UMDK :: Volume #15

#1496: Shocking demon eyes chaotic world

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Buzz......” “嗡……” At this moment, the wind and cloud gets up, nine days change! 这一刻,风云起,九天变! Inside and outside entire War God Palace like collecting shocking storm of filling the heavens chaotic place. 整个战神宫内外就像汇集着一股弥天乱地的惊世风暴。 The hearts of countless person as if also stopped the beat. 无数人的心脏仿佛都随之停止了跳动。 War God Palace above picture, if fell into the static condition. 战神宫上空的画面,如若陷入了静止状态。 A purple great hand that searched in the land caught the terrifying great fist of that great antiquity giant directly firmly. 一只于大地之中探出来的紫色巨手直接是牢牢的接住了那洪荒巨人的恐怖巨拳。 But, float that purple eye of sky startled exploded in Chu Hen behind impressively mind and soul that presents everyone. 而,悬浮于楚痕身后上空的那双紫色眼睛赫然间惊爆了在座每个人的心神和灵魂。 That is one pair, if the Ancient Demon God purple eye, the invisible strength fluctuation causes the peripheral space to twist intermittently anxiously. 那是一双如若远古妖神般的紫色眼睛,无形的力量波动引得周边空间都阵阵扭曲不安。 In the deep place of that pair of purple pupil, has seven black dot chase rotations slowly. 在那双紫色瞳孔的深处,有着七颗黑色圆点缓缓的追逐转动。 ...... …… demon eyes! One of ten big most sacred body bloodline limit, Demon Eyes Sacred Body!” 妖瞳!十大最圣体血脉界限之一的,妖瞳圣体!” Floods the sound of shivering like crossing the startling thunderclap in everyone mind. 充斥着颤抖的声音就像横贯于每个人脑海中的惊雷。 In an instant, everyone's look anxious shivering. 霎那间,所有人的眼神都在不安的颤抖。 Including Long Xuanshuang, Mu Feng, Ye Yao, side Qiao Xiaowan these Chu Hen most familiar these people...... completely heartfelt felt that startled palpitates. 包括,龙玄霜,沐枫,叶瑶,乔小婉这些楚痕身边最为熟悉的这些人……全部都由衷的感到惊悸。 clear/pain, elder brother Chu Hen unexpectedly is ten big most sacred body......” “楚,楚痕哥哥竟然是十大最圣体……” Shock! 震惊! Inconceivable! 不可思议! Even never have such thoughts! 甚至连想都不敢想! This fellow...... has not disappointed us seriously!” Mu Feng muttered in a low voice. “这家伙……当真是从来就没有让我们失望过啊!”沐枫低声喃喃自语。 Obviously unusual accident/surprise. 明明非常的意外。 Extremely unbelievable. 极度的难以置信。 But as if in their opinion, feels in the reason. 可似乎在他们看来,又觉得情理之中。 Without other reason, is only because the opposite party is Chu Hen. 没有别的原因,就只是因为对方是楚痕 ...... …… Appeared eventually, this eye!” Outside the War God Palace city, talent forest Yinghe of five lines of clans sighed in a low voice lightly. “终究还是出现了,这双眼睛!”战神宫城外,五行一族的天才林迎壑低声轻叹。 Has hidden the question in his heart, was confirmed at this moment finally. 一直潜藏在其心中的疑问,在此刻终于得到了证实。 Initially when the chaotic demon domain resisted the Devil Race army invaded, that indeed is the different hot strength that Demon Eyes Sacred Body can control, burnt the lonesome Saint monster flame. 当初在乱魔界域对抗魔族大军入侵的时候,那的的确确就是妖瞳圣体才能够掌控的异火力量,焚寂圣妖炎。 ...... …… Compared with it forest Yinghe, but Tang Bufan , Wei Yan, arranges in order the fresh kite, Situ cold night waits for a numerous top list talent completely shock handles to guard. 比之林迎壑,而唐不凡,韦延,列生鸢,司徒寒夜等一众风云榜天才全部都震惊的措不及防。 War God Palace segment Cang had great antiquity sacred body bloodline limit to make the entire land land earth-shaking sufficiently. 战神宫段苍身怀洪荒圣体血脉界限就足以令整个中陆大地翻天覆地了。 Who once thinks, at this moment, appears pair of tumultuous times here again purple demon eyes. 谁曾想到,此时此刻,在这里再一次惊现一双乱世的紫色妖瞳 ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Land entirely collapse, sudden blasting open. 大地俱崩,急剧炸裂。 The complexion of people changes. 众人的脸色一变。 In an instant, everyone looked that is revealing the awe that is hard to conceal to the vision of that say/way young form. 霎那间,所有人看向那道年轻身影的目光都流露着难以掩饰的敬畏。 Sees only ground unceasing cracking under Chu Hen body to explode, shoots up to the sky with the landslide tsunami purple light beam. 只见楚痕身下的地面不断的崩裂爆开,跟着山崩海啸般的紫色光柱冲天而起。 Your strength is indeed mediocre......” “你的力量的确不过如此……” The strange air wave trembling cry folds, together with the sound that is teasing frivolously, Chu Hen both eyes raise, a pair has changed to the pupil deep place seven sunspots of purple eye to present the clockwise chase rotation. 奇异的气浪颤鸣叠起,连同着轻浮戏谑的声音,楚痕双目一掀,一双早已化作紫色眼睛的瞳孔深处七颗黑点呈现顺时针追逐转动。 „......” “噌……” The sharp strength howl biography swings, the next flash, is centered on Chu Hen behind above that purple Demon God eye, the innumerable say/way vigorous gorgeous purple light beam interweaves mutually the winding, rapid changes to a huge giant outline the upper part physique. 尖锐的力量啸声传荡开来,下一瞬间,以楚痕身后上方的那双紫色妖神眼睛为中心,无数道雄浑绚丽的紫色光束相互交织缠绕,迅速的化作一尊庞大巨人轮廓的上半身形体。 seven stars demon eyes......” 七星妖瞳……” „!” “咔嚓!” The crack that extend eight sides is found in the War God Palace inner city land, together with rock that is lifting every large or small, that only catches the purple arm of great antiquity giant fist unexpectedly is sudden tightening, in one both are full of under vision with amazement, the purple great hand withstand/top the arm of great antiquity giant to support from the place bottom. 一道道延伸八方的裂缝遍布战神宫内城大地,连同着大大小小掀开的岩石,那只接住洪荒巨人拳头的紫色手臂竟是急剧的绷紧,在一双双充满着骇然的目光下,紫色巨手顶着洪荒巨人的手臂从地底中撑出来。 Whish!” “哗!” Just like coming from a Fiendgod giant beast of in another potential surface world crawls in the abyss. 宛若源自于另一个位面世界的神魔巨兽于深渊之中爬出来。 The complexion drastic change of people. 众人的脸色剧变。 Both eyes circles open the eyes, both hands grip tightly the fist. 一个个双目圆睁,双手紧握成拳。 „Is this?” “这是?” „?” “难道?” ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” A serious enormous and powerful huge situation sweeps across the audience, under the connection winding of innumerable say/way purple light spin, a hundred zhang (333 m) giant soldier who wears the armor appears in the line of sight of people. 一股沉重浩荡的庞然大势席卷全场,无数道紫色光旋的交汇缠绕下,一尊身披盔甲的百丈巨人战士惊现于众人的视线之中。 The whole body covers entirely the heavy armor, shows the illusory head to disclose a purple pupil of pair of evil charm. 全身布满沉重的铠甲,彰显虚幻的脑袋透露着一双邪魅的紫瞳。 Goes through vertically the Milky Way just like the Demon God terrifying imposing manner. 宛如妖神般的恐怖气势纵贯天河。 The endless purple brilliance covers entirely in whole body, world that was overshadowed, is blustery, the startling thunderclap interlocks. 无尽的紫色光耀布满于全身上下,本就黯然失色的天地,再次风起云涌,惊雷交错。 The enormous and powerful air wave circles in flight in Chu Hen high and low. 浩荡的气浪飞旋于楚痕上下。 It places oneself in the front of this giant soldier, if controls the king in this world. 其置身于这巨人战士的面前,如若掌控这片世界的君王。 Dying out demon spirits!” “寂灭魔灵!” Chu Hen cold sound shouted. 楚痕冷声喝道。 Whish!” “哗!” seven stars demon eyes, the dying out demon spirits! 七星妖瞳,寂灭魔灵! The demon eyes invincible might that Chu Hen erupts raises thousand zhang (3.33 m) raging tide, in innumerable double is flooding under the panic-stricken vision, it behind purple sex fiend is erupting the extremely heavy supernatural power spirit, forcefully section dark green the arm of great antiquity giant withstood/top. 楚痕爆发出来的妖瞳神威掀起千丈狂澜,在无数双充斥着惊骇的目光下,其身后的紫色魔灵爆发着万钧神力,硬生生的将段苍所化的洪荒巨人的手臂顶了起来。 In an instant, two are confronts like the Fiendgod giant directly impartially. 转眼间,两尊如同神魔般的巨人直接是持平对峙。 ...... …… segment Cang is the startled anger happened simultaneously. 段苍可谓是惊怒交加。 It proliferates the red great antiquity suddenly/violently Qi face to be furious completely. 其遍布赤色洪荒暴气的面孔满是震怒。 Snort, everyone is ten big most sacred body, how I will lose to you...... to disappear to me......” “哼,大家都是十大最圣体,我岂会输给你……给我消失……” Then, segment Cang other giant palm raises a crack day the great antiquity great strength, the sound of billowing wind and thunder folds, his duplicate day palm hits directly to the dying out demon spirit head. 说罢,段苍的另外巨掌掀起一股裂天的洪荒巨力,滚滚风雷之声叠起,其覆天一掌径直打向寂灭魔灵的脑袋。 However, at this moment, in dying out demon spirit both eyes explodes to plunder two purple light beams suddenly. 然,就在这时,寂灭魔灵的双瞳之中陡然间爆掠出两道紫色的光束。 Changes to two giant arrow arrows just like the day glow light beam instantaneously. 宛如天芒般的光束瞬间化作两道巨大的箭矢。 Bang......” “轰……” One on the left and other on the right two light beam arrow arrows directly are the impact in the section dark green palm. 一左一右两道光束箭矢直接是冲击在段苍的掌心之中。 For example passes through the aurora flying shuttle of cloud layer, the sharp purple light beam penetrates impressively the section dark green palm. 譬如贯穿云层的极光飞梭,锋利的紫色光束赫然将段苍的手掌穿透开来。 ...... …… The heart of people in great surprise. 众人的心头大惊。 „Can't section dark green block the Chu Hen strength?” “段苍挡不住楚痕的力量?” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” ...... …… Does not need dark green to raise more powerful great antiquity strength, sees only that dying out demon spirit right arm high and low to erupt a piece of dazzling power line pole suddenly. 不待段苍掀起更为强大的洪荒力量,只见那寂灭魔灵的右臂上下豁然爆发出一片璀璨夺目的雷芒电柱。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Manic thunder strength like covering in right arm high and low snake python. 狂躁的雷霆力量就像覆盖在右臂上下的蛇蟒。 The people is a face with amazement. 众人更是一脸骇然。 „Can the demon that summoned also use the main body spirit the strength?” “召唤出来的魔灵也能够使用本尊的力量?” I never hear a dying out demon of demon eyes clan also to be able spirit like this.” “我从未听说过妖瞳一族的寂灭魔灵还能这样。” He unexpectedly the bloodline limit strengths and other attribute strength perfect integrations.” “他竟然把血脉界限的力量和其他的属性力量完美融合了。” Unbelievable!” “难以置信!” ...... …… In this moment Martial Sect sovereign East permanent eye also exudes the faint trace to be shocking faintly. 此刻武宗宗主东方恒之的眼中亦是隐隐泛起丝丝震惊。 Because of " Primal Chaos Art » relations? 是因为《混元诀》的关系吗? The East permanent does not dare to believe firmly or not. 东方恒之不太敢确信与否。 ...... …… Has not given the people too the time of ponder, the dying out demon wields myriad power of thunder are welcoming to the present section dark green the great antiquity giant spirit. 没有给予众人太多思考的时间,寂灭魔灵执掌着万千雷霆之力迎向眼前的段苍所化的洪荒巨人。 „!” “嗤嗤!” In an instant, collects the purple and green thunder and lightning in dying out demon spirit palm interweaves to condense the sharp peerless electricity to hold up the great thorn instantaneously together. 霎那间,汇集于寂灭魔灵掌中的紫色和绿色雷电瞬间交织凝聚成一道锋利绝伦的电擎巨刺。 Holds to grasp that say/way swift and fierce peerless electricity to hold up the great thorn, the dying out demon spirit directly his to the chest center of great antiquity giant. 持握着那道凌厉绝伦的电擎巨刺,寂灭魔灵直接将其扎向洪荒巨人的胸膛中央。 Works as......” “哐当……” The heavenly thunder interlocks, the hurricane rips the day. 天雷交错,飓风撕天。 The countless electric light splits to blast out from the highest heaven instantly void. 数之不尽的雷芒电光即刻从九霄虚空绽裂炸开。 The blooming light Yao's roaming Cuan before the body of great antiquity giant, such as in the dragon snake that eight sides wander about aimlessly, breaks the expansive sky, covers the War God Palace above, is trembling with fear soul that presents everyone. 一道道绽放的光曜于洪荒巨人的身前游窜而出,如于八方乱走的龙蛇,震碎长空,笼罩战神宫的上方,惊颤着在座每个人的灵魂。 ...... …… How with is ten big most sacred body? How could do you keep off me?” “同为十大最圣体又如何?你岂能挡我?” Chu Hen that ice-cold sound like sharp blade invasion everyone's heart. 楚痕那冰冷的声音就像利刃般入侵着所有人的心脏。 You......” segment Cang the both eyes anger of incarnation great antiquity giant open the eyes, blood-color suddenly/violently Qi of its whole body surges like the surges tide suddenly. “你……”化身洪荒巨人的段苍双目怒睁,其全身上下的血色暴气就像翻腾的浪潮般急剧涌动。 „!” “嗵!” The serious dull thumping sound is shocking, the audience everyone's pupil wanted to crack, sees only that bunch of electricity in dying out demon spirit palm to hold up the great thorn to pass through around the chest of that great antiquity giant forcefully. 沉重的闷响震天,全场所有人的瞳孔欲裂,只见寂灭魔灵掌中的那束电擎巨刺硬生生的贯穿了那洪荒巨人的胸膛前后。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” The sharp peerless thunder and lightning light luminary lance punctures the direct penetration in the back of opposite party, if one group of turnovers the great snake of long letter/believes, is sending out is ripping a day of strength, exceptionally fearsome. 锋利绝伦的雷电光曜矛刺直接穿透于对方的后背,如若一团吞吐着长信的巨蛇,散发着撕天之力,异常可怖。 Enormous and powerful chaotic great antiquity blood-color vapors chaotic divulges. 一圈圈浩荡混乱的洪荒血色蒸气杂乱无章的宣泄开来。 If Kamito purple glow delays in Duancang whole body. 如若神藤般的紫芒延展于段苍的全身上下。 The latter both eyes anger opens the eyes, in the eye has never presented panic-stricken and terrified. 后者双目怒睁,眼中有着从未出现过的惊骇和惶恐。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” At this moment, War God Palace covers in the unprecedented dark cloud. 这一刻,战神宫笼罩于前所未有的乌云之中。 Ten big most sacred body. 十大最圣体 Great antiquity sacred body, shocks the audience. 洪荒圣体,震撼全场。 Demon Eyes Sacred Body, earth-shaking. 妖瞳圣体,石破天惊。 When witnesses at present this scene, the heart of everyone is impressively earth-shaking. 当目睹眼前这一场景之时,每个人的心头赫然天翻地覆。 Defeat! 败了! segment Cangbai! 段苍败了! Occupies a side overlord in land land, existence imperially, its position was subverted directly. 盘踞于中陆大地的一方霸主,帝王般的存在,其地位直接被颠覆。 That tumultuous times eyes, at this moment, to murder domination of prestige of king in the summit of people. 那一双乱世的眼睛,此刻,以弑王之威的凌驾于众人之巅。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Three offer, everyone good night!) (三更奉上,大家晚安!)
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