UMDK :: Volume #15

#1489: Tyrant domain

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! segment Cang is right? The father...... must butcher your son of a bitch today......” “段苍对吧?老子今天……要宰了你这狗东西……” The aura of woods cold offense came from to disseminate in the body of Chu Hen. 森寒冷戾的气息源自于楚痕的身上弥散出来。 In his palm does not have the emperor blade to bloom the dazzling god glow. 其掌中无相帝刃绽放着耀眼神芒。 In an instant, two invisible boundless situations the Milky Way that if the birthplace falls raises the day tsunami connection to collide with it together. 霎那间,两股无形的磅礴大势如若贯落的天河与之掀天的海啸交汇碰撞在一起。 The son of a bitch, these three characters are to make segment Cang the facial color directly are cloudy. 狗东西,这三个字直接是令段苍的面色阴沉下来。 World never some people dare so to provoke in him. 世间从未有人胆敢这般挑衅于他。 I pledged that...... today no one can preserve you......” “我发誓……今天谁都保不住你……” The section dark green look erupts the intense woods to be ruthless. 段苍眼神爆发出强烈的森狠。 Follows, his right palm lifts, holds the potential toward below, a palm pats on the arm rest of king bedstone chair under the body. 跟着,其右手掌一抬,掌势朝下,一掌拍在身下王座石椅的扶手上。 Bang......” a fierce incomparable explosive, a fearful incomparable strength is to follow the stone chair transmission directly to the ground. “砰……”的一声剧烈无比的爆响,一股可怕无比的力量直接是顺着石椅传达至地面。 Together with is proliferating the entire Zen stage high and low profound crack instantaneously, the countless myriad big or small quarry stone raise to empty. 连同着瞬间遍布整个禅台上下的深邃裂缝,数之不尽的万千大小乱石掀空而起。 Even so, stone chair under segment Cang the body does not have the least bit to be damaged. 即便如此,段苍身下的石椅却是没有半点受损。 ...... …… Must start! 要开始了! Outside the city hides major influences observing in hidden place is the mind one cold. 城外潜藏在暗处的各大势力的观战者皆是心神一凛。 ...... …… Rumble!” “隆隆!” Raised day of blasting open the big or small quarry stone just like losing the center of the earth gravity, welling up of blotting out the sky the sky. 掀天炸裂的大小乱石宛如失去了地心重力,铺天盖地的涌上天空。 Then, segment Cang the five fingers separate spatially concentrate, the innumerable quarry stone such as were transited by the typhoon, goes toward Chu Hen sweeping all...... in the motion process, all crushed stones gather rapidly, the instantaneous combination arranges together the sharp tube shape giant stone column. 接着,段苍五指隔空一凝,无数的乱石如遭台风过境,尽数朝着楚痕扫荡而去……在移动过程中,所有的碎石飞速聚拢,瞬间组合排列成一道尖筒状的巨大石柱。 The astral fierce swift and fierce offensive comes, the acme of stone column raids directly to Chu Hen. 罡猛凌厉的攻势呼啸而至,石柱的尖端正面袭向楚痕 ...... …… The Chu Hen corner of the eye twists, raises in the palm not to have the emperor blade, drags the sword blade roaming of shocking point to flee one bunch of electric arcs. 楚痕眼角一拧,扬起掌中无相帝刃,摇曳着惊世锋芒的剑身游窜着一束电弧。 „!” “噌!” Sword glow of crescent moon campylodromous cuts the expansive sky slantingly, the front surface cuts above that stone column. 一记弯月弧状的剑芒斜斩长空而出,迎面斩于那石柱之上。 Bang!” “砰!” The heavy firecracker day, the rapid air current unfolds toward the both sides, the sharp peerless sword shadow such as chops to cut the meteorite day Chen's god glow, that sharp stone column divides into two instantly. 重响爆天,急骤的气流朝着两侧铺开,锋利绝伦的剑影如劈斩陨石天辰的神芒,那尖锐的石柱即刻一分为二。 ...... …… Snort...... tyrant domain!” “哼……霸者领域!” Buzz!” “嗡!” The startling thunderclap overbearing momentum shock and awe vault of heaven, the enormous and powerful vigorous air wave sweeps across eight sides, a piece howls just like red tidal radiance. 惊雷般的霸道声势震慑苍穹,浩荡雄浑的气浪席卷八方,一片宛若红色潮水般的光华呼啸而出。 Saw only everywhere one visit of strength of that red domain, the space was in a state of intermittent distortion directly, even faintly visible silk threads space crack. 只见那红色的领域之力的所到之处,空间直接是陷入了阵阵扭曲状态,甚至隐约可见丝丝缕缕的空间裂纹。 ...... …… Good overbearing strength!” “好霸道的力量!” Beyond the war, observing of major influences all are the facial color changes. 战局之外,各大势力的观战者皆是面色一变。 The strength of so powerful domain, only fears the common person, once stepped into, by internal organs skeleton entirely to break who that invisible arbitrary strength will give the extrusion. 如此强大的领域之力,只怕寻常人一经踏入其中,就会被那无形的蛮横力量给挤压的脏腑骨骼俱碎。 Does not know whether Chu Hen the strength of domain can shoulder segment Cang tyrant domain.” “不知道楚痕的领域之力能否扛住段苍的‘霸者领域’。” Snort, not thinks about it, what segment Cang is half foot steps into the day of step Great Saint King Realm strong domain, his domain, only feared that will be ground instantaneously.” “哼,想都别想,段苍的可是半只脚都踏入天阶大圣王境的超强领域,就他的领域,只怕瞬间就会被碾碎。” ...... …… Feels the powerful oppression that in that red domain is divulging to come, in the Chu Hen foreheads overflows several to segregate faintly heavily. 感受着那红色领域中宣泄而来的强大压迫,楚痕眉宇间隐隐溢出几分凝重。 No hesitation, the main road domain also extends to cover comprehensively. 没有任何的迟疑,大道领域亦是全面延伸笼罩出去。 ...... …… In an instant, in many still have under the serious vision, a red halo and purple light screen in being up and down is slanting in the upper air is launching the connection. 霎那间,在诸多犹有郑重的目光下,一层红色光环和一座紫色光幕于一上一下的于高空之中斜着展开交汇。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… The flash that two different color domain rays collide, blends like the volcano magma and startled big wave tsunami in the same place. 两座不同颜色的领域光芒碰撞的一刹那,如同火山岩浆和惊涛海啸般交融于一起。 A series of fierce strengths want to shatter eight side world to the bang. 一系列剧烈的力量对轰欲震裂八方天地。 The strength of two big domain, are without making any mutual concessions, for example the water and fire is intertwined, rubs the chaotic star flower hot rain unceasingly. 两大领域之力,互不相让,譬如水火交缠,不断摩擦出混乱的星花火雨。 However, the scene in people imagination has not appeared. 然而,众人想象中的场景并未出现。 This thinks that Chu Hen the strength of domain will be broken by the section dark green tyrant domain, but seems like does not fall the least bit leeward. 本以为楚痕的领域之力会被段苍的霸者领域所震碎,但看上去根本不落半点下风。 ...... …… Blocked!” “挡住了!” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” ...... …… Outside the city the people of major influences all were open the circle the eye, on faces full was thick unbelievable. 城外各大势力的众人皆是睁圆了眼睛,一个个脸上满是浓浓的难以置信。 This fellow domain strength intensity unexpectedly such high?” That side the emperor great palace, Wei Yan deeply frowns, still has shocking saying. “这家伙的‘领域力量’的强度竟然如此之高?”帝弘殿那边,韦延眉头紧锁,犹有震惊的说道。 Tang Bufan , reckless Bingyu and the others are also surprised. 唐不凡,胡冰语等人也是倍感意外。 Unbelievable, in some time ago, them was also in competes for in top list same level surface, nowadays, the opposite party has in speaking the last words the capital of War God Palace most powerhouse. 难以置信,就在不久前,他们还都处于争夺风云榜这个同一层次面上,现如今,对方就已经拥有于叫板战神宫最强者的资本了。 ...... …… Two especially overbearing domain strengths the distortion that internal space extrudes. 两股尤为霸道的领域力量将内部的空间都挤压的变形。 Very good...... you to have the qualifications that made me make a move......” “很好……你有让我出手的资格了……” Is looking at Ling proud that say/way young form above void, segment Cang the look is disclosing the infinite murderous intention. 望着凌傲于虚空之上的那道年轻身影,段苍的眼神透露着无限的杀机。 Buzz......” an air current vibrato, the section dark green vanished in impressively same place. “嗡……”的一声气流颤音,段苍赫然消失在了原地。 If floats up the phantom. 如若浮光魅影。 Chu Hen pupil slightly cold, the next twinkling, astral fierce rapid hurricane front surface raids, sends out the gloomy and cold form of dreadful fear strength to flash before to together instantly its front. 楚痕瞳孔微凛,下一瞬息,罡猛急骤的飓风迎面袭来,一道散发着滔天慑力的阴冷身影即刻闪现至其面前。 Too slow......” “太慢了……” With ironizing that section dark green that disdains, it lifts the hand is a fist rumbles. 伴随着段苍那不屑的冷嘲,其抬手就是一拳轰来。 Powerful must kill the potential to make a space concave, vigorous red light pretty and natural-looking mark linger in the fist arm high and low. 强盛的必杀之势令空间一凹,雄浑的红色光苏气纹萦绕于拳臂上下。 Will somewhat handle against Chu Hen not to have the emperor blade slightly instantly horizontally before the body. 稍微有些措不及防的楚痕即刻将无相帝刃横在身前。 „......” “嗵……” The strength passes through sinking heavy blows vigor numerous pounding of galaxy above without sword blade of emperor blade, the huge strength made the sword blade bend together the curve actually, then the fearful strength of that surging forward flooded into Chu Hen within the body all. 力贯星河的沉重拳劲重重的砸在无相帝刃的剑身之上,巨大的力道硬是令剑身都弯出一道弧度,接着那汹涌澎湃的可怕力量尽数涌入楚痕体内。 In the world swings one to congeal the solid halo. 天地间荡起一圈凝实的光环。 Chu Hen suddenly feels the body to shake, the whole person pounding to fly by this violent strength. 楚痕顿觉身躯一震,整个人都被这股猛烈的力量给砸飞出去。 ...... …… Fearful! 可怕! Witnesses this people heart entirely tremor. 目睹这一幕的众人心头俱颤。 elder brother Chu Hen careful......” Ye Yao flurried calling out in alarm said. 楚痕哥哥小心……”叶瑶慌乱的惊呼道。 Situated in backing up Chu Hen on the way has not stood firm the figure with enough time, the void remnant shadow passed over gently and swiftly, the section dark green that tyrant air/Qi incomparable figure appears sky over the top of the head of opposite party again. 正处于倒退途中的楚痕尚未来得及稳住身形,虚空中残影掠过,段苍那霸气无比的身形再次惊现于对方的头顶上空。 Only then this ability? Also dares my War God Palace to act unruly?” “就只有这点能耐?也胆敢上我战神宫撒野?” The words fall, segment Cang raises legs a heavy foot to sweep off toward the head of Chu Hen. 话落,段苍抬腿一记重脚朝着楚痕的脑袋扫去。 The rear area of vigorous air/Qi mark in its thigh pulls off light wing of one bunch of campylodromous. 雄浑的气纹于其腿部的后方拖出一束弧状的光翼。 Rolls!” “滚下去!” The strength that this strikes, can cleave in two a mountain absolutely. 这一击的力量,绝对能够将一座大山劈成两半。 The Chu Hen facial color sinks, it lifts the left arm to keep off above the head horizontally. 楚痕面色微沉,其抬起左臂横挡在脑袋上方。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The enormous and powerful air wave halo swings in void, breaks out the mountains and rivers sufficiently hits hard solid pounding before the body of Chu Hen, the next flash, Chu Hen like a dropping from the clouds meteorite, crashes in the upper air at the extremely quick speed. 浩荡的气浪光环于虚空中荡开,足以劈开山河的重击结结实实的砸在楚痕的身前,下一瞬间,楚痕就像一颗从天而降的陨石,以极快的速度于高空坠落。 Bang......” a loud sound, it pounding ruthlessly into below square. “砰……”的一声巨响,其狠狠的砸入下方的广场之中。 Ground sudden blasting open, the innumerable say/way profound fault fissure extends eight sides. 地面急剧的炸裂,无数道深邃的断层裂缝延伸八方。 The overlapping complementary waves throw off the land, and will make the floor in square get down shortly hollowly a giant sinkhole. 层层叠叠的余波掀翻大地,并令广场的台面顷刻间凹陷下去一个巨大的天坑。 ...... …… Good fearful strength! 好可怕的力量! Emperor great palace, crecent moon Saint clan, wind and frost city and the others all heart and gall entirely tremor. 帝弘殿,新月圣族,风霜城等人无不心胆俱颤。 Section dark green eventually segment Cang! 段苍终究还是段苍! Every step Great Saint King Realm and place step Great Saint King Realm disparity directly manifested. 凡阶大圣王境和地阶大圣王境的差距直接就体现出来了。 Let alone, the section dark green is half foot enters into the day of step Great Saint King Realm terrifying to exist. 更何况,段苍还是半只脚都迈入天阶大圣王境的恐怖存在。 ...... …… Really collapses at the first blow!” “真是不堪一击!” As section dark green frivolous sneering, it starts the mountain boundless imposing manner dive straight under. 随着段苍的轻浮冷笑,其掀起山岳般磅礴的气势俯冲直下。 Did not plan opportunity that completely gives the Chu Hen least bit to pant for breath. 完全不打算给予楚痕半点喘息的机会。 The huge oppression covers, outside segment Cang the body is lingering overbearing blood-color vapor, takes that to get sucked into Chu Hen in bottom. 庞大的压迫笼罩而下,段苍身外萦绕着一股霸道的血色蒸气,直取那深陷地底之中的楚痕 You also can only meet my three moves......” “你也只能接我三招罢了……” Teased in the look to surge is killing intent. 戏谑眼神中涌动着杀意。 Even more astonishing strength fluctuation in Duancang body surges. 愈发惊人的力量波动于段苍的身上涌动。 ...... …… It seems like must finish like this!” Eight arm emperor feudal official Wei Yan of emperor great palace shake the head to say gently. “看来就要这样结束了!”帝弘殿的八臂帝臣韦延轻轻摇头道。 However, here finishes speaking. 然,这边话音刚落。 When segment Cang has a terrifying imposing manner threatening the border ground dozens meters distance that cannot be resisted, storehouse......” in land is broadminded jumps out the bone-chilling cold swift and fierce power line pole. 就在段苍带着不可抵御的恐怖气势压境地面数十米距离的时候,“库哧……”大地之中豁然间窜出一道道凛冽凌厉的雷芒电柱。 Is that? 那是? The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 „!” “嗤嗤!” The manic incomparable giant thunder column breaks through the flood dragon python of bottom shackles just like that interweaves mutually on, to raiding in section dark green surroundings. 狂躁无比的巨大雷柱宛如那冲破地底牢笼的蛟龙巨蟒,相互交织而上,冲袭在段苍的周围。 The latter vision sinks, „, carves the insect small technique!” 后者目光一沉,“哼,雕虫小技!” Saying, his both arms is raising outward, for example the cutting edge light shadow arc glow sweeps across splits open, the first even/including heavy explosive, star flower hot rain blasting open, thunder pillar is intercepted to cut off successively instantly. 说着,其双臂朝外一掀,一圈譬如锋刃般的光影弧芒席卷绽开,一连沉重的爆响,星花火雨炸裂,一节节雷柱即刻被拦截斩断。 But also in same instantaneous, below pile of stones runs out of the swift and fierce form that the purple electricity drags together fiercely. 可也就在同一瞬间,下方的乱石堆中猛地冲出一道紫电摇曳的凌厉身影。 If one bunch of aurora. 如若一束极光。 In segment Cang pupil sudden is producing an inverted image an indifferent face that is exuding the chill in the air. 段苍的瞳孔中急剧的倒映着一张泛着寒意的冷漠面孔。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” The innumerable say/way purple vine electric arc interweaves on Chu Hen, and rapid entangles the upside dark green figure, the latter just wanted the external force that breaks the invasion to come, nearby has arrived at the Chu Hen palm arm to separate spatially searches, a sharp peerless thunder and lightning great claw locked in segment Cang directly. 无数道紫色藤蔓般的电弧于楚痕身上交织而出,并迅速的缠上段苍的身形,后者刚欲震碎入侵而来的外力,已然到达跟前的楚痕掌臂隔空一探,一只锋利绝伦的雷电巨爪直接锁住了段苍。 Should be one's turn me......” “该轮到我了……” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select. 楚痕嘴角一挑。 That thunder and lightning great claw catches up suddenly, if astral fierce overbearing dragon arm dark green entrains obstinately toward under the section. 那雷电巨爪陡然发力,如若罡猛霸道的龙臂般愣是将段苍朝着下方拽去。 Both's distance approaches rapidly. 两者的距离飞速靠近。 Snort, boasts shamelessly......” segment Cang to sneer, red light beams also pass through from its within the body, and penetrates the thunder and lightning great claw, breaks thunder Hu outside body. “哼,大言不惭……”段苍冷笑,一道道红色的光束随之从其体内贯出,并穿透雷电巨爪,震碎身外的雷弧。 But when two people distances are less than half meter, Chu Hen towering flies high to turn over/to stand up, turns over from the section dark green left side from the extremely cunning angle to the rear area of opposite party sky over. 可就在两人的距离不到半米的之际,楚痕突兀的一个凌空翻身,以极度刁钻的角度从段苍的左侧翻转到对方的后方上空。 It seems like your reaction speed is also no faster......” “看来你的反应速度也快不到哪去……” What? 什么? Instance that the voice drops, bang......” a heavy loud sound, flies high to leap to above Chu Hen direct heavy leg pounding ruthlessly in the section dark green spinal column center. 话音落下的瞬间,“轰……”的一声沉重的巨响,凌空跃到上方的楚痕直接一记重腿狠狠的砸在段苍的脊柱中央。 Ear-spitting crack such as the thunder connects. 震耳的炸响如雷霆交汇。 In the midair blooms instantly flower of one group of gorgeous. 半空中即刻绽放出一团绚丽的雷芒之花。 In innumerable double is full of under the vision that shocks, section dark green ruthlessly was pounded into below place bottom. 在无数双饶有震撼的目光下,段苍狠狠的被砸入下方的地底之中。
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