UMDK :: Volume #15

#1498: I must slaughter it

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I had said...... today must butcher your son of a bitch......” “我说过……今天要宰了你这狗东西……” The tranquil tone does not have the fluctuation on half a point mood, Chu Hen face faint standing in the section dark green front. 平静的语气不带半分情绪上的波动,楚痕一脸淡漠的站在段苍的面前。 Latter whole face the color of hatred anger, two are surging the thick roaring flame. 后者满脸的憎怒之色,两眼涌动着浓浓的烈焰。 Kills me? You think too naive...... no one could kill me......” “杀我?你想的太天真了……谁都杀不了我……” Section dark green wicked shouting, while the support is well-grounded to interview to crawl. 段苍一边恶狠狠的喝道,一边支撑着地面试着爬起来。 „......” Words fall, a drags the ancient rune/symbol Lu sharp sword to point at segment Cang the head directly. “噌……”话落,一柄摇曳着古老符箓的利剑直接是指着段苍的脑袋。 But, is facing Chu Hen that swift and fierce incomparable peerless imposing manner, standing up that segment Cang does sway, on it then face revealed unexpectedly wiped self-satisfied grinning fiendishly. 而,面对着楚痕那凌厉无比的绝伦气势,段苍摇摇晃晃的站起身来,其接着脸上竟是露出了一抹得意的狞笑。 Hehehe...... Demon Eyes Sacred Clan is right? Depending on the destiny that your struggles desperately, dares to offend our great antiquity Saint clan?” “嘿嘿嘿……妖瞳圣族对吧?就凭你们这苦苦挣扎的命运,也敢得罪我们洪荒圣族吗?” Struggles desperately. 苦苦挣扎。 Listens to these four characters, both eyes of Chu Hen to raise, what did you say?” 听着这四个字,楚痕的双目一掀,“你说什么?” Ha hahahaha...... you may probably run is a bit faster good!” segment Cangxiao was self-satisfied, even is somewhat demented, with its sound strange scoffs to say with a smile, „, excuse me, you without enough time......” “哈哈哈哈哈……你们可要跑快点才行呢!”段苍笑的更加得意了,甚至有些癫狂,跟着其声音怪异的嗤笑道,“哦,不好意思,你们来不及了……” Works as!” “哐当!” Instance that the voice drops, originally chaotic highest heaven vault of heaven again thunderstorm writings. 话音落下的瞬间,本就混乱不堪的九霄天穹再次雷暴大作。 Just like the wind and rain , the black moist surges, the nebula collection, the War God Palace sky will imitate , if circling a giant grinding pan. 宛如风雨将至,乌潮翻腾,星云汇集,战神宫的上空仿若盘旋着一座巨大的磨盘。 Just likes the mountain imposing manner to lean the potential , the under everyone's heart all trembles, the people stopped the battle war in hand subconsciously. 一股犹如山岳般的气势倾势而下,下方所有人的心头皆是一颤,众人下意识的停住了手中的厮杀大战。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section and the others corner of the eye concentrates, on the face is surging some serious colors. 东方恒之,舒元,梅章等人不由的眼角一凝,脸上涌动着些许郑重之色。 War God Palace city the crowds outside major influence sect gate are the heart are also startled. 战神宫城外的各大势力宗门的人群亦是心头一惊。 „Is this aura?” Five lines of clan forest Yinghe double fists grasp, frowns. “这股气息是?”五行一族林迎壑双拳一握,不禁皱起眉头。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Under the storm gathering, the vast boundless situation covers in the under big chaotic battlefield. 风暴汇聚下,浩瀚磅礴大势笼罩于下方偌大的混乱战场。 In one both still has in the vision gaze with amazement, more than ten aura powerful forms appear in the War God Palace sky impressively. 在一双双犹有骇然的目光注视中,十余道气息强大的身影赫然惊现于战神宫的上空。 Whish!” “哗!” The invisible pressure divulges, below people such as by the raging tide coping, the body just like shouldering the extremely heavy heavy burden. 无形的威压宣泄而出,下方的众人如遭狂澜盖顶,身上犹如背负着万钧重担。 Besides fox of Monarch Chu Hen and azure mound sees the song, other person all facial colors flood white, the figure sank faintly downward little. 除了楚痕和青丘之狐君见歌外,其他人无不面色泛白,身形隐隐往下沉了几许。 ...... …… Great antiquity, Saint clan!” Spirit phoenix valley Guzhu section Dunsheng said. “洪荒,圣族!”灵凰谷谷主梅章顿声说道。 In an instant, the entire War God Palace inside and outside atmosphere have the greatest change again. 霎那间,整个战神宫内外的氛围再次发生莫大的变化。 Various large amount influences, look serious completely. 各大宗门势力,全部神情严肃。 And even/including Monarch sees in the facial features of song that monster different evil charm to overflow frost to be cold. 且连君见歌那妖异邪魅的面容上都溢出一丝霜寒。 ...... …… Ha.” “哈哈哈哈哈。” segment Cang has a good laugh, it stretches out the arms, is full of the satire looks at Chu Hen and his behind people. 段苍仰天大笑,其张开双臂,充满讽刺的看着楚痕和他身后的众人。 You could not win, forever could not win.” “你们赢不了,永远都赢不了。” ...... …… Void above. 虚空之上。 One group of great antiquity Saint clan all are the vision ice-cold. 洪荒圣族的一行人皆是目光冰冷。 Is the person of head is seems like thirty -year-old middle-aged men, it is disclosing by far in Duancang from top to bottom aggressive with cold proud. 为首之人是个看上去三十几岁的中年男子,其浑身上下透露着远胜于段苍的霸气和冷傲。 He looks that below that has degenerated into stretch of ruins War God Palace, on the face unexpectedly is the smile that appears to wipe to tease. 他看着下方那早已沦为一片废墟的战神宫,脸上竟是浮现出一抹戏谑的笑容。 This smiles. 这一笑。 Let the person back send coolly, the fine body hair is but actually vertical. 让人脊背发凉,寒毛倒竖。 ...... …… Is you leads the person to do?” “是你带人做的?” The men are overlooking below Chu Hen, if the cold and gloomy look two sharp sword birthplaces fall under. 男子俯视着下方的楚痕,森冷的眼神如若两道利剑贯落而下。 Chu Hen brow light wrinkle, actually also not scared look. 楚痕眉头轻皱,却也并无惧色。 Is I!” “是我!” Very good......” “很好……” The middle-aged man corners of the mouth select, the chill in the air and pressure that then made the person palpitation filled the air. 中年男子嘴角一挑,接着一股令人心悸的寒意和威压弥漫开来。 In an instant, free-air anomaly that Chu Hen is at anxious, that hides killing intent under pressure on be gradually clear. 霎那间,楚痕所在的空间异常的不安,那潜藏于威压下的杀意渐渐清晰。 The facial color of people all changes. 众人的面色无不为之一变。 Also however, at the same time, another side sky bang......” makes noise, is one group stirs day of a startled day storm that moves the place connects sky over the highest heaven. 然,也就在同一时间,另外一侧的天空“轰隆……”作响,又是一团搅天动地的惊天风暴交汇于九霄上空。 „Is this?” “这又是?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” Then, has a powerful air/Qi field steamroll world to attack. 接着,又有着一股强大的气场碾压天地来袭。 With the innumerable double feeling stunned vision , a gorgeous ray sparkle, more than ten makings are also aloof the uncommon form to appear in the War God Palace sky. 与无数双倍感错愕的目光下,一片绚丽的光芒闪耀,随之十几道气质同样超然不凡的身影惊现于战神宫的上空。 ...... …… Is the Stars Sacred Clan person!” “是星辰圣族的人!” Burning Heaven Sacred Clan and Great Desolate Sacred Clan also came.” “还有焚天圣族大荒圣族也来了。” My God, what day is today?” “我的天,今天是什么日子?” ...... …… Inundates the place filling the heavens the strong atmospheric field single layer then single layer, is to make the person somewhat not gasp for breath. 弥天漫地的强大气场一重接着一重,却是令人有些喘不过气。 Is they......” the emperor great palace Tang Bufan mind is startled. “是他们……”帝弘殿唐不凡心神一怔。 The future is not others, before caught up with Stars Sacred Clan Meng Xiulin that rescues in the chaotic demon domain bitter experience Devil Race army invasion time, Burning Heaven Sacred Clan Di Qiong , Great Desolate Sacred Clan Liu Mian et al . 来者不是别人,正是之前在乱魔界域遭遇魔族大军入侵时候赶来救援的星辰圣族孟修林,焚天圣族狄琼,大荒圣族刘冕等人。 What do they come to here to make?” “他们来这里做什么?” Does not know!” “不知道!” ...... …… Appeared at this time regarding these people, the people felt / be greatly puzzled all. 对于这些人在这个时候出现,众人无不倍感困惑。 But, within one day, presents five most sacred body bloodline limit continuously, is to make one to feel that some are distracted. 而,一天之内,连续出现五个最圣体血脉界限,更是叫人感到有些精神恍惚。 ...... …… Quite lively!” Burns day clan Di Qiong light saying with a smile. “好热闹啊!”焚天一族狄琼淡淡的笑道。 Stars Sacred Clan Meng Xiulin will actually look at one group of great antiquity Saint clan directly. 星辰圣族孟修林却是径直将目光转向洪荒圣族的一行人。 „Did magnificence Brother Wen also come? Does not see long time, has been well since last meeting......” “华温大哥也来了?多日不见,别来无恙……” Is looking at sudden another three big strongest Saint clans, great antiquity Saint clan that is the middle-aged man facial color of head slightly slow. 望着突然出现的另外三大最强圣族,洪荒圣族那为首的中年男子面色稍缓。 The saying of coldly, „do you come this to do really?” 其冷冷的说道,“你们来此作甚?” Meng Xiulin shows a faint smile, at once under aims said, we receive the message, it is said War God Palace breaks holy war recruits ’ the rule blatantly ‚, after the top list war ended, is resentful, disregards to stipulate that launches the retaliation...... several of us to confirm to Martial Sect......” 孟修林微微一笑,旋即指向下方道,“我们收到消息,据说战神宫公然破坏‘圣战征召’的规矩,在风云榜大战结束之后,心生怨恨,无视规定向武宗展开报复……我们几个过来验证一下……” Whish!” “哗!” Such remarks, audience stunned. 此言一出,全场一片错愕。 Especially segment Cang and the others, are the complexion changes. 尤其是段苍等人,更是脸色一变。 ...... …… Snort!” magnificent sneers warm, that you, and has a look, is actually who to launch the retaliation to whom!” “哼!”华温冷笑一声,“那你且看看,究竟是谁向谁展开报复!” Meng Xiulin shot a look under the eye that everywhere frigid battlefield in confusion. 孟修林瞥了眼下方那遍地狼藉的惨烈战场。 Seemingly is a little and in the imagination not too same......, but, we cannot look that the light looks at the surface is right?” “貌似是有点和想象中的不太一样……不过,我们也不能看光看表面对吧?” At once, the Meng Xiulin clear and resonant voice said, does not know anyone of you did have the words to say?” 旋即,孟修林朗声说道,“不知你们谁有话要说?” The people look at each other one mutually. 众人相互对视一眼。 The Martial Sect sovereign East permanent the sound, both hands held the fist in the other hand, said that in the lord of below Martial Sect, East permanent......” 武宗宗主东方恒之顿了顿声,双手抱拳,道,“在下武宗之主,东方恒之……” What do you want to say?” Meng Xiulin said. “你想说什么?”孟修林道。 „After holy war recruits finished, War God Palace directly despises the stipulation, leads criminal my sect gate, the desire and others to eliminate later...... me and others to be flustered me blatantly quickly, be forced for the livelihood, can only gather in great numbers to revolt.” “圣战征召结束之后,战神宫就直接藐视规定,公然带人犯我宗门,欲将我等除之后快……我等人心惶惶,为了生计而迫于无奈,只能聚众反抗。” Is this?” Meng Xiulin continues to say. “是这样吗?”孟修林继续说道。 Utter nonsense......” segment Cang counter-attacks to say sternly, is you are obviously unprepared while my War God Palace, the invasion, the intention wrests away our sect gate on a large scale, now also talks nonsense here.” “一派胡言……”段苍厉声回击道,“明明是你们趁我战神宫不备,大举入侵,意图霸占我们宗门,现在还在这里胡言乱语。” Snort, skill no one who your War God Palace is not concerned about face can actually and...... asked that land land, who dares to annoy your War God Palace? If not for if were compelled anxiously, our how dare at risk of life war?” “哼,你们战神宫不要脸的本事倒是无人能及……试问中陆大地,何人敢惹你战神宫?倘若不是被逼急了,我们岂敢拼死一战?” The East permanent also suppressed a lot of fires, his big hand wields, said that „any person in land land can testify, is actually who breaks the rule first? Actually is also who to attack our sect gate in advance? Truth that three -year-old child knows, do you also dare the evil person to complain?” 东方恒之亦是憋了一肚子的火,其大手一挥,道,“中陆大地的任何一个人都可以作证,究竟是谁破坏规矩在先?又究竟是谁先行攻打我们宗门?就连三岁孩童都知道的真相,你们还敢恶人告状?” A generous hot word, made segment Cang dumbfounded instantaneously. 一番慷慨热词,瞬间令段苍哑口无言。 Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley and others all both eyes of numerous influence flood red, one's blood bubbles up to the brim...... if not, if were compelled not to have the escape route, who can brave the danger of a narrow escape to kill this War God Palace. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷等一众势力的众人无不双目泛红,热血沸腾……倘若不是被逼到没有退路了,谁又能冒着九死一生的危险杀上这战神宫 ...... …… Hehe, it seems like matter to the mistake, is very obvious!” “呵呵,看来事情的对错,已经很明显了啊!” Meng Xiulin light saying with a smile. 孟修林淡淡的笑道。 Then, it is sideways to look to great antiquity clan people, right, what matter did magnificence Brother Wen come to here is so-called? Is comes mediating a quarrel?” 接着,其侧身望向洪荒一族众人,“对了,华温大哥来这里又是所谓何事呢?难道是来‘劝架’的?” magnificence warm vision one cold, sneers is returning said that „, since you came, I do mediate a quarrel, what relations also there is...... not to know how you can handle War God Palace?” 华温目光一凛,冷笑着回道,“既然你们都来了,我劝不劝架,又有什么关系……只是不知道,你们要如何处置战神宫?” Handling is far from most...... also urges to mediate a quarrel......” “处置谈不上……最多也就劝劝架而已……” Then, Meng Xiulin visual under people. 说完,孟修林目视下方众人。 „, regardless of according to the stipulation, accumulated the big gratitude and grudges that the holy war recruited, cannot in...... the War God Palace achievement that the outside world investigated the side overlord of place of land, this using one's office to redress personal grievances approach was really not shame. However Martial Sect odd/surplus numerous also killed War God Palace so many people, both sides have the damage respectively...... if possible, is inferior to respective Ba battle, but is good?” “按照规定,圣战征召的不论积累了多大的恩怨,都是不可以在外界追究的……战神宫作为中陆之地的一方霸主,此次公报私仇的做法实在为人不耻。不过武宗余众也杀了战神宫这么多人,双方各有损伤……如果可以的话,不如各自罢战,可好?” ...... …… Ba battle?” magnificence warm Qingheng, then, did War God Palace today's person die in vain completely?” “罢战?”华温轻哼一声,“这么说来,战神宫今天的人全部都白死了?” „It is not willing Ba battle also line...... that to make them continue to hit, dividing life and death good...... in any case this is also in them land influence own gratitude and grudges......” “不愿罢战也行……那就让他们继续打下去,分个你死我活好了……反正这也是他们中陆势力自己的恩怨……” Oneself. 自己。 Effort that especially these two characters, Meng Xiulin said. 这两个字,孟修林说的格外用力。 Very simple, this is land own sect gate dispute, as for other bystanders, do not participate. 很简单,这是中陆自己的宗门纷争,至于其他外人,就不要参与了。 I also thought that makes they divide a victory and defeat very well......” Burning Heaven Sacred Clan Di Qiong grin to say with a smile, feared that certain people are not glad, after all frequently some people do the matter of using strength to bully the weak.” “我也觉得让他们分个胜负挺好的……”焚天圣族狄琼咧嘴笑道,“就怕某些人不太乐意,毕竟经常有人干些恃强凌弱的事。” ...... …… One hear of this saying, magnificence warm facial color many are somewhat ugly. 一听这话,华温面色多少有些难看。 His deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath. 其深深的舒出一口气。 Just like you said that this is in them land Zongmen own matter, we have no right to interfere, how was casual...... to say by your Meng Xiulin several calculated......” “正如你说的,这是他们中陆宗门自己的事情,我们也无权干涉,随便怎么着……由你孟修林几个说的算……” Hehe, magnificence Brother Wen really favored the little brother I...... this matter I also to solicit Martial Sect here suggestions! After all others are the victim are not......” “呵呵,华温大哥真的是太抬举小弟我了……这事我还要征求武宗这边的意见呢!毕竟人家是受害者不是……” Then, Meng Xiulin will look below Chu Hen. 说罢,孟修林将目光转向下方的楚痕 This should be leading a group!” “这位应该是领队者吧!” Chu Hen lifts the head slightly, calm is looking at the opposite party, neither arrogant nor servile. 楚痕微微抬首,镇定的望着对方,不卑不亢。 Cross-eyed that Burning Heaven Sacred Clan Di Qiong and Liu Mian of serious famine clan cannot bear, is reads that in opposite party eyes to wipe the surprise. 焚天圣族狄琼和大荒一族的刘冕忍不住的对视一眼,皆是读到对方眼中的那抹诧异。 Chu Hen aura, indistinct somewhat familiar. 楚痕身上的气息,隐约有些熟悉。 ...... …… Bitter experience that Martial Sect this time receives, we cannot prevent promptly, regarding this expressed when the apology...... reprisal breeds reprisal did not have, War God Palace had lost, whether can spare and not punish too severely, doesn't need to utterly destroy?” 武宗这次所受的遭遇,我们未能及时阻止,对此表示歉意……冤冤相报无了时,战神宫已经输了,是否能够高抬贵手,不必斩尽杀绝?” The Meng Xiulin voice is very temperate. 孟修林的语态很温和。 Has not being able to say amiable. 有着一种说不出来的平易近人。 Listens to the opposite party saying that vicious tendencies also restraining that gradually Martial Sect side people send out. 听着对方所言,武宗一方众人所散发出来的戾气也渐渐的收敛下去。 Snort......” magnificence warm of great antiquity Saint clan disdains cold snort/hum one. “哼……”洪荒圣族的华温不屑冷哼一声。 The Chu Hen vision collects, it returns at once said, „others, I are willing to receive the hand to give up! However this person......” 楚痕目光微敛,其旋即回道,“其他人,我愿意收手作罢!但是这个人……” Momentum, the Chu Hen profound dark vision sweeps directly to behind the War God Palace palace main part of not far away dark green. 声势一顿,楚痕深邃幽暗的目光径直扫向身后不远处的战神宫宫主段苍。 I must slaughter it!” “我必屠之!” The instance that the words fall, in the Chu Hen pupil flashes gloomily blue light luminary. 话落的瞬间,楚痕眸中一闪幽蓝光曜。 In his right hand palm appears one group of blue light source energy bodies impressively. 其右手掌心之中赫然惊现一团蓝色的光源能量体。 „!” A heavenshaking loud sound, has changed to inner city land again sudden hollow collapsing of ruins. “嗵!”的一声震天巨响,早已化作废墟的内城大地再次急剧的凹陷坍塌。 No response time. 没有任何反应的时间。 The halo that if a blue light halo the stars explode, sweeps across eight sides, sweeps the audience. 一座蓝色的光圈如若星辰爆炸的光环,席卷八方,扫荡全场。 The space twists tearing instantly, together with myriad rocks that change to the fragment powder innumerably, in one both shocks to the extreme vision , the incomparably terrifying extrusion pressure tears the strength to attack all on the section dark green body. 空间即刻扭曲撕裂,连同着无数化作齑粉的万千岩石,在一双双震骇到极点的目光下,无比恐怖挤压力撕扯力尽数冲击在段苍的身上。 „......” “啊……” The huge fear covers entirely segment Cang the whole piece face flurriedly, his five internal organs entirely cracks, muscles and bones is completely broken, encountered the body of heavy losses to fold concavely with the extremely exaggerating stance. 巨大的恐惧慌乱布满段苍的整张脸,其五脏俱裂,筋骨尽碎,本就遭遇重创的身躯以极度夸张的姿态凹折下去。 Bang......” “砰……” The blood dance, the bone dust flies horizontally. 鲜血飙舞,骨屑横飞。 In one both shrinks tightens to the pinnacle pupil, segment Cang the body explodes directly becomes one group of blood fog broken, the badly-damaged internal organs spatter in all directions everywhere is. 在一双双缩紧到极致的瞳孔下,段苍的身躯直接爆碎成一团血雾,残破不堪的内脏迸溅的到处都是。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Today two! Inexplicable is very tired!) (今天两更吧!莫名的很累!)
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