UMDK :: Volume #15

#1491: Nine kills

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang!” “轰!” The war of all-around breaking out continues to move toward the superheating stage, the entire War God Palace inside and outside, had fallen into a confusion. 全方位爆发的大战持续走向白热化阶段,整个战神宫的内外,早已是陷入了一片混乱之中。 Roaring of Monster Beast, heavenshaking shout, and strength of a series of domain intense to spelling, it may be said that is earth-shaking, blasting open vault of heaven. 妖兽的咆哮,震天的喊杀,以及一系列领域之力激烈对拼,可谓是翻天覆地,炸裂苍穹。 Martial Sect sovereign East permanent it, Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan, spirit phoenix valley Guzhu and ancestor butterfly two elder these four Great Saint King Realm powerhouses are also each has his good points, it faces in the War God Palace Great Saint King Realm elder is also displaying the strong para-position ability. 武宗宗主东方恒之,翰云宗宗主舒元,灵凰谷谷主以及祖蝶二长老这四位大圣王境强者亦是各有千秋,其面对于战神宫的诸位大圣王境长老亦是展现着强大的对位能力。 But, most made one be surprised was Chu Hen and section dark green fighting war. 而,最为令人感到意外的莫过于楚痕和段苍的争锋大战。 One is the Martial Sect disciple. 一个是武宗的弟子。 One is the War God Palace hierarch. 一个是战神宫的掌权者。 In some time ago, the former was an obscure peon, but, in this several months time, it blasted open the holy war to recruit by the earth-shaking potential directly, threw off inside and outside War God Palace. 就在不久前,前者还是个默默无闻的无名小卒,而,就在这短短几个月的时间,其直接是以石破天惊之势炸裂了圣战征召,掀翻了战神宫内外。 It affects the land land maintained for several thousand years the pattern. 其打破了中陆大地保持了数千年来的格局。 It shook War God Palace this to occupy a side the hegemonic position. 其撼动了战神宫这盘踞一方的霸主地位。 ...... …… „!” “哐!” Light rain splash, storm like tide. 光雨飞溅,暴风如潮。 Staggered passes through the ear loud sound along with the thunder, is lingering together the red air/Qi mark, will glitter the purple thunder Hu form all each one to fly to draw back under the violent hurricane together in the future. 伴随着雷霆交错般的贯耳巨响,一道萦绕着赤色气纹,一道闪烁着紫色雷弧的身影皆是在猛烈的飓风下各自往后飞退。 Two people fall sky over the east and west of main shrine respectively. 两人分别落于主殿的东西两侧上空。 The strong true essence strength of respective within the body the flame monstrous waves that if still folds, making the peripheral space move restlessly anxiously. 各自体内的强大真元力都犹若叠起的火焰巨浪,令周边的空间都躁动不安。 ...... …… You may probably defeat me to be good a bit faster! These people who otherwise you bring, may probably die here.” “你可要快点打败我才行呢!不然你带来的这些人,可都要死在这里了。” Sneering that segment Cangmian flood teased, stance that a face pondered. 段苍面泛戏谑的冷笑,一脸玩味的姿态。 Snort.” Chu Hen light snort/hum, you want to be many, which side perhaps is first extinguished.” “哼。”楚痕轻哼一声,“你想多了,说不定是哪一方先被灭。” Which side first extinguished I do not care......, but I am certain, that person of predeceasing, is you......” “哪一方先被灭我不在意……但我可以肯定,先死的那个人,是你……” Buzz!” “嗡!” The words fall, if sky over segment Cangshi the startled dragon, air/Qi of strong terrifying murdering sweeps across. 话落,段苍势若惊龙而起,一股超强的恐怖杀伐之气席卷上空。 Sees only his pair of palm to gather relatively, one bunch concentrates the solid red light beam in the both arms slanting birthplace Milky Way, the world is overshadowed instantaneously, sky over the big inner city disseminates the bone-chilling cold powerful withering arrogance instantly. 只见其双掌相对一合,一束凝实的赤色光柱于双臂斜贯天河,天地瞬间黯然失色,偌大的内城上空即刻弥散出凛冽的强大肃杀气焰。 ...... …… Very powerful murderous aura!” “好强的杀气!” Outside city major influences comes the person is the facial color changes. 城外各大势力的来人皆是面色一变。 segment Canggong was mainly earnest.” “段苍宫主要认真了。” ...... …… The endless destruction imposing manner oppression covers to go toward Chu Hen, along with the fearful strength of unceasing strengthening, the red light beam of that slanting birthplace vault of heaven condenses a to open the day impressively the great blade. 无尽的毁灭气势压迫朝着楚痕笼罩而去,伴随着不断强化的可怕力量,那斜贯天穹的赤色光柱赫然凝聚成一柄开天的巨刃。 Dominates the blade day to get angry!” “霸刀天怒!” segment Cang loudly shouts, his both arms as if hold to grasp the extremely heavy thunder invincible might to wield under. 段苍大喝一声,其双臂仿佛持握着万钧雷霆神威一挥而下。 In an instant, the that tyrant air/Qi peerless red blade glow chops the minute of highest heaven cloud layer directly, passes through to cut toward Chu Hen at destruction all strengths. 霎那间,那霸气绝伦的赤色刀芒直接是劈分九霄云层,贯以覆灭一切的力量朝着楚痕斩去。 astral fierce swift and fierce hurricane steamroll eight sides. 罡猛凌厉的飓风一路碾压八方。 Is facing the section dark green so powerful must kill the potential, in the Chu Hen eye shines through the profound dim light. 面对着段苍这般强大的必杀之势,楚痕眼中已然是透射出深邃的幽光。 Whish!” “哗!” Sees is only centered on Chu Hen, shops disperse the radiant day glow blooms above void. 只见以楚痕为中心,一道道铺散开来的的璀璨天芒绽放于虚空之上。 „......” “呜……” In the world as if there is ancient Spiritual God to recite in a low voice, in an instant, two glitter myriad mysterious ancient secret Lufu giant statue illusory image light/only to appear under the vault of heaven impressively. 天地间仿佛有着古老神灵在低声吟唱,霎那间,两座闪烁着万千神秘古老秘箓符光的巨型石像幻影赫然惊现于苍穹之下。 ...... …… „Is that?” “那是?” Witnessed that this people are the heart are all startled. 目睹这一幕的众人皆是心头一怔。 ...... …… „A good fortune palm!” Chu Hen cold sound shouted. “造化一掌!”楚痕冷声喝道。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” Myriad startling thunderclap roared, in many are flooding under the shocking vision, that two huge obstructed a day of big hand like Fiendgod statue illusory image finding out one on the left and other on the right, by the potential of jointly attacking toward cutting to fall, but to the startled day blade glow patted. 万千惊雷咆哮,在诸多充斥着震惊的目光下,那两尊庞大如神魔般的石像幻影一左一右的探出遮天大手,以合击之势朝着斩落而至的惊天刀芒拍去。 Hurricane cyclone rapid collections in the palm arm of statue high and low, the vortex storm that the extrusion becomes rotates in the sky of main shrine rapidly. 一股股飓风气旋迅速的汇集于石像的掌臂上下,挤压而成的漩涡风暴于主殿的上空飞速转动。 ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The next second, the highest heaven above trembles fiercely, that two obstruct a day of giant palm one on the left and other on the right is sending out the endless destruction invincible might blade glow converging attack that in the middle. 下一秒钟,九霄上空猛地一颤,那两道遮天巨掌一左一右的将那散发着无尽毁灭神威的刀芒夹击在中间。 Two big hands catch the instance of that great blade with joint forces, immediately eight side spaces crack. 两只大手合力接住那巨刃的瞬间,顿时八方空间崩裂。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… If day Chen blasts open the enormous and powerful shock-wave breaks the chaotic expansive sky instantly, the destruction mountains and rivers palm vigor and opens the day of crack place the blade potential, once were collided, remaining prestige that the terrifying power that two have destructive power is to raise the filling the heavens chaotic place directly. 如若天辰炸裂般的浩荡冲击波即刻破乱长空,覆灭山河的掌劲和开天裂地的刀势一经碰撞,两股极具杀伤力的恐怖力量直接是掀起弥天乱地的余威。 Vigorous astral's fierce light wave also swings in both's middle sky. 一圈雄浑罡猛的光波于两者的中间上空随之荡开。 Together with that disintegration cuts the day of blade glow, that two statue illusory image also shaken cuns (2.5 cm) blast out. 连同着那崩碎的斩天刀芒,那两尊石像幻影也是被震的寸寸炸开。 Bang......” “砰……” Under the hollow space, follows to collapse situated below square center's War God Palace main shrine suddenly loudly. 急剧凹陷的空间之下,位于下方广场中央的战神宫主殿跟着轰然坍塌。 Imposing manner imposing palace columns fall to the ground one after another, the resplendent in gold and jade green bricks wall also breaks down falls, toward eight side Dangkai complementary waves like the vortex hurricane of eruption, that luxurious style palace will disintegrate shortly, suddenly degenerated into stretch of ruins. 一道道气势凛然的宫柱接连倒地,金碧辉煌的砖瓦墙壁随之垮陷,朝着八方荡开的余波就像从中爆发的漩涡飓风,那豪华气派的宫殿在顷刻间解体,眨眼就沦为了一片废墟。 ...... …… Caught unexpectedly?” “竟然接住了?” Actually did he grasp good fortune Great Emperor how many martial learn/study of?” “他究竟掌握了造化大帝的多少武学?” ...... …… Looks that two strengths collide the destructive power, countless people cannot bear holds breath cold air. 看着两股力量碰撞所产生的破坏力,无数人都忍不住的倒吸一口凉气。 War God Palace all buildings are equipped with the ban to reinforce. 要知道,战神宫的所有建筑物都是设有禁制加固的。 It is having certain thunderbolts the time, can maintain the construction in city unable to damage. 其为的就是在发生某些突发事件的时候,能够维持城中的建筑不会损坏。 Other gate influences are also same. 其他宗门势力也是一样。 But the reinforcement ban of War God Palace is not the common sect gate can compare absolutely, its can fight the considerably large strength impact. 战神宫的加固禁制绝对不是寻常宗门所能够相比的,其能够抵御相当大的力量冲击。 Chu Hen also the side of palace dislodged an opening by the thunder big dragon that the purple electricity transformed a moment ago merely. 就刚才楚痕以紫电幻化的雷霆巨龙也仅仅只是将宫殿的侧面撞出了一个豁口而已。 But, now, the entire palace is disintegrated directly. 而,现在,整座宫殿直接被解体。 Strength that it can be imagined two people erupted a moment ago actually terrifying. 可想而知刚才两人爆发出来的力量究竟有多恐怖。 ...... …… Dust everywhere, crushed stone splash. 尘埃漫天,碎石飞溅。 Is regarded as the War God Palace most luxurious construction to be destroyed instantaneously, announced Chu Hen and section dark green this comprehensive collapse Li situation sufficiently. 被视为战神宫最为奢华的建筑瞬间被毁,也足以宣告楚痕和段苍这全面崩离的局势。 The central main shrine blasts open, the entire lord city square impressively changes especially smooth broad. 中央主殿炸裂,整个主城广场赫然变的尤为平坦广阔。 Cry......” “唳……” At this moment, a low and deep bird whining noise transmits in the west of main shrine ruins. 就在这时,一声低沉的雀鸣声于主殿废墟的西面传来。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Distant looks, sees only in the west side of square, four surpass the hundred zhang (333 m) the high ancient turret to support the day to stand. 远远的望去,只见在广场的西侧,四座超过百丈之高的古老塔楼撑天而立。 In the middle of that four turret, pair of wings gorgeous colored Saint bird aura shows waste weak lying there, the backs of four giant iron chain deep inserting opposite party, are connecting that four turrets respectively. 在那四座塔楼的中间,一只双翼绚丽彩色的圣雀气息彰显靡弱的趴在那里,四道巨大的铁链深深的嵌入对方的背部,分别连接着那四座塔楼。 The silk threads light mark drags in iron chain high and low, complex tedious symbol secretary lu is lending the strange aura. 丝丝缕缕的光纹摇曳于铁链上下,复杂繁琐的符文秘箓散发着诡异的气息。 ...... …… Looks at that imposing manner completely suppressed Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, in Long Xuanshuang that in the crowd slaughters, Ye Yao, Qiu Xingyi and the others all are the facial color changes. 看着那气势完全被压制的圣翼天炎雀,正在人群中厮杀的龙玄霜,叶瑶,邱星易等人皆是面色一变。 Chu Hen is also the complexion sinks, in palm no emperor blade cold several points. 楚痕亦是脸色微沉,掌中的无相帝刃不禁冷冽几分。 „To rescue this evil livestock?” Saying with a smile that segment Cang teased. “想救这孽畜么?”段苍戏谑的笑道。 Shouting to clear the way that Chu Hen coldly, lets loose her......” 楚痕冷冷的喝道,“放开她……” Hahahaha...... naive......” section dark green single palm concentrates suddenly, the five fingers separate spatially toward under search, together with an intense space rhythm, in an instant, under that four ancient turret is sending out strange rune/symbol writing to fluctuate immediately. “哈哈哈哈……天真……”段苍突然间单掌一凝,五指朝着下方隔空一探,连同着一股强烈的空间律动,霎那间,下方那四座古老的塔楼随即发出一阵奇异的符文波动。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Magma that if the river overflow of dry crack sinks secretly, mysterious dark ancient secret Lufu proliferates in the turret instantly about. 如若干涸龟裂的河川溢出暗沉的岩浆,一道道神秘幽暗的古老秘箓符文即刻遍布于塔楼的上下。 Cry......” “唳……” Places oneself appears in Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird exceptionally manic anxious, it struggles to set out, is whipping the pair of wings, if anxious trapped/sleepy beast. 置身于其中的圣翼天炎雀显得异常狂躁不安,其挣扎起身,拍打着双翼,如若焦虑的困兽。 With space that trembles with fear unceasingly, the innumerable say/way the strange secret mark that drags around the turret interweaves, the head and tail is connected. 伴随着不断惊颤的空间,无数道于塔楼上摇曳出来的奇异秘纹前后交织,首尾相连。 Rapid the floor under Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird body collects complex rune/symbol array. 迅速的于圣翼天炎雀身下的台面汇集成一座复杂的符阵。 Whish!” “哗!” Endless colored light beam fleeing day, four turrets for example god eruption dazzling ray. 紧接着,无尽的彩色光束窜天而起,四座塔楼譬如神祗般爆发出璀璨夺目的光芒。 In one both feels under the astonished vision, four turrets simultaneously launch the energy to flow into toward the center together. 在一双双倍感惊愕的目光下,四座塔楼同时朝着中央发射出一道能源流注。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The fierce incomparable energy rebellion made the person mind tremble, four energy light beams connected over hundred meters diameter in the sky of that square instantaneously the large-scale energy spheroid. 剧烈无比的能量暴动令人心神一颤,四道能源光柱瞬间于那广场的上空交汇成一颗超过百米直径的大型能量球体。 But, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird is whipping the pair of wings unceasingly, the color flame ascends from top to bottom, seems like such as by fire of burning down hell, is very painful. 而,圣翼天炎雀不断拍打着双翼,浑身上下彩焰升腾,看上去如被地狱之火焚烧,很是痛苦。 ...... …… „The monster strength of this evil livestock is very strong! Comes to offer a sacrifice to with her monster soul simply may be called perfect.” “这个孽畜的妖力很强呢!用她的妖魂来‘祭阵’简直堪称完美。” segment Cang still has saying with a smile of pondering. 段苍犹有玩味的笑道。 „Then, I made you experienced this nine to kill the might good, ha hahahaha......” “那么接下来,我就让你见识见识这‘九杀阵’的威力好了,哈哈哈哈哈……” Is laughing together with segment Cang four, that trapped/sleepy locked Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird rune/symbol array revolves rapidly. 连同着段苍的肆声大笑,那困锁着圣翼天炎雀的符阵飞速运转。 In an instant, that group collects large-scale energy body sudden the tremor above upper air, innumerable say/way dragon snake swift and fierce light luminary blooms the eruption. 霎那间,那团汇集于高空之上的大型能量体急剧的颤动,无数道龙蛇般的凌厉光曜从中绽放爆发。 Then, light luminary who that roaming flees changes to sharp peerless dragon snake sharp blade to raid to people of Martial Sect side. 接着,那游窜出去的光曜化作一道道锋锐绝伦的龙蛇利刃袭向武宗一方的众人。 Hiss hissing......” “嘶嘶嘶……” Murderous aura everywhere, blood dance. 杀气漫天,鲜血飙舞。 As long as by that dragon snake sharp blade hit, the flesh and blood separation, was killed by mistreatment instantaneously. 但凡被那龙蛇利刃击中者,骨血分离,瞬间被虐杀。
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