UMDK :: Volume #15

#1494: The limitless spear/gun breaks to the good fortune is immeasurable

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Roar......” “吼……” The ominous beast roared, shouts "kill" heavenshaking. 凶兽咆哮,喊杀震天。 The intense war of comprehensive breaking out made inside and outside entire War God Palace degenerate into stretch of ruins, the beacon has extended, the trench expanded. 全面爆发的激烈大战令整个战神宫内外已然沦为了一片废墟,烽烟延伸,战壕扩展。 The blood is contaminated the land, horrible to look at corpses everywhere are. 鲜血浸染着大地,一具具惨不忍睹的尸身到处都是。 No one has thought, a Martial Sect side can battle to be in so the situation with War God Palace. 谁都没想到,武宗一方能够和战神宫激战到如此地步。 Has not thought, nine is killed by Chu Hen decoding by the world regards as a narrow escape. 更是未曾想到,被世人视为“九死一生”的九杀阵都被楚痕给破解掉了。 Situation of both sides moves toward repeatedly changes. 双方的局势走向不断发生变化。 The Chu Hen domineering breaks through the formation as well as breakthrough on the point of death Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird also makes a Martial Sect side morale rise sharply immediately, and starts a domineering counter-attack tide directly. 楚痕的强势破阵以及圣翼天炎雀的临危突破也顿时令武宗一方士气大涨,并直接掀起一股强势的反扑大潮。 ...... …… Is good your evil livestock, for serveral days unexpectedly such depth of conceals.” “好你个孽畜,这些天竟然藏的如此之深。” A War God Palace elder is raises strength of the vigorous black domain to flush away toward that bath hot dance day Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird directly. 战神宫一长老直接是掀起一股雄浑的黑色领域之力朝着那浴火舞天的圣翼天炎雀冲去。 By the seal in nine kill these days, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird has appeared the aura dispirited unable to withstand, sees it so, the War God Palace nature relaxed vigilantly. 被封印于“九杀阵”的这些天,圣翼天炎雀一直都显得气息萎靡不堪,见其如此,战神宫自然对其放松了警惕。 The never expected that opposite party unexpectedly is quietly marched into the Great Saint King Realm level under the nose of people, called the person to be unexpected. 没想到对方竟是悄悄的在众人的眼皮底下步入了大圣王境的层次,着实叫人意想不到。 Cry......” “唳……” The Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird double pupil is glowing the pressure imposing manner of looking disdainfully world, faces powerful domain strength that is sweeping across to come, it flies high to move, the pair of wings faces forward to wield, shouted......” the air wave of scalding hot world to divulge the expansive sky, a giant column of flame slanting birthplace, welcomed turbulently toward the opposite party. 圣翼天炎雀双眸焕发着睥睨天下的威压气势,面对着那席卷而来的强大领域力量,其凌空而动,双翼朝前挥动,“呼……”灼热天地的气浪宣泄长空,一道巨大的火柱斜贯而下,朝着对方汹涌迎去。 „!” “嗵!” The terrifying column of flame is invades in the domain of opposite party directly, just like the dive straight below big dragon, passes through its domain bang together to the opposite party. 恐怖的火柱直接是侵入对方的领域之内,宛如一道俯冲直下的巨龙,一路贯穿其领域轰向对方。 Snort......” that War God Palace old man look was disclosing cold and gloomy meaning, one side of its figure, evades that agitated roaring flame offensive one after another, simultaneously the speed sharp increase, raises the mountain boundless situation pressure on Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird. “哼……”那战神宫老者眼神透露着森冷之意,其身形一侧,接连躲过那汹汹的烈焰攻势,同时速度剧增,掀起山岳般的磅礴大势压向圣翼天炎雀 Both's domain connects to attack instantly in together, the shake that the mountain that the violent impact force such as bumps into, erupts causes sky one to shiver to sway. 两者的领域即刻交汇冲击在一起,猛烈的碰撞力如相撞的大山,爆发出来的震荡引得天空一阵颤抖晃荡。 ...... …… Ten thousand army slaughter, the dark day is secret. 万军厮杀,昏天暗地。 The struggle of domain, wind and cloud changes countenance. 领域之争,风云变色。 This thinks that War God Palace has the absolute strength to suppress, but resisting stubbornly of Martial Sect side extends the chaotic front directly unceasingly. 本以为战神宫有着绝对的力量压制,但武宗一方的顽抗直接是将混乱的战线不断拉长。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Luxurious style tall buildings disintegrate quietly, resplendent in gold and jade green palaces collapse one after another. 一座座奢华气派的高楼悄然解体,一栋栋金碧辉煌的宫殿接连坍塌。 The War God Palace inside and outside directly change is badly-damaged. 战神宫的内外直接变的残破不堪。 This is not segment Cang wants to see. 这并不是段苍所想看到的。 You may seriously damn......” in segment Cangyan to cover entirely cold and gloomy killing intent, its occupying a commanding position is gazing at that say/way young form below pile of stones, very long no one has made me so get up to kill the heart.” “你可当真是该死啊……”段苍眼中布满森冷的杀意,其居高临下的注视着下方乱石堆中的那道年轻身影,“已经很久没有人让我这般起杀心了。” Snort!” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, and you too!” “哼!”楚痕嘴角一挑,“彼此彼此!” Buzz......” “嗡……” Between both is startled void the intermittent rhythm, two people are up and down, remote looks at each other, if two confronting fierce tigers. 两者之间的虚空惊起阵阵律动,两人一上一下,遥相对视,如若两头对峙的猛虎。 Hu-hu!” “呼哧!” The next flash, in the air swings gorgeous thunder Hu, Chu Hen divulges the startled day imposing manner to explode plunders on. 下一瞬间,空气中荡起一圈绚丽的雷弧,楚痕宣泄惊天气势爆掠而上。 But, segment Cangyi is the aura such as the storm folds. 而,段苍亦是气息如风暴叠起。 Small mixed up, looked that I did not call you dead without the burial ground......” “小杂碎,看我不叫你死无葬身之地……” The words fall, segment Cangju the potential raises the day, it bends down to charge into Chu Hen at the same time, destructive wild strengths in cover toward Chu Hen in all directions under. 话落,段苍巨势掀天,其俯身冲向楚痕的同时,一股股毁灭性的狂暴力量于四面八方朝着楚痕笼罩而下。 segment Cang both eyes such as the sharp blade is swift and fierce. 段苍双目如利刃凌厉。 His single palm searches, regarding surges the red strength tide beyond its in peripheral gathers, just like the air/Qi of squall endless murdering brashly, sees only to erupt tens of thousands of red spear/gun shadow filling the heavens randomly void impressively. 其单掌探下,围绕在其身外翻腾的红色力量浪潮于周边聚来,宛如急风骤雨般的无尽杀伐之气弥天乱地,只见虚空中赫然爆发出成千上万的赤色枪影。 Limitless spear/gun broken!” “无极枪破!” Rumble......” “隆隆……” Murderous aura like the hemp, terrifying sword shadow tearing vault of heaven that myriad interweave, all toward Chu Hen, when under hood. 杀气如麻,万千交织的恐怖剑影撕裂天穹,尽数朝着楚痕当头罩下。 Crowded spear/gun glow like light rain of blotting out the sky. 密集的枪芒就像铺天盖地的光雨。 The spear/gun shadow really concentrates together, if has quenchinged in the magma, is surrounding the bunch of rapid tassels light marks. 一道枪影都凝实的如若在岩浆中淬炼过,环绕着一束束急促的流苏光纹。 ...... …… Is feeling from the strong imposing manner that in Duancang this kills to incur, the facial colors of War God Palace inside and outside people all change. 感受着源自于段苍这一杀招的超强气势,战神宫内外众人的面色皆是为之一变。 The people do not doubt. 众人毫不怀疑。 The section dark green this move of instantaneous bang massacres any every step sufficiently, is as for the place step cultivation base Great Saint King Realm powerhouse. 段苍这一招足以瞬间轰杀掉任何一位凡阶,乃至于地阶修为大圣王境强者。 ...... …… Vanishes!” segment Cangleng the sound shouted. “消失吧!”段苍冷声喝道。 The wind and rain , the stars gathers the top greatly, looks at that to blot out the sky to pass through the vault of heaven, but below innumerable say/way destruction spear/gun glow, Chu Hen pupil faint shrinking becomes the needle-tip size. 风雨大至,星辰聚顶,望着那铺天盖地贯穿天穹而下的无数道毁灭枪芒,楚痕瞳孔隐隐的缩成针尖大小。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” With myriad rush to the thunder howling sound, Chu Hen that showing tiny form is swallowed by that violent air gun shadow directly. 伴随着万千奔雷呼啸声,楚痕那彰显渺小的身影直接被那暴风枪影所吞噬其中。 ...... …… Also however, in the next flash, dies out the ruined wild power and influence on disseminate instantly, the space region that endless spear/gun shadow blocks gets down fiercely hollowly, subsequently „......” a heavy loud sound shakes puts on the horizon, a blue vigorous light halo surges to blast out impressively. 然,也就在下一霎那,一股寂灭破败的狂暴威势即刻弥散而出,那无尽枪影所封锁的空间区域猛地凹陷下去,继而“嗵……”的一声沉重的巨响震穿天际,一座蓝色的雄浑光圈赫然间从中激荡炸开。 Good fortune immeasurable......” “造化无量……” The world that sank secretly falls into unprecedented trembling with fear again. 本就暗沉的天地再次陷入前所未有的惊颤之中。 luminary of light/only this twinkling shocking the visual nerve of everyone, like stars of that blasting open, eight side spaces was torn rapidly, blue light halo everywhere one visit, then just like myriad spear/gun glow all ground smashing brashly. 这一瞬息的光曜惊艳了每个人的视觉神经,就像那炸裂的一颗星辰,八方空间迅速被撕裂,蓝色光圈所到之处,那宛如骤雨般的万千枪芒尽数被碾的粉碎。 ...... …… My God!” “我的天!” Also sees good fortune to be immeasurable, outside War God Palace these hide in the top list talent of hidden place only think that the heart wants to stop beating. 又见“造化无量”,战神宫外那些潜藏于暗处的风云榜天才只觉心脏都欲停止跳动。 Although before the chaotic demon domain, Chu Hen has displayed one time, but witnessed again, the mind still felt the huge impact up and down. 尽管之前在乱魔界域的时候,楚痕就已经施展过一次了,但再次目睹,心神上下仍旧感到巨大的冲击。 ...... …… Destruction all fearful shock-waves to quell the potential of Nine Provinces to sweep across in the sky of inner city concourse, the countless spear/gun shadow fragment dopes astral's fierce air wave complementary waves to throw off the Milky Way. 覆灭一切的可怕冲击波以荡平九州之势于内城中央广场的上空席卷开来,数之不尽的枪影碎片掺杂着罡猛的气浪余波掀翻天河。 Below square ground sudden splitting explodes. 下方的广场地面急剧的绽裂爆开。 Extend rapidly, but the crack forms the abyss fault/chasm. 一道道迅速延伸而出的裂缝形成深渊般的断层。 Dust everywhere, the remaining prestige wreaks havoc. 尘埃漫天,余威肆虐。 Then, in one is both flooding under the shocking vision, two forms drew back in that chaotic strength storm center respectively. 接着,在一双双充斥着震惊的目光下,两道身影各自于那混乱的力量风暴中心退了出去。 East one west one, two people all are steady dodging fall return to the ground. 一东一西,两人皆是稳稳的闪落回地面。 ...... …… Cold wind bone-chilling cold, frost dust everywhere. 冷风凛冽,霜尘漫天。 Struggle of shattering highest heaven all domain. 各方领域之争震裂九霄。 Meanwhile, spirit phoenix valley Guzhu chapter and the War God Palace elder poor tooth also erupted an especially violent positive/direct resistance. 与此同时,灵凰谷谷主梅章和战神宫长老劣牙亦是爆发了一记尤为猛烈的正面对抗。 Bang......” “轰……” The confused cyclone grinds the peripheral construction tower over a city gate, that figure grandiose will just like the beast person poor tooth to be shaken unexpectedly in the future will back up hundred meters place. 乱腾的气旋碾碎周边建筑城楼,那身形壮硕的犹如兽人般的劣牙竟是被震得往后倒退了百米地。 After all is relative Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan old qualifications...... Mei section attained the para-position winning side actually in advance. 毕竟是相对东方恒之,舒元较老的资历……梅章倒是先行拿到了对位的上风。 However, does not need Mei section to make use to begin the next offensive, suddenly water azure light screen unexpectedly is the attack, but. 然,不待梅章趁势再起下一任攻势,突然间一座水青色的光幕竟是侵袭而至。 „The domain of water......” plum chapter of heart one startled, it is sideways to hit to take control of the potential instantly. “水之领域……”梅章心头一惊,其即刻侧身打出掌势。 Bang!” “砰!” Four palm intersections, the strong air wave raises in both immediately behind. 四掌相交,强劲的气浪顿时于两者身后掀起。 Flame that if true essence strength outside Mei section the body in the wind rocks, is especially anxious. 梅章身外的真元力如若风中晃动的火焰,尤为不安。 You......” look at the present raider, a plum chapter of facial color sink. “你……”看着眼前的袭击者,梅章面色一沉。 May not need Mei section to say the words, also raids bone-chilling cold astral wind. 可还不待梅章把话说完,身后又随之袭来一股凛冽的罡风。 Simultaneously sepia light screen forms the double domain to press on a plum chapter of body. 同时一层棕褐色的光幕形成第二重领域压在梅章的身上。 Snort, suffers to death!” “哼,受死吧!” „Not good......” Mei section to have a big shock. “不好……”梅章大惊失色。 „!” “嗵!” The depressed explosive in in the air swings, pair of skinny vicious palm vigor solid hitting in a plum chapter of back, the latter body shakes fiercely, a blood face upwards immediately the blowout. 沉闷的爆响于空中荡开,一双干瘦的凶狠掌劲结结实实的打在梅章的背部,后者身躯猛地一震,一口鲜血顿时仰天喷出。 Then, his front water elder sneers, makes the number palm to pat continually on a plum chapter of chest, lingers the vigorous true essence strength on latter is shaken the powder all, bang......” domain that Mei section releases instantly disintegration, simultaneously whole person, if a sandbag pounded. 接着,其前方的水长老冷笑一声,亦是连番打出数掌拍在梅章的胸膛上,萦绕在后者身上的雄浑真元力尽数被震散,“砰……”的一声,梅章释放出去的领域即刻崩碎,同时整个人如若一个沙包砸了出去。 Before blood that numerous landings, overflow unceasingly incarnadine Mei section body, big piece. 重重的落地,不断溢出的鲜血染红了梅章的身前大片。 ...... …… Valley lord!” “谷主!” The spirit phoenix valley disciples all startle greatly, startled anger happen simultaneously. 灵凰谷众弟子皆是大骇,一个个惊怒交加。 Plum chapter difficult crawls to set out, a face is furious is staring at front poor tooth, the water elder, the stone long third child person. 梅章艰难的爬起身,一脸震怒的盯着面前的劣牙,水长老,石长老三人。 You, you, good shameless......” “你,你们,好无耻……” Three Great Saint King Realm deal with a person simultaneously. 大圣王境同时对付一个人。 The people are unexpected radically. 众人根本始料不及。 Sneering that snort/hum......” water elder disdains said, also really thinks we do want you to waste the time here? Naive!” “哼……”水长老不屑的冷笑道,“还真以为我们愿意一个个等你们在这里浪费时间?天真!” Result has been doomed, you are put up a last-ditch struggle!” “结局早已注定,你们不过是垂死挣扎罢了!” ...... …… The major influence people outside War God Palace all shake the head secretly. 战神宫外的各大势力众人皆是暗暗摇头。 Matter that Martial Sect most is worried about happened. 武宗这边最为担心的事情还是发生了。 That three Great Saint King Realm that no one can control become the decision situation key point eventually. 无人能够管得了的那三位大圣王境终究还是成为了决定局势的关键点。 ...... …… Before they did not act, many gave a Martial Sect suspense. 之前他们迟迟不出手,多少给了武宗这边的一点悬念。 May with nine kill to be broken, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird joined the battlefield...... very obvious War God Palace not to plan to tow again. 可随着“九杀阵”被破,圣翼天炎雀加入战场……很明显战神宫不打算再拖下去了。 Because of without this necessity. 因为没有这个必要。 ...... …… Rests harms my valley lord!” “休得害我谷主!” Kills!” “杀!” ...... …… Peripheral leaves one group of who compete without delay, charges into that side hastily. 周边离得较劲的一行人二话不说,连忙冲向那边。 Snort......” water elder contemptuously smiles, lifts the hand to raise watery blue light screen to plunge the people, meddlesome!” “哼……”水长老轻蔑一笑,抬手掀起一层水蓝色的光幕扑向众人,“多事!” Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” The people were raised to fly all, pounds to fall on the place, such as was oppressed by the extremely heavy gravity, the mouth spits the blood to continue. 众人尽数被掀飞出去,一个个砸落在地,如遭万钧重力压迫,口吐鲜血不止。 Stops exclaiming that......” Mei Zhangzeng gets angry. “住手……”梅章憎怒的吼道。 Died to being imminent, leave alone others......” “死到临头了,就别管别人了……” The poor tooth corners of the mouth exude to wipe cruel grinning fiendishly, then it jumps to jump, raises murdering air/Qi to plunder to the plum chapter nearby. 劣牙嘴角泛起一抹残忍的狞笑,接着其纵身跃起,掀起一股杀伐之气掠至梅章跟前。 ...... …… Damn! 该死! Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan and the others are all anxious. 东方恒之,舒元等人无不焦急不已。 But they want to go forward to rescue, but was actually constrained by the opponent stubbornly. 可他们想要上前营救,可却被对手死死拖住。 No rush, quick was one's turn you......” the War God Palace elder to scoff to say with a smile unreliably randomly. “别急,很快就轮到你们了……”战神宫长老玄乱嗤笑道。 Eastern permanent two several want to spout the fire, it lays out the number palm bang to the opposite party. 东方恒之两眼几欲喷出火来,其拍出数掌轰向对方。 ...... …… Covers but below the strength of domain closed off Mei section all escape routes, the latter has felt arrival of god of death footsteps. 笼罩而下的领域之力封锁了梅章的所有退路,后者已然感受到了死神脚步的降临。 Must lose!” Mei section somewhat despairs. “要输了么!”梅章不禁有些绝望。 The poor tooth smiles even more ice-cold. 劣牙笑的愈发冰冷。 I deliver you to return to the western paradise!” “我就送你归西!” ...... …… „!” “呜!” Unexpectedly, a resonant fox howled to cut the horizon at this time. 蓦地,这时一声嘹亮的狐啸划破天际。 Inundates the smallpox rain, if snow floating world. 漫天花雨如若雪飘人间。 Under the white great wild goose feather falls, a terrifying sword potential sweeps across in the War God Palace inner city suddenly. 白色鸿羽倾洒之下,一股恐怖的剑势突然间席卷于战神宫内城之中。 „!” “噌!” The sound of trembling ear spirited sword recitation, sees only the poor tooth peripheral appeared five azure fox shades impressively. 激昂的剑吟之声颤耳,只见劣牙的周边赫然惊现出了五道青色的狐影。 Is this? 这是? The heart of people present is all startled. 在座众人的心头皆是一惊。 The next flash, five fox shades drive one bunch of white sword glow to plunder simultaneously rapidly toward the middle poor tooth. 下一霎那,五道狐影同时拖动一束白色剑芒朝着中间的劣牙飞速掠去。 Inundates the smallpox to be drunk 3000 guests, a sword frost cold ten Nine Provinces......” “漫天花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十九州……” The air current segmented momentum is especially clear. 气流被切分的声势格外清晰。 Five fox shadow in Lieya body diplomacy weave the shuttle, shocking magnificent in radiant star glow like that stroke of night. 五道狐影于劣牙的身外交织穿梭,惊艳华丽的就像那划过于黑夜中的璀璨星芒。 Hiss!” “嘶!” A series of bright blood splash dancing in the air expansive sky, was being segmented the strength of domain breaks out together with poor tooth that the opposite party that if the beast person overwhelming power body is split up in the upper air instantaneously, the whole person was decomposed directly from the middle...... 一连串的鲜艳血花飞舞长空,连同着劣牙那被切分劈开的领域之力,对方那如若兽人般的威猛身躯瞬间于高空中四分五裂,整个人直接是从中间被分解掉……
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