UMDK :: Volume #15

#1500: The Nine Provinces wind and cloud gets up

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The Nine Provinces wind and cloud gets up, night of frost dyes the day. 九州风云起,一夜霜染天。 Land land! 中陆大地! Recruits at the holy war finished later one month, finally welcomed the unprecedented giant accident. 在圣战征召结束之后的一个多月的时间,终于是迎来了前所未有的巨大变故。 The result that if the top list of chaotic demon domain strives for hegemony is in the command the land land landslide tsunami words, then this time startled changes, can be called the end avalanche absolutely. 如果说乱魔界域的风云榜争霸的结局是令中陆大地山崩海啸话,那么这次的惊变,绝对称得上末日崩塌。 ...... …… Wreaked havoc the violent storm of land land to attack each region in just one night. 肆虐中陆大地的狂风暴雨在短短一夜的时间内侵袭了各个区域。 War God Palace, within one day, degenerates into the ruins. 战神宫,一天之内,沦为废墟。 Martial Sect unites the spirit phoenix valley, Han cloud sect is leading the flying rain gate, horse city and other numerous influence was to kill to put on the entire War God Palace inside and outside early directly. 武宗联合灵凰谷,翰云宗率领着飞雨门,夙马城等一众势力直接是杀穿了整个战神宫的内外。 The lord of War God Palace, segment Cangming loses the hand of Chu Hen, the skeleton not saves. 战神宫之主,段苍命丧楚痕之手,尸骨无存。 ...... …… Travelling news, just like like passing through the ear want the deaf heavenly thunder, shakes various factions, flustered anxious, terrified. 一条条传开的消息,俨然就像贯耳欲聋的天雷,震得各门各派,慌张不安,惶恐至极。 My God! War God Palace lost unexpectedly!” “我的天!战神宫竟然输了!” Moreover loses so pitiful.” “而且还输的如此凄惨。” Martial Sect such terrifying? Before this sect gate, on platoon in end of first-class influence! Even profound Yang Gong, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge is still stronger than Martial Sect incessantly?” 武宗这么恐怖的吗?这个宗门以前就排在一流势力的末尾啊!就算是玄阳宫,齐霄阁也都比武宗强的不止一点吧?” „It is not the Martial Sect terrifying...... is the Chu Hen terrifying, you have not seen with one's own eyes, every step Great Saint King Realm powerhouse cannot catch his one move.” “不是武宗恐怖……是楚痕恐怖,你是没有亲眼看到,凡阶大圣王境的强者连他一招都接不住。” Right, finally segment Canglian hid the innumerable year of cards in hand to offer a sacrifice.” “没错,最后段苍连隐藏了无数年的底牌就祭出来了。” What card in hand?” “什么底牌?” Ten big most bloodline limit, great antiquity sacred body!” “十大最血脉界限,洪荒圣体!” My God, segment is Cang the person of great antiquity Saint clan? Such that hasn't Chu Hen died?” “我的老天爷,段苍是洪荒圣族的人?这样那楚痕都没死?” I also think initially he died, but has not thought, Chu Hen really had a very fearful eye.” “我当初也以为他死定了,但是万万没想到,楚痕竟然有一双非常可怕的眼睛。” ...... …… That night! 那一夜! Being doomed is the sleepless night. 注定是不眠之夜。 No one remembers strength of the dark green that earth-shaking great antiquity, the world gets sucked in that pair only just like the Demon God same peerless purple pupil. 没有人记住段苍那石破天惊般的洪荒之力,世人唯独深陷于那双宛如妖神一样的绝世紫瞳。 The struggles of ten big most sacred body. 十大最圣体之争。 This head confrontation. 这次的正面交锋。 Steadily great antiquity invincible might that Chu Hen seven stars demon eyes, suppresses in Duancang. 楚痕七星妖瞳,稳稳压制于段苍的洪荒神威。 Regarding seeing the person of that eye, the nightmare that as if can hardly be removed, harasses the person mind. 对于看到那双眼睛的人,仿佛挥之不去的梦魇,扰人心神。 ...... …… This time, it seems like guessed wrong!” “这一次,看来是猜错了!” Five Elements Sacred Clan. 五行圣族 Grasps the old man of walking stick to stand in the entrance as before, a pair of muddy old eyes is looking up to the highest heaven sky. 手持拐杖的老者依旧是站在门口,一双浑浊的老眼仰望着九霄天空。 In his behind, forest Yinghe the faint smile, seeming like relaxed. 在他的身后,林迎壑似笑非笑,看上去还算轻松。 Originally the big elder also has the mistake time......, although very regrettable cannot participate in the Martial Sect alliance, but can see the big elder your expression, I did not think that owes!” “原来大长老也有失误的时候……虽然很遗憾没有能够参加到武宗的联盟之中,不过能看到大长老您的这幅表情,我也不觉得太亏呢!” The old men have not replied. 老者并未回复。 It was still staring at that showing gloomy sky. 其仍旧只是盯着那彰显阴郁的上空。 „It seems like, the day of land, sank!” “貌似,中陆的天,更沉了呢!” Yes! Because must cloud over greatly.” “是啊!因为要大变天了。” forest Yinghe the sinking sound returns said. 林迎壑沉声回道。 ...... …… Result that no one favors. 谁都不看好的结局。 Actually becomes the final result. 却成为了最终的结果。 ...... …… The news that as the War God Palace destruction is annexed sweeps across the land land, the people have to accept this reality that is hard to face. 随着战神宫覆灭沦亡的消息席卷中陆大地,众人不得不接受了这个难以面对的现实。 The colossus that this occupies in the 61 sides, dropped down finally. 这尊盘踞于中陆一方的庞然大物,终于是倒下了。 Various various factions. 各门各派。 Fearful and apprehensive. 胆颤心惊。 Especially before these anxiously and Martial Sect pretended non-involvement the sect gate influence of relations, was completely ignorant. 尤其是之前那些急着和武宗撇清关系的宗门势力,全部都懵了。 These taunted the world who Martial Sect overreached oneself, faces were hit to be swollen. 那些嘲讽武宗不自量力的世人,一个个脸都被打肿了。 As for profound Yang Gong, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge and others these have the celebrated a holiday school with Martial Sect, all startled, if the cicada, were scared. 至于玄阳宫,齐霄阁等这些同武宗有所过节的门派,无不惊若寒蝉,更是被吓破了胆。 Martial Sect! 武宗 Passes through the quarry stone like that the thunder, drives straight ahead straight, earth-shaking that War God Palace raises. 就像那贯穿乱石的雷霆,长驱直下,将战神宫掀的天翻地覆。 ...... …… ...... …… Thunder Saint clan! 雷霆圣族! In the luxurious style main hall silence, the whole staff keeps silent. 豪华气派的大殿之内一片肃静,全员默不作声。 The complexion of everyone is disclosing thick gloomy and cold. 每个人的脸色都透露着浓浓的阴冷。 Is demon eyes ’......” sits the old form right hand above main hall unexpectedlymakes a fist, bang......”, the porcelain cup in his hand explodes instantaneously becomes one group of fragment powders broken. “竟然是‘妖瞳’……”坐在正殿上方的苍老身影右手一握拳,“砰……”的一声,其手中的瓷杯瞬间爆碎成一团齑粉。 Heard demon eyes these two characters, the chill in the air in people eyes. 听到“妖瞳”这两个字,众人眼中的寒意更甚了。 War God Palace these useless things...... have not thought that defeats such miserably!” 战神宫这些没用的东西……没想到败得这么惨!” Our thunder Saint clan has not meddled this time fortunately.” “还好我们雷霆圣族没有插手此时。” If we meddle, how the result, uncertain...... only blamed us to believe War God Palace.” “如若我们插手的话,结局如何,还不一定……只怪我们太相信战神宫了。” ...... …… Properly speaking, the hatred of thunder Saint race's regarding Martial Sect and Chu Hen, is not worse than War God Palace many. 按理说,雷霆圣族对于武宗楚痕的憎恨,也并不比战神宫差多少。 But this thunder Saint clan has not actually participated in this land war. 但这次雷霆圣族却并未参与这场中陆大战之中。 Mainly extremely in believing the War God Palace strength. 主要是太过于相信战神宫的实力。 Has the thunder Saint clan to join, Martial Sect difficult escaping destruction destiny. 有没有雷霆圣族加入,武宗都难逃覆灭的命运。 Since War God Palace is the strength steamroll, the thunder Saint clan may stand by greatly, but also preserved a face countenance while convenient, avoided being said by the world custom that its destruction holy war recruited. 既然战神宫是实力碾压的话,雷霆圣族大可袖手旁观,还顺带保存了一下颜面,避免被世人说其破坏圣战征召的规矩。 ...... …… Who once thinks. 谁曾想到。 War God Palace was given the puncture by a Martial Sect fatal long spear/gun. 战神宫就这么被武宗一记致命长枪给击穿了。 Most starts, Great Saint King Realm powerhouses of both sides, may differ one time. 最开始的时候,双方的大圣王境强者,可足足相差了一倍之多。 The lineup of this grade of disparity, but also by Chu Hen trampling flat, how this called the thunder Saint clan not to get angry. 这等差距的阵容,还被楚痕给踏平了,这叫雷霆圣族如何不怒。 Is hates to clench jaws simply. 简直是恨得咬牙切齿。 ...... …… After this war. 经此一战。 Martial Sect is surely irresistible in the place of land. 武宗必定于中陆之地势不可挡。 Although the thunder Saint clan was not worried how Martial Sect will take them......, but collapsing completely of War God Palace, made one dislike. 虽然雷霆圣族并不担心武宗会拿他们怎样……但战神宫的一败涂地,还是令人膈应不已。 After one is quiet . 一番沉寂之后。 Sits in saying that the above old man that coldly, sends people ‚’ to look for thunder Kun!” 坐于上方的那么老者冷冷的说道,“派人去把‘雷鲲’找回来吧!” thunder Kun! 雷鲲! Hears these two characters, in the palace the corner of the eye of people all concentrates. 一听到这两个字,殿上众人的眼角皆是一凝。 In the mind of everyone appears unconsciously together imposing manner cold severe, such as world frost glow swift and fierce form. 每个人的脑海中都不觉浮现出一道气势冷厉,如世间霜芒般的凌厉身影。 ...... …… ...... …… North a War God Palace imposing manner broad tower over a city gate. 战神宫北面的一座气势恢宏的城楼。 This is an age glorious old city. 这是一座年代悠久的古城。 Although the city wall has had several renovations, but it disclosed the mastery aura that has a having endured many hardships desolate to be plain. 虽然城墙有过几次翻新,但其透露出来的底蕴气息却有着一种久经风霜的荒朴古老。 Chu Hen, Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section and the others were built on above the tower over a city gate. 楚痕,东方恒之,舒元,梅章等人立于城楼之上。 In the front of people, is the wreckage ruins that the war leaves behind. 在众人的前方,是战争留下的残骸废墟。 Style luxurious War God Palace, had turned into a side dead city. 气派奢华的战神宫,已经变成了一方死城。 Especially after the people retreat, is to make one have not being able to say feelings. 尤其是在众人退去之后,更是令人有种说不出来的感触。 ...... …… Has not thought that some day, I can also step on the War God Palace land in the under foot.” “未曾想过,有朝一日,我也能将战神宫的土地踩在脚下。” In stretch/leisurely Yuanyan still has to touch. 舒元眼中犹有触动。 To him, all these just like look like have a dream to be the same. 对于他而言,这一切俨然就像是做梦一样。 Was your ambition helps itself......” Chu Hen return said. “是你的野心成全了自己……”楚痕回道。 stretch/leisurely Yuan smiles, may I actually bet this time with the life!” 舒元笑了笑,“可我却用命来赌了这一次!” What congratulated you to bet to win ambitious...... obviously was your several, made my old man suffer that palm, whom I asked to reason things out......” Mei section quite uncomfortable saying. “恭喜你赌赢了……明明有野心的是你们几个,偏偏让我老头子来挨了那一掌,我找谁说理去……”梅章颇为不爽的说道。 Before it was jointly besieged by the War God Palace three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses, received several solid palm vigor, if not for Monarch saw, this that promptly the song came will return to the western paradise perhaps. 之前其被战神宫的三位大圣王境强者联合围攻,受了几记结实的掌劲,若不是君见歌来的及时的话,这会归西了都说不定。 Several people smile. 几人莞尔。 East, should you yield?” stretch/leisurely Yuan said. “东方,你该让位了吧?”舒元说道。 The Eastern permanent thick eyebrows select lightly, is having this intent!” 东方恒之浓眉轻挑,“正有此意!” Was inferior that our three large amount of collaborate! Forms a big alliance......” “不如我们三大宗门联手吧!建立一个大联盟……” That must elect a hegemon!” “那要推选出一位盟主呢!” Also with electing?” “还用选吗?” ...... …… Receives the vision that the people cast, the Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, said, I do not want to work as what hegemon, some of my also many things must do......” 接收到众人投来的目光,楚痕俊眉轻挑,道,“我可不想当什么盟主,我还有很多事要做……” Yes?” stretch/leisurely Yuanlve loses obviously. “是么?”舒元略显失落。 „If not sovereign, I estimated that the holy war recruits will not participate.” “如果若不宗主的话,我估计圣战征召都不会参与。” Enrolls!......” The East that uses you to be in charge permanent did not say. “挂个名吧!不用你管事的……”东方恒之说道。 Chu Hen slightly does to hesitate, but smiles. 楚痕略作迟疑,只是笑了笑。 The stop, the Eastern permanent tone is full of the profound meaning slightly saying a few words. 稍稍停顿,东方恒之语气饶有深意的说出一句话。 I have doubts very much!” “我很疑惑!” Un?” Chu Hen is startled. “嗯?”楚痕一怔。 That three mahatma clans will come unexpectedly......” “那三大圣族竟然会来……”
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