UMDK :: Volume #15

#1485: One the sword breaks through the formation, declares war by this

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! War God Palace...... my Chu Hen came......” 战神宫……我楚痕来了……” A wave of astral fierce wild dreadful great potential is to raise the broken land directly, the shattering outer city tall building, the War God Palace disciples were shaken to fly. 一波罡猛狂暴的滔天巨势直接是掀破大地,震裂外城高楼,一道道战神宫的弟子被震飞出去。 Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, more than the 100,000 numerous armies of spirit phoenix valleys as well as other joint influences threaten the border impressively, just like an irresistible mighty current tsunami, in enormous and powerful intrusion inner city. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷以及其他联合势力的十万余众赫然大军压境,宛如一股势不可挡的洪流海啸,浩浩荡荡的闯入内城之中。 But, the War God Palace many powerhouses seemed to have also waited there for some time. 而,战神宫的众多强者似乎也早已等候多时。 If the palace main part imperially dark green sits above square Zen stage before main hall, in it behind as well as both sides, is also gathering the potentials of aura bone-chilling cold ten thousand numerous. 如若帝王般的宫主段苍坐于正殿前的广场禅台之上,在其身后以及两侧,亦是聚集着气息凛冽的万众之势。 Occupies the main shrine. 一个盘踞主殿。 An attacking army has reached the city. 一个兵临城下。 Like soon Fiendgod army of connection, acrimonious, is ready to be set off. 就像即将交汇的神魔大军,剑拔弩张,一触即发。 Chu Hen is the head, Ling heaven stands. 楚痕为首,凌天而立。 stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section, the Eastern permanent three people follows. 舒元,梅章,东方恒之三人紧随其后。 Qiu Xingyi, changed/easy Zhou, Huangfu Qing, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao and other geniuses of numerous top list are also manner Ling proud, shows the unusual air/Qi. 邱星易,易州,皇甫情,龙玄霜,叶瑶等众多风云榜的天才人物也是气宇凌傲,彰显超凡之气。 ...... …… Really is this little animal!” “果然是这小畜生!” „Hasn't he died unexpectedly?” “他竟然还没死?” ...... …… Listed in the palace main part dark green behind War God Palace stone elder and water elder they are the facial color is all cloudy, in the eye still has the astonished color. 列于宫主段苍身后的战神宫石长老和水长老两人皆是面色阴沉,眼中犹有惊愕之色。 Two people look at each other one, sees in the confusion to square features. 二人对视一眼,都是看到对方脸上的困惑。 At that time they witnessed Chu Hen to be penetrated the strategic point. 当时他们可是亲眼目睹楚痕被击穿了要害。 Simply has not been saved. 根本没得救。 But, now opposite party not only living appearance in their front, but also leads a numerous influence on enter War God Palace, called the person to be unexpected. 而,现在对方不仅仅活生生的出现在他们的面前,还率领着一众势力杀入战神宫,着实叫人意想不到。 It seems like Ge Xuan, not only cannot massacre him, instead was killed in his hand.” “看来戈铉非但没能杀掉他,反而丧命在他的手上。” „The one had only known words, we should thoroughly destroy the dregs him initially.” “早知如此的话,当初我们就应该彻底将他摧毁成渣。” ...... …… In two people of eyes is revealing thickly vicious Yin severe. 两人眼中流露着浓浓的凶狠阴厉。 However, sits segment Cang on square Zen stage central stone chair is full on the contrary with ease, on his face is exuding the smile of teasing, it sits well the figure slightly, full is staring above Chu Hen that and the others ponders. 然,坐在广场禅台中央石椅上的段苍反倒是饶有轻松,其脸上泛着戏谑的笑容,其微微端坐身形,满是玩味的盯着上空的楚痕等人。 Your honorable self visited, have to lose welcome.” “诸位大驾光临,有失远迎了。” The invisible powerhouse fills the air dignifiedly. 无形的强者威严弥漫而出。 Eastern permanent it, stretch/leisurely Yuan and the others the facial colors all slightly change. 东方恒之,舒元等人的面色皆是微微一变。 The aura that lends merely at will, made one feel to dread sufficiently. 仅仅只是随意散发出来的气息,就足以令人感到畏惧。 This segment Cang is half foot enters into fearful existence of day of step Great Saint King Realm worthily. 这段苍不愧是半只脚迈入天阶大圣王境的可怕存在。 You made this place be that really surprised......” segment Cangxiao disdaining especially, very long has not had matter that so filled people with enthusiasm...... to depend on your humble ants waste, dares to intrude my War God Palace unexpectedly secretly...... lived on dishonorably in the world is not being good? Can overreach oneself?” “你们真是令本座感到意外……”段苍笑的尤为不屑,“已经很久没有发生如此振奋人心的事情了……就凭你们这些低贱的蝼蚁废物,竟然敢闯入我战神宫……偷偷的在世上苟活着不好么?非要不自量力?” Buzz......” “嗡……” The even more powerful imposing manner keeps off just like a mountain in the front of people. 愈发强大的气势宛如一座山岳般挡在众人的面前。 The people only think that faced with big river that is unable to overstep, some war intent are lax. 众人只觉面临着一堵无法逾越的大川,不禁有些战意涣散。 ...... …… However, regarding the strong deterrent effect that the section dark green shows, on the face of Chu Hen actually does not see the half a point scared look. 然,对于段苍展现出来的强大震慑力,楚痕的脸上却不见半分惧色。 The look is profound, and is surging the cold glow. 其眼神深邃且涌动着寒芒。 Arrogant was too long, was used to it not others , when the person looks at...... me and others, even if the ants, but is not one's turn you willfully to trample......” “傲慢的太久了,就习惯了不将他人当人看……我等纵然为蝼蚁,但也轮不到你们肆意践踏……” The Chu Hen uphold right hand slowly, the five fingers concentrate baseless, „......” a spirited resonant sharp qi vibrato, is glittering the peerless point no emperor blade appears in his palm instantly. 楚痕缓缓的抬起右手,五指凭空一凝,“噌……”的一记激昂嘹亮的锐气颤音,闪烁着绝世锋芒的无相帝刃即刻惊现其掌中。 Occupies a commanding position, Ling heaven ignores the War God Palace people on front square Zen stage. 居高临下,凌天漠视前方广场禅台上的战神宫众人。 Then, Chu Hen points to segment Cang by sword blade. 接着,楚痕以剑锋直指段苍。 No matter what you again how huge...... today I and others, will call you War God Palace blood splashing blue sky......” “任你再如何庞大……今日我等,亦将叫你战神宫血溅青天……” The character character like the baroque pearl, makes a great show of one's talents. 字字如玑,锋芒毕露。 This is came from in ants to giant beast the provocation. 这是源自于“蝼蚁”对“巨兽”的挑衅。 Also is a upfront of Martial Sect side to War God Palace declares war. 亦是武宗一方对战神宫的正面宣战。 Lax war intent morale of troops again because of Chu Hen aggressively and condenses. 涣散的战意军心再次因楚痕的霸气而重新凝聚。 At this moment, what even if front is the land land monopolizes the power in a place the colossus that in the heart of people are still fearless. 这一刻,即便面前的是中陆大地独霸一方的庞然大物,众人的心中也毫无畏惧。 ...... …… Hehe, interesting, that has a look is you lets my War God Palace blood splashing blue sky, my War God Palace called your grade of motley crew rivers of blood.” “呵呵,有意思,那就看看是你让我战神宫血溅青天,还是我战神宫叫你这等乌合之众血流成河。” The section dark green look is disclosing ruthless severe killing intent. 段苍眼神透露着狠厉的杀意。 Chu Hen pupil one cold, in the palm the divine sword puts radiance greatly. 楚痕瞳孔一凛,掌中神剑大放光华。 It shouted sternly, killed!” 其厉声喝道,“杀!” Orders, the outstanding heroes potential gets up. 一声令下,群雄势起。 Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲!” ...... …… In an instant, Martial Sect this side people all are raise the dreadful arrogance to charge into the front inner city concourse. 霎那间,武宗这方众人皆是掀起滔天的气焰冲向前方的内城中央广场。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” But in the next flash, in the open area of that square surrounding towering eruption dazzling complex light. 可就在下一瞬间,那广场外围的空地上突兀的爆发出一片绚丽夺目的复杂光阵。 With a share of shooting up to the sky thorn vision luminary, the innumerable say/way silver light beams interweave the formation, instantly unifies illusion giants. 伴随着一股冲天而起的刺眼光曜,无数道银色的光束交织成型,即刻凝聚成一尊尊幻象巨人。 These illusion giants all wear heavy/thick war armor, grasps the bone-chilling cold sword lance. 这些幻象巨人皆是身披厚重的战甲,手持凛冽的剑矛。 Like guarding the god health/guard of this place. 如同镇守此地的神卫。 „!” “噌!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… The illusion giant raises the lance directly, wields the sharp sword to puncture toward the crowd that rushes to come. 幻象巨人直接是扬起长矛,挥动利剑朝着那奔赴而来的人群刺去。 Be careful, is their protecting sect Dazhen!” “小心,是他们的护宗大阵!” horse Chengcheng lord Luo Song to call out in alarm early said. 夙马城城主罗送惊呼道。 The bone-chilling cold extraordinary offensive for example passes through the storm the thunder, handles against people to be raised to fly, the fearful deterrent force sweeps across, but , the front lineup washes out instantly. 凛冽非凡的攻势譬如贯穿暴风雨的雷霆,措不及防的众人皆是被掀飞出去,可怕的威慑力席卷而至,前方的阵形即刻被冲散。 The rear people launch the second round of offensive hastily. 后方的众人连忙发起第二轮的攻势。 But these illusion giants look like keep off in front huge giant beast horizontally, near body especially is difficult. 可这些幻象巨人就像是横挡在面前的庞大巨兽,就连近身都尤为困难。 In illusion giant fiercely attacks together under rapidly, Chu Hen this side quick on casualty one piece. 在幻象巨人的一同急骤猛攻下,楚痕这一方很快就死伤一片。 ...... …… Compares Martial Sect only to defend to protect sect Dazhen, War God Palace protecting sect Dazhen is the offense and defense has both. 相比较武宗只能够防御护宗大阵,战神宫的护宗大阵却是攻守兼备。 Moreover the strength is extremely strong. 而且力量极强。 The first even/including several times of attack, was pushed. 一连数次的进攻,都被推了回来。 ...... …… Hahahaha, one crowd of stupid things.” “哈哈哈哈,一群愚蠢的东西。” The War God Palace people all stand in the square throw by contemptuous laughing. 战神宫的众人皆是站在广场上投以轻蔑的嗤笑。 stone Elder sneers, protected sect Dazhen unable to break continually, but also dared to bluster, said that must conquer by killing my War God Palace, was really laughable.” 石长老冷笑不已,“连护宗大阵都破不了,还胆敢口出狂言,说要血洗我战神宫,实在是可笑。” Ants are the ants, even again many of accumulation, eventually are one crowd of useless waste.” “蝼蚁就是蝼蚁,就算聚集的再多,终究是一群无用的废物。” ...... …… Is facing people's taunt. 面对着众人的嘲讽。 On the face of Chu Hen is actually exudes to wipe the frivolous meaning. 楚痕的脸上却是泛起一抹轻浮之意。 Snort......” “哼……” The next flash, the Chu Hen flying, leaps the upper air, fearful sharp sword potential towering covering that at once sweeps across the highest heaven under. 下一霎那,楚痕飞身而起,直跃高空,旋即一股席卷九霄的可怕锋锐剑势突兀的笼罩而下。 The heart of people present is startled. 在座众人的心头一惊。 With startled day fearful sword air/Qi storm instantly in Chu Hen behind connects a body is thousand ten feets peerless Asura form. 跟着,惊天的可怕剑气风暴即刻在楚痕的身后交汇成一尊身达千丈绝世修罗身影。 Blue radiance glitters, the ice-cold aura shakes the Milky Way. 蓝色的光华闪烁,冰冷的气息撼动天河。 Chu Hen waves the hand to wield in the palm not to have the emperor blade. 楚痕摇手挥动掌中无相帝刃。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The same second, that thousand zhang (3.33 m) Asura great shadow is also offers a sacrifice to that brilliantly for example Tienchu executes a day of divine sword. 同一秒钟,那千丈修罗巨影亦是祭出那譬如天柱般光彩夺目的诛天神剑。 Gathers along with endless blue light luminary above that great sword, destructive storm seals to be stranded the sky of that square. 伴随着无尽的蓝色光曜聚集于那巨剑之上,一股毁灭性的风暴封困着那广场的上空。 „Is this?” “这是?” Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan, the spirit phoenix valley Guzhu chapter and the others all are the facial color changes. 翰云宗宗主舒元,灵凰谷谷主梅章等人皆是面色微变。 The eye pupil that one both trembles lightly is producing an inverted image blue luminary light/only. 一双双轻颤的眼眸倒映着蓝色的曜光。 Immeasurable sword......” “无量一剑……” Buzz!” “嗡!” The aurora sword rain lingers to change to endless sword blade, blue great sword in thousand zhang (3.33 m) Asura great shadow hand directly is the slanting birthplace expansive sky, curls up the unequalled fearful impact on raid to the under main shrine square. 极光剑雨萦绕化作无尽剑锋,千丈修罗巨影手中的蓝色巨剑直接是斜贯长空而下,卷起无与伦比的可怕冲击袭向下方主殿广场。 „!” “嗵!” The world shakes continuous, the air wave sweeps across the expansive sky. 天地震荡不休,气浪席卷长空。 In innumerable double is flooding under the amazed vision, an enormous and powerful chaotic silver halo blasts out in the upper air, together with intermittent startled is exploding the heavy loud sound of eardrum, fearful sword air/Qi steamroll, directly these illusion giants twisting smashing. 于无数双充斥着惊诧的目光下,一圈浩荡混乱的银色光环于高空中间炸开,连同着阵阵惊爆耳膜的沉重巨响,可怕的剑气碾压而下,直接是将那些幻象巨人给绞的粉碎。 This sword. 这一剑。 Executes the day to cut down. 诛天伐地。 Not is only Chu Hen marches into suddenly/violently to strike after Great Saint King Realm, does not have the emperor blade to swallow the shocking point after destiny sword. 不仅是楚痕步入大圣王境之后的一记暴击,更是无相帝刃吞噬天命剑后的惊世锋芒。 The terrifying of the might, compared with it initially when the chaotic demon domain struck killed thunder Saint clan thunder Zhen, does not know powerful many times. 其威力之恐怖,比之当初在乱魔界域击杀雷霆圣族雷祯的时候,不知强大了多少倍。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Ground sudden splitting of square surrounding explodes, if crushed stone of everywhere blasting open countless moth group. 广场外围的地面急剧的绽裂爆开,漫天炸裂的碎石如若数之不尽的飞蛾群。 Like the disintegration glass, War God Palace protecting sect Dazhen blasts open trillion ice crystal detritus instantly. 就像崩碎的玻璃,战神宫的护宗大阵即刻炸裂成亿万冰晶碎屑。 ...... …… Shock! 震惊! The facial color of War God Palace people are gloomy instantly. 战神宫众人的面色即刻阴沉下来。 Aggressive! 霸气! Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, spirit phoenix valley side is the morale rises dramatically directly. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷这一方直接是士气暴增。 ...... …… A sword breaks through the formation, declares war by this. 一剑破阵,以此宣战。 Chu Hen refers to the potential of the world divulging unsurpassedly with the sword aggressive. 楚痕以剑指天下之势宣泄着无上霸气。 Kills!” “杀!”
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