UMDK :: Volume #15

#1486: War, eruption

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Kills......” “杀……” A sword breaks through the formation. 一剑破阵。 The outstanding heroes potential gets up. 群雄势起。 Together with the quarry stone dust of blasting open, Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley as well as horse city, the flying rain gate the influence is being to initiate the general attack bugle early in every way directly. 连同着炸裂的乱石尘土,武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷以及夙马城,飞雨门等多方势力直接是发起全面进攻的号角。 That side War God Palace also burns the angry flame glow. 战神宫那边亦是燃动着愤怒的焰芒。 Kills!” “杀!” Ordering, the War God Palace more than several tens of thousands numerous also rushes to the square Zen stage, brandishes the sword, raises the long sword to plunge the front people. 一声令下,战神宫数万余众亦是冲下广场禅台,挥舞战刀,扬起长剑扑向前方众人。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… The inevitable war, starts. 不可避免的战争,为之打响。 Two human tides look like the enormous and powerful disasters, directly is the internecine strife in the same place. 两股人潮就像是浩浩荡荡的洪水猛兽,直接是火拼在一起。 Incomparably magnificent scene, if the beast groups of two connection, blot out the sky, is erupting the intense war. 无比壮观的场面,如若两股交汇的兽群,铺天盖地,爆发着激烈的大战。 One crowd of good-for-nothing also dare to violate my War God Palace...... today to ask you to come but not return.” “一群废物东西也胆敢犯我战神宫……今天就叫你们有来无回。” Above Zen stage, is to also jump to leap situated in dark green peripheral several aura uncommon powerful forms, treads to empty to move, the release only has the strength of domain the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse can control. 禅台之上,位于段苍周边的几道气息不凡的强大身影亦是纵身飞跃而出,一个个踏空而动,释放出唯有大圣王境强者才能掌控的领域之力。 Meanwhile, Martial Sect sovereign East permanent it, Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan, spirit phoenix valley Guzhu section Yi is treads to empty to move, erupts the vigorous imposing manner to launch to meet the approaching enemy one after another. 同时,武宗宗主东方恒之,翰云宗宗主舒元,灵凰谷谷主梅章亦是踏空而动,相继爆发出雄浑的气势展开迎击。 Since does not die continuous, I and others and at risk of life a war.” “既然是不死不休,我等就且拼死一战。” Kills!” “杀!” ...... …… Several forms instantly front impact. 几道身影即刻正面碰撞。 The world changes color, changes constantly. 天地变色,风云变幻。 If the strength of many different powerful domain sweep across the staggered difficult situation, tsunami erupts the volcano to confront in the world violently the bombardment. 众多不同的强大领域之力如若席卷交错的惊涛骇浪,于天地间爆发着火山海啸般的猛烈对峙轰击。 Snort, Eastern permanent it, can you flutter can it be that seriously...... you forgot 30 years ago in the situation in front of this elder trembling?” “哼,东方恒之,你可当真是飘了……你莫不是忘了三十年前在本长老面前瑟瑟发抖的情形?” The 40-50 years old thin and tall man flashes before to the Eastern permanent front together directly. 一道四五十岁的瘦高男子直接闪现至东方恒之的面前。 In the hollow eye socket slightly shines through quiet green poisonous light/only, in its like occupying two fatal poisonous snakes. 微微凹陷的眼窝中透射的幽绿毒光,其眼中就像盘踞着两条致命的毒蛇。 Looks at present this look strange man, an Eastern permanent corner of the eye cold, cold sound said, profound chaotic......” 看着眼前这相貌诡异的男子,东方恒之眼角一凛,凛声道,“玄乱……” Hey, you still remember me actually.” “嘿,你倒是还记得我。” How can forget that...... initially you to my shame, my lifetime is unforgettable.” “怎能忘记……当初你对我的羞辱,我毕生难忘。” Good that ha, said that the previous time is shames about you, today is your end.” “哈哈哈哈哈,说的好,上次是对你羞辱,今日便是你的终结。” Snort, you spoke incorrectly, this time is you repays a debt.” “哼,你说错了,这次是你还债的时候。” Then, the Eastern permanent both arms raise outward, the tide that a dazzling colored light mark such as the shop disperses covers. 说罢,东方恒之双臂朝外一掀,一圈绚丽夺目的彩色光纹如铺散开来的潮水笼罩而出。 Beginning of the universe domain......” “混元领域……” 30 years do not see, you pour somewhat progressive.” Was called is the profound chaotic War God Palace elder to say indifferent. “三十年不见,你倒有些进步。”被唤作玄乱的战神宫长老漠视道。 I progressed, but you also in same place not.” “我是进步了,可你还在原地不前。” Courts death!” “找死!” Past gratitude and grudges, today's hatred/enemy angry. 往日的恩怨,今日的仇怒。 East permanent instantly with the profound chaotic fierce struggle in the same place. 东方恒之即刻与之玄乱激斗在一起。 Domain of both sides repeatedly has the fierce collision, causes all around space sudden distortion to be anxious. 双方的领域不断发生剧烈的碰撞,引得四周的空间急剧的扭曲不安。 ...... …… Mei Zhanglao, is who gave you such big courage? Rushes to here unexpectedly comes?” “梅章老儿,是谁给了你这么大的胆子?竟然闯到这里来?” Those who intercept in front of in Meizhang is another figure tall and strong, build grandiose, if a beast person man. 拦截于梅章面前的是另外一道身形魁梧,体形壮硕的如若一尊兽人般的男子。 Poor tooth......” Mei section both eyes slightly cold, on the face is surging the chill in the air. “劣牙……”梅章双目微寒,脸上涌动着浓浓的寒意。 Hehe, really does not know how you think, but you can come to here, I am very happy...... after all, does not need me to run personally your spirit phoenix valley......” “呵呵,真不知道你是怎么想的,不过你能来这里,我还是非常高兴的……毕竟,不用我亲自跑去你们灵凰谷一趟……” Teases the laughter that ponders like regarding to fall into the lamb in difficult position. 戏谑玩味的笑声就像看待陷入困境中的羔羊。 Mei Zhangshuang the fist grasps, it also smiled. 梅章双拳一握,其倒也是笑了。 It seems like I come to here is not considered as that white to come.” “看来我来这里倒也不算是白来。” „?” “哦?” I was very happy that you can say these words , because of you, now I have not suspected whether we made the mistake the choice.” “我很高兴你能说出这句话,正是因为你,现在我一点没有怀疑我们是否做错了选择。” Then, palatial such as mountain the body of boundless situation in Meizhang overflows. 说罢,巍峨如山的磅礴大势于梅章的身上溢出。 It does not reveal any senile, in the ice-cold look shows the sharp sword point. 其丝毫不显任何的老态,冰冷的眼神中透出利剑般的锋芒。 Lunatic......” poor tooth laughs at one, then also erupts the mountain torrent power and influence on plunge the opposite party. “疯子……”劣牙嗤笑一声,接着亦是爆发着山洪般的威势扑向对方。 ...... …… Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan is also launching the fierce struggle with a woman of forty -year-old contour at this moment. 翰云宗宗主舒元此刻也正与一位四十几岁外形的女人展开着激斗。 Although the woman facial features are not ugly, but the appearance is disclosing caustially gloomy and cold. 那女人五官虽然不丑,可面相却透露着尖刻阴冷。 Pair of eyes that slope outwards cold glow is sharp, making the will of the people be awestruck to fear. 一双三角眼寒芒锐利,令人心生畏惧。 Trivial Han cloud sect does not know the immensity of heaven and earth seriously, I must offer a sacrifice to my blood furnace your souls completely......” “区区翰云宗当真是不知天高地厚,我要把你们的灵魂全部祭我的血炉……” Saying, her is turning like the chicken feet palm skinny, an exquisite cauldron furnace appears in his hands. 说着,她干瘦如鸡爪般手掌一翻,一尊小巧的鼎炉惊现在其手中。 The common cauldron furnace mostly is three feet, but this cauldron furnace has five feet. 寻常的鼎炉大多都是三足,而这个鼎炉却有着五足。 On each foot, is lying respectively one poison. 每一足上面,各趴着一种毒物。 Respectively is the poisonous snake, the toad, the centipede, the scorpion, as well as spider. 分别是毒蛇,蟾蜍,蜈蚣,蝎子,以及蜘蛛。 ...... …… Five harmful things cauldron?” stretch/leisurely Yuan facial color changes. “五毒鼎?”舒元面色微变。 Snort, calculates you to judge the quality of goods, today I first feed this five harmful things cauldrons with your blood......” “哼,算你识货,今日我就先用你的血来喂养这五毒鼎……” The woman cracks into a smile, is very gloomy. 那女人咧嘴一笑,很是阴森。 The palm concentrates, rich evil spirit courage vigor along with releasing the strength of domain rushes to stretch/leisurely Yuan, simultaneously in that cauldron furnace emits a wisp of blue smoke. 掌心一凝,浓郁的凶煞血气伴随着释放出去的领域之力涌向舒元,同时那鼎炉之中冒出一缕蓝烟。 That wisp of blue smoke plunges stretch/leisurely Yuan rapidly. 那缕蓝烟飞速扑向舒元。 In the motion process, the blue smoke runs out of a hundred zhang (333 m) great snake that impressively covers entirely the azure scale, the fang eversion, the ominous offense is incomparable. 在移动过程中,蓝烟内部赫然冲出一条布满青鳞的百丈巨蛇,獠牙外翻,凶戾无比。 The great snake opens the big mouth that the fishy smell irritates the nose to nip toward stretch/leisurely Yuan. 巨蛇张开腥气刺鼻的血盆大口朝着舒元咬去。 stretch/leisurely Yuandao is also unhurriedly, its vision one cold, the double palm raises the boundless palm potential, the mountain torrent strength folds, a skyscraping big hand faces forward to find out, meets the approaching enemy above the head of that great snake. 舒元倒也不慌不忙,其目光一寒,双掌掀起磅礴的掌势,山洪般的力量叠起,一只摩天大手朝前探出,迎击在那巨蛇的脑袋之上。 Bang......” “砰……” Two strengths interlock, gloomy, the wind and cloud roared. 两股力量交错,天昏地暗,风云咆哮。 All -around war causes inside and outside War God Palace is the earth-shaking, numerous cities shakes directly. 全方位的大战引得战神宫内外直接是天翻地覆,众城震荡。 ...... …… Intense murdering endures compared with the stars collides, world high and low, inside and outside the tower over a city gate, the chaotic incomparable war rapid proliferation extends. 激烈的杀伐堪比星辰碰撞,天地上下,城楼内外,混乱无比的战局飞速的扩散延伸出去。 The pointed weapons confrontation, sparks/Mars scatters. 兵刃交锋,火星四溅。 Cold weight of rifle halberd, frost glow twinkle. 寒枪重戟,霜芒闪烁。 Regarding Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley and early horse city, flying rain gate and other numerous influence, an absolute at risk of life war. 对于武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷和夙马城,飞雨门等一众势力而言,绝对的拼死一战。 Absolutely does not have dying of escape route to wrestle. 完全没有退路的绝命一搏。 Kills......” “杀……” Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan and the others all are both eyes flood red, if at the chaotic demon domain time's murdering war, had disregarded the life and death initially. 邱星易,王黎,吴岩等人皆是双目泛红,如若当初在乱魔界域时候的杀伐大战,已然将生死置之度外。 Sharp blade continuous dividing cuts on the body of enemy, the blood dance, the pitiful yell again and again. 锋利的刀刃接连不断的劈斩在敌人的身上,鲜血飙舞,惨叫连连。 But, enemy that swift and fierce cold spear/gun is also continuous penetration in the body of side companion, blood rain splash, elegy long and loud cry. 而,敌人那凌厉的寒枪亦是络绎不绝的贯穿于身边同伴的身躯中,血雨飞溅,悲歌长啸。 Drops down one after another. 一个接着一个倒下。 The blood is spurting the War God Palace land. 鲜血飞洒着战神宫的大地。 However, this merely is only a start. 然,这仅仅只是一个开始。 ...... …… ...... …… Hiss!” “嘶!” „, Martial Sect they really dare to come unexpectedly, seriously is unbelievable.” “啧啧,武宗他们竟然真的敢来,当真是难以置信。” I also think that is blustering, has not thought that really came.” “我也以为那只是在虚张声势,没想到真的来了。” ...... …… Outside War God Palace city. 战神宫城外。 At this moment, has also been gathering many busybody who in secret comes to observe. 此时此刻,暗中也早已聚集着诸多前来观战的好事者。 And many first-class influence sect gate. 其中不乏一些一流的势力宗门。 If some people look all around one to search carefully, will discover that Emperor even/including the great palace, the crecent moon Saint clan, the wind and frost city and other crowd of numerous influence hides in the peripheral hidden place. 若是有人环顾一圈仔细查找的话,就会发现连帝弘殿,新月圣族,风霜城等一众势力的人群都潜藏在周边暗处。 Looks at that to spelling to slaughter in the same place both armies, dense tide of people exceptionally magnificent. 望着那对拼厮杀在一起的双方大军,黑压压的人潮异常的壮观。 Intense scene, especially sad and shrill. 激烈的场面,尤为的凄厉。 Advancing uninterruptedly. 前赴后继。 About 200,000 numerous erupt the land land in the past several thousand years has never been presenting the large-scale chaotic war. 将近二十万众爆发着中陆大地近几千年来从未出现过的大规模乱战。 For serveral days, gratitude and grudges between Martial Sect and War God Palace affected the heartstrings of land land everyone. 这些天,武宗战神宫之间的恩怨牵动了中陆大地每个人的心弦。 No one is actually willing to miss this shocking war. 却是无人愿意错过这场惊世大战。 ...... …… Really admired Martial Sect these people.” “真的太佩服武宗这些人了。” Emperor great palace eight arm emperor feudal official Wei Yan shake the head to sigh. 帝弘殿八臂帝臣韦延摇头叹道。 Nearby Tang Bufan is the vision is also deep, on the face still has dignifiedly. 一旁的唐不凡也是目光深沉,脸上犹有凝重。 I have to admire their guts......” to pity treasure emperor feudal official reckless Bingyu to say. “我也不得不敬佩他们的胆量……”怜钰帝臣胡冰语说道。 Light has the guts to be possible a use not to have, two sides fighting strength differed was too big, the number of Great Saint King Realm powerhouse differed half of much...... . Moreover, segment Cang have not acted.” “光有胆量可一点用处都没有,两边的战斗力相差太大了,大圣王境强者的数量相差一半多……而且,段苍都还没有出手。” Wei Yanchen sound said. 韦延沉声说道。 „Hasn't Chu Hen acted?” reckless Bingyu said. 楚痕不也没有出手吗?”胡冰语道。 Depends on him?” Wei Yan was still firm shaking the head, Chu Hen one month ago merely with our same Saint King Realm, even if grasped the strength of domain, impossible and half section that treadonned into day of step Great Saint King Realm dark green compared with.” “就凭他?”韦延仍旧是坚决的摇了摇头,“楚痕一个月前仅仅只是和我们一样的圣王境,就算掌握了领域之力,也绝不可能和半只脚踏入天阶大圣王境的段苍相比。” But his move massacred every step Great Saint King Realm Ge Xuan on the bang, obviously its cultivation base absolutely above every step.” “可是他一招就轰杀掉了凡阶大圣王境的戈铉,可见其修为绝对是在凡阶之上的。” reckless ice language as if has certain expectations to Chu Hen. 胡冰语似乎对楚痕存在着某些期望。 After all that man strives for hegemony in the top list on is really extremely in Liangyan. 毕竟那个男人在风云榜争霸上实在是太过于亮眼。 Now, it makes the matter that their emperor great palaces do not dare to make rashly. 如今,其更是做出了连他们帝弘殿都不敢贸然做出的事情。 She is really hard to place on a par with the common person Chu Hen. 她实在难以将楚痕同寻常之人相提并论。 Wei Yan not with it arguing. 韦延没有与之争辩。 Saying that it coldly, met you to know, depended on this aspect, how long Martial Sect cannot support.” 其只是冷冷的说道,“等会你就知道了,就凭这种局面,武宗这边根本撑不了多久。” ...... …… Land land. 中陆大地。 Clouded over eventually. 终究是变天了。 That chaotic day moves the place the storm to have no late comprehensive attack. 那场乱天动地的风暴没有任何迟到的全面来袭。 For several thousand years. 数千年来。 First time some people of the dignity of provoking War God Palace. 第一次有人挑衅战神宫的威严。 ...... …… Even if War God Palace sky, because the fierce collisions of strength of major domains were in a state of terrifying distortion, but outside city everyone's attention centralized, in that said Ling heaven above the vertical young form. 即便战神宫的上空因为各大领域之力的剧烈碰撞而陷入了恐怖扭曲状态,但城外所有人的注意力都集中在那道凌天而立的年轻身影之上。 Holds the sword to fly high, has an imposing appearance. 执剑凌空,气宇轩昂。 Chu Hen has not acted immediately. 楚痕并未立即出手。 Below segment Cangyi is so, as before is above static sitting in Shiyi. 下方的段苍亦是如此,依旧是静静的坐于石椅之上。 Cry......” “唳……” At this time, the west square in main shrine heard together the sound of low and deep bird cry. 这时,主殿的西侧广场传来一道低沉的雀鸣之声。 Chu Hen vision one cold, grasps to hold the hand of sword lightly, drags to entrain one bunch of gorgeous electricity glow in void. 楚痕的目光一凛,轻握执剑之手,于虚空中拖拽出一束绚丽的电芒。 However, does not need the Chu Hen preparation to go to the west square, boundless aura comes, the next flash, a dark grey domain covers to be one of them directly it. 然而,不待楚痕准备前往西面广场,一股磅礴的气息汹涌而至,下一瞬间,一座暗灰色的领域直接是将其覆盖在其中。 Small mixed up, this elder this delivers you to start off......” “小杂碎,本长老这就送你上路……” Dark night domain!” “暗夜领域!” Buzz!” “嗡!” With bone-chilling cold powerful killing intent, the vision woods cold old man keeps off in Chu Hen together impressively nearby. 伴随着凛冽强盛的杀意,一道目光森寒的老者赫然挡在楚痕的跟前。 Under the gloomy backdrop covers, if the old man figure the dark night phantom, integrates in the behind-the-scenes plotting instantaneously. 灰暗的天幕笼罩下,老者身形如若暗夜魅影,瞬间融入于黑幕之中。 In an instant, sharp light luminary who the innumerable say/way rip the spatial crack air/Qi in all directions toward Chu Hen, each bunch of light luminary just like passing through all cutting edges, performs murders the potential of destruction obviously. 霎那间,无数道撕空裂气的锐利光曜于四面八方朝着楚痕袭来,每一束光曜都宛若贯穿一切的锋刃,尽显杀伐毁灭之势。 Faces this to seize the life the offensive. 面对着这夺命的攻势。 About the Chu Hen look moves, sweeps across by the potential of soaring to the heavens from its within the body with boundless purple flame glow. 楚痕眼神左右一移,跟着一股磅礴的紫色焰芒以冲天之势从其体内席卷开来。 „......” “嗵……” Purple flame storm of one group of stars blasting open follows to swing to explode in that dark grey domain, the tide of blotting out the sky raises spatially, the next second, the air/Qi of endless putting to death divulges in inside. 一团星辰般炸裂的紫焰风暴跟着在那暗灰色的领域之中荡开炸起,铺天盖地的浪潮掀空,下一秒钟,无尽的诛杀之气在里边宣泄。 Domain, a sword flying immortal......” “领域,一剑飞仙……” With purple human form sword air/Qi flashes before impressively in void. 跟着,一道道紫色的人形剑气赫然闪现在虚空之中。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” The momentum that thunder Hu connects is incisive, everywhere the potential of murdering howls eight sides, bang......” an explosive, that gray dark night domain explodes instantaneously. 雷弧交汇的声势尖锐刺耳,漫天的杀伐之势呼啸八方,“砰……”的一声爆响,那座灰色的暗夜领域瞬间爆开。 The chaotic incomparable air wave wreaks havoc. 混乱无比的气浪肆虐开来。 Under astral's fierce fresh breeze attack, the whole body is the blood, the frigid remnant body that the hands and feet four limbs all do not have crashes from the upper air together directly under. 罡猛的劲风侵袭下,一道浑身是血,手脚四肢皆无的惨烈残躯直接是从高空中坠落而下。 The blood rain sprinkles the spatial, dead air/Qi lingers. 血雨洒空,死气萦绕。 A War God Palace side all has a big shock. 战神宫一方皆是大惊失色。 Night elder......” “夜长老……”
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