressions. 扫了眼面前的画轴,君见歌仍旧没有太多的表情。 Then, his vision moves directly to elsewhere. 接着,他的目光直接是挪向别处。 I should walk!” “我该走了!” The pond thousand hawks follow to be sideways to turn head, see only not far away Chu Hen to stand in two people rear areas. 池千莺跟着侧身回头,只见不远处楚痕正站在两人的后方。 Looks that does not know when presents Chu Hen here, the pond thousand hawks receives that picture hastily. 看着不知何时出现在这里的楚痕,池千莺连忙收起那副画。 „Am I am not the time of coming?” Chu Hen expressed oneself really do not intend. “我是不是来的不是时候?”楚痕表示自己真不是有意的。 No, I wait for you...... Monarch to see the song reply here. “没有,我只是在这里等你……”君见歌回答。 The Chu Hen slight nod, this time many thanks your help, will have what need in the future, telling me is good.” 楚痕微微点头,“这次多谢你的帮忙,往后有什么需要,告诉我就行。” No need, I am asked to!” “不必,我不过受人之托而已!” Hehe......” Chu Hen smiles, Mu Feng receives the monster territory to think highly of actually very much!” “呵呵……”楚痕笑了笑,“沐枫倒是很受妖域器重呢!” Monarch see in the song pupil to flash through the different glow that wipes is not easy to detect. 君见歌眸中闪过一抹不易察觉的异芒。 It has not said anything but actually again. 其倒也没有再说什么。 Said goodbye!” “告辞!” Un!” “嗯!” Chu Hen both hands hold the fist in the other hand. 楚痕双手抱拳。 ...... …… Saying, monarch see the song slightly to cross the pond thousand hawks to turn around to leave directly. 说着,君见歌直接略过池千莺转身离开。 Goes out several steps, he was actually the figure, looked askance slightly, said, remembers!” 走出几步,他却是顿了顿身形,微微侧目,道,“记得!” Immediately, void delimits the azure fox shadow, the opposite party leaps forward the horizon together instantly. 随即,虚空中划出一道青色狐影,对方即刻跃入天际。 Remembers! 记得! Is listening to these two characters, pond thousand hawk clear pupils one bright, in the eye gushes out the thick pleasantly surprised color. 听着这两个字,池千莺清眸一亮,眼中涌出浓浓的惊喜之色。 He remembers himself! 他记得自己! Monarch see the song Sir......” to look at the back of opposite party, pond thousand hawks rapid red the eye socket, the silver tooth was nipping the red lip lightly, somewhat could not say incoming call. “君见歌大人……”望着对方的背影,池千莺迅速的红了眼眶,银牙轻咬着红唇,却是有些说不出来话来。 ...... …… But, at this moment, the Chu Hen clear and resonant voice shouts suddenly, Monarch sees the song senior, you can contact with me for later momentarily, I send people to give you, with the aim of giving me the signalling!” 而,就在这时,楚痕突然间朗声喊道,“君见歌前辈,为了以后你随时能联系到我,我派个人给你,以便给我传信!” The pond thousand hawks are startled, her whole face stunned looks at behind Chu Hen. 池千莺一怔,她满脸错愕的看着身后的楚痕 Is gawking doing? You or go to the words, my faction people......” “愣着干嘛?你要不去话,那我派别人了……” The pond thousand hawks are helpless. 池千莺更是不知所措。 You?” “你?” This is the order, you also know, sovereign can immediately with stretch/leisurely Yuan sovereign, Mei Zhanggu the main alliance? I am the hegemon...... I make your following Monarch see the song now, if he has the matter to look for me, came back to transmit orders momentarily......” “这可是命令,你也知道,宗主马上要和舒元宗主,梅章谷主联盟了吧?我可是盟主……我现在令你跟着君见歌,倘若他有事找我,随时回来传令……” An astonishment, on the pond thousand hawk faces full is the color of greatest gratitude. 一番惊愕,池千莺脸上满是莫大的感激之色。 Thank you.” “谢谢你。” Goes!” “去吧!” ...... …… Then, the pond thousand hawks have no hesitation, she traces in Monarch to see the song trail to go instantly. 说罢,池千莺没有任何的犹豫,她即刻追溯于君见歌的足迹而去。 That year! 那一年! Flying snow day after day, cold wind like claw. 飞雪连天,凛风如爪。 The family members of pond thousand hawks were killed the personal enemy. 池千莺的家人惨遭仇人杀害。 Also when she will soon perish, the frost cold sword murders more than ten people together continually, rescues under her in Luanren. 也就在她即将殒命之时,一道霜寒之剑连弑十余人,将她解救于乱刃之下。 Chaotic dance of flower petal that her clear remembering, everywhere flutters about in the world, a azure fox shadow howling expansive sky. 她清楚的记得,漫天纷飞的花瓣在天地间乱舞,一头青色的狐影呼啸长空。 Shocking that sword brings, like printing her brand mark, is unable to cancel forever. 那一剑所带来的惊艳,就像印入她内心的烙印,永远无法抹去。 Has not expressed gratitude with enough time! 没有来得及道谢! Has not inquired his name with enough time! 更没有来得及询问他的名字! He in the previous second of departure, stood in the summit of cliff merely looks askance to look back to look at her one eyes. 他仅仅在离开的前一秒钟,站在峭壁之巅侧目回首望了她一眼。 In a hurry glance, one ten thousand years. 匆匆一瞥,一眼万年。 ...... …… The charm lives the dream is too chaotic. 魅生梦太乱。 Floats world nowhere to seek. 浮世无处寻。 Looks at that to vanish in the horizon two forms, the Chu Hen corners of the mouth selects, is muttering of some feelings, also looks forgives below independently decides...... I to hope you that lonely not......” 看着那消失于天际的两道身影,楚痕嘴角微挑,却是有些感触的喃喃道,“还望原谅在下的自作主张……我只是希望你不那么孤独……” The spirit of azure mound. 青丘之灵。 Exceeds millenniums lonely drifting. 超越千年的孤独漂泊。 The charm lives to float the world dream is too chaotic, the cross-strait flower blooms another year! 魅生浮世梦太乱,两岸花开又一年! When will return next time, hopes that can hear you to recall the lost world clansman and found the azure mound Huzhu good news......” “待下次归来,希望能够听到你召回遗失人间族人和找到青丘狐主的好消息……”
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