UMDK :: Volume #15

#1499: War God Palace, defeat

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „Others, I are willing to stop there! But this person...... I must the slaughter......” “其他人,我愿意就此作罢!但这个人……我必屠之……” „!” “嗵!” The incomparably heavy heavenshaking loud sound invades the eardrum of audience everyone instantaneously, together with one as wild as pinnacle destructive terrifying power, an enormous and powerful vigorous blue light halo is just like explodes a day of star to raise the day in the War God Palace inner city center directly. 无比沉重的震天巨响瞬间入侵全场每个人的耳膜,连同着一股狂暴到极致的毁灭性恐怖力量,一圈浩荡雄浑的蓝色光圈直接是犹如地爆天星般于战神宫的内城中央掀天而起。 The endless tearing strength is twisting the space, is trembling everyone's heart soul. 无尽的撕扯力量扭曲着空间,更是震颤着所有人的心脏灵魂。 „Do you dare?” Great antiquity Saint clan magnificence warm shouted loudly. “尔敢?”洪荒圣族华温大声喝道。 Is looking at that instantaneous disintegration, segment Cang of being split up, the people whole face present is all shocking. 望着那瞬间解体,四分五裂的段苍,在座的众人无一不满脸震惊。 The dust ends, air wave shop day. 尘埃落幕,气浪铺天。 Sudden startled changes, startled exploded the vision and mind of everyone impressively. 突如其来的惊变,赫然惊爆了每个人的视觉和心神。 Stars Sacred Clan Meng Xiulin, burns day Di Qiong and Great Desolate Sacred Clan of clan Liu Mian and other group of cannot respond immediately. 就连星辰圣族孟修林,焚天一族的狄琼大荒圣族刘冕等一行人都未能够在第一时间反应过来。 No one has thought that murdering of Chu Hen unexpectedly so resolute. 谁都没有想到,楚痕的杀伐竟如此的果决。 Has not given people completely the leeway of least bit response. 完全没有给人半点反应的余地。 The time of let alone preventing. 更别说阻止的时间了。 Whish......” “哗……” World entirely tremor, eight sides rock. 天地俱颤,八方晃动。 The inner city square center that degenerated into stretch of ruins impressively is hollow to cross more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) giant sinkholes. 本就沦为一片废墟的内城广场中央赫然凹陷出一个横贯百余丈的巨大天坑。 In sinkhole. 天坑之内。 At this moment only had Chu Hen one person to be built on, segment Cang the aura could not feel completely tiny bit. 此刻唯有楚痕一人立于其中,段苍的气息完全感受不到了一丝一毫。 In other words, Chu Hen that struck a moment ago, not only the bang broke to pieces the mortal body of opposite party, one and erased together with the section dark green purple mansion Saint soul. 也就是说,楚痕刚才那一击,不仅轰碎了对方的肉身,也连同段苍的紫府圣魂一并抹掉了。 Strikes to kill thoroughly! 彻底击杀! Not to opportunity of least bit life. 未给半点活命的机会。 ...... …… Is a little ruthless!” Stars Sacred Clan Meng Xiulin is shaking the head, slightly obviously helpless sighing. “有点狠呐!”星辰圣族孟修林摇着头,略显无奈的叹了口气道。 Indeed is a ruthless person.” Nearby Burning Heaven Sacred Clan Di Qiong is also shakes the head to say with a smile. “的确是个狠人。”一旁的焚天圣族狄琼也是摇头笑道。 Reviews that side the great antiquity Saint clan, magnificence warm and the others are burning with anger, both eyes are disclosing the thick vicious color. 反观洪荒圣族那边,华温等人可谓是怒火中烧,一个个双目透露着浓浓的凶狠之色。 Wishing one could to make great efforts Chu Hen. 恨不得要将楚痕抽筋拔骨。 You dare to kill him......” “你胆敢杀他……” magnificence warm saying ruthlessly. 华温狠狠的说道。 Why doesn't dare?” Chu Hen does not have to fear, in the profound dark cold pupil is exuding faint trace purple glow. “为何不敢?”楚痕毫无所惧,深邃幽暗的冷眸之中泛着丝丝紫芒 Regarding segment Cang, Chu Hen will not forgive its life in any event. 对于段苍,楚痕不论如何都不会饶其性命。 First did not say other, only Xi Lan at this matter, Chu Hen has the absolute reason to want its life. 先不说其他,单凭“夕岚”这件事上,楚痕就有绝对的理由要其性命。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” The invisible situation of between both overflowing connects in void, causes the highest heaven to shiver. 两者间溢出的无形大势于虚空中交汇,引得九霄颤动。 Immediately, magnificence Wenxiao. 随即,华温笑了。 In the mean smile full is cold intent. 阴狠的笑容中满是冷意。 Very good...... to have a lot of time for that today I congratulation you take War God Palace...... to hope you to be able the mountain not to change, after green water long class/flow...... meeting, limited!” “很好……来日方长,今天我‘恭喜’你拿下战神宫……但愿你们能青山不改,绿水长流……后会,有期!” Congratulations! 恭喜! And has another chance to meet, effort that especially these characters said. 以及后会有期,这几个字说的格外用力。 Feels looks like a sharp dagger stabbing pain the eardrum of people. 给人的感觉就像是一柄锋利的尖刀刺痛着众人的耳膜。 Then, magnificence warm was shot a look at Meng Xiulin that coldly, Di Qiong and the others one, at once the sinking sound shouts, we walked!” 说罢,华温又是冷冷的瞥了孟修林,狄琼等人一眼,旋即沉声喝道,“我们走!” Whish!” “哗!” The ray drags, twinkle expansive sky. 光芒摇曳,闪烁长空。 Together with space that the distortion is swaying, the next flash, the people of great antiquity Saint clan disappear in instantly void above. 连同着扭曲晃荡的空间,下一瞬间,洪荒圣族的众人即刻消失在了虚空之上。 magnificent walks warm, War God Palace others crashed into the beyond redemption abyss to be the same impressively. 华温一走,战神宫的其他人赫然坠入了万劫不复的深渊一样。 Endless darkness rapid is covering the heart of everyone. 无尽的黑暗迅速的笼罩着每个人的心头。 That moment when the section dark green perishes, regarding the great antiquity Saint clan, War God Palace has not continued the necessity that supports. 当段苍殒命的那一刻,对于洪荒圣族而言,战神宫也没有继续扶持的必要了。 Remaining everyone, no least bit fighting spirit. 剩下的所有人,毫无半点斗志。 Rout! 溃败! Comprehensive rout! 全面溃败! True losing 100 percent, all-around blasting open. 真正的满盘皆输,全方位的炸裂。 ...... …… Looks breathless, magnificence warm and the others who depart indignantly, Meng Xiulin several people look at each other one, many are somewhat helpless. 看着气急败坏,愤愤离去的华温等人,孟修林几人对视一眼,多少有些无奈。 Today they and mountain ridge of great antiquity Saint clan has. 今天他们和洪荒圣族的梁子算是结下了。 After all no one has thought, Chu Hen read regarding section dark green killing so firmly. 毕竟谁都没想到,楚痕对于段苍的杀念如此坚决。 ...... …… Since segment Cang has died, others don't need to utterly destroy?” “既然段苍已死,其他人就不必斩尽杀绝了吧?” Meng Xiulin is full of the profound meaning looks below Chu Hen, said. 孟修林饶有深意的看着下方的楚痕,道。 Chu Hen slight nod, but has not said anything. 楚痕微微点头,但并未开口多说什么。 Meng Xiulin has not continued to make the meaning of stay here. 孟修林也没有继续在这里多作停留的意思。 Walks!” “走吧!” Un, here was not one's turn us to end.” Great Desolate Sacred Clan Liu Mian complied with one. “嗯,这里也轮不到我们收场了。”大荒圣族刘冕应了一声。 At once, the people of three mahatma clans also reverse the highest heaven space, vanishes in chaotic rapid storm in the sky. 旋即,三大圣族的众人也随之扭转九霄空间,于一股混乱的急骤风暴之中消失在上空。 ...... …… Situation. 局势。 As if returned to the zero point again. 仿佛再次回到了刚才的原点。 This thinks that the arrival of great antiquity Saint clan, puts down War God Palace these shovel intruder, but later the prompt emergence of another three mahatma clans, made this matter return in the level of struggle of land Zongmen. 本以为洪荒圣族的到来,将铲平战神宫的这些“入侵者”,可随后另外三大圣族的及时出现,也令这件事情重新回到了中陆宗门之争的层面上。 But, segment Cang the death, was makes the War God Palace remaining everyone lose the will of resistance directly. 而,段苍的死,直接是令战神宫剩下的所有人失去了反抗的意志。 The greatest despair, is flooding each of them's facial features. 莫大的绝望,充斥着他们每个人的面容。 Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley side also gathers the vision at the body of Chu Hen. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷这一方也都是将目光聚集在楚痕的身上。 To be honest. 说实话。 Matter also has the accident. 事情还有变故。 So long as the opposite party orders, War God Palace will be conquered by killing cleanly. 只要对方一声令下,战神宫将会被血洗干净。 ...... …… Inside and outside War God Palace the heart of everyone was full of the fear. 战神宫内外每个人的内心都充满了恐惧。 Does not dare to breathe the atmosphere. 一个个连大气都不敢多喘一下。 The Chu Hen long putting out one breath, it is forecasting the vast vault of heaven, deep closing eyes. 楚痕长长的吐出一口气,其展望着辽阔的天穹,深深的闭上双眼。 At once, his eye opens, vision one cold. 旋即,其眼睛睁开,目光一凛。 Do not let me see again your these people...... all roll to me......” “别让我再见到你们这些人……全部都给我滚……” Go away! 滚! If the startling thunderclap momentum remits in people the emperor dignity. 惊雷般的声势如若赦免于人的帝王威严。 Roar!” “吼!” Cry!” “唳!” ...... …… In an instant, the numerous beasts face upward to roar, like announcing battle drum of victory. 霎那间,众兽仰天咆哮,就像宣告着胜利的战鼓。 At this moment, the innermost feelings defense lines of War God Palace all survivors crash completely. 此刻,战神宫所有幸存者的内心防线全部崩塌。 The look dim no least bit of everyone is luminous. 每个人的眼神都黯淡的毫无半点光亮。 It looks like abandoned stray cur, abandons the weapon to flee in abundance. 就像是被人遗弃的丧家之犬,纷纷弃械奔逃。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… Inside and outside War God Palace, the rocket rises from all directions, flames of war. 战神宫内外,狼烟四起,烽火连天。 The panic people flee to depart everywhere, Chu Hen will for fear that change the mind to be the same momentarily. 惊慌失措的众人四处奔逃离去,生怕楚痕随时会改变主意一样。 Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the body of spirit phoenix valley people are all staining the blood. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷众人的身上皆是沾满着鲜血。 They look at each other mutually, look askance to examine the peripheral companion, still has to comfort and rouse. 他们相互对视,侧目查看着周边的同伴,一个个犹有宽慰和振奋。 Won......” Qiu Xingyi to mutter in a soft voice. “赢了……”邱星易轻声喃喃道。 Won!” Wu Yan shouts loudly. “赢了!”吴岩大声喊道。 Then, has covered the call high call reverberation together in the War God Palace sky. 接着,一道盖过一道的呐喊高呼声回荡于战神宫的上空。 Martial Sect long live!” 武宗万岁!” Han cloud Zongying!” “翰云宗赢了!” Spirit phoenix valley long live!” “灵凰谷万岁!” ...... …… A side rout flees. 一方溃败奔逃。 A side cheers the call. 一方欢呼呐喊。 horse city, the flying rain gate and other medium influence schools is also encouraged early, the innumerable disciples kneel shout, even is kneels cries. 夙马城,飞雨门等这些中等势力门派也都振奋不已,无数弟子跪地呼喊,甚至是跪地大哭。 Ha hahahaha......” horse Chengcheng lord Luo Song two lines of son tears to drip early. “哈哈哈哈哈……”夙马城城主罗送两行男儿热泪淌下。 The flying rain gate cold earthly branch is also two flood red. 飞雨门寒酋也是两眼泛红。 No one can understand their innermost feelings at this moment. 无人能够了解他们此刻的内心。 Their these influences, were bullied several hundred years by the reaching the clouds sect. 他们这些势力,被凌云宗欺压了数百年之久。 Every day experienced suffering the humiliation. 每日都受尽了屈辱。 Now, Lingyun sect is not , the under foot is stepping on the War God Palace domain, joy after this turning over, had a dream before cannot think. 如今,凌云宗不在,脚下踩着战神宫的地盘,这种翻身之后的喜悦,以前就连做梦都不敢去想。 ...... …… Hahahaha, War God Palace how? Had not been stepped on by my Uncle Mu Feng in the under foot.” “哈哈哈哈,战神宫又怎么样?还不是被我沐枫大爷踩在脚下。” Mu Feng is wielding the buddhist monk demon sword, exceptionally excited. 沐枫挥动着浮屠魔剑,异常的兴奋。 „, Are you also concerned about face? Has a hammer to relate with you? The great-aunt I saved you, you refer to now do not establish the capital on Naiheqiao.” “切,你还要脸吗?跟你有个锤子关系?要不是姑奶奶我救了你,你现在指不定都上奈何桥了。” Ha, ok line! This commander Feng owes you one.” “哈哈哈哈哈,行吧行吧!本帅枫欠你一个人情。” This also almost!” “这还差不多!” ...... …… Outside War God Palace. 战神宫外。 The emperor great palace, Five Elements Sacred Clan, the wind and frost city and other numerous influence sect gate observing mood is incomparable complex. 帝弘殿,五行圣族,风霜城等一众势力宗门的观战者心情可谓是无比的复杂。 This war! 这场战争! From beginning to end, personally sees, without omitting any link. 从头到尾,亲眼所见,没有遗漏过任何一个环节。 But the result, actually came as a surprise to everyone. 可结局,却是出乎了所有人的意料。 Really is a splendid fight grand feast......” wind and frost city few cities lord Situ cold night to mutter, this meeting should have many influences on regret secretly!” “真是一场精彩的战斗盛宴呐……”风霜城少城主司徒寒夜喃喃道,“这会应该有很多势力暗自后悔吧!” On his behind, Situ Ya face does not have the least bit blood-color. 在他的身后,司徒雅的脸上没有半点血色。 She completely at present this scene being startled somewhat absent-minded. 她完全被眼前这场面给惊得有些恍惚。 ...... …… Demon Eyes Sacred Body, it seems like that the mang farsighted plans die is not injust.” 妖瞳圣体,看来邙远图死的不冤。” Emperor great palace Tang Bufan shakes the head to think aloud. 帝弘殿唐不凡摇头自言自语道。 „The land land, then really must cloud over greatly!” “中陆大地,这下真的要大变天了呢!” ...... …… ...... …… Also is really accidental/surprised! This result is really unexpected!” “还真是让人意外啊!这结局实在出人意料呢!” Space such as water surface ripple slight distortion. 空间如水面波纹般轻微的扭曲。 In a lordly campsis grandiflora garret, Stars Sacred Clan Meng Xiulin, if the ghosts and demons dodge fall to the corridor in garret on. 一座气派的凌霄阁楼上,星辰圣族孟修林如若鬼魅般闪落至阁楼的长廊上。 Near corridor stand, together beautiful imaginary peerless young women static looks at the front that confusion incomparable ruins battlefield. 长廊看台边,一道美幻绝伦的年轻女子静静的看着前方那混乱无比的废墟战场。 „, Hasn't brought the mask today? Already this/should like this, otherwise too wasted your peerless appearance......” “哇,今天没带面具呢?早就该这样了,不然太浪费你这张绝世的容颜了……” The Meng Xiulin handsome eyebrow selects, on the face shows the frank smile. 孟修林俊眉一挑,脸上露出爽朗的笑容。 The females have not spoken, a pair of bright and beautiful moving sexy look looks at front. 女子并未说话,一双明秀动人的桃花眼只是看着前面。 ...... …… „Do previous time you ban the boundary demon territory of blood prison to save him in the god?” Meng Xiulin asked. “上次你在神禁血狱的边界魔域是为了救他?”孟修林问道。 Yes!” Bai Qianyu returns said. “是!”白浅予回道。 You should not have long known he is ‚a demon eyes clan person?” “你该不会早就知道他是‘妖瞳一族’的人吧?” ...... …… Bai Qianyu did not answer, in the clear pupil seemed to be the ripples flood to move. 白浅予不答,清眸之中似有涟漪泛动。 In the eye of Meng Xiulin flashes past surprisedly, it also says with a smile at once, „is really rare! Divine Eyes Sacred Clan Miss white, will help an unknown person unexpectedly......” 孟修林的眼中惊奇一闪而过,其旋即又笑道,“真是难得呢!神眼圣族的白大小姐,竟然会帮一个素不相识的人……” Obviously, after the holy war recruits finished, Meng Xiulin has investigated the Chu Hen details. 很显然,在圣战征召结束之后,孟修林就已经调查过楚痕的底细了。 What may make the Meng Xiulin surprise is, Chu Hen came from the place of eastern territory unexpectedly, even to the present is also only the status of Martial Sect rookie disciple. 可令孟修林诧异的是,楚痕竟是从东域之地而来,甚至到现在还只是武宗新人弟子的身份。 After all Martial Sect has not started to recruit the rookie. 毕竟武宗至今还未开始招收新人。 ...... …… But, has never gone to place of eastern territory Bai Qianyu, before then does not know Chu Hen absolutely. 而,从未去过东域之地的白浅予,在这之前绝对是不认识楚痕的。 Therefore also made Meng Xiulin have doubts. 所以也就更让孟修林疑惑了。 Can't say? I for you, even the great antiquity Saint clan offended!” “不能说吗?我可是为了你,连洪荒圣族都得罪了啊!” This time is I owes your favor......” Bai Qianyu tranquil saying. “这次算是我欠你的一个人情……”白浅予平静的说道。 Oh, does not need! I open play......” “哇哦,不必了吧!我开玩……” The Meng Xiulin words have not said, the Bai Qianyu peripheral space has presented the dream distortion shape, if then the water surface lax ripple, she also disappeared in same place. 孟修林话还未说完,白浅予周边的空间已然呈现出梦幻的扭曲状,接着如若水面涣散的波纹,她随之消失在了原地。 Really was...... too the aloof......” “真是……太高冷了……” Meng Xiulin two one, shrugs to say. 孟修林两手一摊,耸了耸肩道。 With the vision shifts to that rocket battlefield everywhere, in the Meng Xiulin eye gushes out faintly deeply some. 跟着,目光转向那狼烟遍地的战场,孟修林眼中隐隐涌出些许深沉。 Actually is what relates? These two Saint clans mingle, but also is really curious......” “究竟是什么关系呢?这两个圣族搅在一起,还真是让人好奇……”
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