UMDK :: Volume #15

#1495: Ten big most sacred body

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Hiss......” “嘶……” The gorgeous blood splash dances with the wind, splashes under interweaving of air current in the expansive sky. 艳丽的血花随风而舞,在气流的交织下飞溅于长空之中。 The spirited resonant sword recited is sending out the charm of trembling with fear people soul. 激昂嘹亮的剑吟散发着惊颤众人灵魂的魔力。 Five azure fox shades towed the sword glow that entrained shockingly the world. 五道青色狐影拖拽的剑芒惊艳了天地。 In one both floods under the vision that incomparably is shocking, poor tooth that is split up together with the strength of domain was being segmented just like the beast person grandiose body directly. 在一双双充斥着无比震骇的目光下,劣牙那宛如兽人般的壮硕身躯连同着被切分开来的领域之力直接是四分五裂。 The blood splashing expansive sky, the frost dyes the world. 血溅长空,霜染天地。 A sword cuts to kill the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse. 一剑斩杀大圣王境的强者。 Presents everyone's heart is in great surprise. 在座所有人的心头俱是大惊。 This is......” “这是……” Inside and outside War God Palace heart and gall entirely cold, is all stunned. 战神宫内外无不心胆俱寒,一脸错愕。 Who is this time? 这次又是谁? „......” “呜……” The fox called the wind to howl, frost dust everywhere. 狐鸣风啸,霜尘漫天。 In an instant, a huge azure fox shadow appears in the sky of inner city impressively. 霎那间,一尊巨大的青色狐影赫然惊现于内城的上空。 Under the snowflake of float in world dances in the air, poor tooth in the air of horizontal corpse being killed place, the evil charm extremes, grasped the monster different form of long sword to fly high to stand together. 漂浮于天地间的雪花飞舞下,劣牙的横尸丧命处的空中,一道邪魅狂狷,手持长剑的妖异身影凌空而立。 Whish......” “哗……” The invisible air wave sweeps across in all directions, everyone's pupil all trembles faintly. 无形的气浪席卷四面八方,所有人的瞳孔皆是隐隐一颤。 Sees only that person of black hair to dye the snow, the corner of the eye is long and narrow, is sending out inherent aloof aristocrat makings from top to bottom. 只见那人青丝染雪,眼角狭长,浑身上下都散发着一股与生俱来的高冷贵族气质。 „The fox of azure mound......” “青丘之狐……” A War God Palace side, or Martial Sect this side, feels the shock all. 不论是战神宫一方,亦或是武宗这一方,无不倍感震惊。 „, Is that only leads the fox......” six wing ancestor butterfly Qiao Xiaowan pleasantly surprised calling to say. “哇,是那只帅狐狸……”六翼祖蝶乔小婉惊喜的唤道。 Mu Feng of not far away relaxes slightly, rushed finally promptly.” 不远处的沐枫稍稍松了口气,“总算是及时赶到了。” ...... …… Unexpectedly is one of the most Demon Race azure mound fox.” “竟然是最妖族之一的‘青丘狐’。” Outside city, emperor great palace, five lines of clans, crecent moon Saint clan, wind and frost city and other numerous influences comes the person also still has the accident/surprise. 城外,帝弘殿,五行一族,新月圣族,风霜城等众多势力的来人亦是犹有意外。 It is well known, a azure mound clan , since meeting with the great misfortune, rarely took a walk outside. 众所周知,青丘一族自从遭逢大劫之后,就很少在外面走动了。 Even even/including Yaoyu the matter rarely goes to the manages, now will interfere with among the battle in Renzu unexpectedly, is really inconceivable. 甚至连妖域的事都很少去管,如今竟然会干涉于人族之间的争斗,实在是不可思议。 Will Chu Hen have such many helpers unexpectedly? 楚痕竟会有如此之多的帮手? ...... …… Chaotic battlefield somewhere, Martial Sect disciple pond thousand hawk faces surprised is looking at the form of that say/way especially sparkle, in her eyes, is filling the bright. 混乱战场的某处,武宗弟子池千莺一脸惊奇的望着那道尤为闪耀的身影,在她的眼中,充满着亮光。 ...... …… Valley lord?” “谷主?” You how?” “您怎么样?” ...... …… Disciple hurried encirclements of several spirit phoenix valleys in a plum chapter of side, hold the opposite party, the latter lifted lifting, as before is the whole face serious looks at the current scene. 几个灵凰谷的弟子匆匆忙忙的围在梅章的身边,将对方扶起来,后者抬了抬,依旧是满脸郑重的看着当前的场景。 ...... …… Previous time made you escape, I have rebuked oneself very much!” “上次让你们逃了,我可是一直很自责呢!” Monarch see the song to lift the hand to hold the sword to aim at the front water elder, the stone long second child person. 君见歌抬手执剑指向前方的水长老,石长老二人。 Two people facial color incomparable gloomy. 两人的面色无比的阴沉。 Damn smelly fox, you also dares to be many my War God Palace matter......” stone elder wicked saying. “该死的臭狐狸,你也敢多我战神宫的事……”石长老恶狠狠的说道。 Monarch see the song coldly smile, I want the matter of manages, how could you block I.” 君见歌冷冷一笑,“我想要管的事情,你们又岂能拦的了我。” Courts death!” “找死!” You two on together! Otherwise even I have the qualifications of sword not to have......” “你们两个一起上吧!否则连我出剑的资格都没有……” Scoundrel, leaving was too self-satisfied, how otherwise dead does not know.” stone Elder fierce say/way. “混账,别太得意了,不然怎么死的都不知道。”石长老厉声道。 Rubbish with him, killed him with joint forces.” The water elder is also burning with anger. “别跟他废话,合力杀了他。”水长老亦是怒火中烧。 Then, the strength of two people domain directly are the unretentive release, the different color light screens also connect in the same place, changes to the dual domains to see the song to cover toward Monarch to go. 说罢,两人的领域之力直接是毫无保留的释放出来,不同颜色的光幕随之交汇于一起,化作双重领域朝着君见歌笼罩而去。 But, monarch see the song to not care a whoop, its within the body also fills a bone-chilling cold extraordinary great power rhythm. 而,君见歌丝毫不在意,其体内亦是弥漫出一股凛冽非凡的强大力量律动。 „The domain of sword!” “剑之领域!” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… The strength of three big domain erupt the violent collision in void instantly, monarch see the song by an enemy two, domain still stable has not had the slight twist deformation. 三大领域之力即刻于虚空中爆发猛烈的碰撞,君见歌以一敌二,领域仍旧稳固的没有发生丝毫的扭曲变形。 Then, War God Palace two people go forward to launch to meet head-on by the complete strength. 接着,战神宫两人以全部的实力上前展开迎战。 ...... …… No one has thought. 谁都没想到。 At a crucial moment, fox of Monarch azure mound sees the song the halfway to kill, not only rescued the spirit phoenix valley Guzhu chapter, but also cut to kill the elder poor tooth by the potential of thunder. 千钧一发之际,青丘之狐君见歌的半路杀出不仅救了灵凰谷谷主梅章,还以雷霆之势斩杀了长老劣牙。 As it fights two people by one's effort alone, the intense war that in this command the land land clouds over started to present the suspense eventually. 随着其以一己之力独战两人,这场令中陆大地变天的激烈大战终究开始出现了悬念。 both sides decided the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse who victory and defeat primary factor, was almost at the impartial condition. 双方决定胜负主要因素的大圣王境强者,几乎处于了持平的状态。 Nine kill destroying. 九杀阵的摧毁。 Breakthrough of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird. 圣翼天炎雀的突破。 Monarch see the appearance of song. 君见歌的出现。 Is makes War God Palace directly all in fine weather and favorable geographical position vanishes into thin air completely. 直接是令战神宫这边的所有天时地利全部烟消云散。 This, War God Palace no least bit advantage. 这一下,战神宫毫无半点优势可言。 Even on morale, Martial Sect also steady presses the opposite party to plan. 甚至在士气上面,武宗这边还稳稳的压过对方一筹。 ...... …… Seemed like you looks somewhat self-satisfied.” Grasps is staring at Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan who the mean woman vision of five harmful things cauldron coldly. “貌似你看起来有些得意了。”手持五毒鼎的阴狠女人目光冷冷的盯着翰云宗宗主舒元。 The latter corners of the mouth select, frivolous saying with a smile, self-satisfied does not have actually, but suddenly felt your War God Palace has not imagined like that powerful.” 后者嘴角一挑,轻浮的笑道,“得意倒是没有,只是突然觉得你战神宫也没有想象中的那般强大。” Very regrettable told you, your happy was somewhat premature.” “很遗憾的告诉你,你开心的有些过早了。” The woman double pupil shines through the poisonous cold light, the words falls, the great snake that proliferates the azure scale circled stretch/leisurely Yuan from the thick blood fog directly behind. 那女人双眸透射出毒寒之光,话落,那条遍布青鳞的巨蛇直接是从浓浓的血雾中绕到了舒元的身后。 The cold and gloomy fishy smell fills the air , the great snake opens the big mouth to gather toward stretch/leisurely Yuan. 森冷的腥气弥漫而下,巨蛇张开大口朝着舒元合去。 Snort......” stretch/leisurely Yuan actually light snort/hum, its corner of the eye split vision glance, then turns round to lay out a share of radiant light luminary fiercely. “哼……”舒元却轻哼一声,其眼角余光一瞥,接着猛地回身拍出一股璀璨的光曜。 Holds up cloud halberd!” “擎云戟!” „!” “噌!” The heavy sharp weapon vibrato surging vault of heaven, stretch/leisurely Yuan loud drinks, in that gorgeous ray sweeps across a encirclement to drag the sharp war halberd of golden Saint sunshine light spin suddenly. 沉重的利器颤音激荡苍穹,舒元大声一喝,那绚丽的光芒之中豁然席卷出一杆环绕摇曳着金色圣晖光旋的锋利战戟。 Is erupting the peerless invincible might, holds up cloud Zhanji to erupt dazzling god glow, directly is the impact in the mouth of that great snake. 爆发着绝伦的神威,擎云战戟爆发出一片刺眼的神芒,直接是冲击在那巨蛇的口中。 „......” A heavy sound, the thorn day light beam slanting birthplace vault of heaven, that bunch fought the halberd to pass through the skull of that azure scale big snake forcefully. “嗵……”的一声重响,刺天的光束斜贯苍穹,那一束战戟硬生生的贯穿了那青鳞大蛇的头盖骨。 The blood rain flutters about, ominous air/Qi threatening azure scale great snake rapid collapses, explodes one group of blue smog. 血雨纷飞,凶气逼人的青鳞巨蛇迅速的瘫倒下去,随之爆成一团蓝色烟雾。 I must kill you......” that gloomy and cold woman to shake the five harmful things cauldron in palm again, then the first even/including four wisps of blue color rays emit from the cauldron. “我要杀了你……”那阴冷的女人再次摇动掌中的五毒鼎,接着一连四缕蓝色光芒从鼎中冒出。 Four groups of blue smoke rapid entangling to stretch/leisurely Yuan. 四团蓝烟迅速的缠向舒元。 In the motion process, in the blue smog first even/including spreads the sharp strange strange howl, sees only the scorpion, the spider, the toad, the centipede four fierce fierce large-scale poisons like the preying on hungry ghost who crawls from the hell. 在移动过程中,蓝色烟雾内一连传出尖锐诡异的怪啸声,只见蝎子,蜘蛛,蟾蜍,蜈蚣四只凶猛狰狞的大型毒物就像从地狱爬出来的捕食饿鬼。 stretch/leisurely Yuan does not dare to have slight neglecting, his five fingers separate spatially grasp, „......” that holds up cloud halberd to return to his palm instantly. 舒元不敢有丝毫的怠慢,其五指隔空一抓,“咻……”那杆擎云戟即刻回到其掌中。 The war halberd of wielding, if a war-god is meeting the approaching enemy the attacks of four poisons. 其挥动的战戟,如若一尊战神般迎击着四头毒物的攻击。 ...... …… „!” “嗵!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… The wild strength is throwing off the War God Palace land, is destroying this luxurious style Miyag pavilion. 狂暴的力量掀翻着战神宫大地,摧毁着这片奢华气派的宫城楼阁。 Concourse in inner city, proliferates the innumerable say/way just like extending to the giant crack of abyss. 内城的中央广场,遍布着无数道宛如延伸至深渊的巨大裂缝。 East and west. 东西两地。 Was deciding two people who this startled day campaign ultimately moves toward if two confronting fierce tigers. 决定着这场惊天战役最终走向的两个人如若两头对峙的猛虎。 Seemed like your card in hand to use up!” “貌似你的底牌都用光了呢!” Outside segment Cang the body is flowing the silk threads cyclone, peripheral space startled aliquation level rhythm. 段苍的身外流动着丝丝缕缕的气旋,周边的空间惊起层层律动。 On his face exudes is wiping nearly demented smile. 其脸上泛着一抹近乎癫狂的笑容。 However...... I have not started to catch up......” “然而……我还没有开始发力……” What? 什么? The overbearing form causes the people heart present to tremble. 霸道的身影引得在座的众人心头一颤。 The instance that the voice drops, segment Cang both eyes erupt a roaring flame ray, bang......” next flash, ground rock cuns (2.5 cm) break under its, volcano magma that if will erupt shortly, spiral-shaped blazing red light beams regarding shoot up to the sky outside the section dark green body. 话音落下的瞬间,段苍双目爆发出一股烈焰般的光芒,“轰隆……”下一瞬间,其身下的地面岩石寸寸断裂,如若顷刻间喷发的火山岩浆,一道道螺旋状的炽热红色光柱围绕在段苍的身外冲天而起。 „Is that?” The people outside War God Palace in great surprise. “那是?”战神宫外的众人大惊。 This blood-color suddenly/violently is Qi?” “这血色暴气是?” ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The terrifying aura grinds eight side quarry stone, dreadful blood-color vapor several want to hold to put on sky over the War God Palace highest heaven. 恐怖的气息碾碎八方乱石,一股滔天的血色蒸气几欲捅穿战神宫的九霄上空。 In an instant, above the vault of heaven just like the end avalanche, the storm collection. 霎那间,天穹之上犹如末日崩塌,风暴汇集。 Section dark green from top to bottom like being contaminated high-temperature magma, continuous blood-color suddenly/violently Qixian cracks eight sides. 段苍浑身上下就像浸染着一层高温岩浆,源源不断的血色暴气掀裂八方。 Great antiquity sacred body......” “洪荒圣体……” Section dark green momentum like startling thunderclap crack by the ear of audience everyone. 段苍声势如惊雷般炸响于全场每个人的耳旁。 Works as!” “哐当!” Still if bolt from the blue passes through the ear. 犹若晴天霹雳贯耳。 When hears these four characters the instances, Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section and the others the heart startles all greatly. 当听到这四个字的瞬间,东方恒之,舒元,梅章等人无不心头大骇。 But, the emperor great palace outside War God Palace, five lines of clans, the wind and frost city and other major influences come the person are also the both eyes circle open the eyes, a face shocks. 而,战神宫外的帝弘殿,五行一族,风霜城等各大势力来人也是双目圆睁,一脸震骇。 Hong, great antiquity sacred body...... unexpectedly is of great antiquity sacred body bloodline limit ten big most sacred body......” “洪,洪荒圣体……竟然是十大最圣体之一的洪荒圣体血脉界限……” War, is War God Palace the influence of great antiquity Saint clan?” “战,战神宫是洪荒圣族的势力?” My God! Actually are they doing? segment Cang unexpectedly is......” “我的天呐!他们究竟在干什么?段苍竟然是……” At this moment, inside and outside entire War God Palace, directly is earth-shaking. 此时此刻,整个战神宫内外,直接是天翻地覆。 Great antiquity sacred body! 洪荒圣体 One of ten big most bloodline limit. 十大最血脉界限之一。 It is also in ten big most sacred body, the eruption destruction strength is most powerful sacred body. 其也是十大最圣体中,爆发毁灭力是最为强大的圣体 A anger, wind thunder clap. 一怒,风雷震。 A potential, mountains and rivers crack. 一势,山河裂。 Takes a broad view in world, has great antiquity sacred body, lifting in the hands may be overwhelming, the river flows backwards. 放眼世间,身怀洪荒圣体者,抬手间可翻江倒海,河川倒流。 ...... …… Shock. 震撼。 Absolute shock! 绝对的震撼! Then, the entire land land will overturn the heavens, segment Cang came from the great antiquity Saint clan unexpectedly. 接下来,整个中陆大地都将翻天,段苍竟然是来自于洪荒圣族。 conceals was too deep! 藏的太深了! Really is conceals is too deep. 实在是藏的太深。 For several thousand years, unexpectedly no one sees through the War God Palace background. 数千年来,竟无人识破战神宫的背景。 ...... …… Trembles!” “颤栗吧!” The imposing manner dreadful section dark green whole body erupts is destroying day of the Fiendgod situation of extinguishing the place, it raises legs a foot, „......” a loud sound, astral fierce incomparable shock-wave breaks out the front numerous land directly, starts the thick explosive force bang to front Chu Hen. 气势滔天的段苍浑身爆发着毁天灭地的神魔大势,其抬腿一脚,“嗵……”的一声巨响,一记罡猛无比的冲击波直接是劈开前方重重大地,掀起浓浓的爆发力轰向前方的楚痕 The Chu Hen pupil shrinks, outside the body the black glow burns instantly. 楚痕瞳孔一缩,身外即刻黑芒燃动。 His fist rumbles, the vigorous fist column welcomed together to that red shock-wave. 其一拳轰出,一道雄浑的拳柱迎向那红色的冲击波。 Bang......” “砰……” The quarry stone splits open, the air wave raises the day. 乱石迸裂,气浪掀天。 Under the disorderly crushed stone sweeps recklessly drops, Chu Hen was also shaken to back up in the future, the both feet constrains hundred meters place in the ground, can stop. 杂乱的碎石肆意扫荡飞泻下,楚痕随之被震得往后倒退出去,双脚于地面拖住百米地,才得以停住。 ...... …… This strength how?” “这力量如何?” The section dark green whole body is lingering the rapid blood-color vapor. 段苍浑身萦绕着急骤的血色蒸气。 The Chu Hen vision concentrates, cold sound said, also mediocre!” 楚痕目光一凝,冷声道,“也不过如此!” Mediocre! 不过如此! If in a moment ago, the people thinks Chu Hen is aggressive. 如果是在刚才,众人会认为楚痕是霸气。 Now, in their opinion, Chu Hen actually intentionally calmly. 现在,在他们看来,楚痕却是故作镇定。 When the section dark green shows great antiquity sacred body this moment, the result of this fight has been doomed. 当段苍展现出“洪荒圣体”这一刻的时候,这场战斗的结局就已经注定。 ...... …… Ha, hoping you and others also to stand and I speaks.” “哈哈哈哈哈,但愿你等会还能站着和我说话。” Great antiquity is great!” “洪荒化巨!” Rumble......” “隆隆……” Together with startled day momentum that the section dark green that ear-spitting desire is putting on, wilder blood-color vapor grinds the floor in entire square directly. 连同着段苍那震耳欲穿的惊天声势,更加狂暴的血色蒸气直接是碾碎整个广场的台面。 The red light beam that are intertwined in the vault of heaven if entangles the cloud the wind column, stirs the day to move. 一道道交缠于天穹的红色光柱如若缠云的风柱,搅天动地。 In innumerable double is flooding under the thick panic-stricken vision, segment Cang body sudden increasing, whish......” billowing vigorous tide unfolds, the section dark green changes to a giant who impressively a depth of the hundred zhang (333 m). 在无数双充斥着浓浓惊骇的目光下,段苍的身躯急剧的变大,“哗……”滚滚雄浑浪潮铺开,段苍赫然间化作一尊深达百丈的巨人。 The strength of scarlet red wild great antiquity covers beyond its, just like god armor that a magma collection becomes. 深红色的狂暴洪荒之力覆盖在其身外,宛如一件岩浆汇集而成的神甲。 The indifferent stance is staring under the tiny that form, the infinite killing intent ascension surges. 其以漠视的姿态盯着下方渺小的那道身影,无限的杀意升腾涌动。 You can thorough vanished......” “你可以彻底的消失了……” Buzz!” “嗡!” The instance that the words fall, segment Cang the fist of incarnation great antiquity giant rumbles toward below Chu Hen. 话落的瞬间,化身洪荒巨人的段苍一拳朝着下方的楚痕轰出。 astral fierce wild fist vigor slanting birthplace vault of heaven, „ bang...... in an instant, land sudden hollow getting down under Chu Hen body, the innumerable say/way fissure fault throws off to blast out. 罡猛狂暴的拳劲斜贯苍穹而下,“轰嗵……霎那间,楚痕身下的大地急剧的凹陷下去,无数道裂缝断层掀翻炸开。 Shadow rapid covering to its top of the head sky over, if extinguishes the world Fiendgod great fist like meteorite rapid falling. 黑影迅速的笼罩至其头顶上空,那如若灭世神魔般的巨拳就像陨石般的飞速落下。 ...... …… The world sways! 天地晃荡! The universe trembles with fear! 乾坤惊颤! In anybody opinion, Chu Hen like placing oneself in a storm central small boat, faces that to destroy the world the meteorite to pound to fall. 在任何人看来,楚痕就像置身于暴风雨中央的一叶扁舟,面临着那毁世的陨石砸落。 The peripheral all things were ground the fragment powder all. 其周边的一切事物尽数被碾碎成齑粉。 But everyone's impulse is gathering in its the body. 而所有人的冲击力正聚集于其一人的身上。 ...... …… Died!” “死定了!” Emperor great palace Wei Yan firm saying. 帝弘殿韦延坚决的说道。 Tang Bufan , reckless Bingyu, forest Yinghe, Situ cold night waited for a numerous top list talent to reveal the color of thick startled palpitation completely. 唐不凡,胡冰语,林迎壑,司徒寒夜等一众风云榜天才全部都露出了浓浓的惊悸之色。 changed/easy Zhou, Wang Li, Qiu Xingyi, Wu Yan and the others are the terrified of whole face. 易州,王黎,邱星易,吴岩等人都是满脸的惶恐。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Huangfu Qing as well as Mu Feng, Qiao Xiaowan has the sadness and flurry of faint trace. 龙玄霜,叶瑶,皇甫情以及沐枫,乔小婉都有着丝丝的哀伤和慌乱。 ...... …… Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley as well as early horse city, flying rain gate and other numerous influences high and low, fell into the deep despair heartfeltly. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷以及夙马城,飞雨门等众多势力上下,也都由衷的陷入了深深的绝望之中。 They enough have gone all out. 他们已经足够拼命了。 But who can think, the War God Palace back, can dominate ten big strongest Saint clans of great antiquity clans unexpectedly above land land. 可谁能想到,战神宫的背后,竟然会是凌驾于中陆大地之上的十大最强圣族之一洪荒一族。 The people calculate, was inferior eventually the day calculates. 人算,终究是不如天算。 The human life, could not disobey the human life finally. 人命,最终还是违逆不了人命。 ...... …… The wild wind and rain collection, the giant great antiquity great fist breaks the space. 狂暴的风雨汇集,巨大的洪荒巨拳震碎空间。 Looks at this destruction all terrorist forces, in that dark profound pupil of Chu Hen is divulging a strange strength to fluctuate sufficiently quietly. 望着这股足以覆灭一切的恐怖力量,楚痕的那幽暗深邃的瞳孔之中悄然宣泄出一股奇异的力量波动。 Bang......” “轰……” The land blasts open, the inner city floor is comprehensive. 大地炸裂,内城台面全面凹陷。 All around has the survived tower over a city gate construction is swept the flat land directly. 四周有所残存的城楼建筑直接是被扫荡成平地。 In the innumerable pairs several want to open under the vision of crack, chaotic enormous and powerful shock-wave threw off the entire War God Palace sky. 在无数双几欲睁裂的目光下,一圈混乱浩荡的冲击波掀翻了整个战神宫的上空。 Also however, in this moment, everyone's pupil sudden shrinking tightens to the pinnacle. 然,也就在这一刻,所有人的瞳孔急剧的缩紧到极致。 The space picture as if framed generally. 空间画面仿佛定格住了一般。 The picture that the people forecast has not appeared. 众人所预测的画面并未出现。 The wind and cloud gets up, the vault of heaven changes. 风云起,苍穹变。 Sees only dark green great antiquity giant that destroyed all fist arm unexpectedly stops firmly in the midair. 只见段苍所化的洪荒巨人那摧毁一切的拳臂竟然牢牢的停顿在了半空之中。 Above the Chu Hen top of the head, a purple great hand caught. the dark green that bang to fall directly directly, but below frightened fist vigor 楚痕的头顶上方,一只紫色的巨手直接是正面接住了段苍那轰落而下的恐惧拳劲。 Kept off, blocks?” “挡,挡住了?” What's wrong? How possibly?” “怎么?怎么可能?” My God, that is great antiquity sacred body!” “我的天,那可是洪荒圣体啊!” ...... …… In the world, imitates , if there is melodious battle song to happen repeatedly. 天地间,仿若有着悠扬的战歌迭起。 The heart of everyone as if stopped the beat, at the same time, sees only Chu Hen behind sky, appears quietly a evil charm incomparable purple eye. 每个人的心脏都仿佛停止了跳动,与此同时,只见楚痕身后的上空,悄然浮现出一双邪魅无比的紫色眼睛。 Just like both eyes of Ancient Demon God, deters the audience, overlooks in the War God Palace land. 宛如远古妖神的双目,震慑全场,俯瞰于战神宫大地。 This is...... the monster, demon eyes?” “这个是……妖,妖瞳?” Works as!” “哐当!” Also is together bolt from the blue crack in the innermost soul of everyone. 又是一道晴天霹雳炸响于每个人的灵魂深处。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Also has renewal!!!) (还有更新!!!)
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