UMDK :: Volume #15

#1488: Butchered your son of a bitch

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Roar!” “吼!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… Myriad Monster Beast roared the heavenshaking, endless anger shakes the highest heaven. 万千妖兽咆哮震天,无尽怒气撼动九霄。 When Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley side falls inside and outside War God Palace jointly attacks, the huge giant beast that ominous prestige shake the day directly by throwing off the potential of land intrudes the battlefield. 就在武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷这一方落入战神宫内外合击之时,一尊尊凶威撼天的庞大巨兽直接是以掀翻大地之势闯入战场。 Kills!” “杀!” Mu Feng shoulders the demon sword, is built on the summit of tower over a city gate, both eyes are imposing, King who if has an imposing appearance. 沐枫背负魔剑,立于城楼之巅,双目凛然,如若气宇轩昂的王者。 The terrifying imposing manner threatens the border to intrude in the War God Palace rear crowd like mountains. 恐怖的气势就像一座座大山压境闯入战神宫的后方人群之中。 In an instant, momentum magnificent battlefield rapid was divided the innumerable pieces. 霎那间,声势壮观的战场迅速的被分割成无数片。 Ominous beast arbitrary confuses all overbearingly, breaks through the War God Palace inside and outside lineups. 凶兽的蛮横霸道搅乱一切,冲破战神宫的内外阵形。 Was jointly attacked in the inside and outside Martial Sect this sides relaxes immediately, while this opportunity, initiates counter-attacks. 被合击在内外的武宗这一方顿时松了口气,也趁此机会,发起反扑。 ...... …… Is these evil livestock!” “又是这些孽畜!” That releases the strength of domain to seal- lock Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the old man complexion of spirit phoenix valley people escape route is gloomy instantly. 那释放出领域之力封-锁武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷众人退路的老者脸色即刻阴沉下来。 Snort, initially was your domestic animals went bad my War God Palace good deed in the chaotic demon domain.” “哼,当初就是你们这些牲畜在乱魔界域坏了我战神宫的好事。” Then, this old man look one cold, with the flying, plunders directly toward the position that Mu Feng is. 说罢,这老者眼神一凛,跟着飞身而起,径直朝着沐枫所在的位置掠去。 Little animal, dies to me!” “小畜生,给我死来!” Sees rushes to own Great Saint King Realm powerhouse directly, Mu Feng immediately the complexion changes, it may not have Chu Hen that and other savage cutting to kill the ability. 见到直接奔向自己的大圣王境强者,沐枫顿时脸色微变,其可没有楚痕那等凶残的斩杀能力。 No general idea/careless, Mu Feng double grasps the buddhist monk demon sword, is glowing the scarlet glow ray of evil charm from top to bottom. 没有任何的大意,沐枫双掌握住浮屠魔剑,浑身上下焕发着邪魅的赤芒光芒。 Simultaneously the muscle sticks out every inchs, nape of the neck, blue vein agitation on forehead, just like dragon dragons of dry anger. 同时每一寸肌肉都为之隆起,脖颈,额头上的青筋鼓动,宛若一道道燥怒的虬龙。 Jie......” “桀……” In the world is startled the sound of sharp strange howling, next second, Mu Feng behind instantly condenses to send out the endless dreadful spooky dark empty shadow together. 天地间惊起尖锐的怪啸之声,下一秒钟,沐枫的身后即刻凝聚出一道散发着无尽滔天妖气的黑暗虚影。 The tall and slender body is covering the ray of evil charm, first even/including is stretching 12 pairs of sharp golden flying wings. 细长的身躯笼罩着邪魅的光芒,身后一连舒展着十二对锋利的金色飞翼。 ...... …… Snort, if is really quiet sovereign god wing praying mantis aura, but depends on this strength, but also cannot block me.” “哼,果真是‘幽皇神翼螳’的气息,但就凭这点力量,还挡不住我。” The old man is combative, is the shop disperses the powerful light cyan domain to cover Mu Feng directly. 那老者杀气腾腾,直接是铺散出强大的淡青色领域将沐枫笼罩在内。 Mu Feng is also the startled anger happened simultaneously, it without delay, brandishes the buddhist monk demon sword to explode toward the opposite party chops to go. 沐枫也是惊怒交加,其二话不说,抡起浮屠魔剑就朝着对方爆劈而去。 Old thing, eats a young master sword......” “老东西,吃小爷一剑……” Buzz!” “嗡!” The overlapping red light beam connects in the sword blade high and low, tassels that if wave with the wind. 层层叠叠的赤色光束交汇于剑身上下,如若一条条随风舞动的流苏。 The endless Great Demon Beast strength collects in the demon sword, in an instant, in hand of Mu Feng if is still grasping a has been contaminated from the magma the light beam. 无尽的大妖力汇集于魔剑内部,霎那间,沐枫的手中犹若握着一柄从岩浆中浸染过的光柱。 Wields the great sword crosswise, raises a day of invincible might to divide to cut under. 横向挥动巨剑,掀起开天神威劈斩而下。 The old men sneer, concentrates the solid true essence strength to connect in the palm, the mighty current ocean waves that the boundless palm strength for example promotes welcomed to the demon sword that divided. 老者冷笑不已,凝实的真元力在掌心交汇,磅礴的掌力譬如推出的洪流海浪迎向那劈来的魔剑。 Both once were connected, in the world is erupting the ear-spitting loud sound instantly. 两者一经交汇,天地间即刻爆发着震耳的巨响。 Pounds like Tienchu above the mountain, the wild confused strength swings immediately in both. 如同天柱砸在山岳之上,狂暴乱腾的力量顿时于两者间荡开。 Bang......” a heavy sound, Mu Feng flew with the sword directly. “砰……”的一声重响,沐枫直接是连人带剑一齐飞了出去。 Like a heavy sandbag, above the numerous hit rear tower over a city gate, the astonishing fearful impulse also made the entire city wall crash to fall. 就像一个沉重的沙袋,重重的撞击后方的城楼之上,惊人的可怕冲击力随之令整个城墙崩塌垮陷。 In the pile of stones, Mu Feng grasped being bewitched sword to crawl, his throat one salty, a blood „” spat. 乱石堆中,沐枫握着魔剑爬了起来,其喉咙一咸,一口鲜血“哇”的吐了出来。 Old thing, but also is a little fierce! The young masters were almost shaken by you urine......” “老东西,还有点猛啊!小爷差点连尿都被你震出来了……” Looks that meets Mu Feng of oneself palm also to stand hardly, in the eyes of old man covers entirely thick killing intent. 看着硬接自己一掌的沐枫还能站起来,老者的眼中更是布满浓浓的杀意。 Fused the monster emperor bloodlines...... this not dead worthily, it seems like in any event cannot keep you......” “不愧是融合了妖帝血脉……这都不死,看来不论如何都不能留你了……” Then, the old man holds the potential to begin, together with the deterrent force of rushing, is covering toward the Mu Feng overhead just like the Fiendgod big hand of essence instantly under. 说完,老者掌势再起,连同着澎湃的威慑力,一记宛如实质的神魔大手即刻朝着沐枫当头笼罩而下。 The shadow rapid pressure of destruction is near. 毁灭的阴影迅速压近。 In the Mu Feng eye covers entirely dignifiedly. 沐枫眼中布满凝重。 However, within the body's the oppression of domain of injury in addition, it somewhat is actually hard to move. 然,体内的伤势加之领域的压迫,其却是有些难以动弹。 Whiz......” “嗖……” Unexpectedly, one bunch of lithe aurora passed over gently and swiftly rapidly, a pair of slender and delicate small hand caught the shoulder of Mu Feng directly, with waits it to vanish instantaneously on the spot. 蓦地,一束轻盈的极光飞速掠过,一双纤柔的小手直接拽住了沐枫的肩膀,跟着瞬间待其消失在原地。 Bang!” “轰!” The land splits, quarry stone avalanche. 大地绽裂,乱石崩塌。 The terrifying impulse by the stances of steamroll eight sides made the ground sudden is hollow to cross several hundred meters huge being in charge. 恐怖的冲击力以碾压八方的姿态令地面急剧的凹陷出一个横贯数百米的巨大掌印。 The shop disperses, but the air wave such as the rapid storm, throws off the ruins of ground. 铺散而出的气浪如急骤的风暴,一路掀翻地面的废墟。 ...... …… I depend, the narrow squeak, almost hung!” The Mu Feng cold sweat came out. “我靠,好险,差点就挂了!”沐枫冷汗都出来了。 I said that what attire you are all right to install, you also really oneself, when Chu Hen? Promptness that it is fortunate that the great-aunt I come, otherwise you must to see Yama.” “我说你没事装什么装,你还真把自己当楚痕了?得亏姑奶奶我来的及时,不然你得要见阎王爷了。” ...... …… Ancestor butterfly!” That Great Saint King Realm old man vision exudes the woods to be cold, stares is being built on Mu Feng that say/way that coldly to stretch the nimble and resourceful beautiful figures of six wings dangerous. “祖蝶!”那大圣王境的老者目光泛着森寒,冷冷的盯着悬立于沐枫身边那道舒展着六翼的灵动倩影。 Snort, come just right, this time your six wing ancestor butterflies one and solve.” “哼,来的正好,这次就连你这六翼祖蝶一并解决。” Hey, the old fogy, I do not fight with you......” “喂,老家伙,我才不和你打……” Qiao Xiaowan entrains Mu Feng to cover the range on the domain of fast recession opposite party. 乔小婉拽起沐枫就快速的退离对方的领域笼罩范围。 And calls loudly, two elders, rescues us......” 并高声喊道,“二长老,来救我们……” The words fall, powerful aura comes in another side sky. 话落,一股强大的气息于另外一侧的上空呼啸而至。 The manner uncommon vigorous form rides the wind to plunder together. 一道气宇不凡的雄浑身影乘风掠来。 It is launching two pairs of dazzling butterfly wings behind, although only has the four wings, aura that but it reveals actually especially powerful. 其身后展开着两对绚丽夺目的的蝶翼,虽然只有四翼,但其流露出来的气息却是尤为的强大。 ...... …… „!” “咻咻咻!” Meanwhile, many experts of ancestor butterfly clan also step into the War God Palace inner city. 与此同时,祖蝶一族的众多高手也随之踏入战神宫内城之中。 The strength of especially exuberant life pours into Martial Sect, a body of Monster Beast side, if the supplies of life source, the injured people and Monster Beast quickly are restoring injury. 尤为旺盛的生命之力倾注于武宗,妖兽一方的身上,如若生命源泉的补给,受伤的众人和妖兽迅速的恢复着身上的伤势。 ...... …… Snort, an ancestor butterfly clan feared that wants to exterminate the clan thoroughly? The matter of our person clan , does the wheel obtain you to come meddlesomely?” “哼,祖蝶一族怕是想被彻底灭族了吧?我们人族的事情,也轮得到你们来多事?” Old man facial color woods cold looks at two elders of ancestor butterfly clan. 那老者面色森寒的看着祖蝶一族的二长老。 The latter facial expression is firm, said resolutely, that Chu Hen has the graciousness to my ancestor butterfly clan, today I only to repay a debt of gratitude to come......” 后者神情坚决,毅然说道,“那楚痕对我祖蝶一族有恩,今日我只为报恩而来……” Hahahaha, good to repay a debt of gratitude to come, since you get into the person of clan domain, that do not blame my War God Palace being brutal.” “哈哈哈哈,好一个报恩而来,既然你们又涉足人族领域,那就别怪我战神宫无情了。” ...... …… ...... …… War, comprehensive eruption! 战争,全面爆发! The monster territory army and joining of ancestor butterfly clan, confused the war directly all-around. 妖域大军和祖蝶一族的加入,直接是全方位的搅乱了战局。 The beacon-fire rocket rises from all directions, ten thousand army slaughter the blood to spell. 烽火狼烟四起,万军厮杀血拼。 Lackey everywhere one visit of giant beast, blood rain drifts, the limbs flies horizontally. 巨兽的爪牙所到之处,一片血雨漂泊,肢体横飞。 All-around intense tangled warfare, rapid extending to each corner of War God Palace inner and outer city walls. 全方位的激烈混战,迅速的延伸至战神宫内外城的各个角落。 What the human expert and Monster Beast of army end hundreds of thousands of numerous threw off the land, shocked the highest heaven vault of heaven. 数十万众的人类高手和妖兽大军端的是掀翻了大地,震破了九霄苍穹。 ...... …… The blood being contaminated tread, the corpse everywhere is. 鲜血浸染着地面,尸体遍地都是。 The people kill to get angry completely, to the blood baptism of dance, enjoys the sharp weapon to pierce the sound that the enemy chest makes. 众人全部都杀红了眼,任由飙舞的鲜血洗礼,享受着利器刺穿敌人胸膛发出的声响。 Arrived this step. 到了这一步。 The roadlessness may draw back! 无路可退! No one may draw back! 无人可退! ...... …… Outside the emperor great palace regarding city, the wind and frost city, crecent moon Saint clan and the others look like, the present picture, as if on the scene like wind and cloud campsis grandiflora stage reappeared initially. 对于城外的帝弘殿,风霜城,新月圣族等人看来,眼前的画面,仿佛就像当初风云凌霄台上的情景再现。 The leads similarly are Martial Sect and War God Palace. 主角同样是武宗战神宫 Monster territory army and an ancestor butterfly clan same participation in. 妖域大军和祖蝶一族同样参与其中。 But is different, both's war scale is actually the day leaves badly. 可不同的是,两者的大战规模却是天差地别。 Saint- war campsis grandiflora stage is the minimum miniature of current scene. 圣-战凌霄台不过是当前场景的一个极小的缩影。 That end mang farsighted plans undefeated myth, and takes over control of the man who the opposite party rules the top list, at this moment, stands in the front of War God Palace highest hierarch. 那个终结邙远图不败神话,并接管对方统治风云榜的男人,此时此刻,站在战神宫最高掌权者的面前。 ...... …… Crazy slaughters such as roaring of precarious, ominous beast, if the startling thunderclap passes through the ear. 疯狂的厮杀如风雨飘摇,凶兽的咆哮若惊雷贯耳。 This time is ignored below that to sit by Chu Hen on king chair segment Cang. 这次由楚痕漠视着下方的那坐在王椅上的段苍。 Has the move! Your War God Palace could not have found to keep off a person of my sword......” “出招吧!你战神宫已经找不到挡我一剑的人了……” Aggressive! 霸气! Proudly! 傲然! Provocation that as well as most disdains! 以及最为不屑的挑衅! ...... …… segment Cangxiao. 段苍笑了。 Ha, is really the fellow who hates......, but, do you also match?” “哈哈哈哈哈,真是个叫人痛恨的家伙……不过,你也配?” „......” Does not have the emperor blade to interweave the cold light, Chu Hen sword blade is sparkling the peerless grace and talent, the sword blade is aiming at segment Cang, on the face of Chu Hen also exposes the woods cold ice-cold smile, the hatred anger of pupil deep place kills the overflow that intent not minces. “噌……”无相帝刃交织着凛光,楚痕剑锋闪耀着绝世风华,剑刃重新指向段苍,楚痕的脸上同样展露出森寒冰冷的笑容,瞳孔深处的憎怒杀意毫不掩饰的溢出。 Because of your War God Palace arrogant shameless, I lost a very important person......” “因为你战神宫的傲慢无耻,我失去了一位很重要的人……” Sound, in the pupil of Chu Hen disclosed that wipes the vicious tendencies. 声音一顿,楚痕的眸中透露出一抹戾气。 The tone also teased soaringly, is sending out the deep hatred. 语气随之高昂戏谑,散发着深深的憎恨。 segment Cang is right? Wiped to be clean your neck, the father...... must butcher your son of a bitch today!” “段苍对吧?抹干净你的脖子,老子今天……要宰了你这狗东西!” ...... …… ...... …… ( Ps: Four offer, over the two days everyone's hitting enjoyed really powerful, making me feel like returned to the peak time of «Military Extremely God King» this book, anything were not many said that tomorrow will continue to walk!!) (ps:四更奉上,这两天大家的打赏着实给力,让我感觉像是回到了《武极神王》这本书的巅峰时刻,啥也不多说了,明天继续加更走起!!)
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