UMDK :: Volume #15

#1492: Enters nine to kill, a narrow escape

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Nine kill......” “九杀阵……” Rumble!” “隆隆!” The storm accumulation, the world changes colors. 风暴聚集,天地失色。 Condenses the large-scale energy bodies sky over that four ancient turret to occupy like that in the War God Palace above bloodthirsty monster. 凝聚于那四座古老塔楼上空的大型能量体就像那盘踞于战神宫上空的嗜杀怪物。 Innumerable say/way dragon snake light luminary swims the fleeing world, for example is covering the great net above War God Palace inner city. 无数道龙蛇般的光曜游窜天地,譬如一张笼罩着战神宫内城之上的巨网。 With a series of panic pitiful yell sounds, sharp peerless dragon snake light luminary put on to plunder spatially, passes through the body of Martial Sect this side people one after another. 伴随着一系列惊慌失措的惨叫声,一道道锋利绝伦的龙蛇光曜穿空掠下,接连贯穿武宗这一方众人的身躯。 „......” “啊……” The blood flutters, the endless murdering destruction aura blots out the sky. 鲜血飘飞,无尽的杀伐毁灭气息铺天盖地。 Roar......” “吼……” The huge carapace giant beast that reaches the hundred zhang (333 m) roared angrily, it shot up to the sky directly, erupts the wild spooky desire to tear that light/only luminary great net. 一尊身达百丈的庞大龟甲巨兽愤怒咆哮,其直接是冲天而起,爆发着狂暴的妖气欲要撕裂那光曜巨网。 The dragon snake light beam that however, the next flash, about hundred separate in leans the potential in all directions, curls up strong penetrating power lying this way and that impact that cannot be fought on the body of that carapace giant beast. 然,下一瞬间,近百道分离出来的龙蛇光束于四面八方倾势而下,卷起不可抵御的超强穿透力横七竖八的冲击在那龟甲巨兽的身上。 Resisted front more than ten light luminary merely , that for example day glow god blade dragon Sheyao light/only penetrated heavy armor of opposite party forcefully, passed through its huge beast body. 仅仅抵御住前面的十几道光曜,紧接着,那一道道譬如天芒神刃般龙蛇曜光硬生生的击穿了对方的重甲,贯穿其庞大的兽躯。 „!” “呜!” Alas wails, the blood rain flutters about. 呜呼哀嚎,血雨纷飞。 Bang......” that carapace giant beast numerous pounding fall on the place, tattered and torn body covered with blood, proliferates the innumerable big or small wounds. “砰……”那龟甲巨兽重重的砸落在地,千疮百孔的躯体血肉模糊,遍布无数大小伤口。 That devastating light luminary traces under. 那极具毁灭性的光曜一路追溯而下。 If nine days of lowering divine punishments. 如若九天降下的神罚。 Bang......” a heavy startled day explosive, that giant beast was chopped into pieces the dregs directly. “轰……”的一声沉重的惊天爆响,那尊巨兽直接被劈碎成渣。 ...... …… Hiss!” “嘶!” Shocking. 震骇。 Panic-stricken. 惊恐。 Covers entirely the faces of War God Palace inside and outside countless people. 布满战神宫内外无数人的面庞。 This is in the rumor ‚do nine kill?” “这就是传言中的‘九杀阵’么?” Enters nine to kill, a narrow escape...... Martial Sect these people, must play thoroughly.” “一入九杀,九死一生……武宗这些人,要彻底玩完了。” War God Palace is really ruthless! An opportunity of life does not plan to give them.” 战神宫真的是狠啊!一点活命的机会都不打算给他们。” ...... …… The highest heaven day changes, blustery! 九霄天变,风起云涌! Dragon snake light/only luminary of connection world such as the sky net of blockade vault of heaven, that seizes the life, but below destruction strength like gathering extinguishing world divine punishment sky over top of the head. 一道道连接天地的龙蛇光曜如封锁苍穹的天网,那夺命而下的毁灭力量就像聚集在头顶上空的灭世神罚。 In main city, immediately a confusion. 主城之中,顿时一片混乱。 ...... …… Ha.” “哈哈哈哈哈。” War God Palace palace main part dark green four laugh, in his eyes, people like soon killed by mistreatment lamb, despairs and anxious. 战神宫宫主段苍肆声大笑,在其眼中,众人就像即将被虐杀的羔羊,绝望而焦躁。 The teasing looks at Chu Hen, said that enters nine to kill, a narrow escape......, but, different...... has the monster soul of this evil livestock to offer a sacrifice to today ‚’, I nine will kill big to revolve endlessly, I will call it nine dead you not fresh, ha hahahaha......” 其戏谑的看着楚痕,“都说一入九杀,九死一生……不过,今天不同……有这头孽畜的妖魂‘祭阵’,我九杀大阵将会无休无止的运转下去,我将你们称之为‘九死无生’,哈哈哈哈哈……” segment Cangxiao especially self-satisfied. 段苍笑的尤为得意。 This is he desired. 这正是他所希望看到的。 It must declare the War God Palace hegemonic position, is contaminated the blood of more than 100,000 numerous in this surely. 其要重新宣示战神宫的霸主地位,必定将这十万余众的鲜血浸染于此。 ...... …… Looks that executes day of dragon snake light luminary who cuts down the place, as well as in that very painful Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, in the eye of Chu Hen is erupting woods cold cold intent. 看着那诛天伐地的龙蛇光曜,以及那阵中痛苦不堪的圣翼天炎雀,楚痕的眼中爆发着森寒的冷意。 It without delay, drags to entrain one string in void, fast flushes away toward that four ancient turret by the flash. 其二话不说,于虚空中拖拽出一串雷芒,以闪光之速朝着那四座古老的塔楼冲去。 If wants to control the current aspect, must decode this immediately. 若想控制住当前的局面,必须要在第一时间破解此阵。 Otherwise, it behind people and Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird no one can preserve. 否则的话,其身后的众人和圣翼天炎雀谁都保不住。 ...... …… But, segment Cang eyes saw the Chu Hen intention. 而,段苍一眼就看出了楚痕的意图。 Hey, wants to break through the formation? I give your enough time......” “嘿,想破阵?我给你足够的时间……” segment Cang has not stopped the meaning of Chu Hen completely, to the opposite party close to Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, he has the absolute self-confidence, the land land, no one can decode these nine to kill big. 段苍完全没有阻拦楚痕的意思,任由对方靠近圣翼天炎雀,他有着绝对的自信,中陆大地,无人能够破解这九杀大阵。 Since is the dead end. 既然已经是死局了。 segment Cang wants to do at this moment, is not the murder, but executes the heart! 段苍此刻想做的,不是杀人,而是诛心! ...... …… Hiss!” “嘶!” „!” “咻!” ...... …… Rapidly close to that four ancient turret at the same time, that float that group of stars gorgeous powerful energy bodies above upper air erupts swift and fierce light beams to flee unceasingly to Chu Hen. 飞速靠近那四座古老塔楼的同时,那悬浮于高空之上的那团星辰般绚丽的强大能量体不断爆发出一道道凌厉的光柱窜向楚痕 Chu Hen is showing extremely swift and violent reaction speed. 楚痕展现着极为迅猛的反应速度。 The if the dragonfly of water, the high and low flashing direction, about the transformation position...... the crowded dragon snake light beam is pasting the cheek of opposite party one after another, the shoulder shuttles back and forth, made the person heartstrings tight scene is the life and death speed. 其如若点水的蜻蜓,上下闪动方向,左右变换位置……一道接一道密集的龙蛇光柱都是贴着对方的面颊,肩膀穿梭而过,令人心弦绷紧的场面可谓是生死时速。 ...... …… Good quick speed, cannot see clearly his figure completely.” “好快的速度,完全看不清他的身形。” Major influence observing outside War God Palace exclaim. 战神宫外的各大势力观战者惊叹不已。 Chu Hen swift and violent of reaction speed, the people can only throw to seize an wisp of remnant shadow in air, what kind of crowdedness regardless of nine kill offensive, Chu Hen can effective avoidance. 楚痕的反应速度之迅猛,众人只能够扑捉到空气中的一缕残影,无论九杀阵的攻势如何的密集,楚痕都能够有效的避开。 Is nine kills no one to break, his speed quickly is also again useless.” “可是九杀阵无人可破,他速度再快也没有用。” ...... …… Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” In suddenly, first even/including transforms about hundred positions, Chu Hen like crossing the carp of Dragon Gate, arrives in that directly is detaining above the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird square. 在瞬息间,一连变换近百个位置,楚痕如同越过龙门的鲤鱼,直接是抵达于那关押着圣翼天炎雀的广场之上。 Both are away from that murderous aura big of ascension to look at each other one, the Chu Hen sinking sound said, „my saves you to come out......” 两者隔着那杀气升腾的大阵对视一眼,楚痕沉声道,“我这就救你出来……” Then, Chu Hen jumps to leap, such as the flowing light rushes that float in that group on upper air huge, but the energy body of rebellion. 说罢,楚痕纵身一跃,如流光般冲上那悬浮于高空上的那团体内庞大而暴动的能量体。 So long as destroys you, can relieve the strategy!” “只要把你打碎,就能解除阵法了吧!” In the Chu Hen eye is surging the faint trace decidedly. 楚痕眼中涌动着丝丝决然。 Hahahaha......” finishes barely the words, the laughter that section dark green that teased also transmitted, was very embarrassed, you guessed mistakenly......” “哈哈哈哈……”话音未落,段苍那戏谑的笑声随之传来,“很不好意思,你猜错了……” Hu-hu!” “呼哧!” Then, segment Cang the five fingers separate spatially concentrate, in an instant, that dazzling energy body erupted ten thousand light luminary, then, the countless dragon snake light beam turns around the spearhead directly, all directional below Chu Hen. 说罢,段苍五指隔空一凝,霎那间,那绚丽夺目的能量体爆发出万道光曜,接着,数之不尽的龙蛇光柱直接是掉转矛头,尽数指向下方的楚痕 Bang......” “轰隆……” Gathered the strength of innumerable light beam impact on endure the ratio to execute a day of divine punishment, the shining vault of heaven, the frost dyes the land, curled up the wild invincible might solid birthplace to fall on the body of Chu Hen. 集合了无数光柱冲击的力量堪比诛天神罚,照耀天穹,霜染大地,卷起狂暴的神威结结实实的贯落在楚痕的身上。 Bang!” “砰!” The heavy loud sound just like the startling thunderclap to interlock, even if the Chu Hen speed is fast, is absolutely impossible to evade this absolutely not to have the slit offensive. 沉重的巨响犹如惊雷交错,纵然楚痕的速度再快,也绝无可能躲得过这完全没有缝隙的攻势。 Under the vision of many trembling with fear, Chu Hen was given bang ruthlessly by this wild impulse directly into below ground. 在众多惊颤的目光下,楚痕直接被这股狂暴的冲击力给狠狠的轰入下方的地面。 Bang!” “轰!” Quarry stone blasting open, the windblown dust rises from all directions. 乱石炸裂,尘烟四起。 Chu Hen numerous falling fly, first even/including pulled off dozens meters trace in the ground, can stop. 楚痕重重的摔飞出去,一连在地面拖出了数十米的痕迹,才得以停住。 ...... …… Chu Hen?” 楚痕?” elder brother Chu Hen?” 楚痕哥哥?” ...... …… Martial Sect people in great surprise. 武宗众人大惊。 Sees only the Chu Hen whole body to brave the faint trace white vapor, the body full is the scar. 只见楚痕浑身冒着丝丝白色蒸气,身上满是伤痕。 Nine kill the big interior, was surrounded Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird that is full of anxiously by four black giant iron chains looks to pour in that say/way young form of ground. 九杀大阵的内部,被四道黑色巨型铁链困住的圣翼天炎雀饶有不安的看着倒在地上的那道年轻身影。 I...... Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird said leave alone. “别管我了……”圣翼天炎雀说道。 Chu Hen is sideways to look at the opposite party, the corners of the mouth are actually raise wipe the light curve, no rush, my has not died......” 楚痕侧身望着对方,嘴角却是扬起一抹淡淡的弧度,“别急,我这不还没死么……” The voice drops at the same time, the destruction days of myriad terrors punish lower, the dazzling ray instantaneously below Chu Hen swallowing to be one of them. 话音落下的同时,万千恐怖的毁灭天罚降下,刺眼的光芒瞬间将下方的楚痕给吞噬在其中。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “哐!” ...... …… The dragon snake light beam one after another falls the extremely heavy thunder of vault of heaven like the birthplace, the quarry stone avalanche, the land breaks down falls, destroys all strength single layer then single layers, one bunch meets one bunch of aurora to pierce the ground...... suddenly, the region that Chu Hen is at degenerated into stretch of collection place of death storm directly. 一道接一道的龙蛇光柱就像贯落苍穹的万钧雷霆,乱石崩塌,大地垮陷,摧毁一切的力量一重接着一重,一束接一束的极光刺穿地面……眨眼间,楚痕所在的区域直接沦为了一片死亡风暴的汇集地。 But Chu Hen figure, was also swallowed. 楚痕的身形,也随之被吞噬于其中。 The facial color drastic change of people. 众人的面色剧变。 Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section and the others has a big shock all. 东方恒之,舒元,梅章等人无不大惊失色。 Hehe, my the first time is saw that some people excelling at single-handedly rush to nine to kill, from behaving badly, cannot live......” “嘿嘿,我这是第一次见到有人单枪匹马的擅闯‘九杀阵’,自作孽,不可活……” Sneers with the War God Palace elder of it East permanent para-position unreliably randomly. 与之东方恒之对位的战神宫长老玄乱冷笑不已。 ...... …… Martial Sect that could not withstand flurriedly, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley side looks at this, directly is the helplessness that changes. 本就慌乱不堪的武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷这一方看着这一幕,直接是变的手足无措。 But horse city, the flying rain gate and other influences, are the facial color are early paler. 而夙马城,飞雨门等几个势力,更是面色惨白。 ...... …… War God Palace palace main part dark green self-satisfied scoffs to say with a smile, forgot to tell you, guesses that...... will die mistakenly!” 战神宫宫主段苍得意的嗤笑道,“忘了告诉你,猜错了……可是会死的!”
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