UMDK :: Volume #15

#1497: Losing 100 percent

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang......” “轰隆……” Vault of heaven entirely tremor, just like the day holds up the thunder great thorn, if that passes through the tumultuous times the light luminary god glow, in one in pairs as panic-stricken as pinnacle vision, penetrated the chest of that great antiquity giant directly. 天穹俱颤,宛如天擎般的雷霆巨刺如若那贯穿乱世的光曜神芒,在一双双惊骇到极致的目光下,直接是穿透了那尊洪荒巨人的胸膛。 The dying out demon spirits! 寂灭魔灵! seven stars power of demon eyes. 七星妖瞳之力 Like near world Fiendgod, deters the audience. 如同临世神魔,震慑全场。 ...... …… The audience people have a big shock all. 全场众人无不大惊失色。 Inside and outside War God Palace everyone, the fearful and apprehensive, both eyes circle opens the eyes completely. 战神宫内外的所有人,全部都心惊胆寒,双目圆睁。 Raises the day the major influences of difficult situation outside the city comes the person heart to happen repeatedly, Tang Bufan , Wei Yan, Situ cold night, the row lives the kite and other numerous top list talent simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform to shiver, all counts startles greatly. 掀天的惊涛骇浪于城外各大势力的来人心头迭起,唐不凡,韦延,司徒寒夜,列生鸢等众多风云榜天才齐齐颤抖,皆数大骇。 The section dark green lost unexpectedly unbelievable...... 段苍竟然输了……难以置信。 Great antiquity sacred body and Demon Eyes Sacred Body fights the showdown, the latter spirits by a dying out demon directly. 洪荒圣体妖瞳圣体的强强争锋对决,后者直接是以一记寂灭魔灵石破天惊。 Works as......” “哐当……” Under innumerable double shivering vision inside and outside War God Palace, the day star splits explodes, luminary who crosses the vault of heaven is only void like sharp great claw tearing. 战神宫内外无数双颤抖的目光下,天星绽爆,横贯天穹的雷芒光曜就像锋利的巨爪般撕裂虚空。 Terrifying Saint sunshine day glow Before Duancang the great antiquity great person explodes. 恐怖的圣晖天芒于段苍所化的洪荒巨人身前爆开。 The spatial warping cracks. 空间扭曲崩裂。 The powerful blood-color vapor of encirclement outside great antiquity great person also swings, the dreadful mighty current that if divulges recklessly...... follows, strength of imposing manner sharp decline that boundless great antiquity, like mountain of collapsing, „......”, the chaotic storm of sweeping highest heaven throws off the world, sees only the great antiquity giant to change to a confused blood-color air wave instantaneously, segment Cang, if breaks the bird of wing, in in the air crashes. 环绕于洪荒巨人身外的强盛血色蒸气随之荡开,如若肆意宣泄的滔天洪流……跟着,那磅礴的洪荒之力气势锐减,有如坍塌的大山,“嗵……”的一声,扫荡九霄的混乱风暴掀翻天地,只见洪荒巨人瞬间化作一股乱腾的血色气浪,段苍如若断翅之鸟,于空中坠落。 Blood unceasing overflows from his chest and mouth. 鲜血不断的从其胸膛和口中溢出。 The chaotic true essence strength attaches outside the body, especially lax. 混乱的真元力量依附在身外,尤为的涣散。 ...... …… Palace lord?” “宫主?” In an instant, War God Palace high and low immediately at present dim. 霎那间,战神宫上下顿时眼前一片昏暗。 Unprecedented panic covers entirely the heart of everyone instantly. 前所未有的惊慌失措即刻布满每个人的心头。 Looks that segment Cang who crashes from the upper air, together with one and sinks to the valley has the morale of War God Palace people. 看着那从高空中坠落的段苍,连同一并沉入谷底的还有战神宫众人的士气。 segment Cang a defeat. 段苍一败。 Loses 100 percent directly. 直接就是满盘皆输。 ...... …… „!” “呜!” The fox called the wind to howl. 狐鸣风啸。 The bone-chilling cold unusual powerful sword potential just like the storm collection, the flower petal that everywhere flutters about if the snow flutters, if together the azure fox shadow the peerless monster soul is covering the sky of inner city. 凛冽超凡的强大剑势犹如风暴汇集,漫天纷飞的花瓣如若雪飘,一道青色狐影如若绝世妖魂般笼罩着内城的上空。 Sword cold frost dyes the world......” “一剑寒霜染天地……” „!” “噌!” The resonant sword recited trembles with fear eight sides, fox of Monarch azure mound saw the song double pupil to resemble Chen, its sword dance expansive sky, one bunch just like snow frost startled Sky Sword glow twinkle vault of heaven. 嘹亮的剑吟惊颤八方,青丘之狐君见歌双眸似辰,其剑舞长空,一束宛若雪霜般的惊天剑芒闪烁天穹。 „......” Together with was being divided the domain and earth domain of water separates, the panic cry is startled, two distressed forms flew directly, numerous pounding fall on the place. “嗵……”连同着被劈分开来的水之领域和土之领域,惊慌失措的叫声惊起,两道狼狈的身影直接飞了出去,重重的砸落在地。 The blood drips following the corners of the mouth. 鲜血顺着嘴角淌出。 The War God Palace stone elder, water long second child person zi wants to crack, the pupil covers entirely in a terrified way. 战神宫石长老,水长老二人目眦欲裂,瞳孔布满惶恐。 A sword selects to defeat two Great Saint King Realm powerhouses. 一剑挑败两位大圣王境强者。 Monarch see the song long empty space to stand, perform murder the world obviously the unusual situation. 君见歌长空当立,尽显弑天下之超凡大势。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuanyi is the imposing manner is big, its, if a war-god wields in the palm to hold up cloud halberd. 与此同时,翰云宗宗主舒元亦是气势大起,其如若一尊战神般挥动掌中擎云戟。 The swift and fierce point forms a piece of ring-like light luminary four fierce poison giant beasts that throws toward four sides to divulge. 凌厉的锋芒形成一片环状的光曜朝着四面扑来的四只狰狞毒物巨兽宣泄而出。 Holds up day of broken!” “擎天破!” Bang!” “轰!” Hiss!” “嘶!” ...... …… The ring-like light luminary halberd glow starts the strength of impact star link destruction, along with a series of sharp grating sad and shrill miserable howls, holds up cloud halberd the extinguishing world point such as bunch of dawn aurora that pass through the cloud layer, its all around centipede, the toad, the poisonous scorpion, the spider four ominous thing poisonous beasts chop the smashing that cuts simultaneously. 环状的光曜戟芒掀起星环般的毁灭之力冲击而下,伴随着一系列尖锐刺耳的凄厉惨啸声,擎云戟的灭世锋芒如一束束贯穿云层的晨曦极光,同时将其四周的蜈蚣,蟾蜍,毒蝎,蜘蛛四只凶物毒兽劈斩的粉碎。 Was cut to twist the broken ominous thing to explode the bunch of blue smog broken completely. 被斩碎绞碎的凶物全部炸成一团团蓝色烟雾。 Following close on, stretch/leisurely Yuan is making use, if his both arms hold to grasp the thunder to fight the halberd, is brandishing horizontally to that grasps the gloomy and cold female of five harmful things cauldron. 紧跟着,舒元趁势而起,其双臂如若持握着雷霆战戟,横着抡向那手持五毒鼎的阴冷女子。 It seems like you do not have the means to offer a sacrifice to your blood furnace me today ‚’......” “看来你今天是没办法将我祭你的‘血炉’了……” The soaring sound has several points to disdain. 高昂的声音带着几分不屑。 The female facial color big change, in the gloomy and cold eyes that slope outwards appears the thick flurry. 那女子面色大变,阴冷的三角眼中浮现出浓浓的慌乱。 astral comes like the blade cold wind front surface fiercely. 罡猛如刀刃般的凛风迎面汹涌而来。 Bang......” a heavy sound, is dragging holding up cloud halberd solid sweeping of myriad Shenhua before the body of opposite party. “砰……”的一声重响,摇曳着万千神华的擎云戟结结实实的扫在对方的身前。 Together with instantaneous disintegration the strength of domain, the female was being struck to fly directly by this extremely heavy great strength, the blood spouts from its, subsequently numerous pounding into a remnant Huan cliff, the quarry stone avalanche blasts open, the opposite party was also buried in the bottom of crushed stone. 连同着瞬间崩碎的领域之力,那女子直接被这股万钧巨力击飞出去,鲜血从其口中喷出,继而重重的砸入一座残桓断壁之中,乱石崩塌炸裂,对方随之被埋于碎石之底。 ...... …… Beginning of the universe extremely!” “混元化极!” Another side, Martial Sect sovereign East permanent that has the invincible might momentum to shake eight sides. 另外一侧,武宗宗主东方恒之那极具神威的声势震荡八方。 „......” “嗵……” The heavy strength explosive follows to shake comprehensively in the sky of War God Palace inner city, especially wild chaotic shock-wave shakes the broken Milky Way, then two imposing manner vigorous forms respectively after retreats. 沉重的力量爆响跟着于战神宫内城的上空全面震开,尤为狂暴的混乱冲击波撼破天河,接着两道气势浑厚的身影各自朝后退去。 „......” War God Palace elder profound chaotic facial features sink, immediately puts out an old blood. “哇……”战神宫长老玄乱面容一沉,顿时吐出一口老血。 The is covering the chest, a face startled anger is staring at front safe and sound East permanent it. 其手捂着胸膛,一脸惊怒的盯着前方安然无恙的东方恒之。 You lost!” Saying that the East permanent coldly. “你们输了!”东方恒之冷冷的说道。 ...... …… Has to acknowledge, segment Cang defeats, directly has a great influence on the War God Palace people. 不得不承认,段苍战败,直接是对于战神宫的众人影响极大。 An numerous high-level elder, is many floor disciples, without the exception, the mentality all collapses all. 不论是一众高层长老,还是诸多底层弟子,没有例外,无不心态全崩。 But, under this situation, condition and state of mind, once crashes, means the comprehensive explosion, loses 100 percent. 而,在这种局势下,状态和心境一旦崩盘的话,也就意味着全面爆炸,满盘皆输。 ...... …… Quick, ancestor butterfly clan two elders also made use to frustrate with it para-position War God Palace elder. 很快,祖蝶一族二长老也趁势挫败了与之对位的战神宫长老。 Only also in the struggling Great Saint King Realm powerhouse also only had in front of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird that ferocious-looking ruthless severe old man merely. 唯一还在苦苦挣扎的大圣王境强者也仅仅只剩下了圣翼天炎雀面前的那位满脸横肉的狠厉老者。 Cry!” “唳!” But also in the next flash, the highest heaven vault of heaven Saint flame shop day, for example the red flame vortex of tornado violent leans the potential under. 可也就在下一霎那,九霄天穹圣焰铺天,一股譬如龙卷风暴的赤色火焰漩涡倾势而下。 Bang......” “轰隆……” The wind and thunder passes through the ear, the blazing tide moves mountains, is being contaminated the face of everyone, is burning soaring war intent of all Martial Sect side people. 风雷贯耳,炽热的浪潮排山倒海,浸染着每个人的面孔,烧灼着所有武宗一方众人的高昂战意。 If end avalanche, luminary day near world. 如若末日崩塌,曜日临世。 The fearful roaring flame impact connection fusion, rushes to that War God Palace old man all. 可怕的烈焰冲击交汇融合,尽数涌向那战神宫的老者。 The latter that covers entirely face directly shone red with amazement, in the mean eye still has the meaning of fear. 后者那布满骇然的老脸直接被映照的通红,阴狠的眼中犹有恐惧之意。 Buzz......” “嗡……” In an instant, burns the day the roaring flame directly submerging that old man is one of them, the space of distortion tears to split unceasingly, opposite party the strength of domain is also swallowed into that sea of fire instantly. 霎那间,焚天的烈焰直接是将那老者给淹没在其中,扭曲的空间不断撕扯裂开,对方的领域之力也即刻被吞入那火海内部。 ...... …… Very powerful ‚the strength of domain.” “好强的‘领域之力’。” „Is this Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird strength?” “这就是圣翼天炎雀的力量么?” Worthily is Demon Race that and fox of azure mound shares the honor.” “不愧是和青丘之狐齐名的妖族。” ...... …… The witness this, the War God Palace inside and outside people still have at present shocking. 目睹眼前这一幕,战神宫内外的众人犹有震惊。 Just now enters Great Saint King Realm, can strike the powerhouse who kills the same rank. 才刚入大圣王境,就能够击杀同等级的强者。 Peerless grace and talent that Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird shows, was shocking the audience. 圣翼天炎雀展现出来的绝世风华,亦是惊艳了全场。 ...... …… But, with segment defeat of Cang and several Great Saint King Realm backbones, entire War God Palace welcomed comprehensive crashing directly. 而,随着段苍和几位大圣王境顶梁柱的战败,整个战神宫直接迎来了全面的崩盘。 Like by the dike that the flood shatters. 就像被洪水冲垮的堤坝。 Keeps off radically cannot block. 根本挡都挡不住。 ...... …… Kills!” “杀!” Roar!” “吼!” ...... …… Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley, horse city, the flying rain gate and other numerous unite the influence outstanding heroes to rise together simultaneously early, irresistible. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷,夙马城,飞雨门等一众联合势力群雄并起,势不可挡。 All-around counter-attacks to start presents. 一股全方位的反扑开始呈现。 War God Palace falls into enemy hands completely. 战神宫全部失守。 In the innumerable flurried frightened pitiful yells wail in the blood splashing blue sky. 在无数慌乱恐惧的惨叫哀嚎声中血溅青天。 ...... …… Land land. 中陆大地。 Radical clouding over. 彻底的变天了。 Looks in the city is favoring lopsided slaughters to slaughter, various large amount influences that these outside War God Palace stay out all feel the greatest terror. 望着城内倾向一面倒的屠戮厮杀,战神宫外的那些置身事外的各大宗门势力无一不感到莫大的惶恐不安。 Terrified! 惶恐! Indeed terrified! 的的确确的惶恐! War God Palace of land land overlord rank, this collapses loudly. 中陆大地霸主级别的战神宫,就这样轰然倒塌。 Occupied several thousand years of colossus, at this moment like this by small Martial Sect stepping on under foot. 盘踞了数千年之久的庞然大物,此刻就这样被一个小小的武宗给踩在了脚下。 ...... …… This regarding other sect gate influences, is actually what kind of suddenly/violently to strike. 这对于其他宗门势力而言,究竟是何等的一记暴击。 Won...... hehe...... Wei Yanxiao of emperor great palace unexpectedly especially stiff. “竟然赢了……呵呵……”帝弘殿的韦延笑的尤为僵硬。 Tang Bufan , reckless Bingyu also keeps mouth shut. 唐不凡,胡冰语也都默默无言。 In front these things, really shocks. 发生在面前的这些事情,实在过于震撼。 They who even shock have been hard to still. 震撼的连他们内心都一直都难以平定下来。 Five groups of clan forest Yinghe deep stretch/leisurely have the one breath, in his foreheads full is indescribable complex. 五行一族林迎壑深深的舒出一口气,其眉宇间满是难以言表的复杂。 It looks out that say/way to be built on that young form that in inner city square changes to the ruins, forest Yinghe the corners of the mouth exude to wipe the helpless happy expression unconsciously. 其遥望着那道立于那座化作废墟的内城广场上的年轻身影,林迎壑嘴角不觉泛起一抹无奈的笑意。 You won...... me to lose!” “你赢了……我输了!” ...... …… Murders, slaughters. 杀伐,屠戮。 The blood is watering the War God Palace land. 鲜血浇灌着战神宫的大地。 However, used is not these intruder life, but is their War God Palace own blood. 然,用的不是这些“入侵者”的命,而是他们战神宫自己的血液。 The invasion of entire side starts to start the especially frigid slaughter. 全方的入侵开始掀起尤为惨烈的屠杀。 War God Palace, starts to be conquered by killing. 战神宫,开始被血洗。 ...... …… The section dark green whole body blood, on the face covers entirely the hatred and hatred. 段苍满身鲜血,脸上布满浓浓的怨毒和憎恨。 It lies in the quarry stone ruins, in both eyes several want to spout the fire. 其趴在乱石废墟中,双目内几欲喷出火来。 You damn......” segment Cang to berate wickedly. “你们都该死……”段苍恶狠狠的喝斥道。 Finishes speaking, the facial expression faint form appears in together slowly its nearby. 话音刚落,一道神情淡漠的身影缓缓出现在其跟前。 I had said...... I must butcher your son of a bitch today......” “我说过……今天我要宰了你这狗东西……”
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