UMDK :: Volume #15

#1487: Suppresses absolutely

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The cold wind wreaks havoc, murderous aura everywhere. 凛风肆虐,杀气漫天。 That appears above void purple human form sword air/Qi, if hunts for the life sickleman, is trembling with fear the heartstrings of audience everyone. 那惊现于虚空之上的一道道紫色的人形剑气如若猎命收割者,惊颤着全场每个人的心弦。 Night elder......” “夜长老……” Looks at that whole body is the blood, hands and feet four limbs all cut off that say/way remnant body, the War God Palace people all facial color big change. 看着那浑身是血,手脚四肢皆被斩断的那道残躯,战神宫众人无不面色大变。 Bang!” “砰!” Sudden crashes from the upper air, just like a sandbag, numerous pounding in the floor in square, although had not been killed, may actually be horrible to look. 急剧的从高空坠落,宛如一个沙包,重重的砸在广场的台面上,尽管还未丧命,可却是惨不忍睹。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Outside War God Palace city. 战神宫城外。 Hides major influence sect gate observing in hidden place also to be startled the both eyes circle to open the eyes by this institute at present, a face shocks. 潜藏在暗处的各大势力宗门的观战者亦是被眼前这一幕所惊得双目圆睁,一脸震骇。 At the same night the burial puppet cannot shoulder one to put in an appearance......” eight arm emperor feudal official Wei Yanshuang fists to grip tightly, in the eye covers entirely with amazement. “连夜俑都扛不住一个照面……”八臂帝臣韦延双拳紧握,眼中布满骇然。 Actually is this fellow what monster?” “这家伙究竟是什么怪物?” If said that beforehand Ge Xuan, east the crane by Chu Hen several moves of seconds was killed, in addition can also defend the innermost feelings last calm words, then the pitiful rout of night burial puppet, is to make the person have to estimate Chu Hen cultivation base directly again. 如若说之前的戈铉,鹤东被楚痕数招秒杀尚且还能守住内心最后一丝镇定的话,那么夜俑的凄惨溃败,直接是令人不得不再次对楚痕修为进行估量。 It is well known, the night burial puppet is the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse of every step peak rank. 众所周知,夜俑乃是凡阶巅峰级别的大圣王境强者。 The distance class surface also one pace. 其距离地阶层面也不过一步之遥。 The opposite party control dark night domain was once regarded as death forbidden area by the outside world, means of livelihood that the goal of as long as its being observed closely, has almost does not have any. 对方所掌控的“暗夜领域”更是被外界一度视为“死亡禁区”,但凡被其所盯住的目标,几乎没有任何的活路。 But, is such every step peak Great Saint King Realm powerhouse, was still cut to fall the vault of heaven by a Chu Hen sword. 但,就是这样一位凡阶巅峰的大圣王境强者,仍旧是被楚痕一剑斩落天穹。 Really is to make one feel fearful. 实在是令人感到可怕。 ...... …… „Has he achieved step Great Saint King Realm?” reckless Bingyu sinking sound said. “难道他已经达到地阶大圣王境了吗?”胡冰语沉声道。 Is impossible, this is absolutely impossible.” Wei Yan especially denied the idea of opposite party firmly, its brow tight wrinkle, said, I know world had from the Saint King Realm mid and late stage has spanned to the Great Saint King Realm precedent directly, but once crossed every step to never to appear to the example of place step, even if he obtained good fortune Great Emperor the strength of inheritance.” “不可能,这个绝对不可能。”韦延尤为坚决的否定对方的想法,其眉头紧皱,道,“我知道世间有过从圣王境的中后期阶段直接跨越至大圣王境的先例,但一度越过凡阶冲至地阶的例子从未出现过,哪怕他获得了造化大帝的传承之力。” Is domain the strength......” at this time, from arriving here killing Emperor Mo who started not to open the mouth feudal official Tang Bufan put out a few words one word at a time. “是‘领域’的力量……”这时,从来到这里开始一直都没有开过口的杀陌帝臣唐不凡一字一顿的吐出了一句话。 What? 什么? Several people of emperor great palace are to all still have the shock looks at the opposite party. 帝弘殿的几人皆是犹有震惊的看着对方。 In the Tang Bufan look filled thick complex. 唐不凡的眼神之中充满了浓浓的复杂。 It looks at War God Palace sky that chaotic battlefield, incomparably serious saying, „, although with for every step Great Saint King Realm......, but, he controls ‚the strength of domain was really strong, others domain in his front, is completely not in a level, will therefore so collapse at the first blow......” 其看着战神宫上空那混乱的战场,无比郑重的说道,“虽然同为凡阶大圣王境……但是,他所掌控的‘领域之力’实在是太强了,其他人的‘领域’在他的面前,完全不是一个层次上的,所以才会如此的不堪一击……” A word awakens the dreamboat. 一言惊醒梦中人。 Range that perhaps the Chu Hen domain can extend merely only then the degree of every step, but in its domain the strength intensity of containing, actually may be called the terrifying. 或许楚痕的领域所能够延伸的范围仅仅只有凡阶的程度,但其领域之中的蕴藏的力量强度,却堪称恐怖。 The domains of others pass through with it collide, is actually appears vulnerable. 其他人的领域一经与之碰撞,却是显得脆弱不堪。 ...... …… „The absolute suppression of domain strength?” Another side, the half monster row of crecent moon Saint clan lives the kite corner of the eye to narrow a line thin. “领域力量的绝对压制么?”另外一侧,新月圣族的半妖列生鸢眼角细眯成一条线。 On his monster different face still has the exclamation. 其妖异的面孔上犹有惊叹。 ...... …… It seems like he also comes prepared.” That side the wind and frost city, Situ cold night the secret nod, the both arms surround before the body, thought aloud to mutter, actually you also did hide how many cards in hand? To you, is the top list only a start?” “看来他也是有备而来。”风霜城那边,司徒寒夜暗暗点头,双臂环抱在身前,自言自语喃喃道,“你究竟还藏了多少的底牌?对你而言,风云榜不过只是个开始么?” Situ cold night behind, is a face pallid Situ Ya. 司徒寒夜的身后,是一脸煞白的司徒雅。 A sword made the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse blood splashing expansive sky, if not personally saw, she does not like to believe for serveral days the hearsay real. 一剑令大圣王境强者血溅长空,若非亲眼所见,她根本不愿意相信这些天外界的传闻都是真的。 This thinks that the top list is only the Chu Hen peak. 本以为风云榜只是楚痕的巅峰。 But who once thinks, this is only a start. 可谁曾想到,这只是一个开始。 His Second Brother Situ Xiao died in vain eventually. 其二哥司徒骁终究是白死了。 ...... …… ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” The blustery, cold wind wreaks havoc. 风起云涌,凛风肆虐。 The air/Qi of birthplace swift and fierce murdering falls, if numerous purple human form sword air/Qi the overlapped phantom, condenses together the point peerless young form. 凌厉杀伐之气贯落而下,众多紫色的人形剑气如若重叠魅影,随之凝聚成一道锋芒绝世的年轻身影。 Chu Hen grasps not to have the emperor blade slantingly. 楚痕斜握无相帝刃。 On sword blade, but also is surviving a wisp of blood. 剑身上,还残存着一缕鲜血。 ...... …… A sword selects to defeat every step peak the Great Saint King Realm night burial puppet, the shocking performance of Chu Hen is to make Martial Sect this side morale rise sharply directly. 一剑挑败凡阶巅峰的大圣王境夜俑,楚痕的惊艳表现直接是令武宗这一方士气大涨。 However, War God Palace palm- on the power segment Cang face does not have the change on least bit mood. 然,战神宫掌-权者段苍的脸上却没有半点情绪上的变化。 It was still sideways to sit on in Shiyi slantingly, is gazing at void above with the king frivolous stance Chu Hen. 其仍旧侧身斜坐于石椅上,以君王般轻浮的姿态注视着虚空之上的楚痕 Very good domain, such powerful domain strength, I see for the first time......” “很不错的‘领域’,这样强大的领域力量,我还是第一次见到……” What's wrong?” The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly. “如何?”楚痕俊眉轻挑。 Hehe, but, depends on your one person, feared that cannot shoulder the overall situation......” “呵呵,只不过,就凭你一个人,怕是挑不起全局……” segment Cang finishes speaking, bang......” several bangs suddenly from outer city startled, then transmits in all directions resounds through the sound of heavenshaking shout. 段苍话音刚落,“轰嗵……”数声巨响突然间从外城惊起,接着四面八方传来响彻震天的喊杀之声。 Kills!” “杀!” Violates my War God Palace, kills without the amnesty!” “犯我战神宫者,杀无赦!” ...... …… In an instant, the enormous and powerful tide of people swoops all-around. 霎那间,浩浩荡荡的人潮全方位飞扑而来。 Imposing manner bone-chilling cold forms tread spatially, but, initiates in the queenside of Martial Sect this side to raiding. 一道道气势凛冽的身影踏空而至,于武宗这一方的后翼发起冲袭。 On segment Cang the face covers entirely the smile of teasing. 段苍的脸上布满戏谑的笑容。 So long as I order, is willing to stress one for the influence that my War God Palace works oneself to death in a big way...... this, you do not get the advantage the population.” “只要我一声令下,肯为我战神宫卖命的势力一抓一大把……这一下,你们连人数都不占优势了。” ...... …… Inside and outside jointly attacks. 里外合击。 Thousands of crowds that the War God Palace many experts and outer cities in inner city flood into launch to collaborate from outside with the inside, Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley and horse city, the flying rain gate and other people sieges early directly in the intermediate region. 内城的战神宫众多高手和外城涌入的数以万计的人群展开里应外合,将武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷和夙马城,飞雨门等十几万人直接是围困在中间区域。 More chaotic murdering fierce combat raises. 更加混乱的杀伐激战掀起。 Around bitter experience the Martial Sect square formation shape of converging attack was flushed instantaneously chaotically. 遭遇前后夹击的武宗一方阵形瞬间被冲乱。 This time, the winning side in population was weakened impressively. 这次,人数上的上风赫然被削弱。 An audience confusion. 全场一片乱腾。 ...... …… Hiss!” “嘶!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… Sword intersection, fist palm to bang. 刀剑相交,拳掌对轰。 The tide of people of Martial Sect this side rapid was embezzled by two gangs of dark armies. 武宗这一方的人潮迅速的被两股黑沉沉的大军吞没。 Damn......” Qiu Xing is easy in the chaotic army crazy has a bloody road, its wants to coordinate changed/easy Zhou, Huangfu Qing, Long Xuanshuang and the others controlled the aspect, may be unable to take into consideration is too many. “该死……”邱星易于乱军之中疯狂的杀出一条血路,其想要协同易州,皇甫情,龙玄霜等人掌控一下局面,可根本顾及不了太多。 What to do?” Wang Li with it Wu Yanbei body relative, said. “怎么办?”王黎与之吴岩背身相对,道。 Must the strategic place have the encirclement ring to be good, otherwise soon, we will be annihilated.” “必须要冲出包围圈才行,不然用不了多久,我们就会全军覆没。” Un, the four directions break through!” “嗯,四方突围吧!” ...... …… The situation, changed instantaneously. 局势,瞬间发生了变化。 In a moment ago, the people also felt Martial Sect to come prepared, in addition can also give it all. 就在刚才,众人还觉得武宗有备而来,尚且还能够放手一搏。 But in an instant time, War God Palace the side is in the upper hand steadily. 可转眼的功夫,战神宫的这一方就稳占上风。 ...... …… War God Palace War God Palace, its subordinate influence were too eventually many.” Some people shake the head to say. 战神宫终究还是战神宫,其麾下的势力太多了。”有人摇头道。 Just started, I wonder, the War God Palace outer city was so easy to be broken, originally put them to come in intentionally.” “刚开始的时候,我就纳闷,战神宫的外城这么容易就被破了,原来是故意放他们进来的。” Looks at War God Palace this move of chess, did not plan to let go anyone.” “看战神宫这一招棋,是不打算放走任何一个人了。” That is natural, in the War God Palace method, today all invading one's territory, do not want to live.” “那是自然,以战神宫的手段,今天所有来犯的者,一个都别想活着回去。” ...... …… Chaotic battle explodes turns the audience. 混乱的厮杀炸翻全场。 Although Qiu Xingyi, changed/easy Zhou, Huangfu Qing, Long Xuanshuang and other top talent of numerous top list breaks through in all around forcefully, opportunity that may have no. 尽管邱星易,易州,皇甫情,龙玄霜等一众风云榜的顶尖天才强行于四周突围,可却没有任何的机会。 The Great Saint King Realm powerhouse who especially War God Palace this side, several no one can control seals- lock escape route. 尤其是战神宫这一方,还有几位无人能够管得了的大圣王境强者封-锁退路。 Cannot rush. 根本闯不出去。 ...... …… Hey, one crowd of conceited things, stay here completely! Your blood can the casting above the War God Palace city wall.” “嘿,一群自以为是的东西,都全部留在这里吧!你们的血将会浇铸于战神宫的城墙之上。” An old man double palm of Great Saint King Realm gathers, the vigorous imposing manner howls, the strength of domain extends rapidly if a swamp mire drags to entrain a body of Martial Sect side people. 一位大圣王境的老者双掌一合,雄浑的气势呼啸而出,迅速延伸出去的领域之力如若一座沼泽泥潭般拖拽着武宗一方众人的身躯。 The people facial color all changes, flurried. 众人面色皆变,慌乱不已。 Looks butcher knife that is wielding to come, reveals the desperate meaning. 望着那挥舞而来的屠刀,一个个都流露出绝望之意。 ...... …… Roar!” “吼!” „!” “嗷!” Also however, at this moment, startled explode the ominous beast roaring sound of vault of heaven to surge outside the War God Palace city suddenly. 然,也就在这时,一道道惊爆苍穹的凶兽咆哮声突然间激荡于战神宫的城外。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… Follows, the land throws off, the tower over a city gate avalanche, together with the terrifying astral wind monstrous waves of moving mountains, the dreadful monster qi is raiding like the violent storm of threatening the border. 跟着,大地掀翻,城楼崩塌,连同着排山倒海的恐怖罡风巨浪,滔天的妖气就像压境的狂风暴雨袭来。 In one is both flooding under the stunned vision, in the world just like throws the innumerable locust groups, the huge giant beast that ominous air/Qi shake the day treads the broken city directly, to raiding, but. 在一双双充斥着错愕的目光下,天地间犹如扑来无数的蝗虫群,一道道凶气撼天的庞大巨兽直接是踏破城池,一路冲袭而至。 „!” “呜!” A leader giant beast goes into the War God Palace rear encirclement ring, the sharp claws brandish, the canine tear and bite, the sad and shrill pitiful yell again and again, the blood rain spurts eight sides. 一头头巨兽闯入战神宫后侧的包围圈中,利爪挥舞,尖牙撕咬,凄厉的惨叫连连,血雨飞洒八方。 ...... …… This is the monster territory army!” “这是妖域大军!” The people facial color outside city changes again and again. 城外的众人面色一变再变。 Distant looks, sees only above the city wall in that outer city, is shouldering the form of black tower demon sword the king who together, if directs, in the quiet cold pupil is disclosing the thick vicious tendencies. 远远的望去,只见那外城的一座城墙之上,一道背负着黑色塔型魔剑的身影如若指挥的君王,幽冷的瞳中透露着浓浓的戾气。 ...... ……
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