UMDK :: Volume #15

#1490: Blasting open battlefield

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang......” “轰……” Light of the cluster luminary if pastes tread blasting open, the wild astral fierce monstrous waves swing. 如若贴着地面炸裂的一团星曜之光,狂暴的罡猛巨浪从中荡开。 Myriad divulges eight sides, in innumerable double covers entirely under the astonished vision, under that cracked the hollow land also to throw off by the fierce shock-wave again. 万千雷芒宣泄八方,在无数双布满惊愕的目光下,下方那本就崩裂凹陷的大地再一次被剧烈的冲击波随之掀翻。 „!” “嗵!” The crushed stone was shaken layer upon layer makes the fragment powder, the trap range extends recklessly. 层层碎石被震作齑粉,陷坑的范围肆意延伸。 The innermost feelings of people tremble with fear. 众人的内心惊颤不已。 In a moment ago, Chu Hen also stubbornly was suppressed leeward, it draws a city in a flash strongly. 就在刚才,楚痕还死死的被压制下风,转瞬间其就强势扳回一城。 ...... …… His aura is so powerful.” “他气息还是如此强盛。” Emperor great palace several people outside city all are the brow tight wrinkle, in the eye full are unbelievable. 城外的帝弘殿几人皆是眉头紧皱,眼中满是难以置信。 Un, not chaotic.” “嗯,一点都没有乱。” Felt Chu Hen that unusual bone-chilling cold imposing manner, the people is actually being narrows the corner of the eye that could not bear, in other words, segment Cang two suddenly/violently to strike had not caused the extremely obvious damage to Chu Hen a moment ago. 感受着楚痕那超凡的凛冽气势,众人却是忍不住的眯起了眼角,也就是说,刚才段苍的两记暴击并未给楚痕造成太过明显的创伤。 „Is this fellow iron inadequate? Trading to do is our words, will only fear instantaneously by segment Cangza the smashing......” “这家伙是铁打的不成?换作是我们的话,只怕瞬间就会被段苍砸的粉碎……” Wei Yan regarding the Chu Hen look like regarding monster. 韦延对于楚痕的眼神就像看待怪物一样。 Although the opposite party indeed is a monster. 虽然对方的的确确就是一个怪物。 ...... …… The land shakes anxiously, quarry stone that everywhere raises such as windblown dust of float in world. 大地震荡不安,漫天掀起的乱石如漂浮于天地间的尘烟。 Does not need that confused air wave to belong to the still, Ling proud is glittering the swift and fierce purple electric arc in the in the air Chu Hen double pupil. 不待那乱腾的气浪归于平定,凌傲于空中的楚痕双眸之中闪烁着凌厉的紫色电弧。 Then, his palm arm searches toward below, the five fingers in in the air grasp. 接着,其掌臂朝下一探,五指于空中一握。 Works as......” “哐当……” Together with the potential of startling thunderclap staggered destruction, the first even/including dozens imposing manner peerless sharp power line poles are slanting to pierce the land. 连同着惊雷交错的毁灭之势,一连数十道气势绝伦的锋利电柱斜着刺穿大地而出。 The wild incomparable point such as the birthplace breaks all giant wooden stakes. 狂放无比的锋芒如贯破一切的巨大木桩。 But, in that lying this way and that thunder column interweaves, the section dark green was entrained the ground directly. 而,在那横七竖八的雷柱交织中,段苍直接被拽出地面。 The latter surface flood one wipes woods cold sneering. 后者面泛一抹森寒的冷笑。 Places oneself under the thunder not the least bit flurried color. 置身于雷霆之下并无半点慌乱之色。 The coldly is staring at Chu Hen, said, is very good! This was held the opportunity by you......” 其冷冷的盯着楚痕,道,“很不错呢!这都被你抓住了机会……” Instance that the words fall, Chu Hen look one cold, separates controls the five fingers of power of thunder to turn spatially, in an instant, all connects in the section dark green peripheral destructive power line pole collects impressively in the same place. 话落的瞬间,楚痕眼神一凛,隔空掌控雷霆之力的五指一翻,霎那间,所有交汇于段苍周边的毁灭性雷芒电柱赫然间汇集于一起。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Dozens magnificent incomparable giant thunder pillar interweaves instantly the formation, covers entirely under the shocking vision to form a fierce fearsome thunder and lightning big dragon in everyone. 数十道壮观无比的巨大雷柱即刻交织成型,于每个人布满震惊的目光下形成一条狰狞可怖的雷电巨龙。 Roar!” “吼!” That purple Thunder Dragon opens the big mouth, drags to entrain the startled day great strength of tearing vault of heaven to attack again before the section dark green body. 那紫色雷龙张开大口,拖拽着撕裂苍穹的惊天巨力再次冲击在段苍的身前。 Bang......” “轰……” The wind and thunder rolls, the world shivers. 风雷滚动,天地颤抖。 The thunder big dragon pushes directly into, hits segment Cang under. 雷霆巨龙长驱直入,一路将段苍撞击而下。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Below square quarry stone avalanche, a giant gully expands toward the both sides suddenly, the air wave of blotting out the sky sweeps across the audience, the windblown dust rises from all directions, purple electricity Julongding segment Cang the body is proceeding along no particular course arbitrarily, everywhere one visit, the front palace Hainan building crashes to fall all. 下方广场乱石崩塌,一条巨大的沟壑急剧朝着两侧扩张,铺天盖地的气浪席卷全场,尘烟四起,紫电巨龙顶着段苍的身躯蛮横乱撞,所到之处,前方的宫殿琼楼尽数崩塌垮陷。 „!” “嗵!” Extends the number hundred zhang (333 m) the giant gully to appear in Zhucheng the Square center together, wild incomparable Thunder Dragon finally section dark green inserting middle main shrine ruthlessly. 一道延伸数百丈的巨大沟壑惊现于主城广场中央,狂暴无比的雷龙最终将段苍狠狠的嵌入中间的主殿之内。 Left side of the luxurious style main shrine was rumbled directly a giant pothole. 豪华气派的主殿左侧直接被轰出一个巨大的坑洞。 The fearful aura that extends made one be awed at the sight. 延伸开来的可怕气息令人望而生畏。 ...... …… Fearful! 可怕! The heart of people feels to tremble with fear all. 众人的心头无不感到惊颤。 However, in the people was shown the strong method are shocked by Chu Hen, together the whole body braves the faint trace white clouds the form in the pile of stones of that avalanche to stand. 然,就在众人被楚痕展现出来的超强手段所震惊之际,一道浑身冒着丝丝白气的身影于那崩塌的乱石堆中站了出来。 Beyond the war a pupil of numerous observing all shrinks faintly. 战局外一众观战者的瞳孔皆是隐隐一缩。 Sees only dark green to drag the silk threads electric arc, the magnificent precious clothing also damaged several. 只见段苍身上摇曳着丝丝缕缕的电弧,华丽名贵的衣衫也破损了几处。 But in addition, actually does not see a point scar. 但除此之外,却是不见一点的伤痕。 ...... …… On this thing?” segment Cang grins to say with a smile, in the eye is revealing little vicious. “就这点东西?”段苍咧嘴笑道,眼中流露着几许凶狠。 The Chu Hen corner of the eye also concentrates, how?” 楚痕眼角亦是一凝,“如何?” If on this degree, I may too, disappointed......” “如果就这点程度的话,那我可就太,失望了……” Disappointed! 失望了! The instance that finally three characters drop, segment Cang erupts mighty current fearful hurricane impressively, its figure moves, flies across the place of hundred zhang (333 m). 最后三个字落下的瞬间,段苍赫然爆发出一股洪流般的可怕飓风,其身形一动,横越百丈之地。 The Chu Hen pupil sinks, nearby the next second, segment Cang has achieved. 楚痕瞳孔一沉,下一秒钟,段苍已达到跟前。 It changes to one bunch of palm blades to divide single-handed to the neck of Chu Hen, the rapidness of speed, such as cursory. 其单手化作一束掌刀劈向楚痕的脖子,速度之快,如浮光掠影。 But, Chu Hen as if has seen through the attack track of opposite party, one side of the figure, avoids in the opposite party offensive at the same time palm not to have the emperor blade thorn to the chest of opposite party. 而,楚痕仿佛早已看穿对方的攻击轨道,身形一侧,避开对方攻势的同时掌中无相帝刃刺向对方的胸膛。 segment Cangtai a hand palm shakes that to glitter the divine sword of electricity glow, the left arm is also wielding, „......” the vigorous true essence strength collects in his palm rapidly, instantly condenses sharp bristles to kill with one's own hand. 段苍抬手一掌震开那闪烁着电芒的神剑,左臂随之挥起,“咻……”雄浑的真元力飞速汇集在其掌心,即刻凝聚成一柄锋利的棘刺手刃。 segment Cang grips the bristles, to rip the potential of spatial crack air/Qi to divide to the head of Chu Hen. 段苍握住棘刺,以撕空裂气之势劈向楚痕的脑袋。 However, on the Chu Hen left arm has also swum is fleeing the innumerable say/way manic electricity glow. 然,楚痕的左臂上也早已游窜着无数道狂躁的电芒。 „......” “嗤嗤……” The electricity glow of sudden connection in its the palm changes to one group of purple light luminary instantly. 急剧交汇的电芒即刻于其掌心化作一团紫色光曜。 „!” “哐!” Sharp true essence kills with one's own hand directly to collide in purple electric light luminary of it rebellion together, the explosive that shakes passes through the Milky Way, the violent complementary waves impulse in in the air blasts out unconstrainedly, together with space of distortion, two people rapid retreats toward the rear area. 锋利的真元手刃直接与之暴动的紫电光曜碰撞在一起,震荡开来的爆响贯穿天河,猛烈的余波冲击力于空中跌宕炸开,连同着扭曲的空间,两人迅速的朝后方退去。 But will stop merely in the future the twinkling, two remnant shades plunder to empty to move again, launches the crashing collision directly. 可仅仅往后停顿了瞬息,两道残影再次掠空而动,正面展开激烈的碰撞。 ...... …… Chu Hen and section dark green two people fierce combat are the chaotic day move. 楚痕和段苍两人的激战可谓是乱天动地。 Under the space of distortion, a series of wild chaotic air waves divulge layer upon layer recklessly. 层层扭曲的空间下,一系列狂暴混乱的气浪肆意宣泄开来。 What two people carry incurs move of vicious, type is swift and fierce. 两人端的是招招凶狠,式式凌厉。 Among every gesture and motions, performs to reveal the heart of murdering. 一招一式间,都尽显杀伐之心。 ...... …… My God!” “我的天!” Outside the city hid in the major influence crowds of hidden place fell into during the greatest exclamation completely. 城外潜藏于暗处的各大势力人群完全陷入了莫大的惊叹之中。 This is every step Great Saint King Realm and fight between place step Great Saint King Realm. 这是凡阶大圣王境和地阶大圣王境之间的战斗。 This thinks, the disparity in boundary, Chu Hen will be defeated quickly, what may make one unable to believe that Chu Hen confronts segment Cang, does not drop the wind. 本以为,境界上的差距,楚痕很快就会败下阵来,可令人不敢相信的是,楚痕对阵段苍,根本不落下风。 Talent! 天才! Evildoer/Monstrous talent! 妖孽! Has used on Chu Hen insufficiently. 已经不足以用在楚痕身上了。 The opposite party just like a fearful monster. 对方俨然就是一只可怕的怪物。 ...... …… Fights the vault of heaven randomly, the dark day is secret. 乱斗天穹,昏天暗地。 With the unceasing passage of time, big War God Palace degenerated into a stretch of chaotic battlefield thoroughly. 随着时间的不断推移,偌大的战神宫彻底沦为了一片混乱的战场。 Various war cries just like interweaving music movement. 各种喊杀声宛如交织的乐章。 Huge giant beasts to raiding in in Luanjun, the angry sound roared, tearing land. 一尊尊庞大的巨兽冲袭于乱军中,怒声咆哮,撕裂大地。 The beacon rises from all directions, fills eight sides. 烽烟四起,弥漫八方。 Luxurious style tower over a city gate constructions crash one after another, turn into the badly-damaged ruins. 一座座豪华气派的城楼建筑相继崩塌,变成残破不堪的废墟。 ...... …… Eastern permanent it, Mei section, stretch/leisurely Yuan and other powerhouse of numerous Great Saint King Realm rank spells by the domain directly mutually, wild strengths shake overturn the heavens. 东方恒之,梅章,舒元等一众大圣王境级别的强者直接是以领域互拼,一股股狂暴的力量震翻天地。 War trend of both sides does not continue stably. 双方的战局走向持续不稳定。 Although Martial Sect this side population gets the winning side, there is a Monster Beast army to break through enemy lines, has an ancestor butterfly clan to help treat the injured party. 虽说武宗这一方人数占据上风,又有妖兽大军冲锋陷阵,更有祖蝶一族帮助治疗受伤者。 But the most main point, War God Palace that side Great Saint King Realm powerhouse number had the absolute advantage. 可最为主要的一点,战神宫那边大圣王境强者数量占据了绝对的优势。 War God Palace altogether has ten Great Saint King Realm powerhouses. 战神宫共有十位大圣王境强者。 Before removing, was cut Ge Xuan who kills by Chu Hen, as well as just now frustrated night burial puppet, eight. 除掉之前被楚痕斩杀的戈铉,以及方才被挫败的夜俑,还有八位。 But, Martial Sect this side, actually only then Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section, ancestor butterfly clan two elders, with the Chu Hen five people. 而,武宗这一方,却只有东方恒之,舒元,梅章,祖蝶一族二长老,和楚痕五人。 In other words, but also is left over three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses is no one with it para-position. 也就是说,还剩下三位大圣王境强者是无人与之对位的。 Therefore, no one can provide lodging they. 因此,没有人能够管得住他们。 Is relying on the strength of powerful domain, that three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses kill in the crowd greatly kill especially, even if the ominous prestige shakes the day huge Monster Beast, actually cannot shoulder their half a loaf of Kung-fu. 凭借着强大的领域之力,那三位大圣王境强者在人群中就是大杀特杀,哪怕是凶威撼天的庞大妖兽,却都扛不住他们的一招半式。 From overall average per person fighting strength, Martial Sect this although is stronger, but once will tow in the future, that three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses become the fixed biggest factor inevitably. 从整体的人均战斗力上,武宗这一方虽然更强,可一旦往后拖下去,那三位大圣王境强者必然成为锁定局面的最大因素。 ...... …… Even so, what the people are more is the attention in Chu Hen and section dark green fighting war. 即便如此,众人更多的还是关注于楚痕和段苍的争锋大战。 The continuous front impact, Chu Hen has not exposed the slight defeat mark as before. 接连不断的正面碰撞,楚痕依旧没有展露出丝毫的败迹。 Quick, the person who outside observes discovered an issue. 很快,场外观战的人就发现了一个问题。 As if what kind of fierce domineering regardless of section dark green attack, Chu Hen can accomplish a task with ease reduces and solves it. 似乎不论段苍的攻击如何的凶猛强势,楚痕都能够游刃有余的将其化解。 How the non- length of pipe dark green style changes, Chu Hen as if knew, can sentence to deal ahead of time in advance. 不管段苍招式如何变化,楚痕都仿佛有所知晓,能够提前预判应对。 ...... …… Outside the city, quite remote, a forest of five lines of clans welcomed the gully facial expression still had complex is staring at that intense incomparable chaotic war. 城外,较为偏僻的一处,五行一族的林迎壑神情犹有复杂的盯着那激烈无比的混乱大战。 Really lets the scene that the person one's blood bubbles up to the brim!” “真是让人热血沸腾的场面呢!” forest Yinghe seems like a person to come. 林迎壑似乎是一个人来的。 Perhaps is with other clansmen has not stood. 或许是并没有同其他的族人站在一起。 It shakes the head slightly, muttering that thought aloud. 其微微摇头,自言自语的喃喃道。 This is that eye strength......” “这就是‘那双眼睛’的力量么……”
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