UMDK :: Volume #15

#1493: Goes to your mother's a narrow escape

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Enters nine to kill, a narrow escape! 一入九杀,九死一生! This is land various people's of large amount influence regarding War God Palace this nine kill the definition. 这是中陆各大宗门势力的众人对于战神宫这“九杀阵”的定义。 If destruction all strengths the divine punishment locks the day, covers in the sky of inner city, is closing off the escape route of Martial Sect this side comprehensively. 覆灭一切的力量如若神罚锁天,笼罩于内城的上空,全面封锁着武宗这一方的退路。 But, in western concourse that nine kill nearby a heart, the destruction strength that the birthplace falls continuously just like the centralized thunder, is impacting the land, passes through all objects. 而,在中央广场西面那九杀阵的阵心附近,接连不断贯落的毁灭力量宛如集中的雷霆,冲击着大地,贯穿一切物体。 ...... …… Thick trembles with fear to cover entirely the faces of War God Palace inside and outside countless people. 浓浓的惊颤布满着战神宫内外无数人的面孔。 Especially major influence sect gate observing outside war is a face with amazement. 尤其是战局之外的各大势力宗门观战者都是一脸骇然。 Is nine kills worthily, the strength is so unexpectedly fearful.” “不愧是九杀阵,力量竟如此可怕。” Then he did not die is also difficult.” “这下他不死也难了。” ...... …… Strongly at the together terrifying power wanton bombing, innumerable say/way dazzling dragon snake light luminary has swallowed to be one of them Chu Hen, and still in the unceasing eruption the violent bombardment, the ground unceasing expansion explodes, was exploded puts on, wears out the bottom deep place. 集中于一起的恐怖力量狂轰滥炸,无数道刺眼的龙蛇光曜早已是将楚痕吞噬在其中,且还在不断的爆发出猛烈的轰击,地面不断的扩张爆开,被一路炸穿,穿破地底深处。 segment Cang did not plan opportunity that gives the Chu Hen least bit to turn over/to stand up. 段苍根本就不打算给予楚痕半点翻身的机会。 It just like must Chu Hen pounding stubbornly into the bottom, by nine kill a strength firmly it strangle to death. 其俨然要将楚痕死死的砸入地底,以九杀阵的力量牢牢的将其扼死。 ...... …… Scoundrel!” Mu Feng two redness. “混账!”沐枫两眼赤红。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Qiu Xingyi, Huangfu Qing and the others are also the startled anger happened simultaneously. 龙玄霜,叶瑶,邱星易,皇甫情等人亦是惊怒交加。 The people want the storm mine field that crosses that to blot out the sky to go to that side, may actually be the domain range that even/including Duancang releases does not span. 众人欲越过那铺天盖地的风暴雷区前往那边,可却是连段苍释放出来的领域范围都跨越不了。 But, Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan and other Great Saint King Realm powerhouses by respective opponent constraining of firmly, could not do several things at the same time to rescue. 而,东方恒之,舒元等四位大圣王境强者也都被各自的对手牢牢的拖住,根本分不出身去营救。 ...... …… Just likes the storm collection, the dragon snake declines, tearing land. 犹如风暴汇集,龙蛇走低,撕裂大地。 At this moment, Martial Sect this side Dagan is not wonderful. 这一刻,武宗这一方大感不妙。 ...... …… Hahahaha.” Section dark green four laugh, its , if controlling the monarchy of people life and death, your facial expressions at this moment, I anticipate...... one group of motley crew, how could ascend my majestic main hall......” “哈哈哈哈哈哈。”段苍肆声大笑,其如若掌控着众人生死的君主,“你们此刻的神情,正是我所期待的……一群乌合之众,岂能登我这堂皇大殿……” Mind entirely tremor of people. 众人的心神俱颤。 However, dark green here finishes speaking in the section, suddenly „......” an incomparably fierce heavy explosive folds suddenly in the War God Palace sky. 然,就在段苍这边话音刚落,突然间“嗵……”的一声无比剧烈的沉重爆响陡然于战神宫的上空叠起。 In an instant, the mind of everyone follows to tremble, segment Cang the laughter also stops suddenly, sees only that to collect the large-scale energy spheroids sky over four ancient turret is rupturing of nothing omen blasts out unexpectedly. 霎那间,每个人的心神跟着一颤,段苍的笑声亦是戛然而止,只见那汇集于四座古老塔楼上空的大型能量球体竟是没有任何预兆的爆裂炸开。 What? 什么? No one with astonishment does not interlock. 无人不惊愕交错。 If the day star splits explodes, sweeps eight sides the vigorous complementary waves like sweeping across all around tsunami monstrous waves, the countless myriad ray interweaving expansive sky, innumerable dazzling light luminary shuttles back and forth to flee in the world. 如若天星绽爆,扫荡八方的雄浑余波就像席卷四周的海啸巨浪,数之不尽的万千光芒交织长空,无数刺眼的光曜于天地间穿梭窜动。 ...... …… What's the matter? 怎么回事? The War God Palace inside and outside people are completely puzzled. 战神宫内外的众人全然一脸困惑。 That covers in the War God Palace above dragon snake light luminary sky net also disintegrates comprehensively, rapidly disintegration collapse Li. 紧接着,那笼罩于战神宫上空的龙蛇光曜天网亦是全面瓦解,迅速的解体崩离。 ...... …… „, Was the strategy broken?” “阵,阵法被破了?” The emperor great palace Wei Yan both eyes circle opens the eyes, full is incredible. 帝弘殿韦延双目圆睁,满是不可置信。 How possibly? Nine not possibly kill decoded......” some people call out in alarm said. “怎么可能?九杀阵不可能被破解的……”有人惊呼道。 Moreover he has not bumped into any together heart hub.” “而且他根本就没有碰到过任何一道阵心枢纽。” ...... …… Doubts! 疑惑! Puzzled! 不解! And thick is unbelievable. 以及浓浓的难以相信。 Wind and frost city Situ cold night, five groups of clan forest Yinghe, emperor great palace Tang Bufan and other crowds of major influences is grasping the fist, in the eye full is the greatest dignity. 风霜城司徒寒夜,五行一族林迎壑,帝弘殿唐不凡等各大势力的人群都握着拳头,眼中满是莫大的凝重。 ...... …… The energy body that rapid collapse Li disintegrates is quiet instantly, but, that tedious complex murdering rune/symbol array under that Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird body also restrains, then also withdraws just like the mark of place bedrock thick liquid burning hot rapidly. 迅速崩离解体的能源体即刻沉寂下去,而,那圣翼天炎雀身下的那座繁琐复杂的杀伐符阵也为之收敛,那宛如地底岩浆般炙热的阵纹也飞速撤回。 This situation. 这种情况。 Except that the strategy stopped the revolution, simply does not have other possibilities. 除了阵法停止了运转,根本没有其他的可能。 ...... …… „Is that?” “那是?” Unexpectedly, people pupil trembles. 蓦地,众人瞳孔不由的一颤。 Vision falling of as if by prior agreement countless person to a side of turret, sees only above that turret does not know when is lying a strange monster. 无数人的目光不约而同的落向其中一座塔楼的侧面,只见在那塔楼上方不知何时趴着一只奇异的怪物。 What thing is?” “是什么东西?” Distant looks, sees only that monster also more than ten meters big, it has the barb sharp claw, the body actually just like the withered tree trunk to be the same, both eyes that a pair is glowing gold/metal are very unusual. 远远的望去,只见那怪物也就十几米大,其有着倒钩般尖锐的爪子,身躯却犹如干枯的树干一样,一双焕发着金芒的双目很是奇特。 Whole body, is glittering gorgeous rune/symbol Lu. 全身上下,闪烁着绚丽的符箓。 At this moment, it is opening the abyss black big mouth, very greedy in swallowing on turret these rune/symbol writing strengths. 此刻,它正张开着深渊般的黑色大口,很是贪婪的在吞食着塔楼上面的那些符文力量。 ...... …… rune/symbol beast?” segment Cang both eyes flood cold, ice-cold two put out from its. “符兽?”段苍双目泛寒,冰冷的两个从其口中吐出。 Hears these two characters, everyone present is also surprised. 一听到这两个字,在座的所有人亦是惊愕不已。 ...... …… Unexpectedly is in the legend takes the spirit Yi strength and strength of rune/symbol writing as the food symbol beast?” Tang Bufan still has the shock to mutter in a low voice. “竟然是传说中以灵奕力和符文之力为食的‘符兽’?”唐不凡犹有震惊低声喃喃道。 Wind and frost city Situ cold night the look is also covers entirely deeply. 风霜城司徒寒夜眼神亦是布满深沉。 Icing emperor hearsay that originally the family spreads real.” “原来家族流传下来的冰帝传闻是真的。” ...... …… Snort, it seems like that so-called nine kill, mediocre!” “哼,看来那所谓的‘九杀阵’,也不过如此!” Exudes the sneering sound that is jeering lightly to spread to the ear of people. 泛着轻嘲的冷笑声传入众人的耳中。 Under panic-stricken line of sight, that had in the land ruins that puts on, the young form stood together slowly. 在一双双惊骇的视线下,那早已被炸穿的大地废墟中,一道年轻的身影缓缓的站了起来。 Hasn't died? 还没死? The War God Palace people facial color changes. 战神宫众人面色一变。 But, everyone of Martial Sect this side is actually one happy. 而,武宗这一方的所有人却是不由的一喜。 ...... …… In the quarry stone, the Chu Hen body proliferates the size dozens wounds, the pretty face also damaged several, the corners of the mouth was also hanging a wisp of blood, but its aura as before bone-chilling cold powerful, the profound eye pupil that a pair is dragging the faint trace dim light full was the meaning of light selecting. 乱石之中,楚痕身上遍布大小几十处伤口,俊秀的面庞也破损了几处,嘴角也挂着一缕鲜血,但其气息依旧凛冽强盛,一双摇曳着丝丝幽光的深邃眼眸满是轻挑之意。 You are intentional......” segment Cangchen the sound shouted. “你是故意的……”段苍沉声喝道。 Side Chu Hen wipes to argue the bloodstain, I, if intentionally, how can't have the opportunity to put the symbol beast to go to break through the formation?” 楚痕拭掉嘴边的血迹,“我若不故意,怎能有机会放符兽进去破阵?” ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” Heart stunned of people. 众人的心头一阵愕然。 From beginning to end, Chu Hen had not felt the key point that breaks through the formation is that group huge energy body of sky. 从始至终,楚痕就没有觉得破阵的关键点是上空的那团庞大能量体。 Reason that the is so big, to attract segment Cang the attention that the movement does purely well, while to put in nine to kill in the symbol beast randomly. 其之所以将动作做的这么大,纯粹就是为了吸引段苍的注意力,好趁乱将符兽放入九杀阵中。 rune/symbol beast. 符兽。 Ancient lifeform that this survived ten thousand years, it absolutely is the strength of creator inborn rune/symbol writing......, although it not familiar nine kills a structure, but can actually rely on to the strong sensation of rune/symbol writing strength, discovers nine to kill the revolution hub point. 这头生存了万年之久的古老生物,其绝对是天生的符文之力创造者……虽然它并不熟悉九杀阵的构造,但却能够凭借着对符文力量的超强感知,从中找出九杀阵中的运转枢纽点。 Only must cut into, can make this narrow escape kills to stop. 只需从中切入,就能令这座九死一生的杀阵停下来。 ...... …… Who can think that Chu Hen also did keep this? 谁能想到楚痕还留了这一手? Even if in the top list strives for hegemony on, Chu Hen has not shown rune/symbol beast existence. 纵然是在风云榜争霸上,楚痕都未曾展现过符兽的存在。 ...... …… „Do nine kill?” “九杀阵?” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, on the face exudes a disdaining curve, then, his single palm lifts, raises hand to wield in the direction that Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird is. 楚痕嘴角一挑,脸上泛起一丝不屑的弧度,接着,其单掌抬起,朝着圣翼天炎雀所在的方向扬手一挥。 Goes to your mother's a narrow escape......” “去你娘的九死一生……” Bang!” “轰隆!” Together with instance that the voice is dropping, dreadful purple storm erupts to blast out in Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird all around impressively. 连同着话音落下的瞬间,一股滔天的紫色风暴赫然于圣翼天炎雀的四周爆发炸开。 The wind spreading electricity holds up, the air wave raises the day. 风驰电擎,气浪掀天。 The wild strength shock-wave toward sweeps in all directions, the first even/including several fierce bangs, that four ancient brace day of turrets crash to fall completely. 狂暴的力量冲击波朝着四面八方扫荡而出,一连几声剧烈的巨响,那四座古老的撑天塔楼全部崩塌垮陷。 Establishes nine to kill the big square circuit intendant, forcefully was destroyed the disintegration. 设置着九杀大阵的广场道台,硬生生的被摧毁解体。 Next time nine kill...... to arrange reliable!” Chu Hen is gazing at void above that complexion gradually gloomy segment Cang with the stance of provocation. “九杀阵……下次布置的牢固点吧!”楚痕以挑衅的姿态注视着虚空之上那脸色逐步阴沉的段苍。 ...... …… Bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰!” The big west circuit intendant square throws off comprehensively, profound dark land cracks rapid extends. 偌大的西面道台广场全面掀翻,一道道深邃幽暗的大地裂缝迅速的延伸出去。 The instances of four turret disintegration, four black iron chains of that embed back of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird also stretches one after another. 四座塔楼解体的瞬间,那镶嵌于圣翼天炎雀背部的四道黑色铁链也随之接连绷断。 Cry......” “唳……” The resonant bird called the direct impact highest heaven, at this moment, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird that red double pupil burnt the colored flame glow, it jumped, the dreadful blazing flame was burns the day unexpectedly. 嘹亮的雀鸣直冲九霄,就在这时,圣翼天炎雀那赤色的双眸燃动着彩色的焰芒,其纵身而起,滔天的炽热火焰竟是焚天而起。 Was suppressed the startled day of low point spooky like the tsunami great tide of fierce rebound. 被压制低点的惊天妖气就像凶猛反弹的海啸巨潮。 The column of flame soars to the heavens, disintegration land. 火柱冲天,崩碎大地。 The highest heaven vault of heaven changes color suddenly, a powerful incomparable imposing manner broke through its original critical point directly, a direct link higher level. 九霄天穹急剧变色,一股强盛无比的气势直接是冲破了其原有的临界点,直达更高层面。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Just like the bath hot rebirth, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird launches the kilometer color wing, skyrockets void, with a red light mark, if covers the tide of the world to extend. 宛如浴火重生,圣翼天炎雀展开千米彩翼,扶摇直上虚空,跟着一座红色的光纹如若覆盖天地的潮水一路延伸出去。 ...... …… Great Saint King Realm? When does this evil livestock break through?” 大圣王境?这孽畜什么时候突破的?” Before its belt/bring the War God Palace water elder facial color sank. 之前将其带回来的战神宫水长老面色一沉。 Follows the stone elder who acts together is also the double fist grasps, this evil livestock promotes Great Saint King Realm under our noses unexpectedly, this elder forgives it not to......” 跟随一起行动的石长老亦是双拳一握,“这孽畜竟然在我们眼皮底下晋升大圣王境,本长老饶它不得……” Killed it!” “杀了它!” Then, two people want to charge into Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird. 说罢,两人就欲冲向圣翼天炎雀 However, does not need two people to act, another old man actually first flashes before to two people front. 然,不待两人出手,另外一位老者却是抢先闪现至两人的前方。 This evil livestock gives me the line...... you two to solve them......” that old man to be ferocious-looking, aura especially gloomy and cold. “这孽畜交给我就行……你们两个去解决他们……”那老者满脸横肉,气息尤为阴冷。 They? 他们? The stone elder, the water elder is first startled. 石长老,水长老先是一怔。 Two people look at each other one, instantly understands the opposite party said. 两人对视一眼,即刻明白对方所言。 Hehe, very good!” “嘿嘿,很好!” Snort, we know how to do!” “哼,我们知道怎么做了!” Following, two people will look at Eastern permanent it directly, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section et al . 跟着,两人直接是将目光投向东方恒之,舒元,梅章等人。 ...... …… Nine kill one broken, should favor the lopsided aspect to have a big change once again. 九杀阵一破,本该倾向一面倒的局面又一次发生了不小的变化。 Kills!” “杀!” The war cry of deafening sound shakes the highest heaven, the ominous beast army, an ancestor butterfly clan, Martial Sect, the spirit phoenix valley, Han cloud sect people also conduct fierce counter-attack. 喧天的喊杀声直震九霄,凶兽大军,祖蝶一族,武宗,灵凰谷,翰云宗的众人随之进行凶猛的反扑。 Chu Hen that tyrant air/Qi bone-chilling cold, regarding the section dark green provocation words is warm-blooded of explosive people, lifts the hand to throw off entire nine to kill the big circuit intendant, lit behind soaring war intent of people. 楚痕的那霸气凛冽,对于段苍的挑衅话语可谓是燃爆众人的热血,抬手掀翻整个九杀大阵的道台,更是点燃了身后众人的高昂战意。 If soul pillar/backbone. 如若灵魂支柱。 So long as Chu Hen not but actually, the people do not dread. 只要楚痕不倒,众人就不畏惧。 ...... …… Void, land. 虚空,大地。 segment Cang and Chu Hen separate confront spatially. 段苍和楚痕隔空对峙。 In two people hearts seems occupying a fearful giant beast ominous thing. 两人的心中都仿佛盘踞着一尊可怕的巨兽凶物。 War God Palace, Martial Sect! 战神宫,武宗 This, seems the dragon python to contend...... 这一幕,又好似龙蟒相争……
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